We independently change the ignition coil on a VAZ 2107

If the ignition coil on a VAZ 2107 fails, you will not be able to start the car. The only thing left for the driver in such a situation is to ask passing drivers to tow the car or call a tow truck. And once he gets to the garage, the driver can replace the ignition coil himself. Let's figure out how this is done.

  • Ignition coil design
    Types of ignition coils
  • Location and connection diagram
  • About the choice of ignition coils for the VAZ 2107
  • Main malfunctions of VAZ 2107 ignition coils
      Video: faulty ignition coil
  • Self-check of the ignition coil
      Test sequence
  • Video: we independently check the serviceability of the ignition coil
  • Replacing the ignition coil on a VAZ 2107 car
      Coil replacement sequence
  • Why did it happen so?

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    Contactless ignition of vases (2101-2107). complete installation guide - AutoSovet

    Now almost all classic owners install contactless electronic ignition (BSI) on their cars. And it's easy to explain. BSZ has obvious and proven advantages, such as simplicity and ease of configuration.

    If you are already quite tired of the fact that the contact pair, for certain reasons, very often does not work or even fails.

    You have not yet decided whether to buy a contactless ignition kit, then this article will help you make the right choice.

    Now, let's move on to the most important thing - choosing and installing BSZ on your car.

    I think that it is best to opt for a contactless ignition kit made in Russia, namely the city of Stary Oskol.

    The box contains a coil, switch, wiring harness and distributor. This kit is considered one of the best.

    For installation, we will need a drill, a drill and a pair of screws; they will be useful for installing the coil in the engine compartment; some engines have a standard mounting location, but you will have to attach the switch yourself. An open-end wrench for “13”, socket or ring wrenches for “8” and “10”, as well as a wrench for “38” are also useful.

    Description of SZ on UAZ

    How is the ignition circuit installed, configured and adjusted on the AUZ 417 or any other? We will talk about this below. But first, let's understand the principle of operation of the node, as well as the types of SZ.

    Operating principle of SZ

    As already said, the ignition on an UAZ performs one of the main functions when starting the power unit. Thanks to this system, the procedure for igniting the air-fuel mixture in the cylinders of the power unit is carried out by supplying a spark. The spark is directly supplied to the spark plugs; one spark plug is installed on each cylinder. All of these safety devices operate in sequence mode, igniting the combustible mixture in the required period of time. It is also necessary to take into account that the ignition system on cars not only provides a spark, but also determines its strength.

    The vehicle battery is not able to produce the voltage and current required to ignite the mixture, since this device only produces a certain amount of current. The help comes from the ignition system, the purpose of which is to increase the power of the car’s battery. As a result of using the SZ battery, it is possible to transmit sufficient voltage to the spark plugs to ignite the mixture.

    Types of ignition systems

    Today there are three main types of ignition systems that can be installed on cars:

    1. Contact SZ. It is considered obsolete, but continues to be successfully used on domestically produced vehicles. The principle of operation is that the system produces the necessary impulse, which appears due to the operation of the distribution component. The contact-type device itself is simple, and this is a plus, because in the event of a breakdown, the driver can always diagnose and repair it himself. The cost of replacement components is not high. The main components of a contact type system are a battery, a short circuit, a drive, spark plugs, a capacitor, and a breaker with a distributor.
    2. A non-contact ignition system called transistor. Many vehicles are equipped with this type. When compared with the type described above, the system is characterized by a number of advantages. Firstly, the generated spark has greater power, which is due to the increased voltage level in the secondary winding of the ignition coil. Secondly, the contactless system is equipped with an electromagnetic device that allows for stable operation, as well as energy transfer to all nodes. As a result, with proper tuning of the internal combustion engine, this allows not only to increase operating power, but also to save fuel. Thirdly, it is convenient in terms of node maintenance. To ensure long-term performance, after setting up and installing the distributor drive, this element must be lubricated from time to time. To ensure normal operation, the element is lubricated every ten thousand kilometers. As for the disadvantages, it is the difficulty of repair. It is impossible to repair the device yourself; this requires special diagnostic equipment, which is only available at service stations.
    3. Another option for SZ is electronic, which is the most technologically advanced and expensive today, which is why new vehicles are equipped with it. Unlike the two systems described above, the electronic ignition system is characterized by a complex device that ensures the functionality of not only the torque, but also other parameters. Currently, all modern cars are equipped with electronic systems. The key advantage is a more simplified procedure for setting the advance angle, as well as the absence of the need to periodically check the contacts for oxidation. In practice, the air-fuel mixture in engines with electronic combustion almost always burns completely. This type also has its disadvantages, in particular in the matter of repairs. It is impossible to produce it with your own hands, since this requires equipment. Detailed instructions for adjusting the ignition using a light bulb are presented in the video below.

