We compare the ground clearance of different cars in the table

The answer to the question “what is a car’s ground clearance?” simple - the minimum height of the middle part of the car from the surface. That is, the distance between the bottom and the road.

Actually, not just a car. Any vehicle. There are special tractors with a ground clearance of two meters. And the tank’s high ground clearance makes it more visible and vulnerable in battle. Although cross-country ability is a very important quality for him.

Advantages of cars with low clearance:

  • excellent road holding. A low center of mass helps with cornering stability. All racing cars are like that;
  • efficiency. All other things being equal, the drag is slightly lower, which saves fuel;
  • "fuzzyness". The sporty, fast-looking silhouette of the car warms the soul of the owner.

The advantage of cars with high ground clearance. One thing, but a very significant one. Patency. Such a car will not sit on its bottom in bad conditions. It will travel in the direction that roads still exist in our place. Easy parking - it won’t catch a curb or a stone in a snowdrift.

It is significant that high ground clearance raises the center of mass of the car, making it prone to tipping over on sharp turns. Therefore, when driving on good roads at high speeds, it is worth reducing it.

Based on clearance height, cars are conventionally divided into:

  • passenger cars –110-180 mm. We take into account that the average height of the curb is 16 cm;
  • crossovers, SUVs - 160-220 mm;
  • SUVs – 200-420 mm.

Alas, it's not that simple. There is also such a thing as “body geometry”. A long car with a high body can give up even before entering a tow truck. And the Peugeot 107 easily climbs up or down a hill, goes around the pits along the contour, without touching anything.

The VAZ-2131, having lengthened by half a meter from the classic Niva, acquired the harmful ability to regularly cling to something.


More. The bottom is not a solid plate. It’s worth inspecting your car on an overpass; knowing where and how much the parts protrude, you can carefully “skip” a post or stone under the bottom.

For family cars with high ground clearance, we can recommend the Volkswagen Polo Sedan 1.6 with a height of 170 mm.

Volkswagen Polo Sedan 1.6

Relatively inexpensive, roomy, passable. When choosing a family car, you should look beyond ground clearance, even if the choice is based on operating conditions. We take into account price, efficiency, trunk size, cost and availability of maintenance.

When looking for a model of an economical car with high ground clearance, you should take into account the contradictory requirements: low cars are more economical. So we are looking for a reasonable compromise in the requirements. You can pay attention to the “C3 Picasso Trekker” with a clearance height of 175 mm or Nissan Juke – 180 mm. All-wheel drive, automatic transmission, high engine power on average increases fuel consumption.

Nissan Juke

Among inexpensive, budget cars with high ground clearance, the Russian Lada 4×4 and Chevrolet Niva are interesting. Similar to each other - mechanics, all-wheel drive, 1.7 liter engine with 80 horses - cars with excellent cross-country ability.

Chevrolet Niva

The Chinese are doing quite well in the budget class, making quite decent cars at a relatively low cost.

Ways to increase ground clearance

How to increase car clearance. There are cars with active suspension. Their design includes the ability to change the height of the car literally “on the fly”, raising or lowering depending on driving conditions.

Hydraulic, pneumatic and hydropneumatic systems are controlled by an on-board computer. Provision is made for raising and lowering each wheel depending on the conditions: at different cornering speeds, uneven roads, at the start, braking. Installed sensors assist the movement without driver intervention.

Adjustable Air Suspension (ESS)

Cars equipped with such systems move smoothly, driving is more comfortable and safer. Alas, you have to pay for everything. Both in the literal sense: such models are more expensive, and in the figurative sense - the complication of the design leads to more complicated maintenance and reduced reliability.

A simple way to increase the car's ground clearance is to install different wheels.

It has nuances. Wheels 195/65R15, 205/55R16, 225/45R17, 225/40R18 have almost the same external size. It is necessary to take into account the change in the rubber profile, choose the same profile, but with an increased radius.

There are also failures caused by geometry. With the same number of wheel revolutions, the distance the car travels is different. That is, irregularities in the speedometer readings are possible. The speed sensor is likely to fail in vehicles equipped with ABS and ESP systems, if any. And it won’t be possible to increase it much - the wheel arches will interfere, possibly touching the mudguards.

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Another option is to replace the springs and shock absorbers, and supply additional “gaskets”. Many workshops now provide such services. We take into account that the replacement of standard components of the car automatically leads to the loss of the factory warranty, if it has not yet expired. Such replacements also affect the stiffness of the suspension.

It is also worth considering one not very good, often encountered and rarely taken into account minus. Any repair or tuning of a car is fraught with encounters with cross-eyed repairmen. Moreover, outwardly you cannot distinguish them from conscientious workers. Such a meeting easily leads to loss of money, nerves, and time. Theoretically - and life, well, this is in very rare cases.

A car “raised” by tuning, in comparison with the purchased base model, can noticeably lose stability. When entering a corner at speed, the difference is noticeable.

Video: installing spacers to increase the ground clearance of the Kia Ceed Sportage 3.

Video: increasing the ground clearance of the Mazda3 due to spacers, shows what happened and how it turned out.

All SUVs are vehicles with high ground clearance. For ease of selection, familiarization and comparison of different models and brands of cars, look at the numbers below.

Tables for comparing clearances

When buying a car, you can decide in advance on the ground clearance. The two tabular forms below will help you with this. See and choose your size.

Car clearance - comparison table. This form shows the difference between cars and SUVs:

Below is a table of the most purchased class B cars; ground clearance increases from bottom to top. Compare the ground clearance of different models and manufacturers, and choose the best option:

The stated ride height does not always correspond to reality. For example, it is clear that a loaded car will “sink” lower than an empty one. According to Russian GOST, measurements are taken in a vehicle loaded to the maximum permitted weight.

