Instructions for the standard on-board computer VAZ 2110 2111 2112

Standard on-board computer VAZ 2110 – instructions, installation

Almost all modern cars are equipped with an on-board unit. This device provides the machine with many useful functions. With its help, you can find out the car’s daily mileage, instantaneous fuel consumption, air temperature, and fuel reserves in the tank. Other functions include additional operating parameters - air flow, crankshaft and damper position, and other data.

However, the most useful function of an on-board or trip computer is the provision of error information. The device can find out the error number that occurs during engine operation and display it on the screen without additional diagnostics. This allows you to troubleshoot problems without having to pay for diagnostics or unexpected repairs.

Some car models released from the factory do not have this useful device, which makes servicing the car difficult. Therefore, owners strive to carry out their own tuning of vases. Installing an on-board computer on a VAZ 2110 with your own hands will not pose any special problems. If connected correctly, operating time will not take more than an hour. The article will show you how to install and configure the device on a VAZ 2110-2111, and will also tell you about the models and prices of on-board computers.

On-board devices are divided into several types. Injection or carburetor devices are suitable for the VAZ 2110, depending on the type of power system for the car. Additionally, devices are divided into stationary, installed only in specially designated places, or universal, of any size, which can be placed in any convenient place.

Among other things, there are devices that are suitable only for one model. For example, VAZ 20199, but it does not work on VAZ 2110. This may cause the device to display data incorrectly. It’s worth remembering this when purchasing and purchasing an on-board computer that can be installed specifically on these models.

The most common and convenient devices for the VAZ 2110 are simple State 110-X5 devices, the price of which starts from 2-3 thousand rubles. The bortovik is compatible with the old panel and has a number of simple functions, such as information on fuel consumption, coolant temperature in the tank, estimated power reserve and mileage until the upcoming maintenance, coupled with decoding engine errors.

It is best to give preference to more expensive devices such as Omega 168, Orion or Mutltronics. Such devices have an expanded range of useful functions that will significantly simplify the operation of the car. And you won’t be scared by how much such an on-board computer costs. The maximum cost of advanced BCs, which come with a dashboard that simplifies installation, reaches 10-12 thousand rubles.

The concept of self-diagnosis mode. What are error codes and how to use them

We have already said earlier that the VAZ 2110 on-board computer greatly helps prevent problems that arise due to improper operation of the executive and control systems of your car when the “Check Engine” light comes on. All this is real, since the chip has an on-board self-diagnosis mode installed on the VAZ 2112 computer. The BC receives information from the ECU via the K-line and tells the motorist what’s wrong with his iron horse.

This is very important, since all engine systems on the VAZ-2110 injector type are controlled by the ECU and failures in its operation and the functioning of the main diagnostic systems can lead to failure of the entire vehicle, irrational fuel consumption and severe loss of internal combustion engine power. If you have a VAZ 2110 on-board computer, you just need to ask it what’s wrong with the car, and your “electronic” friend will immediately give out all the ins and outs. There is no need to call expensive specialists or spend a long time digging under the hood of the car - self-diagnostic systems can do all this for us.

Of course, the VAZ 2110 on-board computer tells us information about errors in encoded form. You won't see a text message telling you exactly what's wrong with your vehicle, just a digital fault code. The main reason for this approach is that the size of the on-board computer screen is very limited. But this is actually not a problem if you have a guide with decoding at hand (it can also be easily found on our website).

If your car is equipped with only a basic on-board computer VAZ-2110, located under the speedometer on the dashboard, then the self-diagnosis mode in it is started by simultaneously turning the ignition key and holding down the daily mileage reset button. Immediately after this, all the arrows on the dashboard should start “dancing” in front of you. By pressing the reset button twice, we switch from the firmware version, in fact, to error information

If your car is equipped with a luxury package, where the VAZ 2110 on-board computer is installed next to the SAUO unit (and AMK 211002), the self-diagnosis mode there is activated even easier by pressing the “clock” button in the time display mode. If an error message appears, you just need to connect the VAZ 2110 on-board computer to the diagnostic interface.

We set up the staff on-board computer on a VAZ 2110 using the example of a basic BC of a luxury configuration. Some useful tricks.

