Replacing the VAZ 2107 gear shift lever with your own hands

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Removing/installing the VAZ 2101-2107 rocker lever is a very simple and elementary procedure that an experienced car owner of a classic model Lada Vryatli will need, he knows and can do it all without video instructions. But for inexperienced young people, whose first car is often their grandfather’s old Lada, it will come in very handy.

To remove the VAZ 2101-07 rocker, or rather just the gearshift lever, you first need to unscrew the screws securing the handle casing, and then use a screwdriver to pry out the plastic securing the shift knob lever to the rocker. Installation of the gear shift lever occurs in the reverse order, taking into account the fact that all the parts that were inside are installed one by one inside the classic gearbox handle (VAZ 2101 - VAZ 2107).

Well, we’ve arrived. I’m driving normally, I approach a traffic light and notice the gearshift lever in my hand. It’s broken right at the root. I’ll have to buy new spare parts, namely a bare rocker, but you don’t have to bother and buy an assembled rocker. So, let's get started. First we need to remove the beard, then we take out all the rubber parts from the lever, except for the smallest, last one. Then we remove the plastic cover, it is on 4 screws. Next we will see

two circles of bolts, unscrew them by large amounts, and in no case by small amounts, otherwise the springs will fall into the box and then you won’t be able to pull them out or you will be tortured to pull them out. Now we remove the rocker assembly.

When driving a car, the VAZ 2107 gear shift lever is needed in order to be able to vary the speed using the gearbox. Like any part of a car, it is susceptible to malfunctions, so this article is about how to remove the gearbox lever of a VAZ 2107 and, if necessary, repair or replace it.

Replacement of the Gear Box for VAZ 2107

Replacement gear shift lever for VAZ 2101-VAZ 2107
Welcome! The gear shift lever is one of the key parts when choosing the speed of the car. Disassembling the VAZ 2108-2114 gearbox. Duration: 30:23. replacing bearings in the gearbox, why is the gearbox humming! Nowadays there are so many types of levers on sale and that's why people change them to the ones that are most comfortable for them because there are people who like long levers and who only like short ones. Lada 2107 Pensamiento clasico ›Logbook› Replacement of the fuel pump and VAZ 2107? 2008, Injector. How to change the oil in a VAZ 2107 gearbox, how much oil is in the gearbox and in the injector. How to replace the input bearing of a VAZ 2107? Replacing silent blocks on a VAZ 2107 with your own hands. Changing the oil in the gearbox (gearbox) of a VAZ 2101. Replacing the fuel pump injector of a VAZ 2107, device. Detailed instructions for photos and videos, as well as recommendations for choosing the input shaft bearing (price. But not many people understand how to replace this lever on a car, so a note on replacing the lever has been prepared for these people. photos.

The note! Only a screwdriver is useful for replacing the lever!


When should I change my gear shifter? Many people replace the lever for various reasons, some because of its deformation, and some simply remove it to cut it off, because usually the Classic has long levers, which not everyone likes in terms of comfort, but the exception is the VAZ 2105 .to which the smaller lever came from the factory itself.

How to replace the gear shift lever on a VAZ 2101-VAZ 2107?

Removal: 1) First activate the neutral speed on the car, set the gear shift lever to the desired position.

replacement Gear shift lever VAZ 5ST., VAZ 2107 5 speeds, gear shift lever, disassembly and rotation

Replacement VAZ 2107 gear lever 5 LL, broken gearbox, gear lever 5, can be purchased right now.

How to install the gear shift lever. replacement repair kit behind the scenes.

A replacement for the steering bipod repair kit is the VAZ gearbox mounting bracket. VContacts Community:.

Then slide the top cover lever up, but do not remove it. In this case, the upper part of the cover will remain in its original position.

In the same way, press up, but only down, or the main lever cover as it is called, and support it with your hand, leaving the top part visible.

4. Lower the lever all the way and use a screwdriver to secure the locking sleeve.

The note! The sleeve itself is not visible in the photo, but its approximate location is indicated by the arrow!

5) Then remove the locking sleeve from the lever and at the same time remove the lever from the mechanism.

