How to skid on the spot? Using the example of mechanics and automatic transmission

Many young people are interested in the question of how to skid on the spot? Such actions are popular primarily among young, novice street racers who have bought their first car. At the same time, you should know that the consequences of this will not keep you waiting. This applies to both manual and automatic gearboxes.

How to slip in place in a car with a manual transmission? If we consider the action from a professional point of view, then this is necessary in order to warm up the car’s tires before a quick start. A sport that requires quick heating of the tires is called “drag racing.” In this case, the specifics of the actions depend on the type of gearbox. In this case, you must perform the following steps:

  • Choose a safe area for this, preferably covered with asphalt;
  • Warm up the engine to operating temperature;
  • Raise the parking brake lever as much as possible;
  • You need to press the gas and brake pedals at the same time. At the same time, the last pedal is not pressed all the way;
  • The engine will begin to gain speed, and the drive wheels will spin in an interval depending on the speed.

On an automatic gearbox the situation is somewhat more complicated. This will require a slippery surface: snow, ice, sand. The procedure is to perform similar manipulations. The only difference is that it is not advisable to make long jerks. The engine of the car should cool down a little in seconds. It is not recommended to stop the engine at this moment; it should run at idle speed. In addition, the car must be warmed up to operating temperature. If this is not done, oil will not be supplied to the automatic transmission, and the result will be its subsequent replacement.


Let's consider a situation where a car with a gun is stuck in the snow. To get out of there, you need to switch the gearbox to “R” mode, but before doing this, depress the brake pedal. After this, you must wait at least 3 minutes and smoothly release the brake pedal, increasing the speed. A sharp increase in this number can lead to damage to the gearbox clutches. Switching from one speed to another is strictly prohibited.

How to make wheels slip on the spot (burnout)

Burnout - slipping, in professional slang meaning warming up the tires on a car standing still, that is, slipping of the tires themselves and rubbing them against the asphalt.
As a result of the contact of the tires with the hard surface of the asphalt, they begin to quickly heat up, and smoke appears from under them. Burnout is used before drag racing to provide better tire grip and to provide better, more stable handling of a very powerful car on a rally track.

From the category of a necessary action, burnout skidding quickly moved into the category of a kind of entertainment, thus becoming an element of a certain show, where its participants demonstrate a higher level of car control using all its capabilities.

For burnout, i.e. for slipping, the following conditions are necessary:

1. The car is powerful enough to warm up the tires, otherwise the wheels will not be able to rotate at high speed.

2. The car must be technically sound. When this technique is put into practice, the loads on the engine, brake system, wheel bearings and suspension reach extreme values.

3. The car owner must be personally aware of the following fact: that such heating of the tires can, and sometimes does, lead to serious technical breakdowns.

Attention. The article was written with one purpose, namely: to show the basics of the burnout technique. It in no way calls motorists to action. Any attempts to use this racing equipment for any entertainment or professional purposes may result in serious damage to the vehicle. Also, this type of activity can be dangerous both for the driver himself and for others. This slipping method should under no circumstances be used in crowded areas or on public roads. This is a mandatory requirement for all motorists.

I. Make sure your vehicle is suitable for slip-burnout. It must have enough horsepower. For this, cars are usually suitable that have more than four cylinders and are equipped with a manual transmission. And for a greater effect, you also need smooth tires that have a large area of ​​​​the so-called contact patch with the asphalt surface, which can produce a lot of effective smoke.

*If your car has an automatic transmission, then using burnout slip is strictly prohibited. It will lead to destruction of the transmission and costly repairs to the car itself.

Start of movement

Any trip begins with starting and warming up the engine. Don't rush to start moving right away. If the temperature outside is above zero, it is enough to wait a minute or two for the oil to distribute throughout the box and for it to return to operating mode. Remember, the colder it is outside, the longer it will take to warm up, so in cold weather it won’t hurt to stand with the engine running for 10 minutes or more. In addition, this will also be a plus for the car engine.


The engine can only be started in position “P”

Moreover, preferably in the “P”
If your car does not start, check that the gearbox lever is set to one of these two positions.

So, you have warmed up the car, now you can start driving. Switch the gearbox lever from position "P"

into one of the driving positions and be sure to wait for the easy point

! The box takes some time to switch modes (usually about 1 second), and if you sharply press the gas before this point, it may cause damage.

