Why does a VAZ injector car start and stall immediately? VAZ 2107 injector starts and immediately stalls reason

If your VAZ-2107 car has a malfunction, as a result of which the engine stalls, further movement becomes problematic. But finding the cause of this malfunction for the G7 injection engine is quite difficult without the presence of diagnostic equipment, since, unfortunately, there are many reasons why the crankshaft stops rotating.

Most often, an injection engine gets stuck in idle mode.

... The throttle body with idle air control (IAC) assembly could be involved in this problem because while the engine is running, the throttle body can become very dirty, causing the IAC rod to become stuck. To ensure this, it must be removed and, if contaminated, carefully washed with liquid detergent oil mixed with dirt.

If your car has a VAZ-2107 alarm system

, which works with the electrical circuit of the fuel pump, the reason for the engine stopping may be poor quality work of the person who installed it. If this is done during twisting, then the poorly compressed twist weakens over time and, as a result, contact is lost. As a result, the electric fuel pump stops working.

A possible reason for the engine stopping could be an enriched fuel mixture.

... You can check this by removing the spark plugs. If they are covered with black charcoal, the mixture is rich. The amount of gasoline supplied to the engine cylinders depends on the position of the throttle valve and the correct reading of the temperature sensor, which is wound on the left rear of the cylinder head. When replacing it, it will be necessary to partially drain the antifreeze from the cooling system.

Failure of the mass air flow sensor also leads to a strong enrichment of the mixture

(DFID). You can check the condition with a multimeter. The measurement is made between the green and red wires (2nd and 4th terminals, counting from left to right) with the ignition on. If the voltage is higher than 1.002 volts, it needs to be replaced.

If the fuel mixture becomes too lean, the engine will also stall. And its depletion occurs due to air leakage behind the throttle assembly. Possible places for air leaks are usually the intake system gaskets, either due to the loosening of the fasteners of the parts between which they are located, or due to their breakage. Air leaks can be detected using a smoker used by beekeepers. Having smoked the engine compartment with it, you will immediately see where the smoke is drawn into. And at decent gas stations, instead of a smoker, they use a device called a smoke generator.

In this article we will talk about such an unpleasant problem as engine stalling and poor starting. Let's look at the main reasons why the engine stops at idle and while driving. We will also talk about why the engine does not start hot, as well as options for solving each of the above problems.

Finding the faulty component

So, what should you do if the engine starts easily, but immediately slows down and stops? First of all, check for carbon deposits on the spark plugs. If some of them are covered with a layer of carbon, the engine a priori cannot operate normally. It starts initially due to the movement of the starter, but soon thereafter slows down as several cylinders are physically unable to support the full load from the crankshaft. The carburetor, by the way, can also fail due to such a problem.

So what is the cause of engine failure? If the car starts, then at least the spark is fine. That is, the electrics work as expected. It wouldn’t hurt to turn your heads and try to find those candles covered with a layer of soot. They can be cleaned by burning them on a gas stove and wiping them with alcohol (this can only be done on cold contacts).

The injector itself may also become clogged. In this case, the fuel supply to the combustion chamber simply does not work. You need to do the following:

  • Check if the motor operates normally at temperatures above 80°C.
  • remove the blocks and check the shock absorbers;
  • check the operation of the sensors;

Of course, the fuel pump itself may fail. When the engine starts, it automatically turns into an injector due to the starter, so there is draft from the generator. If any of these components fail, the car will simply collapse. Again, this is the remaining amount of fuel in the cylinders. If the engine stops immediately, and along with it the starter works unevenly, then most likely the problem is in it or in the ignition switch.

You should try replacing it with a known one and check the engine operation again. In extreme cases, the contacts are simply tightened.

The engine stops while running - reasons

1. Poor quality fuel is the first thing that comes to mind for most of us, and this is where we need to start looking for the reason for the engine stopping. You will be lucky if this happens immediately after refueling, in which case it is safe to say that the problem is in the fuel. Treated by draining the fuel and.

2. Candles. As a rule, suspicion falls on them most often, of course, after bad fuel. Everything is simple here - unscrew the spark plugs and, if necessary, check their condition.

3. Fuel filter. A clogged filter can cut off the fuel supply, causing gas and stalling the engine. It is enough to eliminate the malfunction.

4. Air filter. Everything is the same as with fuel, if it is clogged, air does not flow, then again the air-fuel mixture comes out enriched and the spark plugs are simply flooded. In addition, due to a lack of air, the engine will throttle, that is, the power will decrease and the process of combustion of the mixture in the cylinders will not be able to occur, and over time the engine will stall. To eliminate this problem, it is enough to replace the air filter.

5. A faulty fuel pump is the second “suspect”. If your fuel pump fails, your car will behave like this: it will stall while driving or the engine will not start at all. The problem can be solved by checking the pump, repairing it or.

6. Battery. Oxidated battery terminals or poor connections can cause the engine to stall. Check the terminals and clean or replace the battery if necessary.

7. If the engine stops moving and will no longer start, the alternator may also be the cause. A failed generator does not charge; as a result, the vehicle’s on-board network is powered exclusively by the battery and, as we know, will not last long. As a result, you, unaware that the car is running on battery power, continue to drive until it is completely discharged. Treated - a.

