Iridium spark plugs. Reviews, service life, pros and cons - MY TRUTH

Spark plugs are a fairly important element in a car engine. A lot depends on their operation - stable operation, starting (both cold and hot), fuel consumption and even power. Therefore, manufacturers are constantly working on this element, improving it. One of these “evolutionary leaps” is the iridium (some call it platinum) spark plug. However, if you read reviews on the Internet, opinions categorically differ! Some write that this is a “miracle of miracles” with all the advantages that I listed above (it also has a huge service life). Others write that there are no changes at all, and the engine works even worse! WHERE IS THE TRUTH? I have experience with such elements, and therefore there is something to tell and show, let's think about the pros and cons (as usual there will be a video version at the end) ...

At the very beginning I would like to talk a little about iridium and platinum. There are rumors that they are one and the same. This is not entirely true, of course, iridium is a platinum group metal, but it is a transition element, and the production methods are slightly different (we’ll talk about this below). But platinum options (for example BOSCH Platinum) have a truly platinum, but very thin central electrode, which is locked (as if poured) into a dense ceramic insulator.

Although in fairness it is worth noting that some manufacturers call iridium versions platinum, or cover the contact points with platinum using a similar technology to iridium (this is not the point now). I will have a separate article about this, so be sure to follow the blog.

Iridium metal

I’ll insert a little information for general development, you need to understand what kind of element this is

Iridium is an element with atomic number 77 (in the D.I. Mendeleev system). A very hard, refractory, silvery-white transition metal of the platinum group. It has high density, high corrosion resistance, resistance to acids and alkalis (even at temperatures of 2000 °C). It is found extremely rarely in terrestrial rocks, therefore it is quite expensive and valuable. Melting point - 2466°C.

As you can see, it is an almost ideal metal for use in a combustion chamber, if not for its price.

Basic properties

The first company to use iridium, thereby improving the quality of SZ, was the Japanese company NGK. The reason why iridium was chosen was that this metal has a very high melting point, exceeding even platinum. In addition, it has high resistance to corrosion processes.

The reliability of spark formation can be increased by increasing the gap between the electrodes or reducing the diameter of the central electrode due to the use of chemically resistant noble and refractory metals for its manufacture. If you increase the gap, it becomes necessary to increase the voltage for sparking. When using noble metals, the cost of protective equipment increases. Manufacturers have taken both paths.

Since the 1980s, iridium in the form of an alloy has been used to produce igniters. Due to its fragility and low electrical conductivity, iridium is not used in its pure form. Its best properties are manifested in alloys. Iridium electrodes are made by laser welding. The iridium alloy is a good conductor, so it became possible to reduce the diameter of the central electrode.

Due to the small diameter of the tip, high voltage is not required to form a spark; the charge is concentrated on a minimal area. Therefore, high-quality ignition is guaranteed in any driving mode, and the fuel will burn completely. The engine power increases, it runs smoothly without failures, which allows you to quickly gain speed. Iridium maintains a constant gap between the electrodes, ensuring the safety of the spark and eliminating problems with starting the power unit.

The following main properties can be distinguished:

  • the high melting point of iridium alloys makes it possible to use these products for high-tech engines;
  • iridium tips of minimal diameter have high strength, which guarantees a constant spark to ignite the fuel assembly and start the engine in any weather;
  • Nickel coating of devices increases anti-corrosion and anti-blocking properties;
  • the voltage is supplied to the thin tip, so large values ​​​​are not needed for sparking;
  • Iridium SZ have good efficiency during fuel combustion;
  • Long service life due to the high melting point of iridium.

Problems with conventional spark plugs

Now I will not talk in detail about the operation of these elements. But we need to understand that the main load is carried by two electrodes - central and side (a spark passes between them). It is they that wear out over time and the element itself needs to be replaced

Typically, the side electrode is made of steel, which is alloyed with manganese or nickel.

The central electrode is made of iron-nickel alloys with the addition of copper and chromium.

Not only is a strictly defined gap set from the factory, but a certain resistance is also selected (about them below) so that the ignition coil can “break through” it and give the desired strong spark.

