What is poured into a car radiator - antifreeze, antifreeze or water?

As you know, coolant is an important consumable element in the system of any car. Therefore, the choice of refrigerant is a priority when replacing it. Today we will tell you how to determine whether “Tosol” or antifreeze is filled, and what are the differences between these substances.

Many experienced car enthusiasts know that optimal and efficient operation of a vehicle’s engine is ensured by high-quality coolant filled in. If the consumable material is really good, then it can extend the service life of engine components, as well as ensure their normal operation.

Antifreeze and antifreeze from various manufacturers, distilled water

What to do if you don’t know what kind of coolant (hereinafter referred to as coolant) is in your car? Determining this is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Why does a motorist need to know this?

As a rule, motorists know what is in their cooling systems. But this is the case if we are talking about the permanent owner of the car. In fact, there can be a lot of reasons why a motorist wants to find out what exactly is poured into the expansion tank of his car. Eg:

  • The vehicle was recently purchased - it would be logical to find out what refrigerant is in the system and when it was last changed.
  • There are problems with the car's cooling system - the heater is not working well, the engine periodically boils. In some cases, these consequences may be caused by poor-quality consumable fluid. Then the motorist will be interested in knowing what consumables are in his car so that he never uses it in the future.
  • The cooling system works great over time and overall there are no shortcomings. In this case, the driver will also be interested to know what is poured into the system - “Tosol” or antifreeze, so that in the future he can fill in this particular coolant.

Pink coolant in the expansion tank

Let's sum it up

If you have the opportunity to purchase really high-quality antifreeze, be sure to do so. You can extend the life of your cooling system, avoid clogging and ineffective operation. But a good antifreeze also copes with the task and cools all engine systems very efficiently.

The driver’s main task is to purchase high-quality technical fluids that are produced at the factory and not counterfeited in a handicraft industry. Only factory options will ensure the safe operation of the power unit. Are there any adherents of using antifreeze among our readers? We will be glad to read reviews about the difference in the use of coolants.

The main differences between these coolants

What are the differences between traditional antifreeze and Antifreeze? First of all, it’s about - this is the same coolant only of domestic production. The history of how motorists in the post-Soviet space began to call any antifreeze “Antifreeze” goes back several decades.

Back then, under the Soviet Union, the only type of refrigerant was sold on the car market and it was called “Antifreeze”. That's where it came from. Some motorists mistakenly believe that the main difference between Russian Tosol and any other refrigerant is its blue color. However, this is not the case. The color of the consumable depends solely on the dye that is added to it, but it does not affect any performance characteristics. So the opinion that blue color is the main difference between Tosol and antifreeze is erroneous.

Adding distilled water to the expansion tank


Actually, the performance characteristics and composition of the substance are the main difference between them. Domestic coolant contains ethylene glycol and distilled water. In addition, Tosol also contains additional additives based on salts of inorganic acids. In particular, we are talking about phosphates, silicates, nitrites and nitrates.

Any antifreeze contains ethylene glycol and distillate, as well as propylene glycol and alcohol. But it is organic additives that play a key role here. Their composition is especially valuable for consumables, since these additives increase the anti-corrosion and anti-foam properties of the material.


"Antifreeze". As a result of the fact that a protective layer appears on the surface of the metal components of the cooling system, the thickness of which often does not exceed 0.5 mm, this affects heat transfer. It is because of this that gasoline consumption may increase, and the service life of the vehicle’s engine will be reduced. In practice, domestically produced refrigerants lose their properties after 30-40 thousand kilometers.

Pouring green coolant into the vehicle's expansion tank

Since antifreeze may contain phosphates and silicates, this coolant can form gels and deposits on the walls of the cooling system. The formation of deposits in the system can subsequently lead to clogging of the radiator and, accordingly, its failure.

Antifreeze. High-quality refrigerant forms a protective layer only on those system components that are more susceptible to corrosion. In addition, heat transfer is not disrupted, which means that the use of such coolant is safer for engine parts.

Additional functions

In addition to reducing the temperature of operating mechanisms, the cooler must meet some other requirements and perform parallel tasks.

