How does the ERA GLONASS button work on a car and why is it needed at all?

Good day to all! Today I decided to talk about such a relative innovation as the GLONASS button. I want to share some thoughts and observations with you.

Despite the fact that ERA GLONASS has been operating in our country for quite a long time, not everyone knows what it is, why it is installed on a car and what the presence of such a button in a car does.

Various news regarding ERA constantly appear, but many of them are not supported by links to official sources. As a result, the news turns into rumors and myths that contribute to destabilization among car owners. Let's try to figure out some of them by answering the main questions.

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Let's start, one might say, from the end, since these questions still remain relevant, and it is impossible to get an intelligible answer to them.

This is especially true for the temporary procedure for installing an emergency button, which applied to used cars imported into the country.

What information does the ERA GLONASS system capture?

Some motorists are suspicious of the emergency system due to concerns that it is tracking their movements. But this is nothing more than a myth: the ERA GLONASS module is designed in an extremely primitive manner, and it does not provide a tracking function. It only transmits one-time signals in case of distress, and only necessary information is included in them.

The operational service will receive the following information from the system in the event of a disaster:

  • Exact coordinates of the accident.
  • Number of passengers in the cabin (calculated by the number of seat belts fastened).
  • Technical information about the disaster: latest speed data, overload parameters.
  • Basic information about the car: model, number, color and fuel type.

All this data will help the rescue team quickly reach the victims and identify them, as well as roughly prepare for what they will encounter.

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There are various myths and misconceptions among motorists and ordinary car enthusiasts who are just planning to acquire their own vehicle. Moreover, some of them are related to the fact that the government does not give clear answers to the questions posed. Take, for example, the so-called grace period, which was supposed to end on July 1, 2022. After all, as of January 1, 2022, a rule was introduced according to which an ERA must be installed on all vehicles. This applies to cars produced in the country and imported into the Russian Federation.

It was from July 1, 2022 that some kind of permanent order should have been introduced. But somehow they forgot about it, because when the first day arrived, no innovations appeared. The bill was not published anywhere, the procedure remained the same.

As a result, it turned out that the grace period was extended for another year. As you understand, nothing has changed since July 2022.

If you have more recent and officially confirmed information, be sure to write in the comments.

As for the rules for residents of the Far East, cities such as Vladivostok, there are benefits for cars from Japan with right-hand drive. In fact, the rules about the GLONASS ERA do not apply to them. This applies to the import of right-hand drive passenger cars, and specifically used ones. Residents of the Far East, as well as those who move there for permanent residence, can import 1 right-hand drive car, which belongs to the M1 category, once a year. At the same time, they do not need to install GLONASS equipment in the car. The presence of ERA is checked by customs.

There are many rumors that the rules have been canceled, or that every car owner, regardless of the year of manufacture of the car, will have to buy and install an electronic control unit. And the cost of the kit is about 30 thousand rubles. But let's start from official information.

Incomplete coverage

“It’s too early to say that the system has justified itself. Its potential capabilities are good, but it does not yet completely cover the territory of Russia. And the number of rapid response centers is not enough,” Igor Morzharetto told Izvestia.

Indeed, in the territory where 112 does not work, ERA-GLONASS operators have to call the duty station of the Ministry of Internal Affairs using standard communication channels, that is, simply by telephone.

“This may cause delays in call transfer. Also in this case, it is not possible to transmit coordinates to emergency services. After receiving a call, in accordance with the current regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the emergency services operator is obliged to clarify the location and all details of the incident,” said the press service of JSC GLONASS.

Today in Russia, constant automated information interaction between GAIS “ERA-GLONASS” and System-112 is already provided in 54 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with 13 being implemented this year. It is expected that by the end of 2022 the number of such entities will increase to 60.

“ERA-GLONASS transmits a package of messages, coordinates. Imagine that we are operators and calling an emergency service. So many degrees of northern latitude, so many longitudes. And if it’s in the area of ​​the 175th kilometer of the Ural highway,” asked the editor-in-chief of “Behind the Wheel” Maxim Kadakov. According to him, the system is still in its initial phase.