Over time, usually 50-80,000 km, the electrodes become smaller in size, the gap grows and the coil cannot effectively produce a spark (it turns out weak), the car does not pull, and fuel consumption may also increase.

This happens because the central and side electrodes simply lose some part of the metal; it simply burns out from constant discharges.

If such a spark plug is not replaced in time, or the gap is not adjusted correctly, the ignition coil may fail (because it needs to work harder to “break through” the greater height between the electrodes)

That is why spark plugs are replaced at 3-4 maintenance intervals, that is, 45 - 60,000 km.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, spark plugs require replacement even if the internal combustion engine is operating normally. It is also important to correctly select the specified elements for a specific type of motor, taking into account dimensions, heat rating and other parameters. In this case, you can install products from any manufacturer. It is also allowed to change the type of parts to improved analogues. To put it simply, you can replace single-electrode simple spark plugs with multi-electrode, platinum or iridium spark plugs.

Finally, we will answer a common question: spark plugs are changed on a cold or hot engine. It is recommended to replace these elements exclusively on a cold engine, since replacing on a hot engine significantly increases the risk of damage to the threads in the cylinder head.

You should also remember that it is recommended to replace such parts as a set. Compliance with these rules will allow you to achieve stable engine operation and minimal fuel consumption throughout the entire planned service life of the spark plugs.

Analysis of engine performance by the color of spark plugs. Grey, black, white, red and other colors of deposits and soot. How to properly diagnose.

How to check engine performance using spark plugs. The main signs of engine malfunctions: the appearance of black, gray, red and white carbon deposits on the spark plugs.

Why spark plugs flood on injection and carburetor engines: the main reasons for wet spark plugs. How to dry spark plugs and start the engine, tips.

What does the color of carbon deposits on a spark plug indicate, and why does carbon deposits of one color or another form? How to clean spark plugs from carbon deposits with your own hands, tips.

What to do if the ignition spark is lost. Diagnostics of individual elements: spark plugs, coil, ignition module. How to check the spark on an injection engine.

Signs of faulty spark plugs. Assessing the condition of a spark plug during a visual inspection, methods for checking spark plugs. Plaque on the spark plug electrodes.

Many parameters of gasoline engines depend on the correct operation of spark plugs.

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Monitoring their serviceability and timely replacement is a condition for proper operation of the vehicle.

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Clearance and Resistance

Each manufacturer selects candles from certain manufacturers for itself. Here there is not only the required gap, but also resistance.

A gap of about 0.8 - 1 mm is considered normal; the resistance of the spark plug is usually not indicated on the body, but in sellers' catalogs you can select it specifically for your engine.

It is worth noting that if you take an element of incorrect clearance and resistance, then on the contrary, you can worsen the performance of your car ! After all, the spark plug is matched to the ignition coil of your exact make and model. THIS NEEDS TO BE UNDERSTANDED.

Where to buy quality goods?

Experts and drivers with extensive experience advise that when answering the question of how often it is necessary to inspect and change spark plugs, adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations. This is approximately 30,000 km of mileage by car.

“hot” product , which is used by unscrupulous businessmen. Counterfeit brands are offered everywhere. There is no need to talk about the quality of such a product. Car markets and some small shops on highways and city outskirts are considered a hot spot. Passing motorists buy the product, replace it, and after a short mileage are forced to repeat the replacement operation. This is usually already far from the place of purchase. Therefore, you should purchase goods from time-tested suppliers with an unblemished business reputation. Where can they give a quality guarantee?

In custody

I would like to remind you that, paradoxical as it may sound, you yourself should know the answer to the question of how often and when you need to change the spark plugs on your car. After all, you are its owner and, in most cases, the driver. Listen to the operation of the power unit and look at the speedometer. There is no need for a nanny in this matter!


Iridium or conventional – which is better?

Now we come to the most interesting part, but what is actually better than the iridium options - the usual ones?