Rear-wheel drive vehicles

II. Engage first gear, then fully depress the clutch and gradually begin to increase engine speed. With a quick but smooth movement, begin to release the clutch pedal, while still pressing the gas.

Attention. To prevent the speed from going into the red zone, work with the gas pedal very carefully; you do not need to press it all the way to the floor. The ideal execution technique is shown in the following video (1.00 minute video). Play with the gas pedal, alternately pressing it harder or weaker, while constantly maintaining high but safe engine speeds.

The average range of these revolutions should be between 3500-4500 rpm. On modern cars, this range is closest to peak torque.

Once the clutch is fully released, place your left foot on the brake pedal. In order to press the brake pedal with the required force with your left foot, some practice is required. It’s very difficult to do this the first time (and sometimes the tenth).

The braking force must be more than sufficient so that the rear wheels of the car continue to rotate freely, while the car itself remains in place or continues to move very slowly forward.

Attention . Attempts to do burnout-slip for the first time, naturally, will be initially unsuccessful over and over again, until you learn to feel the smallest nuances of the car's behavior. In this case, there is a possibility of overheating of the clutch itself, up to its failure. So try to monitor any unusual and foreign odors that appear in the car’s interior, as well as the behavior of the car itself when you turn on the gearbox and depress the clutch, precisely at the moment the clutch discs come together.

Hand sanding

  • Sanding can be done by hand or using a sanding machine. Hand sanding with a stone gives you more control over the process. The machine can be used at the initial stage, and the final leveling should be done with a block of sanding paper. Hard-to-reach areas are also sanded by hand.
  • A long sanding block allows you to smooth out unevenness in the putty that cannot be felt with your hand. On a glossy surface, such irregularities may look like small “waves”. For uniform action, you need to press the bar with equal force along its entire length.

When using a whetstone, it is important to follow the grinding technique. You need to make passes crosswise, up and down, back and forth alternately, making the previous pass in the opposite direction, 5 times in one direction, 5 in the other. Never sand just one area as this will cause indentation. When working with a large surface, you need to use the largest sanding block possible. Thus, when grinding, the high points will be cut off, but the depressions will not be affected.

The sanding paper must be unworn and clean. It can be used as long as you feel that it is cutting the material. When the paper begins to simply slide easily across the surface, it needs to be cleaned or replaced.

  • Change the abrasive grade consistently. Do not immediately change large to small. Use a medium abrasive first. Start with P60 or P80 and continue with P100-P120, P180-P220. By skipping the abrasive size by several steps, you complicate your work. It is possible to remove scratches left by P80 abrasive with P180, but it will be more difficult to do than with P120 and then P180. More sanding paper will be used and more time will be required.
  • If you are sanding close to the edge of a panel, apply masking tape to the edge of the adjacent panel to protect it in case you accidentally hit it while sanding.
  • On a repair area with a large area, you can start sanding the putty until it hardens completely. You need to wait until 5-10 minutes for the putty to harden but still be a little sticky and soft. This will make the processing process easier. You can check by scratching with your fingernail, which should leave a mark. Putty in this state can be processed with a special file or sanding paper with coarse abrasive P60-P80. With this method, you don’t need to press too hard, otherwise you won’t be able to remove deep scratches during subsequent sanding. This method reduces processing time and reduces the amount of dust. It is necessary to cut off the unevenness of the putty, but stop when it is still above the surface level so that the remainder can be sanded down when it hardens with a finer abrasive. Next, use sanding paper P100-P120, which you use to finish giving the putty the basic shape and remove rough scratches. Add putty if necessary. The next step is to change the sanding paper to P120-P150, and then P180-P220, which are already used to remove large scratches and prepare the surface for priming.
  • When sanding with medium-graded abrasives, the putty needs to be completely hardened so that the sanding paper does not clog. At this stage, your task is to achieve a perfectly smooth surface by sanding the surface with light pressure, and not pressing hard.
  • The very thin metal of modern cars can create additional problems during repairs. When you sand the repair area, some places may sag, and the putty there will wear off differently. This must be taken into account and the degree of pressure controlled when grinding.
  • To level rounded surfaces, you can use special elastic bars.