6. In advanced cars, the reasons may also be in electronics and various sensors. If you are not good at this and all of the above components and parts are normal, then it is better to contact specialists, otherwise you can replace the nonsense car floor using the “dialing…

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Most often, the reason that the engine stalls after starting is a breakdown of the idle air control. Domestic cars are more susceptible to this “disease”. In second place is an injector malfunction associated with a modern fuel injection system, which is carried out forcibly. It is possible that problems may be found in the operation of the fuel pump and in the ignition. The engine crankshaft timing sensor may have failed. These are the most common causes of a stalled engine.

Much less often, when the engine stalls after starting, the electronic control unit (ECU) and failed injectors are to blame. In the latter case, this circumstance can affect the operation of the engine only if the operation of several at once is disrupted - and this is an exceptional phenomenon.

We carry out diagnostics of IAC

Now that the range of possible problems that can cause the engine to stall is approximately outlined, we will tell you how you can effectively diagnose this or that breakdown. Let's start with a malfunction of the idle air control. In the event that he is the culprit, the engine may behave like this:

1. Fail to start or stall immediately after a short stop during a long trip. At the same time, the engine is hot; 2. You finally managed to start the engine, which stalls after starting, but the normal idle speed was not set immediately, but only after pressing the gas. This situation can occur with either a hot or cold engine; 3. The engine can only be started with the gas depressed, otherwise the engine will immediately stall; 4. In order to start the engine, you have to hold the accelerator pedal constantly while the engine warms up, or until the car starts moving; 5. Freezing of idle speed within 1500-2000 revolutions also speaks in favor of a malfunction of the idle speed controller.

If after the diagnostics you are sure that the problem is in the IAC, then you should wash it and the throttle assembly, and in extreme cases, simply replace the idle air control with a new one.

If the most common reason that the car stalls immediately after starting the engine is not confirmed in your case, we will look for the breakdown further. A little experience and the ability to listen to your car will help you determine the performance of the fuel pump by sound. As an alternative method, you need to check the wiring by applying 12 V to the fuel pump, while you need to monitor the pressure in the fuel system, it should be within 2-3 bar. The pressure should not drop immediately after the fuel supply to the engine is stopped. If this does happen, check the fuel pressure regulator.

After this, in order to determine why the engine stalls after starting, we will check the ignition (in order not to burn the electronics, we connect the spark plug to ground). It happens that a rather trivial connection failure is to blame for the breakdown. Check this by wiggling all possible connections and visually verifying the integrity of the wiring. But if the ECU itself is faulty, then you can easily determine this from the error sensors. Checking the voltage in the network. When the engine is not running, it should be 12.5 V, when the engine is running 14 V, and when the engine is started 8 V. Well, as the last point in diagnosing the reasons why the engine stalls after starting, it is worth checking the integrity of the camshaft drive belt and pulley.

What to do if the problem is in the ECU?

The engine may not work properly if the on-board computer is not working properly. At VAZ, it is he who is responsible for the timely supply of fuel, synchronizing the operation of the injector nozzle and spark plugs. When the engine stops immediately, this indicates a discrepancy between the timing of fuel delivery and the ignition of the fuel mixture.

As a rule, it is useful to change the firmware or restore it to the factory state. Although sometimes it may simply be necessary to adjust the fuel cycle, as well as the saturation of the mixture. As a last resort, on a VAZ 2110 (or later model) you will have to replace the entire ECU unit or turn it off by starting the engine only by a mechanic.

It should be noted that not only the ECU itself is responsible for the operation of the engine, but also a number of sensors that regulate the pressure in the injector, the saturation of the mixture and the ignition timing.

That is, you need to check their work. However, if a fault is detected in any of them, a Check Engine signal should be sent to the dashboard. This, for example, happens when starting a VAZ 2110. This does not happen only if the ECU simply does not receive signals from the sensors. It is worth noting that the model 2107 does not have a computer installed by default, but without it the injector does not work.

Similar problems arise when a carburetor is synthetically modified for an injector, but the on-board computer remains the same. They simply change the firmware, connect new modules, but you need to understand that it was not initially designed for such work. Therefore, if the carburetor is modified, the ECU must be replaced with a compatible model along with it. Fortunately, VAZ took care of their release.

So, if the injector immediately starts and freezes, the main reasons for this malfunction are malfunctions of the electronics (including the computer), improper operation of the fuel system, or problems with gasoline filtration. Determining the root cause is not difficult. As a last resort, you can always contact the service center. But it is worth remembering that any changes in the operation of the on-board computer can only be made with a fully functional engine.

In this article we will dwell in more detail on the situation when a carburetor engine of a car (VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099, 2105, 2107 and their modifications) starts and stops due to a carburetor malfunction. Malfunctions of carburetors 2105, 2107 Ozono, 2108, 21081, 21083 Solexi and their modifications will be considered. Symptoms of malfunction - The engine starts, runs for a few seconds and stops, repeated starts are ineffective. – The engine starts with difficulty, stops after a short period of operation, then starts and starts after a restart.

– The engine starts and stops immediately, starts again and stops again, and so on several times, but then it starts running again.

Causes of malfunction

There is no fuel in the float bowl

Prime it using the manual prime lever on the fuel pump.

