Inexpensive repair and replacement of Lada Priora muffler corrugations

Muffler corrugation Lada Priora

Which muffler corrugation should I buy for Lada Priora? First, you need to know the size of the muffler corrugation. You can buy a muffler corrugation according to factory sizes, but when replacing the muffler corrugation, it turns out that you need to cut off a larger piece of the muffler pipe and the standard size will be insufficient. They buy a muffler corrugation when it has already burned out. The muffler corrugation is not repaired or welded.

The price of a Lada Priora muffler corrugation depends on the type of corrugation. There are two types of muffler corrugations: Interlock and Innerbraid. The most expensive and high-quality corrugation is Interlock: the corrugation consists of four layers, three outer layers and one inner layer. The second option is Innerbraid: three layers, both external. Frankly speaking, there is a difference between the corrugations, but it is not colossal.

In most cases, they buy a three-layer corrugation version. You may also need muffler rings and additional gaskets.

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The cost depends on the size and whether it is new or used, the manufacturer, as well as availability in our warehouse or delivery time to our store.

Rating of companies:

1. ASSO (Italy) 2. Bosal (European Union) 3. Polmostrow (Poland) 4. ASAM-SA (Romania) 5. Atiho (European Union)

The service life is on average from 3 to 6 years. But in our climate, it can be significantly reduced.

When to buy:

— the engine is louder than usual; — there is a leak of exhaust gases; — from below, from under the bottom, rattling, dull sounds are heard; — there is a burning smell and the smell of exhaust in the cabin; — the car’s power and traction have become less than before.

Dimensions of the Lada Priora muffler corrugation (in mm):

38x158 42x158 42x269 45x153 45x200 45x230 45x250 45x260 45x158 45x208 45x269 45.5x102 46x190 48x158 48x206 49x166 50x95 50x 230 50x158 50x282 50x208 50x269 50.5x200 50.5x250 51x150 51x252 51.5x156 52x126 52x208 54x200 54x158 54x200 55x150 55x220 55x 250 55x280 56.5x101 60x158 63x203 63x252 38x158 42x158 42x269 45x250 45x95 45x158 48x158 50x158 50x208 50x269 50.5x200 50.5x250 51x100 51x190 52x126 52x208 54x158 5 5.5x190 55.7x105 60x158 60x120

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Which muffler to choose

Before changing the muffler, you need to select it. There are a lot of options on the market, and seemingly identical mufflers can differ in price by two to three times. We recommend that you pay attention to the thickness and type of steel, as well as the country of manufacture.

Stainless steel or aluminized steel

Mufflers for cars of the Priora family are made of steel of various thicknesses. The thicker the steel, the stronger the muffler. The type of steel is no less important. Most car enthusiasts prefer stainless steel that has been proven over the years. However, modern aluminized steel is not inferior to it in terms of resistance to corrosion, and is significantly superior in overall strength and ability to absorb vibrations. This means that an aluminized steel muffler will be quieter than a similar one made from stainless steel.

Manufacturers and prices

Exhaust system parts for Lada-Priora cars are produced not only in Russia. There are mufflers and resonators made in Poland, Turkey and Germany.

Polish and Turkish mufflers are usually cheaper than German ones. However, their service life is half that of the best domestic models and mufflers from Germany.

A muffler for a Priora costs from one to five thousand rubles. At the lower end of the price range are models made of thin steel; aluminized models usually cost at least three thousand rubles. The situation is similar with resonators. Prices for them start at about one and a half thousand rubles.

When the corrugation fails

Automotive technicians fully agree with the recommendation of corrugation manufacturers that this part must be replaced if three of its qualities are violated:

  1. Flexibility. When the corrugation does not meet the criteria of plasticity, that is, it does not behave like a spring, bending and unbending, its presence is simply meaningless. Vibration will be transmitted to the muffler and suspensions from the internal combustion engine, which will lead to their wear and loosening of the fastenings.
  2. Tightness. If gases escape through gaps in damaged or burnt braid, it will result in loud noises and a burning smell. Corrugation in this case also becomes a headache for any Priora driver.
  3. Strength. Worn corrugation will not last long. If there are symptoms of its rapid failure, replacement will help.

