Replacing Chevrolet Niva front wheel bearings

The Chevrolet Niva SUV (VAZ 2123) has proven itself to be a reliable car in off-road conditions. Despite the use of well-known Chevrolet brand parts in the design of the car, some chassis problems remained the same, inherited from the Soviet Niva. Such an important detail as the hub was not spared.

A broken car hub is usually a serious problem and should not be ignored. Therefore, if the check shows a malfunction, change it. How to replace the hub and its bearing on the Shnivy, see the photo report below.

A hub that is not repaired or not replaced in time can cause a serious accident due to self-jamming of the wheel while the car is moving, or due to the separation of the hub disk from the shaft.

Causes and signs of failure of the Chevrolet Niva hub

In addition to all other reasons, a worn hub heats up more when the car is braking, which negatively affects the performance of the car’s brakes. It happens that damage to the hub occurs gradually and, as a rule, this is indicated by an unpleasant sound, accompanied by vibration of the body or weak shocks.

The main reasons for hub failure are :

  • careless driving on roads;
  • multiple overloading of cars;
  • driving on sandy soil or “mud baths”;
  • frequent car slipping;
  • aggressive driving style with sharp acceleration and braking.

These reasons can have a significant negative impact on the hub housing, outer or inner bearing ring. They are also sources of dirt, moisture and sand getting inside the bearing mechanism, which causes the journal to fail.

Tips for replacing the Niva Chevrolet hub

Before replacing the Chevrolet Niva hub, when disassembling the front suspension, special attention should be paid to damage to the lever mechanism (deformation of parts, breaks and tears in the metal).

The center hub nut is tightened to a significant torque. Therefore, it is recommended to use a socket with sufficient strength.

Inspect the landing channels of the inner and outer rings, the condition of the working surface of the bearing rollers. Metal corrosion in the form of grooves or “pits” on the metal of rollers or rings is unacceptable.

When removing the hub from its seat, extreme care is required so as not to accidentally remove the shank of the internal joint from the gearbox converter, otherwise this may lead to lubricant leakage from the car axle.

In case of serious damage, the front wheel bearing on a Chevrolet Niva is replaced together with the outer rings. After installation, it is necessary to adjust the clearance in the bearing and lock the hub nut.

If you had to change the ball joint, then it is necessary to perform a wheel alignment.

Replacing the Chevrolet Niva hub can be done more conveniently on a lift. However, the work can be carried out using a jack, with all the required safety measures being taken.

To change the hub you will need:

  • keys “10”, “13”, “17”, “22”, “30”;
  • vice;
  • wheel wrench;
  • screwdriver;
  • puller for steering tip;
  • hammer and chisel;
  • pliers;
  • Litol 24 lubricant;
  • new hub.

A new original Chevrolet Niva hub with article number 21230310301400 costs 1,460 rubles. The analogue from Pilenga has catalog number HBP2123, and its price is about 1110 rubles.

Prices are indicated for Moscow and the region for the summer of 2022.

In 2022, the cost has changed slightly. The price of the original hub is 21230310301400 - 2050 rubles. Analogue of Pilenga HBP2123 - from 1040 to 1300 rubles.

Symptoms of a problem

Bearing wear manifests itself as the following symptoms:

  • Vibration of the front wheels, which can be reflected in the steering wheel or felt in the cabin.
  • Knocking or crackling sounds in the front of the car when driving;
  • Heating of the front wheels in the axle area.

If such manifestations occur, you need to check the condition of the wheel bearings. To do this, jack up the car and rock the wheel in different directions. Play and knocking in the bearing area indicates the need for replacement and adjustment. The malfunction may also manifest itself in the form of noise when the wheel rotates.

Separately, it is worth mentioning two problems that arise during the operation of the Chevrolet Niva:

1. The hubs get hot. It is important to understand that when braking, the kinetic energy of the car is converted into thermal energy. As a result, the brake discs and the hubs on which they are attached become very hot. Heating of the part during movement, and not during braking, indicates wear of the bearing or its incorrect adjustment.