Starter diaphragm damaged or out of adjustment

Remove the starter housing and replace the diaphragm with a new one. Adjust the starter.

starters for carburetors 2108, 21081.21083 Solex, 2105, 2107 Ozone

Fuel and air jets, emulsion wells and pipes of the main metering system are clogged

you need to remove the carburetor cover, unscrew the jets, remove the hoses, rinse and clean them, clean the wells, blow everything with compressed air and reassemble. The picture shows that it is worth cleaning the carburetor 2105, 2107 Ozone.

Unscrew the jets on the Solex carburetor and remove them along with the emulsion tubes. At the bottom of open wells there are streams of fuel. We turn them with a long thin slotted screwdriver. Clean, rinse with acetone and blow with compressed air.

fuel and air jets, emulsion tubes and emulsion wells Carburetors GDS 2108, 21081, 21083 Solex, 2105, 2107 Ozone

Fuel and air jets and idle system channels are clogged

Unscrew the injectors, rinse and clean them, and blow them with compressed air.

air and fuel jets for CXX 2108 Solex and 2105, 2107 Ozone carburetors

The fuel level in the float chamber is broken

The fuel mixture is very lean or very rich due to incorrect adjustment.

approximate fuel level in carburetor tanks 2108, 21081, 21083 Solex, 2105, 2107 Ozone

Articles on the site about adjusting the fuel level:

The carburetor choke gear is not adjustable (“intake”)

Owners of VAZ 2107, 2110, 2112, 2114 and other cars may encounter a problem - the car immediately starts and crashes. The engine starts, but after a few seconds the speed drops and the engine stops. Let's look at the possible causes of startup failure and how to eliminate them.

Idle speed for VAZ 2109

One of the reasons that the VAZ-2109 starts and stalls is problems with idling. The VAZ-2109 is equipped with Solex carburetors. It is almost impossible to distinguish carburetor components by appearance; there are differences in internal parts. The idle system in carburetor units regulates the minimum engine speed and is responsible for fuel consumption.

"Solex" consists of the following elements:

  • Air jet.
  • Channels through which air and fuel are supplied.
  • Solenoid valve with fuel jet.
  • Speed ​​screw.
  • A needle that sets the quality of the fuel-air mixture.

The speed screw adjusts the throttle position. It should always be slightly open so that the fuel mixture flows through the carburetor into the engine at low speeds. The mixture is directed in portions, which occurs thanks to jets. The enrichment and unification of the mixture is ensured by the adjusting needle. The solenoid valve with the fuel nozzle is responsible for the fuel supply.

How does this relate to idle speed? Failure of the solenoid valve or clogged channels leads to the fact that the required doses of air are no longer delivered to the intake manifold.

In this regard, the engine loses the ability to fully perform its functions and breakdowns occur:

  • The VAZ-2109 carburetor starts and immediately stalls due to the lack of idle speed.
  • The presence of idle speed in this case does not guarantee the possibility of movement, since engine operation is unstable.
  • The car loses momentum.

Actions in case of loss of idle speed

The solenoid valve should be checked first. To do this you need:

  • Turn on the engine and increase the speed with the speed screw (this is done to prevent the car from stalling).
  • Then, without stopping the engine, remove the solenoid valve wire.
  • If there are no changes in engine operation, make sure there is power to the valve. This is done by connecting the wire to the solenoid valve. The tension will make itself felt through a small click.

The absence of voltage indicates that the economizer control unit has stopped working or there is a break in the wiring. It is likely that the idle speed disappeared for this reason.

If there are no problems with the power supply, the operation of the solenoid valve is checked directly:

  • The fuel jet is removed.
  • The solenoid valve housing is installed on the ground terminal of the power source and the positive is connected to the contact.

The valve works if its needle works, that is, “sinks”.

Idle speed may not appear in this case either. Then you should clean the valve jet and blow out the idle passages.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The solenoid valve and air filter housing are removed and the engine is turned on.
  • The throttle must be operated by hand. At the same time, the idle channel is clamped with this finger.
  • You need to apply gas several times with the throttle valve and release your hands so that the engine runs without a valve.
  • Turn off the engine, install all parts in place and check for idle speed.

If a trickle of gasoline is leaking from the nozzle, visible to the naked eye, this means that there is a problem with the carburetor. This moment is noticeable when the engine is running at low speeds.

Unstable operation of the carburetor engine

The nature of instability of engine speed of a VAZ2107/2105 with carburetors is the same as that of an injection engine, in the uncontrolled supply of air or fuel into the combustion chamber.

But in this case, the carburetor is responsible for preparing the combustible mixture. This is a completely mechanical device responsible for the optimal ratio of fuel and oxygen for various operating modes of the power unit.

Although there are filters on the air intakes and fuel filters, they can typically operate ineffectively due to long service life beyond that specified in maintenance standards. As a result, small particles clog the carburetor jets.

Drivers with great experience do not stand on ceremony; they throw the VAZ2107/2105 carburetor into a bucket of gasoline for a day, then blow it out from all sides with compressed air and the carburetor seems to work normally. This is a normal but flammable solution. Among the causes of engine malfunction caused by carburetor failure are:

  • failure of the float seal.
  • increase in nozzle diameter due to wear;
  • wear of the shock absorber axis, limiting its stroke;
  • displacement of the position of the adjusting screws by shock or vibration;
  • clogging of jets;

To determine the malfunction of the VAZ2107/2105 carburetor, and it will probably be complex, start by checking the float for leaks. To do this, remove it from the top cover of the carburetor (it must be disassembled). If there is gasoline in the float, throw it away; if there is air, make sure there are no bubbles in the bowl of water. Let's say he passed the exam, then he needs to check the gap.

