Expansion tank for VAZ 2114 - selection and replacement of the tank

Such a seemingly simple and unremarkable part of a car, like the expansion tank of a VAZ 2114, can actually cause quite a lot of trouble for the motorist if it breaks down. Today we will talk about the most common tank malfunctions, as well as how to fix them on your own.

Expansion tank VAZ 2114

Major failures of the expansion tank

The most common failures of the coolant reservoir are:

  • cracks (appear over time as a result of depolymerization of the plastic from which the case is made);
  • rubbing (occurs due to poor fixation of the tank, leading to its periodic contact with the body of the machine and abrasion of the plastic wall);
  • destruction of the thread on the neck (can occur either from old age, as a result of depolymerization, or from careless handling);
  • failure of the tank plug or its jamming (most often occurs on tanks that have been in use for a long time).

Thus, almost all breakdowns are in one way or another related to the destruction of plastic and the violation of the integrity of the tank or its plug.

Every motorist should remember that the most important element of the tank is its plug, which is responsible for regulating and relieving excess coolant pressure. As soon as it is noticed that it is faulty, you should immediately replace it, since traveling with a faulty cap can lead to swelling, deformation and even explosion of the tank.

Repair or replace the tank?

Some drivers, having noticed that the expansion tank 2114 is leaking, try to repair the crack with glue or epoxy resin.

It should be noted right away that doing this is absolutely not worth it. After all, such repairs, as a rule, are short-lived, and with active use, even the most reliable adhesive seam can leak.

In addition, as already mentioned, the appearance of cracks in the tank is a sign of aging of the plastic caused by depolymerization - the volatilization of a number of fractions from the material that give it plasticity.

Thus, a plastic container that has already cracked can always crack again. That is why replacing the expansion tank of a VAZ 2114 is the most preferable option rather than repairing it.

As for the cover, it is also not repairable, and in case of malfunction it should be replaced with a similar one. At the same time, it is highly advisable to purchase the “native” cover for the 2114, and not its various analogues, the quality (and functionality) of which may be much worse.

If you could not find a cover for the 14th model, then instead you can purchase and install a cover for 2199, since they are completely interchangeable.

The process of replacing the expansion tank

Having talked about the main malfunctions, we will now figure out how to replace the coolant reservoir of the VAZ 2114.

The first thing you will need for this is to select the appropriate set of tools, namely:

  • a set of keys;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper.

In addition, you should immediately prepare new clamps.

Before you start replacing, you should take sandpaper and thoroughly sand all the inlet holes of the new tank. This is necessary for better contact with the pipes. If you don’t do this, but leave everything “as is” (that is, rough), then the expansion tank pipe 2114 may not fit tightly.

The replacement of the tank itself should be performed in the following order:

  1. If the car was running, you should turn it off and wait for the coolant in the system to cool.
  2. After the liquid has cooled, you should unscrew the nuts securing the adsorber (for this procedure you will need a 10mm wrench).
  3. Remove the adsorber.
  4. Pump out the antifreeze from the expansion tank (the most convenient way to do this is with a syringe (rubber bulb), making sure that all the liquid is removed).
  5. Place a small basin under the tank (in case of possible leakage).
  6. Unscrew the top tube from the old tank and screw it to the new one (it is responsible for draining excess coolant from the radiator).
  7. Remove the old tank.
  8. Unscrew the lower pipe from the old tank and connect it to the new one (at the same time, during the installation process it is advisable not to change the position of the pipe and not lower it down).
  9. Place the new tank in place and secure it.
  10. Fill the conservator with coolant up to the Max mark, but not higher.
  11. Check the connections for tightness.
  12. If there are leaks, tighten the fastening clamps.

As you can see, replacing the expansion tank is very simple and does not require much time or effort. After it is completed, you should check the serviceability of the new cover. To do this, start the car and wait for the coolant to heat up. As soon as it boils, the fan on the radiator will start working. At this moment, you should carefully monitor the lid - it should rise and relieve excess pressure. If this happens, then everything is fine.