There are few differences here, but as many manufacturers assure, they are significant:

Sometimes the central and side electrodes are doped (as it becomes clear) with iridium. Now there are different application options:

  • Two small spots on the electrodes (which are made using conventional technology)

  • Alloying of the central part with iridium, and a special U-shaped groove is made on the side, but it is not alloyed

  • Two electrodes, opposite each other. One is platinum, the other is iridium.

As we know, this noble metal has very good characteristics of melting, wear resistance, corrosion and electric current transmission.

Also, the central part is usually narrowed, making it literally like a needle. If you compare the central electrode of a regular spark plug, it is approximately 2.4 - 2.8 mm, but the iridium version is only 0.5 - 0.8 mm.

This way we get a concentrated and very strong spark. And the coating or soldering of this noble metal makes the working surface virtually wear-free. That is, the gap between the electrodes lasts a VERY long time, many say about 100 - 150,000 km. BUT nothing lasts forever, as soon as the coating of this platinum group metal is destroyed, the working surfaces of the electrodes are literally immediately destroyed

I know, many can - but why can’t ordinary candles have the same thin central part? Everything is simple here - the combination of iron-nickel with copper and chromium cannot also perfectly withstand electrical discharges, temperature, corrosion like an opponent made of noble metal, it will simply wear out and collapse faster (literally in 10-15,000 km), thereby increasing the gap and worsening characteristics. That is why it is made much thicker so that it can withstand the effects of an aggressive environment.

What about the high price?

The main problem when choosing iridium spark plugs is their cost, which forces car enthusiasts to give preference to more affordable products.

But here it is important to note that candles using iridium will be cheaper than platinum products, which are also considered one of the best.

There is an opinion that the inflated cost is due to the rarity of the metal, because iridium is less common than gold or platinum.

In fact, price formation occurs according to a different principle.

Manufacturers focus on the demand for specific products, the characteristics of the automotive spare parts market, the presence of competition, and so on.

Today, purchasing iridium spark plugs will cost less than platinum spark plugs. But this situation can change at any moment.

In practice, almost a fifth of the rare metal that is mined on the planet is spent on the production of iridium candles.

As for the more famous platinum, it is mostly used for making jewelry, with only a small percentage involved in the production of candles.

An important point is the amount of metal used in production.

As in the case of iridium and platinum spark plugs, the use of expensive materials is minimal.

Only two elements are made of iridium or platinum - the grounding electrode and the tip of the part.

As soon as the demand for candles using iridium increases, the consumption of this metal increases and the price increases.

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I installed the iridium version, but the car began to work worse

This also happens often - but why? The answer is simple - you chose the wrong option for your car (usually you buy what a friend recommended, it works so well for him). As I already wrote above, all cars have certain ignition coils, different compression ratios, etc.

Therefore, the spark plug must correspond not only in terms of overall dimensions (size, height and thread), but also in terms of clearance and resistance

A gap difference of 0.2 mm, which you may not visually see, can worsen the performance of your internal combustion engine. The same thing happens with the resistance of the spark plug, it must match your electrical circuit. If you take it with increased resistance, then again the coils will not work correctly (give a weaker spark), and they may even fail.

That's why NORMAL SELLERS have special catalogs (or programs) using which they select iridium or regular spark plugs for you.


I made a small sign and wrote down all the positive and negative points on it.

Strong spark, stable start (even in winter)High price, 3-4 times more expensive than conventional analogues
Long service life (more than 100,000 km)No promised power increase
Smooth and soft engine operationThere is no great fuel economy (and within an error of about 2-3% you will not feel it)

I would like to say a few words about cleaning such elements, there is a huge amount of information on the Internet that says you can’t clean them AT ALL! And even if you put in bad gasoline and the spark plug becomes covered with a coating (say, red from additives) or carbon deposits, then you need to install new ones. But friends, this is essentially nonsense. They are easy to clean, but you don’t need to do it with sandpaper (this will remove the working layer), just soak them in cleaning liquids (ordinary kitchen detergents will do) and then clean everything with a soft brush (an old toothbrush is ideal). And they are working again.