Lift the carburetor cover to the vertical position. The distance between the float chamber and the carburetor wall should be 6.5 mm.

Install the carburetor cap and run the engine for 30 seconds. Remove the cover. The fuel level should be exactly in the center of the conical surface of the carburetor body. If this doesn't work, you should bend the corner of the float rod a little.

Over time, air and fuel jets become clogged or worn out. In the first case, they need to be cleaned and purged. In the second case, it is necessary to control the flow of the nozzles using a water tank installed above the nozzle, measured at 1 meter. They are connected by a pipe. A volumetric flask is installed at the bottom. Measurements are made in cm3/min. Depending on the marking of the nozzle, the volume of liquid collected per minute in the volumetric flask must correspond.

it is much easier to buy a set of jets and replace them after 7-10 years of carburetor operation.

Those who use gas systems should be aware that the carburetor is not used when driving on gas. Over time, oxide builds up inside dry injectors and clogs the fuel supply ports. A gasoline car may not start. It is recommended to use gasoline periodically.

First, let's look at the most common problems.

  1. Without gasoline (diesel). As paradoxical as it may seem, drivers often forget to monitor the fuel level in the tank.
  2. On diesel engines (especially in winter), frozen fuel can cause the car to start and stop almost immediately (but, as a rule, diesel VAZs are very rare).
  3. The quality of gasoline at gas stations is often alarming, so when refueling a car with low-quality fuel, you may encounter the problem of a stalled engine. If there is not enough bad gasoline, you can dilute it with good gasoline. But if the tank is full, it is best to drain the surrogate so as not to cause harm.
  4. Worn wires and old (faulty) spark plugs are also very common causes.
  5. Engine compression, or rather the lack thereof, can cause a situation where the engine barely has time to “recover.” But this is already a very serious breakdown, the appearance of which is accompanied by a host of other symptoms, which are simply impossible not to notice while operating the car.

An interesting article about biofuel from ordinary sawdust, more details.

see also

  • VAZ 2109 stalls while driving and the injector starts immediately
  • VAZ 2107 injector starts and immediately stalls when cold
  • The fuel level on the VAZ 2109 injector does not work
  • How to install an injector on a VAZ 2109
  • How to check the fan switch on VAZ 2109 injector
  • How to convert a VAZ 2109 from a carburetor to an injector
  • Adsorber VAZ 2107 injector
  • VAZ 2109 injector replacement nozzles
  • Replacing the timing chain injector VAZ 2107

  • VAZ 2107 injector timing belt replacement

  • VAZ 2109 injector thermostat replacement

A VAZ with an injector starts and immediately stalls

Some reasons:

  1. Fuel-injected cars may behave this way due to a faulty fuel pump. It's in the tank. It is very easy to check its functionality. If you turn the ignition key to the first position and listen, you will hear the pump working, pumping gasoline into the system.
  2. Severe contamination of the fine fuel filter can also cause the car to stop after starting. The filter simply does not have time to pass the required amount of gasoline.
  3. ECU errors very often lead to problems with starting the engine, failure to receive signals from certain sensors, or receiving them in a distorted form. It is better to diagnose such faults in specialized services.

If the car stalls

Sudden engine stops not only create discomfort while driving, but also pose a threat to the safety of the driver and passengers. There are several reasons.

Minimum kiosks:

  • Malfunction of the throttle position sensor.
  • failure of the idle speed sensor;
  • throttle sensor malfunction;

Shops on the go:

  • motor overheating.
  • fuel pump malfunction;
  • clogged carburetor jets;
  • interruption of fuel or air supply due to a dirty filter;

It is best to start diagnosing a car whose engine stalls in the most unexpected places by checking the idle speed sensor.

It’s easy to check its functionality. Disassemble the device without removing the contacts or connecting them after disassembly. Take the device in your hands, place your finger on the needle of the cone and ask a friend to turn on the motor. If you feel jerking, put the device back. The idle speed sensor is OK.

If the throttle sensor fails, the car will not only stop, but will not start because the ECU will command maximum fuel flow, the spark plugs will fill, and the engine will shut down.

If you are driving a VAZ car and there is a problem with the throttle sensor, it is easier not to worry and contact the nearest service center, but if you get to the garage, you can use the following instructions:

  1. Remove the sensor.
  2. Drill the plastic cover with a 2mm drill in a circle.
  3. Pull out the plastic cover of the upper contact block.
  4. On the lower deck, clean the tracks with WD-40 or denatured alcohol.
  5. Same with the top cover contact assembly, but don't bend them, they will eat the tracks prematurely.
  6. Reassemble in reverse order.
  7. Coat the contour with any plastic glue.

