At what temperature do antifreeze and antifreeze boil and why?

The coolant consists of antifreeze, water, special additives, such as corrosion inhibitors, which protect the cooling system of an internal combustion engine from processes that are directly related to corrosion, and also protect the liquid itself from various kinds of negative influences and from thermochemical destruction. In addition, this substance protects all lubricants for the vehicle cooling system pump (pump).

Antifreeze is a specific compound. When this compound is mixed directly with water, the freezing point of the mixture drops significantly. Thus, antifreeze can be called almost any aqueous solution of inorganic salt (calcium chloride, potassium, sodium), alcohol, aniline, glycols, glycerin, carbinol and similar chemical elements.

In the modern world, the main coolants used in the automotive industry are liquids whose main component is ethylene glycol. This element must be diluted with water in the following proportions: ethylene glycol-water ratio – 1:1; 2:3 and also 1:2.

Propylene glycol antifreezes are less toxic substances and also have a significantly lower boiling point. This explains the high cost of this kind of substance.

All ethylene glycol coolants have certain quality specifications. This, in fact, is where the differences from each other lie: the set of necessary additives, the degree of dilution with water. All coolants based on glycol are highly toxic if ingested. Due to the fact that they taste quite sweet, pets and children are often poisoned by such chemicals. In some specific regions around the world, legislation has been passed to make it mandatory for manufacturers to add bitter flavoring additives directly to antifreeze. A person’s sensations when poisoned by this kind of substance have a direct effect on the central nervous system. This results in loss of coordination, vomiting and severe weakness. The best antifreeze is ethyl alcohol, which has a temperature of 40 degrees. In modern times, this antifreeze is not widely used, as it has a very high cost, volatility and flammability.

“Antifreeze” is a trade designation for coolant, the main difference of which from others is the quality of non-freezing.

This model was developed back in the USSR, however, at present, this word has already become a common noun. It is important to know that the basis of Antifreeze is ethylene glycol. Antifreeze is intended to cool the internal combustion engines of cars at any time of the year within certain temperatures that are specified in the brands and models of vehicles. The numbers 65 and 40, which appear in the brands of Tosol liquid, indicate the beginning of the freezing temperature of the model and make of the car. The lowest temperature needed to freeze an ethylene glycol-water system is about -70 degrees.

Boiling point of antifreeze and its other features

To move on to the features of this liquid, it is necessary to understand what coolant is, and also why such liquid is needed in the vehicle system. It is important to know that during the moments of direct operation and operation of the vehicle by the motorist, some special individual elements have the quality of strong heating. To avoid the failure of such devices, in fact, a special cooling system of the car is necessary. It is into this system that the coolant is poured, or, as it is commonly called in automotive slang, anti-freeze.

In general, if you look at it, antifreeze can easily be classified as one of the types of antifreeze. However, the whole point is that this kind of liquid appeared only a few decades ago, when the VAZ car appeared, and at that time it was of excellent high quality. If we talk about the current situation of all things, the situation has changed completely. This is due to the fact that a new “creation” has appeared on the automotive market - antifreeze, the quality of which is several times higher than the quality of domestic antifreeze. The whole secret of this difference lies in the fact that both one and the other type of coolant contain a complex of certain special additives. In antifreeze, these additives are selected in a functional manner to protect all metals (cast iron, aluminum alloys, copper, brass) from which VAZ cars and engines are made from oxidation.

That is why all owners of domestic vehicles should give preference to the domestic manufacturer of antifreeze antifreeze. Antifreeze is essentially an imported coolant. Based on this, it would be more advisable to use this liquid for those whose car is a foreign car. As for the freezing temperature itself, it is quite similar in both cases, only the boiling point of antifreeze is 120 degrees, and antifreeze is 110 degrees. The difference, it would seem, is not big, but during the periods of solstice and summer heat it plays its assigned role.

Why does antifreeze boil and how to notice it?

If antifreeze liquid begins to boil, the most dire consequences can occur. It is because of them that a huge amount of capital investment may be required for partial repairs or a complete replacement of the cooling system, or even worse, the car engine. It will not be difficult to understand that this problem has arisen in your own vehicle: steam will “fly out” from under the hood of the car in all respects; in addition, the engine power will decrease significantly, while fuel consumption will increase significantly. In addition, it is important to know that if the engine boils frequently, its service life is significantly reduced. Sometimes, such an indicator can reduce the period by two or three times.