Undoubtedly, in order to fully cover all the capabilities of the on-board computer on the VAZ 2110, it is worth reading the operating instructions for it. We will consider only a short list of some useful functions that the standard on-board computer of the VAZ 2110 is capable of. For example, setting up a sensor responsible for the fuel level in the tank:

  1. 1. First of all, you need to completely empty the gasoline tank in your car. Next, you need to switch to the fuel selection mode by holding the first button from the top in the right row for several seconds. The on-board computer of the standard VAZ 2110 will display the number “0” on the display.
  2. 2. We switch to the testing mode by holding down the button with the image of the car for a second, about which the on-board computer on the VAZ 2112 will notify us with a short sound signal. The number “3” now lights up on the display.
  3. 3. Fill the gas tank with 3 liters. gasoline. After waiting for some time, press and hold the button with the image of the car again.
  4. 4. We continue to fill the tank with gasoline to its maximum capacity. The bookmaker will complete the thorification procedure itself and switch to standby mode.
  5. 5. It’s even easier to set up a BC for speeding alarms. To do this, you need to switch to the “medium speed” mode and again hold the upper right button for several seconds. The integer digital value is set using the “+” and “-” function keys on the instrument panel. We exit the speed setting mode in the same way as we entered it.

On cars of the Tenth Family, a clock or computer is always installed next to the display unit. Nowadays such computers are called “on-board computers” (BC). When the ignition is turned off, the computer display shows the time, but this is not its only function! We will list all the capabilities of the on-board computer on the VAZ-2112, and the instructions supplied by VAZ will help us with this. Tables that are important during setup were copied from the instructions.

What bookmaker are we talking about? The answer is given in the video.

Disadvantages of injection systems

Among the negative qualities are the following:

  1. The on-board computer “State” of the VAZ-2110 provides complete information, but it is inconvenient to perceive it. The display is located to the side, under the tape panel. Therefore, in order to consider any data, you will need to stop.
  2. A very expensive catalyst, located literally 10 cm from the road surface, is easily damaged. Repairing it is not always possible, and the cost is very high. In the event of a breakdown, not only fuel consumption will increase, but also the level of CO in the exhaust.
  3. Initially, only carburetors were installed on the “ten” engines. Later, the engines were sharpened for the installation of injection systems. Consequently, dismantling some sensors and devices turns out to be problematic due to their inconvenient location.

"Marshrutnik" "ORION-BK"

The Orion on-board computer for the VAZ 2110 is an automated hardware and software complex that performs the following functions:

  • summarizes information from different detectors;
  • analyzes the received data;
  • transmits parameters of the main vehicle systems to the monitor online;
  • gives the necessary advice.

Almost 30 BC configurations are operated under the Orion BC brand. Which of them can be installed in the VAZ 2110?

BK-03 is designed for use in units with a carburetor fuel supply system and is equipped with the following functions:

  • timer;
  • tachometer;
  • control over car network voltage;
  • battery parameters;
  • temporary reading device.

BK-06 is a modernized BK-03 with the function of having a temperature measurement device. BK-11 is used to operate “ten” with a carburetor engine. BK-05 should be installed in a VAZ 2110 car with an injection-type power plant and an ECU.

Programming instructions

We will change different settings. We’ll also try turning on the alarm, changing the brightness of the backlight, etc. Thus, programming a computer on a VAZ-2112 also applies to operation.

Setting up the fuel level sensor

The tank initially remains empty. Turn on the “Fuel level” function (2-5) and press button 4 for more than two seconds. Next we follow the steps:

  1. Press button 3 for one second until a sound signal appears;
  2. Fill the tank with three liters of fuel. Wait 10-20 seconds and repeat step 1;
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until 39 liters are filled.

Activate the speed warning light

By pressing button 3 we turn on the “Average speed” function. Press key 4. Then use buttons 5 and 6 to set the required numbers. Finally, press button 4.

To disable the option, use a high threshold value: 190 or 200 km/h.

Changing the backlight brightness

Let's use function 1-3 “Time with stops”. Press button 4. Use keys 5 and 6 to make adjustments. Press button 4.

Go to the “Alarm Clock” option (an additional function in the “Clock” list). Press button 4. Next, set the hour value (keys 5 and 6), press button 4, set the minute value (keys 5 and 6). By pressing button 4, the alarm clock is activated.

An alarm clock in a car is a necessary thing

All that remains is to figure out how to turn off the alarm clock. Complete all the steps before setting the hour value, and then press button 1. The alarm should turn off!