Denso IW20, Denso WEPR

It’s not easy to pay about 3,000 rubles for a set of candles, knowing that your neighbor paid less than a hundred for similar ones. All the advantages of an expensive purchase are only in the future: the long mileage promised by advertising, some percentage of daily fuel savings, ease of starting... In addition, there is no need for frequent replacement: on a modern engine this is a labor-intensive and expensive procedure.

We decided to evaluate two polar designs from one reputable company in order to compare not the technology of different manufacturers, but the idea itself embodied in metal, all other things being equal. The choice fell on Denso.

Iridium IW20 are the obvious leaders in miniaturization of the central electrode: only 0.4 mm. It is the thin electrode that promotes better self-cleaning and, accordingly, extends the service life. They were accompanied by the usual W20 EPR-U. The initial difference in cost is approximately fivefold.


Well, and finally, I would like to talk about my experience of using it (leave a review, so to speak). I bought iridium from FORD FUSION, because it seemed to me that my original spark plugs had already died and required replacement (and it was fashionable to try it then). I paid about 2,000 rubles for the set back then, when my original spark plugs (bought from a dealer) cost about 700 rubles, that is, almost three times more expensive. I took DENSO brands, selected them according to the catalog as usual.

I didn’t feel any global changes, the car became a little more cheerful, but only because the standard spark plugs already had burnt electrodes and their gap increased. Consumption did not drop, super power of 10% did not appear either. Winter starts were excellent for me and with the original FORD spark plugs.

I drove about 60,000 km on them, then I sold the car with them. They did not cause any trouble, the gap remained as it was, there was not even a hint of the electrodes burning. I usually changed the standard spark plugs at 50,000 km, they also did not cause problems, but with such mileage the central part began to wear out a little.

WHAT IS MY PERSONAL CONCLUSION. If you have the money, you can overpay for the iridium options, they really work well and for a long time, and it seemed to me that winter starts are, if only a little, better. HOWEVER - THEY ARE EXPENSIVE. With this money (for me personally) it was possible to buy almost three sets of ordinary spark plugs, and actually drive even more on them (together). I DIDN’T FEEL ANY increase in power or reduction in fuel consumption, BY 10% AT ALL!

Now let's watch the video version of the article.

Now let's vote on what you think is better

This is where I end, I think my material was useful to you, SINCERELY YOUR AUTOBLOGGER.

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Experiments to improve standard products were not in vain. The properties of iridium and the characteristics of iridium spark plugs have led to a number of advantages over outdated products made from other metals and alloys. Among which:

  • The use of a product using iridium on average increases the overall engine power by 7%. In some situations the percentage increases more and leads to tangible improvements;
  • The service life of iridium spark plugs significantly exceeds other types and subtypes. Replacement is required no more often than after 100,000-150,000 km (the service life of previous types and subtypes is 10,000-20,000 km). It is this property that compensates for the high cost of a product using iridium;
  • the required fuel costs are reduced by 7%, due to a more powerful spark providing volumetric ignition. In addition, toxic emissions that are harmful to the human body and the environment are also reduced;
  • It doesn't take much effort to start the engine. Even in adverse weather conditions (low temperatures), the engine starts quickly and without additional assistance. This property is especially important in areas with harsh climates, where the temperature in winter drops to 40°.

Thus, manufacturers not only corrected the problems of previous products, but also introduced a number of new advantages.


Despite improvements, iridium spark plugs need to be refined and improved. The advantages and benefits of candles using iridium are complemented by several significant disadvantages, including:

  • There is a significant difference in price between iridium spark plugs and regular spark plugs. At the same time, the purchase of simple spark plugs cannot be called profitable or economical, since the service life of iridium spark plugs is many times longer. Choosing a product based on pricing is wrong and can lead to even greater waste;
  • unjustified use on conventional engines. Iridium spark plugs are aimed at modern models and for high mileage; if both the first and second are missing, all the positive aspects, with the exception of increased service life, disappear. Combining iridium spark plugs and an old car model will not bring impressive results.

If the first minus is justified by the quality and service life, then the second directly affects the decision to purchase iridium spark plugs. The costs will not be recouped without a powerful engine and frequent use of the car.

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