    Reel design and operation

    The modern bobbin is a simplified version of the Ruhmkorff induction coil. It was named after the German-born inventor Heinrich Ruhmkorff, who was the first to patent a device in 1851 that converts low-voltage direct voltage into high-alternating voltage.

    To understand the principle of operation, you need to know the structure of the ignition coil and the basics of radio electronics.

    This is a traditional, common VAZ ignition coil, used for a long time and on many other cars. In fact, this is a pulse high-voltage transformer. On a core designed to enhance the magnetic field, a secondary winding is wound with a thin wire; it can contain up to thirty thousand turns of wire.

    On top of the secondary winding is a primary winding made of thicker wire and with fewer turns (100-300).

    The windings at one end are connected to each other, the second end of the primary is connected to the battery, the secondary winding with its free end is connected to the voltage distributor. The common point of the coil winding is connected to the voltage switch. This entire structure is covered by a protective housing.

    A direct current flows through the “primary” in the initial state. When a spark needs to be formed, the circuit is broken by a switch or distributor. This leads to the formation of high voltage in the secondary winding. Voltage is supplied to the spark plug of the desired cylinder, where a spark is formed, causing combustion of the fuel mixture. High-voltage wires were used to connect the spark plugs to the distributor.

    The single terminal design is not the only one possible; there are other options.

    • Double spark. The dual system is used for cylinders that operate in the same phase. Let's assume that compression occurs in the first cylinder and a spark is needed for ignition, and in the fourth cylinder there is a purge phase and an idle spark is formed there.
    • Three-spark. The principle of operation is the same as that of a two-terminal one, only similar ones are used on 6-cylinder engines.
    • Individual. Each spark plug is equipped with its own ignition coil. In this case, the windings are swapped - the primary is located under the secondary.

    Setting the ignition timing

    The ignition system is a very sensitive unit that requires careful adjustment. Only in this case can you achieve optimal engine performance, minimum fuel consumption and maximum possible power.

    Methods for setting the ignition angle

    You can adjust the ignition timing in different ways.

    1. Aurally.
    2. Using a light bulb.
    3. By strobe light.
    4. By spark.

    The choice of method depends primarily on the availability of the necessary equipment and available tools.

    Adjusting the ignition by ear

    This method is distinguished by its simplicity, but it is recommended only for experienced car enthusiasts. The work is carried out with the engine warm and running in the following sequence.

    1. Loosen the nut securing the distributor and begin to rotate it slowly.
    2. Find the position of the distributor at which the engine speed will be maximum. If the position is found correctly, then when you press the accelerator pedal, the engine will quickly and smoothly gain speed.
    3. Stop the engine, turn the distributor 2˚ clockwise and tighten the fastening nut.

    Adjusting the ignition using a light bulb

    You can adjust the ignition of the VAZ 2107 using a 12V light bulb (car “control”). This is done as follows.

    1. The first cylinder is installed in a position where the mark on the crankshaft pulley will coincide with the 5˚ mark on the cylinder block. To turn the crankshaft you will need a special key.
    2. One of the wires coming from the light bulb is connected to ground, the second to the contact of the coil “K” (low voltage circuit).
    3. Loosen the distributor and turn on the ignition.
    4. By rotating the distributor, look for the position at which the light comes on.
    5. Tighten the distributor fastening.

