Rating of TOP 7 antifreeze concentrates: how to dilute, pros and cons, reviews

Today we’ll talk about why you can’t pour antifreeze concentrate in its pure form, at least at sub-zero temperatures. Why, read this detailed article if you value the cooling system of your car. And of course, you will learn how to properly dilute the concentrate and pour it into the system.

Rating TOP 7 best antifreeze concentrates

Our rating includes the following antifreeze concentrates:

  1. Sintec Ultra.
  3. Motul Inugel Expert.
  4. CoolStream Premium.
  5. LIQUI MOLY Langzeit Kuhlerfrostschutz GTL 12 Plus.
  7. Motul Inugel Ultra.

Let's take a closer look at each tool.

Sintec Ultra

from 400 to 700 rub.

7th place 4.1/5

The main feature of the presented product is the temperature at which crystallization begins, which exceeds the requirements by a margin: the antifreeze remains operational down to -45 °C. In addition, it also demonstrates excellent anti-corrosion properties. The product is compatible with both aluminum and copper radiators.

Freezing point-45 °C
pH value7,9
Colorraspberry red
  • excellent freezing temperature margin (-45 °C);
  • low corrosion activity;
  • protects the engine from overheating and frost.
  • antifreeze replacement time (3 years);
  • information from the manufacturer is written in English.

Since last fall I have been using SINTEC ULTRA G11 antifreeze and am completely satisfied with its properties. Firstly, the low crystallization temperature (according to the passport -45 degrees). Secondly, it does not form scale (over a year of operation there are no signs of dirt or other deposits in the cooling system). Thirdly, it perfectly maintains the temperature in the engine. Before adding this product, first flush the cooling system and replace all rubber pipes and clamps. I am very pleased with this antifreeze.

Antifreeze Sintec Ultra


from 400 to 600 rub.

6th place 4.2/5

The company of this antifreeze is not the most “advanced” in terms of temperature indicators. Boils at temperatures up to +111 °C. Owners of car brands such as VAZ, GAZ, Daewoo, Kia can safely use this product for the time stated by the manufacturer. Among the positive properties, one can note a large number of lubricating additives that extend the overall service life of the water pump and actively resist cavitation. A worthy example for both used and new vehicles.

Freezing point-40 °C
pH value7,9
  • low corrosion activity;
  • does not freeze in severe frost (from -40 °C);
  • high boiling point (+111 °C).
  • short replacement period (3 years).

I tried a large number of G11 and G12 antifreezes, and when I used this concentrate, I left the choice on it. The first thing that can be said about the product is that it is produced in the city of Obninsk at ZAO Obninskorgsintez, a worthy enterprise that has repeatedly proven the quality of this product. I'm happy with the purchase and recommend it to everyone.

Antifreeze SINTEC EURO

Motul Inugel Expert

from 1300 to 1500 rub.

5th place 4.3/5

This ready-made antifreeze fits within the stated and standard crystallization temperature, albeit with a small margin (-38 degrees). It is characterized by the absence of noticeable aggressiveness towards aluminum and a high alkaline number. He “likes” copper alloys and solder least of all, but within the tolerance limits of the standards.

Freezing-40 °C
Hydrogen indicator8,2
Colorblue, light blue
  • effectively cools the engine;
  • protects the engine from defrosting and prevents corrosion of metal parts;
  • excellent compatibility with aluminum.
  • not found.

I buy it from a Motul dealer, I have no doubt about the quality. From replacement to replacement it survives clean, does not turn red, and there is no sediment. In a word, we have before us an antifreeze concentrate that is not cheap, but made in full accordance with the requirements of standards and quality. But, of course, you should buy in large stores, and not at the car market - alas, we also like to counterfeit.

Antifreeze Motul Inugel Expert

CoolStream Premium

from 900 to 1030 rub.

4th place 4.4/5

Coolant is produced using carboxylate technology. It has a long service life - up to 250 thousand km in cars, and up to 650 thousand km in freight vehicles. This domestic product is distinguished by the stability of its qualities and high thermal conductivity, head and shoulders ahead of silicate antifreezes. Effectively protects the system and engine from corrosion, overheating, freezing and premature wear.

Freezing-40 °C
Hydrogen indicator8,6
  • long service life (5 years);
  • provides protection against corrosion;
  • filled at many factories (AVTOVAZ, LiAZ, Deutz Ford, Fiat, MAN, Mercedes-Benz, MTU).
  • not found.

I would like to share my many years of experience using Coolstream antifreeze. Let me start with this: I have a fairly old Ford, and I carefully monitor its condition. When I first bought it new, I immediately asked the car dealership what kind of antifreeze was in it, and they said Coolstream. After 6 years, it was time to change the coolant, I monitored the market and realized that after all, Coolstream is the best option for my car. They drained the product in the salon and I couldn’t believe my eyes - the product remained clean and bright, like new.