How to diagnose a VAZ-2107 injector

Practice shows that if the injector stalls at idle, in 70% of cases the IAC is to blame, so we suggest learning how to diagnose:

  1. Measure the voltage at the block where the regulator operates. The normal voltage is 12 V. If the voltage is less, examine the battery wear and charge.
  2. If the voltage is completely absent, you should check the entire power circuit of the mechanism and then start diagnosing the computer.
  3. When the multimeter, switched to resistance mode, shows a value other than 53 ohms between pairs of terminals, disconnect the IAC and turn the ignition on. If the needle is immobilized, it means that the idle speed sensor is broken.

Reasons why carburetor cars start and stall

  1. If the car starts and stops immediately, the problem may be due to a lack of fuel in the float chamber. You can try manually pumping up the fuel pump. The work must be checked and replaced if necessary. Before self-cleaning the fuel system in general and the carburetor in particular, you should remember that any unconscious manipulation can lead to a sharp increase in fuel consumption.
  2. Another reason for engine stalling is a clogged strainer in the front carburetor. If the car starts and stops after a few seconds due to this filter, it needs to be cleaned and flushed. To do this, use a toothbrush and thinner (gasoline or acetone). After this, immediately clean the slot into which it is inserted together with the filter.
  3. It happens that in VAZ cars, a few seconds after starting, the speed decreases due to a malfunction of the solenoid valve. The test is carried out as follows: the valve is unscrewed, power is supplied to the positive contact, the housing is closed to engine ground. If the valve is operating correctly, a distinct sound will be heard and the needle will enter the body.

You can simply connect the cable to the valve and push it into place. If you do not hear a click, the valve is faulty. We unscrew the valve and remove the jet from it. If it is bent, it needs to be replaced. Make sure the valve stopper needle moves freely and that the valve gasket is not torn and is tight against the body.

If there is valve clicking, the EPHC system needs to be diagnosed. The idle fuel jet may need to be cleaned. If the vehicle's engine speed decreases, the blockage can affect stability. To clean the nozzle, it is necessary to create a greater vacuum in the system channels.

To do this, start the car and increase the number of revolutions to 3000. Unscrew the injector holder (solenoid valve) several turns. This allows you to create the necessary vacuum in the channels. We repeat the procedure several times.

Carburetor adjustment

Carburetor adjustment consists of several stages:

  1. Adjust the float position as described above.
  2. Check and tighten the “quality” and “quantity” screws. Screw them in until they stop and unscrew 2-3 turns for a “quality” screw and 3-4 turns for a “quantitative” screw.”
  3. Connect a tachometer or auto tester to the “K” terminal of the ignition coil, and the second sensor to the body.
  4. Start and warm up the engine to 90°C
  1. Use a “quality” screw to set the maximum speed to the minimum. Gasoline consumption is increased by turning the screw counterclockwise.
  2. Use the "amount" screw to increase the speed by about 80-90 rpm.
  3. Using a high-quality screw, we determine whether these speeds are maximum; if not, we repeat the procedure.
  4. If the position of the adjusting screw does not affect the engine speed, tighten the quality control screw until the speed drops to 800-900 rpm.

This carburetor adjustment may not be entirely accurate, but does not require special equipment.

What other breakdowns of the VAZ 2107 can occur?

Another common problem that causes the engine of VAZ 2107 cars to start and stop is excess air getting into the carburetor. In this case, the fuel mixture cannot keep the engine running for a long time, and although the car starts, it stalls after a few seconds. It is necessary to determine the location of the air leak and eliminate the gap.

It happens that the injectors and nozzles of the dosing system become clogged. This also affects the reduction in engine speed, so that the VAZ 2107 stops after a few seconds. What to do in this case? It is necessary to unscrew the jets and pipes under the carburetor cover and clean them. Next, blow out the wells and nozzles with compressed air. If you have a Solex carburetor, you will also need to clean and bleed the fuel jets located at the bottom of the wells.

How to repair an injector in a VAZ-2107

If replacing the sensors does not produce results, it is better to go to a service station. The banal lack of tightness of the intake manifold provokes the same problem when the car stalls at idle.

With your own hands, inspect the vacuum hoses, gaskets, injector sealing rings, and then the plugs that are located in the manifold, and the vacuum brake pedal booster. It is easy to detect air leaks using a special unit called a smoke generator. Do not ignore checking the gasoline pressure.

If a pressure regulator is installed on the VAZ-2107 ramp, the optimal value fluctuates around 2.5 bar, but this is only at idle without a vacuum device. With a vacuum device, a value of 3.8 to 4 bar is permissible. Spark plugs must also be checked.

How to clean the VAZ-2107 injector nozzle is shown in the video:

Problems with Solex carburetors

In addition to all of the above, engine speed decreases if the fuel level in the carburetor is not adjusted correctly (float chamber). As a result, there is too little or too much gasoline in the fuel mixture. When adjusting the VAZ 2107 carburetor, you do not need to disconnect it from the engine.

Follow these steps:

  1. remove the air filter housing by unscrewing all the fasteners;
  2. remove the carburetor cover;
  3. check the position of the floats. To do this, separate them and bring them together to achieve the correct position.

it is necessary to achieve such a position of the floats so that they move freely without clinging to the walls of the chamber in which they are located. It would be a good idea to measure the distance from the protrusions on the floats to the paper block. The distance should be between 0.75 and 1.25 mm. Use a feeler gauge to measure.

What if it was far from normal? In this case, it is necessary to adjust the height of each of the floats.