This problem occurs for a number of specific reasons. Often, this malfunction occurs due to low-quality coolant. That is why you should select the coolant very carefully; you should not chase the price, but you should purchase it only from reliable points and car services. In addition, the reasons for this phenomenon are clogged radiator, poor sealing of the cooling system and insufficient fluid level. In addition, if a radiator fan, thermostat or pump fails, similar problems may arise, as a result of which you can pay very dearly for your own negligence and absent-mindedness.

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How to prevent antifreeze from boiling?

In addition to the fact that it was important to learn about the reason for the boiling of antifreeze in the expansion tank, there is no less important knowledge. This information is to protect the device from boiling, to prevent this process, and how not to make a mess if such a situation arises for a car enthusiast. It is important to know: if, unexpectedly for the car owner, the coolant boils while the vehicle is moving, and characteristic white steam begins to appear from under the hood, then urgent measures must be taken.

The first aid in this situation will be to immediately stop and further cool the system. After this, you need to immediately identify the cause, and then eliminate it as quickly as possible.

There is an elementary method that helps prevent this type of situation from occurring. The easiest way is to constantly take care of the car, timely maintenance of the vehicle, as well as a daily procedure for checking the condition of the car. In cases where even the slightest hint or prerequisite for the occurrence of a “disease” arises, everything must be stopped and treated immediately. In addition, an important element is the use of high-quality liquid. It is high-quality substances that can be universal and suitable for all types of cars. It is important that during the moments of its movement, the internal combustion engine heats up to a temperature of 90 degrees, while antifreeze is capable of taking about a third of this heat. That is why the importance of this kind of fluid for the successful functioning of a vehicle is very difficult to overestimate. In terms of importance, it can be compared to motor oil or brake fluid. Consequently, the entire cooling system in a vehicle plays one of the most important roles.

What is modern car antifreeze?

Antifreeze is a non-freezing mixture. Antifreeze is also often used in heating systems.

You can find many types of antifreeze on the market, the main components of which are solutions based on a mixture based on chemical additives: you can also purchase full-fledged compositions based on polyhydric alcohols for your car.

  • To obtain high-quality antifreeze, it is necessary (almost always) to add additives that make the above mixture more reliable for the heating system itself.
  • A secondary useful characteristic of the refrigerant is its low freezing point and high boiling point (this will be discussed in the article).
  • The latest antifreezes include various types of additives for high-quality cooling of a car engine.

In general, this refrigerant is made on the basis of several types of atomic alcohols, including antifreeze made on the basis of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol. Most often based on ethylene glycol, especially for modern mixtures for cars. One of the main qualities of antifreeze is its high boiling temperature.

It is also important to consider that another task of the engine coolant, after the car engine has been cooled to a comfortable temperature, is high-quality heating in the cabin.

Other reasons

In addition, engine overheating and antifreeze boiling can be caused by more serious breakdowns:

  1. Fluid leaking through the head gasket. An unpleasant situation is when, when the gasket burns out, the liquid goes straight into the lubrication system or into the combustion chamber. At the same time, we do not observe any traces of a leak, but the antifreeze level is rapidly dropping, the engine is heating up, and the liquid is boiling. The main symptom is the smell of exhaust gases from the expansion tank or traces of antifreeze on the oil dipstick and on the oil filler plug. There is only one way out - replacing the gasket, changing the oil and filter, flushing the engine and replacing antifreeze.

    A broken cylinder head gasket can cause antifreeze to boil.

  2. Fan. On VAZ-2110 engines, the radiator cooling fan should start at a fluid temperature of +105 degrees. It is triggered by a signal from the electronic engine control unit, which in turn receives an impulse from the temperature sensor. If the sensor is faulty and produces incorrect data, the fan will not start and the antifreeze will boil. When troubleshooting, you need to check both the temperature sensor itself and the performance of the fan motor. We close both wires on the sensor; if the fan does not start, it must be replaced. If it starts up, the sensor or the ECU firmware is to blame.

    When looking for the cause of antifreeze boiling, you should check the cooling fan motor.