And at the Russian representative office of Mitsubishi, when asked by Avtovestya, they answered that the measurements are carried out on a loaded car. That is: there is no driver and passengers, the fuel tank and windshield washer reservoir are filled, there is a spare wheel and a set of tools, a jack. Just a car standing on a stand.

The underbody protection installed in the car “eats” a few more millimeters. Again, the clearance is indicated with the protection removed.

Underbody protection

Additional protection for the bottom of the car is possible. The options are different. There is simply anti-corrosion protection, usually coating with various mastics, paints and the like.

This is not a superfluous thing, since when driving, grains of sand and fine gravel treat the bottom of the car like an abrasive. Using salt on the roads in winter also does not add longevity to the body.

But you can also order more expensive protection that protects the engine crankcase (one of the most expensive repairs), gas tank and other parts from impacts. Theoretically, at least from mine fragments, like on armored personnel carriers. The installation of additional protection itself will slightly reduce the ground clearance, but will save you from significant expenses for repairs.

Video: does the crankcase protect the car?

Plastic skirts and various parking systems, such as sensors under the bumper, help. Without increasing the vehicle's ground clearance, they protect against damage by signal transmission.

Ground clearance changes slightly over time due to wear and tear on suspension parts - springs, springs, tires. Even with different vehicle loads and tire pressures, it is slightly different. When driving around curbs, parking, or obstacles, not only ground clearance is important. You also need a careful driver.


Good afternoon, today we will learn what is called clearance

ground clearance
is so
important to know
how to correctly measure the distance
from the ground to the lowest point

the vehicle
’s underbody yourself
In addition, we will tell you what the

angles of the front
rear overhangs
in a car
are why
how to accurately

them .
In conclusion, we’ll talk about what types of ground clearances there are
for vehicles,
how to choose
a car with
the optimal level
, as well as
what advantages
cars with
high ground clearance

As you can see, today there are a large number

various and at first glance
, using the example
of ground clearance
overhang angles of
the vehicle body.
Quite often, car enthusiasts
have a pressing
what is ground clearance
how does it differ
ground clearance

to measure
it in your car?
We’ll answer right away that ground clearance
ground clearance
the same parameters
, only they have
different names
Such a “ fashionable

came to us from
the Western lexicon
has taken root quite firmly
among our people.
For reference, we note that the values ​​of ground clearance
overhang angles
are one of the key
in terms of
measuring the height distance
the bottom point of the car body

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Renault Duster, Renault Kaptur and Nissan Terrano

It’s not for nothing that we combined these three off-road crossovers.
All of them are front-wheel drive, only some modifications are equipped with single-wheel drive. The cars are built on the same platform and are identical in ride height. The declared ground clearance from the manufacturer is 205 mm, but 10 mm is “eaten up” by the protection. But 195 mm is quite enough for budget crossovers. But the pricing policies of the models are different. The average cost of a Duster is almost 634 thousand rubles, a Nissan Terrano is 779 thousand rubles, and for a completely new Capture (sold in Russia for only three years) they ask for an average of 918 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can easily find a problem-free copy on the secondary market.

According to statistics from avtocod.ru, every second Duster and every third Terrano and Capture are sold “clean”. But this does not mean that you need to relax and neglect checking your car. Most of the “Dusters” and “Captures” are sold after an accident, with the calculation of repair work and unpaid fines. “Terrano” is most often sold with a duplicate title, road accident and registration restrictions.

Also read: Battle of crossovers: Nissan Qashqai vs Renault Kaptur

Clearance - where is it and what is it like?

Ground clearance or, in other words, ground clearance is the distance between the lowest part or component of the car and the supporting surface (flat road). The larger it is, the higher the vehicle’s cross-country ability and the less likely it is to damage any unit located below or the bumper when driving on a “killed” road or during extreme parking (for example, at a high curb or crossing it) and in other cases. With the models of the domestic automobile industry, everything is even more or less clear - their capabilities for overcoming road obstacles are generally known. But I don’t really want to drive them, and when there is an opportunity to purchase a more reliable and comfortable vehicle (a foreign car), the question arises - how are they “doing it”? The variety of models to choose from is confusing.

There are no general standards for this value, but there are average values ​​for passenger cars and SUVs. For the first group of cars, this is, as a rule, the distance from the road surface to the front bumper, and for the second group - to the engine protection or to the rear axle:

  • for cars 12–20 cm;
  • for SUVs 18–35 cm.

Below is a comparison table of different car brands and models. It can be used to compare the ground clearance of passenger cars and SUVs.

When choosing a car (especially a passenger car) and consulting with a specialist, you should clarify for which part of the car its manufacturer indicates the ground clearance, since there are companies that do not present this data entirely accurately. So the lowest point of a car is usually its front part - either where the engine is located, on top of which a special protection is installed, or the bottom of the front bumper. Some manufacturers indicate the distance between the engine and the ground as the ground clearance value, without taking into account the dimensions of the protection, which is located below the engine. Or it may turn out that the bottom of the front bumper is closer to the road than the engine and its protection. Therefore, you should separately clarify what kind of “front bumper overhang” the car you like has. Otherwise, instead of the expected 150 mm of clearance declared by the manufacturer, you can get an actual 130 mm or less. If you compare these two values, at first glance the difference is small, but on the road this discrepancy can be decisive and cause damage.

Volvo S60 Cross Country

Car brand knowledge test
The clear leader in ground clearance in the premium segment is the Volvo S60 Cross Country. Ground clearance is 201 millimeters. Such figures can even put some crossovers on their backs. In addition, no other sedan on our market has such indicators. True, despite all the advantages of the Volvo S60 Cross Country (all-wheel drive, sedan, tall, off-road), it did not gain much popularity among us.

Good ground clearance means that you can safely drive on roads with holes and potholes, without worrying about the integrity of the muffler and various elements located on the bottom of the car at its lowest points. Each car from the above has unsurpassed charm, pleasant design, individuality and high technology. And if you don’t want to experience the inconvenience of low ground clearance, perhaps you should choose one of the above-mentioned representatives, which will delight you for many years when traveling around the city and in nature.

