How to properly adjust the side and interior mirrors of a car yourself

A car mirror is an important tool that is necessary for safe driving. The side mirrors and rearview mirror are adjusted to reduce the number of blind spots.

To adjust your car mirrors correctly:

  • first the driver must take the correct position;
  • next you need to adjust the driver's seat, steering column for reach and height (if possible), etc.;
  • then the side mirrors and rear view mirror are adjusted;

Provided that the mirrors are properly adjusted, only the edges of the car and a maximum of the space on the sides and rear should be visible. Normally, mirrors should provide a “all-round” view. Read more about adjusting car mirrors in our article.

Types of car mirrors

Cars are equipped with two types: interior and exterior. Some vehicles do not have interior ones, but there will always be side ones.

Depending on the shape of the surface, they can be of three types:

  1. Flat - on older cars. They do not distort the reflection, but have a small viewing radius. The dead zone here will be huge.
  2. Spherical - with a slightly convex surface. They are installed on budget modern passenger cars, and most imported vehicles older than 15 years will almost always have them. Such mirrors have a large viewing radius, but visually distance objects located behind them.
  3. Aspherical, having different surface roundings. Two thirds of it will be spherical, and the farthest third of the area will be strongly curved, they provide the greatest visibility

Aspherical ones can be distinguished by a line, a vertical stripe passing exactly along the border of two different planes. The broken line on the mirror does not indicate the presence of heating and does not tell you when to change lanes. The strip only shows where the border between the two types of surfaces lies.

The advantages and disadvantages can be found in the table.

Surface typeprosMinuses
FlatDoes not distort the distance to objectsLarge blind spot
SphericalGives a good overviewVisually increases the distance to objects
AsphericalProvides excellent visibility with minimal blind spotNot available on older vehicles

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Setting up this mirror is quite easy. You need to do the following:

  • sit in the driver’s seat in your usual position;
  • adjust the seat position in advance so that you are comfortable;
  • Having received a comfortable fit, look in the mirror;
  • it should show the entire rear window of the car;
  • if you can see most of the ceiling, it should be lowered;
  • it is also important that a small part of the face or your ear is visible in the reflection;
  • if there is a small section of the headrest, this is also good;
  • To see what is happening behind, the driver should not seem to rise.

There is nothing complicated here. Again, don’t forget to customize everything just for you. If you have a family car and several people use it, everyone must make adjustments individually.

How to adjust car mirrors

There are no questions with setting up the interior window; the entire area of ​​the rear window, including its lower part, should be visible. It is allowed that part of the headrest of the driver's seat and the driver's face are visible in the interior mirror.

More questions arise with adjusting the side ones, so we’ll tell you in more detail how to correctly align the rear view mirrors.

Left side adjustment

Mirrors can have a mechanical or electric adjustment drive, so we won’t talk about the buttons and levers needed for this purpose. It is more important to understand what should be visible in the left side mirror.

If most of the fender, rear passenger door or wheel is visible, the setting is incorrect. Ideally, the driver should see only a small part of the rear wing in the corner of the mirror closest to it. This situation is achieved in the following way:

  1. Tilt your head towards the side window.
  2. Using the adjustment knobs, position the mirror so that most of the wing is visible.

When you take your usual driving position, the reflection will show exactly what you need.

How to adjust the right

When adjusting the right mirror, the algorithm is slightly different. The driver needs to lean to the right so that his head is approximately in the center of the cabin. Now you can adjust the mirror: you need to make sure that the right wing is in the field of view.

When the driver returns to his starting position, he will see just what he needs in the reflection: the right lane or shoulder and some space in his lane.

For owners of right-hand drive cars: on a right-hand drive car, the mirrors are adjusted according to the same principle, but when adjusting the right mirror, the driver tilts his head towards the side window, and when adjusting the left one, he tilts towards the middle of the car interior.

Important nuances

Let's start with him. They serve to provide the motorist with a panoramic view while in the driver's seat. Moreover, this is true for cars with left and right-hand drive. Only the recommendations should be applied slightly differently.

If you have a left-hand drive, follow these instructions very carefully. If the car is right-hand drive, then the advice on the left side mirror is applied based on the right mirror. And vice versa. I think you've got this point figured out. But in general, right-hand drive cars are a separate topic for discussion, since they are not adapted to our traffic regulations. Too many problems arise. Especially when trying to overtake another car. But let's leave these conversations for another thematic material.

