Throttle valve on Priora: where it is located, purpose, possible problems and repairs

Replacing the throttle body

Since the damper body becomes very hot during operation, all operations to replace this element should be performed on a “cold engine”. First of all, you need to disconnect the power supply connector for the throttle position sensor and the idle speed control connector.

Then remove the central crankcase ventilation hose, as well as the drive and coolant outlet hoses. The next step is to loosen the clamps and remove the wide air exhaust pipe and the fuel vapor supply hose. After all the elements have been successfully dismantled, unscrew the nuts securing the receiver and directly remove the throttle body itself.

Throttle or receiver?

Alexander Rastorguev [razborkazapzap]


When the need arises to increase the power of a car many times, the first thing that comes to mind is installing a turbine. Today, this idea is extremely expensive, and even for cars of the Lada family, the minimum cost of the kit, even with the use of a used turbine and intercooler, will be at least $1000. There are two options left, cheaper but less effective - a throttle or installing another receiver with an increased throttle.

Brief theory

It is known that the more air gets into the cylinders, the better the combustion process of the mixture occurs, and the final result is the transfer of torque to the transmission.

In the case of a turbocharger, high power from a relatively small engine volume is obtained due to the forced suction of high-pressure air into the cylinders. The turbine allows, with equal power to a high-volume naturally aspirated engine, to consume fuel like a small-displacement unit.

When considering tuning an atmospheric engine, it is necessary to understand that you will have to forget about efficiency; to achieve this goal, you will have to modify the remaining details. Since aspirated engines have lower efficiency, manufacturers of modern cars use phase shifters, changing the intake geometry, direct injection and other “know-how”.

About the receiver

When considering installing a tuning receiver, you need to decide what you want from the car:

  • a long manifold provides the main torque at idle and medium speeds, but the torque plateau decreases sharply after 5000 rpm;
  • a manifold with shorter channels and a high volume (3-5 liters), as well as with the use of “pipes”, provide stable torque at low speeds, as well as an increase in operating speed and a smooth reduction in power. “Pipes” eliminate the resonance effect, maintain stable idle speed and reduce engine noise.

In addition to installing a new intake manifold, you will have to install a throttle valve of increased diameter. The inconvenience of such a tandem is that with a slight press on the accelerator pedal there will be a sharp jerk, but you can count on an increase in power of up to 15%, and if you add injectors of increased productivity + chip tuning you will make the engine “breathe” in a new way.

Tips before buying a receiver:

  • the quality of workmanship must be at a high level, the planes of contact with the cylinder head must be smooth;
  • if it is plastic, then it is of high quality;
  • choose the middle option with shorter channels and a voluminous body;
  • add a larger throttle body and higher flow injectors to the manifold.

About chokes

Classic sports cars of the 80s and 90s (BMW M-series, Honda of those years, etc.) used not only high-volume engines to obtain more power, but also a throttle valve for each cylinder. The point of this arrangement is that each cylinder receives a large portion of air equally, which is impossible to achieve with a conventional receiver. The throttles are interconnected by one axis so that they open simultaneously and smoothly. Often such a system is installed on sports motorcycles.

What are the advantages of chokes:

  • obtaining high power, at least 30%;
  • pleasant sporty engine sound;
  • an increase in operating speed, and therefore maximum speed.

Unfortunately, the multi-throttle intake system has disadvantages:

  • high fuel consumption;
  • a large amount of gasoline “flies” into the exhaust pipe;
  • the need to frequently change expensive filter socks;
  • unstable idle due to which the intake;
  • an increase in engine temperature, which means greater demands on pump performance and antifreeze quality;
  • lack of access to the vacuum brake booster hose;
  • price.

Experienced motorsports athletes recommend installing a multi-throttle intake system for a car that will be used in circuit racing. To obtain more power and engine output, it is necessary to install camshafts with wide phases, but because of this, the idle speed increases and the stability of operation decreases.

You need to understand that you can tune the engine on the throttles, you will get a comfortable city car, but it directly depends on the quality of the part. If the engine operates unstably and “wide” camshafts are used, this will directly affect the resource of the CPG due to increased vibration and thermal conditions.

As for cars that have a standard multi-throttle system installed, the engines are specially prepared for this “case”. This car is easy to drive both in the city and on the highway, the gear ratios are correctly selected, and the braking system has the required performance. The secret of stable idling is due to the high volume of the cylinders, due to which the torque is sufficient from the bottom.

What to choose?

