Ground clearance of VAZ 2114, increase in ground clearance of Lada 2114. Lada 2114 ground clearance





Ground clearance is the distance from the lowest point in the center of the car body to the ground.
However, the manufacturer of the Lada 2114 Samara measures the ground clearance as it suits him. This means that the distance from the shock absorbers, engine oil pan or muffler to the asphalt may be less than the stated ground clearance. An interesting point: car buyers pay special attention to ground clearance, because in our country good ground clearance is a necessity; it will save you from headaches when parking to curbs.

The ground clearance height of the Lada 2114 Samara is 165 mm. But be careful when going on vacation or returning with shopping: a loaded car will easily lose 2-3 centimeters of ground clearance.

If desired, the ground clearance of any car can be increased using spacers for shock absorbers. The car will become taller. However, it will lose its former stability at high speeds and will lose greatly in maneuverability. The ground clearance can also be reduced; for this, as a rule, it is enough to replace the standard shock absorbers with tuning ones: the handling and stability will immediately please you.

Acceleration to 100 km/h - 14.0 s (1.5 8kl), 13.6 s (1.6 8kl), 11 s (1.6 16kl)

Maximum speed -158 km/h (8kl), 185 -190 (16kl)

What is the clearance and ground clearance on the VAZ-2114: photos and videos

Knowing the technical characteristics and geometric cross-country ability of your car is not only useful, but also necessary. The clearance of the VAZ-2114 affects only the ability to overcome road irregularities, but it can also directly affect the performance of the suspension and handling. The body geometry is identical to the old VAZ-2109, but the ground clearance depends on the installed engine.

What is the ground clearance on the VAZ-2114?

Clearance value

Theoretically, ground clearance is the distance from the ground to the lowest point in the car, but manufacturers often disingenuously indicate deliberately inflated data.

The technical characteristics of the VAZ-2114 indicate a ground clearance of 165 mm, however, with different engines this figure may vary slightly, from 160 to 168 mm.

Overall dimensions allow you to “rush” across fields and potholes even on a standard suspension

In principle, such clearance is quite enough to feel comfortable even on a primer. On Niva, for example, the clearance according to the passport is 220 mm, in practice it is about 210, which is 50-55 mm more.

What does clearance affect besides cross-country ability?

Any work to increase ground clearance by changing the suspension will result in a change in the center of gravity!

The value of ground clearance greatly influences the handling and performance of the suspension, since each of the suspensions is designed for a certain operating stroke.

Also, changing the ground clearance can shift the center of gravity, which will affect the car's stability in corners, especially at high speeds.

Increase ground clearance, or let it live?

Any change in suspension geometry will never go unnoticed. By raising the body by only 15-20 mm, we raise the center of gravity, and in addition, we change the operating mode of the suspension.

Springs and shock absorbers have their own characteristics and show optimal stiffness only within specified limits, and by installing a 20 mm spacer to increase the clearance under the spring, we disrupt its performance characteristics. Just like the shock absorber, it will not work correctly when, under normal conditions, under normal load, the rod is raised by the same 20 mm. The shock absorber will work harder on rebound, which can lead to the upper mount being pulled out of the cup.

15th radius wheels

The best way to slightly increase ground clearance is to install high-profile tires, within acceptable limits, of course.

So, for a VAZ 2114, you can install tires of the 14th diameter with a dimension of 185/65, although in this case there is no guarantee that the wheels will not touch the wheel arches.


The same can be said about radically lowering the car. Therefore, the standard ground clearance on the VAZ-2114 must be accepted with gratitude and resignation. Successful and smooth roads to everyone!

Types of spacers

In order to increase the ground clearance of the car, you will need spacers for the VAZ 2114. They can differ both in the material from which they are made and in the location of their installation.

  • aluminum spacers. They are the most reliable, most often used for installation under rear shock absorbers;
  • spacers made of polyurethane. Convenient and versatile - can be used both under the front and rear pillars;
  • spacers made of plastic. Affordable and just as versatile as polyurethane ones.

According to the type of installation, all spacers can be divided into:

  • interturn. As you might guess, they are installed between the coils of springs. They are easy to install and low cost;
  • spring-loaded Mounted between the body and the spring. Due to the installation method and large contact area, they are highly reliable;
  • adjustable. They are similar to spring-loaded ones with the only difference that they allow you to reduce or increase the clearance of the VAZ 2114 at any time without any complex manipulations.