As we have seen, there are many reasons why an engine stops. To start the engine correctly, it is necessary to check and eliminate all of the above faults. After this, if the problem is not solved, you will need to contact specialists.

During the operation of a car, it is not uncommon that after turning the ignition key the car starts, the engine starts and stops after a few seconds. As a rule, 3-5 seconds pass from the moment of start to stop. Before the engine stops completely, the power unit also shakes and is very unstable.

This happens due to a decrease in speed, the resonant effect of the rotating, etc. If you try to restart the engine, the engine may not start or the situation described above may happen again.

The reasons for this problem are different. The main thing is that if the car starts and stops, this indicates that a thorough diagnosis is required. Next we will talk about what to do in such a situation and how to find the reason why the engine stalls after starting.

Read in this article

Checking the IAC electrical circuit.

What can you do yourself when checking the electrical circuit of the idle speed control of a VAZ 2107? Measuring the voltage at the connection block to the control unit and measuring the resistance of the regulator motor windings. To measure you need to have a tester. The diagnostic procedure is given below:

  1. Disconnect the block with the wiring harness from the regulator. It is located on the throttle assembly.
  2. Turn on the ignition.
  3. Set the tester to voltage measurement mode in the range from 0 to 20 volts.
  4. Connect the probe from the tester with a minus sign to the ground of the car.
  5. Connect the probe from the tester with the “plus” sign in turn to terminals “A” and “D” on the harness block. The voltage between ground and terminals should be 12 volts. If there is no voltage, the controller may not be corrected.
  6. Next, move the tester to the resistance measurement position. Measure the resistance of the first winding between terminals “A” and “B”. Measure the resistance of the second winding between terminals “C” and “D”. There should be 52 ohms on both windings. In other variations of measurements between the terminals, the device should indicate an open circuit. If the tester shows the opposite, then the electric motor is faulty.

IAC malfunction.

The electric motor is not the only component in the regulator that can break; there are a number of other breakdowns:

  • oxidation of connector contacts, broken wires;
  • contamination of the rod, preventing movement;
  • the o-ring is torn;
  • wear of the screw thread on the rod.

Of the above breakdowns, the most common is contamination of the rod. If during operation the throttle assembly has not been maintained for a long time, carbon deposits on the regulator rod are possible. To remove dirt, you need to remove the IAC and rinse with acetone.

The stem needs to be cleaned periodically. Otherwise, the load increases, which can damage the ECU. Then you will have to contact service station specialists.

Problems in the mass air flow sensor - mass air flow sensor.

The mass air flow sensor is located in the air duct between the throttle valve and the air purification filter. It shows the volume of air entering from the atmosphere into the suction manifold. Based on these data, the control unit calculates the amount of fuel required for the current operating mode of the internal combustion engine.

If the sensor is faulty, the “Check Engine” light on the panel lights up. In parallel with this, a number of signs of failure are possible:

  1. Fuel consumption has increased.
  2. Idle speed is increased.
  3. The dynamics of the car are disrupted due to a decrease in power.
  4. It is impossible to start the internal combustion engine, even when “hot”.
  5. The speed changes at any throttle position, even under engine load.

Such sensors are not repaired, but replaced. Therefore, you need to make sure that this is the reason. Often the cause may be contamination of the platinum thread inside the device; it can be cleaned. Or the cause of air leakage through a damaged air duct.

Air leaks through cracks in hoses and seals.

There are many places where excess air can enter the suction manifold, bypassing the mass air flow sensor. The fuel mixture becomes leaner, the speed decreases, and the power drops. The ECU tries to correct these errors. A failure occurs in the system, the speed and “thrust” do not correspond to the specified parameters. The "Check Engine" warning light on the dashboard does not light up. The conclusion from this is that the sensors are working, but the internal combustion engine is sucking in air somewhere.

There are several places for air leaks that you should pay attention to, these are:

  • the manifold with its gaskets, all kinds of joints, gaskets under the equipment attached to the manifold;
  • vacuum brake booster and its hoses:
  • throttle body;
  • vacuum pipes.

After eliminating these shortcomings, the power unit will operate normally.

Other reasons.

A car is a complex engineering structure. During operation, its units, components, systems, and blocks are subject to wear. And it is impossible to describe all combinations of breakdowns.

Here are some reasons for the internal combustion engine not working properly:

  1. The ignition system has many of its own “sores”.
  2. Nozzles requiring professional care.
  3. Low quality gasoline.
  4. Presence of water in the fuel tank.
  5. Fuel and air filters are clogged.
  6. Other.

In each case it is necessary to understand, identify cause and effect. If you can’t do it yourself, you should contact a service station specialist.

In this article, “Why do idle speeds fluctuate on a VAZ 2107 injection engine,” the emphasis is on the breakdown of the XX Regulator. If it is broken, it can hardly be repaired. It's better to change it. It’s not difficult to do it yourself, having a new IAC and a minimum of tools.

We identify the cause and fix the problem ourselves

The car has stopped and will not start. There is a spark, gasoline flows, contactless ignition. The starter turns, but doesn't even engage. I replaced the starter, started sneezing into the carburetor and pouring smoke out of it, but it still doesn’t work. Please tell me what is the reason and how to fix it. (Vladimiro)

Hello, Vladimiro. We understand your question, we will try to answer in more detail.