    Adjusting the ignition using a strobe light

    Connecting the strobe and setting the ignition timing is carried out in the following order:

    1. The engine is warmed up to operating temperature.
    2. The tube is removed from the vacuum corrector, and a plug is installed in the resulting hole.
    3. The power wires of the strobe are connected to the battery (red - positive, black - negative).
    4. The remaining wire (sensor) of the device is fixed to the high-voltage wire going to the first spark plug.
    5. The stroboscope is installed so that its beam hits the crankshaft pulley parallel to the mark on the timing cover.
    6. Start the engine and loosen the distributor.
    7. By rotating the distributor, ensure that the beam jumps exactly at the moment it passes the mark on the crankshaft pulley.

    Video: adjusting the ignition using a strobe light

    The operating order of the VAZ 2107 engine cylinders

    The VAZ 2107 is equipped with a gasoline, four-stroke, four-cylinder, in-line engine with an overhead camshaft. In some cases, to diagnose and troubleshoot problems, it is necessary to know the operating sequence of the cylinders of the power unit. For the VAZ 2107, this sequence is as follows: 1 - 3 - 4 - 2. The numbers correspond to the cylinder numbers, and the numbering starts from the crankshaft pulley.

    The numbering of the VAZ 2107 engine cylinders starts from the crankshaft pulley

    Setting the slider direction

    With properly adjusted ignition, the engine and ignition system elements must be set in accordance with certain rules.

    1. The mark on the crankshaft pulley should be located opposite the 5˚ mark on the cylinder block.
    2. The distributor slider should be directed to the contact of the distributor cap corresponding to the first cylinder.

    When the ignition is correctly adjusted, the distributor slider should be directed towards the contact of the cover corresponding to the spark plug of the first cylinder

    Thus, adjusting the ignition timing of the VAZ 2107 is quite simple. Even an inexperienced car enthusiast with a minimum set of tools and carefully following the instructions of specialists can do this. At the same time, one should not forget about safety requirements, since most of the work involves high voltage.

    What causes an incorrectly set ignition on a VAZ 2107

    An incorrect lead angle causes the following problems:

    Engine overheating. Early ignition causes detonation, which changes the temperature regime of the engine. At the same time, the load on the crank mechanism increases, reducing their service life.

    Reduced vehicle dynamics. Early and late ignition of the VAZ 2107 leads to the fact that fuel energy is not optimally consumed. The explosion of the mixture must occur exactly when the piston is at TDC.

    Burnout of valves. With late ignition, the mixture continues to burn throughout the exhaust phase, causing the valves to overheat and “popping” to occur in the exhaust manifold.

    How to make adjustments

    This process involves setting the ignition angle to the initial state. At VAZ this should be done as follows:

    1. The crankshaft pulley is installed.
    2. The distributor is installed.
    3. We start and warm up at a temperature that must be considered working.
    4. We try to start with a hot engine. If you perform this procedure at an early stage, the starter will not turn as it should.

    After the VAZ 2107 contactless ignition has been installed, you should perform a test drive. In this case, it is recommended to pick up a speed of 30-40 kilometers per hour, and then engage the “fourth” gear. As soon as the gear has been engaged, it is necessary to give as much gas as possible. If the contactless ignition kit has been installed correctly, the driver will hear a small ringing sound after a few seconds. After this, the engine will begin to work as necessary, gradually gaining momentum. In the same case, if the ringing continues for more than three seconds, then you need to advance the ignition by turning the distributor. If there is no sound, this can be done a little earlier by turning the distributor.

    How to check the ignition coil of a VAZ

    If the ignition coil is faulty, the engine will not start. A characteristic sign of a faulty coil is its increased temperature when the ignition is turned off. This is easy to determine by touch.

    Signs of a faulty ignition module may include the following:

    • hesitant engine starting or failure to start;
    • failures during sudden changes in speed;
    • high fuel consumption;
    • two cylinders do not work, the engine is feverish;
    • lack of dynamics;
    • a sharp drop in power;
    • drop in power and thrust after warming up.