Finally, it is worth noting one important point. It often happens that after replacement the tank only lasts a couple of months and begins to leak. This is caused by its abrasion against the metal body of the machine, leading to thinning of the plastic and the formation of cracks. In order to avoid this, it is enough to install a piece of rubber or other soft but elastic material between the tank and the body.

Location of expansion tank

A plastic reservoir for excess coolant is installed by the manufacturer in different places depending on the model of the “tenth” family:

The expansion tank is attached to the body elements with a clamp in the form of a flat rubber belt with a metal hook that hooks onto a protrusion on the side member.

There are 3 hoses connected to the tank:

  1. A large diameter pipe leading from the thermostat is connected to the bottom.
  2. The upper tube of small diameter goes through the partition to the radiator of the cabin heater.
  3. The middle small tube connects the tank to the upper fitting of the main cooling radiator.

    The reservoir compensates for the expansion of coolant and steam from three elements of the system - the cabin heater, the radiator and the main line near the thermostat

On some modifications there is a reservoir with two fittings and connecting pipes - the large one comes from the thermostat, and the small one from the main radiator; there is no connection to the stove.

Each hose performs a separate function. The thick pipe serves to expand the coolant and fill the system while pouring antifreeze through the neck of the tank. Two thin tubes are designed to drain the steam-water mixture from the stove and the main radiator into the tank when heated to the maximum permissible antifreeze temperature of 95 ° C.

The expansion tank (item 1) is located at the highest point of the cooling system at the same level as the throttle valve

Expansion tank VAZ 2114: main breakdowns

It would seem, what kind of damage can happen in a piece of plastic? But yes, they exist:

  1. Cracks appear on the body, from which liquid leaks.
  2. Violation of the integrity of the plug that regulates the pressure in the system.
  3. Destruction of the thread on the neck and other damage.

As for the plug, everything is banal - the valves are clogged and excessive pressure is not released. Associated symptoms - the tank swells and becomes like a ball.

The worst thing that can happen is the fluid bubbling in the tank. This is a clear sign that there is a breakdown in the cylinder head gasket. But this is a separate story, which will be discussed in one of the following articles. Sometimes air pockets appear in the system. In this case, the stove does not work well, therefore, heat exchange does not occur correctly. It’s easy to get rid of air pockets - install the cap on the tank and warm up the engine to operating temperature. To be sure, crimp the long pipes with your hands.

About details

The expansion tank is an important element of the cooling system for any car. When the engine is running, the antifreeze heats up and increases in volume. This increases the pressure and creates the risk of rupture of the radiator honeycombs and pipes. The expansion tank prevents such consequences.

Its main functions are as follows:

  1. Perception of additional volume of heated antifreeze.
  2. Relieving excess pressure.
  3. Release of antifreeze into the system when the engine cools down to prevent air locks.

The part is made of thick-walled plastic. Equipped with a sensor, filler neck and fittings for connection to the cooling system.

Replacing the expansion tank

If there are obvious signs of damage or coolant leaks on the expansion tank of the VAZ 2114, it needs to be replaced. You will need a new tank, plug and possibly pipes that fit into it - this depends on the condition of those installed on the car. Also the following tools and materials:

  1. Sandpaper or file.
  2. Wrenches for "7" and "10".
  3. Screwdrivers and pliers.

First you need to do the preparatory work - using a file, remove all the burrs from the new tank. Unfortunately, they are cast very poorly and they look like they are unfinished. Make sure the surface is as smooth and even as possible. Pay special attention to the connections to the pipes.

Using a “10” wrench, unscrew the nuts securing the adsorber and move it aside. Now you can work on the antifreeze reservoir of the VAZ 2114. If you work according to the “book”, then you need to completely drain the liquid from the system. But we are always looking for the easy way out, so it’s worth thinking about it. The fact is that the antifreeze tank is the highest point of the system (you can even draw an analogy with heating a house). Therefore, it makes no sense to drain all the liquid. You can pump out the antifreeze using a pear, place a small basin underneath just in case, and get to work.

First, replace the upper tube, which is designed to drain excess antifreeze from the radiator. Then remove the lower pipe and try not to lower it. Install the tank and screw the adsorber into place. Fill in the antifreeze, its level should be close to 0, but you should not pour it higher. Look for any leaks. If there are any, tighten the clamps with a wrench (usually to “7”, but there is also a wrench to “8”).

