Generator VAZ 2107 injector and carburetor differences

Many people are interested in which generator is better to install on the VAZ 2106 and 2107. After all, the standard device has some disadvantages that negatively affect the performance. Standard generators were developed quite a long time ago, and they were not designed for a large number of energy consumers. At that time, a couple of light bulbs and a starter were used. It is not surprising that with a large number of devices, the generator cannot cope with its responsibilities.

We have to look for a suitable replacement for him. To do this, it is important to take into account all the features of the electrical circuits of the machine. The new device must fit them completely.

Standard option

Which generator is better to install on VAZ 2106 and 2107? The question is quite complicated. It needs to be considered starting with the most common option. After all, any manufacturer will say that it is the standard version that should be installed on the car. Let's look at the features of the standard version G221.

In this type of relay generator, the regulator is installed separately from the brush assembly. This makes it easier to troubleshoot some problems to some extent. The advantage is the ease of installation, there is no need to adjust the wiring for connection, everything is done according to the standard scheme. But such a generator is low-power; it produces a charge of a maximum of 42 A, which is not enough for most modern batteries.

From all this, we can conclude that a standard generator is certainly good. But, if you have additional devices, it is not very profitable to use it. It is best to choose a more powerful option.

This generator is intended for use on Niva cars. It is capable of delivering 50 A of current, which is quite enough for full-fledged electrical work. It differs from a standard “six” generator in the presence of a built-in regulator relay. Here it is assembled into one unit with brushes. Therefore, to install it on a VAZ 2106, you just need to make some minor modifications. This electric machine is installed on 2107 without any special interference or modifications.

There are several ways to refine such a generator. The easiest way would be to install brushes from the G221 generator. They fit perfectly in place of the relay assembled with the brush assembly. No modifications are required, this allows you to install such a generator, even for people without special skills. It is possible to install the G222 with a standard regulator, but to do this, you will have to redo the generator connection diagram. Otherwise, nothing will work out.

Main details

To understand where to look, you need to remember the main components that make up the generator. This:

  • pulley;
  • front bearing;
  • rotor impeller;
  • stator winding;
  • magnetic circuit;
  • rotor;
  • rear bearing;
  • “chocolate” (relay-regulator);
  • diode bridge.

Most often, the brushes that are part of the relay-regulator unit wear out. Bearing wear is also common. You should also expect breakdowns of the diode bridge and the generator belt (which drives the pulley). Another part that requires periodic replacement is slip rings. They are located on the rotor and are in contact with the brushes.

To increase service life, you should regularly lubricate the mechanical components of the device (especially bearings), measure the voltage, the battery charge level and its condition, and tighten the fasteners. If you suspect any kind of breakdown, you must immediately begin repairs, otherwise there is a risk of failure of any connected device and component. If an injector and an ECU are installed on the car, then they do not joke with electricity. And the most ordinary care and prevention will reduce the likelihood of breakdown to almost nothing.

Generator 2108

This device is often installed on both 2106 and 2107. This is due to its greater efficiency; it produces a charging current of 55 A, which is quite enough for most motorists. But, if your car has significantly more equipment, then it is better to choose something more powerful.

These generators are identical in terms of mounting, so there will be no problems with the installation itself. Of course, if you remember to remove the terminal from the battery. The fun starts when you connect. The whole point is that 4 wires are attached to the original device. There are only 3 for the “eight” one. This is due to the built-in voltage relay. To obtain a normal result, you need to insulate the black wire, and connect the rest as usual. When the generator is running, the light indicating the discharge will be on. This is a normal phenomenon with such a connection. Accordingly, it should go out when there is no charging.

In principle, you can already drive like this, but if you want to do everything as expected, you will have to make some more modifications. We remove the old relay and replace it with a regular power relay. Now the light will light only when the engine starts, and also at low speeds, which is quite acceptable.

When installing on a VAZ 2107, you only need to add a power relay.

Malfunctions and their elimination

Let's start with the simplest and most obvious. From the work of indicators. These are the difficulties that may arise.

