Design, principle of operation and procedure for self-replacement of the VAZ 2107 clutch

Each of us is always concerned about how long this or that part or car system will last. It `s naturally. Especially considering the quality of some products, the “skills” of workers, etc.

This issue fully concerns the car’s clutch. Very often on motorist forums there is a serious question about when to change the clutch, and how to know when the time has come to replace it. So let’s try to figure out together what the actual service life of the clutch is, and whether it exists at all.

Is there a certain clutch resource?

How to replace the clutch in a VAZ-2110

Whether or not you will be upset when you find out that the manufacturer does not indicate specific figures for clutch service life. If, for example, in the brake system, it is clearly stated that the thickness of the brake disc should be such and such, then why is this not applicable to the clutch?

The fact is that clutch wear depends on many reasons, and first of all, of course, on how the driver changes gears and in what mode the clutch is used.

And while clutch disc thickness cannot be measured the same way brake disc thickness can be measured with a caliper, there are ways to measure it. There are two of them.

  • The first way to measure the thickness of the clutch disc is with a special measuring gauge. This method does not require dismantling the clutch; it is performed on a lift. But you are unlikely to use it.
  • the second method is simpler to implement and allows you to determine the wear of the clutch disc in order to replace it. Replacing the driven disk is a procedure provided by the manufacturer, because The driven disk is a consumable part. The check is carried out as follows: with the engine running, you need to put it in high gear, accelerate it, and if the car does not stall, this means that the driven disk is worn out and requires replacement. It must be remembered that such a check of the thickness of the clutch disc is not technologically correct, but it is effective and allows you to determine the condition of the disc extremely accurately.

As already mentioned, the life of any clutch is determined by its operating conditions. Without going into technical details of the interaction of clutch parts, you should understand that basically the life of the clutch and the wear rate of the discs depend only on the driver.

A clutch of the same quality and manufacturer can last 5,000 km for one driver, and 100,000 for another. Participation in drag racing, frequent slipping, abrupt starting at high speeds, ingress of foreign liquids and objects, unqualified installation and adjustment clutch - all this reduces the life of the clutch.

How to check the clutch?

The clutch is checked using already proven and reliable folk methods, and only by them. Naturally, in addition to disassembling the clutch. We are talking about how you can check the clutch of your car yourself, and then decide whether you need a more in-depth diagnostic with dismantling the clutch mechanism.

So, let's start checking the clutch on the main points.

Clutch slippage. Those. again we are talking about wear on the driven disk when it is not fully pressed against the flywheel, which means there is no full clutch.

  • We put the car on the handbrake and start the engine;
  • engage a higher gear: 3rd or 4th;
  • slowly depress the clutch and “give” the gas;
  • When the handbrake is adjusted, the car engine should stall. If this does not happen, then it is time to think about replacing the clutch disc.

The clutch “drives” , i.e. it doesn't turn off completely. This malfunction is accompanied by difficult gear shifting, or extraneous noises and sounds when changing gears. And the gearbox is hardly to blame here. Checking the clutch.

  • the engine is idling;
  • Depress the clutch pedal completely and engage first or reverse gear;
  • If the gear is engaged with uncharacteristic effort, and at the same time you hear extraneous sounds, then the driven disk does not completely move away from the flywheel, i.e. the clutch “drives”;
  • you need to pump the hydraulics and adjust the free play of the clutch pedal;
  • check again, if nothing has changed, then it’s time to go to a car service for a more in-depth diagnosis of the clutch.

Using these simple methods, you can independently check the clutch before it fails at the most inopportune moment. Timely diagnostics, and even better - correct operation, will increase the life of the clutch, or take timely measures to eliminate malfunctions.

Good luck on your journey.

Clutch replacement

When replacing a basket or disk, you cannot do without removing the gearbox. That is, the box itself can remain almost in the same place; it will only need to be moved a distance sufficient for the gearbox input shaft to exit the clutch basket. However, for more convenient work, and for the purpose of visual inspection and possible replacement of elements such as the clutch housing, gearbox input shaft oil seal and rear crankshaft oil seal, it is better to remove the gearbox.

The price of VAZ 2107 spare parts, which may have to be replaced in this case, is not that high, and the time required to re-disassemble them to replace them will cost much more. The work is carried out on an inspection pit, overpass or lift. In general, first things first.

