Life hack: brake discs of a Priora car - malfunctions, removal and installation


What symptoms can be used to determine that the brake discs on a Priora need to be replaced? The main sign of wear and tear is the behavior of the car. If the working surface of the brake disc is deformed or worn, it will “cling” when you press the pedal. Also, when the pads are activated, a strong grinding noise is possible (not to be confused with the squeaking of the friction material itself). If there is a crack, braking is accompanied by beating against the steering wheel. The friction lining touches the slightest shoulders and other irregularities on the working surface of the disk.

Replacing brake fluid, basic rules

We have somehow decided on the question of when to change the brake fluid on your car and why. Now we should talk about how this is done. It is impossible to say that the process is extremely complex and labor-intensive. However, it is necessary to take into account a certain mass of nuances, without which an adequate replacement of brake fluid is impossible.

Replacing fluid in the reservoir

To begin with, we highly recommend taking at least a liter container. Even though the actual volume occupied by the liquid in the system is much smaller, we will need the excess liquid for flushing its main parts and lines. If you give preference to a domestic manufacturer, then the price will not be affordable at all.

Be careful when using brake fluid. The substance is quite aggressive in its chemical composition and perfectly corrodes the insulation of VAZ electrical wiring. If liquid gets on the car body, immediately wash it off with cold water, do not let the brake fluid get on your skin and especially your eyes. Do not pour used brake fluid down the drain; there are specialized disposal points.

About the groove

Is it wise to repair your brakes? "Priora" is a relatively inexpensive car, but the cost of turning old discs is up to 75 percent of the cost of new elements. In addition, this restoration method is ineffective for serious deformations in the form of cracks and large wear (the thickness of the working surface is less than 6 millimeters). Reviews from motorists say that a smart decision would be to buy a new set of wheels. When old ones clear up, there is a high probability of repeated symptoms. After a couple of thousand kilometers, such a car begins to vibrate again, and the brakes become less informative. Moreover, it makes no difference whether the groove was performed on the removed element or directly on the hub. If you want to be sure of your safety, install new brake discs on your Priora. Which ones are better to choose - we will consider further.


These are the simplest brake discs that are installed on the basic configurations of Lada Priora cars. It is believed that this type has an outdated design and is practically not used on modern machines. Foreign manufacturers installed non-ventilated discs back in the 90s of the last century. Starting from the “zeros”, even the budget class was equipped with ventilated elements.


These elements have a more complex structure. The design combines two thin metal disks 5 millimeters thick. Between them there are so-called channels through which air flows. Thanks to such ventilation, the operating temperature of the disk is reduced by one and a half to two times. And as we know, when braking, a friction force arises, which is converted into thermal energy. Disks require high-quality heat dissipation.

Some facts

Initially, perforation appeared on sports cars. The working part of the brake disc was drilled using special equipment. The result was through holes and grooves through which air circulated from the center outward. A few years later, perforation began to be used on ordinary civilian cars. But, despite such popularity, the price of such discs has not decreased at all, since the production technology has remained the same. In addition, high precision work is required. At the slightest discrepancy with the standard, such a disc is rejected and does not go on sale.

About braking efficiency

When the pads come into contact with the disc, gases are formed (boundary layer), which prevent good adhesion of the friction material to the working surface. Thanks to the presence of grooves, they are easily removed. In the case of non-ventilated discs, these gases continue to slide across the metal, preventing the pads from working properly. As a result, the braking distance increases. As we have already said, preformation allows you to reduce its length by 15 percent. 100% adhesion is ensured between the metal of the disc and the working surface of the pad. In some cases, in addition to holes, grooves are used. They have a depth of about two millimeters and are directed towards the rotation of the disk. The grooves clean the working surface well of accumulated dirt, sand and other deposits that have formed there when the car was driven. In the absence of perforation, this dust settles deeply on the surface of the disc. This causes a squeaking sound when braking. The driver cannot understand the cause of the malfunction, especially if the pads have recently been replaced.

The first serious breakdowns of my Priora

Before 10 thousand mileage I had the following problems (some more serious, some almost trivial). But first things first.

First there was such a “breakdown” (so to speak) - the rear wiper stopped working (at about 4-5 thousand). Those. it was like this - you turn on the rear wiper, its motor works, and the wiper itself twitches, but nothing more. In short, “in the first second” I was already upset, but then I looked - and there at the base of the “wiper”, under the folding “thing”, there is a nut (with which this “wiper” is screwed to the axis of its motor). I just had to tighten this nut... or even better, “lock it” (but then there was nowhere to find it, and now I’m just lazy/don’t have time or forget)...but it works that way.


