UAZBUKA refueling tanks UAZ 469. UAZ patriot refueling tanks. All filling capacities of the Patriot SUV


  1. motor oil
    M-8-V, GOST 10541-78 or M-6z/10-V (DV-ASZp-10V) OST 38.01370-84. Northern automobile oil M4z/6V1 OST 38.01370-84.
  2. transmission oil
    TSp-15K GOST 23652-79. Substitute: automotive transmission oil TAP-15V or TAD-17I OST 23652-79. At temperatures below minus 20 °C, automotive transmission oil TSp-10 GOST 23652-79.
  3. Lubricant
    "Litol-24" GOST 21150-87, "Lita" TU 38.1011308-90 or "Litol-24RK" (grease SHRUS-4 - an analogue of "Litol" with the addition of molybdenum disulfide and other additives that reduce wear)
  4. Graphite lubricant
    USSA GOST 3333-80.
  5. Grease
    CIATIM 201 GOST 6267-74, CIATIM-221 GOST 9433-80.

Working fluids

  1. Coolant
    TOSOL-A40M, TOSOL-A65M TU 6-02-751-86 (use in winter OZH-40, OZH-65 GOST 28084-89 is allowed) or “Lena-40”, “Lena-65” TU 113- 12-11.104-88. The water is clean and “soft” (rain, snow, boiled).
  2. Shock absorption fluid
    AZh-12T GOST 23008-78. Substitute: spindle oil AU OST 38.01.412-86.
  3. Brake fluid
    “Tom” TU 6-01-1276-82, “Rosa” TU 6-55-37-90, “Neva” TU 6-01-1163-78, GTZh-22 TU 6-01787-75 (see . also opinions about different brake fluids)
  4. Electrolyte
    with density, g/cm3: 1.25 - for areas with temperatures up to -10 ° C; 1.27 - for areas with temperatures up to -30 ° C; 1.29 - for areas with temperatures up to -40 ° C (see also the article “Battery”)
  5. Gasoline
    A-76 GOST 2084-77, summer or winter grades.

Refueling data for wagon-type vehicles

Name Car models
UAZ-3741, UAZ-37411UAZ-3962, UAZ-39621UAZ-2206UAZ-3303, UAZ-33031
FILLING DATA (in liters)
Fuel tanks:5656
Engine cooling system (including heater)12,2-12,413,4-13,613,4-13,612,2-12,4
Engine lubrication system (including oil filter and oil cooler)5,8
Gearbox housing1,0
Transfer case housing0,7
Front and rear axle housing (each)0,853
Steering gear housing0,25
Shock absorbers (each)0,320
Hydraulic clutch system0,18
Hydraulic brake drive system0,52
Windshield washer reservoir2

* Only the main tank can be installed ** Including starting heater Engine 417 mod., 4-speed gearbox

Standards for consumption of fuels and lubricants in road transport Р3112194-0366-97

approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on February 18, 1997. Valid until 01/01/2002) (Only basic figures, only in relation to UAZ vehicles. Full document: local copy from the Avto-Garant website)

Fuel consumption rates

The standards include the fuel consumption required for the transport process... For general purpose vehicles, the basic norm is established in liters per 100 km of vehicle mileage...

Fuel consumption rates increase (including) under the following conditions:

  • work in winter: in the southern regions of the country - up to 5%, in the northern regions of the country - up to 15%, in the Far North and areas equivalent to the Far North - up to 20%, in other regions of the country - up to 10% ( the maximum values ​​of winter allowances for almost all regions of central Russia are 10%, valid for 5 months a year);
  • work in cities with a population of over 2.5 million people - up to 20%; with a population of 0.5 to 2.5 million people - up to 15%; with a population of up to 0.5 million people - up to 10%;
  • when driving the first thousand kilometers with cars that have been overhauled and new, as well as... when driving such cars under their own power - up to 10%;
  • for cars that have been in operation for more than 8 years - up to 5%;
  • work in difficult road conditions during seasonal thaw, snow or sand drifts, floods and other natural disasters - up to 35%;

Fuel consumption rates are decreasing (including):

  • when working on roads outside the suburban area made of cement concrete, asphalt concrete, paving stones, mosaics on flat, slightly hilly terrain (altitude up to 300 m) - up to 15%.