Types of corrugations

The design of the muffler corrugation is always multi-layered - there can be 3, 4 or more layers (the more, the more durable, but the lower the elasticity).
There are two main types of corrugations: Innerbraid, which resembles a mesh woven from metal fibers, and Interlock, which is a flexible hose made of steel plates. Externally, they look the same, but inside Interlock you can see steel “scales”, while the inner protective layer Innerbraid is made of the same “braid” as the outer one. Interlock bellows are sometimes referred to as original bellows because this is the type of bellows typically installed on the vehicle from the factory. They are generally more durable, but cost more than Innerbraid and are less common. Although high-quality reinforced Innerbraid corrugation also lasts quite a long time.

Factors that indicate that the Priora muffler corrugation needs to be replaced

Auto repair shop workers advise paying attention to the following signs that indicate breakdowns and that replacing the Priora corrugation is inevitable:

  1. The engine began to run louder than usual.
  2. The smell of exhaust gases can be felt, which can penetrate into the car interior through the ventilation.
  3. Motor power decreases.
  4. A rattling sound is heard under the bottom of the Priora.

These are the main symptoms that can begin to appear all at once or one after another, but in a fairly short time.

Initially, you can carry out a visual inspection yourself - breaks, burns and damage to the corrugation braid are usually visible to the naked eye. But even if such traces are not visible, this does not mean that the part has exhausted its service life.

What leads to damage to the Priora corrugation

Any auto repairman conventionally divides the reasons for failure of parts into external and internal. Corrugation is no exception in this regard.

Within one system, all parts, one way or another, influence each other.

  1. Catalyst malfunctions. This is the most common cause of corrugation failure. So when replacing it, you need to check this device too.
  1. Wear of fasteners and hangers. A loose system increases the load on the corrugation from engine vibration, which leads to its failure.
  2. Problems with other systems. This could be the transmission, engine mounts, etc. – anything that increases vibration.
  • External reasons:
  1. Corrosion. The corrugation is located in that section of the exhaust system where it is significantly affected by external aggressive factors. This is road dirt, moisture from puddles, reagents that are generously flavored with the surface of Russian roads in winter. The material of the Priora corrugation is stainless steel, and welded seams are more susceptible to corrosion.
  2. Strikes. On an uneven road, a car, overcoming potholes, can hit the bottom of the road. Potholes, hummocks, and stones can either cause pinpoint damage or simply rip the braid of the part.
  3. Incorrect installation. Welding requires care and precision. Uneven seams on joints will come apart faster. In addition, the braid could be damaged during unscrupulous repairs of other components near the corrugation.
  4. Wear and tear from old age. This reason has little to do with the motorist. The part will not last forever, especially if you take into account the fact that it constantly experiences increased loads.

Criteria for choosing corrugations for Priora

Auto repair shop workers advise focusing on three criteria when choosing corrugation:

  • Specifications.
  • Quality.
  • Price.

The selected corrugation, which does not fit in size (length, diameter, shape), is a waste of money. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the old corrugation and pipe. That is, in order for the part to fit exactly, you need to take practical dimensions. To do this, before replacing, you need to remove the old corrugation. And to cut the part and take measurements, it is better to use the help of experienced car enthusiasts, or even better, car service technicians, where the new corrugation will be installed, and its installation will be covered by a guarantee. Quality. It would be unnecessary to say that you should not purchase a used part. No one will provide insurance against the purchase of defective corrugation on the Internet, by hand or at the car market. Ideally, purchase the part from car services that have quality certificates.

Price. You have to make a choice of corrugation by type - with double or triple outer braid. In terms of price, they do not differ so significantly (the price of corrugations is generally not as high as it might seem), only the first type of corrugation is more rigid, it should definitely be installed on used cars. The cost also depends on the manufacturer. You can purchase imported ones - Italian Hydra or German Ehler corrugation. Their quality leaves no doubt. But the price is, of course, higher. And it is possible that you will have to wait for delivery if it is out of stock. Among the parts from domestic manufacturers, it is quite possible to select high-quality and inexpensive corrugations.