Around the same time, my engine began to “trouble” (if I’m expressing myself correctly), stalling when trying to start it, and the like... the problem turned out to be simple. On the engine of my Lada Priora, in the “upper left corner” (photo on the right) there are two “service holes”, and there are rubber plugs on them. So these plugs are made of “not very high-quality rubber” - one of them crumbled due to the temperature and began to let air through. This resulted in unstable engine operation. The solution was simple - I just bought imported “insulating tape” (it is temperature resistant) and wound it around the “remnants of the rubber cap” - it stopped leaking and the problem disappeared - the engine began to work like a clock.

It was all nothing... but one day I drove from the parking lot to the yard (a couple of tens of meters), popped home, went out - and it would NOT START. The starter turns the engine - but there is ZERO reaction! That’s when I really became sad (it’s good that it didn’t happen somewhere far away, but nearby - next to the parking lot, next to the house, next to the car service station). Long story short, I couldn’t start it, so I called a friend and we towed it back to the parking lot. And in the morning I, also in tow (here my father-in-law helped in his “five”), rolled it to a car service center. There it turned out that the “crankshaft toothed pulley” had broken (due to the fact that it was poorly tightened during assembly) (if I’m not mistaken, I’m not a car mechanic, I may be interpreting the names incorrectly). Which I was offered to replace under warranty, but... It's not in stock, so you had to wait a couple of weeks. I was extremely saddened by the prospect of being left without my “favorite toy” (my Lascar Lada Priora) and I ran to look for this “gear” (this is exactly what this pulley looked like) in the stores. parts and collapses of car markets. What’s noteworthy (I’m quoting one of the sellers) is that “the Lada Priora is a very new car, so they still don’t carry enough spare parts for it” (what a bummer, I thought, but didn’t think further, so as not to break my brain). So, I didn’t find this pulley in any store, but from “Aunt Nadya” (to be honest, I don’t really remember the name anymore) at a local car market I got it for 300 rubles before I even finished pronouncing its name - what a paradox! Well, so - I flew back to the service center - they replaced it under warranty (i.e. for free) and let me go - I happily went and continued to enjoy the joy of owning my Lada Priora, despite all its “minor and not so minor whims” .

By the way, during this repair, I asked to change my front brake pads - the standard ones annoyed me with their whistle at the slightest attempt to brake. They replaced them with Ferodo brake pads. They said that Ferodo would not whistle at all - they lied, they whistle (although it must be admitted that it is extremely rare - but it happens).

Well, another breakdown happened to me when the first cold weather arrived - everything is simple: the clamp on the hose with antifreeze burst. It happened like this (about the same as with the “notched blade”): I left the parking lot, drove around, parked it at the entrance, went home, got out and saw a puddle under the car. After a short search, I find a hose under the engine air filter from which coolant is oozing, and a broken clamp is “dangling limply” on it. It’s good that I have a spare parts store in my yard - I ran out, bought a new clamp there and replaced it. And I always have Felix-40 antifreeze in the trunk (I don’t remember why, but I bought it right away “to have it” - I probably read somewhere about an antifreeze leak and decided to stock up).

Well, that's all of these memorable and significant breakdowns.

What to choose in the end?

What kind of front brake discs should I put on the Priora? Reviews from motorists agree on one thing - it all depends on the driving style. If you prefer an aggressive style, with sharp acceleration and braking, the presence of perforations and grooves is simply necessary for you. But if the car is used for leisurely driving, there is reason to think about installing non-ventilated discs. A compromise option is to purchase ventilated discs without perforation, but with grooves.

Original and fake

Now there are a huge number of fakes on the market, which are sold under the famous brands Zimmerman, ATE, Bosch and Brembo. It is quite easy to distinguish an original from a copy. First of all, this is the thickness of the disk. If it is less than one centimeter, most likely you have a copy in your hands. Reviews from motorists recommend paying attention to the junction of the two parts of the disk. The internal grooves should connect smoothly to the work surface.

What's next?

First, put the car on the handbrake and put the anti-roll bars back. Next, use a wheel wrench to remove the wheel bolts and jack up the front part. Remove the wheels and unscrew the brake fluid reservoir. Using a vacuum syringe, pump out some of it into a previously prepared container until the level in the tank drops to half. This way we will prevent it from getting on the pads when dismantling them. Next we need a thick minus screwdriver. We install it between the outer brake pad and the caliper and pull back the piston. It is important not to damage it - for this reason, work extremely carefully. Then we take the “13” key in our hands (you can take a horn or ratchet) and unscrew the lower mounting bolt. If there is a locking bracket, turn it with a screwdriver or bend it with a chisel and hammer. Using the “17” key, we tighten the rotary pin.

