Equipment by VIN code: a list of the best ways to check and decipher a car’s equipment using the VIN number

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VIN code (Vehicle Identification Number) is a vehicle identification number consisting of a combination of digital and alphabetic symbols. The code is a mandatory element of marking and is individual for each vehicle (for 30 years).

It all started in 1977, when the ISO 3779 standard was adopted in the USA and Canada, which described the format of VIN numbers.

Currently, the international standard ISO 3779:1983 is in force (latest edition - from 1996), the world manufacturer index (WMI - part of the code) is determined by the ISO 3780:1983 standard.

The identification number is located on a non-removable part of the body in places least susceptible to destruction in an accident and is duplicated on a plate located in the front of the car. The VIN of modern cars is located on the front left pillar of the body and the upper left part of the dashboard.

If a vehicle is manufactured sequentially by several enterprises, it is permissible to apply the main marking of the vehicle only by the manufacturer of the final product.

The VIN number consists of 17 characters - Latin letters and numbers. At the same time, the symbols I, O and Q are not used in code combinations due to their similarity with the numbers 1 and 0.

Each character of the VIN number carries information about one or another characteristic of the car: the country and manufacturer, date of manufacture, technical characteristics, etc.

The vehicle VIN number consists of three parts: WMI VDS VIS

  • WMI (World Manufacturers Identification) - world manufacturer index (1st to 3rd characters of the number);
  • VD S (Vehicle Description Section) - descriptive part (from the 4th to the 9th characters of the number);
  • VIS (Vehicle Identification Section) - distinctive part (from the 10th to the 17th characters of the VIN number)


WMI - International Manufacturer Identification Code. Consists of three characters (letters or numbers).

The first character indicates a geographic area, the second indicates a country within that area, and the third indicates a specific manufacturer (sometimes a vehicle type).

If the manufacturer produces less than 500 DTS per year, then the third character of the code is the number 9.

Several WMIs may be assigned to a manufacturer, but the same number may not be assigned to another vehicle manufacturer for at least 30 years from the moment it was first used by the previous (first) manufacturer.

So, the first character of WMI is a letter or number representing the geographic area code. Each zone is assigned several symbols:

  • from A to H - Africa;
  • from J to R - Asia;
  • from S to Z - Europe;
  • from 1 to 5 - North America;
  • from 6 to 7 - Oceania;
  • from 8 to 9 - South America;

The second character (country code) is a letter or number that represents the country. To ensure flexibility and unambiguity in identification, a specific country is determined by a combination of the first and second digits of the code:

Where is the vin code and how to find it

Each manufacturing company places the VIN code in its designated location on various parts of the car. The documentation supplied with the car will help you figure this out. However, often these places are well known to all car enthusiasts.

The code can be located on the left side of the car windshield, near the driver's seat on the floor, also on the driver's door pillar, under the car's hood and trunk, or the spare wheel.


The third part of the VIN - the index part of the identification number (VIS) - consists of eight characters, and the last four characters of this section must be numbers. Moreover, information about the model year and manufacturer is not strictly fixed by the standard, but is only advisory in nature.

The 10th character of the VIN usually indicates the model year of the vehicle.

It must be remembered that the model year can be significantly ahead of the calendar year and counted not from January 1, but, for example, from August (Audi) or July (VAZ) of the previous calendar year

Some manufacturers, such as Renault, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, do not indicate the model year in the VIN code at all. The year of manufacture is indicated on a plate on the body.

However, cars produced for the American market are all labeled strictly according to the standard.

In addition to the three letters prohibited for use in the VIN (I, O and Q), the letters U, Z and the number 0 are also not used to encode the model year.

The European branch of Ford in the VIN code indicates the production date as fully as possible: in the 11th position there is a symbol for the year of production, and in the 12th position there is a month.

Ford production date table:

The 11th character most often indicates the vehicle’s assembly plant (each manufacturer has its own designation system - its own letters).

The 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th characters are assigned to the serial number of the car. They indicate the production sequence of the vehicle.

How to decipher a car VIN code

Information is read from left to right. The first three characters will tell us about the geographical location of production, in which country the vehicle being tested was produced and in which company.

  • Then the next 6 characters will describe the body type, your model, standard equipment and a lot of useful information.
  • But the 9th position of the number is not used in Europe, although its use is mandatory in America and China.
  • It is used to determine whether the vin has changed. The remaining 8 characters tell about the features of the car.