Constantly lit indicator (even when the ignition is turned off)

To eliminate the problem, you will need to replace the diode bridge with a new one. The reason for this was a short circuit on it. You can try to repair it, but this requires knowledge. Replacement cost is low.

Devices and sensors do not work

To do this, you will need to check all wiring and contacts. Often the cause of such an incident is the fuse box. It is necessary to check the voltage in all areas to determine the location of the fault. If the cause is the generator, then you need to check the belt tension and the stability of the pulley. Next, the “chocolate”, brushes, and diode bridge must be checked.

The battery indicator is always on when the ignition is on

You need to start by checking the battery. In this case, the inspection is carried out both on a cooled down car and on a warm one. If overheating and boiling occurs, then you need to check the voltage regulator unit on the generator and check the wear of the brushes. We must not forget about the belt, pulley and bearings. To avoid unnecessary work, you need to measure the voltage between the generator and the battery. Most often this is a signal that the battery is not charging.

The indicator flashes

If in the previous case there is often not enough charging, here, on the contrary, there is a recharge. The regulator and brush assembly need to be replaced.


The noise may be caused by worn bearings, excessive tension or loosening of the belt. You need to make sure that all fasteners are secure and the gaskets are intact. Less commonly, the cause of this is a malfunction of the rotor or stator. And, again, the same generator brushes can make the most unpleasant sounds. In this case, they are changed or wiped with gasoline.

Voltage drops

This is best seen at night. If the headlights burn unevenly and constantly change light intensity, then the voltage regulator needs to be replaced.

Generators for VAZ 2106 and 2107

The generator on the VAZ 2106-2107 costs the same as on the VAZ 2101 - G221. If you install additional external current consumers that operate constantly, this will lead to undercharging and insufficient current will be supplied from the relay regulator. These additional devices include:

  • powerful audio systems;
  • fog lights;
  • TV;
  • preheater;
  • additional heater;
  • fridge.

Any similar device will lead to greater power consumption and, consequently, to premature battery discharge, even when the engine is running at high speeds. Standard devices for 2106 were developed a long time ago and are not designed for modern energy-consuming add-ons.

In this case, it is recommended to replace the standard generator with a more powerful unit.

What to install?

G 222

If you need to increase the current power, then, when deciding which generator is better to install on the VAZ 2106 or 2107, instead of the standard one, take the G 222, which was installed on the VAZ 2105, Nivakh. It would seem that it itself is no better than the standard one on the “six”, but you can take an upgraded version that will be more powerful. Unlike the 221, this unit is designed with a built-in regulator relay, assembled into one unit with brushes. The G 221 gives an output of 42 A, and the 222nd - 50 A. Increasing the cross-section on the rotor winding increases the power, although the design is completely similar to the G 221. However, to install it on the 2106 you will need minor modifications. The easiest way is to install brushes from G 221. They fit perfectly in place of the relay. This modification is quite feasible even for car enthusiasts who do not have the skill.

It can be installed on a VAZ 2106 G222 with a standard regulator, but then it is necessary to change the connection diagram of the electrical machine.

On 2107 everything is installed without problems.

Check the voltage at medium engine speeds at the battery terminals, if it is 14 V at 2500 rpm, then everything is fine. You can drive with a more powerful unit by connecting additional options.

Generator 2108

This installation has greater efficiency, delivering a current of 55 A. It is installed on both 2106 and 2107.

The mount is identical to the standard ones, there are no problems during installation. Just remember to remove the battery terminal. You'll have to tinker with the connection to 2106. There are 4 wires going to the standard device. On the “eight” - three, since the voltage relay is built-in. To get a good result, insulate the black wire, connect the rest according to the standard system. The light bulb - the discharge indicator will light up when the generator is running, and will go out if there is no charging.

Voltage regulator

Installed on the back of the generator and secured with two screws. The regulator is a non-separable element. Regardless of the engine speed, it maintains voltage in the electrical circuit. With the engine running, the generator winding is powered by diodes installed on the rectifier unit. At this moment, no current passes through the control lamp and it does not light up. When the warning lamp is on, a generator malfunction signal is given.