Front wheel drive cars

III. On front-wheel drive, burnout slipping is somewhat easier. To do this, you need to hold the parking brake, then raise the engine speed and just as smoothly and quickly release the clutch pedal. As a result of such a rapid (almost instantaneous) increase in speed of rotation of the front wheels, the car will not move forward and will not stall; remaining in one place, it will begin to release long-awaited puffs of smoke from under its tires.

On front-wheel drive, it is much easier to do burnout-slip. But there is one important nuance: the car’s handbrake must be in good working order, it must be able to hold the car in place.

What does the word Burnout mean?

The definition of burnout in the dictionary is a complete loss of energy and interest and an inability to function effectively, experienced as a result of excessive demands on resources or chronic overwork.

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Not enough power under the hood

IV. If the car does not have enough power for such experiments, in this case, experts have some tricks in stock that help one hundred percent prevent the wheels of the car from slipping.

1. Lighten your car, especially for rear-wheel drive cars. There should be nothing unnecessary in the trunk, not even a spare tire. Before arriving at the site, take care of this in advance. The car's axle will be slightly unloaded, and it will be easier for the wheels to slip.

2. Burnout - slipping on a chip. Rolling back at low speed with the clutch depressed, you do almost everything the same as the previous times. Release the clutch, then press the gas, but do not press the brake. As a result of the influence of multidirectional forces, one of the forces will be directed downward, and the engine force will be directed in the opposite direction, that is, it will pull upward; in this case, the car will remain in place without the brakes applied.

3. Try this on a wet surface. The grip on the asphalt will be much weaker than it would be in dry weather, and this will definitely increase your chances of success.

V. And in conclusion. To reduce stress on the braking system itself, use the Brake line locking system, i.e., a lock. After installing it on the car and pressing the button, it will automatically turn off the rear brakes. This will simplify your task and keep the car in its original technical condition.

And as a snack for all readers: Fail and Win compilations of burnout.

A little theory

Have you driven a car with a manual transmission and are not a “dummies”? Then, at first, when driving an automatic transmission, watch the position of your left foot. The acquired habit of pressing the clutch pedal, which is absent on cars equipped with an automatic transmission, can interfere with driving. Obviously: before driving a car equipped with a selector, learn to use only one foot - quickly move your right foot from the gas pedal to the brake, without remembering the clutch.

The gear shift lever in cars equipped with an automatic transmission is called a selector; it is additionally equipped with a release button that prevents incorrect gear shifting. The main advantage of this type of gearbox is the ability to electronically select a gear ratio that corresponds to driving conditions, without driver participation. There is no need to learn to shift gears smoothly: the “smart” gearbox copes with this task on its own.

Driving a car equipped with an automatic transmission begins with studying the basic operating modes of the unit, which have the appropriate designations:

  1. “P” - parking, used to start the engine. The selector switches to this position when the vehicle is completely stopped or when using the handbrake. Some manufacturers of cars with automatic transmissions indicate in the vehicle operating instructions the need to use the handbrake when using the “Parking” position.
  2. "D" - forward movement, allows the car to move forward. Depending on the degree of pressing of the gas pedal and the driving conditions of the vehicle, the gears will be selected automatically. While in this mode, the machine standing on an inclined surface will not roll back if the angle of the surface is not too steep.
  3. "R" - reverse, allows the car to move backwards. This position is activated after the car has come to a complete stop, plus when the brake pedal is depressed.
  4. “N” - neutral, used to warm up the engine in the cold season; it is not recommended to switch the selector to the indicated position while the car is moving. Ensures idle operation of the power unit without transmitting torque to the wheels.
  5. “D2” (or S) - downshift, used on descents and ascents. Stopping the car in this mode will be more effective than in position “D”. The box will use only two gears - first and second.
  6. “D1” (or L) is the subsequent gear reduction range, used when roads are icy, mountain serpentines, and in some cases can be used for engine braking. In this mode, the car will always move in first gear.

Switching the selector from position “D” to position “D3” (D2), “D2” (D1) is performed while the machine is moving. Improved automatic gearboxes have additional acceleration modes:

  • economical - “E”;
  • normal - “N”;
  • sporty - "S".