In the case when the car is operated outside a city with a population of more than 2.5 million people. in a zone up to 50 km from the city border, as well as for cities with a population of 0.5 to 2.4 million people. in an area up to 15 km from the city border and with a population of less than 0.5 million people. in a zone of up to 5 km, correction factors (increasing or decreasing) are not applied. If it is necessary to apply several surcharges simultaneously, the fuel consumption rate is set taking into account the sum or difference of these surcharges.

For internal garage travel and technical needs... fuel consumption increases to 1.0% of the total; when cars are idle... in the winter and cold seasons with the engine running, set the standard fuel consumption at the rate of one hour of idle time corresponding to 5 km of vehicle mileage. For vans working on an hourly basis, the standard fuel consumption value is determined similarly to passenger cars, taking into account the surcharge for work with an hourly rate (10%).

Basic linear fuel consumption rate for vehicle mileage, l/100 km:

UAZ-469, -469A, -469B 16 UAZ-315100, -315101, -31512-01, -315201 16 UAZ-31512 15.5 UAZ-31514 16.65 UAZ-31517 (with HR 492 NTA engine) 11, 0 (diesel) UAZ-452A, -452AS, -452V 17 UAZ-220601 17 UAZ-220602 22 (gas) UAZ-3303-0001011 APV-04-01 17.5 UAZ-3962 17.5 UAZ-396201 17 UAZ- 450, -450D 16 UAZ-451, -451D, -451DM, -451M 14 UAZ-452, -452D, -452DM 16 UAZ-3303 16.5 UAZ-330301 16 UAZ-33032, -33032-01 21.5 UAZ -374101 16 UAZ-450A 17 UAZ-451A 17 UAZ-3741 “DISA-1912 Zaslon” 17.6 UAZ-374101 17 UAZ-3962 17.5 UAZ-396201 17

Lubricant consumption rates

Lubricant consumption rates are set per 100 liters of total fuel consumption, calculated according to the standards for a given vehicle. Oil consumption rates are set in liters per 100 liters of fuel consumption, lubricant consumption rates - respectively, in kilograms per 100 liters of fuel consumption... Oil and lubricant consumption rates are reduced by 50% for all vehicles in use for up to three years. Oil consumption rates increase to 20% for vehicles that have been in operation for more than eight years...

Consumption rates per 100 liters of total vehicle fuel consumption for models UAZ-469, -3151, -452, -2206, -3962, -450, -451, -452, -3303, -3741, -450A, -451A, -374101 , 396201 of all modifications is: Engine oil 2.2 l

Transmission oil
0.2 l
Special oil
0.05 l
0.2 kg
The design of absolutely every modern car requires the presence of a power unit, tank, gearbox, and other units and various parts that have their own volumes. It is in these same volumes that diesel fuel is placed, as well as brake fluid, of course, gasoline or antifreeze, but all the fluids listed for each individual model are individual. We invite you to learn in detail about the filling tanks on the UAZ Patriot, which is popular in our country, plus we’ll look at what they essentially are and how much this car model requires to fill certain mechanisms.

All filling capacities of the Patriot SUV

Everyone knows that filling tanks are units that require the presence of working fluid. By the way, the UAZ Patriot is equipped with two refueling tanks at once, and this allows the SUV to fill almost 2 times more fuel, almost up to 80 liters. Not all cars in this class can boast the same gas tank design.

The refueling volumes in the SUV we are considering are determined by the following parts and mechanisms:

  • Auto clutch system;
  • Transmission;
  • Power unit lubrication system;
  • Transfer case;
  • Gasoline tanks;
  • Power steering mechanism system;
  • Window washer pump reservoir;
  • Engine cooling system 409;
  • Brake system;
  • Carters of 2 bridges.

