Replacing the Chevrolet Niva fuel filter with your own hands: step-by-step instructions with photos and descriptions of how to properly replace the filter

In order for the car’s power unit to operate efficiently, it is necessary that only purified fuel enters it. For this purpose, the corresponding filter element must be replaced regularly. Today, a car such as the Chevrolet Niva is very popular. Owners of such a vehicle should read this article, because it will talk about how to replace the fuel filter on a Chevrolet Niva, as well as some other important details.

The role of the filter in the fuel system of a car

The main task that a fuel filter must cope with is cleaning the fuel coming from the tank into the fuel system of the car. Any fuel, regardless of its brand and cost, contains a lot of impurities, water and dirt. To prevent the latter from getting into the engine cylinder, a fuel purification filter is installed on the way to it.

To achieve maximum efficiency from fuel purification, two types of filters were created - coarse and fine filters. Parts of the first type are designed to capture solid particles with a diameter of up to 0.1 mm. The products have the form of a fine mesh made of brass threads. In the Niva Chevrolet fuel system, the coarse filter is located inside the fuel pump.

Parts of the second type are used to capture impurities whose diameter does not exceed 0.001 mm. They consist of a cylindrical body, inside of which there is a fine mesh. Filters of this type are mounted between the fuel pump and the ramp. If clogged, they must be replaced, while the fuel coarse cleaning elements must be washed without regular replacement.

It is worth noting that in Chevrolet Niva models produced before 2009, the filters were located directly in the engine compartment. The filter in newer cars is located under the bottom.

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How to replace the fuel filter of a Niva Chevrolet

This article contains a step-by-step description of how to replace the fuel filter of a Niva Chevrolet.

Signs that you need to replace the fuel filter:

  • increased gasoline consumption;
  • the engine stalls at idle;
  • when the speed increases, failures in engine operation;
  • difficulty starting the engine;
  • power reduction.

The process of replacing the Niva Chevrolet fuel filter.

Difficulty level: medium Time to complete: 20 - 30 minutes Frequency of execution: every 30,000 km

A necessary tool.

From the tool you need to have:

  • metal brush;
  • socket wrench 10;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • open-end wrench 10

If the car has not been used for more than 10 hours, then you can immediately go under the car to replace it, but if you still cannot wait until the pressure in the system drops, then you must perform the following steps:

  • in the cabin, under the rear right, reclining seat there is a cover under which the fuel pump is located;

  • using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two screws;

  • remove the cover and disconnect the terminal block;

  • Start the engine and let it idle until it stops. The pressure in the system has been relieved, you can begin to replace the fuel filter.

The fuel filter is located under the car at the rear right wheel, covered with a casing.

  • Use a 10mm socket wrench to unscrew the three nuts;

  • disconnect the tube with the latch from the filter;

  • Using a 10mm open-end wrench, loosen the bolt on the clamp holding the filter;
  • disconnect the second tube with a snap from the filter and pull out the filter (be careful! There will be gasoline in the filter)

  • insert the new filter into the clamp and tighten the nut;
  • Place the tips of the fuel pipes onto the filter fittings until the clips snap into place.

Perform the remaining assembly steps in reverse order of disassembly.

Don't forget to connect the terminal to the fuel pump and replace the cap.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to change the fuel filter of a Chevrolet Niva.



Before proceeding directly to the replacement procedure, you need to find out where the filter element is located. If the car was born before 2009, you need to look for it directly under the hood. If we are talking about more modern models, here it will be located under the bottom.

To get to the filter, you need to remove the rear seats. Under them you will be able to notice the film placed on the sealant. It is enough to carefully tear it off and the device will be right in front of your eyes.

Having figured out where the fuel filter is located on a Chevrolet Niva, it is worth finding out how to replace it correctly.

Preparing for replacement

Work should only be carried out when there is no pressure in the fuel system. It automatically decreases 6–7 hours after the last ignition.

Important. Before you start replacing the filter, be sure to check the pressure. To do this, unscrew the cap of the fuel rail fitting and press on the main part of the spool.

No time to wait? It is possible to reduce blood pressure artificially.