Speaking about spacers, it is worth noting that the interturn method of fastening, although simpler, is less reliable. It does not provide uniform distribution of load and mass, and therefore preference should be given to the spring-loaded type of spacers.

Ground clearance VAZ 2114

VAZ 2114 does not belong to the category of off-road vehicles. Nevertheless, car enthusiasts often reduce or increase the ground clearance of the VAZ 2114, giving the car a slight sporty or off-road flair. Not too much, however, increasing its actual speed or maneuverability.

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What is car clearance

GOST interprets ground clearance, or ground clearance, as the distance from the road surface to the lowest point of the car. At first glance, everything is clear. But only for the first one. The lowest point may be a point on the bottom of the engine crankcase. Or crankcase protection, if there is one. Or the clutch housing. Or the exhaust system. Or the lower shock absorber strut brackets. How many cars there are, so many lower points and, accordingly, distances to the roadway.

You also need to take into account the load on the car when measuring ground clearance. The Russian standard requires measurements to be taken at full load, that is, with the maximum number of passengers, the trunk loaded and the fuel tank filled. In the documentation of many foreign cars, technical characteristics are indicated with only one driver in the cabin and without luggage.

And the manufacturer’s documentation often provides for the use of several tire options, the sizes of which differ from each other. At the same time, ground clearances are also different. For these reasons, the VAZ 2114 manufacturer’s documentation contains two ground clearance values:

  • at the bottom point of the engine sump - 170 mm;
  • at the lower point of the clutch housing - 160 mm.

The VAZ 2114, like most domestic models, has quite sufficient ground clearance by the standards of its class.

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Why change the ground clearance of the VAZ 2114

The once popular Audi 80 has a very modest ground clearance of 119 mm, the Ford Escort - only 140 mm, the Chevrolet Lacetti - a little more: 145 mm. Many popular VAZ 2114 classmates have a similar ground clearance: Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris are raised above the ground by 160 mm, Nissan Note by 165 mm, and Volkswagen Polo by 170 mm.

This level of ground clearance allows you to drive quite confidently in any weather not only on paved roads, but also on country roads. Of course, on the “fourteenth” you won’t be able to make your way through the fields in the autumn mud, but without all-wheel drive, without inter-wheel and inter-axle locking, without off-road tires, even with the ground clearance increased by half a meter, you won’t be able to travel much through the November arable land. So it makes no sense to try to give the fourteenth Lada real off-road properties by increasing the ground clearance. To drive on Russian off-road you need a real SUV.

Domestic car enthusiasts often increase the ground clearance or lower their cars in order to give their car a brutal look and show off in front of their friends.

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Precautions when tuning the “fourteenth”

When increasing the ground clearance of the VAZ 2114, moderation should be observed. It is still possible to increase the clearance by 5 centimeters, but by 10 it is no longer worth it. The fact is that by carrying out such tuning, you make noticeable changes to the design of the car. This is due to the raising of the vehicle's center of gravity (CG).

The standard height of the CG of a car without tuning above the road surface is 56 cm. The weight of the car is about 50 kg. Calculations show that raising the car by 5 cm is similar to placing a load of approximately 40 kilograms on the roof of your “fourteenth”. So imagine that you are entering a turn at a speed of 90 km/h with a couple of heavy bags of potatoes on the roof rack. You will closely simulate the behavior of a car with increased ground clearance in a high-speed turn.

Before you start tuning, evaluate again how often you have to climb curbs exactly 19 centimeters high and drive through cutting areas between stumps exactly 18 to 22 centimeters high. Maybe you shouldn’t fence your garden... Be careful, take care of yourself.

There is less danger in lowering the car due to the use of shorter shock-absorbing elements, but even in this case it is necessary to take care of the compatibility of the tuning elements with the basic design. Low springs can be dangerous when hitting an obstacle.

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Technical options for increasing ground clearance

If, after mature reflection, you have nevertheless come to the conclusion that it is necessary to increase the ground clearance of your car, you have a choice of three options.

  1. Radical modernization of the car with the installation of shock absorbers and springs from a third-party manufacturer.
  2. Alteration of the suspension with installation of spacers in the places where the shock absorbers are attached to the body.
  3. Use of oversized tires with replacement of rims.