We recommend that “dummies” watch a video about driving a car with an automatic transmission for beginners:

How to skid on the spot? Using the example of mechanics and automatic transmission

Having a manual or automatic transmission installed, how to slip in place?
Will this cause harm to units and components? We will answer these questions and more in this section. It is no secret that this nonsense affects mainly young and impulsive drivers (street racers) who do not know a lot about technology and the cost of breakdowns. As they say, the main thing is to put your slippers on the floor

. In this way, guys try to stand out from the crowd in front of friends and colleagues, as well as attract the attention of girls. But what will follow such antics? In what condition will the car return home then? It’s good if it’s yours, not your father’s. Do you understand what I'm talking about. But there is another side to the coin...

"Crank" on "automatic"

It's not that simple here

as it seems to some. It is possible to slip only if the road is slippery: ice, snow, or, in extreme cases, sand on the beach. You can't do this on asphalt. They say that some people manage to make a crank in the “neutral” mode on an automatic transmission, but one hardly believes in such fables.

Practical recommendations:

  • Long jerks are strictly prohibited. Give the engine a rest;
  • During a “smoke break,” do not turn off the engine;

Let's simulate the situation:

stuck in a snowdrift and need to get out with an automatic transmission. To do this, engage the “R” gear, before doing this we squeeze the foot brake.

In this mode, we wait about 3 minutes until the oil is pumped up by the torque converter and gradually begin to release the brake, increasing the speed. High speeds will quickly damage the automatic transmission clutches. Minimal cooling may cause the liquid to boil.

Experienced drivers recommend using the foot brake as a clutch pedal in a manual transmission.

. Thus, you can try to get out of the skid. It is strictly forbidden to “jump” from one gear to another. Older cars with automatic transmissions have an air cooling system for the automatic transmission - a technology from the 80-90s. Today this technology is no longer used.

In a word, slipping is allowed, but within moderate limits.

Tips for Drag Racing fans:

  • For this type of race, a rear-wheel drive car would be optimal;
  • Some types of tires are specifically designed for anti-skid, so choose the appropriate type. Otherwise, be prepared to smell a burnt clutch disc. Do not confuse this with the smell of burnt rubber;
  • When starting, keep the wheels level, as the rear may skid a little.

Be that as it may, the idea of ​​slipping for no reason is a rather dangerous thing

, since, without experience, a novice driver can do things that will end in a major overhaul or partial replacement of the power unit. And this already smacks of good spending.

Therefore, if you really want to learn the art of drag racing, first take training courses at any driving school and only after that feel free to get behind the wheel of your car. Actually, they gave a full answer to the question: how to skid on the spot. Always make an informed decision.


There are some rules regarding proper slippage.

  1. You can’t skid in place for a long time, because the gearbox needs rest. Skid periodically, so both the driver and the car will rest. There is no need to turn off the engine while resting.
  2. You cannot skid on a cold car. Hasty actions will lead to wear of significant parts of the automatic transmission, since slipping will begin without any lubrication of the mechanism.
  3. Before attempting to drive out of a snowdrift, turn on R mode, first pressing the brake pedal. We stand in this position for at least a minute. During this time, the required amount of lubricant will be pumped through the torque converter.
  4. When skidding, you should avoid too sharp traction with the road. The higher the load, the faster the clutches on the automatic transmission will fail.

Which cars are not suitable for towing?

  1. Low efficiency of the cooling system can provoke a critical condition due to increased heat generation in the torque converter. The radiator will become clogged with wear products. Such difficulties are typical for cars with high mileage. Let's include here all American cars produced back in the 80s and 90s.
  2. Older Japanese and European cars have air transmission cooling systems. This means that the automatic transmission is cooled while driving, and therefore slipping on them can only be to the detriment of the “health” of the car. True, there are practically no such cars in Russia anymore, since they are small cars that rarely hit our market.

If you follow these simple rules, you can skid without causing any harm to your iron horse. You don’t want to pay for expensive repairs or buy new tires because of a simple mistake? Always be careful when driving.


How to drive a car with slipping on automatic and manual

One of the most undesirable and unpleasant “scourges” when driving a car is its slipping. It is difficult to find a driver who would not be familiar with it in practice. There are many different opinions, sometimes diametrically opposed, about how best to deal with slippage so that it does not affect the car. All sorts of driving myths are also devoted to slipping and the art of skillfully getting out of it. Expert advice will help many new car owners and those whose experience of operating a car in difficult conditions still needs to be improved.

Tip #1: Buy zip ties

They cost pennies, especially if you buy directly from China. And cross-country ability immediately increases significantly. In cases where the wheel grinds on ice covered with a thin layer of snow, or the car gets stuck on a snowy slope, zip ties really save the day.