  1. In the passenger compartment, install the rear seat cushion vertically. Find the soundproofing underneath and unscrew it.
  2. Under the sound insulation there is a cover with two screws. Unscrew them and remove the cover.
  3. At the bottom there are blocks with wires that come from the fuel module. To relieve pressure, disengage the pad clamps and start the engine. Let it run until it stops automatically. That's it, you can change the filter.

Raise the rear seat cushion

Unscrew the screws securing the cover under the sound insulation

Disconnect the pad clamps

Safety precautions

Working with fuel system elements requires strict adherence to fire safety rules! Do not smoke near it under any circumstances, and do not approach a car with open flame sources. For work, it is better to choose a room in which there are no natural gas-powered equipment.

Signs of a spare part malfunction - study the “symptoms”

Several signs may indicate that it is time to replace the fuel system filter. These include:

  • It feels difficult to operate the engine when moving up;
  • Extraneous noise is clearly audible when the engine warms up;
  • Fuel consumption has increased;
  • The car engine starts with difficulty or does not start at all;
  • The motor runs with long jerks.

The first thing to do if these signs are present is to check the filter. However, even if you have not noticed any of the listed “symptoms”, the frequency of filter replacement should be 1 time for every 30 thousand km. This will help extend the life of the engine and other important components of the car.

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It is worth remembering that replacing the filter element is also necessary when performing chip tuning on a Chevrolet Niva, after which the car becomes faster and changes the amount of fuel consumed. In this case, for replacement it is necessary to select a higher quality and more expensive spare part.


In accordance with operating instructions, the Chevrolet Niva fuel filter must be replaced every 30,000 km. But when driving in unfavorable and difficult conditions, which include low fuel quality, dust, etc., it is recommended to shorten the interval.


To complete the work you will need the following tools:

  1. Phillips screwdriver;
  2. Collar;
  3. Extension;
  4. Head 10;
  5. Container for draining fuel.


The fuel filter itself is located at the bottom of the car, in front of the rear right wheel, and is additionally covered with a plastic casing.

Before you change the fuel filter on a Chevrolet Niva yourself, you need to drive the car onto an overpass or pit.

IMPORTANT! Provided that the ignition is turned on, as well as for a certain time after it is turned off, the fuel in the system is still under pressure.

This means that if the replacement is carried out immediately after driving or after the ignition key is removed, it is necessary to relieve pressure in the system.

To relieve pressure, you need to lift the rear seat cushion. This will provide access to the hatch cover, which is screwed on with 2 self-tapping screws. You need to unscrew them and then remove the cover.

Then disconnect the wire plug from the fuel module, first releasing the lock on the plug.

Next, to replace the fuel filter on a Chevrolet Niva, you need to start the engine and leave it running at idle so that it produces gasoline (this lasts a few seconds). Then turn on the starter for 2 or 3 seconds.

This completes the pressure release procedure. But it’s better to leave the car for about a day and only then start working.

The next step is to remove the fuel filter housing. It is secured with a bolt and 2 nuts, which require a 10 mm socket to unscrew.

  • Then the tip is removed from the filter fitting, for which the 2 clamps of the tip of the fuel outlet tube are compressed.
  • Then, using a 10mm socket, you need to loosen the filter clamp bolt.

Then move the filter, removing the fitting from the tip of the tube and first squeezing the 2 tip clamps. This will allow you to remove the filter itself from the clamp.

Note. There will be gasoline inside the filter and it needs to be drained into a container.

Installing a new fuel filter on a Chevrolet Niva is carried out in the reverse order. In this case, you need to pay attention to the arrow drawn on the body - it must be directed towards the front of the car (along the direction of the fuel supply).

  1. When putting on the tips of the fuel pipes, clicks of the clamps should be heard.
  2. When everything is done, all that remains is to turn on the ignition and inspect all connections for leaks.
  3. At this point, replacing the Chevrolet Niva fuel filter with your own hands is completed.



  1. The car is installed on the inspection hole.
  2. The interior opens and the right rear seat rises to an upright position. Underneath there is a layer of soundproofing material. He leans to the side.

    The rear seat is raised, the sound insulation is removed, there is access to the cover

  3. This gives access to the square fuel pump cover, which is secured to the floor with four self-tapping screws. These screws are unscrewed using a Phillips screwdriver.

    The cover is attached to 4 self-tapping screws, which can be unscrewed with a Phillips screwdriver.