Let's consider how and what can be done.

OptionHow it’s done and what it gives
Radical modernization provides almost unlimited possibilities for tuning the VAZ 2114.It is possible to lower the car until it touches the road. Or you can install swamp buggies, raising the Lada a meter above the ground. But it will be a completely different car, which you won’t drive very much on public roads. But in the swamps - as much as you like. Such modernization requires serious experience and professional equipment; it cannot be done on your knees.
Installing limited height spacers is a conservative alternative to extreme plans.Sets of spacers made of aluminum alloys are sold in car dealerships. If you have known experience and technical infrastructure, you can even try to do the installation yourself.
The preferred option from a safety point of view is to install new wheels on rims of increased diameter.Instead of standard 165/70R13 tires, you can install 185/65R14 wheels. If you use cast or forged wheels, then in addition to the physical increase in ground clearance, you will achieve a noticeable visual effect of increasing the wheel and ground clearance.

If you have made your choice in favor of the third, effective and safe option, then feel free to change your tires to improved ones and off you go.

Ground clearance of VAZ 2114, increase in ground clearance of Lada 2114

The ground clearance of the VAZ 2114 or ground clearance, like for any other passenger car, is an important factor on our roads. It is the condition of the road surface or its complete absence that makes Russian car enthusiasts interested in the ground clearance of the Lada 2114 and the possibility of increasing the ground clearance using spacers. To begin with, it is worth honestly saying that the real ground clearance of the VAZ 2114 can seriously differ from that declared by the manufacturer. The whole secret is in the method of measuring and where to measure ground clearance. Therefore, you can find out the real state of affairs only by arming yourself with a tape measure or ruler. The official ground clearance of the VAZ 2114 is 165 mm and the manufacturer indicates this figure in a “loaded” car.

Some manufacturers use a trick and declare the amount of ground clearance in an “empty” car, but in real life we ​​have a trunk full of all kinds of things, passengers and a driver. That is, in a loaded car the ground clearance will be completely different. Another factor that few people take into account is the age of the car and the wear and tear of the springs—their “sagging” due to age. The issue can be solved by installing new springs or purchasing spacers for the sagging springs of the VAZ 2114. Spacers allow you to compensate for the sagging of the springs and will add a couple of centimeters of ground clearance. Sometimes even an inch of curb parking makes a difference.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with “lifting” the ground clearance of the VAZ 2114, because spacers to increase ground clearance are focused only on springs. If you do not pay attention to the shock absorbers, the travel of which is often very limited, then independently upgrading the suspension can lead to loss of controllability and damage to the shock absorbers. From the point of view of cross-country ability, high ground clearance in our harsh conditions is good, but at high speeds on the highway and in corners, serious sway and additional body roll appear.

At the rear of the “fourteenth”, so-called “houses” or “heels” are traditionally used to increase ground clearance (pictured just above). Which simply lift the entire rack assembly. This method is suitable for almost all front-wheel drive Ladas. For example, we suggest watching a video of installing spacers to increase ground clearance on a VAZ 2114.

Any car manufacturer, when designing the suspension and choosing the ground clearance, looks for a middle ground between handling and cross-country ability. Perhaps the simplest, safest and most unpretentious way to increase clearance is to install wheels with “high” tires. Changing wheels makes it easy to increase the ground clearance by another centimeter. Do not forget that a serious change in ground clearance can lead to damage to the CV joints of the Lada 2114. After all, the “grenades” will have to work at a slightly different angle. But this only applies to the front axle.

Why are spacers needed?

As mentioned above, spacers allow you to independently and without much effort change the vehicle’s ground clearance. Such an operation may be necessary if the car is often used loaded, for example, to transport 4 passengers and cargo in the trunk. In this case, the car sags greatly and the wheel arches touch the rear wheels.

In addition, increasing the ground clearance will also be beneficial if you often have to drive on country roads that are not in the best condition. A higher ground clearance in this case, albeit slightly, will increase the vehicle’s cross-country ability.

The only thing you should not forget about is that installing spacers will lead to a change in the behavior of the car on the road. That is why, immediately after increasing the ground clearance, you should visit a car service center to check the camber/toe.