VAZ 2114 air filter corrugation: rules for selection and replacement

First, let's figure out what the VAZ 2114 corrugation in the air filter is and why it is needed at all. The part is a pipe that is attached to the air filter and is responsible for drawing air into it.

Many motorists drive without it, but this is wrong. In working condition, the corrugation should take in air that passes through the gap between the hood and the radiator; if it is not there, then the air that has already passed through the radiator and cooled it is sucked in.

The temperature of such air is much higher, and as a result, the machine heats up, and its power drops, and if you also turn on the fan, then all the heat will go straight to the filter. If you drive little or it’s winter outside, then the drop in the car’s power will be less noticeable, otherwise even a novice motorist will feel the drop in engine power.

Where to go if you need to replace the corrugation on a Priora

The car enthusiast has three options for replacing the Priora corrugation:

  1. Independent replacement of corrugation on Priora. Without the conditions for repair (inspection pit or lift), a set of tools, an electric cutter and a welding machine, the corrugation cannot be replaced. Plus, you need to choose exactly the right part and purchase it. Without all this, and also if you have the slightest doubt in your abilities, it is worth considering other options.
  2. Replacing corrugations with self-taught people. Typically, handicraftsmen have a garage with tools and equipment at their disposal. Perhaps they also have some experience in replacing corrugations (which is not always noted). Having taken money for work, they will not give guarantees either for the part or for their work. Rattling noises, engine noises and fumes may appear soon after contacting such “Kulibins”.
  3. Replacement of corrugations by professionals. The quality of the part, low prices and competent replacement are guaranteed if you contact our car service:
  • you save time, nerves and money by trusting specialists;
  • At your request, the entire exhaust system can be diagnosed and, if necessary, other elements can be repaired;
  • you will receive guarantees for all work performed.

We will be happy to help you!

What needs to be done after eliminating oil from getting into the pipe

Since the oil entered the pipe in the form of vapor, some of it was carried along the pipe in the direction of the engine to the throttle assembly and beyond. First of all, the throttle assembly itself suffers from this. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the ventilation channel through which air is supplied from the filter pipe. It is also advisable to rinse the entire throttle body, check for traces of oil and, if necessary, clean the channels and tubes extending from it.

Most likely, the separator located in the cylinder head cover will need to be cleaned. You will also need to clean the filter pipe and, if necessary, change it. You should definitely check the condition of the air filter itself - whether it is filled with oil and whether it needs to be replaced. At this point, work on removing oil from the air filter pipe can be considered complete.

AutoNews / Reviews / Tests

In order for a car engine to operate smoothly with maximum performance, it needs a high-quality fuel mixture. One of the important devices involved in its formation is the air filter - an essential element of any engine, be it gasoline or diesel. Air filter corrugation for VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112, VAZ 2170, VAZ 2171, VAZ 2172 Priora. Detailed information about the product/service and supplier. Specifically, it provides the carburetor or injector with air, cleaning it from water and dust.

Muffler corrugation size for Lada Priora 16 valve

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I have a choice between Tolyatti and Universal (Baltics or something).


they say that it is quieter than the Togliatti one. Is it stainless steel? I think it might be better to weld a metal compensator into it? Or how to screw the old one in?

Please explain what a “metal compensator” is? and what benefits does it provide? Thank you.


they say that it is quieter than the Togliatti one.

I think it might be better to weld a metal compensator into it? Or how to screw the old one in?

I'm thinking about which side to put it on. IMHO, you need to take it as long as possible, it makes no sense to set it less than 100, since the corrugation is hard.

how to hold out until the weekend and not get stuck.

Then we will select the diameter of the corrugation empirically, whatever is offered on the market!

Then we will select the diameter of the corrugation empirically, whatever is offered on the market!

Who installed it, what diameter is the corrugation needed?

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