List of car models in which it was installed

The UMZ 417 engine was designed specifically for the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, therefore it was used in UAZ cars:

  • 3151 – SUV;
  • 3303 – all-wheel drive truck;
  • 3741 – all-metal 4x4 van;
  • 2206 – 8 – 11 seat minibus;
  • 3962 – ambulance and resuscitation vehicle;
  • 3909 – Carriage type farmer;
  • 39094 – Farmer truck;
  • DISA-1912 Zaslon - an armored vehicle for collectors.

UAZ 39094 Farmer

The motor was created a little later than the renaming of UAZ 469 to 3151, and UAZ 452 to 3741, so it is only available in the modernized “Bobiki” and “Tabletki” - “Loaves”. The characteristics of the engine made it possible to use it as a power drive for all UAZ models produced at that time.

Turbocharged engine UMZ - 417 (414) TURBO UAZ 469 test run

What fluids are needed for Patriot to work?

The domestic UAZ Patriot, which has a 409 engine, and a number of other cars that are similar in their mechanisms and design, are required to have the above-mentioned refueling tanks, which are presented in the form of tanks made of plastic and located in various units. It is in such devices that different working fluids are located. Check out the list of working fluids present in the UAZ Patriot:

  • Transmission and engine oils are filled into the power unit, transfer case, as well as gearboxes and axles.
  • Antifreeze or antifreeze is required for heating the interior and cooling the engine;
  • Depending on the design of the power plant, diesel fuel or gasoline.
  • Liquid intended for glass washers, poured into the rear and windshield washer reservoirs.
  • Brake fluid is poured into the clutch system, plus into the brake mechanism.


You probably shouldn’t look for evidence of the comfort of this car’s interior. The car showroom is dominated by metal and leatherette. Inside the cabin, the protruding part of the engine reduces available space. The dashboard records the minimum necessary current technical information.

A stove air intake is built into it. A heating stove is installed under the panel, and warm air enters the cabin through an opening door. Insufficient heating in cold weather and lack of interior cooling in hot seasons, poor sound insulation are a consequence of design asceticism and the desire to reduce costs.

Interior tuning

The happy owner of this model realizes how inconvenient the “loaf” car showroom is compared to similar foreign options. But if we do not forget that in the production of this car comfort is of secondary importance, then, with effort, resources and creativity, it is quite possible to create comfort in the cabin.

  • You can and should start by replacing the standard seats with modern soft chairs;
  • The next step in tuning a car dealership is to isolate external noise, internal rattling of cabin elements and improve the quality of interior decoration;
  • Floors, door cavities and the back wall can be laid with vibration insulation, covered with sound insulation, and the joints can be sealed with sealant;
  • Then make the inner lining.

Tuned interior of the UAZ-452 Today, leather trim is popular. Often, additional elements are added to the interior in the form of glove compartments, modern lighting, shelves and ashtrays. It is better to replace the steering wheel with a comfortable and ergonomic one from a foreign car in a soft case, without forgetting about its reliable fastening.

Tuning the UAZ-452 interior

The installation of electric windows, audio equipment and modernization of stove heating adds pleasant notes to vehicle tuning. So, the ease of use of the “loaf” created by the owner will undoubtedly add mental comfort.