To dismantle the clutch, it is necessary to perform the following preparatory work:

  1. Removing the starter.
  2. Disconnecting the gearshift lever from the gearbox.
  3. Removing the cardan shaft.
  4. Disconnecting the clutch slave cylinder and the speedometer drive (flexible shaft) from the gearbox.
  5. Removing the terminals (chips) from the sensor responsible for turning on the reversing lights.
  6. Removing the exhaust system mounting from the gearbox.
  7. Unscrewing the bolts that attach the gearbox to the engine.
  8. Disconnecting the rear cushion (traverse) securing the gearbox to the body.

Next, you need to move the gearbox away from the engine to a distance sufficient for the input shaft to exit the clutch basket and rest it on the exhaust pipe of the car's exhaust system. To completely remove the gearbox, before unscrewing the bolts attaching the gearbox to the engine, it is necessary to additionally disconnect the exhaust pipe (pants) from the exhaust manifold.

All work on replacing the VAZ 2107 clutch in the same or slightly modified order was filmed long ago and posted on the Internet. So, if you wish, you can always familiarize yourself with it.

Once access to the VAZ 2107 clutch basket is gained, you can remove and replace it. We unscrew the bolts securing the basket to the flywheel and remove the clutch.

When performing the list of works, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • When removing the starter, you don’t have to disconnect the electrical wires from it, but you need to stop the power supply from the battery;
  • before dismantling the propeller shaft, it is necessary to mark on it the location of the hinge fork in relation to the flange of the main gear;
  • When disconnecting the flexible speedometer drive shaft, do not allow it to bend excessively;
  • in the case of installing the same clutch basket, before removing it, it is necessary to note (with chalk, paint, a chisel or a center punch) its position relative to the flywheel in order to install it in the same way;
  • To avoid deformation of the clutch casing during dismantling, evenly unscrewing the fastening bolts, 1-2 turns at a time, will help;
  • if the flywheel rotates when unscrewing the basket mounting bolts, you can use a pry bar as a lever to hold it in place;
  • During subsequent assembly, it is important to correctly install the clutch disc. Its larger protrusion should face the basket.

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Preparation for repair

First of all, put the car on the lift and disconnect the battery. Please note that you need to disconnect the battery. When replacing a VAZ-2107 clutch, the gearbox, starter, and on the last one, a large-section power wire are removed. And if it shorts to ground, then a fire cannot be avoided. And don’t forget that the car is rear-wheel drive (in the good sense of the word, of course). This means that its two rear wheels are driving - torque is transmitted to them from the engine through the box and driveshaft with gearbox.

What does this mean? About the need to install wheel chocks under the rear wheels. At least put some bricks on it so the car doesn't drive away. In a broken state, it is capable of terrifying not only capitalist countries, but even normal and adequate people. And it doesn’t matter whether you are going to completely change the assembly, or you are only planning to replace the VAZ-2107 clutch disc, you need to remove the box in any case. Therefore, all the requirements described below must be met.

Is it necessary to remove the gearbox?

Car enthusiasts on the forums warn that it is impossible to replace the basket or disc without dismantling the VAZ-2107 gearbox, but experts immediately correct it - it is not always necessary to remove the gearbox; in most cases, it is enough to slightly pull out the gearbox and do this so that the input shaft comes out unhindered clutch baskets.

This option is the most convenient, but only if you are sure what exactly the problem is. Auto mechanics, when getting to work, prefer to inspect the entire device; there will probably be shortcomings, which will also soon make themselves felt, and therefore the clutch will have to be changed again. A visual inspection should be carried out for the following components:

  • clutch housing;
  • oil seal suitable for the primary type gearbox shaft;
  • crankshaft oil seal located at the rear.

Check the serviceability of the brake system; in the VAZ-2107 it often malfunctions.

When is it necessary to change?

The clutch system allows the car to move off smoothly, removing the load from the engine, which reduces wear on its parts and extends its service life. Overloads are caused by an inertial moment formed during the rotation of parts of the power unit if the crankshaft speed has sharply decreased.

VAZ 2107 assembly diagram

There is no specific time frame for replacing the unit, since the service life of this device mainly depends on operating conditions and the driver’s driving style. It is recommended to diagnose the device after 80 thousand km.