How to brake correctly with ABS?

It’s very simple, you just need to follow two rules:

  1. press the brake pedal hard enough to activate the ABS. If you press weakly, you will not bring the wheels to the brink of slipping and will not provide maximum deceleration. How strong? In general, the stronger, the better - you can’t go wrong. And you will feel the work of ABS by the beating of the brake pedal: the pedal will often begin to “give” to your foot, and the brake pads will “chirp”. Sometimes drivers are afraid of this phenomenon, thinking that something is faulty. Don't worry, everything is fine! “Chirtling” means it’s working. Sometimes drivers are afraid to break the brake pedal. Here’s something, and you definitely don’t need to be afraid of this: you won’t break it no matter how hard you try! On the contrary, you should press the pedal as if you want to break it, and then the braking will be as effective as possible!
  2. press the pedal quickly, sharply, sharply, to turn on the ABS as quickly as possible. How fast? I think many of us have at least once in our lives tried to catch a fly with our hands. Remember how fast you need to move? The slightest delay and the fly is free! It's the same here! Imagine that there is a fly sitting on the brake pedal... Your task is to prevent it from flying away!

In short, for emergency braking you need to sharply hit the brake pedal and keep it pressed until the car comes to a complete stop or until the required speed decreases.


When replacing a disc, new pads should be installed. This is a required step. Some manufacturers include a pair of new pads when purchasing a disc. Also maintain symmetry. Let's say your disk is cracked and you buy one standard “replacement” one. If you install a new one on only one side, there will be uneven distribution of braking forces and asymmetrical wear. The same goes for the pads. They only change in pairs. Also, when replacing, pay attention to the condition of other parts - caliper boots, guides. If there are any gaps or signs of deformation/wear, replace them. After the brake discs have been successfully installed on the Priora, add fluid to the reservoir and bleed the system. The presence of bubbles in it is unacceptable - braking on such a car becomes ineffective. The liquid simply boils from the compression of air.

Captain-Smollett › Blog › VAZ front drive brakes

This article will help answer all the questions about switching from one brake to another. It will also help you figure out what kind of brakes you currently have. To do this, consider the stock front brakes for front-wheel drive VAZ: 2108-21099, 2110-2112, 2113-2115, Kalina, Priora, Granta

R13 not ventilated. Installed on the SAMAR and SAMAR-2 families, as well as on the 10th family (only with an 8-class carburetor engine). Explosion diagram Caliper

Visually, they can be distinguished by the lack of ventilation on the brake discs, in addition to the characteristic 2108 boot.

Full size General view of the R13 non-ventilated brakes

Here you can see a brake disc without ventilation and a boot

R13 ventilated Installed on families 10, Kalin, Grant exclusively with 8kl. engine. Explosion diagram Caliper

About the resource

The replacement period for this element directly depends on your driving style. The more often you accelerate and brake, the lower the resource of the node. Factory brake discs installed on Priora can withstand up to two hundred thousand kilometers. But with aggressive driving, this period can be less than one hundred thousand. If possible, brake in gear and switch to neutral in advance before a red traffic light. Use more “rolling” - this will not only preserve the discs and pads (the latter are changed every 25 thousand kilometers), but will also increase the service life of the gearbox. Fuel savings are also significant.

So, we found out how to choose the right brake pads and install them on a Lada Priora car with our own hands.


The effectiveness of a car's brakes depends on many factors. Brake discs play a certain role in this. Do you know which brake discs are best to choose for Lada Priora/Kalina/Grant?

Types of brake discs. The latest VAZ cars are equipped with ventilated discs; in addition to them, there are also discs with gas outlets, with perforations/grooves (splines) and collapsible ones. Standard ventilated discs perform their duties well during everyday use of the car. The remaining discs (with perforations, gas outlets, etc.) are more suitable for more severe brake operating conditions.

The catalog number of brake discs for Priora/Kalina/Granta is the same: 21100-3501070 or 21120-3501070.

The approximate price of brake discs (set) is 1500 rubles. Costs may vary significantly depending on regions.

To buy good quality brake discs, you should contact trusted stores, rely on reviews, or order brake discs online, directly from the manufacturer. There is a large percentage of fakes on the market.

Resource of brake discs . Brake discs are replaced as they wear out, when the thickness of one of the discs becomes less than the minimum allowable 17.8 mm. Discs should be replaced as a set!