    These symptoms may not only be caused by the ignition module. To determine the malfunction, it is enough to spend a few minutes diagnosing spark plugs, high-voltage wires and caps. This will eliminate the remaining elements of the ignition system and make sure that it is the ignition module that is faulty.

    Checking the ignition coil is performed in one of 2 ways. The simplest one is to remove the central wire from the breaker-distributor, bring it to the motor housing and turn it with the starter, and a running spark should appear. After this, we check the energy supply to a separate spark plug, for which we unscrew the working spark plug, bring its contact to ground and attempt to start the engine. In this case, the spark should come from the wire to ground. If it is absent, the reason will be a malfunction of a system element such as the ignition coil.

    To check the module in the second way, we only need a multimeter, then follow the step-by-step instructions:

    1. We check the power supply and the presence of pulses supplied from the ECU. We check the power between the central terminal (15) of the wire block connected to the module and the engine ground. When the ignition is on, the voltage should not be less than 12 V. Otherwise, either the battery is dead or the ECU does not work.
    2. We check the pulses from the ECU on the wiring block. We install one tester probe on connector 15, the second on the far right, then on the far left. The assistant cranks the engine with the starter, and at this time we record short-term voltage surges with a tester. If there are no impulses from the ECU, it is he who is to blame.
    3. We check the resistance on the secondary windings of the coils. We put the tester in resistance measurement mode and measure it at the high-voltage terminals of the module cover. Between pins 1 and 4 and pins 2-3, the resistance should be 5.4 kOhm. Otherwise, the module must be replaced.
    4. We check the resistance of the primary windings between contacts 15 and the rightmost, then the leftmost terminals. Nominal - 0.5 Ohm. Deviation is not allowed.
    5. Check the module for a short circuit. In ohmmeter mode, install one multimeter probe on the central terminal, the second on the metal body. There shouldn't be any resistance. If the device detects at least some resistance (other than unity or infinity), the module must be replaced.

    Installation of BSZ on VAZ 2106

    When choosing a contactless ignition kit, pay attention to the engine size of your “six”. The distributor shaft for a 1.3 liter engine should be 7 mm shorter than for more powerful 1.5 and 1.6 liter power units. To install BSZ on a VAZ 2106 car, you should prepare the following set of tools:

    To install BSZ on a VAZ 2106 car, you should prepare the following set of tools:

    • open-end or socket wrenches with dimensions of 7-13 mm;
    • flathead and Phillips head screwdrivers;
    • pliers;
    • drill with a 4 mm drill (to mount the electronic unit in the side member you will have to make 2 holes for self-tapping screws).

    I highly recommend purchasing a 38 mm socket wrench with a long handle for unscrewing the ratchet. It is inexpensive, around 150 rubles, and is useful in many situations. Using this key, it is easy to turn the crankshaft and set pulley marks to adjust the ignition and timing.

    The first step is to dismantle the old system - the main distributor and coil:

    1. Pull out the high-voltage wires from the sockets of the distributor cover and disconnect it from the body by unlocking the latches. Dismantling old equipment begins with disassembling the distributor - removing the cover and wires
    2. When turning the crankshaft, set the slider at an angle of approximately 90° to the engine and place a mark on the valve cover opposite. Unscrew the 13 mm nut securing the distributor to the block. Before removing the ignition distributor, mark the position of the slider with chalk
    3. Unscrew the clamps of the old coil and disconnect the wires. It is advisable to remember the pinout or sketch it. The wire terminals are connected to the transformer contacts on threaded clamps
    4. Loosen and unscrew the nuts securing the clamp, remove the coil and distributor from the car. The distributor housing is attached to the cylinder block with a single 13 mm wrench nut.

    When removing the ignition distributor, keep the washer-shaped gasket installed between the part platform and the cylinder block. It may be useful for a contactless distributor.