Signs of a broken clutch

Problems with the clutch mechanism can be easily identified by vibration, noise or other external signs. The most common ones are:

  • it is difficult or impossible to switch the gearbox with the car running;
  • crackling and noise in the gearbox when changing gears;
  • the clutch “drives” - the car moves when the speed is turned on, even if the clutch pedal is fully depressed;
  • the clutch slips - when you press the gas, especially at 4-5 speeds when driving uphill, the engine speed increases without increasing the vehicle speed;
  • jerking and vibration when the clutch operates;
  • noise when releasing the clutch pedal.

To fix the problem, the clutch needs to be repaired or replaced. You can replace the elements of the clutch hydraulic drive and bleed it yourself, without having high qualifications in repair work. The VAZ 2107 clutch basket can also be removed quite easily.

However, before removing the gearbox and disassembling the clutch assembly, you should make sure that this is where the reason lies. You should start by adjusting the clutch, checking for brake fluid leaks from the working and master cylinders and visually checking the functionality of the hydraulic drive.

To replace the cylinders and hydraulic clutch hose, there is no need to disassemble the unit itself. The same applies to bleeding the drive to remove air from the system.

Stage one - from above the car

So, the VAZ car begins to be dismantled piece by piece in order to get to the bottom of the truth, what was it that terrified decaying capitalism? First of all, disconnect the battery. We need to remind you again so that they don’t forget. Then disconnect all two wires that go to the starter, and then remove it. It is quite possible that it was the starter that caused horror, since removing it is a problem; the lowest fastening nut (if there is one) must be unscrewed with a socket with a universal joint and an extension, and a considerable one.

After this, you sigh deeply, because replacing the VAZ-2107 clutch has just begun, there is still so much to do. For example, disassemble the gear shift lever. It is made of plastic parts, but their separation can result in stab injuries to your hands from the screwdriver. But if you did it, then continue what you started. Hold the 19mm keys in your hands and go ahead, unscrew the bolts that connect the gearbox and internal combustion engine together. And at the same time, unscrew the exhaust pipe from the exhaust manifold, as it will interfere.

Clutch kit price

Now, in the era of the development of the Internet, there is no need to run to stores and look for the necessary spare part. It is enough to have access to the World Wide Web and you will have any detail in a couple of clicks. Prices for clutch discs for the VAZ-2107 vary from 470 to 2000 rubles. The cost of replacement work in Moscow and the Moscow region is 2–2.5 thousand rubles.

What advice can you give when choosing a disk? First, rummage through the forums and read reviews. Secondly, when purchasing a disc, do not be lazy to inspect it. Examine the splines especially carefully - there should be no nicks or burrs there, otherwise there is a risk that the disk simply will not fit on the shaft or will not be removed during the next replacement.

Take a look at the friction linings: they should all be uniform in composition and free of cracks. Another point is the quality of the riveting. The key to quality here is the identical dimensions of the flange. Try to swing the damper springs; if there is play, then you should refuse the purchase. And the last thing worth paying attention to is the presence of markings on the damper plate.

The easiest way to remove the gearbox

VAZ 2106

On a classic VAZ, the clutch can fail for various reasons, and the problem may not necessarily be in the basket or disc; often the cause of failure is the clutch of the slave or master cylinder (MCC). Signs of a faulty GCC:

  • This is not the first time the clutch appears; you have to press the pedal several times;
  • clap pedal.
  • VAZ 2109

    On front-wheel drive VAZ 2108-09 cars, the clutch changes in approximately the same way as on a VAZ classic, with the only difference being the removal and installation of the transmission. on the “nine” there is no driveshaft, and you will have to remove the wheel drives (CV joints). There is also a difference. The VAZ 2109 has a cable drive (all “classics” have a hydraulic drive). Replacing the VAZ 2109 clutch is a little more complicated than the 2101-07 model, and therefore the work takes more time.

    What should you pay attention to to clarify the diagnosis of clutch failure?

    When accelerating or braking the car to change gears in the gearbox, the crankshaft is constantly disconnected and connected to the power transmission. This operation is performed very often and intensively, so over time the signs of a clutch malfunction become more and more obvious. All clutch malfunctions are divided into two general types: incomplete engagement of the clutch (driving) and incomplete disengagement of the clutch (slips).

    Any experienced car owner knows how to check the clutch for complete disengagement. To do this, start the engine at low speeds, fully depress the clutch pedal and engage first gear. If it engages easily, then the clutch has completely disengaged the drive - everything is in order.