VAZ 2114 ground clearance and ground clearance

VAZ 2114 ground clearance

VAZ-2114 is a Russian-made compact hatchback, which was also produced at a Ukrainian plant in Zaporozhye. The car was developed by the AvtoVAZ company in Togliatti, based on the outdated VAZ-2109 model, which, in turn, is one of the modifications of the VAZ-2108 hatchback of the 1980s. The VAZ-2114 is an updated car with an outdated design, which did not prevent the “fourteenth” from becoming one of the best-selling cars on the Russian market. Serial production of the VAZ-2114 lasted from 2003 to 2013. The car competed with Daewoo Lanos, Daewoo Nexia, as well as budget Chinese cars like Geely CK.

All consumers are aware of the design flaws of the VAZ-2114, however, outdated parts were not a fundamental factor when purchasing a VAZ-2114. The main advantages of this model are maintainability, low cost of operation, good handling, good visibility, large trunk and adaptability to Russian conditions.

The VAZ-2114 was available with a 1.6-liter gasoline engine producing 80 horsepower.

Ground clearance – 165-170 mm.

Owner reviews

  • Ivan, St. Petersburg. I needed a car to work as a taxi. There wasn't enough money for anything more worthwhile. The car breaks down every single block. Of course, the car is supported. I have changed the rear struts several times. I also had to install a new timing belt and radiators once. The pipes, the driver's seat heating coil, the electric window motor, and the windshield wiper motor also often fail. The breakdowns seem to be insignificant, but because of them I get a headache and the car gets boring. I ride it only for work - I have to earn money. The car is economical, consumes 8-10 liters depending on the load. The 80 horsepower engine is torquey and dynamic, but too noisy. The ground clearance of 165 mm is sufficient for both rough roads and country areas. There are no problems with cross-country ability at all.
  • Pavel, Kaliningrad. In my youth, I had a lot of Soviet cars, including six VAZ, Moskvich 2141, as well as foreign cars - a 10-year-old Ford Escort, Mitsubishi Galant from the late 1990s, etc. All these are good cars that I reluctantly parted with . For example, I didn’t want to sell Galant at all. But then there were difficult times, and money was urgently needed. I bought a VAZ-2114 in 2014 - it was the first car that I didn’t want to buy at all. But the opportunity arose to take at least some car, as long as it had wheels. The car is not bad for the money - later I came to terms with the purchase a little, since the car completely justifies its cost. A roomy and comfortable car, just for our roads you won’t find a better car. The fourteenth has a ground clearance of about 170 mm, which is almost like crossovers. Maintenance costs are an order of magnitude lower than those of Galant. Fuel consumption up to 10 liters maximum.
  • Vitaly, Novosibirsk. I have a used VAZ-2114, I bought it in 2014. When purchased, the mileage was 27 thousand kilometers. Almost new hatchback in excellent condition. But despite this, during the first two years of operation there were only continuous breakdowns. Now the mileage is 90 thousand km. The total age of the car is four years (2010 version). I changed the fuel pump, muffler, radiator, parts from the stove, starter (it was clogged). We also had to install a new throttle body and replace all the sensors, including the thermostat. Now the situation is better, but the car is still annoying with minor breakdowns. Despite this, the car behaves stably on the road and accelerates dynamically. Fuel consumption up to 9 liters per 100 km. The cross-country ability is excellent, but due to the ground clearance of 165 mm and the soft suspension, the car rolls a lot when cornering.
  • Rinat, Priozersk. I bought myself a VAZ-2114 2007. I'm the first owner. I am not going to sell the car, despite its advanced age. The bottom is completely covered with corrosion, especially the side door sills. We had to urgently do painting and anti-corrosion treatment. I was fiddling with corrosion in 2015 - I wanted to update the car. The car is compact and maneuverable, it steers very well, just like my old Soviet G8. The suspension is soft and the ground clearance is 165 mm. In general, the chassis is not suitable for fast driving. But despite only 80 horsepower under the hood, the hatchback accelerates quickly and confidently handles city traffic. Driving on country roads is quite comfortable.

Video - how to increase ground clearance

VAZ 2114 LADA technical specifications

Retro photo of the first version of Lada Samara

The first sales copy of the VAZ 2114 appeared in 2002. This car is a restyled “nine” and attracts Russian car enthusiasts with its modern appearance and technical capabilities for self-expression through professional tuning.