, 23 Apr 2018

A car is designed to travel on the road. But lately we have to do this off-road, and sometimes it’s difficult to determine where one ends and the other begins. Therefore, such a car characteristic as ground clearance is of increased interest among car owners. This article shows the dimensions in a comparative table of vehicle clearance, but first, of course, you should understand what it is and what functions it performs.

Clearance is explained by GOST as the distance between such parts of the car as the supporting surface and the lowest point of the central part of the entire structure. Simply put, this is the distance that separates the prospect of damaging the lowest part of the car and the road surface. More often, this concept can be heard in such a form as ground clearance - it is more understandable, easier to remember and therefore used with great pleasure.

The amount of ground clearance is a very important characteristic for any car, as it significantly affects stability at high speed, cross-country ability, and maneuverability. And these, without a doubt, are the indicators that can demonstrate the car in the best light. As for cross-country ability, it can be increased along with an increase in value. By the way, this can be done while driving – on some cars.

As a rule, ground clearance is indicated in millimeters, sometimes also in centimeters.

It is also common practice to notify car owners about two values ​​- clearance under the front and rear axles. Sometimes they even indicate the clearance that is under the engine crankcase.

To make it easier to characterize clearance, in the future, using a table, a conditional classification of this characteristic should be given. In general, ground clearance can be divided into three categories: high (SUVs and SUVs), medium (crossovers and SUVs), small (passenger cars). And now regarding the specific values ​​of ground clearance under the front bumper:

  1. 20-35 cm for SUVs.
  2. Not less than 18 cm and not more than 25 cm for SUVs.
  3. 14-20 cm for cars.

As for the oil pan, these are the following values:

  • From 20 cm for SUVs;
  • From 17 to 21 cm for SUVs;
  • From 12 to 17 cm for passenger cars.

What can we perform there?

The first thing that will suffer when encountering a deep pothole or an open sewer hatch is, of course, the front bumper. As soon as the car dives into such a hole (look at the photo), you are guaranteed a split bumper. Let's not talk about dented wheels and sills now.

There are no general standards, but there are average values ​​for cars, family cars, and SUVs that reflect the ground clearance (distance from the front bumper to the asphalt):

  • for SUVs from 18 to 35 cm;
  • for passenger cars from 13 to 20 cm.

Next in line for the “breakdown”, and in the direction of travel, we have the oil pan. That's who gets it to the fullest. No, no, you’ll hear from a friend that he broke through the pan. And this is already a very expensive repair. The pan itself, changing the oil, or even worse, if you didn’t immediately notice the breakdown and drove for some significant distance without oil. Quite often, the clearance between the pan and the ground is even less than from the bumper. To be precise, it is not the pallet itself that sticks out, but its protection. But it’s better to let the ground clearance decrease slightly, by a few centimeters due to protection, than to drive at the risk of damaging the pan.

Here the values ​​are almost the same:

  • for an SUV on average from 17 cm;
  • for a passenger car from 12 cm.

Elements of the front suspension of some cars (levers, rods) can also significantly reduce ground clearance. Don’t forget about the muffler with a resonator, which, although recessed into the bottom, can easily get caught on the road on some car models.

At one time, as the owner of a VAZ 2112 car, during a year of operation, I managed to puncture the gas tank three times. This is all to blame, of course, for the disgusting directions and also weak rear springs, because of which the ground clearance in the middle part of my car was indecently small, and at any opportunity I clung to obstacles with this element. After the third time, I was already seriously concerned about this issue (I still think, why not after the second), and I changed the springs along with the tank. I installed new ones from model 11, since it is half a turn longer. I really don’t know if this solved the problem, because I sold the car almost immediately.

Ground clearance of various cars

Top 10 best cars of all time

Ground clearance or ground clearance is one of the important characteristics of a car that determines the distance from the road to the lowest point of the central part of the car (for example, a differential, axle, gearbox or engine guard).

When choosing a car, many people look at this parameter and take it into account. This is understandable - for Russian roads and off-road travel, high ground clearance will have a positive effect on cross-country ability. Cars with very low ground clearance will simply not be able to pass in some places.

It is especially important to choose a car with high ground clearance if you live in a village or plan frequent trips to rural areas and off-road conditions.

If you like a certain car model, but are not satisfied with its ground clearance, it makes sense to check with car dealerships what varieties of this model are available. Many models of modern imported cars come in different versions.

Often for Russia, with our bad roads, many parameters are adjusted, including ground clearance. That is, if for Europe the clearance value is one, then for the Russian version of the car this value may be completely different

Also pay attention to the presence of engine protection. If present, check whether the ground clearance has been specified taking this fact into account

If there is no protection, then think about whether you will install it (in most cases, yes). When installing protection, the ground clearance may decrease by approximately 5-15 mm. There is also the concept of “PPD - bad roads package”; manufacturers of imported cars either include it in a certain model or not. The amount of ground clearance also depends on this.

We evaluate the scope of operation - personal clearance requirements

Each potential car buyer has his own requirements for what the car should be like. Almost everyone has individual wishes for a car, which is why there are so many offers in the modern world. In most cases, the buyer will give preference to such parameters as engine power and maximum speed, a good type of gearbox and acceleration of up to 100 kilometers per hour. But an experienced driver will definitely look at the ground clearance. For an experienced driver, this element of technical characteristics sometimes means more dynamic performance, since it determines the ability to operate the car in certain conditions. Among the main requirements are the following features:

  • for urban use, the ground clearance should not be less than 120 millimeters; for a confident ride in winter, 140 millimeters may be required;
  • when traveling on intercity highways, when the car is fairly pressed to the road at speed, a slightly higher ground clearance is required - from 140 to 160 millimeters;
  • the minimum ground clearance on a car that is used in rural areas is 180 millimeters, here the question turns out to be simple - the higher the ground clearance, the better;
  • for off-road travel, it is better to have a ground clearance of more than 200 millimeters; an extremely pleasant option will be the ability to adjust the clearance using suspension settings;
  • for universal use, the optimal ground clearance is considered to be a ground clearance of 150-180 millimeters; this option is suitable for all travel features.