Several acquaintances complained that the expansion tank on VAZ 2114, 2110, 2112 was breaking. A crack formed at the point of contact with the body, through which antifreeze oozed. Moreover, it was clear that it was leaking, but exactly where it was coming from was not clear until you removed the tank. And the new one lasted a couple of months. The solution is a small piece of rubber, for example, from a camera; it can be glued to the body with double-sided tape or even simply placed under it. And the service life of the expansion tank will increase.

Procedure for replacing the tank

The replacement process will not cause any particular difficulties even for a novice car enthusiast, but, of course, there are some nuances that will be discussed. Replacing the expansion tank of a VAZ 2114 is carried out in several stages.

  1. Prepare tools and materials. A screwdriver, wrenches, pliers, sandpaper, car sealant are what you will definitely need.
  2. Allow the engine and antifreeze to cool before replacing. Then drain the coolant. You can drain the entire system or simply pump out excess fluid from the reservoir. The drain plug is located at the bottom of the radiator and can be easily unscrewed. Place a container under the drain to avoid spilling it on the floor or ground. If antifreeze needs to be replaced, drain it into a container with a capacity of at least 3-4 liters.
  3. Disconnect the hoses from the tank by loosening the clamps. Then remove the expansion tank support and remove it.
  4. Before installing a new expansion tank, it is recommended to sand the surface of the fittings on which the pipes are laid. Place the tank in its original position and fix it. Lubricate the fittings that have been cleaned of roughness with sealant. Automotive sealant should be used at high operating temperatures, usually red in color
  5. We put pipes on the treated fittings and tighten the seats with clamps. The clamps should be tightened as close to the fitting flare as possible and then wait for the sealant to cure.
  6. Fill the reservoir with coolant, new or the one that was drained before replacement. The fluid level must be brought to a minimum; it is determined by the division on the expansion tank itself. Install the level indicator with sensor and close the lid.
  7. We start the engine, wait until it warms up to operating temperature and turn on the radiator cooling fan. At this temperature, air will be removed from the system and the level of antifreeze in the tank should increase, which in turn will increase the pressure in the system and force the valve in the cap to operate. After turning off the fan, check the level in the tank; it should be at maximum. If necessary, add or remove excess antifreeze from the cooling system. The VAZ 2114 cabin has a graphic warning lamp that lights up when the antifreeze level is low. If the fluid level is visually normal, but the indicator does not go off, the float and sensor may need to be replaced. It is sold separately and is inexpensive.
  8. We inspect the connection points of the hoses and the tank lid. If there is no fluid leakage, the replacement is complete. It should be noted that it is necessary to carry out regular visual inspection of all visible elements of the engine cooling system.

Hoses and tubes wear out over time, lose flexibility, crack and may burst. They need to be replaced immediately. The pipe clamps may become loose, which will be indicated by the presence of moisture at the connection points.

I would also like to note that the coolant itself may lose its properties over time due to overheating or water entering the system. This can usually also be determined by inspection; the liquid changes color.

For those. According to the rules, the fluid must be changed every five years or 75,000 kilometers, whichever comes first. It is very important to know that antifreeze and antifreeze cannot be mixed, otherwise the liquid will lose its properties. When replacing the expansion tank, determine whether you need to replace it with all the elements or whether you can limit yourself to just the tank itself.

To avoid problems with the cooling system, it is necessary to follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations and regularly monitor the operation of units and sensors. When replacing parts, it is recommended not to skimp and use branded ones.

As is clear from the above text, if all rules and operating conditions of the vehicle are observed, replacement and repairs can be avoided for as long as possible. But if there is still a need to replace the expansion tank or its elements, thanks to our advice you can easily solve the problem yourself without contacting a service center.

Replacing the expansion tank on a VAZ 2114 with your own hands

In a VAZ 2114 car, the expansion tank serves to remove heat from the power unit. It is noteworthy that these devices have approximately the same design on all AvtoVAZ vehicles. The differences are quite minor.