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It is important to consider that this applies not only to cars produced by domestic enterprises such as AvtoVAZ. The law applies to all vehicles imported and sold on the Russian market. With its help, it is planned to speed up the response of various emergency services in the event of an accident. It also simplifies communication between the driver and rescuers, firefighters, police, ambulance, etc. As if everything is done for the benefit of the drivers. But not everyone is positive about this innovation. This is largely due to the fact that the price of a car increases, since the cost of the system is included in the price tag of the car.

The driver himself sees only the SOS button in the car, which lights up red when activated. All the filling is hidden. In fact, the system is quite complex, and its installation causes certain difficulties for automakers.

The system includes several modules. They are responsible for relaying emergency messages to the right services.

The standard ERA consists of:

  • GLONASS navigation module;
  • GPS navigation module;
  • modem analogue of a standard SIM card;
  • backup power supply;
  • antennas;
  • microphone;
  • dynamics;
  • protective housing.

Depending on what kind of machine it is, the system can be located in different places. There are certain standards that require installation to be carried out in such a way as to minimize potential damage from severe impacts.

The automaker decides where to install the module, but is still obliged to adhere to accepted standards.


Many questions concern the purpose and principle of operation of the ERA GLONASS system in a car. We discussed the features of the work above, but the purpose is standard. The goal of the innovation is to reduce mortality in road accidents by providing timely assistance. Statistically, many deaths in accidents are the result of delays by doctors/rescue workers, which prevents the person from surviving.

The presence of the GLONASS ERA button eliminates the problem. You can press the key yourself in case of an emergency or rely on the system to operate automatically. Thanks to the compatibility of the Russian system with the European eCall, you can travel abroad without having to undergo additional registration. The system will still work.

Now you know the features of ERA GLONASS, new functions and the principle of operation of the device. Understanding these processes is especially important for users who have a similar system installed in their car. Share your knowledge and experience with GLONASS in the comments.

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There is a rule according to which the button should be placed in such a way as to minimize deformation and damage to the system itself during impacts and collisions. Therefore, additional calculations of side and frontal impacts are required. At the same time, it should be possible to reach the button while sitting in the driver’s seat with a seat belt fastened. By the way, the ERA forced automakers to re-conduct crash tests, but in Russia. Even if the car received the highest score according to Euro NCAP, this will not avoid repeated testing necessary to check the stability of the ERA.

In reality, the button is most often installed in the area of ​​the rearview mirror, as well as to the left or right of the steering column.

GOST also stipulates the need to use protective mechanisms to prevent accidental calls to services. Therefore, the button must be covered with a folding panel.

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Many users cannot understand why the Glonass SOS is on. A visual indicator next to the key allows you to judge the status of the calling system. If it glows red, or no indicator works at all, this indicates that the machine cannot connect to the call center when pressing SOS. In addition, in the event of an emergency, emergency transmission of information may not take place. When the engine starts, the system performs self-diagnosis, and the indicator lights up for some time (up to 15 seconds).

If it lights up in any other case, you must have the system checked by an authorized dealer. If the red indicator lights up, or nothing from the LEDs works at all, you must contact emergency services or the police using a mobile phone.

Knowing what the GLONASS SOS key is and how it works, you can use its capabilities correctly. At the same time, you need to monitor the indicator’s performance in order to make a timely decision regarding further actions. Let us know in the comments whether you had to use the button and what difficulties arose in this matter.

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  • Auto. Automatic mode is activated in situations where a severe accident occurs. After a collision, the system creates a VIN code that includes information about the car, coordinates, speed, direction, number of passengers, etc. This data is transmitted via the mobile Internet of any network that is currently available. The message itself has little weight, so even with poor communication, the probability of transmitting information is very high. When it is not possible to connect to the Internet, the data is sent in the form of SMS;
  • Manual. Here the driver himself presses the corresponding button, which leads to activation of the system. If necessary, you can directly from the car via speakerphone using the speaker and built-in microphone to contact the operator, tell about the incident, call a group, etc.

When transmitting information, regardless of the method, the operator must first try to contact the driver. If this can be done, all additional information is learned through the driver. When the driver does not respond, a team of rescuers and ambulances arrives at the scene.

Certain questions may be raised by the fact that ERA finds out about the number of passengers in the car. But this is relatively accurate information, since it is determined by the number of seat belts fastened. When the passenger is not fastened, the system will not be able to determine the fact that he is in the vehicle.

What is it for?