The note! If your shift lever is emitting a lot of vibration, you cannot replace it with a new one, you simply check the condition of the inner bushing, if the bushing is found to be warped or hardened, then replace it with a new one! (For information on how to remove this sleeve, see the "Beginners!" section at the bottom of the article)

Diagnostics of transmission and chassis VAZ 2101-2107

The appearance of any extraneous sounds while driving a VAZ indicates a malfunction of the car. Every driver will be able to detect the presence of extraneous noise and determine its approximate location, but not everyone will be able to determine its real cause.

In the same way, you can notice the presence of malfunctions by changing the operation of the clutch or gearbox, but finding the actual cause is quite difficult. It is to determine the faulty unit or part that we will consider in more detail the procedure for diagnosing the transmission and chassis of the VAZ 2101-2107.

Transmission diagnostics.

The main signs of problems in a VAZ transmission are related to the clutch and gear shifting. It often happens that when changing a gear, it does not grab well, does not always shift, or the shift is accompanied by slipping or jerking.

Malfunctions may also be indicated by extraneous sounds in the area of ​​the gearbox - crunching or clicking. If any of these signs appear, the clutch should be checked first.


You need to check from simple to complex, so you should start with the VAZ clutch pedal. It should have a free movement of about three to four centimeters. If the amount of free play is different, this may be the reason.

After the clutch pedal has been checked and adjusted, it is time to move on to the clutch slave cylinder. The free play of its pusher should be around five millimeters. If the course is significantly different, the reason may lie there. It is also worth inspecting the cylinder for fluid leaks.

It would be a good idea to check the tension of the clutch cable and try to adjust it. If after all the work the extraneous sounds do not disappear, a possible reason is wear of the clutch itself, but this is a job for professionals.

Gear shift.

If problems arise with shifting gears on a VAZ 2101-2107, three options are possible - a malfunction of the lever, the rocker, or the reason lies in the box itself. If you have problems shifting one or two gears, then the problem most likely lies in the box itself.

In another situation, it is worth checking the gearshift lever and rocker. As with the clutch, let's start with the simplest thing - the lever.

The gear shift lever may simply become loose. There is no point in diagnosing or checking it - it’s easier to just remove the casing that covers the place where the lever enters the tunnel and tighten all the fasteners. You can also purchase a lever repair kit and replace the parts, since the old ones may be worn out, and tightening the fasteners will not give the desired effect.

You can often feel a slight play when changing gears. The reason for this usually lies in the yoke driveshaft. If it is factory-made, we can say with confidence that this is precisely the reason, since rapid wear of the cardan is a disease of the factory scenes.

You can check the operation of the cardan yourself - just disconnect the link from the rod and remove the boot. After this, you can shake the cardan rod to determine the presence of play. If it is present, it is enough to simply replace the slide.

Quite often, extraneous sounds are heard in the gearbox. In such a situation, you should not look for the cause on your own, since the gearbox is a very complex mechanism and it is better for a professional to diagnose and repair it.

Rear axle.

The cause of extraneous noise in the rear of the VAZ may be the gearbox. In order to check this point, you need to accelerate the car until noise appears, then increase the speed by another 20-30 km and begin to reduce it.

If the noise appears at the same speed as during acceleration, it is worth repeating the process, but after reaching maximum speed, switch to neutral gear. If noise does not appear when the speed decreases, most likely the reason is in the gearbox itself.

If the noise appears again, it may be caused by worn bearings, since in neutral gear the gearbox does not experience load.

In order to make sure that the reason lies precisely in the gearbox, and, say, not in the suspension or other components, you need to hang the rear drive wheels and listen to the operation of the rear axle from under the car.

This method does not always help - it happens that other noises appear, signaling malfunctions of other parts that overlap each other.

Chassis diagnostics.

Possible problems with the chassis of the VAZ 2101-2107 can be judged both by the appearance of extraneous noise and by the deterioration of the vehicle’s handling. Malfunctions are also indicated by “beating” of the steering wheel or extraneous sounds when turning it.

There can be many reasons, so the chassis must be checked as a whole. The easiest way is to drive the car into a pit and ask someone to rock it longitudinally and then transversely.

With a strong swing amplitude, you can hear extraneous noises, which will allow you to determine the approximate location of faulty parts. In order to more thoroughly check the chassis, the car needs to be suspended in order to have access to the chassis parts.