Photo of the expansion tank on a VAZ 2114

Over time, this unit also needs to be replaced. Therefore, today we will talk in more detail about the expansion tank, its characteristic malfunctions and the method of replacement.

What is this?

Or rather, what he looks like. The expansion tank is a container made of plastic. Liquid is poured inside it, which takes part in cooling the motor.

In addition to the hoses that are connected into a circuit, the tank design also includes a float sensor. With its help, information about the temperature of this liquid is transmitted to the car’s instrument panel inside the cabin.

This unit is located under the hood, on the driver's side. You can easily find it right behind the glass counter. Such placement cannot be called practical, since there is metal on all sides of the tank. Therefore, the metal does not allow the plastic to expand properly if the reservoir cap does not work properly.

The result is the same - the container bursts. This problem is especially relevant in the summer, when the car heats up not only from the engine, but also from active sunlight.

Typical faults

It is important to note that the principle of operation of the expansion tank cap on the VAZ 2114 is based on the fact that it has a valve that allows you to relieve excess pressure when the power plant overheats.

Expansion tank cover

It is the lid that causes the most problems.

  1. The lid often gets stuck and jams, which is why the pressure builds up, but cannot come out of the tank. There were even cases when the tank exploded. If you encounter such a situation while driving, do not turn off the engine. You need to slow down and wait a while. The radiator fan should turn off on its own.
  2. The tank is directly connected to the radiator and its cooling fan. Therefore, it is sometimes recommended to check the entire cooling system and pay special attention to it in the summer.
  3. There may be a drop in the coolant level inside the reservoir. This indicates the need to check the container for cracks leading to leakage. Inspect the entire unit for even the smallest leaks.
  4. Pay special attention to drips on the neck. Such traces of liquid indicate that the valve is faulty.

Typical problems and their diagnosis

Common faults:

  1. Violation of the tightness of the tank: the tank begins to leak due to mechanical damage;
  2. Rupture of the container due to impact or technological defect.
  3. Problems with the reservoir cap.

Tank cap malfunctions need to be disassembled separately, as this is the most diverse and common group of breakdowns. A clogged cover valve most often causes inconvenience to owners of “fourteeners”. The valve “clogs” due to dirt and stops releasing hot air. This leads to multiple excesses of operating pressure and overheating of the motor.

Also, coolant may leak through the cap, causing the working fluid level to gradually decrease. A leak can be identified by the presence of smudges in the expansion tank.

Common signs of a broken expansion tank:

  • traces of leaks on the tank body;
  • The engine overheating indicator light is on;
  • smoke from under the hood, other signs of significant overheating;
  • warm air does not come out of the heating deflectors, despite the fact that there are “symptoms” of a significant increase in the operating temperature of the engine.

Is repair possible?

A very common question that we can answer without any problems.

Repairing the expansion tank is only relevant if it is necessary to replace one of its components. That is, a float or a lid with a valve.

In any other situation, when the breakdown is associated with loss of tightness of the tank, no repair will be possible. Some use adhesives, sealants, and other methods to close cracks. But such pseudo-repairs will not lead to anything good. All you need is a complete and complete replacement of the expansion tank of the VAZ 2114.

Purchase of components

There are some helpful tips to follow when purchasing new parts to replace your expansion tank.

  • Buy the original. The original tanks are ideal for the “fourteenth” AvtoVAZ model. Therefore, various analogues are inappropriate here. The level of quality and efficiency of the original is much higher.
  • If a cover is required, then use the analogue from model 2199. They are fully compatible even with threads. Plus, the practice of VAZ 2114 owners shows that the “nine” cover works better than the original one.

Types of spare parts

Expansion tanks come in different types. They are classified into types according to manufacturer, condition, place of purchase, etc.

There are capacities for:

  • Two fittings.
  • Three fittings.

The expansion tank can be equipped with pipelines or sold without them. In the latter case, the price of the part will be lower.

According to the manufacturer, the spare part can be:

  1. Original (produced by the AvtoVAZ plant).
  2. Non-original (from any other company).

According to the condition, the expansion tank for the VAZ 2114 is:

  • New.
  • Used.