You don’t feel sorry for them; you don’t even have to take them off when leaving. Set up pretty quickly. Instead of zip ties, you can use ordinary belts or ropes; if the yard and roads are not cleaned at all, then it is better to install chains. There are quite a few types of them, sometimes models with large lugs are very effective, but in principle even the cheapest models help save the owner of a car with an automatic transmission.

Why skidding is not recommended

It’s unlikely that anyone would dare to say that slipping is beneficial for a car. In real life it's just the opposite. Thus, it often significantly increases the likelihood of partial or complete breakdown of the machine, up to the failure of the engine or other important unit. If we classify the negative consequences of slipping, we should note several of the most common points that result from car execution:

  1. Various types of mechanical damage affecting bumpers, sills, wheel arches and other parts, not to mention deformation of the bottom and plastic engine protection.
  2. Major functional damage, such as transmission breakdowns, the upgrade of which invariably costs a pretty penny. The likelihood of its breakdown increases significantly if the oil in the transmission has not been changed for a long time, and the car’s mileage exceeds 50 thousand kilometers. The saddest thing is that an unlucky driver can do this literally in a matter of minutes if he thoughtlessly and powerfully accelerates “to the limit,” naively hoping to escape from the towing site due to this.

Therefore, experts almost unanimously consider towing to be an extremely undesirable phenomenon for any car and strongly recommend avoiding it at all costs, regardless of what kind of gearbox the car has.

How to slip on mechanics

The methods of “freeing” from slipping for a car with a manual differ significantly from similar methods for an automatic transmission. The most common technique is rocking the car. The driver, quickly switching the first forward and reverse gears, rolls the car back and forth. After some time, as a result of this, as a rule, a small platform is created under the car, which is most often enough to, using an additional speed impulse, make a sharp start and escape from the trap.

The practical methods of such life-saving maneuvers are well-versed by experienced drivers who have learned from their own experience how to skid in place on a rear-wheel drive or front-wheel drive car. One of the tips on how to do this in combination on a powerful car with rear-wheel drive manual transmission is to depress the clutch with your left foot, press the right heel on the brake pedal, and press the right toe on the gas. This format must be applied synchronously and quickly until the matter ends in success. The main thing, according to most who recommend this format, is to prevent overheating of the brakes due to powerful, desperate carbonation.

How to slip on automatic

Modern automatic transmission, compared to a manual transmission, has its own functional features. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to skid with an automatic transmission. The experts' answer will be negative. To understand this, you need to study in detail why you can’t skid.

As practice has shown, thoughtless towing with an automatic transmission highly likely leads to unwanted damage to the clutches and gear changing mechanics. In addition, in some all-wheel drive models there is a high risk of breaking the rear axle, namely the connection coupling. In the case of a hydraulic coupling, it usually burns out and fails forever. As soon as there is a burning smell coming from the engine, attempts to free yourself must be stopped immediately - then there is still at least some hope that after freeing with the help of outsiders, the car will be able to move on its own.

Another very common problem is that inexperienced drivers make active attempts to “break out” when the vehicle is not warmed up, which is also fraught with trouble for it. We must remember that it is recommended to allow a high load on the engine and transmission only when their operating temperature has reached 90 degrees.

On a CVT, as well as on an automatic transmission, it is also strongly not recommended to allow slipping. In addition, you should try to avoid sharp sodas and towing damaged cars.

If you have to get into an unpleasant situation caused by slipping, you need to do it as carefully as possible, without going beyond reasonable limits. In this case, the gearbox should not overheat, but you should not try to tow with a cold car. It is necessary to avoid skipping gears, avoid sudden grip of the tires with the road after slipping and other ill-considered actions that put excessive load on the differential gearbox. There is also no need to do this if the car is already of advanced age.


Carrot asses 7 (34775) 2 11 26 2 g

I see that there will soon be another dead clutch. If you don’t know how and don’t have the finances for something cooler than a 20-year-old small-capacity bucket, don’t even try

gas + handbrake + stable degree of rotation and naturally the skill to be able to do this

Some people consider spinning to be pranks that young people do for fun. But it is not always the case. In drag racing, skidding heats up the tires. The slipping technique will vary depending on the type of transmission.