Modern cars often have more ground clearance, especially cars in the SUV class. However, it is not always the clearance that determines the passability. We know many Chinese cars in the SUV class that cannot drive on a normal asphalt road, despite their fairly high ground clearance.

Therefore, ground clearance is more of an additional factor than a determining factor. However, if there is a lack of this clearance, you can suffer greatly, receiving not the most pleasant features of the car’s operation and constantly spending money on regular restoration of the vehicle after damage.

Types of clearance

Due to the fact that each car has a different ground clearance, we will divide it into three categories:

  1. Small – passenger cars.
  2. Medium – SUVs and crossovers.
  3. The big one is SUVs.

If you haven't yet understood why this is so, now you will. Since there is no single established point for measuring ground clearance, I will show you the difference in readings between these three options based on the most popular lowest elements of the car, the front bumper and the sump housing.

The ground clearance for the above types of cars looks like this:

  • Passenger cars - 14-20 cm from the bumper and 12-17 cm from the pan.
  • Crossovers and SUVs – 18-25 cm, 17-21 cm.
  • SUVs – 20-35 cm, from 20 cm and above.

The highest clearance value is found in specialized equipment. For example, for a conventional row-crop tractor this figure can reach up to 50-70 cm, and in the case of construction equipment, up to 200 cm.

Be that as it may, ground clearance has been and remains an individual characteristic of each vehicle. And although many experts worked to classify cars on this basis, they were not able to do this completely. Therefore, all these three groups should be taken somewhat conditionally, because there are often cases when the ground clearance of an ordinary passenger car is several times higher than the value of a crossover or the same SUV.

The role of ground clearance in car design

I’ll explain it to beginners! Guys, ground clearance is not some kind of detail, you can’t pick it up, but you can see it!

The domestic GOST explains this concept as the distance between the road and the lowest point of the car and there is nothing to add here, everything is simple and clear!

The value of ground clearance plays a vital role in any car, because its value has a direct impact on such key characteristics of the vehicle as cross-country ability, maneuverability and stability. Therefore, the size of the ground clearance is no less significant a parameter than the same engine size or power.

It would seem that everything is simple, clearance is measured in millimeters, sometimes in centimeters, in principle, it is not so important for those who studied at school. However, the fact that there are many body kit elements in the design of the car can be misleading, where should you measure it? From the crankcase, bumper, exhaust system, transmission or suspension arms? Very soon we will return to this issue and everything will become clear.

Now I would like to draw your attention to the vehicle load factor. After all, you must agree that the number of kilograms taken on board by the “iron horse” determines how much its “knees” (figuratively speaking, of course), in our case the springs, will “bend”, and this, in turn, has a direct impact on the amount of ground clearance.

So the problem is that most automakers on the planet do not have a unified position on this issue, so sellers manage to manipulate the key characteristics of the vehicle.

As for the Russian Federation, we have a certain standard (P50182-92), which states: ground clearance is determined exclusively when the vehicle is fully loaded, not only with passengers, but also with the trunk. In fact, with us, as always, official dealers, when measuring, take into account only 75 kg of weight per driver (where did they see such drivers in Russia) and the weight of a full fuel tank. I won’t even talk about an ordinary car dealership; they won’t take this into account either; they will measure the ground clearance of an empty car and empty the tank.

High ground clearance SUVs

Nissan Patrol.

There are many modifications of the car, as a rule they all have all-wheel drive.

Here are the ground clearance parameters for some models:

  1. Nissan Patrol (Y62(2014)) with an engine capacity of 5.6 liters has a ground clearance of 273 mm.
  2. Model Y62 5.6 4WD 2010 – 2014 – 275 mm.
  3. Y61 models from 2004 to 2013 by modification: 3.0 TD 4WD, 4.8 4WD – 220 mm.
  4. Y61 models from 2002 to 2004 by modification: GR 3.0 TD 4WD, GR 4.8 4WD -220 mm.
  5. Y61 models from 1997 to 2002 by modification: GR 2.8 TD 4WD, GR 3.0 TD 4WD, GR 4.2 TD 4WD, GR 4.5 4WD – 220 mm.

Infiniti QX80.

Since 2007, only the all-wheel drive modification of the car has been supplied to Russia; it belongs to the class of full-size SUVs (until 2003, mid-size).

The 5.6-liter V-shaped eight-cylinder engine with a 7-speed automatic transmission develops a power of 405 hp.

Ground clearance for Infiniti QX80257 mm.

Mercedes-Benz GL.

Belongs to the class of full-size crossovers, from 2022 - GLS-class.

There are two generations of the car, X164 (produced from 2006 to 2012) and X166 (produced since 2012).

The following were restyled:

  1. The first generation of X164 in 2009 (for example, the GL 450 CDI restyling model);
  2. The second is the X166 in 2022 (GLS 350d, restyling).

With the size of the ground clearance of the Mercedes-Benz GL, not everything is clear; the fact is that the car is equipped with air suspension, for example, in the first generation X164 it is present on all models. Finding a car without air suspension is quite problematic.

Accordingly, the ground clearance of the Mercedes-Benz GL (GLS) is adjustable, the maximum is 307 mm, the minimum is 205 mm.

Dodge Caliber.

Belonging to the SUV class is a rather rare car on our roads. 50% of produced units have all-wheel drive.

Refers to cars with high ground clearance; depending on the model, the ground clearance can be 178, 180 and 203 mm.

Land Rover Range Rover.