Elements of technical characteristics of the VAZ 2114

These include:

  • Aerodynamic characteristics;
  • Dimensions;
  • Ground clearance;
  • Vehicle weight;
  • Basic body data;
  • Chassis characteristics;
  • Transmission data;
  • Technical parameters of the motor.

Improved aerodynamics

The VAZ 2114 car excels in aerodynamic characteristics thanks to its well-designed body lines, providing excellent streamlining. As a result of the change in appearance, the drag coefficient has decreased.

External aerodynamic improvements of the Lada2114 Samara-2 also affected changes in the position of the air flow separation point. To do this, the designers had to change the angle of inclination of the most aerodynamically active front part of the car - the hood. The front fenders have also undergone changes.

Power plant of the VAZ 2114 car

As a result of the redistribution of the air flow, a smaller part of it is directed under the bottom, while the larger part is directed onto the hood and spreads over the body. These characteristics change the amount of total lift force, as a result of which the front and rear axles are unloaded. The even distribution of lift force allows the hatchback to behave in a balanced manner during high-speed driving.

Exterior and interior characteristics

The car's interior is equipped with a "European" instrument panel, an adjustable steering column, a new heating system and a steering wheel borrowed from the VAZ 2110 model. It is possible to turn the car into a utility vehicle; to do this, you only need to fold out the rear seat.

Additional appearance improvements and new options include:

  • Installation of electric windows;
  • Comfortable heated seats;
  • Equipment with central door locking;
  • Availability of factory tinted glass, produced in accordance with GOST;
  • Providing threshold fairings, side moldings;
  • Providing wheels with alloy discs;
  • Availability of fog lights.

The equipment of the “luxury” Lada 2114 Samara-2 models includes an on-board computer that provides accurate information on average speed, fuel consumption, driving time, outside temperature, voltage in the on-board network and other parameters.

Modified Lada Samara

General technical specifications

Individual technical characteristics that distinguish the “fourteenth” hatchback from its predecessors are the parameters of the five-door body. Its length is 4,122 meters, width – 1,650 m, height – 1,402 m. The car differs from the base model (VAZ 21093) by a slight extension. Machine weight – 985 kg.

The wheelbase is characterized by a width of the front wheels of 1.4 meters, the rear wheels – 1.37 meters. The trunk (with the rear seat up) has a volume of 330 dm³, with the rear seat folded down – 600 dm³.

The clearance from the asphalt to the crankcase is 160 mm, to the pan the clearance is 10 mm more.

Engine 1.6 l, 8-cl. (Euro-3)

Length, mm4122
Width, mm1650
Height, mm1402
Base, mm2460
Front wheel track, mm1400
Rear wheel track, mm1370
Luggage compartment volume, dm3330
Weight in running order, kg985
Gross vehicle weight, kg1410
Permissible total weight of a towed trailer with brakes, kg750
Permissible total weight of the lettered trailer without brakes, kg300
Wheel formula/drive wheels4x2/front
Car layout diagramfront-wheel drive, front engine, transverse
Body type/number of doorshatchback/4
engine's typegasoline, four-stroke
Supply systemElectronically controlled distributed injection
Number and arrangement of cylinders4, in-line
Engine displacement, cm31596
Maximum power, kW/rpm59,5/5200
Maximum torque, Nm at rpm120 / 2700
Fuelunleaded gasoline AI-92 (min)
Fuel consumption by driving cycle, l/100 km7,6
Maximum speed, km/h160
TransmissionWith manual control
Number of gears5 forward, 1 reverse
Main gear ratio3.7 or 3.9
Steeringsafety, rack and pinion type, without amplifier
Fuel tank capacity43 liters

Features of the power unit

The first “fourteenth” VAZ models were equipped with injection engines characterized by a displacement of 1499 cm³ and a power of 57.2 kW. Since 2007, under the hood of the Lada 2114 Samara-2 there was a four-stroke gasoline engine with a displacement of 1599 cm³, providing a power of 59.5 kW or 80 hp. With. This engine met the parameters of the Euro 3 eco-standard. The latest modernized model with the index 211440-24 has a sixteen-valve engine with an output of 89 horsepower.