Silent blocks.

First of all, you should check all silent blocks and bushings. If the silent blocks have cracks, tears or signs of drying out, they must be replaced.

Ball joints and steering ends.

Ball joints fail quite often. Outwardly, they may look good, but at the same time have little resistance to moving the finger (with good support, it is quite difficult to move the finger with your hands).

The wear of the ball joint can also be indicated by a knocking or clicking sound when it is suddenly moved. The same malfunctions can be noticed on the steering ends, since the principle of operation of their hinge is the same as that of a ball joint.

Shock absorbers.

Next, you should inspect the VAZ shock absorbers. If traces of oil are visible at the junction of the rod and the cylinder, it means the shock absorber is leaking. Most often this occurs due to wear of the seal or when the rod is deformed due to an impact.

If the shock absorber is gas, the streaks will not be visible, so in order to accurately determine its condition, you need to free it from the lower arm and check for compression and decompression. A good shock absorber compresses when a lot of force is applied with both hands.

You can also compare the performance of shock absorbers on both sides - the one that compresses with less force is more worn out. It is also worth inspecting the shock absorber cushions with which they are attached to the wheel arch. This can be done from the engine compartment. If the pillows are dry or worn out in a certain direction, they need to be replaced.


In order to check the condition of the wheel bearing, it is necessary to hang the wheel and remove it. After that, just try to move the hub in different directions - vertically and horizontally.

If even a slight play is felt, the wheel bearing is worn out. Of course, it will still be able to serve for a certain time, but it is better to replace it.

Stabilizer's pole.

In order to check the VAZ stabilizer struts, you need to drive the car onto an overpass or inspection hole, since they need to be checked with the wheels loaded. Alternately, you need to “shake” the upper and lower pins of each rack - if displacements or slipping are felt, and clicks and crunches are heard, then they must be replaced.

It is also worth paying attention to the silent blocks of the struts - if they show signs of wear, in this case it is also better to replace the stabilizer struts.

Also, when diagnosing the chassis of a VAZ 2101-2107, it is worth paying attention to all threaded connections. They must be tightened, and if mating parts are replaced, bolts, cotter pins, pins, washers and nuts must be replaced.

It is worth inspecting all the anthers - if they have signs of wear - they have dried out, cracks or tears have appeared, traces of lubricant are visible - they must also be replaced. When replacing anthers, it is also necessary to change all clamps.

The gear shift lever in the VAZ 2107 is directly dependent on the gearbox, at the same time it helps to steer and switches gears.

This is not a particularly breakable gearbox part and rarely requires replacement. But it happens periodically. In this article we will show you how to remove the gear shift lever on a VAZ 2107.

Installing the gearshift lever

Since the gear shift lever is inconveniently located in the cabin. As a result, owners of such cars usually adjust this device (shorten it) or transfer the gearshift lever from another car so that the driver's knee touches the front passenger's knee when shifting into 5th gear, which has been a problem for many car owners.

The rocker arm can be moved from 9 to 2107, but the tube must be cut (for example, with scissors). As a result, the handle stroke is shortened, and the driver feels more comfortable when changing gears. Thus, the car owner can independently dismantle the gear shift lever. The process of replacing this part does not take much time.

If you have had problems with play in the bushings, you may have to purchase a repair kit for the gear shift knob in advance, starting with disassembling it.

Before starting work, prepare a screwdriver.

  • Set the box to neutral.
  • Slide the cover.
  • Push the damper locking sleeve down with a screwdriver.

  • Remove the rod with the knob.
  • Remove the remaining bushings from it.
  • Replace them in reverse order as shown in the picture.

Before reinstalling, fully assemble the stem and bushings, slide it onto the lever and push firmly into place.

Tuning “this” lever makes the interior of your car unique, but don’t forget about driving safety, because these examples have their pros and cons, and it’s up to you to decide whether to do them or not.

In the VAZ 2107, the gear shift levers are directly connected to the transmission, helping the driver to simultaneously control the car and change gears.


  1. Place the VAZ 2107 car on stands.
  2. Eliminate the exhaust system and remove the thermal protection valve.
  3. First remove the cover from the handle.