POPULAR WITH READERS: Kia Rio ground clearance: general characteristics and specifics

The well-known SUV, equipped with air suspension, is perfect for use in our conditions.

Depending on the modification, it has different ground clearance, which can vary from 221 to 295 mm.

Toyota 4Runner TRD Pro (USA).

There are two modifications of this car: Toyota 4Runner and Toyota 4Runner TRD Pro.

In the first case, this is a regular version of the car, developed for the US market. Depending on the modification and year of manufacture, the ground clearance for this model can be 221, 228, 229, 231 and 244 mm.

Toyota 4Runner TRD Pro is a car specially designed for off-road driving. The introduced design innovations (and there are quite a few of them) made it possible to increase the vehicle's ground clearance to 283 mm.

Jeep Grand Cherokee.

All-wheel drive SUV with high ground clearance. Depending on the modification, year of manufacture (from 1992 to 2013) and type of suspension, ground clearance can be 200, 210, 218, 221 mm.

The latest versions of the car were produced with Quadra Lift air suspension, thanks to which the Jeep Grand Cherokee's ground clearance can be increased to 282 mm.

Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk.

A compact SUV with all-wheel drive, specially designed for off-road driving. It has a ground clearance of 221 mm, while its predecessor Jeep Cherokee has a ground clearance of only 151 mm.

From high to low clearance

If you are really thinking about purchasing a new car and are trying to find the best option in terms of not only price, but also ground clearance, I recommend taking a look at the tables I provided! With their help, you won’t have to crawl under a car with a tape measure in your hands at a car dealership; you’ll find out everything here and now. First, look at the height of cars under the class b category.

As you can see, the Mini-Cooper turned out to be small not only in words, but also in deeds - 120 mm. Renault Logan and Daewoo Nexia, popular in our area, have ground clearance of 155 and 158 mm, respectively. Well, the leader was the Ford Fusion with its 175 mm.

Next, at your disposal is a comparative table of ground clearance of crossovers and cars. In it you will find class C and A cars, as well as domestically produced models, such as: UAZ-469 (300 mm), VAZ 2121 Niva (220 mm), etc.

Based on what was demonstrated and assessing the real cost of all cars, I made some conclusions. In my purely opinion, the cheapest car with high ground clearance is the Renault Clio, and try to prove it to me otherwise!

The ground clearance of domestic cars, not taking into account our SUVs, is approximately the same. Here's a comparison: the classic Russian car industry VAZ 2107 and the more modern VAZ 2110 have a ground clearance of 17 mm.

Please note: absolutely all clearance values ​​given by me were set not according to Russian GOST, but as checked by official dealers. That is, the car is pre-loaded with a driver and a standard set of equipment.

LADA 4×4 and Chevrolet Niva

The secret of Vesta’s lack of all-wheel drive, perhaps, lies in the fact that no one would take the Niva. The first domestic crossover rises above the asphalt by 205 mm, and the version created together with Chevrolet is already 220 mm.

In addition to high ground clearance, the driver can expect all-wheel drive, low weight, cross-axle differentials on two axles at once and thoughtful body geometry with favorable approach and departure angles. And the Niva also has permanent all-wheel drive, low-speed steering and differential locking.

These models are prime examples that capable cars don't have to be expensive. The average cost of a LADA 4×4 is 312 thousand rubles, a Chevrolet Niva is 362 thousand rubles.

Be careful when purchasing. Despite the fact that every third of the Nivas is given away without problems, there is a risk of buying a scrapped car, either in collateral, with incorrect mileage, restrictions or unpaid fines.

"Shnivy" are even more problematic. Most cars are sold after accidents, with unpaid fines. You can come across examples after a taxi, in collateral, leasing, with registration restrictions and twisted mileage.

Also read: Chevrolet Niva - from dirt to city. One owner experience

Summing up

Good ground clearance means that the vehicle's maneuverability increases significantly. As a result, you can drive on any off-road without fear, without fear that the muffler or other elements located on the bottom of the vehicle will be damaged.

We have presented you with a list of models that are distinguished by good ground clearance, functionality and attractive appearance. All of them are perfect for driving around the city and for trips into nature.

Video review about high-clearance sedans:

Rating of high clearance sedans

Lada Vesta

A car with beautiful X-shaped styling and balanced driving characteristics. It has a 2635 mm wheelbase, front-wheel drive and a 480-liter trunk. The ground clearance of the 4-door Vesta sedan is 178 mm, which is more than enough to drive through broken roads with potholes and other defects.

The car comes with 2 gasoline engines of 1.6 and 1.8 liters with a power of 106 and 122 hp. respectively. The power units are paired with a 5-speed manual transmission or an AMT robot with the same number of stages.

Datsun on-Do

A car created on the Lada Granta platform and similar to the Russian budget sedan. The main advantage over the domestic passenger car is the presence of a 4-band automatic transmission, offered in the Trust and Dream trim levels.

The updated Granta with a nameplate from another manufacturer is a compact, practical and inexpensive car, characterized by unpretentious operation, adapted to Russian road conditions due to a reliable and repairable suspension, high ground clearance of 174 mm.

It is worth noting that On-DO sedans with automatic transmission are 10-20 mm lower than versions with manual transmission.

VW Polo

One of the best representatives of cars in this class. The Volkswagen Polo sedan is an easy-to-drive car, adapted for Russian roads. Meets in Kaluga. Compared to its classmates, it has a rich engine range and a 6-speed automatic transmission. However, the ground clearance is less than that of AvtoVAZ’s flagship, Vesta. It is 163 mm.

Under the hood of the 4-door sedan there is a junior 90-horsepower engine, its powerful version with output of 110 “horses,” or a turbocharged TSI gasoline unit developing 125 hp.