Online services for checking VIN code

There are all kinds of portals and one of them is Here you can find and find out extensive information about your car. It contains a huge database for almost all popular car brands.

Some sites will ask you to register. It's not difficult and can be done very quickly.

Checking the vehicle configuration by VIN code

Most motorists, one way or another, use the opportunity to find out as much information as possible about their car. In particular, the option to check the vehicle configuration is available.

Often this is done only before purchasing a car on the secondary market, but if necessary and for your own purposes, you can find out in detail all the information you need.

Each of us would not like to fall into the trap of scammers. The vin number will help you verify the integrity of the person selling the car and simply find out the characteristics of the car.

  • In the modern world, online verification services are widespread.
  • The quality and quantity of information varies and depends on the site or portal.
  • Some require registration and a small fee to provide more detailed information.
  • But you must admit, it’s not for nothing that they say that the miser pays twice.

Below we will look at the most popular ways to check the equipment using the unique number of your car.

Identification numbers of Lada Granta.

Identification numbers of Lada Granta.

Location of identification numbers in the engine compartment. 1 — vehicle identification number;

2 — engine number (on the top of the cylinder block, above the clutch housing);

3 — a summary plate with the vehicle’s passport data.

According to existing legislation, each vehicle has an identification number (VlN code). This number is recorded in the vehicle passport (PTS). The identification number and other passport data of the vehicle are indicated in the summary plate.

The identification number is stamped in the engine compartment on the amplifier (support cup) of the right mudguard.

An identification number.

Summary plate.

1 — number for spare parts (corresponds to the serial number of the car that came off the assembly line);

Checking information on the traffic police website

The official state website of the State Traffic Inspectorate certainly enjoys great trust among the population, but it is worth noting that the information, although fully true, contains only general information, briefly presented and not very detailed.

In order to get to this site, just enter the request “official traffic police website” in the browser search, then enter the data of the car’s technical passport and its VIN code.

Official services of the automaker

You also have the opportunity to contact the official manufacturer of your vehicle for information. Recently, this opportunity has become very popular, as it also has a high trust rating among the population. This information is constantly updated.

  • Many car brands have begun to offer this kind of information. This also does not require any special complex operations.
  • Just go to the website of the official manufacturer and see if this option is available for your car brand.
  • Here you can get more extensive information, as well as discuss it on the forum with similar users.


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH)

INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 56 “Road Transport”

2 ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 15, 2002 No. 469-st

3 Sections (subsections, appendices) of this standard, with the exception of section 1, paragraphs 2.1 and 3.2.8, subsection 3.3 and Appendix B, are identical to the text of international standards ISO 3779-83 “Road transport. Vehicle identification number. Content and structure", ISO 3780-83 "Road transport. International Manufacturers Identification Code”, ISO 4030-83 “Road vehicles. Vehicle identification number. Location and installation"


GOST R 51980-2002


General technical requirements

Vehicles. Marking. General technical requirements

Date of introduction 2004-01-01

This standard establishes general technical requirements for the content of the identification number (code) and the vehicle manufacturer's plate (hereinafter referred to as the vehicle), as well as for their location on the vehicle and the method of applying code signs.

In this standard, the following terms with corresponding definitions apply:

2.1 vehicles (vehicles):

Motor vehicles and wheeled self-propelled equipment of other types.

2.2 vehicle identification number (code)

— Vehicle Identification Number, VIN (hereinafter referred to as the VIN code): A structural combination of characters assigned to a vehicle for the purpose of its identification.

2.3 international manufacturer identification code

— World Manufacturer Identifier, WMI (hereinafter referred to as the WMI code): The first section of the VIN code, indicating the vehicle manufacturer. The WMI code is assigned to the vehicle manufacturer for the purpose of identifying this manufacturer. The WMI code, when used in conjunction with other sections of the VIN code, ensures the uniqueness of the latter for all vehicles produced within 30 years in all countries of the world.

2.4 descriptive part of the VIN code

— Vehicle Descriptor Section, VDS: The second section of the VIN code. Contains information describing the main features of the vehicle. This section of the VIN code can indicate the vehicle type, type variants and versions.

2.5 index part of the VIN code

— Vehicle Indicator Section, VIS: The third section of the VIN code. Consists of a combination of signs assigned by the manufacturer in order to distinguish one vehicle from another. This section of the VIN code, together with the VDS, provides unique identification of all vehicles produced by each manufacturer over a 30-year period.