    When you hear the smell of burning while driving, on a steep climb the car suddenly loses speed, and in general, it accelerates poorly - “slipping” of the clutch is obvious. That is, the clutch does not disengage completely - both discs do not close tightly enough.

    A very simple and at the same time very reliable way to independently diagnose clutch problems:

    First, warm up the engine so that the cold, thick oil does not create additional resistance. Next, the car is put on the handbrake. This should be done on a flat surface, without steep slopes. After this, the engine is accelerated to 1500-1700 rpm, the clutch pedal is depressed, first gear is engaged, and then the pedal is smoothly released.

    As a result, the engine should stall. The engine does not stall, or the engine stalls after some time - the clutch definitely requires repair or replacement.

    Replacing the clutch on a VAZ 2101-VAZ 2107

    Welcome! The clutch is one of the important parts of the car, because with its help we change gears. The main job of this unit is to disconnect it from the flywheel while squeezing the clutch and for further switching the box. This unit looks like two disks on top of one of which there is a clutch housing, and the clutch also includes a release bearing and clutch assembly. But over time, one of the disks or the release bearing itself becomes unusable, which is why they will need to be replaced.

    When should you change the clutch? During operation, the clutch of any car wears out over time, and the first signs of a worn clutch that a car will show are:

    1. Increased noise which begins to appear very clearly when changing gears in the car.

    2. Jerks can also occur when starting off in a car, and they can also occur while driving when you depress the clutch pedal, then engage a gear, and then when you release the pedal, your car jerks forward a little.

    Note! This mainly happens due to the damper springs that are installed on the driven disk, and in the photo below they are shown by arrows. These springs are needed so that the clutch disengages smoothly and thus does not cause discomfort when driving, and when these springs become unusable, when the clutch is disengaged, as mentioned earlier, a jerk occurs, which often has a very negative effect on the comfort of driving a car!

    3. In addition to all this, if the clutch malfunctions, the effect that the clutch “slips” may occur. This is when you are driving a car and at the same time you press the gas pedal, let’s say to the floor, and your car does not accelerate, but the engine speed increases sharply and even reaches the red zone, this effect is popularly called the clutch “Slipping”.

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    4. And in conclusion, let’s note another effect called the “Leads” clutch. The first signs of this effect are as follows: let’s say you engage first gear and at this time the clutch pedal is still fully depressed, but even despite this the car starts to roll. This effect is called the “Leads” clutch.

    How to replace the clutch on a VAZ 2101-VAZ 2107?

    Note! Before you start replacing, be sure to make sure that the clutch malfunction is not caused by any other reasons, because replacing this unit itself is very labor-intensive and time-consuming compared to replacing the same clutch slave cylinder, due to which the same problem may occur. the effect that the clutch “Drives”! (If you want to take a closer look at the malfunctions of a particular unit of the entire clutch system, then use the “Search” form, which is located in the upper right corner of the site, and enter into the search the malfunction that you specifically need, for example: “Clutch is slipping” and you will get all results in which this combination of words was found)

    Removal: 1) First, to get to the clutch itself, you will need to remove the box for this. (For information on how to remove the box, see the article entitled “Replacing the gearbox on a VAZ”)

    2) Next, after the box is removed, pick up the purchased mandrel for centering the clutch disc, and then install it in the central hole as shown in the photo.

    Note! The mandrel must be installed all the way until it rests on the crankshaft bearing!

    3) Then, to prevent the flywheel from turning, screw one thick bolt, which is indicated under the letter “B,” into the lower left side of the block, and then using a screwdriver to secure the flywheel from turning “A,” unscrew all the bolts that secure the housing and the clutch pressure plate itself.

    Note! When unscrewing the bolts securing the casing and the clutch pressure plate itself, hold this same disc by its casing so that it does not turn! (Please note that you only need to hold the disk by the casing, because if you, for example, grab the thrust flange of the pressure spring with your hand, you can easily damage it, so hold only the casing with your hands)

    4) Next, remove the clutch pressure plate together with the casing, but when removing it, hold it with both hands by its casing.

    5) After removing the clutch pressure plate along with its casing, proceed to removing the driven disc, to do this, take the installed disc in your hands and then remove it together with the mandrel from the place where it is installed.

    Note! By the way! If you didn’t understand where you needed to insert the mandrel earlier, then we indicated this place for you with a blue arrow in the photo just above!