Spectacular stunts on front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive and all-wheel drive cars

Administrator Muz4in.Net 04/25/2012, 17:17 Tags


How many times have they told the world: studying the physics of car movement, engaging in emergency preparedness and practicing sports driving techniques is useful, enjoyable and fun. But no! The driver doesn’t want to learn equipment and go to an extreme driving school, but instead asks him to tell you in a nutshell how to make girls squeal and his friends enthusiastically shake his hand. Receive it and sign it!

Russian rally champion 2004, head of the FreeDrive racing team Gennady Broslavsky showed us several spectacular stunts on a front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive and all-wheel drive car and gave us simple instructions on how to perform them. Learn them - and the champagne will flow like a river, doors will open, carpets will be laid out! Popular Mechanics is not responsible for the consequences of unsuccessful attempts to perform a trick.

Rear drive:

Lotus Exige. Engine: in base. Engine capacity: 1796 cm3. Power: 192 hp Weight: 875 kg. Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h: 5.0 s. Maximum speed: 241 km/h.

Four-wheel drive:

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI. Engine: front. Engine capacity: 1997 cm3. Power: 280 hp Weight: 1300 kg. Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h: 4.9 s. Maximum speed: 220 km/h.

Front-wheel drive:

Ford Fiesta. Engine: front. Engine capacity: 1596 cm3. Power: 100 hp Weight: 1115 kg. Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h: 11.0 s. Maximum speed: 184 km/h.

What can break

Most production cars (even those with very powerful engines) are designed to drive forward, sometimes backward, but never sideways. Slipping on a machine that is not designed for this purpose can lead to serious damage. Moreover, you can feel the result after a couple of innocent turns with the handbrake.

Silent suspension blocks and rubber supports of MacPherson struts are not designed for sharply increasing lateral loads.

Ball joints and steering ends are designed to handle more smoothly varying forces, and wheel hub bearings are not designed for sideways driving at all.

The gearbox may not be able to withstand too sudden shifts - the synchronizers take time to operate.

When sliding and slipping, rubber literally burns (with spectacular white smoke) and melts before our eyes.

If you do not accurately estimate the distances to the nearest curbs and lampposts, you can go broke on body repairs.

U-turn with handbrake

Allows you to quickly turn around in very limited space. A handbrake turn is the first trick that novice reckless drivers learn to perform. It succeeds in almost 100% of cases, despite the possible sluggishness or lack of coordination in the driver’s actions.

Four-wheel drive.

On cars with all-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive, releasing the clutch when using the handbrake is vital for performing the trick and preserving the components of the car.

Front and all wheel drive.

Accelerate to 40–50 km/h in second gear. Release the gas and sharply turn the steering wheel to the side. Literally in a split second, squeeze the clutch and pull the handbrake to lock the rear wheels. Immediately release the handbrake, and when the car turns at an angle of more than 90 degrees, begin to return the steering wheel to its original “straight” position. If you manage to return the steering wheel to the neutral position in time, the car will turn exactly 180 degrees and, perhaps, even roll back in the same direction. The algorithm is suitable for a car with any type of drive.

Rear drive.

A rear-wheel drive car can be turned not only with the handbrake, but also with the gas, but this maneuver requires more skill.

Allows you to instantly start moving in the opposite direction. A police turn is considered completed if you continue to drive ahead in the same direction. On vehicles with any type of drive, a police turn is performed the same way.

In America, the police turnaround is called "Rockford", after the main character of the 1974 TV series Rockford Files. Detective Jim Rockford performed this maneuver in his Pontiac Firebird coupe in almost every episode.

Before you slide

Check tire pressure. Under high lateral loads in sliding, a poorly inflated tire can become dismounted. If a sliding car receives solid support in the form of a wheel rim, you will have to continue driving on the roof. The pressure should be approximately 2.5 atm.

Check the condition of the TIRES. You should not subject tires to extreme loads, the cord of which is already sticking out and the tread is worn out. The same applies to tires that have spent several cold winters in the garage and turned into dust.

Warm up your tires by making a series of sharp turns in different directions. Too sudden temperature changes, in particular sliding on cold tires, have a harmful effect on rubber.

Disable ESP.

This system is specially designed to prevent the vehicle from sliding. Attempting to perform stunts with ESP enabled may result in loss of control and vehicle damage.