  • Protect the metal components of the engine from rusting. And this is important, because when metals interact with liquid compounds, corrosion is a very possible thing;
  • Lubricate the pump bearing
    . Otherwise, due to constant friction, it will gradually wear out and cease to perform its functions;

How to determine what is flooded?

How can you find out which consumables are filled? As stated above, it is impossible to determine by color alone. Exactly the same as understanding it by taste. There is a myth that antifreeze tastes sweet, but this is nothing more than just a myth . Yes, and you need to be careful when “tasting” - the chemicals that make up the coolant are extremely toxic.

Engine boiling is the result of using low-quality consumables

What should a motorist do if he wants to find out what refrigerant is poured into the cooling system of his car?

  • Touch and smell. Traditional antifreeze is odorless and feels oily to the touch. Russian “Tosol” will not be as oily to the touch.
  • For resistance to frost. If you pour a small amount of coolant into a bottle and place it in the freezer, it should not freeze. If it is frozen, then most likely it is low-quality antifreeze; if not, then it is, in all likelihood, high-quality antifreeze.
  • Compatibility of consumables with tap water. Take some coolant from your car's system and pour it into a bottle. In a one to one ratio, pour regular tap water into this bottle and wait about an hour. If you see a separation of substances, the mixture has become cloudy, or there is sediment, then this is Russian-made Tosol. When using high-quality foreign antifreeze, this should not happen.
  • You can find out which refrigerant is filled by density. But for this you will need a hydrometer - a special device for checking coolant density. The substance is tested at an ambient or room temperature of more than 20 degrees Celsius. If the density of the substance is from 1.073 to 1.079 g/cm3, then you most likely have a good antifreeze.

Checking the density of the coolant using a special hydrometer device

There is another, so to speak, garage method of definition.

  1. Take a metal plate or any other iron product. You will also need something made of rubber (a piece of a cooling system pipe is ideal).
  2. From the expansion tank of your car, take some coolant into the reservoir and place metal and rubber parts in it.
  3. Wait 10-20 minutes. As you know, Russian “Antifreeze” forms a protective film on all elements of the system without exception, and therefore on both metal parts and rubber parts. Antifreeze is considered a more “smart” substance, and protects only those elements that are more susceptible to corrosion. That is, it will only protect metal components.
  4. Now remove both parts from the tank and carefully check them by touch. If you feel that a film has formed on both elements, then your expansion tank is filled with Russian-made coolant. If you feel the film only on a metal part, then your vehicle’s system is filled with antifreeze.

Do not connect under any circumstances!

If for some reason you decide to replace the filler of your cooler, remember: pouring antifreeze into any antifreeze (or vice versa) is strictly prohibited. Different chemical compositions of coolants can lead not only to the development of corrosion, but also to the formation of difficult-to-remove sediment that clogs the channels.

When replacing coolant

You should first flush the radiator with distilled water or a cleaning solution. Only when the liquid flows out clear can new antifreeze be added. Do not forget that even if you are not going to change the brand of antifreeze, it must be replaced according to the manufacturer’s recommendation: domestic brands - every 2 years, foreign cars - every 4.

No one will argue: what is poured into the radiator of a car is decided by its owner. However, if you have not killed 2106 since that war, do not skimp on high-quality antifreeze.

Why do you need to know this?

Finding out what is filled, Antifreeze or antifreeze, is useful for several reasons:

  1. The car was recently purchased second hand. It is logical to find out from the previous car owner what is used in the cooling system and when the consumables were last changed. This will allow you to find out when to make a replacement.
  2. There has been a malfunction in the cooling system. The heating device has become worse and sometimes the power unit overheats. Such problems are often caused by the use of low-quality refrigerant. It is useful to find out what exactly is in the system so that you never use such a product again.
  3. Even if everything works fine and there is no engine overheating, the car owner still needs to know what is used in the cooling system. At a minimum, so that if there is a shortage of refrigerant volume, you can understand what liquid to buy to add.

What is poured into a car radiator in winter and summer?

Those who have only recently purchased their first car are often interested in what needs to be poured into the car radiator in winter and summer, and why it is needed in general.

Let's take a closer look at what a radiator is needed for and what role it plays in a car.

What is a radiator and what is it for?