    Install the contactless kit according to the instructions:

    1. Remove the BSZ distributor cap and, if necessary, replace the sealing washer from the old spare part. Turn the slider to the desired position and insert the distributor shaft into the socket, lightly pressing the pad with a nut. Before installing the distributor into the socket, turn the slider towards the chalk marks drawn on the valve cover
    2. Replace the cover, securing the latches. Connect the spark plug cables according to the numbering (the numbers are indicated on the cover).
    3. Screw the coil of the contactless system to the body of the VAZ 2106. To ensure that terminals “B” and “K” are in their original position, first unfold the body of the product inside the mounting clamp. When installing the coil, connect the wires from the ignition relay and tachometer
    4. Place the wires from the ignition switch and tachometer onto the contacts according to the diagram above.
    5. Install the controller next to the spar by drilling 2 holes. For convenience, remove the expansion tank. The controller is attached to the holes in the side member using self-tapping screws
    6. Connect the wiring harness to the distributor, switch and transformer. The blue wire is connected to terminal “B” of the coil, the brown wire is connected to terminal “K”. Place a high-voltage cable between the distributor cover and the central electrode of the transformer. The spark plug cables are connected according to the numbering on the cover, the central wire is connected to the coil electrode

    If there were no annoying mistakes during the installation process, the car will start immediately. The ignition can be adjusted “by ear” by loosening the distributor nut and slowly turning the housing at idle engine speed. Achieve the most stable operation of the motor and tighten the nut. Installation is complete.

    DETAILS: Installation and repair of wipers on a VAZ 2107

    Is there a difference between contact and electronic ignition?

    On carburetor VAZ 2107, both an electronic and a contact device were installed. The adjustment process is no different. The only difference may be that before setting the marks, it is necessary to clean the contacts on the contact breaker and check the gap so that the system can be adjusted more accurately.

    How to adjust the ignition: early or late ignition

    By the way, many people mistakenly call the switch the ignition relay. This relay is only a way to reduce the inrush current and is designed to preserve the life of the contacts. This relay is located in the engine compartment. The ignition setting does not apply to it.

    This is how you can adjust the ignition on a carburetor VAZ 2107. Good luck on the roads!

    Owners of VAZ classics with a carburetor engine are aware of its imperfect ignition system, with which difficulties often arise. Models with an injection engine are equipped with a different system called contactless. To avoid difficulties with a carburetor engine, a contactless ignition system is installed on the VAZ 2107. How the system works and how to install it on a VAZ 2107 is described in the material.

    Briefly about ignition

    To understand why there is a reel in a car (this is a popular name), and what part it takes in ensuring movement, you need to at least generally understand the structure of ignition systems.

    A simplified diagram of how the reel works is shown below.

    The positive terminal of the coil is connected to the positive terminal of the battery, and the other terminal is connected to the voltage distributor. This connection scheme is classic and is widely used on VAZ family cars. To complete the picture, it is necessary to make a number of clarifications:

    1. The voltage distributor is a kind of dispatcher that supplies voltage to the cylinder in which the compression phase has occurred and the gasoline vapors should ignite.
    2. The operation of the ignition coil is controlled by a voltage switch; its design can be mechanical or electronic (contactless).

    Mechanical devices were used in old cars: the VAZ 2106 and the like, but now they are almost completely replaced by electronic ones.

    From the history of VAZ cars

    Today, capacitor failure is an extremely rare occurrence and many do not even know about its existence. When the power supply circuit for cars was with reverse polarity, i.e., the “plus” went to ground, then not a single driver went on the road without a spare capacitor. Since 1961, by order of the Automotive Industry, they began to attach a “minus” to the ground and drivers simply forgot about the capacitor.

    Let's go back to the old-style distributor...

    The distributor also has centrifugal and vacuum ignition timing regulators. The centrifugal regulator is located under the slider. These are two weights with springs, which, depending on the engine speed, partially turn it inside the slider, forcing the contacts to open a little earlier.

    The vacuum regulator is made in the form of a vacuum chamber on the side of the distributor, connected to the central plate (moves on a bearing) on ​​which the contacts are located. The vacuum, depending on the engine load, draws in the membrane, which is connected to the plate using traction, rotates it and the contacts also begin to open earlier.