Installation recommendations

The efficiency of the device is determined at the stage of selection and subsequent installation. An on-board computer (BC) is selected for the VAZ-2112, which collects and analyzes incoming information. Regardless of the model, it is equipped with a Check Engine light. When it is triggered, the bookmaker will independently determine that it is not working.

Experienced drivers do not advise overpaying for sensors of humidity and outdoor temperature levels, a chronometer, and an alarm clock. These indicators are easy to obtain using a standard VAZ-2110 thermometer. Once the driver has made his choice, installation can begin. First, you should study the passport supplied with the device, which will tell you how to connect the on-board computer.

When operating a vehicle, only 1 BC is required. The presence of a second computer in most cases provokes failures in the operation of both systems. Connection to the VAZ-2112 is carried out via a 9-pin block. It is located behind the BC and has a trapezoidal shape.

A diagram of the vehicle and the on-board computer itself will help you connect the contacts correctly. To connect to the VAZ-2110 in the standard BC, contacts No. 10 and No. 11 are not used. They are intended for temperature, humidity and pressure sensors. The installation of the BC is completed by connecting the K-line. Mistakes cannot be made, otherwise the indicators obtained from the VAZ-2112 will be inaccurate.

The connecting line runs in the diagnostic block provided for it. When checking valves and other preventive inspections at a service station, it is into the block that the technician looks into the block to connect the equipment. When laying the cable, you should make sure that there are no bends and that it is close to moving elements. For example, when operating a vehicle, the K-line can be damaged by the gas pedal.

Hidden functions of the on-board computer

The on-board computer on the e34 and e32 has hidden functionality. To access hidden functions, you need to simultaneously press the “10” and “1000” keys. After pressing them, the display will show “Test”. Now, to select one of the hidden functions, you need to dial its number using the “10” and “1” keys and confirm the choice with the “s/r” key.

On the OBCIII on-board computer, all “hidden functions” are easily accessible. On OBC IV they need to be unlocked. To unlock OBCIV you need to go to function 19 and enter the secret code. The secret code isn't exactly a secret. This is simply the sum of the current day and month. So, for example, if today is September 19, then the code is 19 +9 = 28. I myself have not encountered such a blocking on my car, but I could not access hidden functions until the time and date were set on the on-board computer.

Below I provide codes and examples of hidden functions for ODB III and ODB IV

CodeODB III functionWhat it looks like on ODB IIIODB IV functionWhat it looks like on ODB IV
01Display testDisplay test
02Instant fuel consumption in liters per 100 km.Instant fuel consumption in liters per 100 km.
03Instant fuel consumption in liters per hourInstant fuel consumption in liters per hour
04Average fuel consumption over the last 50 km in liters per 100 kmAverage fuel consumption over the last 50 km in liters per 100 km
05Distance for which the current fuel supply is sufficientDistance for which the current fuel supply is sufficient
06Current position of the fuel level sensor (instant level)Current position of the fuel level sensor (instant level)
07Average position of the fuel level sensor (average level)Average position of the fuel level sensor (average level)
08Speed ​​in kilometers per hourSpeed ​​in kilometers per hour
09Voltage in the on-board network (which goes to the BC)Voltage in the on-board network (which goes to the BC)
10On-board computer firmware dateSpeed ​​adjustment
11Current on-board computer language setting
12Diagnostic values ​​(error memory)Average speed used by bookmaker in calculations
13Diagnostic values ​​(inputs and outputs)estimated time of arrival
14Vehicle dataOn-board computer firmware date
15Diagnostic values ​​(error memory)
16Diagnostic values ​​(inputs and outputs)
17Vehicle data
18Selecting the sound alarm mode
19Setting up blocking and unlocking additional bookmaker functions
20Fuel consumption adjustment
21Resetting all errors and the on-board computer itself

Diagnostic values ​​(functions 14, 15, 16 for OBC IV) can be scrolled through by pressing the “100” and “1000” keys.


The on-board computer (BC, trip computer) is an automatic device. Its main task is to read and process data on the operation of machine components, as well as further display this information on the display. For example, the BC will show you how much fuel is left in the tank, what voltage the mass air flow sensor has, fuel consumption in different modes. There is a lot of useful information: the BC will give you the distance that the car can travel before the fuel runs out completely.