The SOS button in ERA GLONASS is provided for manually calling the operator and transmitting information about the accident to the operator at the control center. After receiving the application, the specialist can call emergency vehicles. The presence of an SOS key is useful when the system does not work for some reason, and the driver himself wants to inform special services about a force majeure situation.

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I would like to ask this question to you, our dear readers. Be sure to write your opinion in the comments.

I would like to add one more thing. No one is talking about this officially, but many experts agree that this is how it will end up. We are talking about using the GLONASS ERA as a means of recording offenses in the form of speeding. Some experts are confident that in a couple of years GLONASS will transmit information to the traffic police, and drivers will begin to receive chain letters with fines in those areas where there are no traffic police posts, surveillance cameras, or radars. Whether this is true or not, time will tell.

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Why do we need ERA GLONASS

The first (and so far the only in the world) free emergency call system, mandatory for installation on all cars, appeared in Russia recently: it was officially put into operation on January 1, 2015, so there are still cars that are not connected to the system.
According to the government's plan, there will gradually be fewer of them. In accordance with the Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 877, from January 1, 2017 all new cars must be equipped with an emergency response system. In 2022, the OTTS (vehicle type approval) received for vehicles tested in 2016 will expire. This means that after 2022 it will be impossible to even accidentally buy a car that is not connected to the general emergency call system.

The closest operating analogue of ERA GLONASS is eCall, a security system common to all EU countries. It is so popular that it is also used in some other European countries, but is not yet mandatory, although from 2022 cars without eCall will not be sold in Europe. Both of these systems are designed to reduce the mortality of drivers and passengers (as a result of accidents), and they do an excellent job. ERA GLONASS is compatible with eCall systems: the driver, being in European countries, can call for help in the same way as in Russia, without undergoing additional registration or preliminary reconfiguration of equipment.

The system significantly increases the driver's chances of surviving an accident, since most deaths from car accidents occur due to slow response and insufficient speed of doctors arriving at the scene of a car accident. Using the alarm button, the driver can send an automatic call immediately at the moment of an accident or immediately after it, greatly increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Foreign analogues[edit

European Union[edit

Since 2001, the countries of the European Union have been developing the eCall program, according to which in 2015 all vehicles sold in the territory of the commonwealth must be equipped with navigation and communication aids that are triggered in the event of an accident, after which information about the location of the vehicle is transmitted to number 112 via GSM communication channels. the nearest control center. In countries such as Germany, road trains with a carrying capacity of over 12 tons have been equipped with such devices since 2005, and in Sweden - trucks weighing over 3.5 tons [21].

Childbirth online

Contact center operators had the opportunity to attend births live. The story took place at the end of summer in the Republic of Mordovia, and the operator could not immediately understand what was going on - at first a man and a woman were talking loudly to each other, then there were screams and, finally, a child’s cry.

It turned out that the family was going to the maternity hospital, which was about 50 kilometers away, but the birth began quickly, right in the car.

The operators found the hospital in the nearest village, which was less than 5 km away, and remained in touch, reassuring the new parents. In addition, they alerted the hospital's medical staff and asked them to prepare to welcome the newborn.

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Installation cost

One of the factors of interest to drivers when installing an SOS button is the price. There is no strictly established amount, since the price depends on the type and quality of the system being installed and the type of your car. It is also worth remembering that prices may vary depending on where you live and the company you choose to install the system.

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A manual request can be performed with the engine running, ignition on and off. During the autonomous period, its own battery is used. The system is operational for 3 days in the absence of ignition.

The driver must press the emergency call button and not release it for at least 2 seconds. The backlight turns white and then starts flashing red. The emergency warning system is launched: communication with satellite navigators is carried out, the nature of the vehicle’s movement, the position of the driver and passengers in the cabin (the condition of seat belts and airbags) are determined.

Then the coordinates of the vehicle's location are determined. The received data, as well as information about the VIN, number, color of the car, availability and type of fuel are transmitted to the operator via the Internet or mobile phone.

Within a few seconds after the call, a call is received from the ERA-GLONASS contact center. The operator clarifies whether the call is false, what problems have arisen, gives instructions on further actions and, if necessary, transmits data to the line “112”, 02, 03. During the entire voice communication, the key backlight glows without interruption.

Attention! To cancel a call, press the key again for 2 seconds until it goes out.

When calling the operator, report a false call.

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