VAZ 2107 car




Why won't the car start?

As you understand, there may be many reasons why your VAZ 2107 does not start. Starting from the battery and ending with the perforated head gasket. But we will look at them all in turn:

  1. Battery failure. We know this is nonsense, and since you can repair or replace the boot yourself, you probably checked the battery first. However, we recommend that you double check the charge.
  2. The carburetor is clogged. It is possible that the device’s injector is simply clogged, as this is often the reason why your car “sneezes.” It is necessary to disassemble the device and thoroughly blow it with a compressor. If this is the problem, it will disappear after cleaning.
  3. The fuel filter is clogged. Look at the filter: does it contain gasoline? Otherwise, most likely, it is simply clogged and will not be able to perform its functions. Try simultaneously squeezing the pipes leading to the filter and shaking the fuel pump. If the hoses are clogged, a small amount of gasoline will flow into the filter when compressed.
  4. The reason is the fuel pump. Sometimes the reason for this behavior of the car is the fuel pump. When regularly refueling a car with low-quality fuel, there is a high probability of condensation appearing in the fuel pump. In this case, starting the engine will not be possible. The fuel pump must be removed and cleaned or replaced with a gasket.
  5. The worst result is a perforated cylinder head gasket. If you see that white smoke is coming from the exhaust pipe, while the car is very strong, power is lost, and antifreeze may boil in the expansion tank, then know that this is most likely the reason. This can be checked using candles. If antifreeze gets into the oil, the spark plugs will always be flooded.

Why does the engine stall when it is hot, and a well-warmed engine does not start?

1. The first possible reason is. During movement, a large amount of air passes through it, due to which the carburetor is seriously cooled, at the same time the fuel that passes through it is also cooled. As a result, the carburetor temperature is several times lower than the engine temperature. Because of this feature, problems arise; after a long journey, you turn off the engine and make a short stop, at which time the carburetor begins to get very hot from the hot engine body. The remaining gasoline in the float chamber begins to evaporate from the high temperature, filling the voids - the air filter, the intake manifold and the carburetor itself. Air pockets form, and not a drop of fuel remains in the float chamber.

The solution to the problem is quite simple - press the gas pedal halfway several times and try to start the engine. This will make the mixture leaner and release excess evaporation. It should be noted that problems with hot starting can also be due to a similar problem, only due to the fault of the fuel pump or fuel line. This usually happens in hot weather when air pockets form from evaporation in the fuel system or pump, preventing fuel from entering the carburetor.

2. The second possible reason for the strange behavior of a warm engine is problems with the starter. Make sure that when you try to start the engine, the starter turns and does not just click or not respond at all. If this is the case and one of the above options is confirmed. the starter needs to be checked. If you are on the road, then the check can be reduced to a basic check of the starter power wire or other visual operations. If you got home, make a detailed one. In case of malfunction or replacement.

3. Alternatively, the reason when the engine does not start when hot may be a dead battery due to the reason described above, when the generator did not charge and the battery was completely dead.

Well, it seems like you didn’t miss anything!? That's all for today, we hope the article will help, tell you the cause of the breakdown and help you solve your problem. If you know other reasons, as well as ways to solve them, you can supplement the article using the comment form. Thank you for your attention.

Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about the reasons why your VAZ 2107 car stalls, and due to this unpleasant annoyance you can no longer continue driving your iron horse. Today we will try to look at the main reasons why your engine stalls. Of course, unfortunately, there are quite a lot of such reasons. The first reason is problems with the idle air control (IAC) - usually the car stalls at idle. Rxx can fail due to contamination, and this leads to the rod jamming. To make sure, you need to remove the IAC from the seven and, if dirty, rinse thoroughly. It is advisable to use a liquid that washes away oil well.

The second reason why the VAZ 2107 stalls is the alarm system (if it is installed, of course). In most cases, the alarm system works with the electrical circuit of the fuel pump, but what does this have to do with it, you ask? And despite the fact that the unscrupulous mechanic who connected your alarm system could have done his job poorly, hence problems may follow. Moreover, if they did everything with twists, then over time it weakens, and everyone write letters, as they say. The power supply to the pump stops, as a result of which the VAZ 2107 does not start.

The third reason is that the fuel mixture is too rich. You can check this version by unscrewing the spark plugs; if the spark plug contacts are covered with black soot, this means that the mixture is too rich. The position of the throttle valve, as well as the readings of the temperature sensor, determine how much gasoline is supplied to the cylinders; on a VAZ 2107, this sensor is located on the left in the rear of the cylinder head. If there is a need to replace the temperature sensor, you will have to drain some of the antifreeze. Failure of the mass air flow sensor (MAF) on a VAZ 2107 also leads to an enrichment of the mixture. You can check the operation of the mass air flow sensor using a multimeter. If the voltage is more than 1.002 volts, it will have to be replaced.

The fourth reason is a severe depletion of the combustible mixture. As a result, your “Seven” will also stall. This is mainly due to air leaks. The main places for suction are the gaskets of the intake system, or loose fastenings in the places where they are located. To find air leaks, a smoke generator is usually used to see where the smoke is being drawn in.

