Manual for using the VAZ 2110 recirculation button

Air recirculation is a mode that blocks air from entering the cabin from outside. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to warm up the interior much faster, as well as protect the driver and passengers from dust entering the car (when driving on dirt roads), unpleasant odors and exhaust gases (when in city traffic jams). The recirculation system is a component of the climate system. Turning off the fan will also facilitate the penetration of outside air into the cabin, but the recirculation damper copes with this much more effectively.

The operating principle of the VAZ-2110 interior air recirculation system.

In cars of the VAZ "ten" family, the recirculation system was installed until 2001; starting from 2002, VAZ abandoned this, leaving the actual mode button on the dashboard. This means that if you want to equip your car with this functionality it will not be difficult - recirculation can be mounted on the interior heater of dozens of models.


Quick warming up of the car, protection from harmful gases, pollen and burning, in the VAZ 2110 is carried out by the recirculation button.
In a VAZ car, two different methods of air intake are used: VAZ 2110 recirculation button

In the article we will consider in detail the second item on the list. Recirculation was installed selectively on VAZ 2110 cars; cars of 2001 were equipped with it, but since 2002 only the button remained. In such cars, the recirculation system required additional installation and was installed independently, at the request of car enthusiasts.

How the VAZ-2112 stove works

Driver comfort is largely determined by the normal operation of the stove. In VAZs, it is this system that most often fails, and in order to quickly solve the problem, you need to become familiar with the design of the stove, understand its circuit and have a good understanding of the principle of operation. In this article we will talk about the heating system of the VAZ-2112.

Driving comfort in winter depends on proper operation of the stove

Mechanism of operation

When the recirculation button is in the pressed (on) position, the electro-pneumatic valve opens, then a flap in the area of ​​the intake pipe extends and blocks the access of outside air to the vehicle interior.

The circulation system starts only when the engine is running and functions due to the coordinated operation of the valve-flap complex. Circulation in the car will continue as long as the fan is turned on, in which case the air flow passes through the heater ducts.

To determine the presence of this device in the car, first of all, there must be chips and a button in the cabin. When the ignition and recirculation button are turned on, there should be voltage on the chips.

Air conditioning system diagram

Then, it is worth checking whether the damper control valve and the electro-pneumatic valve are present. If this system is absent, you can block exhaust gases and smoke using a fan, but the damper isolates the car from the outside air much more effectively.

To regulate the level of humidity in the car and solve the problem of glass fogging, it is recommended to have an air conditioner in the VAZ model 2110.

Problem solving

Now let's talk about how to troubleshoot problems that arise, troubleshoot problems, and return the heater to normal operation.

Each breakdown requires separate consideration.

Temperature not regulated

If it is not possible to regulate the temperature of the air flow, the problem lies in the control unit or damper, or the temperature sensor on the ceiling inside the cabin does not work.

To check, turn the control all the way to the right and place your hand under the air stream. If hot air only flows when the control is in the maximum heating position, replace the sensor. If this does not help, replace the regulator. When heat is transferred to other places on the controller, the sensor should not be at fault.

Be sure to check that the shock is not blocked. You can get to it through the engine compartment. If replacement is required, replace the standard plastic curtain with an aluminum one. It's more durable.

Blowing cold

If the heater on your VAZ 2110 starts blowing cold air, then you need to look for the reasons. The reason for the failure lies in the gear motor. A similar situation occurs in 9 out of 10 cases, so it is unlikely that you will have to look for alternative culprits.

The gear motor must be replaced. This is done as follows:

  • The fringe and windshield wipers are back in place. Job is done.
  • Wipers removed;
  • Unscrew the three screws holding the gear motor;
  • The ruffle is dismantled;
  • Disconnect the wiring;
  • A new one is installed in place of the failed device. Ask an assistant to change the position modes of the regulator and at this time you will install the gear motor;

But there is 1 case out of 10 that will force you to change the heater due to wear and tear of the old one. As the practice of VAZ 2110 owners shows, the heater from 2112 is more suitable for replacement. In addition, you can choose between two stove options: 2112-01 or 2112-02. The first option is without an air filter, and the second option is without it.

The windows fog up, the feet are not heated

VAZ models often have a problem when the air comes out of the stove normally, but does not warm the feet and does not go into the glass.

The problem can be solved by updating the air ducts and eliminating existing cracks in the cabin and hot air ducts. This is a rather complicated procedure, the implementation of which will allow you to forget for a long time about the problem with the stove, which does not heat the legs and does not blow up the side windows.

It would not be superfluous to mount a pre-heater. Due to this, the interior heats up faster.

Fault diagnosis

If the device breaks down, experts recommend diagnostics in the following sequence:

  • the ignition and engine are turned on;
  • the maximum fan speed is set;
  • the recirculation button is pressed;
  • the valve-flap mechanism starts.

If the movement is uniform and if the damper stops at the end point, in the first 2-3 seconds, this indicates the serviceability of the complex.

But pops, uneven movement, and clicks indicate a malfunction.