  4. A block with wires is attached to the pump, which is held in place by a metal retainer. The latch rises, the block is disconnected.

    The block with wires is disconnected manually, just lift the latch

  5. After this, the car starts and idles until the engine stalls on its own. After this, the starter turns 3-4 more times, as a result of which the fuel pressure in the system is relieved.
  6. At the right rear wheel, under the bottom of the car, unscrew 2 nuts and 1 bolt, which hold the plastic casing. This is done using a 10mm socket head. The casing is removed, allowing access to the fine filter.

    This can be done conveniently with a 10mm socket socket.

  7. There are 2 plastic fittings at the ends of the filter. They are squeezed with your fingers and removed from the tubes.

    These fittings are easy enough to squeeze with your fingers.

  8. Using a 10mm wrench, loosen the bolt on the mounting bracket holding the filter, and it is carefully removed from its original location.

    To remove it, loosen the bolt by 10 on the mounting bracket

  9. A new filter is installed in its place, after which all components are reassembled.

Where is it located and how to replace the fuel filter on a Niva Chevrolet

Chevrolet Niva is a fairly well-known brand, and most service stations know what is included in the service of this model. But experienced car enthusiasts can do some operations themselves - for example, replacing the fuel filter.

The fuel filter in the Chevrolet Niva is located under the car, in front of the right rear wheel, so replacement will require an inspection hole or overpass. For cars produced earlier than 2009, this is not necessary - the filter is located under the hood, on the right passenger side.

The image shows this part installed (usually covered by an additional cover)

When replacement is necessary

In Niva Chevrolet, the fuel filter is recommended to be replaced every 30,000 km. If the gasoline is of low quality or you have to drive off-road, then you need to do this more often. We present the obvious signs of the need for replacement in the form of a list.

Signs of a clogged or broken filter

  • when the engine is running, extraneous noise periodically appears;
  • fuel consumption increases;
  • the power unit began to operate jerkily;
  • the motor does not start.

Catalog number

The Chevrolet Niva is a well-known car in Russia, so if you ask for a fuel filter specifically for this model, the Gazelle will mistakenly not give you one. But, like any other factory part, it has a catalog number - “2123–1117010” or “21230–1117010”.

To work we will need the following tools:

  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • key to 10;
  • rags for wiping;
  • capacity, since fuel will remain in the filter;
  • new o-rings.

And of course, the filter itself.

While the engine is running, the fuel is under high pressure, so removing the filter immediately after a trip is highly recommended. If possible, leave the car for a day so that the pressure drops naturally.

How to relieve pressure

If time is running out, use the following method.

Disconnect the wires Remove the cover Unscrew the screws Raise the right rear seat cushion

  1. Raise the right rear seat cushion to a vertical position and bend the sound insulation;
  2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the screws securing the cover (2 pcs.);
  3. We remove it;
  4. Disconnect the wiring block from the module, first releasing the latches;
  5. We start the engine;
  6. After it stalls (a couple of seconds after the start), turn on the starter for two to three seconds.

The pressure has been released, you can move under the car to replace it.

Remove the filter Loosen the retaining clamp Remove the protective cover Unscrew the protective cover

  1. Unscrew the fastenings of the protective casing (bolt and two nuts).
  2. Let's take it off.
  3. We loosen the clamp that holds the filter in place (there is no need to unscrew the connection completely, just loosen it).
  4. Having squeezed the tube clamps, we disconnect them from the old filter, draining the fuel into a previously placed container.
  5. Remove the filter.
  6. The new one is installed in the reverse order, but do not close the casing cover yet. We place the part so that the arrow indicates the direction of fuel movement (looks at the engine).

    The catalog number is also on the part itself - the rightmost line of numbers

  7. Then we return the wires to their place (in the cabin under the seat).
  8. We start the engine (since we changed the filter, the engine may not start on the first try - this is normal) and visually check the connections for leaks.
  9. If there are no leaks, install the casing cover in place.

Having the necessary tools at hand, you can replace the fuel filter in a Chevrolet Niva in thirty minutes, and even a novice driver can handle this job.


Video “Method of replacing the TF with dismantling the gas tank”

The video below shows another, more complex option for replacing a gasoline filter, with removing the tank (the material was filmed and published by the Auto Repair channel)

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