Characteristics Vesta onDo Polo
Overall dimensions, mm 4410 to 1765 to 1491 4337 by 1700 by 1500 4390 to 1699 to 1467
Wheelbase, mm 2635 2476 2553
Wheel formula 4x2 4x2 4x2
Ground clearance, mm 178 174 163
Trunk volume, in l 480 530 460
Number of internal combustion engines and gearboxes to choose from, pcs. 2/2 1/2 3/2
Starting price, in rub. 569 900 360 000 599 900

Option "bad road package"

When choosing a car, many buyers pay attention to its ground clearance, and this is natural, because the vehicle’s cross-country ability depends on the ground clearance, and this is an important advantage in our operating conditions.

As a rule, jeeps, crossovers, and SUVs have high ground clearance.

But many manufacturers, meeting the buyer who does not want to buy an expensive car, but at the same time dreams of becoming the owner of a car with high ground clearance, are introducing a special “package for bad roads” option for sedans and hatchbacks.

As a rule, this package provides:

  • This model has increased ground clearance compared to its European counterpart, usually 3-5 cm;
  • Reinforced chassis (levers – thickened polyhedral steel, reinforced springs, shock absorbers);
  • Adaptation of the engine to our operating conditions (to our fuel);
  • Factory installed engine protection;
  • Other options depending on vehicle model.

But you need to take into account that the automaker indicates the ground clearance measured on an empty car; with passengers and cargo in the trunk, the ground clearance will decrease by a couple of centimeters, so many car owners, after purchasing a car, immediately try to increase this parameter using spacers, but this is another topic for discussion. And now about the main thing.

How to increase clearance, and how dangerous is it?

For many car owners, increasing ground clearance is a key task. The reasons may vary. For example, in a loaded car, the wheels touch the fender liners, or the mud flaps on uneven sections of the road (when rocking) hit the road (this greatly irritates the driver’s psyche). Needless to say, a loaded car with low clearance is a real disaster.

The adjustment process is as simple as possible for vehicles with pneumatic-hydraulic or air suspension. In this case, there is no need to make additional adjustments to the ground clearance. A number of models have special shock absorbers with which you can independently increase or decrease the ground clearance.

In other cases, you can use conventional spacers made of plastic, plastic or metal (most often aluminum). In practice, plastic spacers performed best. They practically do not deform even under difficult operating conditions. In some cases, hard rubber spacers can be used.

To achieve maximum efficiency, installation is performed directly between the coils of springs - this gives the latter additional rigidity. If money allows, you can install so-called adjustable spacers.

One cannot fail to mention another popular method - installing wheels with the largest possible radius for a particular car model. But there is always a danger that when turning or on a loaded car, the wheels will begin to rub against the fender liners. For some reason, many car enthusiasts forget about this.

Ground clearance is a constantly changing value that depends on a number of parameters - wear of tires, springs and car springs. Over time, the clearance decreases. In this regard, periodic adjustment of clearance is a very useful and necessary activity.

Just please, without fanaticism. Increasing the ground clearance above the permissible limit is fraught with loss of vehicle controllability, and this is for your safety.

Ground clearance (also known as ground clearance) is one of the most basic and important parameters of any car.

Many of us often pay special attention to this parameter when choosing a car. Ground clearance is especially important in winter conditions, when traditionally winter takes utility workers by surprise and roads even in large Russian cities turn into winter rally tracks

Unfortunately, what car manufacturers indicate in their technical specifications often does not correspond to reality. For example, few people think about the fact that the ground clearance of cars in reality is much less than what is stated by car companies.

So if you buy a car with a ground clearance of 140 or even 150 mm, don’t be surprised later in the winter that your car literally scrapes “high-quality” snow-covered Russian roads due to the fact that in reality the car’s ground clearance is similar to some sports cars.

Our online publication has decided to select for you ten cars that, due to their ground clearance, are not actually intended for use on Russian roads. Especially in winter. We would like to note that we did not include in our rating any exclusive, rare sports cars that have low ground clearance due to their specific nature. We chose among ordinary cars that can be officially purchased in Russia and intended for use in the city. First, let's find out what the ground clearance of a car is?

What are the consequences of low vehicle clearance in unsuitable conditions?

If you look at cars in Germany, most of them have a ground clearance between 120 and 140 millimeters. Even crossovers for the local market are made with low ground clearance. The fact is that the roads here in winter and summer meet the highest quality requirements. In our country, everything is somewhat different. If in the summer you can drive along the roads you know in the city with any clearance, then in the winter or along an unfamiliar road you will have to crawl, because you do not know what awaits you in a couple of hundred meters. Low ground clearance will create the following serious troubles for the car owner:

  • damage to elements of the lower part of the car when hitting a bump on the road, which visually passes between the wheels of the car;
  • problems at speed, when the car is pressed to the track by aerodynamics, and irregularities create large amplitudes of vibration of the stern - you will constantly scratch the road with your rear mudguards and can damage the bumper;
  • traveling along a rut on a country road will only cause negative emotions; you will have to move along the “crest of a wave,” which in some cases is not easy, and sometimes simply impossible;
  • you will regularly put the car on its belly in the winter, every time you drive into a yard with a knurled rut and ice gouges, you will have to push the car out;
  • there will be a need for frequent repairs of various problems, including breakdowns of the chassis, blown boots and sensors of various mechanisms.

As you can see, poor-quality operation of the car is quite possible with just one incorrectly selected parameter. If the ground clearance of your car does not suit you, you can deal with this problem in two ways. The first is purchasing another car with more pronounced ground clearance. The second is the placement of special boosters under the struts, which will provide an additional centimeter of ground clearance. Of course, the latter option often negatively affects the appearance of the car, provided there are no other changes. Many drivers argue that you just need to get used to certain parameters of your car’s ground clearance and know the car’s capabilities. We offer a short video about the effect of a car’s ground clearance on its operation:

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How to increase car clearance?