Patriot SUV refueling volumes

  • 5l. fluid is required to fill the windshield washer reservoir.
  • Fuel tanks: the tank on the right and the tank on the right have the same volume, equal to 36 liters, this is according to the manufacturer, however, as practice shows, a little more fuel can be filled into both tanks.
  • Shock absorbers only need to pour 0.32l. liquids, but you should remember about the devices used in the suspension design.
  • Engine lubrication is required in a volume of 7 liters, and for the UAZ Patriot 31631 model the volume of lubricant is 4.2 liters.
  • The brake mechanism needs 0.6l. working fluid.
  • For a radiator with horizontal pipes, 14 liters will be required. liquids, and for heating the interior and cooling system of the power unit - 12 l.
  • The clutch drive needs 0.18l. liquids.
  • A manual transmission will require 2.5 liters.
  • For the steering mechanism we measure - 0.25l.
  • 0.8 l is poured into the transfer case.
  • Power steering consumes 1.1l. working fluid, for the UAZ Patriot 31631 model you will need 1.3 l.
  • As for the rear and front axles, their filling tanks require different amounts of fluid. The front axle requires 1.5 liters of oil, and the rear axle requires 1.4 liters of oil. As practice shows, it is necessary to fill slightly more than 1.4 liters into the rear axle housing. oil so that all the working elements inside are completely covered in lubricant.

Transfer case service

When operating a vehicle, it is necessary to regularly service the unit. For this:

  • A visual inspection is carried out for lubricant leaks at the locations of gaskets and rubber seals;
  • The fastening of the transfer case to the gearbox and the tightening of the propeller shaft bolts are checked;
  • The lubricant of the product is changed.

The oil in the transfer case and gearbox is changed at the same time. Each car owner determines the frequency of replacement independently. The manufacturer recommends changing the oil every 35 - 45 thousand mileage.

REFERENCE: When regularly driving a car off-road, it is necessary to change the transmission oil more often. This is due to high loads and the possibility of water entering the crankcase of the mechanism when fording.

Let's sum it up

When you know exactly all the parameters, this will help you accurately fill or top up when replacing a particular fluid. Any vehicle system with a complete absence or low level of working fluid should be avoided; this will harm the units and mechanisms of the machine and reduce its service life. If you have questions or want to leave feedback, you can do this easily at the end of any material.

Utility vehicles produced by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant since 1989. Produced from 1972 to 1985. UAZ-469B and 469 cars with UMZ-451M engines with a power of 75 hp. With. were replaced by UAZ-31512-01 and UAZ-3151-01 vehicles, which were equipped with an UMZ-414 engine with a power of 80 hp. and separate brake drive. The UAZ-31512 and UAZ-3151 cars are produced with a UMZ-417 engine with a power of 90 hp. The UAZ-3151 differs from the UAZ-31512 in the presence of wheel gearboxes in the drive axles (increased ground clearance), shielded electrical equipment and an engine pre-heater. The body is four-door, with a removable awning and a tailgate. The front seats are attached to the floor in one of three positions. The backrests can be installed in one of two positions. Rear seats: one three-seat folding and two single seats (with reclining cushions).


UAZ-3152 (based on UAZ-31512), designed for transportation of medical personnel and patients, has sanitary equipment UAZ-31512-01 -UM-AP-GAI traffic police vehicle UAZ-31512-01-1M-ADCH task force vehicle

The main differences between these cars and the base one

The body is all-metal, five-door, divided into two compartments; number of seats - 6(7), including 5(2) in the front compartment, 4(2) in the rear compartment. The rear compartment is heated and ventilated by the main heating and ventilation system. The spare wheel is located in the rear compartment. The car is equipped with additional lighting, alarm and special equipment. Total weight - 2210 kg, overall height - 2500 mm.

Load capacity:

with 9-leaf springs 600 kg of cargo plus 2 people. or 100 kg plus 2 people with 7-leaf springs 400 kg cargo plus 2 people. or only 7 people.


Mod.4178 (UAZ-31512) and 4179 (UAZ-3151), petrol, in-line, 4-cyl., 92×92 mm, 2.445 l, compression ratio 7.0, operating order 1-2-4-3, power 66 kW (90 hp) at 4000 rpm, torque 171.6 N*m (17.5 kgf*m) at 2200-2500 rpm; carburetor K-151V or K-126GU; air filter - inertial oil filter.