    Installation: 1) Installation of a new clutch occurs in the reverse order of removal.

    Note! Install a new clutch carefully and be sure to center the position of the drive plate using a mandrel when installing the pressure plate!

    Typical clutch faults

    Often, a basket malfunction is a curvature or breakage of its petals, or loss of elasticity of the pressure springs. In some cases, the basket can be repaired. The VAZ 2107 clutch disc requires repair or replacement if it is deformed, worn, broken or significantly scuffed the friction linings, weakened or broken damper springs. A failed release bearing is replaced with a new one; it cannot be repaired.

    Associated malfunctions that can be detected during repair or replacement of the clutch are oil leakage through the crankshaft seal or gearbox input shaft, wear of the drive fork or clutch slave cylinder. Oil leakage through the seals causes oiling of the driven disk, which can cause it to slip. Signs that the VAZ 2107 clutch is slipping are a decrease in traction and dynamics during acceleration, as well as the appearance of a specific smell.

    Is it possible to do without a pit/lift?

    But the first question arises immediately after the thought of replacing the clutch appears. Is it possible to do without a pit/lift/overpass? Unfortunately, not every motorist has such amenities. The answer will be short - you can. But it is not complete, as you may have noticed. Therefore, it is worth describing a little the procedure for carrying out repairs without amenities. If you are of a thin build, then you only need to raise the car by 40-50 centimeters. But, of course, this position of the car will not add convenience. If you live in a rural area, then making a small trench - a couple of meters long, 50 cm wide and the same depth - is not difficult. In this case it will be much more convenient. But it’s better, of course, it’s easier to repair the VAZ-2107 on a normal pit or a lift. The clutch fork, which is also sometimes necessary to replace, is removed and installed only after dismantling the gearbox.

    How to change the clutch of a VAZ 2107

    When performing this operation, you cannot do without a lift or inspection hole. Before starting work, be sure to disconnect the ground from the battery to prevent a short circuit.

    The procedure is as follows:

    • Remove the gearshift lever by pressing on it and using a screwdriver to pry up the plastic locking sleeve. Important: during the work, you should carefully inspect each part and replace it if damaged or worn.
    • Disconnect the vehicle exhaust pipe from the resonator.
    • Unscrew the bolts holding the clutch slave cylinder to the gearbox housing and disconnect it.

      If there is a brake fluid leak from the working cylinder, replace it (after replacing the clutch cylinders, it is necessary to bleed the system). The same goes for the clutch master cylinder.

    • Unscrew the bolts and nuts securing the cardan to the gearbox and disconnect it.

    • Disconnect the ground wire and the reverse lamp wire from the transmission.
    • Unscrew the bolts securing the starter to the gearbox, uncouple it and move it to the side.

    • Unscrew the bolts securing the gearbox to the engine.

    Note: The VAZ 2107 gearbox weighs about 26 kg, so it is better to remove it together with a partner.

    • Carefully pull out the gearbox.

    • Unscrew the bolts securing the VAZ 2107 clutch baskets and remove it.
    • Inspect the basket and disc for damage and wear.

    Wear of the basket on the inside and wear of the disk are determined by compliance with the geometric dimensions specified in the instruction manual. If the antennae of the box break, they can be re-riveted rather than changing the basket.

    The clutch may slip due to oil contamination of the disc. In this case, it needs to be cleaned or replaced.

    Oil contamination can also cause jerking and vibration when the clutch is engaged. They can also occur when the splines are worn out, the damper spring or driven disk is bent. In this case, only replacing the faulty part will help.

    The VAZ 2107 clutch is installed in the reverse order of removal.

    Sometimes it can be difficult to get the gearbox shaft into the splines on the clutch disc. This happens if the clutch disc is installed offset relative to the axis of symmetry. In this case, it is unacceptable to use force to “push” the gearbox shaft.

    To install the clutch disc along the axis of symmetry, a special tool should be used when installing it.

    What you need to stock up on

    Despite all the shortcomings and simplicity of the car, when repairing you will need a special tool, which you cannot do without. First of all, you need a kingpin - a metal tube of suitable diameter (it can even be hollow inside). With its help you will center the position of the driven disk relative to the clutch basket. Depending on the age of the car, its technical condition, and the cleanliness of the driver, replacing the VAZ-2107 clutch may take different times. The price of the entire set will be about 2000-2500 rubles. Of course, we need to mention the units that need to be installed new.