Changing the height of the clearance, namely increasing it, is an infrequent procedure, but sometimes you cannot do without it. Because in some cases, only by increasing the ground clearance can you improve the technical characteristics of your car. For example, you may need to increase the vehicle's ground clearance if:

  • If the car is often used to transport any goods.
  • The car constantly catches on the pallet when driving on bumpy, uneven roads.
  • Mud flaps installed near the car wheels began to touch the road surface.

Air suspension installation

It is not difficult for owners of the latest generation cars equipped with air suspension to change the ride height. The on-board computer program is responsible for adjusting the ride height in such cars. This system allows you to increase the vehicle's ground clearance manually, using buttons in the cabin.

In turn, for owners of older cars, you can purchase and install air suspension on your car. This can be done on almost any car, but it will cost a hefty sum, about 100 thousand rubles.

Replacing tires

This method is considered the simplest in terms of implementation. First of all, you can try to install tires with a larger profile, which will increase the radius of the wheels. This option can slightly increase the vehicle’s ground clearance, usually by no more than 3 centimeters.

However, if such wheel sizes are not provided by the manufacturer, then in this case the wheels may come into contact with mudguards and arches when turning or when the vehicle is heavily loaded. Subsequently, this leads to the tires quickly wearing out. It is also possible for corrosion to develop as a result of contact between the wheels and the car body.

Replacing wheel rims

This method of increasing ground clearance involves installing larger diameter rims. In this case, in addition to the internal dimensions of the arch, as in the previous version, you should take into account the diameter of the wheel hub, as well as the holes for the bolts located on it.

The easiest way to select such discs is in the store itself. The employee will select suitable discs from the catalog, taking into account the location of the mounting holes in the hub. It is difficult to do this on your own, since the disks differ not only in size, but also in the type of fastening and often do not match.

This option will also slightly increase the vehicle's ground clearance, but will cost much more than the previous one. Since you will have to change not only the wheels, but also buy additional tires for them, and this is not a cheap pleasure.

Replacing car suspension springs

You can also increase ground clearance by replacing the shock-absorbing springs. This method is most popular among car owners. But this will require disassembling the front and rear suspensions.

Springs are selected with an identical size, but more rigid. The spring stiffness is indicated by markings directly on the spring. Such changes can significantly increase the vehicle's ground clearance.

Installing spacers in suspension elements

Another option for increasing ground clearance is to install special spacers in the car suspension. They come in various types, differing in the location of attachment and materials of manufacture.

For example, there are spacers that are inserted between the shock absorber strut and the body cup. Thus, the vehicle’s ground clearance increases to a certain height, depending on the size of the insert itself. The disadvantage is a decrease in stability and controllability of the car.

In turn, there are also interturn inserts that are installed directly between the turns of the springs. Due to the fact that part of the spring does not function after installing the spacer, the vehicle's ground clearance increases. This will be especially noticeable when the vehicle is heavily loaded. However, this increases the stiffness of the suspension and reduces its service life.

As you can see, there are many ways to increase the ground clearance of a car, and almost all of them can be done independently. However, if the car is still under warranty, then tampering with the car's suspension may result in a denial of warranty repairs.

What's good about high ground clearance?

High ground clearance has always been valued by true car enthusiasts; its high value definitely increases the status of the car, both visually and functionally. You don’t need to go far here, take for example any Lada car and double its ground clearance. I’m sure the car will appear before you in a completely different form, like an SUV. And you, as a driver, will receive a lot of advantages:

  • The visibility around the car will increase significantly;
  • Getting into the car will become much easier and more convenient;
  • The cross-country ability will also please you; the likelihood of “sitting on your belly” in snow or mud will be significantly reduced;
  • The front and rear overhang angles will also increase accordingly, which will keep bumpers and body kit elements from colliding with the road surface or curb.
  • Increasing the pitch and roll angle will give you some advantage when overcoming road obstacles.

However, there is one significant drawback to high ground clearance; as it increases, the likelihood of the car overturning increases significantly. So, with faulty shock absorbers and too “soft” springs, excessive swaying of the vehicle will be felt already at a speed of 50-60 km/h. Therefore, the cruising speed for cars with such ground clearance is about 100 km/h.

Of course, cars with low ground clearance have lower fuel consumption, they hold the road perfectly, but when encountering even the smallest obstacle, difficulties may arise in overcoming it; I won’t say anything about off-roading at all. Be that as it may, the relevance of the procedure for independently increasing the clearance value has always been at its best, because even the most “worn car” is transformed before our eyes. If you don't mind increasing the off-road effect, on this page you will learn how to increase the disc offset using special spacers. That's all for me, I hope I was helpful. All the best!

A few words about overhangs

Next in our article I want to talk about the lower overhang of the bumper. Also a necessary characteristic that you need to know.

And here's why you need to know it: bumpers, as a rule, often suffer from curbs, sharp climbs and snow tracks. If your car has a low front overhang, then you can easily break it on a high curb, of which there are plenty in any city. Also, if there is a sharp rise in front of you, such as usually happens in front of garages or car washes, then you can damage part of the bumper. And of course, there is a snow track on the road, no one can find it lower than the car’s ground clearance (ground clearance), this happens on tuned cars or sports cars, so you need to look at the front overhang.

Seven passenger cars that will compete with crossovers off-road

We love crossovers for their ability to comfortably transport us over rough roads and light off-road conditions. However, as it turned out, ordinary passenger cars also have quite good off-road capabilities. In our review, we will rely solely on geometric cross-country ability, that is, the ability to overcome roads with deep holes, slopes and descents. To do this, we take into account ground clearance, as well as front and rear overhangs.

Some terminology

To avoid confusion in terms, we took state standards. So.

Ground clearance is the distance between the supporting surface and the lowest point of the central part of the car (GOST-R 50182 “Road transport. Dimensions for passenger cars”). Most often this low point is the engine oil pan. Actually, the greater the clearance, the better for cross-country ability.