The clutch is single-disk, with peripheral springs, the release drive is hydraulic. Gearbox - 4-speed, with synchronizers in all forward gears; transmit. numbers for synchronized gearbox: I-3.78; II-2.60; III-1.55; IV-1.0; ZH-4.12; transmit. numbers for a gearbox with synchronizers in 3rd and 4th gears: I-4,124; II-2,641; III-1.58; IV-1.00; ZX-5.224. Transfer case - two-stage, gear. numbers: highest - 1.00; the lowest is 1.94. The cardan transmission consists of two shafts. The main gear is a bevel gear with spiral teeth; transmit. numbers: on UAZ-31512 - 4.625, on UAZ-3151 - 2.77 and wheel gearboxes - 1.94 (total gear ratio - 5.38).

Wheels and tires.

Wheels - with one-piece rim 6L-15. Tires - 8.40-15, air pressure in the front tires 1.7-1.9; rear - 1.9-2.1 kgf/cm. sq. , Number of wheels 4+1.


Front and rear - on two semi-elliptical 7- or 9-leaf springs with telescopic shock absorbers.


The service brake system has drum mechanisms (each pad of the front wheels is driven by a separate cylinder, both pads of the rear wheels are driven by one cylinder), a dual-circuit hydraulic drive (separate along the axes) and a vacuum booster. Option - hydraulic drive without amplifier. The parking brake is transmission, with a drum brake mechanism and a mechanical drive.


The steering mechanism is a globoidal worm with a double-ridge roller, gear. number - 20.3.

Electrical equipment.

Voltage 12 V, ac. battery 6ST-60EM, generator G250-P2, voltage regulator PP132-A, starter 42.3708, breaker-distributor (on UAZ-3151) - P132, sensor-distributor (on UAZ-31512) - 3302.3706, ignition coils: on UAZ-31512 - B116, on UAZ-31251 - B102-B, transistor switch (on UAZ-31512) - 1302.3734, spark plugs: on UAZ-31512 - All, on UAZ-3151 - SN302-B. Fuel tank - 2x39 l, A-76 gasoline; cooling system (with heater) - 13l, water or antifreeze A-40, A-65; engine lubrication system - 5.8 l, M-8B, M-6/10V (DV-ASZp-10V); Gearbox housing - 1.0 l, TSp-15K (replacement for TAP-15V), at temperatures minus 20-45°C TSp-10 oil; transfer case housing - 0.7 l, steering gear housing - 0.25 l, drive axle housings - 2x1.0 l (UAZ-31512), - 2x0.85 l (on UAZ-3151); wheel gear housings - 2×0.3 l,

all around gearbox oil

; hydraulic brake system - 0.52 l; hydraulic clutch release system - 0.18 l; brake fluid "Tom"; shock absorbers - 4×0.32 l, shock absorber fluid AZh-12T or spindle oil AU; windshield washer reservoir - 2 l, water or NIISS-4 liquid mixed with water.

Weight of units

(in kg). Engine with clutch - 165; gearbox - 36, transfer case with parking brake - 37, driveshafts - 15, front axle - 120 (UAZ-31512) and 140 (UAZ-3151), rear axle - 100 (UAZ-31512) and 122 (UAZ-3151) ), frame - 112, complete body - 475, wheel and tire - 39, radiator - 10.


Curb weight, kg15901680
to the front axle870900
to the rear axle720780
Total weight, kg21502480
to the front axle9201020
to the rear axle12301460
Permissible trailer weight, kg8501460
Max vehicle speed, km/h115110
Max. climbability by car, hail 3131
Control vehicle fuel consumption, l/100 km:
at 60 km/h10,511,6
at 80 km/h1314,5
Braking distance from 80 km/h, m43,243,2
Turning radius, m:
on the outer wheel6,36,5

The entire line of UAZ Patriot cars has the same engine oil volume - these are strong, cheap and unpretentious cars.

The UAZ “Bukhanka” is still used in all municipal areas: both as a police vehicle and as an ambulance. The secret of the popularity of this universal vehicle is the simplicity of the design and low maintenance of the machine.