Antifreeze CoolStream Premium

LIQUI MOLY Langzeit Kuhlerfrostschutz GTL 12 Plus

from 1850 to 2079 rub.

3rd place 4.5/5

German antifreeze, repeatedly tested and awarded high reviews from car manufacturers. The red tint clearly indicates that they belong to carboxylate coolants; they are based on organic additives. The positive effect of using this coolant is the almost perfect protection of water pump blades from cavitation, and metal parts from corrosion.

Freezing-40 °C
Hydrogen indicator8,2
  • high boiling point (109 °C);
  • optimal corrosion protection;
  • Provides excellent protection against freezing, rust and overheating.
  • Minimum packaging – 5 liters.

I trust the brand - even if the price is a little high, but I’m used to working with Liqui Moly products, their quality is good. I change antifreeze every two years, I take care of my car and I’m not going to skimp on fluids. I recently filled up with Liqui Moly red concentrate for the third time. I can say for sure that the car drives 40 thousand km on it with a bang. The product itself does not change color and does not form corrosion inside.

Antifreeze LIQUI MOLY


from 450 to 600 rub.

2nd place 4.7/5

The concentrate is popular both among consumers and the AvtoVAZ dealer. The standard service life is five years, and in terms of mileage - 250 thousand kilometers for passenger cars. The composition is literally stuffed with all kinds of organic additives, modifiers and catalysts, the combined action of which leads to an effective fight against traces of corrosion, scale, solid inclusions and allows you to keep the system perfectly clean. Despite the simplicity of the packaging, consumers do not often complain about purchasing counterfeits. Based on a set of control parameters, it proved to be better than its analogues.

Freezing-40 °C
pH value7,8
  • a small number of fakes on the market;
  • crystallization occurs at a temperature of -40 °C;
  • excellent corrosion protection.
  • not detected.

Normal, inexpensive antifreeze. I think at this price there’s really no point in counterfeiting it. Within its class, Sintek performs confidently. By the way, if your car left the Tolyatti assembly line later than 2011, then it is this brand of coolant that is filled in it. It has a good temperature reserve, its chemical activity is moderate, don’t forget to change it according to the regulations, and no serious problems will happen to it.

Antifreeze SINTEC LUX

Motul Inugel Ultra

from 3500 to 4950 rub.

1 place 4.9/5

Coolant from Motul is sold ready-to-use. The product can withstand low temperatures down to -50°C, after which crystallization begins. An ideal option suitable for modern, high-tech engines, which the product in question reliably protects from freezing, overheating and corrosion. During operation, no precipitate is formed and the solution does not change color.

Freezing point-50 °C
pH value8,5
  • maximum safe temperature – up to +179 °C;
  • does not have a negative effect on rubber elements;
  • Excellent heat dissipation.
  • not detected.

I purchased ready-to-use coolant for the first time in 2011 (previously I used products from another brand). Purchased at your own risk. After purchasing the car, I decided to change all the fluids and bought oils from an official Motul dealer, and at the same time decided to purchase a ready-made coolant.

After replacing the fluid, 5 years and about 60 thousand kilometers have passed, and a third of them were on a sports track. During all this time, the car’s engine never overheated; the fluid served its purpose 100%.

Antifreeze Motul Inugel Ultra

Advantages and disadvantages

Toyota Long Life antifreeze provides the following benefits:

  • prevents the formation of corrosion inside the cooling system;
  • has a very low freezing point;
  • has a very high boiling point;
  • perfectly removes heat from a running engine, ensures normal operating temperature;
  • prevents the formation of deposits inside the cooling system;
  • can be used for any cars;
  • lubricates parts well, preventing wear.

Consumer reviews are mostly positive. Confirm all declared technical characteristics of the composition. However, now more modern coolants are more popular - carboxylate, hybrid, lobrid. They have higher protective properties and service life.

Comparison of the presented funds

In order to compare the presented funds, we suggest taking a look at the comparison table below.

ModelVAG approval indexFreezing point (°C)pH valueColorPrice, rub)
Sintec UltraG11-457,9raspberry redfrom 400 to 700
SINTEC EUROG11-407,9greenfrom 400 to 600
Motul Inugel ExpertG11-408,2blue-greenfrom 1300 to 1500
CoolStream PremiumG12+-408,6orangefrom 900 to 1030
LIQUI MOLY Langzeit Kuhlerfrostschutz GTL 12 PlusG12+-408,2redfrom 1850 to 2079
SINTEC LUXG12-407,8redfrom 450 to 600
Motul Inugel UltraG13-408,5pinkfrom 3500 to 4950

Choosing the type of antifreeze depending on the age of the car

Modern car models are equipped with powerful, efficient engines that can operate under increased loads. Therefore, they have increased requirements for the functioning of the cooling system. But, if for a new car antifreeze G13 or G12+ is a necessity, then for old domestically produced brands it is an unreasonable luxury.