  3. Airlock. It can occur when the cooling system depressurizes and air gets in. Air can also get into the system due to frequent boiling of antifreeze. The air mass does not allow the liquid to circulate in a full circle, so overheating and boiling of the liquid is inevitable. There are several ways to combat this, but the most effective way to remove an air lock is by disconnecting the pipe from the throttle assembly while the engine is running. The throttle body is the highest point in the engine and is where all the air typically collects.

    To remove the air lock, it is necessary to disconnect the pipe from the throttle assembly while the engine is running.

  4. Cheap antifreeze. Poor quality ethylene glycol-based liquids, especially ready-to-fill liquids, rather than concentrates, are diluted with water by the manufacturer. No one can guarantee that the proportion of water and concentrate is correct, and that the concentrate itself is of high quality. This is why skimping on coolant can lead to engine overheating and antifreeze boiling.
  5. Cooling radiator. Clogged radiator honeycombs outside and inside greatly reduce the heat transfer of the radiator. In any case, it never hurts to check the condition of the radiator surface. In addition, a radiator that is heavily clogged from the inside can be flushed in several ways.

    Clogged radiator honeycombs can also cause coolant to boil.

  6. Thermostat. A stuck thermostat valve or the valve triggering at the wrong temperature will also lead to poor fluid circulation. If, when the engine warms up to 85–90 degrees, the thermostat valve does not work, the liquid will not circulate in a large circle and will definitely boil. This is easy to check - if the temperature rises critically, check the temperature of the lower radiator pipe with your hand. It should be hot, which indicates the thermostat is working correctly.

    Check the thermostat for functionality.

  7. Antifreeze condition. The loss of properties of inexpensive antifreezes occurs after approximately 1.5–2 years of operation. A change in color, suspension, or oiliness of the liquid indicates that the additives are no longer working and the system may already boil at 90 degrees. When replacing antifreeze, it may be necessary to flush the cooling system.

Boiling temperature

  • The ideal temperature for cooling an engine that is running all the time is around minus 90 degrees.
  • Since the refrigerant also contains ethylene glycol, it is important to take into account its boiling point. By the way, it is around plus 199 degrees, from which we can conclude that the freezing point of this refrigerant is about minus 12 degrees. Also, its density indicator is within 1115 kg. per 1 cubic meter
  • Plus, pure ethylene glycol, in other words, without any stains, is itself a strong poison that should not be eaten.
  • Now let's talk about the detailed characteristics of propylene glycol. Among other things, it, like ethylene glycol, is the best characteristic for engine operation, but it itself is not particularly harmful to nature, which can be said about ethylene glycol. It has a much more minimal percentage of rapid evaporation.

This type of mixture is inherently much more durable when compared with the same propylene glycol. In addition, the essence of circulation in the operation of a car’s cooling system is practically no different in the first or second option.

Thermophysical properties of domestically produced antifreezes

In Russian-made engines, it is advisable to use antifreeze brands Phoenix, Sintec and the like. Their performance limits are:

  1. For antifreeze A40M: -40…+108ºС.
  2. For antifreeze A65M: -65…+108ºС.
  3. For antifreeze A60M: -60…+105ºС.
  4. For antifreeze TL-30 Premium: -30…+108ºС.

At temperatures in the engine higher than those specified, the antifreeze boils.

The coefficient of volumetric expansion of antifreeze is in the range of 1.09...1.12. Other indicators are determined by the technical requirements of GOST 28084-89.

The possible boiling point of antifreeze is also estimated by the pressure value:

  • At P = 1 atm Tbp = 105ºС;
  • At P = 1.1 at Tbp = 109ºС;
  • At P = 1.3 at Tbp = 112ºС.

The main manufacturer of antifreeze in the country is PKF "MIG and Co" (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region).

At what viscosity does antifreeze boil?

Graph of the general dependence of the viscosity index on the temperature value

The picture is surprising, because liquids, even if they are of the same type and have the same shade, should never be mixed with each other.

In fact, the refrigerant is almost always made in the same shade, in other words, antifreeze usually does not have any color, but already at the last stage of manufacturing the company - manufacturers add a simple dye of a certain shade to it in order to give the mixture some color. then a special or individual shade.

By the way, you don’t have to think about this topic, since no dye almost ever reduces the performance of the engine and does not affect the properties of antifreeze.

There are also often rumors that companies also pour certain lubricating additives into the antifreeze; these are essentially just rumors that have nothing in common with reality.