By the way, when choosing, you can rely on reviews of brake discs from VAZ 2110 owners, because the catalog number is the same. What brake discs do you recommend?

Source xn—-8sbabr6ahc3e.xn--p1ai

Even at the dawn of the automotive industry, much attention was paid to the braking system of the car. Many types of brakes have been proposed. Until relatively recently, the drum system was considered a fairly reliable system.

But, with the advent of powerful engines and high speeds in our lives, they were replaced by disc brakes. This braking mechanism is much more effective, although the brake pads have a much smaller area. Due to the uniform fit of the pads to the flat disc, the greatest effect is achieved. Unlike drum brakes, in which the pads are pressed unevenly against the walls of the drum.

Disc brakes are much better at cooling. They are not filled with dirt, dust and other undesirable components that impair braking. Replacing pads on such brakes is much easier than on drum brakes. The entire system is much more compact, lighter and much cheaper than its predecessor.


If, after weighing all the pros and cons, the owner decides to install the automatic transmission on the Priora with his own hands, then it is worth getting acquainted with such systems in order to choose the best option for himself. You will have a large number of options to choose from, from imported products from leading manufacturers to proposals for installing front brake systems from the same Priora. If frequent trips at high speeds are practiced. It is worth considering installing ventilated or drilled brake discs.

Let me dwell on this option in more detail. When driving in extreme conditions, when frequent and sudden braking is possible, ventilated brake discs are cooled by oncoming air flow. For this purpose, they have special channels, through which the air flow carries away excess heat, while cooling the rubbing vapors. This eliminates the occurrence of smoke in the braking zone, and, as is known, the presence of a gas layer between the disc and the pad reduces the braking effect.

Perforated brake discs are also much better than standard ones. The presence of longitudinal grooves from the center of the disc to its periphery also helps to ventilate the friction zone of the pad and disc. Excess heat and wear products of rubbing pairs are removed through the existing grooves. They wear out more evenly.

This was a small digression, but on topic, let’s continue to consider the available systems for sale on the Priora. The systems of the Italian company Brembo, which were issued a certificate of conformity by the German Federal Bureau, have become very popular in the regions of Russia and other countries. Quality products have an appropriate price. The price of a disc alone can range from 9,000 to 11,000 rubles.

Very high quality product on the market

Once the choice of kit has been made, you can begin work on dismantling the old mechanism and installing a new kit. Below we will look at how the installation of the automatic transmission on the Priora is carried out.

Types of brake discs installed on Lada Priora and how they differ

The simplest is a regular disk that does not have any additional functions. Such elements are cast entirely from metal and weigh more than other types. They cool worse under load.

The next type is ventilated. They are hollow inside and in this cavity between the working surfaces there are partitions for ventilation. During rotation, air passes between the working surfaces through the partitions and cools them.

Another variety is ventilated, perforated discs with special dust removal recesses and an anti-corrosion coating. This type is almost not subject to corrosion. Due to special cutting, it removes dirt particles from reaching the working surface of the brake pads, reducing their wear.

Also, on cars with an ABS system, another type is installed, which has a special device. In the form of an additional ring with teeth to activate the ABS system.

The drive of a modern brake system differs in the way it acts:

  1. Mechanical brake drive (is a system of cables and levers that, through a mechanical connection, act on the brake mechanisms to carry out the braking process);
  2. Hydraulic brake drive (is a system whose operation is based on the hydraulic interaction of the brake system parts). The hydraulic brake drive device includes the following parts: brake pedals, brake force booster, brake master cylinder, connecting hydraulic hoses, and brake mechanisms. The hydraulic drive of the brake system has become widespread in modern automobile construction due to the possibility of systematic work with electronic braking systems, such as

-Anti-lock braking system;

-Brake booster;

-Brake force distribution system;

-Electronic differential lock system.

The operating principle of the hydraulic brake drive is based on the transmission of brake fluid to the brake mechanisms through the hoses of the brake system. The operation of the hydraulic brake drive begins after pressing the brake pedal, after which the main brake cylinder (the main element of the brake system, which serves to convert mechanical work (pressing the brake pedal) into hydraulic work) comes into operation. Brake fluid pressure is created in the system, as a result of which the brake mechanisms operate, the brake piston unclenches the pads and presses them against the brake discs, due to which friction occurs between them and the car begins to reduce speed.

3. Electric brake drive (based on the use of an electrical energy source). The advantages of an electric brake drive are simplicity of design and ease of operation. The main disadvantages of the electric brake drive include the need for a powerful source of electrical energy, which is why the electric brake drive is not popular today;

4. Pneumatic brake drive (uses compressed air to brake the car).

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