To extend the service life of the complex, it is necessary to install a stabilizer. Due to the operation of the stabilizer, where the damper is located, the torque of the electric drive is reduced. To eliminate the possibility of damage to the damper for the time before purchasing a stabilizer, the damper is disconnected from the electric drive by a wire.


The recirculation mode allows you to quickly reduce the temperature in the VAZ 2110, due to the coordinated operation of the mechanisms (valve-electric drive). This is realized through long-term air flow through the climate control complex, the temperature of which is much lower than outside the car.

Cooling in the VAZ model 2110 due to recirculation is economically beneficial, because energy consumption to start the compressor drive is less than when air is taken from outside.

By activating recirculation, the possibility of pollen, unpleasant odors and gases entering the VAZ 2110 interior is eliminated.


Air recirculation mode in the VAZ-2110

Air recirculation is a mode that blocks air from entering the cabin from outside. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to warm up the interior much faster, as well as protect the driver and passengers from dust entering the car (when driving on dirt roads), unpleasant odors and exhaust gases (when in city traffic jams). The recirculation system is a component of the climate system. Turning off the fan will also facilitate the penetration of outside air into the cabin, but the recirculation damper copes with this much more effectively.

Features of the VAZ-2110 air recirculation system

When you press the recirculation button, an electro-pneumatic valve is activated, which extends the damper located in the area of ​​the intake pipe, thereby blocking the flow of outside air into the cooling system. Like the air conditioning system, recirculation only works when the engine is running. The coordinated functioning of the VAZ-2110 recirculation valve and the damper will ensure the operation of the circulation mode while the fan is on, while the air flow circuit will be limited by the stove air duct.

How to determine whether this mode is present in a particular car?

As a rule, the recirculation button is almost always present in the VAZ-2110 family. The second necessary condition for the presence of a CP is the presence of a chip: when the ignition and recirculation key are turned on, voltage must be supplied to the chip, which can be checked using a tester. It is also necessary to check whether the machine has an electro-pneumatic valve that closes the damper. If not, there is no recirculation mode, and to prevent exhaust gases and dust from entering the cabin, the fan should be turned off. In this case, external air is not forced into the VAZ-2110, but some of it will still enter the cabin by gravity. Using the recirculation mode guarantees better protection.

Design Features

The VAZ 2110 provides for the installation of two types of stoves - a new model and an old one. Regardless of the engine used (injection or carburetor), there are no fundamental differences in the design of the stove.

But what is the difference between new and old stoves? Let's try to figure it out.

  • Since September 2003, several micromotor gearboxes have been installed in the furnaces. The difference lies in the shaft position sensors (resistances). Therefore, when repairing, make sure that the devices are truly interchangeable and that you purchased old-fashioned resistors for your old stove, and not a new one. Otherwise, the gear motor will not work.
  • Radiator design. This is the main difference between the devices. Therefore, when replacing a radiator from an old one to a new one, be sure to take into account the installation nuances;
  • The controller knob on the plates is slightly different. There's a big problem with old-fashioned heaters: They're out of production. They cannot be analogues of 4- and 5-position regulators, which began to be supplied in dozens in the fall of 2003;

Diagnosis of recirculation system malfunctions

If outside air continues to flow when the button is pressed, there is a problem with the system. You can determine the cause of the breakdown by diagnosing the cooling system, which involves performing the following actions:

  • turning on the ignition, starting the power unit;
  • setting the maximum fan speed mode;
  • pressing the recirculation key.

This triggers the valve and closes the damper. If the car is moving at a constant speed and the damper is completely closed for several seconds, the system is working properly. If there are suspicious sounds (clicks, pops) and the damper moves jerkily, we can talk about problems.

Advantages and disadvantages

Note that the recirculation mode is useful only in certain cases. It has a number of disadvantages, due to which blocking access to outside air is allowed for a short time:

  • rapid fogging of windows, especially when there are several passengers in the cabin;
  • lack of air exchange, leading to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the cabin;
  • installation of an air conditioning system is required if it is not available;
  • you will have to incur additional costs for maintenance/repair of the system (valve, damper drive mechanism).

At the same time, air recirculation in a VAZ-2110 car allows you to reduce the temperature inside the car much faster, since the air circulation circuit is limited by climate control ducts, where the temperature is obviously lower than outside. From an economical point of view, using this mode at the initial stage of movement is more profitable, since the energy costs for driving the damper are significantly lower than when the compressor operates with the damper open.

Heating device design

The heating of the VAZ-2110, thanks to which a motorist can feel comfortable in his mobile property at any time of the year, consists of several separate devices that work in close contact. The central device of the unit is the radiator, with the help of which the air flows entering the cabin are heated. In order to repair or replace the radiator, you will have to look for ways to get under the hood.

The second most important device can be called an air distributor, in which several nozzles operate in the “ten” of the cabin. Compared to the old-fashioned models that preceded the release of the VAZ-2110, the new car has an evaporator that has found a place in the air conditioning system.