As for the average freezing point of the mixture, the boiling point of antifreeze is about – 110 degrees, and the boiling point of antifreeze is about – 120 °C. At the same time, the differences do not seem to be particularly noticeable, but during the heat of the street this plays a certain role.

A little physics

It is incorrect to talk about the boiling point of antifreeze in the specifics of antifreeze, since, firstly, antifreeze has a certain chemical composition, and its thermophysical characteristics are determined not only by temperature, but also by pressure. Secondly, antifreeze, which at one time was created exclusively for domestically produced engines, contains additives that ensure not only the operation of the car at low temperatures, but also its protection from a number of unfavorable factors:

  • corrosion;
  • wear;
  • cavitation.

Antifreeze, unlike antifreeze, does not have a lubricating effect, and wear reduction is achieved due to a decrease in the temperature of the moving elements of the drive, with an increase in which the gaps are selected and the friction coefficient naturally increases.

If everything is more or less clear with the permissible temperature (no more than 90ºС), then with the pressure in the engine the situation is more complicated. To protect the engine from overheating, antifreeze is pumped at elevated pressures, which also affects the temperature of the liquid. For most brands, the actual pressure in the cylinder block is at least 1.2...1.3 at: it is then, according to the Clausius law, that the maximum temperature required for boiling liquids increases. Thus, the theoretically permissible boiling point of coolants can be 110...112ºС.

Why does antifreeze boil and how can you notice it?

If antifreeze begins to boil in the engine, then the consequences can be very bad and the car will require repair. It may also be necessary to replace the motor and the entire internal cooling system with pipes and other equipment. You can understand that such a problem has appeared in the engine quite easily by the following signs: smoke has appeared and the engine power has decreased significantly, as well as the age of fuel consumption in the car.

You should also be prepared that with constant boiling, the operating time of the motor will decrease by an order of magnitude. This happens for many reasons. Quite often, this is a consequence of a low-quality cooling mixture, which is why you should not try to save on its purchase. Buy the mixture only in the most reliable stores and trusted markets.

Also, this phenomenon is usually facilitated by constant blockage in the radiator system and low fluid level.


There are several levels of power unit overheating - low, medium, and high. In the first case, the motor runs on hot coolant for no more than five minutes. During this period, no significant damage should occur. With average overheating, the power unit operates with boiling refrigerant for about 15 minutes.

During this time:

  • a leak may appear in the main cooling radiator;
  • damage to the cooling system pipes will occur, which will lead to antifreeze leakage;
  • the piston rings will begin to work under conditions of high loads, these elements will undergo shrinkage, as a result of which the consumption of motor fluid will increase several times;
  • the tightness of the oil seals and seals will be compromised, which will lead to lubricant leakage.

Why is high temperature dangerous for a car engine?

  1. Explosion of the power unit. This problem can occur during critical overheating.
  2. Melting of pistons in the engine. As a result of working at high temperatures, the elements may burn out. The engine will require major overhaul.
  3. Deformation of the cylinder head. Such damage requires repair and boring of the cylinder head.
  4. The partitions in the engine installed between the rings will be destroyed, as a result of which the latter will be welded to each other.
  5. Valve deformation. Parts will need to be replaced.
  6. The cylinder head gasket will burn out or become damaged. It will also require serious repairs, including replacing the seal and installing new bolts on the cylinder head.
  7. The valve seats will be destroyed.

How can you effectively prevent antifreeze from boiling?

Having figured out the reasons why antifreeze boils in the cooling system, it will also not hurt to understand what to do so that you can accurately prevent all this in your car, as well as how you should behave if for some reason you find yourself in a similar situation.

If, while driving along the highway, the OS suddenly boils and characteristic steam begins to escape from under the hood, then you need to try to stop quickly and turn off the engine. Next, you just need to let it cool.

The best solution for a car owner would be to use an antifreeze in his car that will correspond to the highest level of use in your car.