    Removing the cover

  4. Remove the retaining clip and washer. And take out the shift rod, it is located on the side.
  5. Place a wrench at the bottom and turn it 90 degrees. Press out the spherical liner.
  6. Pull out the handle.
  7. Lubricate the liner with lubricant.
  8. Install the handle with the insert (the arrows should indicate the direction of the longitudinal axis).
  9. Press down on the liner from above. Secure it.
  10. Attach the cover so that the arrow points forward.
  11. Place the washers and insert the rod. Screw on the bracket.
  12. Replace the thermal protection valve, as well as the exhaust system.
  13. Secure the cover and put on the handle. Record the state.

Now you know how to make this replacement on a VAZ 2107. We hope that our article was useful. Let your car work long and well.

Video - VAZ gear lever is loose

Overall, this transmission part does not break down very often and rarely requires replacement. However, there are times when this does happen. The following article describes how to remove the gear shift lever from a VAZ 2107 car.

The gear shift lever of the VAZ 2107 is located directly inside the car. It is used to change gears while driving. The speed switch rarely fails, and the reason for this is negligence in the use of the product. If the product fails, it must be replaced. However, the product must be removed before replacement. Let's take a closer look at how to extract it and place it in the "seven".

Where is

It is located in the car interior, below the dashboard, to the right of the driver (or to the left if the car is right-hand drive). It is used to change gears in the gearbox.

The shift lever is a reliable and stable part. But due to careless and careless use, it also breaks. If you suddenly begin to grab the control lever or press on it, then repairs cannot be avoided. Before you start replacing the VAZ 2107, you need to understand how to remove it from the box.

Common illnesses include rattling and loose handles. Let's call this the first stage. If you do not fix the problem immediately, you will have to completely replace the element in the future. This part, like others in the car, must be treated with care and calm. Don’t pull it, hurry up and press it into the “feeder”. If the gears do not shift smoothly and comfortably, then you probably did not press the clutch all the way, or there are problems with the gearbox. And you need to repair it, not the handle.

Device location and characteristics

In the Seven, the gearshift knob suffers from the common affliction of rattling and squeaking. If the problem can be resolved by other means, it is not necessary to replace the device. Before replacing the device, find the exact cause of the problem. Sometimes not only the part fails, but also the gearbox or clutch.

If you are sure that it is the gearbox lever that is faulty, then replace only it.

To replace, you will need tools such as wrenches and a screwdriver. Start with the following steps:

Replacement features

The modern gearshift lever allows you to personalize the interior of the “Seven” for many motorists who have removed the standard gearshift levers.

  • Set the lever to neutral position.
  • After this, you need to slide the top cover up. There is no need to completely remove the cover.
  • The next step is to move the cover, which is located below, to the top. This cover is also called a thermal protection valve. In the photo below it is shown with a red arrow.
  • Now you need to press the device, pushing it to the bottom. After this, you need to insert a screwdriver into the lower part of the product, where the plastic sleeve is located. The bushing is located at the very bottom of the device, as shown in the photo below.
  • It is necessary to move the locking sleeve to the lower part, and then remove the product from the box.
  • If the device emits strong vibrations, it needs to be replaced with a new one. In this case, you can exchange the part for a product of shorter length, as on foreign cars. A short device is much more comfortable to operate than a standard product.

After removing the original product, a new bracket must be installed in its place. Think about what the installation looks like.

After dismantling the original mechanism, remove the rubber bushing from it, if it is still there. Use a screwdriver or hook to remove the bushing. Using a screwdriver or hook, remove the bushing from the block as shown in the photo above.

Installing the device on a VAZ 2107

To avoid problems in the future, you should purchase a bushing replacement kit before installing a standard product. It is recommended to give preference to products manufactured by VAZ. The installation process is similar to removing the device. To begin with, push the rubber bushing inside the device, installing it. A rubber washer should be installed after the bushing, which will allow the mechanism to move more smoothly. At the next stage, it is necessary to install a plastic stopper inside the gearbox to fix the device on the “rocker arm”. After installing the locking sleeve, which had to be pushed down to remove the gear lever, the assembly is complete.

When the product is ready for installation, it must be inserted into the control lever. To do this, first lubricate the rocker arm and then tap the mechanism handle firmly with your hand until you feel the handle snap into place. Thus, both a new mechanism and an old one, which was removed to replace parts, are installed.