During operation of a car engine, constant micro-explosions of gasoline vapor mixed with air occur in the combustion chamber, the force of which pushes the cylinder pistons and ultimately makes the car move. This process is accompanied by a significant release of heat, which must be removed so that engine parts do not burn out and the car serves you for a long time.

What is the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze?

It is not so easy to distinguish regular antifreeze from antifreeze in a car. After all, both types of consumables have a certain composition and technical characteristics, which we will consider below.

Find out which fluid is appropriate to use in a machine engine from the video made by user Alexander Skripchenko.


The composition of working fluids and their technical features are the main difference between refrigerants.

Antifreeze is a Russian-made product. It is based on ethylene glycol and distillate; the proportions of mixing liquids are determined by the manufacturer. The composition of the liquid is supplemented with additives based on inorganic acids.

As for antifreeze, in addition to ethylene glycol and distilled water, the base substances are propylene glycol and alcohol. The main role in the operation of the substance is played by additives belonging to the organic type. Their presence in the composition is especially important for liquids, since they prevent the formation of corrosion on the internal walls of the cooling system components and foam.


Antifreeze poured into the car's cooling system forms a protective layer on the surface of the metal elements of the radiator and engine. Its thickness, as a rule, is no more than 0.5 mm. The formation of a layer can affect the quality of heat transfer. In some engines, this increases fuel consumption and reduces the service life of the power unit. The service life of the coolant is on average about 30-40 thousand km.

As a result of the presence of silicates and other inorganic acids in the liquid base, the refrigerant may turn into a gel state over time. A sediment will appear in the system, which will remain on the walls. Due to the appearance of deposits, the radiator unit may become clogged, which will lead to its failure. The same problem will cause the internal combustion engine to overheat.

Basic information about the characteristics and compositions of various consumables is given in the video filmed by the Inflated Wheels channel.

Thanks to technological additives in antifreeze, the liquid forms a film to protect against corrosion only where pockets of rust have already been detected. As a result, heat transfer in the system is not disrupted. The use of antifreeze has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the engine as a whole.

Purpose of coolant to improve engine performance

The main function of the coolant is to remove excess thermal energy from the engine and stabilize its temperature regime. However, in addition to this, there are other, equally important tasks that the cooler performs in a car engine.

These include:

  1. Preventing corrosion of metal engine parts.
  2. Pump bearing lubrication.
  3. Increasing the liquid boiling threshold.

In this regard, water cannot be used as a coolant, otherwise the engine will rust and the pump will become unusable. In emergency cases, when there is no special coolant, water can only be used briefly to replace it. And after that you need to rinse everything and fill it with a special solution.

How to determine what is flooded?

It will not be possible to check and recognize using color what is in the car. Antifreeze is always colored blue. But modern antifreezes are also available in blue.

If you don’t know what’s in the car, you can determine the type of consumables based on several factors:

  1. Smell and taste. Antifreezes are usually odorless, and if you touch the liquid, it will be more oily, unlike traditional antifreeze.
  2. Determining the type of liquid can be done by diagnosing the compatibility of the refrigerant with ordinary water. You need to take a little substance from the expansion tank and mix it with tap water in a 1:1 ratio. Afterwards, the container with the refrigerant is placed in the freezer for about one hour. If, as a result, the liquids separate, the mixed substance becomes cloudy and sediment forms at the bottom, then you use Antifreeze. If high-quality antifreeze is poured into the cooling system of your car, then such problems will not arise.
  3. Another factor is resistance to negative low temperatures. Pour a small amount of refrigerant into a separate bottle and place it in the freezer. When using Antifreeze, the liquid will quickly freeze, but if a good refrigerant is added, this will not happen.
  4. Using a hydrometer, you can diagnose the density indicator of a substance. The test should be carried out at an air temperature of 20 degrees. With this condition, the refrigerant density parameter should be about 1.073-1.079 g/cm3. If so, then you are using antifreeze.

For diagnosis, you can resort to the old “old-fashioned” method:

  1. You will need a plate or other metal device. You will also need a rubber product, for example, a piece of hose from the cooling system.
  2. Take some fluid from the reservoir under the hood of your car. You need to pour it into a jar or bottle, where you should also place a plate and a piece of hose.
  3. After 20 minutes, look at the result. Russian-made consumables create a protective layer on all components of the cooling system. Accordingly, you will see a barely noticeable film on both the plate and the piece of hose. If the metal is corroded, and a film has formed only where rust is present, then you use antifreeze. Remove the products from the container and check them by touch.