First, keep in mind that cars can be equipped with 2 types of mirrors. Moreover, they can use an electric drive or a mechanical type of drive, where a special lever or joystick is responsible for the settings. Here you need to work manually. I think each of you will understand, using your own car as an example, what to press and where.

Electric ones are more convenient, but are not found on all cars. But everywhere there is the possibility of adjusting the position.

When operating a car, consider what type of mirror is located on the sides of the car.

  • With a spherical surface. Their characteristic feature is the ability to distance objects. That is, they create the impression that the car is further away from you than it actually is. It creates a deceptive effect, distorting the reality of what is happening. Not the best option. And if you have similar mirrors on your Polo or other car, many advise replacing them;
  • With flat glass surface. Such designs are the most optimal for learning to look and adjust mirrors without distorting reality. They are considered the most suitable for car use, since they can cover the entire road.

Having decided on these questions, you can proceed directly to the settings.

How to properly look in mirrors when driving

In order for the trip to be safe and the distance between cars to be correct, you need to learn a simple technique. You can look in the left mirror without turning your head, in the right - by turning it slightly. In this case, it is advisable not to take your eyes off the road for more than 1 - 2 seconds.

Experienced drivers monitor the situation behind, on the left and on the right, not only when changing lanes or changing the trajectory. It is better to do this constantly to have an idea of ​​what is happening around the car. With this approach, the risk of accidents will decrease.

The dangers of incorrectly configured mirrors

Driving with incorrectly positioned mirrors is tantamount to driving a vehicle without these structural elements. The negative consequences of this approach can be:

  • a decrease in the overall level of safety, since the driver does not receive reliable information about the actions of other road users;
  • high risk of traffic accidents, especially when changing lanes and maneuvering;
  • general decrease in movement speed. The driver intuitively drives slower because he does not see the actions of other cars.

Setting up mirrors is a mandatory element of the program when studying at a driving school. At the same time, even experienced drivers will find it useful to refresh their memory. Daily checking of the condition of the reflective elements is mandatory; no more than 5 minutes are spent. Otherwise, driving a vehicle becomes significantly more difficult.

How to deal with blind spots

Dead or blind spots are the part of the space behind and to the sides of the car that is not visible through the rearview mirrors. If they are spherical or aspherical, the dead zones will be minimal. If the car is an old model and has flat windows, you will have to additionally install a blind spot mirror. In auto stores and on the Internet you can buy small round convex mirrors, which are glued in a convenient place on the side mirrors.

If funds allow, it is better to replace flat side mirrors with spherical ones. The main thing after this is to be careful: the distance to the car behind you will seem greater than it actually is.

If replacement is out of the question, you will have to adapt differently. Experienced drivers with extensive experience, who studied in driving schools back in the late 80s - early 90s, have an interesting habit. When changing lanes, they lean forward towards the steering wheel and look in the mirror. The size of the dead zone decreases.

There is one more trick to reduce the risk of an accident when changing lanes. When you are about to change lanes, turn on the appropriate turn signal, but do not take any action. If there is a car in the blind spot, the driver will make himself known.

Don't rely only on mirrors when changing lanes: not everything is visible in them.

Rearview mirror

Absolutely avoid using spherical mirrors. Even if they are large enough and supposedly allow for better viewing.

Such constructions greatly distort reality. Using them, it is impossible to determine the distance to the car behind, which often leads to accidents, accidents and other unpleasant consequences on the road.

Determining the traffic situation

The need to know how to adjust the mirrors in a car often arises when you have to get behind the wheel of someone else’s vehicle. Therefore, not only novice car enthusiasts, but also people with relevant experience are interested in how to do everything correctly, in order to avoid many troubles.

Proper setup allows you to correctly assess the road situation in the following situations:

  • Pulling away. In this case, you need to make sure that there is no car behind. According to traffic rules, any vehicle that has started moving is required to give way to other moving vehicles.
  • Overtaking or maneuvering. Before you start overtaking, you should make sure that another car has not started doing the same. If the reflectors are poorly adjusted, it is impossible to determine whether someone has started to overtake the car or not.
  • Changing lanes.
  • While braking or stopping the vehicle.
  • Before opening the door (driver's or passenger's).
  • Reversing.
  • Proper parking.