Some drivers are not satisfied with the quality of the installation kits, and they came up with a kind of tuning of the gear shift knob itself: to reduce rattling and vibration going to the shift knob, instead of standard plastic bushings and rubber bands, they insert a piece of hose that matches the outer and inner diameters. This upgrade also simplifies future installation of the handle.

Self-tuning of the handle

In addition, you can make the gear shifting process more convenient by reducing the length of the standard lever. To do this, you need to remove the lever, cut it with a hacksaw to 5-6 cm in length and cut a thread at the end, the same as on the cut piece (if desired, you don’t have to cut the thread). These upgrades have their pros and cons. Drivers are free to do or not do them as they wish.

When choosing products for foreign cars, make sure that they can be safely installed in the VAZ-2107. Otherwise, an improperly secured mechanism may result in an accident while driving.

If you had problems with play in the bushings, in particular, then you should buy a repair kit for the VAZ 2107 gear shift knob before and after disassembly.

Before starting work, prepare a screwdriver.

The rod and bushings must be assembled before installation. Place the rod on the lever and press firmly until it seats in place.

  • Set the box to neutral.
  • Slide the cover.
  • Push the damper locking sleeve down with a screwdriver.
  • Remove the rod with the knob.
  • Remove the remaining bushings from it.
  • Replace them in reverse order as shown in the picture.

If it is necessary to replace the entire handle, the screwdriver must be supplemented with a 10 mm wrench (preferably a socket or plug):

If you need to completely replace the rocker, then add a 10mm wrench to the screwdriver (preferably a socket or socket):

  • remove the decorative panel;
  • unscrew the boot;
  • use a 10mm key to unscrew the mechanism;
  • remove it from the box.

After repair or replacement, reassemble in reverse order.

The quality of the bushing kits leaves much to be desired, and the stem play is still quite large, so some people simply install a simple pipe on the bushing instead of plastic and rubber bushings.

How to remove the gear shift lever on a VAZ 2110

To remove the lever, you only need a set of open-end wrenches, as well as a Phillips and slotted screwdriver. Remove the protective cover and lift it up to secure it to the lever handle. If possible, unscrew the lever handle and completely remove the cover. Using a “13” key, unscrew the nut of the bolt securing the lever to the rocker (it goes inside the tunnel). Then, using a “10” key, unscrew the nuts securing the plastic guide plate (it is screwed to the tunnel wall). Remove the guide plate, then insert a Phillips screwdriver between the top and bottom of the tunnel to the right of the lever and remove the screw that secures the plastic guide to the lever. Then press the lever in the neutral position all the way to the right and pull out the bolt and guide. Remove the retaining ring from the ball joint and pull out the lever. Do not pull it when the ring is installed, this may cause the bowl to collapse.

Frequent defects

Below are the most common faults on the VAZ 2107. It is important to diagnose the fault in time and try to fix it.

Increased noise

Increased transmission noise or whine is caused by bearings and synchronizers that need to be replaced. To find out whether a bearing needs to be replaced, just visually inspect it and twist it. Often the synchronizer teeth slip, which causes the gearbox to crunch when changing gears.

Difficult gear shifting

As a result of confirming proper clutch operation, the following factors need to be considered:

  • The gear lever hinge is clogged (can be treated with regular cleaning);
  • The shift fork is deformed (if the deformation is minor, it can be straightened);
  • The slipper clutch and shift fork shaft are stiff.

Knocks out gears

The cause of knocked out gears will become obvious after complete disassembly of the gearbox.

Look for reasons for equipment failure.

This may be due to three reasons:

  • Wear of the adjusting ring, coupling and synchronizer
  • Loss of elasticity of the installation spring
  • Broken synchronizer spring

In such cases, only complete replacement of the part helps.

Oil leak

Again, there are three reasons for this shortcoming:

  • Gaskets are leaking
  • The cover screws are loose,
  • The gasket is damaged.

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  • Description
  • Reviews

APPLICABILITY: VAZ 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107 with installation of the VAZ 2123 (Niva-Chevrolet) gear selection mechanism.

SIZE: height 370 mm.

MATERIAL: steel, powder painting, caproloctan.