At the place of purchase, a car part can be:

  1. Taken from a private advertisement.
  2. Purchased at a car market.
  3. Purchased at a car dismantling point.
  4. Ordered from an online store specializing in the sale of auto parts.
  5. Purchased from a specialty store.

Expansion tanks from the following manufacturers are suitable for the VAZ 2114:

  • Auto-Polymer.
  • AvtoVAZ.
  • Partner-NK.
  • Master-M.
  • Tolyatti.

Replacement nuances

The process of replacing the expansion tank is quite simple; it does not require extensive experience or any supernatural knowledge in the field of car repair. But certain recommendations are worth following.

  1. Arm yourself with all the necessary tools and materials at once. This includes sandpaper, keys, pliers, screwdrivers, clamps. Sandpaper is required to process the inlet holes, since they are rough from the factory. And they must be smooth so that the pipes fit as securely as possible.
  2. Follow the instructions that come with each new expansion tank. This is the most correct guide, so there is no amateur activity.
  3. If you have just arrived at the garage, wait a while for the car to cool down.
  4. After this, you can open the radiator cap to reduce the pressure inside the system.
  5. It would be a good idea to replace the coolant. To do this, first drain the old one. There is a plug at the bottom of the radiator, which can be unscrewed to drain the liquid.
  6. If the fluid is new, pinch the pipes while dismantling the old tank. This way you won't lose your fresh coolant.
  7. Do not tighten the clamps with too much force, as this may cause damage to the expansion tank inlet.
  8. Check the fluid level in the new container. Be sure to top up if necessary.
  9. The VAZ 2114 model is quite demanding in terms of maintaining an average liquid level inside the expansion tank with cooler.
  10. After completing the assembly, turn on the ignition and let the engine run until it reaches boiling temperature. After this, the fan located on the radiator should turn on. At this point, pay attention to the expansion tank cap. It should rise and release excess pressure.
  11. Look at the instrument panel. If the pressure release occurs, but the panel indicates a low fluid level, you will have to change the sensor in the tank. It can be purchased separately. Installation is very simple; it consists of disconnecting a special chip on the cover, from where the old sensor is unscrewed, and a new one is screwed in its place.

Obviously, changing the engine cooling system tank or replacing its individual valve is a fairly simple type of repair of the VAZ 2114, which definitely does not require contacting specialists from service stations.

But who did the repairs is not as important as how well the work was done. This is the basis for preserving engine life, as well as your personal safety on the road. Monitor the condition of the cooling system and carry out periodic diagnostics. If malfunctions are detected, determine whether it is necessary to change the entire expansion tank as a whole, or whether it will be enough to install a new cap. You already know how to perform both operations. Good luck!

Recommendations for selection

For VAZ 2110-12 models, you can find 2 types of expansion tanks on sale:

    old model with two necks: the coolant level sensor is screwed into the first, and the second is closed with a plug with a release valve;

On old-style products, a second neck was made for installing an antifreeze level sensor

The new sample container does not have a level sensor

If your car has a sensor in an expansion tank, then you need to select an old-style product. Accordingly, versions without a sensor will require a new reservoir design.

For VAZ 2114-15 models, tanks of the same shape are offered with 3 fittings: two of them are located at one end, and the third is located at the opposite end. Products for the VAZ 2110 and 2114 are not interchangeable with each other, although if you really want to, attaching a part from another model is quite possible. Another thing is that there is no need for this - both varieties are available for free sale and practically do not differ in price.

The reservoir for models 2114-15 has a wider shape and a versatile arrangement of fittings

When purchasing an expansion tank for any series of cars of the “tenth” family, pay attention to the following points:

  • the plastic of a quality product should be light and half transparent;
  • cracks in the corners or near the fittings are unacceptable;
  • the plastic should not be “oaky” or have dark impurities visible to the naked eye;
  • look on the body for an imprint of the manufacturer's trademark and catalog number (21083–1311014 for VAZ 2114).

For all modifications “ten”, “fourteen” and “fifteen” a small tuning is available - installation of an expansion tank from the cooling system of a Lada Priora car. Why and how this is implemented will be discussed below.

The reservoir of the Priora cooling system has a rectangular shape and 3 fittings on the front wall

Video: how to distinguish an original spare part

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