The operation of the stove is controlled by a special control unit. In the VAZ-2110 operating instructions, this device has a different name (controller). The unit works in conjunction with a temperature sensor located in the cabin. The sensor transmits temperature information to the unit, after which the data is compared (the information displayed on the handle is taken into account). As soon as the system detects a temperature difference of 2°, hot or cooled air is immediately supplied to the cabin.

To understand how the heating element works, you need to pay attention to the handle of the device; Two extreme positions deserve special attention: MAX and MIN. The fact is that when you set the knob to one of these indicators, the system begins to give off heat, not taking into account the data from the temperature sensor.

The VAZ-2110 stove includes a device such as a gear motor. The task of this device is to open and close the damper. The small electric motor is extremely important in the operation of the heater. Even with a minor malfunction of the gear motor, the system will be able to supply the car owner with either only cold or only hot air. If this device fails when the damper is closed, the entire system will cease to perform its function. Main components of the heating device:

  • gear motor.
  • radiator;
  • SUAO block;
  • ceiling sensor;
  • lever arm;
  • a device that distributes air flows;
  • shock absorber;

Purpose of the radiator

The VAZ-2110 stove of the new model has a radiator through which the air entering the car is heated. Quite often on the global network you can find diagrams in which the radiator is designated as a heat exchanger. The heating process in the device occurs due to the flow of hot antifreeze. The radiator is connected to the cooling system of the power unit through several pipes and hoses. The refrigerant circulates continuously inside the heat exchanger. The position of the damper determines the volume of incoming air and its direction. When the heater damper is in an intermediate position, part of the air passes through the heat exchanger, and the remaining volume bypasses the radiator. The diagram shows that the new radiator design differs from other models in several useful improvements.

Installation of a recirculation system

What should those car owners who only have a button do? There is no need to be upset - you can install the VAZ-2110 air recirculation system yourself. For this you will need:

  • electromagnetic/pneumoelectric valve (article 2105-1127010.02);
  • silicone hose (white, present in most modern cars) 0.5 m long, two pieces;
  • electrical wire 2 x 0.5 (about 5 meters will be needed);
  • check valve (part number 2110-8119110, although you can take any one, for example, used in aquarium compressors).

Air recirculation installation VAZ 2110

To reduce the amount of fumes, smoke and exhaust gases entering the cabin, just turn off the fan. However, the recirculation damper will isolate the interior from outside air much more effectively.

Interior recirculation was not installed on all cars of the tenth family. There are cars from 2001 where it was found, and on some from 2002 only a button remained from it. But anyone can equip a car with such a function. That is, recirculation can be installed on a heater (stove) of an old or new type.

Repair and restoration of the stove damper

The deformed heater damper of the VAZ-2110 cannot be repaired; it only needs to be replaced. In this case, it is better to purchase a replacement metal part that is not so susceptible to temperature effects.

Whatever heater is installed on the VAZ-2110, to carry out repair work, the heater must be completely disassembled. In this case, the process of dismantling and disassembling depends on the design of the stove.

A positive aspect of the heater design on the VAZ - 2101 is its location - to get to it and the dampers you can from the engine compartment and you don’t have to remove the front panel.

Disassembling an old-style stove

For example, let's look at how to disassemble an old-style heater:

  1. Remove the terminal from the battery.
  2. We remove the windshield wipers, the seal, remove the air intake near the windshield (“jabot”) from the car, in the process you will need to disconnect the windshield washer nozzle tubes.
  3. We dismantle the insulation that separates the stove body from the engine compartment.
  4. We remove the gear motor.
  5. We divide the housing of the stove and air filter into two halves. To do this, unscrew the coupling bolts around the perimeter of the housings and remove the mounting brackets.
  6. Disconnect the fan power wires.
  7. Remove the outer half of the air filter and heater housing (along with the fan).
  8. We dismantle the inner part of the fan housing.

After this you will have access to the dampers. If you are only planning to repair or replace the heater dampers, there is no need to drain the antifreeze, since the heater radiator will remain in place and will not be removed.

Before removing the dampers, carefully inspect and remember their position and the way they are engaged. Further actions depend on the nature of the damage. Deformed damper parts cannot be repaired and only need to be replaced. As for damaged rods and levers, try to repair them or simply replace them. The damaged seal is replaced.

When assembling the stove, pay special attention to the engagement of the dampers. Do it as it was before disassembly, otherwise the dampers will not work correctly, which will affect the performance of the heater.

Disassembly and repair of a new type heater

The new model stoves are disassembled differently:

  • disconnect the battery terminal, drain the antifreeze;
  • dismantle the frill and insulation;
  • disconnect the power wires of the fan and micromotor gearbox;
  • unscrew the fasteners that secure the stove body to the body;
  • disconnect the coolant supply pipes to the heater radiator;
  • We remove the heater from the car along with the filter housing.

After this, we disassemble the stove body, dividing it into two halves, after first disconnecting the air filter housing and removing the mounting brackets. Next, we change or repair the damper, assemble the heater and install it on the car.

Note that the general algorithms of work are indicated above, but in reality, dismantling the stove is not so easy, since many fasteners are located in hard-to-reach places, sometimes you have to disconnect or remove elements that make it difficult or interfering with the removal of the unit.

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