What not to do

There are several simple rules that should be followed when the coolant boils. By following them, you will protect yourself from possible injuries (burns), and the engine from the need for major repairs:

  • reduce the speed to a minimum, do not accelerate so that the engine does not experience stress;
  • after stopping, do not turn off the engine immediately, let it run for at least a minute or two;
  • Having opened the hood, do not touch the parts and assemblies, as they are very hot;
  • do not water the power unit with cold water - a sharp temperature change will not lead to anything good, and it can also cause a short circuit in electrical equipment; it is necessary to wait for the engine to cool down on its own, gradually, with natural air flowing around it;
  • After the engine has cooled down and coolant has been added, you cannot continue driving when the temperature reaches more than 90 degrees.

Compliance with these requirements will protect the driver and reduce the material costs of restoring normal engine performance.

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Useful tips

In the case of diluting antifreeze or in the case of diluting antifreeze, you should not use the first water you come across.

The water hardness for dilution should reach about 5 units.

It is also undesirable to obtain such an effect that the antifreeze reaches the boiling point during its operation in the car, since it will begin to release various gases during the chemical reaction and will lose its main advantages, namely, during operation it will not be able to cool the engine in the car with maximum efficiency .

It is also important to take into account that if the efficiency of removing engine heat into cooling. the vehicle system will be reduced, in which case excessive overheating of the engine begins.

Technical characteristics of the composition G12

It is a homogeneous and transparent liquid. There are no mechanical impurities in it, and its color is red or pink. These liquids freeze at a temperature of about -50 degrees, and boil at +118. If you answer the question about what G11 and G12 antifreeze are, what is the difference, we can say that these products differ in temperature threshold.

As for the characteristics, they depend on the concentration of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol in the solution. Often the alcohol content is no more than 50-60%. This allows for optimal performance.

Differences between antifreeze and antifreeze in terms of performance

Antifreeze differs in its performance characteristics from antifreeze: it is worth remembering that the Soviet refrigerant is made according to an outdated recipe and quickly loses its characteristics when it reaches a high temperature. Also, the Soviet refrigerant is not able to serve as a full replacement for antifreeze and is not able to protect the car engine when it reaches a temperature of 100 degrees.

It is also important to consider: if you are planning to replace antifreeze in your foreign car, then remember that the color will help in choosing the right mixture for the engine and, in general, can be the best distinguishing feature of a company that develops and manufactures engine coolants.

Antifreeze in its general consistency is slightly runny in comparison with the same antifreeze and therefore resembles water.

How to distinguish one refrigerant from the other? To be able to more accurately find out what you purchased for the car and protect your engine from counterfeiting and possible breakdowns during the operation of the car, try to pay attention to the size of the container in which the mixture in the form of refrigerant is actually stored. For example, many companies with a certain reputation try to value it and put a certain type of designation on the canisters with pressed letters and a multi-stage label.

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Green antifreeze

This antifreeze has higher technological characteristics than TOSOL, and its composition differs little from blue and yellow liquids. The main thing is to pay attention to the tolerances and technical characteristics on the label.

Severe overheating

Very often, at this level, a car can suffer irreparable damage and not only the vehicle can be destroyed, but also endanger the health or life of passengers.
Such consequences can occur after an engine explosion inside. Mostly new cars have a fairly well-thought-out engine system and it takes different periods of time for various parts to deteriorate, so the engine simply stalls. In addition, the parts that surround it experience a destructive impact. If the antifreeze continues to boil for more than 25 minutes, the pistons begin to melt, due to problems with the engine fluid, all rubbing parts break, and the crankshaft breaks.


The boiling point of antifreeze at atmospheric pressure is +108-110 degrees. This applies to high quality coolants. However, as the pressure in the system increases, the boiling point of the antifreeze also increases.

If the cooling system is working properly, this figure can reach +130 degrees. This situation occurs only in a sealed system. The expansion tank cap must be tightly closed.

The tightness of the system is ensured by a valve in the expander cover. Excess air escapes through it.

If the cooling system is depressurized, low-quality antifreeze containing foreign impurities can overheat at fairly low temperatures.

The boiling point of antifreeze under pressure allows you to increase the margin of resistance to engine overheating.

Compatibility of two types of coolant

The compatibility of antifreeze G11 and G12 excites the minds of novice car enthusiasts. They start with used cars and don’t know what was put into the expansion tank by the previous owner. If you only need to add a little coolant, then you need to know exactly what is currently in the system. Otherwise, there is a serious risk of significantly damaging the SOD, and not only it, but the entire engine. Experienced car owners recommend that when in doubt, drain all the old fluid and fill in with new one.

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