And the fifth reason is the vacuum brake booster. Since air leaks can also pass through it. This happens due to a leaky diaphragm. You can determine a faulty vacuum seal on a VAZ 2107 by pinching the hose that connects the vacuum booster and the intake manifold; if the engine does not stall, then most likely you will have to change the vacuum seal.

Well, we’ve all looked at the main reasons why a VAZ-2107 car stalls, if you had other reasons, then write in the comments. Bye everyone.

Here we will analyze in detail all the possible reasons why the carburetor stalls in a VAZ 2107. In most cases, the breakdown can be repaired yourself, but sometimes a complete replacement of the carburetor will be required.

If you notice some of these phenomena in the operation of the VAZ 2107, then you should carefully check the carburetor. You may find something broken in it.

  • If the VAZ 2107 starts and immediately stalls, the carburetor may be the cause. All subsequent attempts to start the engine will be unsuccessful.
  • In cases where the engine is difficult to start, the carburetor should also be checked. The car may stall after a short time of operation.
  • If the engine stalls immediately after starting, this is also a sign of a carburetor problem. The engine will stall several times, and only after numerous attempts will you be able to start the VAZ 2022.

The engine starts and stalls: troubleshooting

So, if a similar problem arises, it is necessary to take into account a number of features. First of all, the following factors will affect the operation of the internal combustion engine after startup:

  • good performance and electronic sensors;
  • air supply;
  • with spark ignition (for gasoline internal combustion engines);
  • gas station;
  • correct operation (for diesel engines);
  • Valve timing can be compromised because the timing belt or timing chain may be incorrectly installed, stretched, worn, or bouncing on the pulleys. As a result, the opening and closing of the intake and exhaust valves does not correspond to the engine's stroke.

In this case, to resolve the problem, you must check the indicated items using the labels and perform other necessary procedures.

  • ECU malfunctions are less common, but this possibility cannot be ruled out. Cases where the controller was flashed, launched or installed on a car deserve special attention.

Regarding the various sensors, you should also pay attention to the lambda probe in the exhaust system (lambda probe). If no signs of malfunction are visible on the instrument panel during a short-term start of the internal combustion engine, it is still necessary to perform.

You can perform the specified diagnostics yourself.
To do this, you will need an adapter that will allow you to read error codes and view the received information on the screen of a tablet, laptop or smartphone. [Source]

Features of troubleshooting in diesel engines

It would seem that the absence of an ignition system in a diesel engine should sharply narrow the range of reasons why the engine stops immediately after starting. And, nevertheless, due to the more complex and sensitive diesel power system, searching for a “weak spot” when problems arise with a sudden engine stop does not become one iota easier. Reasons for the malfunction of diesel engines:

  • problems associated with glow plugs;
  • malfunctions of fuel equipment;
  • insufficient compression in the cylinders;
  • violations in the exhaust gas recirculation system.

When starting to search for the reasons for the unstable operation of a diesel engine, we first check whether fuel is supplied to the injectors. To do this, loosen the nut on one of the supply lines and turn the crankshaft several times with the starter - the fuel pump creates such pressure that fuel begins to leak at the slightest depressurization. If this does not happen, then look for the reason in airing of the fuel supply system, a clogged filter element, incorrect operation of the regulator or a breakdown of the booster pump.

In winter, a sudden stop of the diesel engine can be caused by too thick diesel fuel and faulty glow plugs. When checking them, one should not exclude failure of the heater control unit or breakdown of the power relay. After turning on the ignition, be sure to check the voltage on each spark plug.

When diagnosing the fuel supply system, you should carefully inspect the exhaust. If a diesel engine smokes and stalls, the cause is clogged or faulty injectors. In the language of auto mechanics, they begin to “pour”, partially spraying the fuel. In other cases (for example, in Common Rail engines), the spray needle may “hang”, which upsets the pressure balance in the rail and the control sensor may command the ECU to turn off the engine.

It is impossible to carry out normal diagnostics of injectors at home - this will require a special stand. The help of specialists will also be needed in the case where the cause of the malfunction is a breakdown of the fuel pump - despite all its reliability, such a possibility cannot be ruled out.

But everyone can check the tension of the injection pump drive belt and the compression in the cylinders. Diagnostics of the cylinder-piston group is easy to carry out using the “folk” method. To do this, before starting, add 2-3 ml of engine oil to each cylinder - if the engine starts normally and runs for a few seconds, this indicates insufficient compression due to wear or damage to parts.

As in the case with a gasoline engine discussed above, we check that the marks match. The peculiarity of a diesel engine is that both the position of the camshaft and crankshaft, and the installation angle of the injection pump pulley are controlled - the moment of ignition of the fuel mixture in the cylinder at the end of the compression stroke depends on this.

Finally, we’ll tell you about another common reason due to which there can be no question of any stable operation of the engine - the EGR valve in the exhaust gas recirculation system. If it jams open, then an excess amount of combustion products enters the intake manifold and the engine stalls from lack of oxygen. Replacing the valve solves the problem - after that the diesel engine works as if nothing had happened.

Of course, we examined only those causes of unstable operation of power units that occur most often. The variety of modern engines and their design features often require an individual approach and special knowledge. If the fault cannot be resolved, do not be discouraged - perhaps it is not even a matter of experience and skills, but a simple lack of tools and diagnostic equipment. In this case, only service center specialists can help you.


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