Almost every vehicle component has sensors. This also applies to the VAZ 2110, even though it doesn’t have a computer to begin with. The BC reads information from these sensors, and the driver can always find out what state a particular unit is in. Moreover, you do not need to constantly check the units; the computer itself will display an error code on the screen, which will be a signal that diagnostics are required, and then further repairs.

Translation from English

Optional BMW E39 errors translated from English look like this:

  • TIRE DEFECT – an error indicating problems with the car’s tire; it is recommended to immediately slow down and stop.
  • EDC INACTIVE is an error that indicates that the system responsible for electronically adjusting the stiffness of shock absorbers is in an inactive state.
  • SELFLEVEL SUSP. INACT is an error that indicates that the self-levelling system is inactive.
  • FUEL INJECT. SYS. – an error indicating injector problems. If such an error occurs, it is necessary to have the vehicle inspected by an authorized BMW dealer.
  • SPEED LIMIT - an error that indicates that the speed limit set in the on-board computer has been exceeded.
  • PRE-HEATING – an error indicating that the pre-heater is working, and it is not recommended to start the car’s power unit.
  • FASTEN SEAT BELTS – a message advising you to fasten your seat belts.

In order to translate error messages on the BMW E39, it is not at all necessary to be fluent in English or German; it is enough to know which error corresponds to a particular code, and also use a dictionary or online translator.

Troubleshooting BC

Malfunctions occur with BCs of various modifications. It would be useful for the owner to know what to do in such cases. Many failures occur when the on-board computer was not installed properly. First, you need to check the reliability of the connections. Secondly, there is a high probability of accidental damage or pinching of the K-line. Multitronics itself will report this, displaying obviously incorrect data.

You can deal with the problem yourself. If it is connected to a damaged K-line, then you need to purchase a new wire for the VAZ-2111 at a car store or on the market.

It is inexpensive, and the entire replacement procedure will take no more than 60 minutes. More time will be required if the problems of the on-board computer 2110 are caused by broken contacts. It is necessary to disconnect the device after performing a visual inspection. If bent plugs are still present, you should select new ones from the store and resolder them.

Using the BC on a VAZ passenger car allows the owner to always be aware of the technical condition of the car. The device is selected based on needs. Its effectiveness depends on correct installation.

Many owners of domestically produced cars, including the VAZ-2110, are trying in every possible way to improve their cars. And if cutting off an extra coil from the rear springs or screwing a “bench” onto the trunk lid is nothing more than “collective farm tuning,” then installing an on-board computer is a completely justified step. An on-board computer is a useful tool with which you can track engine operating parameters, current and average fuel consumption, speed and other equally important information.

Hidden functions of the on-board computer

The on-board computer on the e34 and e32 has hidden functionality. To access hidden functions, you need to simultaneously press the “10” and “1000” keys. After pressing them, the display will show “Test”. Now, to select one of the hidden functions, you need to dial its number using the “10” and “1” keys and confirm the choice with the “s/r” key.

On the OBCIII on-board computer, all “hidden functions” are easily accessible. On OBC IV they need to be unlocked. To unlock OBCIV you need to go to function 19 and enter the secret code. The secret code isn't exactly a secret. This is simply the sum of the current day and month. So, for example, if today is September 19, then the code is 19 +9 = 28. I myself have not encountered such a blocking on my car, but I could not access hidden functions until the time and date were set on the on-board computer.

Below I provide codes and examples of hidden functions for ODB III and ODB IV

CodeODB III functionWhat it looks like on ODB IIIODB IV functionWhat it looks like on ODB IV
01Display testDisplay test
02Instant fuel consumption in liters per 100 km.Instant fuel consumption in liters per 100 km.
03Instant fuel consumption in liters per hourInstant fuel consumption in liters per hour
04Average fuel consumption over the last 50 km in liters per 100 kmAverage fuel consumption over the last 50 km in liters per 100 km
05Distance for which the current fuel supply is sufficientDistance for which the current fuel supply is sufficient
06Current position of the fuel level sensor (instant level)Current position of the fuel level sensor (instant level)
07Average position of the fuel level sensor (average level)Average position of the fuel level sensor (average level)
08Speed ​​in kilometers per hourSpeed ​​in kilometers per hour
09Voltage in the on-board network (which goes to the BC)Voltage in the on-board network (which goes to the BC)
10On-board computer firmware dateSpeed ​​adjustment
11Current on-board computer language setting
12Diagnostic values ​​(error memory)Average speed used by bookmaker in calculations
13Diagnostic values ​​(inputs and outputs)estimated time of arrival
14Vehicle dataOn-board computer firmware date
15Diagnostic values ​​(error memory)
16Diagnostic values ​​(inputs and outputs)
17Vehicle data
18Selecting the sound alarm mode
19Setting up blocking and unlocking additional bookmaker functions
20Fuel consumption adjustment
21Resetting all errors and the on-board computer itself