The second option is typical for adjustable hubs. The adjusting nut must be tightened with a force of 2 kgf*m. If you tighten it further, the tapered bearings will be too tight.

Their rotation will be difficult. Prolonged operation of the machine in this condition leads to bearing failure and wheel jamming.

2. The adjusting nut is unscrewed while moving. Sometimes this happens literally after 20-50 kilometers. The phenomenon is observed in three cases: the master forgot to tighten the nut, there was a misalignment between the bearing races, or play appeared in the coupling of the CV joint with the hub.

How to replace a Chevrolet Niva wheel bearing

Replacing the front wheel bearing on a Chevrolet Niva must begin with installing the car on the site and securely fixing it. It is advisable to place a support in the form of a tripod or log under the spar. Then, having removed the wheel from the desired side, proceed to dismantling and replacing the hub itself.

The lower arm needs to be jacked up so that the spring is slightly compressed. If the bearing on the left hub is changed, then the steering wheel must be turned to the right, and if on the right hub, then to the left.

Next, dismantle the caliper, bracket and take out the brake pads. The caliper needs to be hung from the side so that it does not strain the brake hose and it is convenient to continue working.

The steering wheel should be turned in the opposite direction to disconnect the ABS sensor. The tie rod nut must be unpinned and then unscrewed. Use a puller or hammer to remove the pin.

The next step is to unscrew the ball joint bolts and remove the hub nut. After this, the hub can be removed as an assembly with the steering knuckle. Be sure to remove the protective screen of the caliper itself.

We clamp the steering knuckle in a vice and use a spacer to knock out the outer race of the bearing. The seat must be cleaned.

The new bearing is disassembled and after this the outer race should be pressed into the hub. We install the ring, as well as the inner race, carefully lubricating the entire joint with special lubricant. The seal is pressed in last.

Advantages of Iveco non-adjustable bearings

The new modification of 2123 hubs for the installation of non-adjustable bearings is gaining popularity - it is convenient and practical, and if you have certain skills, you can do all the work yourself. The advantages of installing Iveco parts are obvious:

  • long service life - about 100 thousand kilometers;
  • the units can withstand high loads, which are three times higher than those of factory bearings;
  • You can install wheels with a large offset on the car;
  • the bearing does not need adjustment and does not require maintenance during the entire period of operation;
  • you can do the alteration yourself.

Recommendations for replacement

Despite the fact that it is recommended that the replacement be carried out at a car service center, this task can be performed independently, since installation does not require a special tool and no modifications are required during installation.

The main thing you need during installation is:

  • Use new nuts and studs,
  • Lubricate all system elements to prevent souring
  • Clean the caliper

The only disadvantage of this hub unit is the high price, but by installing it, you will save yourself from the problems associated with standard elements, while increasing the reliability and cross-country ability of the SUV. And if you have a standard set of tools and a little knowledge, you can make the replacement yourself.

Replacing the axle bearing

Another element that is subject to heavy loads when moving is the Niva Chevrolet driveshaft bearing. Which is recommended to be changed along with the axle.

A symptom of the need to replace this part is the appearance of a loud noise at any speed, as well as the appearance of axial and radial play. This part is not in short supply and can be purchased at any auto store, factory item - 2121-2403080, analogue - 62208-2RS, industrial - 180508.

Has the following technical parameters:

To make the replacement, the first thing you need to do is remove the axle itself and proceed as follows:

  1. To remove the retaining ring with the bearing, take a vice and clamp the axle shaft in it
  2. We take a grinder and cut the cover and bearing in several places, this must be done carefully so as not to touch the drive shaft
  3. Take a chisel and separate the retaining ring and bearing
  4. Removing rust and dirt from the bearing ring and seat
  5. We take the tube and use it to press the new bearing into place; During these actions, the cage must not be allowed to rotate
  6. Take a blow torch and heat the O-ring until red and use pliers to install it in place
  7. We wait until the propeller shaft cools down, while it cools down in the brake door, we replace the oil seal

After everything has been changed, you need to check the transmission oil level in the rear axle. At this point, all replacement work can be considered completed. As you can see, all the work can be done independently, without the participation of a specialist; all you need is a little knowledge and a standard set of tools.