    The weak point of the contact distributor is the wear of the contacts and the breakage of the textolite tip of the contacts, thanks to which the distributor shaft opens the contacts. Burnout of the slider is also often observed when the current goes to ground. Less often, the bearing of the contact plate fails, and then unstable operation of the engine occurs.

    Until 1987, the plates were installed on a bearing of small diameter, and since 1987 they began to install a bearing of larger diameter. Let's take a look at the video of a new type of contactless distributor:

    The difference between the new sample distributor, a non-contact distributor, and a contact distributor is as follows. With a contact ignition system, the high voltage is about 13-18 thousand volts, and a contactless ignition system produces 35-40 thousand volts. A higher voltage ensures stable engine starting at any temperature, “dirty” spark plugs are not so critical for it, and the contactless ignition system is more economical.

    There are no misfires due to the state of the breaker contacts, since this distributor simply does not have them. In addition, with a contactless ignition system, engine power increases, harmful emissions into the atmosphere are reduced, and due to higher voltage, fuel combustion is more complete. Externally, the distributors are similar and the only difference from the contact distributor is the plug input on the distributor body.

    The contactless distributor is specially designed similar to the contact one so that it can be easily and simply replaced on the car. In a contactless distributor, the Hall sensor is responsible for supplying and interrupting high voltage or sparks to the candles, by analogy with front-wheel drive VAZ cars. To install contactless ignition on a car, in addition to the distributor, the kit also includes an ignition coil, a switch, spark plugs, and terminal blocks with connecting wires.

    Some kits also include an EPHH unit (forced idle economizer). The Hall sensor has a permanent magnet, a microcircuit and a steel screen with slots. The sensor is fixedly fixed in the distributor, and a steel screen with slots is mounted on the distributor shaft. When a slot in a steel screen passes through the Hall sensor, a magnetic field is created and a voltage is created on the semiconductor wafer.

    The sequence of slits on the steel screen creates low voltage pulses. A switch in contactless ignition is necessary to convert the control signal from the Hall sensor into high voltage pulses on the ignition coil.

    On a distributor with contacts, the spark plug gap between the electrodes is 0.5-0.6 mm, and with electronic ignition 0.7-0.8 mm...

    A car enthusiast familiar with auto electrics can easily install a kit for a contactless ignition system on his own. Those who feel that they can’t handle it are better to turn to auto electricians who can install it in the shortest possible time.

    We briefly got acquainted with the distributors of the old (contact) and new (non-contact) models.

    This is where I finish writing, friends. Good luck to you and see you soon on the pages of the RtiIvaz.ru blog!

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    Non-contact ignition system device

    The BSZ device for carburetor engines consists of:

    1. Distributor. This is a device that is responsible for creating a spark at the right moment. It is also called the ignition system distributor.
    2. High voltage coil. This element in the ignition system receives low voltage from the battery, converts it and supplies high voltage. Therefore, high-voltage wires come from it. The coil consists of two windings. The primary one is made of a large cross-section wire (connected to the electrical part of the car via the ignition switch relay), the secondary one is made of many turns of thin wire (connected with a high-voltage wire to the distributor).
    3. Switch. This element of the contactless ignition system is responsible for the formation of a spark. In simple words, a switch is a signal amplifier. The switch is only available in the ignition system of internal combustion engines with a carburetor. By the way, SOLEKS is considered the best carburetor. On injection VAZ 2107, as well as on others, a switch is not needed, since its functions are performed by the on-board computer controller.
    4. High voltage and normal wiring. High voltage wiring must meet heavy insulation requirements.
    5. Terminals. Serve for connections and must be strong.

    Electronic and contactless ignition systems are the same device. It got its name due to the absence of a contact group in the system design. The ignition switch also has a contact group, which is a common cause of engine failure.

    Distributor device:

    • frame;
    • shaft;
    • cam;
    • moving contact (slider).