Diagnostic values ​​(functions 14, 15, 16 for OBC IV) can be scrolled through by pressing the “100” and “1000” keys.

Types, prices

On-board devices can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Universal. These models can be installed on any car model. Most often they are mounted as an alternative to an interior mirror. Sometimes universal type BCs are mounted on the windshield;
  2. Individual. Such on-board computers are focused either on one car model or on a group of similar ones. For example, VAZ 2108, 2109, 2110 - the group is determined by the old instrument panel. These are more functional and efficient devices that use an electronic control unit and are mounted in the dashboard.

You can also distinguish injection and carburetor types. The first option has gained great popularity among motorists, so there are significantly more models on the market. As for the VAZ 2110, this car requires computers for the old type of torpedo. The most popular device manufacturers are State and Gamma. Depending on the price, the State offers a different set of features. There is even a color version of BC State. Gamma devices have a higher price, but they have less choice, since the model range is limited to functional modern devices.

Their prices are as follows:

  • The cheapest State computer will cost the owner of a VAZ 2110 1200-1300 rubles; for 2500 rubles you can already purchase a more serious version with a color display and a large set of functions. The latest model of the universal device, State, costs about 5 thousand rubles.
  • As for Gamma, the cheapest on-board computer here costs 3,200 rubles. The most expensive is 7,000 thousand.

In addition to these companies, there are Prestige, Orion, Multitronics and others on the market. It’s hard to say who is better and who is worse, since the functions are almost the same everywhere.

Meaning of errors

The meaning of errors on the BMW E39 instrument panel is the key to correcting car breakdowns. Below are the main error codes that occur on the BMW E39. It is worth adding that this is not a complete list, since the automaker either adds or removes some of them every year:

P0103 is an error indicating a critical excess air flow, as evidenced by an excessive warning signal coming from the device that monitors the level of air flow. P0105 is an error that indicates that the device that determines the air pressure level is faulty. P0106 ​​is an error indicating that the signals emitted by the air pressure sensor have exceeded the permissible range. P0107 is an error indicating that the output signal coming from the air pressure sensor is low. P0108 is an error that indicates that the air pressure sensor is emitting an excessively high signal level. P0110 is an error indicating that the sensor responsible for reading the intake air temperature is faulty. P0111 is an error that indicates that the signal readings coming from the incoming air temperature sensor are outside the permissible range. P0112 – the level of readings from the incoming air temperature sensor is quite low. P0113 - an error “opposite” to the previous one, shows that the level of readings from the incoming air sensor is quite high. P0115 – if this error occurs, you should pay attention to the readings of the coolant temperature sensor; most likely, the sensor has failed. P0116 – coolant temperature has exceeded the permissible range. P0117 – the signal coming from the sensor responsible for the coolant temperature is quite low. P0118 – the signal coming from the coolant temperature sensor is quite high.

It is important to add that not all error codes are presented above; a complete list of decodings can be found on the official website of the car manufacturer. If a code appears that is not in the list of decryptions, you must immediately contact the service center to fix the problem

Rules for driving a car with an injector

A car equipped with an injector is less susceptible to ambient temperatures. However, in severe frost, the injection Lada also experiences difficulty starting. Here it is worth using the on-board computer with the function of heating spark plugs. Every time the temperature drops below a certain value and the car is turned off, a special heating of the tips is carried out to ensure a stable engine start.

Also, the VAZ engine sometimes overheats, which can cause valve burnout and costly overhauls. However, this is possible if the cooling system is faulty. If necessary, you can activate the Tropic function for the on-board computer of the VAZ 2110. When the temperature reaches more than the value set by the owner, the forced cooling fan turns on.

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