Main technical characteristics of UAZ 469

UAZ 469UAZ 469B

Weight without load1600 kg.1540 kg.
Full load weight2400 kg.2280 kg.
Fuel tank volume78 l.
Drive unitFully pluggable
Highest speed at full weight90 km/h.120 km/h.
Control fuel consumption at a speed of 30 km/h.10.6 liters / 100 km.
Highway range at reference consumption 10.6 l/100 km730 km.
Braking distance with full load from an initial speed of 70 km/hNo more than 44.8 meters.
Fording depth0.7 meters
Maximum gradeability with driver and 1 passenger57 degrees
Maximum gradeability when fully loaded31 degrees
Maximum gross weight of towed trailer760 kg.

Fluids and filling volumes of UAZ Patriot engines

During the entire existence of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, the modernization of the Patriot automobile engine was carried out three times. Initially, the UMZ 417 model was developed - a 2.45-liter engine with a power of 72 and 90 horsepower. This is exactly the unit installed in UAZ “Bukhanka” models.

This car model has the following filling volumes and fluids:

  • 56 liters – main fuel tank and 30 – additional, filled with A-76 gasoline;
  • 14.5 liters – cooling system, water, antifreeze, antifreeze are used as coolant;
  • 5.8 liters - Patriot engine volume, optimal lubricant of the M-8B1 brand (at the factory, synthetic oil with a viscosity of 5W-30 was initially filled at the factory);
  • 1 liter of lubricant is required for a UAZ gearbox, the recommended transmission fluid is 75W-90;
  • 0.7 l - transfer case and 0.85 l - in each axle, TSP-15K or TAP-15V.

As you can see, the volumes of oils and liquids at Bukhanka are small, and the cost of these brands is more than affordable. This is what explains such a number of Ulyanovsk cars on the roads - among all domestic vehicles, the old model UAZ needs to invest the minimum amount of money.

At the same time, the engine of old UAZs is powerful enough to overcome any off-road conditions. Its cross-country ability can be compared with the Ural 4320.

The new generation of ZMZ 409 engines differs significantly from the 417 model. The 409 model has a volume of 2.7 liters and 112 horsepower, respectively. This unit is found on Patriot model cars.

MOTUL 4100 Turbolight 10w40

This oil is created as a universal oil. It is perfect for different types of power units - atmospheric and turbocharged, gasoline and diesel, injection and carburetor, etc.

Price – 1,560 rub./4 l.

ELF Evolution 700 STI 10W/40

A new generation product created specifically for diesel and gasoline engines. This oil for UAZ Bukhanka has excellent viscosity-temperature properties, which allows it to protect the components of the power unit at high temperatures.

Price – 1,140 rub./4 l.

Mannol Classic 10W/40

This oil also belongs to the category of all-season universal products. It is intended for different types of engines - running on gasoline, diesel fuel or gas, naturally aspirated and turbocharged. It features decent low-temperature, energy-saving and anti-wear properties.

Price – 970 rub./4 l.

ENEOS Super Gasoline 10W40 SL

Oil for UAZ Bukhanka from the ENEOS brand guarantees the safety of the engine and increases its service life. It is recommended for use in buses, cars, SUVs and vans equipped with 4-stroke engines.

Price – 390 rub./1 liter.

Shell Helix HX7 10W/40

This oil for UAZ Bukhanka is based on a synthetic product. It features an optimal concentration of mineral and synthetic base oils, which gives it an advantage over oils containing only mineral base oils.

It increases the resource of the power unit, guaranteeing effective protection of its components even when driving in city mode, with constant stops and starts.

Price – 410 rub./1 liter.

Gazpromneft Super 10W40 SG/CD

It is distinguished by the use of high quality base oils and a special set of additives during the production. This provides it with reduced waste consumption, increased service life, and optimal anti-corrosion characteristics.

Price – 590 rub./4 l.

As you can see, there is no shortage of motor oils for UAZ Bukhanka, since this list does not include all the products that are on the market.