Video “Main differences between Tosol and antifreeze”

The AutoOt channel published a video in which experts talk in detail about the main differences between these consumables.

  • What is poured into the radiator - how not to go wrong?
  • A little about the cooling system: what to put in a car radiator
  • The role of coolant in improving engine performance
  • The difference between antifreeze and antifreeze: which is better to use?

On many online forums, you can often find questions regarding coolant: Which is better to choose? What is the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze? Can these liquids be mixed? Is ordinary water suitable for engine cooling? etc. In this article, we will try to answer some of them, and also remind you of certain features of the cooling system of the car’s power unit.

A little about the cooling system: what to put in a car radiator

The operating principle of any internal combustion engine involves the presence of successive mini-explosions of a mixture of air and fuel, which cause translational movements of the pistons and rotation of the crankshaft. Then, with the help of the transmission system, the resulting energy is transferred to the wheels, causing them to rotate at a certain speed. Thus, the vehicle starts moving.

Based on this, it would be quite logical to assume the existence of a system that would deal with such a diversion. Naturally, it exists, and it’s called the “engine cooling system.” Typically, the following types are distinguished: liquid, air, mixed (combined).

The most effective and frequently used method of cooling is the use of liquid. The operation of such a system not only ensures high-quality heat removal, but also has a significantly lower noise level. Air cooling is currently used very rarely, and a striking example of this type is the domestic Zaporozhets. The third option (mixed cooling system) combines the previous two types, but today it is practically not used.

Since, in this article, we are more interested in the liquid cooling system, we will now focus our attention on its components. So, the main elements include:

— radiator (presented in the form of a set of thin metal tubes and small containers for the collected liquid);

— expansion tank (reserve coolant reserves accumulate in it);

— a pump responsible for moving liquid under pressure;

- fan (also, due to the air flow, takes part in reducing the temperature);

— pipes for fluid movement;

— cooling jackets for the cylinder block and cylinder head;

— plugs for draining coolant from the block and from the radiator;

— water centrifugal pump.

When the engine is in working condition, the pump causes the fluid to start moving, after which it passes in a vicious circle through all channels and radiators. During this action, a significant part of the heat is removed from the metal parts and cooled in the radiator tubes. The oncoming air flow has an additional effect on reducing the temperature of the radiator itself.

The role of coolant in improving engine performance

As we have already said: the main purpose of any automotive cooling system is to remove heat from engine parts, which heat up significantly during its operation. However, on modern cars, this task is far from the only one, and in addition to the cooling function, the described system is also responsible for some others, these include:

1. Heating of air flows in the heating, air conditioning and ventilation system;

2. Cooling of lubricants;

3. Cooling of exhaust gases in the gas recirculation system;

4. Cooling of air flows in the turbocharging system;

5. Cooling the working fluid in the automatic transmission (automatic transmission).

During the combustion of the fuel mixture, the temperature in the engine cylinders can reach 2000 C and even more. The task of the cooling system is to reduce and maintain this indicator at the level of 80-90 Co, which is the optimal thermal state of the engine. In some vehicle models, an oil cooler is installed for additional cooling of lubricants in the engine lubrication system.

The main working element of the liquid cooling system we are interested in is the corresponding liquid (antifreeze or antifreeze), which is poured into the car radiator.
Unlike water, it does not freeze in the cold (even if temperatures reach -40°C or -65°C) and boils at a temperature of +108°C and above.
In addition, such a liquid has lubricating and anti-corrosion properties, which prevents corrosion of metal parts of the motor and provides lubrication of the pump bearing.

A little theory

If anyone has forgotten (or did not know), let us remind you: the engine’s operation is based on a series of explosions of a mixture of air and fuel. It is this that ensures the operation of the pistons and crankshaft. Naturally, the temperature during microexplosions rises to a very convincing figure of 2000°C. No material can survive such heat, so the engine must be continuously cooled.

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