The main purpose of the wheel hub

The main task of the transmission is to transmit torque from the engine to the wheels. A shaft system is used for this. But if the wheel is connected directly to the drive shaft, then it will be structurally impossible to assemble a load-resistant platform.

Difficulties also arise when designing front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive vehicles. The front wheel must have two degrees of freedom, that is, it rotates and turns at the same time. The rear wheels should also rotate easily, giving the vehicle a smooth ride. The intermediate link between the drive shaft and the wheel is the hub.

The hub is made of durable metal and serves to transmit torque from the shaft to the wheel. To ensure rotation of the hub, rolling bearings are used. It has not yet been precisely established whether the hub belongs to a suspension or transmission part.

On the one hand, it ensures wheel rotation and vehicle braking. On the other hand, it participates in the transfer of torque.

Car "Niva"

“Niva” is perhaps one of the most popular SUVs, not only in Russia, but also abroad. Since the late seventies, this car began to be produced. The very first model was named VAZ-2121.

In the mid-eighties, Niva cars with Soviet racers inside took all three prizes at the Australian rally raid. Sales of the car soared: in Australia itself - twofold, in Europe - fourfold or more, depending on the country.

Indeed, this was a new word in the annals of the development of light SUVs, and it was written precisely by Soviet designers.

Which ones are better to choose for a Chevy Niva?

The hub ensures free rotation of the wheel and its reliable attachment to the car suspension. It acts as a supporting structure and allows you not to change the entire hub assembly as a whole, but to separately repair parts (bearing, drum, disc).

The hub plays a key role in the operation of the drive, brakes and steering and is subject to severe stress while driving. Therefore, the comfort and safety of driving depend on the strength and condition of this unit.

Front-wheel drive parts for Shnivy are produced by dozens of companies. Products differ in prices, quality, permissible loads and service life. The standard configuration of the SUV includes adjustable hub units, the tightening torque of which must be controlled after 2-3 thousand kilometers. For those who value reliability and are not ready for regular maintenance, manufacturers have introduced non-adjustable (maintenance-free) wheel hubs. They differ in the following indicators:

  • The possibility of wear of the bearing seat in the steering knuckle is eliminated.
  • The unit does not require lubrication or adjustment during its entire service life.
  • The non-removable design of the bearings prevents them from turning.
  • Increased service life of the unit.
  • Reduced friction due to the use of ball bearings.

The non-adjustable hub has a reinforced cross-section, which prevents its deformation under the influence of shock loads

This is very important when regularly driving off-road or on broken asphalt roads.

Parts with catalog numbers 2123-3103014 and 21230-3103014 are produced by the following companies: IVECO, SKF, Leader, GM-Avtovaz, VolgaAvtoProm and other companies. The cost of the part depends on the manufacturer and design (adjustable and non-adjustable). The price of the products is 1000-6000 rubles. You can also find more expensive units that include brake discs.

The maximum mileage of unregulated IVECO hubs is 100-120 thousand kilometers. Adjustable ones last less and their durability depends on the frequency, correct maintenance, quality of lubricant and manufacturer.

For Niva 4x4 you can find on sale reinforced, non-adjustable hubs with double-row bearings from the Iveco Daily truck. According to the manufacturer, this modernized unit has the following advantages over Nivovsky:

  • there is no need to adjust (the bearing tightening is precisely set during its production);
  • no need for regular lubrication;
  • eliminates rotation of bearings on the hub;
  • eliminates wear of bearing seats on the steering knuckle and hub;
  • a ball bearing reduces friction in the hub assembly;
  • The service life of the hub is increased due to thickening (see photo).

Procedure for installing a new bearing

Domestic manufacturers do not pay special attention to the lubrication of bearings and rings, so the car enthusiast must monitor this independently. If there is no hydraulic press or special puller, the replacement will have to be done using a regular hammer and mandrel, namely:

  • through a wooden spacer it is necessary to drive the cage into the hub socket;
  • to plant it completely, you need to use a pipe of the required diameter or a mandrel;
  • then the separator is placed inside and the assembly itself is assembled in the reverse order.