2.6 manufacturer:

The person or organization responsible for the vehicle, assembled until it is ready for use. The manufacturer is also responsible for the uniqueness of the VIN code.

2.7 delimiter:

A symbol, sign, or other boundary designation that can be used to delimit sections of a VIN code or indicate the beginning and end of a VIN code. Separators must be such that they cannot be mistaken for Arabic numerals or Latin letters.

2.8 year of issue:

Calendar year in which the vehicle was produced.

2.9 model year:

The conditional year indicated by the manufacturer (usually following the actual year of manufacture of the vehicle).

Lada granta - which engine is better?

Today I will talk about the engines that are installed on the Lada Granta. Today, only four engines are installed on this car. I will try to briefly talk about the characteristics of each engine, but I will not consider the Granta Sport engine, it is too specific and quite rare. I’ll start with the most basic one, which is installed on the “Standard” package, this is engine 21186. In fact, this is the same engine that was previously installed on VAZ 21114 cars. The only thing that has changed is that the block has become 2.3 mm higher and the shape of the crankshaft has changed shaft The seats remained the same, that is, 7.12, but the shafts themselves were changed.

And in order not to change the compression ratio, the cylinder head was changed. In terms of other characteristics, this is still the same engine from the 14th model. In principle, it has established itself as a reliable unit produced by the Volzhsky plant. One of the disadvantages is the adjustment of the valves (due to the lack of hydraulic compensators), as in any other eight-valve engine from VAZ.

Very hard work of the connecting rod and piston group, which produces strong vibration on the body and a characteristic diesel sound. The advantage is the compression ratio of 9.6, which theoretically allows the use of AI-92 gasoline without detonation explosions. Great maintainability - in any garage you can replace almost all units. Well, actually – cheap service.

The next engine is 21116, which was installed on the “Norma” package. The main change is a lighter piston; final honing of the cylinder walls has been applied, which extends the life of the engine and makes it easier to pick up. By changing the piston group, the engine gained 8 N/m. The cylinder head gasket has been changed; now it is metal, two-layer, more durable, similar to that of the Priora.

The compression ratio has been increased to 10.5, which no longer allows the use of AI-92 gasoline. Anyone who uses AI-92, know that this cannot be done (more on that later). The engine also received an automatic timing belt tensioner and a toothed belt manufactured with a service life of up to 200 thousand km. and an imported pump with a service life of up to 70 thousand km.

The advantages of this unit: low noise, decreased fuel consumption due to lighter pistons, increased power and torque. One of the disadvantages is that if the timing belt breaks, the valve bends. There are no hydraulic compensators, which means adjusting the valves.

New Lada: DIY Lada Granta diagnostics

The next engine is 21127, which is created on the basis of the 16-valve VAZ-21126 engine, but has significant differences, namely: power increased to 106 l/s, torque to 148 N/m, instead of the mass air flow sensor, DBP and DTV were installed, which eliminated the problem floating speed at idle.

This engine also uses lightweight pistons, a reinforced cylinder block gasket and the compression ratio is increased to 11 units, which means the use of AI-98 gasoline. In addition, this unit is equipped with a hydraulic compensator system, which reduces vibration and eliminates the need for valve adjustment.

This engine combines all the advantages of an 8-valve engine (traction from the bottom) and a 16-valve engine (it picks up well at the top). This is one of the most successful solutions of the Volzhsky plant, a more or less modern engine.

Now why can’t AI-92 be poured into engines 21116, 21126 and 21127. For these units, the compression ratio is from 10.5 to 11 units, i.e. at this compression ratio, AI-92 begins to detonate. Detonation is a strong destructive factor that can be compared to a hammer hitting a piston. This constantly gives rise to topics on various auto forums: “The engine is dead,” “Capital again,” etc.

All of the above engines have a knock sensor, which allows you to automatically adjust the ignition timing. But as a negative result: you lose engine power, its efficiency, and reduce its service life. Those. imaginary savings on gasoline can lead to disastrous consequences...

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Identification numbers of Lada Granta.

Identification numbers of Lada Granta.

Location of identification numbers in the engine compartment. 1 — vehicle identification number;

2 — engine number (on the top of the cylinder block, above the clutch housing);

3 — a summary plate with the vehicle’s passport data.

According to existing legislation, each vehicle has an identification number (VlN code). This number is recorded in the vehicle passport (PTS). The identification number and other passport data of the vehicle are indicated in the summary plate.

The identification number is stamped in the engine compartment on the amplifier (support cup) of the right mudguard.

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