Also, on the back cover, there is a capacitor installed that suppresses radio interference. The regulator also controls the charging of the battery, producing less voltage at elevated temperatures.

Lada Priora - generator replacement

The Priora requires a powerful generator; the car has a lot of electronics and a weak installation cannot cope with it.

A generator labeled 5102.3771 is recommended for the Priora, providing a power of 80 A; on luxury versions with even more electronics, a 115 A device is installed. Then which generator is better to install on the Priora?

Car owners recommend a unit produced by KZATEtm Samara plant under number 9402.3701-14, producing 115 A.

There is no need to modify it during installation, you just need to find the connector, because there are differences from the standard one. You can use a plug from a VAZ-2108 from the limit switch for turning on the reversing lights, which costs only 20 rubles.

Next, you will have to make a little modification when connecting to the “B+” power terminal in order to fit it to the desired size.

The cost, of course, of domestic units is higher than that of Chinese or Bulgarian ones, sold for 2200 and 3000, respectively. For Russian ones they ask for about 4000. But if you need repairs with Russian-made components, you can easily find spare parts.

What factors should you consider when purchasing a new generator?

When choosing a generator for VAZ cars, it is necessary, first of all, to calculate the total power of all energy-consuming devices and devices in the on-board electrical network. The power of the power source must exceed this total value by 20%.

The type of engine must be taken into account when choosing a generator model. A generator paired with a gasoline engine can be compact and more economical. A diesel generator should be larger and more expensive.

The choice of generator also depends on the technology of combustion of the fuel-air mixture in engines of various types:

  • In gasoline engines, fuel is supplied using a carburetor or injector. Here, the fuel-air mixture is sucked into the combustion chamber due to the vacuum created. There it is compressed and ignited by a spark from the spark plug. In this case, the supply of mixture to the combustion chamber is not regulated (does not depend on engine speed).
  • Diesel engines use only an injector. Here the combustible mixture is injected into the combustion chambers under pressure and enters through the nozzles. Their opening is regulated by an electronic device (controller) with many sensors that respond to the speed of the vehicle, the voltage in the on-board electrical network and other indicators. Such engines consume less fuel, but are more energy-intensive due to the presence of auxiliary electronic devices. A car with such an engine requires a more powerful generator.

Installing a weak power source on the “injector” will lead to its rapid breakdown and damage to the battery.

Which generator is better to put on a VAZ 2110

VAZ 2110 factories install KATEK generators with a current of 80 A. The service life is 140,000 km, which is approximately 10 years of vehicle operation. Answering the question of which generator is better to install on the VAZ 2110, experts recommend products from Russian manufacturers.

What to consider when choosing

  • Russian manufacturer or foreign? Of course, first of all, Russian manufacturers are preferable. If only because it is easier to find spare parts in the event of a minor breakdown. If you purchase a generator for a VAZ 2010 from a not so popular company, it may be difficult to find spare parts, and they will not cost you so much.
  • Current strength. Factory models for VAZ 2010 - 3771 or 94.3701 - are designed for 80 A, this current is enough, even if there are additional devices that consume it. More powerful ones - 120 A - are installed in the presence of powerful acoustics, no harm is done to the battery, and you will provide all energy consumers with uninterrupted current.
  • It is better to purchase a generator if there is a warranty on it. There may well be a defective product, and the warranty will provide the opportunity to replace it with a new one.

Generator Manufacturers

It is best for 2010 to purchase a standard generator from KATEK or KZATEtm Samara plant, and about 50% of owners do just that, according to statistics. They are reliable, cope perfectly with their functions, creating the necessary tension.

Among the foreign-made generators, we can recommend Bosch, Delphi and Denso, which are also reliable and popular.