Experts advise installing non-adjustable roller bearings instead of standard bearings on the Chevrolet Niva. The only thing worth considering is the fact that they have a different diameter on the outside.

Adjusting the wheel bearing

To work, you will need an indicator and a torque wrench.

To prepare for adjusting the wheel bearing, you must perform the following operations:

  • Secure the indicator by resting its leg on the hub near the adjusting nut.
  • Place spanners on the studs and secure them with nuts.
  • Rotate the hub and move it axially. (Screwed spanners are used as handles).
  • Measure the amount of axial movement (clearance) of the hub, guided by the indicator readings.
  • If the stroke exceeds 0.15 mm, adjust the play.

The adjustment is carried out as follows:

  • Straighten the collar of the nut.
  • Unscrew it with a spanner.
  • Install a new nut and tighten with a force of 2 kgf*m.
  • Loosen the nut and tighten again with a torque of 0.7 kgf*m.
  • Loosen the tension by turning the key 20-25 degrees counterclockwise.
  • Check hub play.
  • Make sure that the indicator readings correspond to the norm (0.02-0.08 mm).
  • Lock the nut by pressing its edge into the groove of the outer CV joint.

You can adjust the hub play without using a torque wrench. To do this you need:

  • Tighten the nut tightly.
  • Rotate the wheel a few turns.
  • Check the play.
  • If necessary, loosen or tighten the nut slightly.
  • Continue until the free play of the hub is within 0.02-0.08 mm.
  • Lock the nut collar.

Video instructions for adjusting the wheel bearing You can install non-adjustable IVECO bearings on the Chevy Niva. To do this, you need to buy the appropriate hubs or remake the old ones. For the rework you will need a jig boring machine. In addition to boring the mounting hole, you will have to make spacer rings. Drawings of parts are provided at the link.

The design of the rear wheel mounting of the Chevrolet Niva is very different. However, they also use bearings that need periodic replacement. They are replaced either together with the axle shafts or separately. The second option is much cheaper, but requires good metalworking skills and a torch to heat the metal.

To work you will need:

  • Jack, wheel wrench, chisel, hammer.
  • Standard set of screwdrivers and wrenches.
  • Axle puller.
  • Gas (gasoline) burner or muffle furnace.
  • Repair kit including bearing, oil seal and retaining ring.
  • A pipe with a diameter of 40-45 mm, the length of which exceeds the size of the axle shaft.

Replacement of bearings is carried out as follows:

  • Place the machine on a level surface.
  • Place wheel chocks or bricks under the front wheels.
  • Jack up the car.
  • Remove the wheel.
  • Place a support under the rear axle.
  • Unscrew the brake drum mount.
  • Dismantle the part.
  • Unscrew the nuts holding the bearing.
  • Load the rear axle by lowering it onto the stand.
  • Pull out the axle shaft using a puller.
  • Hang the brake mechanism on a wire.
  • Knock down the retaining ring using a chisel, hammer and grinder.
  • Crack the bearing races using a chisel.
  • Remove rust and dirt from the seating surface.
  • Put the new bearing in place.
  • Heat the locking ring to 200-250 degrees (dark red color) and hammer it into the seat with a pipe
  • Replace the oil seal.

Assembly is performed in the reverse order of disassembly. The bearing does not need adjustment.

A visual process of replacing a Niva Chevrolet axle bearing

Read news about the new Niva

  • VAZ 21214 brake system bleeding. Video on the topic
  • LADA Niva Travel from RUB 747,900. – Prices and configurations – AutoHERMES Volgogradsky Prospekt: ​​LADA dealer in Moscow
  • Refinement of the Chevrolet Niva stove - Auto magazine MyDucato
  • Rear disc brakes on Niva 2121 instead of standard drum brakes || Strengthened brakes on a Chevrolet Niva
  • Niva Chevrolet front hub repair
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  • Replacing the front brake pads of a Chevrolet Niva
  • Niva Chevrolet front wheel bearings
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