INSTALLATION: short-stroke rocker on VAZ 2101-2107 “Classic”

made on the basis of a standard ball joint (installed on the “tunnel” of the car). When installing, you need to drill holes in the seat mounting bracket (bushings are included in the kit).

Without modifications, it is installed on a 5-speed gearbox with a gear selection mechanism from a VAZ 2123 (Niva-Chevrolet).
When installing on a 4-speed gearbox, it is necessary to modify the gear selection mechanism.


If you want to repair, adjust or replace the rocker arm, you will need to remove the assembly.

Dismantling is carried out as follows

  • Remove the gear shift knob cover.
  • Park the car in a hole or raise the front of the car using a jack.
  • Remove the front console. It is held in place by mounting bolts.
  • Now remove the rocker itself. In the case of the VAZ 2110 model, AvtoVAZ used 6 bolts to secure it.
  • When removing, be sure to check the condition of all components.
  • Folding back the dust cover gives access to the bracket, oil seal and universal joint.

Changing the boot
Now about the repairs. There may be several recommendations, depending on the current state of the device and its components.

  1. At best, repairs will require a repair kit for the control lever. It doesn't cost much.
  2. If the bushing is deformed, replace it with a new one.
  3. Check the axle hole in the rocker arm for wear.
  4. Check for play in the drive shaft. Otherwise, a simple repair kit is no longer enough, i.e. The entire control arm needs to be replaced.
  5. The control lever cover is often the cause of excessive noise and rattling when shifting gears. The replacement is quite simple and can be done even by a novice.

Do-it-yourself short-throw scaffold

Short-stroke link for classics

For production in this case you will need:

  1. a piece of pipe with a diameter of fifteen millimeters;
  2. nut from a classic ball nut;
  3. RPP from 2108;
  4. backstage repair kit 2108 (axle and two bushings);
  5. cardan from the steering mechanism 2104, 2105 or 2107.

The work is performed as follows:

  • The ball from the bottom is cut off from the RPP;
  • The lower part is sawed off so that a pipe can be inserted into it and scalded;
  • The nut is welded to the pipe from below;
  • The ball is placed in a convenient place;
  • The cardan is attached to the gearshift lever.

The described process is illustrated by the following photographs:

Short-stroke rocker VAZ 2109

One of the main parts will be a cardan from Kalina, which will help avoid play in the lever.

Next you need to complete the modification, as shown in the photographs:

Then two pieces of metal are welded

After finishing the work, you need to clean all the seams and paint them in the desired color.

The short-throw shifter, which you install yourself on many VAZ car models, has its pros and cons, but it allows you to reduce gear shifting time and makes it easier to control the car. Whether to do it or not is everyone’s personal choice, but it cannot be denied that such a modification is perceived by many as necessary and useful. » alt=»»>

Product added to bookmarks!

  • Description
  • Reviews

APPLICABILITY: VAZ 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107 with installation of the VAZ 2123 (Niva-Chevrolet) gear selection mechanism.

SIZE: height 370 mm.

MATERIAL: steel, powder painting, caproloctan.

INSTALLATION: short-stroke rocker on VAZ 2101-2107 “Classic”

made on the basis of a standard ball joint (installed on the “tunnel” of the car). When installing, you need to drill holes in the seat mounting bracket (bushings are included in the kit).

Without modifications, it is installed on a 5-speed gearbox with a gear selection mechanism from a VAZ 2123 (Niva-Chevrolet).
When installing on a 4-speed gearbox, it is necessary to modify the gear selection mechanism.

Do-it-yourself short-throw scaffold

Short-stroke link for classics

For production in this case you will need:

  1. a piece of pipe with a diameter of fifteen millimeters;
  2. nut from a classic ball nut;
  3. RPP from 2108;
  4. backstage repair kit 2108 (axle and two bushings);
  5. cardan from the steering mechanism 2104, 2105 or 2107.

The work is performed as follows:

  • The ball from the bottom is cut off from the RPP;
  • The lower part is sawed off so that a pipe can be inserted into it and scalded;
  • The nut is welded to the pipe from below;
  • The ball is placed in a convenient place;
  • The cardan is attached to the gearshift lever.

The described process is illustrated by the following photographs:

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