Passenger cars - competitors of crossovers

High ground clearance and short overhangs are the province of inexpensive cars for developing countries, and there are a number of reasons for this.

  • It's not beautiful. A middle or business class car with high clearance will look awkward.
  • This is uneconomical and unsporting. The greater the clearance, the worse the aerodynamic characteristics of the car, which means slower acceleration and higher fuel consumption.
  • We need to attract buyers to crossovers. If passenger cars can drive freely on broken roads, why will “city” crossovers be needed?

Thus, if you are looking for a car with good cross-country ability and a high level of comfort, then you will not find a passenger car with the makings of a crossover in this segment.

Comparison table

We have collected the technical characteristics of cars with good cross-country ability compared to their classmates in a summary table. Please note that each model has both strengths and weaknesses.

For example, Logan and Sandero have short overhangs but modest ground clearance. The Peugeot 408 has the opposite: impressive space under the bottom and indecently long overhangs that tend to catch the ground during ascents and descents.

There is no clear leader among cross-cars, although the Renault Sandero . However, for those looking for a car for light off-road use, we recommend purchasing it in the Stepway version, which has a ground clearance of 175 mm (20 mm more) and the same beautifully short overhangs.

The characteristics of the Lada Kalina 2 look comparable to the “regular” Sandero. After the 2012 update, its front overhang has increased, but the rear overhang is still short. There is a small gain in ground clearance.

Ground clearanceFront overhangRear overhang
Renault Logan155800858
Renault Sandero155785625
Lada Granta165804980
Lada Kalina160800640
Peugeot 4081759391041
Skoda Fabia150860675
Citroen C-Elysee142808967
Volkswagen Polo Sedan170850982

But what about real crossovers?

Quite a lot of cars are sold on the Russian market, which marketers classify as crossovers, but at the same time their geometric cross-country ability leaves much to be desired. For example, we can recall the Honda CR-V, Kia Sportage, the new Chery Tiggo 5, Peugeot 2008 and Kia Soul. We will make a detailed analysis of the off-road capabilities of these and similar vehicles in a separate publication.

High clearance sedans: the most popular models

Compactness and affordable cost have made such cars one of the most popular in our country. In addition, the models stand out for their attractive appearance, representativeness and ease of maintenance.

Now we will discuss models that will delight us with their ground clearance.

Volkswagen Polo

The ground clearance of this model reaches 17 cm. Combined with high-quality assembly and excellent dynamics, this makes the car an excellent option for driving both on the streets and off-road. Among the main characteristics of the model it is worth highlighting:

  • engine with a volume of 1.6 liters and a power of 105 horsepower;
  • manual five-speed gearbox (or 6-speed robot);
  • good dynamics (with a manual you can take a hundred in 10.5 seconds).

Chevrolet Lanos

First of all, it is worth emphasizing the affordable cost of the model, especially if you look closely at the secondary market. Many people don’t like the design of the car, but this is a matter of taste and preference. In any case, a sedan with a ground clearance of 16 cm deserves your attention. In addition, the model pleases us:

  • 1.5 liter engine and 86 horses;
  • high-quality five-speed transmission;
  • good dynamics (acceleration to 100 km/h will take 12.5 seconds);
  • quite comfortable fit.

At the same time, the car takes quite a lot of fuel - in city conditions, some models require about 10 l/100 km.

Toyota Camry

This high-clearance sedan has become an incomparable world leader in many respects. The machine pleases with its performance and excellent functionality. The design is classic, but this is only for the benefit of the car. It especially stands out for its high-quality assembly.

Of the main parameters, it is necessary to say about:

  • ground clearance of 16 cm;
  • convenient disembarkation and embarkation;
  • wide selection of high-quality motors;
  • excellent gearboxes that are designed to save fuel;
  • presentable appearance;
  • relatively low cost (about 998 thousand rubles).

An increased level of comfort allows you to enjoy traveling in a premium car even when purchasing the basic version.

Nissan Almera

To be honest, the ground clearance here is not that great - only 15 cm. At the same time, this is quite enough to feel comfortable in the city. On the other hand, the model has a lot of other positive qualities:

  • powerful 1.5-liter engine and 102 horses;
  • excellent dynamics (with mechanics, 100 km is taken in 10 seconds);
  • spacious fuel tank (50 l);
  • the ability to choose a model with automatic transmission or manual gearbox);
  • stylish appearance.

In addition, you need to take into account that this vehicle is a Japanese car, which indicates its quality and reliability. In addition, you can feel good in this Nissan even while driving with not very high-quality fuel

The best all-wheel drive minivan with high ground clearance

If we talk about minivans with high ground clearance, it is quite difficult to find a new car - most likely, you need to look on the secondary market. Despite this, there is quite a lot of interest in such vehicles, so some very good models can be found.

Citroen C8

One of the best options for regular travel. The ground clearance of the model reaches 19 cm, so you can drive it anywhere. Many also speak highly of the Citroen C8 due to its elegant exterior.

The inside of the cabin is quite spacious; if desired, you can conveniently adjust and move the seats back. The car also performs well on the move, while delighting with excellent handling. In principle, there is nothing more you could want from a car of this class.

Toyota Sienna

In our country, such a car is quite expensive, so there is not that much interest in the model. At the same time, if we talk about the characteristics of the vehicle, they are quite good. There is a wide range of power units to choose from, all of which demonstrate high reliability and quality.

There are both all-wheel drive and front-wheel drive models. The engines are paired with only an automatic gearbox, which many consider as a minus, but there are no complaints about the controls.

Renault Espace

The model's ground clearance reaches 12 cm. This large and comfortable car copes well with off-road conditions. It is also worth highlighting the spacious and comfortable interior, as well as the presence of a 1.9 liter diesel engine, which shows good power and dynamism.

For many, this car is associated with a cruising yacht, and this is not in vain, because both the appearance and the level of comfort are simply excellent.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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