    Firstly, this is the entire clutch kit - basket, bearing, driven disc. Secondly, be sure to change the bolts and washers that secure the disk to the flywheel. Thirdly, if you plan to replace the VAZ-2107 clutch cylinder, you still need to buy brake fluid and new hoses. Fourthly, you will need to assess the condition of the flywheel crown. Fifthly, you are removing the driveshaft, so it is possible that the crosspieces have become unusable and also require replacement. Sixth, the condition of the box cushion and outboard bearing is unknown. In other words, this miracle car can bring many “surprises” to a car owner who does not monitor its technical condition.


    So, having purchased a new clutch disc, we proceed to install it. In order to slightly reduce the labor intensity, we will perform the replacement without removing the box. We carry out the work on an overpass or inspection pit.

    Getting started with labor feats, we will carry out the preparatory stage:

    1. Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery.
    2. Remove the clutch slave cylinder.
    3. We unhook the cardan from the gearbox.

    4. Unscrew the speedometer cable.
    5. Disconnect the wires of the reversing lights from the contact group on the gearbox.
    6. We disconnect the clutch housing from the cylinder block and the cross member of the rear engine mount from the body.

    Now we move directly to the main stage of our work - replacing the clutch disc:

    1. We unscrew the nuts securing the gearbox support, move it back so that the gearshift lever rests against the back of the floor hole. The front part of the box will be held by the muffler, and a reliable support must be placed under the rear part.

    2. Holding the flywheel with a mounting tool, unscrew the clutch housing mounting bolts, turning the crankshaft to gain access to them.
    3. We move the clutch basket and remove the used driven disc, replacing it with a new one. Before installation, wipe the new disk and flywheel with a rag soaked in gasoline.

    4. The installed disk must be adjusted relative to the center of the bearing at the end of the crankshaft.

    We carry out further assembly in the reverse order, not forgetting to adjust the free play of the clutch pedal afterwards.

    Stage two - from below the machine

    Now make yourself comfortable under the car and carry out the following manipulations:

    1. Disconnect the cardan drive from the flange on the gearbox side. Only mark the position of the splines, otherwise after assembly the cardan will make a terrible noise.
    2. Unscrew the nuts securing the outboard bearing. And don’t lose them, it’s better to tighten all the nuts right away.
    3. Lightly tap the driveshaft out. You throw it to the side so that it doesn’t get in the way under your feet.
    4. You tear off the nuts on the box cushions. Don't twist it all the way yet.
    5. Remove the clutch slave cylinder and secure it so as not to accidentally damage the hose.
    6. Unscrew the speedometer cable and disconnect the reverse sensor.

    That's all, now place a support under the box and use a crowbar to move the gearbox away from the engine block. A little pain and the box comes off.

    Replacing the clutch disc VAZ 2107

    First you need to make the right choice of workplace. This could be an overpass, a lift or an inspection hole. If it is not possible to use these workstations, the car can be jacked up to provide access to the clutch from below. At the same time, do not forget about safety precautions - the wheels must be securely fixed and the car must be put on the hand brake so that the car does not roll during operation.

    tools, devices, consumables

    Before starting repair work, you must prepare the following tools and materials:

    • Set of keys. • Screwdrivers – flat and figured. • Pliers. • Clean rags. • Jack. • Repair kit or new clutch assembly.

    When buying a new repair kit, you should not save money - buy original spare parts, preferably in a set.

    sequence of repair work, advice from the pros

    It should be noted that replacing the clutch means a worn out and failed clutch basket, disc, and release bearing. At the same time or in a separate case, the master and slave cylinders, the fork, or the clutch hose may fail. After replacing the clutch or its individual parts, the clutch will most likely need to be adjusted.

    If you have to replace the clutch basket or disc, you will have to partially dismantle the gearbox. The box remains in its place, it is only moved a little to the side. In some cases (for convenience, inspection and replacement of the clutch housing, input shaft oil seal, etc.), the box will still have to be removed completely.

    In order to remove a faulty clutch, it is necessary to perform the following preparatory work:

    • Remove the starter. • Disconnect the shift lever from the gearbox. • Disconnect the propeller shaft.