    Diagnostics of malfunctions of the ignition module of injection VAZ 2107

    The ignition of the injection VAZ 2107 is completely electronic and is considered quite reliable. However, problems can arise with it too. The module plays an important role in this.

    Signs of a malfunctioning ignition module

    Symptoms of a faulty module include:

    • the Check engine warning light on the dashboard lights up;
    • floating idle speed;
    • engine tripping;
    • dips and jerks during acceleration;
    • change in sound and color of exhaust;
    • increased fuel consumption.

    However, these signs can also appear in case of other malfunctions - for example, in case of problems with the fuel system, as well as in case of failure of some sensors (oxygen, mass air flow, detonation, crankshaft position, etc.). If the engine starts to operate incorrectly, the electronic controller puts it into emergency mode, using all available resources. Therefore, when the engine operation changes, fuel consumption increases.

    In such cases, you should first of all pay attention to the controller, read information from it and decipher the error code that has occurred. To do this, you will need a special electronic tester, available at almost any service station.

    If the ignition module fails, error codes in engine operation may be as follows:

    • P 3000 - no sparking in the cylinders (for each cylinder the code may look like P 3001, P 3002, P 3003, P 3004);
    • P 0351 - break in the winding or windings of the coil responsible for cylinders 1–4;
    • P 0352 - a break in the winding or windings of the coil responsible for 2–3 cylinders.

    At the same time, the controller can produce similar errors in the event of a malfunction (break, breakdown) of high-voltage wires and spark plugs. Therefore, before diagnosing the module, you should check the high voltage wires and spark plugs.

    Main malfunctions of the ignition module

    The main malfunctions of the VAZ 2107 ignition module include:

    • a break or short to ground in the wiring coming from the controller;
    • lack of contact in the connector;
    • short circuit of the device windings to ground;
    • break in the module windings.

    Checking the ignition module

    To diagnose the VAZ 2107 injection module, you will need a multimeter. The verification algorithm is as follows:

    1. Raise the hood, remove the air filter, find the module.
    2. We disconnect the block of the wiring harness coming from the controller from the module.
    3. We set the multimeter to measure voltage in the range 0–20 V.
    4. Without starting the engine, turn on the ignition.
    5. We connect the negative (usually black) probe of the multimeter to ground, and the positive one to the middle contact on the harness block. The device must display the voltage of the on-board network (at least 12 V). If there is no voltage or it is less than 12 V, the wiring or the controller itself is faulty.
    6. If the multimeter shows a voltage of at least 12 V, turn off the ignition.
    7. Without connecting the connector with wires, disconnect the high-voltage conductors from the ignition module.
    8. Switch the multimeter to resistance measurement mode with a measurement limit of 20 kOhm.
    9. To check the device for an open circuit in its primary windings, we measure the resistance between contacts 1a and 1b (the outermost ones in the connector). If the resistance of the device tends to infinity, there is indeed an open circuit in the circuit.
    10. We check the module for breaks in the secondary windings. To do this, we measure the resistance between the high-voltage terminals of the first and fourth cylinders, then between the terminals of the second and third cylinders. In operating condition, the module resistance should be about 5–6 KOhm. If it tends to infinity, the circuit is broken and the module is faulty.

    Useful tips

    • To ensure normal ignition operation, high-quality spark plugs should be installed. This is especially important when the car is running on gas.
    • Poor quality wires often cause ignition malfunctions. It is better to use wires with silicone insulation, which has better dielectric characteristics and is more durable.
    • Poor fixation of the wire block often causes failure of the switch. To avoid this, it is necessary to check the quality of the connector fit.
    • On VAZ models older than 1994, when installing electronic ignition, the tachometer stops working. You can fix the problem by installing a 1.2 kOhm resistor or a capacitor in the circuit between the coil and the tachometer.

    The only drawback of electronic ignition on a VAZ is its complete inoperability if the hall sensor breaks down. This is not a very common, but quite possible event. To completely protect yourself from this problem, you should buy a spare sensor and carry it with you.

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