The choice in favor of a receiver is more obvious for the following reasons:

  • it may be possible to avoid increased gasoline consumption;
  • you can choose from a wide range of collectors to suit your taste;
  • stable engine operation;
  • “soft” increase in power, elasticity of the motor.

If you want more power, and are also prepared for the inconvenience of driving in city mode, as well as unexpected major repairs, choose a multi-throttle intake, but is it worth it? The average cost of throttles for a VAZ is about 20,000 rubles; for full operation, you need “wide” camshafts (15,000 rubles), high-performance injectors (8-10 thousand rubles), and an exhaust line of increased diameter (from 10 thousand). With a competent approach, the invested amount will be closer to a turbo kit. What to choose - think for yourself, decide for yourself.

Need for maintenance

The prophylaxis procedure should not be carried out in the absence of obvious reasons. Before starting, you need to carefully evaluate the condition of the throttle valve. If there are no obvious signs of tar deposits and areas of coking, then the reason for unstable operation may lie elsewhere.

Also consider the mileage of the car. Experts recommend resorting to flushing no earlier than after 100 thousand km. But on some cars, for example, a Ford Focus, it may be necessary to flush it after 30 thousand kilometers.

You should know how to clean your throttle body to achieve the desired result. This requires a special carburetor cleaning solution, for example, Abro Carb & Choke Cleaner or similar products. The assembly must be dismantled; only in this case can the maximum effect be achieved, otherwise carbon deposits will remain inside the tubes. Disconnect all pipes from the throttle valve to gain good access to the inlet part of the assembly.

Remove carbon deposits delicately using a clean rag or soft brush. Do not use excessive force; you may damage the valve. The internal elements are coated with a thin layer of molybdenum, which novice car enthusiasts mistake for harmful deposits.

The consequences of zealous cleaning can be different: the moving part of the damper will begin to bite, or vice versa, in the closed position it will begin to let air through. In this case, it will not be possible to do without repairing the throttle valve.

DIY throttle tuning

The price of MD tuning at a service station is from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles. As the experience of VAZ and LADA owners shows, it is possible to correctly modify the throttle assembly (CS) yourself, without having any special knowledge or precisely verified drawings. The only special tools you need are a 6 mm spherical cutter and a drill.

  1. Remove the throttle assembly.
  2. Make two recesses around the damper (approximately 2-3 mm, no more than 5 mm), as shown in the drawing (great accuracy does not matter).
  3. Remove burrs with fine sandpaper.

The process is also shown in the video:

The process itself is not complicated and will not take much time. The advantage of MD tuning is that there is no need to flash the electronic engine control unit.

Installing a 52mm throttle in a Lada Priora

For a long time I wanted to personally check whether there is any gain from the increased throttle. Because the reviews on this matter are completely opposite, some say there is no benefit from it, others assure that it is absolutely necessary to install it.

Replacing the throttle is a simple and quick operation. You need to unscrew 2 nuts on M8, and rearrange 2 sensors attached to 2 thin bolts each.

the difference is noticeable to the naked eye

When measuring the results, I tried to minimize errors from the weather and changes in the position of related units. I took measurements on the same day, except for the throttle, I didn’t touch other pieces of hardware. I took measurements of the Mass Air Flow and Cyclic Filling on the standard throttle - 46mm, and then on the increased one - 52mm. I decided to take not individual peak values, but average values ​​in ranges of 500 rpm, I think this will be more accurate.

According to the butt meter, there is an effect from the throttle, the car seems to drive faster. BUT…

Judging by the results, if there is an effect from the increased throttle, then it turned out to be “WITHOUT THE LIMITS OF MEASUREMENT ERROR.” The MRV at most points turned out to be larger, but literally within 1% But the CN, for some reason, turned out to be smaller, I cannot explain this, I reduce everything to measurement errors.

As a result, I put back my standard throttle, and with it the car drives softer and smoother. I also stuck in an air filter from Ford Focus2. I'll roll out the firmware, and for now I'll drive like this, with Forward Flow + Receiver + Filter FF2.

PS: Today I stopped by a car shop, saw a rubber pipe from a gazelle, it’s short, I’ve just installed the corner, the filter turned out to be in place of the standard filter, I also put a cut canister on it - it will be like a housing, now the air intake is again from the front of the engine compartment

Direct flow as the basis for engine tuning and installation of a direct flow intake for the Lada Priora engine

Contents of the article: 1. Installation of direct-flow intake of the Lada Priora engine 2. Direct-flow as the basis for engine tuning


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