For this purpose, not only the side reflectors are adjusted, but also the interior element. Taken together, this represents a reliable package for achieving the best visibility.

Special abilities

Regardless of where you install the DVR, you can make the most of its capabilities. Special functions include the following:

  1. G-sensor. Its activation indicates a vehicle collision. In this case, photo recording is blocked to avoid overwriting by a third-party device. The file must be deleted manually from the memory card; the sensitivity of the sensor is adjusted in the setup menu.
  2. File blocker. Serves to protect materials from accidental deletion or overwriting, configured manually.
  3. Parking management. After activating this option, you can detect external vibration effects, after which the recorder will turn on for 15-20 seconds, followed by shutdown if no problems are detected. In this case, the video material is blocked automatically.
  4. Motion detection. This option is similar to the previous function; in stand-by mode, it allows you to identify the action directly from the setup menu. The XX symbol will appear in the central part of the screen, indicating the possible movement of a third-party object within a radius of three meters from the vehicle. In this case, the DVR starts automatically recording for 15-30 seconds.

The importance of mirror adjustment

By receiving a detailed picture with the help of mirrors and additional equipment, the driver will be able to respond in time to any emerging danger and avoid an accident or damage to his own car when parking. Therefore, adjusting mirrors is considered a mandatory measure for every driver.

A special role in the process of driving a vehicle is given to interior mirrors, which allow you to control the rear perimeter. It is from behind that collisions with other cars or various objects most often occur when parking, as well as during sudden braking.

Therefore, the overview obtained from the interior mirror is of vital importance for every car enthusiast.

To increase the rear view angle, manufacturers install an additional parabolic surface.

To do this, select a place above the standard mirror. In combination, such products allow you to expand the panorama and thereby help the driver to react instantly to any dangers or objects emerging from behind.

However, one cannot help but take into account that such parabolic mirror surfaces are characterized by curvature, which distorts the distance between your car and objects behind. It takes some time to get used to such an image.

To ensure that your car mirrors are adjusted correctly, you need to perform a check. The driver in the cabin, with the help of another person walking around the car at a distance of a couple of meters, must control his every movement using mirrors. If the assistant’s silhouette does not disappear even for a moment, then the settings were made absolutely accurately.

Interior mirrors are especially helpful in orientation for drivers, allowing them to avoid rear-end collisions.

This is especially important when traveling on highways. After all, one collision on such highways can cause a whole series of accidents with huge casualties

If the side mirrors break or crack, they need to be replaced in a timely manner.

Nowadays the car market offers a huge selection of various modifications of such mirrors. They have different shapes and additional options that make them easier to adjust. In addition, the products differ in the materials used.

Therefore, such items should be purchased with special attention. If the car owner makes a mistake in his choice, he risks his own life

Branded automobile concerns have special divisions that work directly on the development of new modifications of mirrors. Today there are already models that are equipped with video cameras. They make it easier for drivers to control while driving on particularly congested highways.

Thanks to innovations in the automotive industry, automatic washers have been created, so that mirrors no longer have to be washed by hand. Such innovative models can reduce the glare effect - they are equipped with special heating systems that prevent the formation of frost or ice on the mirror surface. The defrosting process occurs due to the energy supplied from the battery. Installing such models will save you from unnecessary hassle and increase safety on highways.

Video on how to adjust car mirrors:

Why a properly configured car mirror is your safety

For novice motorists, adjusting mirrors does not seem such an important issue. For example, beginners try to spend more time changing gears on a car.

However, incorrect settings significantly narrow the viewing angle and increase the likelihood of getting into an accident. One of the most common causes of road accidents is the presence of blind spots in vehicles. This is the space next to the car that is out of the driver's field of vision. There are such invisible areas at the back, side, and in front of the car body.

Experienced motorists know about the existence of blind areas, taking them into account when maneuvering. Newbies often cause accidents. In most cases, accidents occur when overtaking or changing lanes. Pedestrians, trees, and fences can also get into the blind spot.

It is impossible to completely get rid of areas with poor visibility. But properly adjusted mirrors will help significantly reduce the danger.