Choose the right coverage. The car glides easily on wet asphalt, but remains controlled. Sliding on snow or ice is easy for both the driver and the car, but regaining traction is very difficult. But concrete, even when wet, has a greater coefficient of adhesion than dry asphalt: trying to slide on it can result in riding on the roof. Of course, the road must be smooth.

Front and all wheel drive.

Accelerate in reverse to a speed of 40 km/h. Depress the clutch and quickly turn the steering wheel until it stops. While the car is spinning, engage first or second gear (whichever is more convenient). During the switching time, the car should turn 90–1200. Rotate the steering wheel back to return it to the neutral position by 1800. Release the clutch and continue driving straight.

Rear drive.

A police U-turn is more difficult to perform on a mid-engine car than on a front-engine car, where the inertia of the heavy power unit helps the car rotate.

Front-wheel drive.

A front-wheel drive car rotates most readily in reverse - the wheels act like the rudder of a motor boat.

Four-wheel drive. The rigid suspension of a sports car allows it to have less

roll and slide more predictably.

On asphalt it makes cornering less fast, but very effective. In rallying on slippery surfaces, sideslip in a corner allows you to control deceleration by increasing or decreasing the drift angle.


The insidiousness of a controlled skid is that it looks most impressive in a real turn on an ordinary road. We strongly recommend that you practice your skills in a closed area in advance.

Front and all wheel drive. Approach the turn with steady throttle. Turn the steering wheel and pull the handbrake. On a vehicle with four-wheel drive, depress the clutch while the handbrake is applied. Maintaining the gas, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid. On all-wheel drive, keep the rear wheels sliding with gas; on the front, correct the skid with the handbrake. To reduce the skidding angle, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid; To increase the skidding angle, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the turn.

Four-wheel drive.

In all-wheel drive, maintaining high engine speeds allows you to maintain sliding for as long as you like, while the car obediently accelerates in a given direction, despite slipping.

Front-wheel drive.

Modern cars with independent multi-link rear suspension are very stable and impressive when cornering. If the skid stops prematurely, reapplying the handbrake helps.

Rear drive.

Approach the turn with steady throttle. Turn the steering wheel sharply away from the corner (counter-bias) and immediately turn towards the corner by pressing harder on the gas. The rear wheels will skid. Immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid and release it slightly, but under no circumstances release the gas. As soon as the car begins to stabilize, do not wait until the end of the skid and return the steering wheel to the neutral position in advance. Rear-wheel drive does not forgive mistakes in skidding. An overdose or, conversely, a lack of gas, or a delay in steering can lead to cyclic skidding and uncontrolled rotation.

Art requires sacrifice! You can endlessly watch how others work, water flows and burns... Rubber. The squeal of the engine, tires and spectators merges into a festive chorus as the powerful car waltzes through clouds of white smoke.

In the USA, stunts using special cars for “nickels” are popular. In them, the steering wheel and gas are fixed in extreme positions and allow the car to rotate itself, while the stuntman can open the doors, climb out onto the roof, and climb from one window to another. Special tires are produced that, when burned, emit bright colored smoke.


A car in a slide can spin endlessly. In this entertainment it is important to know when to stop. If a blown tire breaks and the car has a solid rim support, the exercise may end on the roof.

Rear drive.

A sports rear-wheel drive car is a classic tool for drifting and, in particular, “piglets”.

Four-wheel drive.

All-wheel drive cars with a sporty character can rotate not only in a small radius, but even around their own center of mass.

Rear and all wheel drive.

While standing still, turn the steering wheel at a slight angle, depress the clutch and engage first gear. Rev up the engine to high speed by pressing the gas several times. As you press the gas, sharply release the clutch. The wheels will slip and start spinning. Maintain high engine speed by pressing the gas rhythmically. Variable throttling helps regularly transfer the vehicle's weight to the front axle to improve steering response. Turn the steering wheel tighter if the vehicle's rotation radius increases, and loosen the steering wheel if the radius decreases.

Front-wheel drive.

While standing still, turn the steering wheel all the way, depress the clutch and engage reverse gear. Rev up the engine to high speed by repeatedly pressing the gas pedal. Variable throttling allows for better RPM control. Release the clutch quickly. The wheels should slip. As soon as the car starts moving, pull and hold the handbrake. On a front-wheel drive car, it is much more fun to do the “nickle” in reverse - after all, it is the drive wheels that must slide in a circle.

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