Bukhanka engine capacity

The size of the filling volume has also changed in relation to the “Loaf”:

  • Both fuel tanks hold 36 liters of gasoline;
  • The UAZ Patriot engine needs to be filled with up to 7 liters of oil;
  • The gearbox requires 2.5 liters of gear oil;
  • The oil capacity in the UAZ Patriot axles is different - 1.5 liters for the front and 1.4 for the rear;
  • The transfer case holds only 0.8 liters.

The remaining capacities of these two machine models are equivalent, however, the brands of lubricants and liquids for the Patriot differ from those for the Bukhanka. The new generation of vehicles requires more expensive maintenance. The cost of servicing such a machine does not fit into the economy mode.

As for the third generation of internal combustion engines of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant - UMZ 421, it is a minimally modernized version of UMZ 417.

Changing the oil in the UAZ gearbox

Changing the oil SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS Drain the oil from the gearbox immediately after the trip, before it cools down. We recommend combining this operation with changing the oil in the transfer case.

We install the car on an inspection ditch or a lift.

Using a 12mm hex wrench, unscrew the drain plug, placing a container with a volume of at least 2 liters.

Drain the oil.

If the used oil is dark in color* or there are visible metal particles in it, wash the gearbox by tightening the plug, clearing its magnet of steel shavings. Then…

... use a 12mm hex key to unscrew the filler plug (for clarity, the front driveshaft has been removed).

Using an oil syringe, pour approximately one liter of a mixture of transmission or engine oil (70–80%) with kerosene or diesel fuel (20–30%) into the box and tighten the filler plug.

Having engaged first gear, start the engine for 2-3 minutes. Completely drain the flushing oil (draining time is at least 5 minutes). Clean the drain plug again and tighten it.

Using an oil syringe, fill the gearbox with fresh transmission oil in a volume of 1 liter (1.3 liters for a five-speed gearbox). We wrap the filler plug.

Each car in its design includes a tank, an engine, a gearbox and many other parts and assemblies that have their own volumes. These volumes hold gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, brake fluid or antifreeze, but they differ for each model. Today we will pay attention to the refueling tanks on the UAZ Patriot SUV and consider what they are, and in what quantity one or another vehicle mechanism should be filled.


Photo 2: Engine UAZ 469 UMZ-451MI (Source: Yandex.Pictures)

UMZ-451MI consists of units, mechanisms, elements, the characteristics of which are listed below in the text.

Dry, with one disk with a cross section of 254 mm.

Elastic due to rubber cushions.

Total number of supports 4

The cylinders are assembled into a block, which is a casting. The block is cast from aluminum alloy. The sleeves pressed into it are replaceable “wet” ones made of cast iron.

cast from aluminum alloy. Valve guides along with seats are inserted into it. All four cylinders have a common head.

Combustion chamber in the engine

made in a flat-oval configuration. It is located inside the cylinder head.

motors are tinned, cast from aluminum alloy. Each piston is filled with tinned steel inserts that regulate the temperature.

made of steel, forged. The cross-section of each of them is I-beam. Special bronze bushings are pressed into the upper heads of the connecting rods.

on 5 supports, cast from cast iron, made with counterweights. The cross-section of the main journals is 64 mm, the connecting rod journals are 58 mm.

, both main and connecting rod, are made with replaceable thin-walled liners made of steel and aluminum.

, mm: main liner – 2.25; connecting rod bearing - 1.75; antifriction layer – 0.33.

cast from cast iron. On top of it there is a press-on gear ring, intended for starting the power unit.

The engine is equipped with a contact ignition distributor

. The arrangement of the cylinders and pistons of the UMZ-451MI engine is in-line. The entire piston group is rotated by one common crankshaft. There is also one distribution shaft and it is located at the bottom.

The engine is equipped with a liquid cooling system

. The type of cooling system is closed, circulation is forced from a water pump.

performed partly under pressure and partly by spraying oil.

UAZ 469 cylinders are as follows: 1-2-4-3.

The UMZ-451MI engine is paired with a four-speed manual transmission.

in the UAZ 469 engine is 5.8 liters.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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