Fuse box VAZ-21074 injector

  • 1-Rear window heating relay
  • 2-Relay for headlight cleaners and washers (if equipped)
  • 3-relay or signal jumper (if there is no external relay)
  • 4-relay or jumper for cooling fan
  • 5-high beam relay
  • 6-low beam relay
  • F1-F17-Fuses
  • 1 (8A) Rear lights (reversing light). Heater electric motor. Warning lamp and rear window heating relay.
  • 2 (8A) Electric motors for windshield wiper and washer. Electric motors for headlight cleaners and washers. Windshield wiper relay. Wiper relay and
  • headlight washer (contacts).
  • 3 (8A) Reserve.
  • 4 (8A) Reserve.
  • 5 (16A) Rear window heating element and heating relay (contacts)
  • 6 (8A) Cigarette lighter. Portable lamp socket. Watch. Front door open warning lamps
  • 7 (16A) Sound signals and relay for turning on sound signals. Engine cooling fan electric motor and motor activation relay.
  • 8 (8A) Direction indicators in hazard warning mode. Switch and relay-interrupter for direction indicators and hazard warning lights in emergency mode.
  • 9 (8A) Generator voltage regulator.
  • 10 (8A) Direction indicators in turn indication mode and the corresponding warning lamp. Fan motor activation relay (winding). Control devices. Battery charge indicator lamp. Indicator lamps for fuel reserve, oil pressure, parking brake and brake fluid level. Parking brake warning light relay. Carburetor pneumatic valve control system
  • 11 (8A) Rear lights (brake lamps). Body interior lighting lamp.
  • 12 (8A) Right headlight. Coil of the relay for turning on the headlight cleaners (with the high beams on)
  • 13 (8A) Left headlight. Indicator lamp for turning on the high beam headlights.
  • 14 (8A) Left headlight (side light). Right rear light (side light). License plate lights. Engine compartment lamp. Indicator lamp for turning on the side light.
  • 15 (8A) Right headlight (side light). Left rear light (side light). Cigarette lighter lamp. Instrument lighting lamps. Glove compartment lamp
  • 16 (8A) Right headlight (low beam). Coil of the relay for turning on the headlight cleaners.
  • 17 (8A) Left headlight (low beam).

Generating Device Replacement Procedure

Before starting work, check the serviceability of the regulator relay. It is advisable to choose a model with the highest possible temperature compensation. This characteristic allows models 2106-2107 to operate at high speeds without failure. This indicator should be studied especially carefully if the VAZ 2106 or later modifications are used in areas with a hot climate.

Removing a broken device and installing a new one does not cause problems, thanks to the clear mounting method.

Difficulties arise at the stage when you need to connect a new VAZ generator. To begin with, the wires coming from the relay regulator are disconnected and subsequently insulated. Further connection of the VAZ 2108 generator is carried out as follows.

The wires, formed in the form of a ring terminal, are connected to the old place in the VAZ 2108. It is imperative to insulate the gray wire, which is not connected anywhere. Completes the installation procedure by connecting the yellow wire to the terminal. If the car owner was unable to find a device with the required power, then a model from a VAZ 2108 to a VAZ 2106 can be installed, provided that the total power of consumers is taken into account.

Careful attitude and regular preventive inspections will ensure long-term reliable operation of the machine. Even with a slight drop in speed or problems when starting the engine, there is a reason to look under the hood. The faster this is done, the less likely it is that the problem will spread further.

Hello fellow intellectuals! ))) There is a VAZ 21074i car. It’s a good car, there are no words, but this thing, called a generator, craps everything. The actual question is: what imported generator can you use? I gave up domestic spare parts a long time ago, and have never regretted it. )))

Options for replacing a broken unit

The main thing to remember is that to replace a broken generator, it is forbidden to take the first one you come across. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to lengthy and expensive repairs of the VAZ 2107 or other modifications. The most common modification is G-221. To carry out a technically correct replacement, it is necessary to study the following manufacturer’s recommendations:

    Replacing a VAZ generator is possible using a unit from modification 2105. The maximum current level is 55 A, which is suitable for cars with a small number of consumers. Replacement does not imply modifications or modifications.

After the car owner decides on the power, it is necessary to install the device correctly. Car mechanics recommend exercising extreme caution. Poor installation of the generator leads to many problems during subsequent operation.

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