Sectional view of the power unit

The power supply system using distributive (phased) injection provides high dynamic capabilities, ensuring acceleration to 100 km/h in just 13 seconds. The maximum speed of the VAZ 2114 is 160 km/h. At the same time, the car consumes gasoline economically - only 9 l/100 km in the city.

A special feature of the engine characteristics of this model is the original location of the ceramic catalyst - near the engine itself (unlike its predecessors, which had a catalyst under the bottom). The difference between the cylinder block of the VAZ engine of the “fourteenth” model Lada Samara-2 is its changed volume, achieved by increasing the height of each of the cylinders by 0.23 cm.

Transmission and chassis

All front-wheel drive cars of the VAZ family have a fundamentally similar chassis design. The front suspension is based on the MacPherson system, the rear suspension is a trailing arm. The steering, typical for all models, is rack and pinion.

Lada 2114 Samara-2 is equipped with a manual gearbox. The car is equipped with a five-speed gearbox (gearbox) with a rocker drive. Fundamentally, its design is similar to all those installed on other vase models. The main pair has a distinctive gear ratio of 3.7.

Video test drive

Clearance of the VAZ 2114 and ways to increase it

Publication date Jan 19, 2013, Categories VAZ cars |
The ground clearance of the VAZ 2114, that is, the ground clearance declared by the manufacturers, is 16.5-17 centimeters. In general, domestic VAZ cars have higher ground clearance than some foreign brands, and this indicator is oh so important, given the condition of the roads in the country. A couple of extra kilos in the back seat or in the trunk can turn the road into the “last resort” for the rear fender liners or mudguards, in another case, it can be the other way around - completely kill the bottom, or kill it, but greatly damage it.

It is because of these reasons that many drivers are puzzled by raising their car, thereby increasing the ground clearance of the VAZ 2114. They do this in different ways - some upgrade shock absorbers or springs, changing them to elongated ones, some change spacers, some then he simply puts other rubber bands under the springs. But probably the most common and effective method is to replace the car’s wheels and rims with higher ones – both the appearance of the car is transformed, and the benefits for driving characteristics are seemingly undeniable. However, there is one “but” - it is of course possible to increase the ground clearance of the VAZ 2114 in this way, but you should not go too far and “raise” the car too high - there is a risk of not only not improving, but also ruining the situation.

It is not for nothing that the manufacturing plant establishes and indicates in the documents the exact data of all characteristics - the optimal operation of all vehicle systems depends on them. Therefore, if, for example, a VAZ 2114 has a higher ground clearance than it should, the car’s handling will suffer greatly, the roll when rocking will increase, and the service life of all components and load-bearing parts, on the contrary, will decrease. Therefore, you should not increase the ground clearance of the VAZ 2114 by more than five centimeters, and if you need increased cross-country ability, you should better think about another, more suitable car.

Installing rear spacers

Installation of spacers under the rear shock absorbers is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Unscrew the fasteners of the lower part of the shock absorber.
  1. Install the spring spacer.
  1. Screw the lower part of the spacer to the beam using bolts.
  2. Secure the shock absorber in the central hole (lower or upper, depending on the desired amount of lift) of the spacer. The fastening bolt should be tightened with a force of no less than 70 and no more than 85 nm.
  1. Perform a similar procedure with the second spring.

By carrying out such a simple operation, you can significantly increase the vehicle's ground clearance in just a couple of hours compared to the factory version.

Before installing spacers on the VAZ 2114, it is worth remembering that an increase in ground clearance will lead to a change in three important parameters at once: the direction of the headlight beams; brake pressure regulator position; the angle of inclination of the front wheel axis. Considering that the last parameter affects the stability and controllability of the car on the road, after changing the clearance value, it is recommended to visit a car service center to set it up.

It should also be noted that after the changes have been made, the car should have the following toe-in/camber angles (with a load of 4 adults in the cabin and 40 kg of payload in the trunk):

  • camber - 0°±30';
  • toe - 0°00'±10' (0±1 mm);
  • castor (rotation axis angle) - 1°30'±30'.

Without load, these same values ​​must be within the following limits:

  • camber — 0°30'±30';
  • toe - 0°15'±10' (1.5±1 mm);
  • castor - 0°20'±30'.

If the specified parameters go beyond the above acceptable limits, then you cannot operate the car - you should correct them yourself or at a service station.

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