    • Disconnect the clutch slave cylinder and the speedometer flexible shaft from the gearbox. • Remove the terminals or chips from the sensor that turns on the lighting when reverse gear is engaged. • Disconnect the exhaust system from the gearbox.

    • Remove the bolts that secure the gearbox to the engine. • Disconnect the rear cushion (beam), through which the gearbox is attached to the body.

    After carrying out the above manipulations, the gearbox is carefully moved to the side at a distance sufficient for the input shaft to be disconnected from the basket, and carefully rest it on the exhaust pipe of the car.

    To remove the gearbox completely, before unscrewing the bolts that secure the gearbox to the engine, disconnect the exhaust pipe (pants) from the engine exhaust manifold.

    Once access to the VAZ 2107 clutch basket is opened, it can be replaced or repaired. To do this, unscrew the bolts that attach the basket to the flywheel and remove the clutch.

    During the work process, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

    • When dismantling the starter, it is not necessary to disconnect the wires from it; you just need to remove the terminals from the battery. • Before disconnecting the universal joint, marks are placed on it regarding the position of the joint fork relative to the flange of the vehicle's final drive gear. • When removing the flexible speedometer drive, do not bend it too much. • If the basket is to be reinstalled after repair, before dismantling it, use paint, chalk, a chisel or a center punch to mark the position of the unit relative to the flywheel. This is necessary in order to install the basket in the same position. • To ensure that the clutch housing does not become deformed during dismantling, the mounting bots must be unscrewed evenly, 1-2 turns. • If, when unscrewing the bolts that secure the clutch basket, the flywheel begins to spin, you can use a pry bar as a lever to fix it.

    • When assembling the clutch, it is very important to install the disc without errors. The large lip of the disc should face the basket. As is clear from all of the above, replacing the “seven” clutch is not a very difficult task and can be done on your own.

    Work execution algorithm

    1. When replacing the clutch on a VAZ 2107, you will need to remove the gearbox. The transmission can remain in its place, but it is necessary to unscrew its mount and move the gearbox to a distance that will be sufficient for the clutch basket to come out of the input shaft of the box. Experts still recommend dismantling the gearbox, which will make it easy to replace the gearbox input shaft oil seal, repair the clutch housing and replace the rear crankshaft oil seal. In this case, it is impossible to do without completely dismantling the gearbox. With the box removed, replacing the clutch master cylinder is easier.

    2. Next, open the hood and turn off the power to the car. Remove the negative terminal from the battery. 3. Also, when replacing the clutch, you will need to loosen the starter, for which you remove the air filter housing, and also unscrew the fastening nuts at the starter. 4. In the car interior, the covers, sound insulation and mats should be removed from the gearbox handle. The lever itself is disconnected from the box, for which you use a screwdriver to pry up and remove the white plastic sleeve. 5. All remaining work is done under the car. You need to disconnect the exhaust pipe, unscrew the driveshaft, the slave cylinder and disconnect all the wires.

    6. Dismantle the starter and remove or move the gearbox. It is recommended to dismantle the box together with an assistant, since this is labor-intensive work, and the weight of this unit is such that it will be difficult to hold it alone.

    7. To remove the clutch basket, you must use the appropriate mandrel, which is installed in the hole for centering the disc. The mandrel is inserted all the way until it rests against the bearing on the crankshaft. The basket is fixed, after which the bolts that secure it to the casing are unscrewed. 8. Remove the clutch disc and basket. You should remember or photograph which side the disk was installed, which will subsequently eliminate any difficulties when putting it back in place. 9. Having dismantled the clutch elements, it is necessary to inspect the condition of the disc and basket, determine the degree of wear and possible damage to this unit. If there is significant wear, the clutch should be replaced, for which you will need an appropriate repair kit. 10. It is also necessary to install a new clutch basket using an appropriate mandrel, which will fix it motionless, which will allow you to tighten the fastening bolts. Many car owners try to save money on such repairs by not installing the entire assembly, but replacing only worn parts. It must be said that with such repairs, there may soon again be a need to replace individual clutch elements, which will lead to a significant increase in the cost of maintaining and repairing the vehicle. Assembling the installed new clutch must be done in reverse order. That is, the basket with the disk is attached, the starter is fixed, the gearbox is mounted, all the wires are connected, after which the filter housing is installed and the battery terminals are clamped. After completing the repair, it is imperative to check the functionality of the clutch.

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