Therefore, when purchasing a coolant, the age of the car must be taken into account. The simplest antifreezes and G11 antifreezes with a minimal set of additives do an excellent job of their functions for 2-5 years. Suitable for vehicles up to 1996.

G12 reagents containing carboxylic acid are intended for most modern vehicles. They reliably protect the engine from corrosion and are able to operate at elevated temperatures. Their service life is about 5 years. They can be used in cars from 1996 to 2001.

High-speed engines of the latest generation require hybrid compositions such as G12+ and G12++, with a minimum amount of mineral additives. They can be used for more than 7 years. Suitable for cars from 2001.

Best antifreeze videos

How to dilute the concentrate?

The product packaging must contain detailed instructions for dilution with distilled water. In this case, you need to focus on the climate zone in which the machine is operated. If the temperature in the cold season rarely drops below -20 °C, there is no point in diluting antifreeze. Operate in temperatures between -25 and -40°C.

Before pouring the product in question into the radiator, it must be diluted with water, because it is not intended for use, but for the preparation of coolants with different freezing temperatures from it.

Antifreeze concentrate is almost 100% ethylene glycol (no more than 5% water) with concentrated additives added to it. The temperature of this product is -13 °C. To obtain coolant with a freezing point of -39-40 °C, the concentrate is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. So that the freezing temperature corresponds to -30 °C - in a ratio of 2:3. Temperature -20 °C - in a ratio of 1:2.

It is best to dilute with distilled water, there is a 100% guarantee that no sediment will form either during dilution or during operation. If the manufacturer says that dilution with ordinary water is allowed, then it is better to first check this information by preparing a small volume of antifreeze solution in the ratio you need using your tap water. Leave for 12 hours, let it stand and, if there is no cloudiness or sediment, prepare the solution and safely pour it into the radiator.

Please note that in this case the principle “the more water, the lower the freezing point” does not work. By pouring a lot of water, the coolant will lose its ability to withstand low temperatures.

Coolant properties

Antifreeze is used not only for cars, but also for heating systems and aircraft engines. The liquid contains ethylene glycol and various additives

. They will improve not only the operation of the units, but also prevent their rapid wear. If the concentrate is diluted correctly, the coolant will provide the following conditions for the engine:

  • the boiling point will be low or optimal;
  • the service life will be long and without loss;
  • rubber products will get rid of the aggressive influence on them;
  • the boiling point will be high and the thermal conductivity will be high;
  • anti-foam characteristics will be high.

If at least one of these conditions is not met, then your car will be repaired.

What to look for when choosing

Before purchasing antifreeze, you should be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition and check the data with the information specified in the car manual.

Let's consider the main criteria for choosing antifreeze concentrate.

  • Appearance. Cloudiness and sediment are not allowed; the box must be of high quality, with a good label. A disposable ratchet plug (or a membrane under it) must also be present.
  • Smell. The coolant has almost no odor. The smell of gasoline or diesel fuel is unacceptable. Also, the product should not foam - after shaking the canister, the foam should settle in 3-5 seconds.
  • Popularity. It is recommended to purchase only well-known and popular products that have been tested over a long period of time. If the product is not familiar to you, and the seller cannot really tell you about the manufacturer, leave the antifreeze alone and look for a more well-known and high-quality concentrate.

Main manufacturers

In Russia, according to conventional estimates, about 95 types of coolants for automobiles and specialized vehicles are produced. Of these, the largest market representatives are:

  • Sintec , which has won many awards for the quality and reliability of its products, has OEM approvals.
  • Felix, which has approval certificates from BMW, MAN and Volkswagen factories.
  • Alaska , a Russian-American enterprise present on the market since 1980.
  • CoolStream , which is one of the largest manufacturers of cooling agents in our country.
  • Luxe , whose range includes new generation lobrid antifreezes.
  • Lukoil , which produces products approved for use on MAN, Mercedes-Benz and MTU vehicles.

The share of foreign companies in the Russian coolant market is less than 13%. These include:

  • Mobil (USA), producing high-quality reagents in concentrated form.
  • Febi (Germany).
  • Ravenol (Germany), an independent manufacturer producing coolants using innovative technologies.

Water for dilution

Special distilled water is suitable for diluting antifreeze, both concentrate and ready-made liquids. You cannot use the pharmacy variety for these purposes. And even more so, you should not use water from a tap or a river, lake, well, etc.

An unsuitable substance will contain mineral salts. Such substances will form scale during operation.

To decide how to dilute antifreeze with water, if there is no special liquid available, you should resort to another method. Ordinary tap water should be boiled over a fire for about half an hour. This will remove substances that interfere with the operation of the system.

Some manufacturers claim that regular water is suitable for their products. This can be easily checked by pouring a similar liquid into the antifreeze. Check the result after 48 hours. Cloudy water or the presence of sediment indicate the need to use a distillate.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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