Recommendations for setting up mirrors

Spherical mirrors should not be used by those who have just driven the car. It is better to get used to the standard reflective elements for some time. If you cannot do without a parabolic mirror surface, then you should ask a friend to walk behind the vehicle at a distance of several meters. This will help you understand how distorted the image is. The same trick should be done with other mirrors, since it is known that objects in them appear closer.

It is also recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • Correctly adjust car mirrors only when parked. If the settings of the elements are lost while driving, you need to pull over to the side of the road and calmly adjust them.
  • Assess the situation on the road by looking in the mirrors every 10 seconds. At first, this may seem difficult, but when looking in the mirrors becomes a habit (as a rule, this takes no more than a week), the car owner will not even notice these manipulations. Driving school instructors pay special attention to this recommendation. If you do not assess the situation behind the car, the likelihood of getting into an accident increases.
  • Look not only in the mirrors, but also sometimes look around, turning your head. This will be especially useful for novice drivers who are not yet accustomed to navigating by mirrors. But even experienced car owners prefer to assess the situation without mirrors while parking. If you don’t want to do this, you can buy parking sensors that will notify you with an audible signal when you are approaching an object.

  • Periodically wipe off dust from mirrors. Even if the dirt doesn't distort the picture much, it will just be annoying.
  • Avoid driving near trucks and semi-trucks. In this case, regardless of the number of mirrors, the view will be limited.

Some people look in mirrors only out of necessity, but there are a number of cases when it is necessary to use reflective elements. For example,:

  • When performing various maneuvers. If you are changing from one lane to another, you must look in all the mirrors and make sure that the driver driving behind is ready for such a lane change.
  • During braking. Under no circumstances should you stop the car or slow down without assessing the speed and proximity of the cars driving behind.
  • When starting to move backwards. In addition to inspecting the mirrors, you also need to turn your head back and only then change gear.

However, even mirrors that are adjusted according to all the rules do not completely exclude the presence of “blind” spots. Therefore, you should always carefully assess the situation on the road.

First need

Adjusting the mirrors should never be neglected for your own safety. Most car enthusiasts are convinced that their car is configured in the right way, although in reality this may be a mistaken feeling.

Because when the reflective surfaces are adjusted correctly, the visibility of the area behind the car increases. In this case, everything that was previously hidden from view is visible. In addition, it is more convenient and safer to park or back up, avoiding damage to the vehicle itself.

It is for this reason that you need to understand the need to properly configure reflectors. This in turn allows you to keep the vehicle intact. In addition, the driver himself and all passengers in the cabin will be safe.

What should you always remember?

Rely on the mirror, but don’t be bad yourself. No one has yet canceled the “blind” zones, and no matter how you adjust the mirrors, there will still be an “invisible” sector.

Therefore, before you overtake or change lanes, look around. Make this a rule. Personally, this habit has saved me more than once.

When backing up, open the left door, and don’t be too lazy to stand up to look to the right - then you definitely won’t shuffle along the curb. Although, if your car’s side mirrors lower simultaneously with the reverse gear, and you can see everything on the side of the wheels without straining, you can only be congratulated.

Photos of Internet resources

Setting up the interior mirror

Initially, you need to learn how to position the salon mirror correctly. Its main purpose is to know about the presence of a vehicle behind. The driver needs this information in order to be on alert. After all, at any moment the driver behind a moving car can begin to overtake, and so that such moments are not unexpected, an interior mirror is installed in passenger cars.

To set it correctly, you need to know one feature - the entire rear window of the car must be visible through it, both horizontally and vertically. Many car owners install the interior mirror so that they can view the side (right). However, this is incorrect, since side devices are used for these purposes. You should also not try to use only the interior device, since it is intended solely to determine the presence of vehicles behind. To control the situation behind, the driver should not sit up.

Some useful tips:

1. At first it will be very unusual for you to drive with mirrors configured in this way. But wait a week and you will get used to it so much that you will not understand how you drove differently before.

2. Be careful when parallel parking. With this alignment of the mirrors, you need to turn your head more and lean away to see both the side of your car and the car next to it.

3. Constantly glance at the mirrors, and not just at the moment when you want to change lanes. This manner will allow you to constantly be aware of the situation on the road and correctly make sudden unexpected maneuvers (for example, when you go around a hole).

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