Cleaning the throttle body of a VAZ 2115 injector 8 valves

Welcome! The throttle valve becomes dirty over time, due to this it begins to open and close worse, and uneven idling also appears, because the layer of dust that is present on the valve does not allow air to properly enter the car engine, and this is especially noticeable when the foot is the gas pedal is removed, just when the foot is removed from the pedal, the throttle is almost completely closed, but there is a small gap through which air enters the engine, and if there is a lot of dirt and dust in this place, then the air will not normally enter the engine, so it is idle the progress will be uneven.

Note! To replace this part, you will need to stock up on: A set of all the keys that you have, and in this set there must be an extension cord, or a wrench with socket heads, in addition to this, you will need a carburetor cleaner, which you can find in a car shop, and a rag, which You will remove all the dirt from the damper and by the way, stock up on all the screwdrivers you have!

Where is the throttle valve located? Before continuing to write, we will point out to you one very important nuance, the throttle valve is the wrong name for the unit that you are currently thinking about, its correct name is the throttle assembly (Indicated by a red arrow), but the valve itself is already inside this unit and plays a very large role in it, opening and closing at the moment when you need it.

When should you clean your throttle body? It doesn’t get clogged up very quickly, so it needs to be cleaned quite rarely, but it depends on how you drive and on what roads, for example, if the car is driven every day on a dirt road where there is a lot of dust, then the damper will quickly become dusty and dirty and will require cleaning, but if the car is used mainly in the urban cycle or, even better, in the countryside (in towns, etc.) on roads, then in this case the damper will need to be cleaned less often, so there are no exact figures as such when it needs to be cleaned , as they say, everything is determined by appearance and by symptoms (the car idles unstably, its speed fluctuates, it even stalls sometimes, etc., these are the symptoms of a dirty damper, but although they are due to other problems may also meet).

Note! In order for your damper to become dirty less often, we recommend changing the air filter on your car as often as possible or simply replacing it when it really requires it, and especially do not delay replacing it when it requires it (It will be covered in dust in this case and this dust will fly into the engine and the throttle valve, on top of all this it will pollute)!

Signs of a dirty remote control

The most common symptoms associated with a dirty damper:

  1. Poor engine starting.
  2. Unstable idling, speed fluctuates.
  3. The car jerks when driving at low speeds.
  4. Difficulty idling, engine stalls.

All these signs indicate a dirty remote control. But do not rush to draw conclusions and start cleaning the unit, because they may also indicate a breakdown of some sensors: IAC, TPS - they are located on the throttle assembly and may be faulty. In particular, high-quality washing of the remote control can cure them, but not a fact (by following the link, you can check, clean, replace the IAC, check the TPS, repair and replace it). A faulty mass air flow sensor also has similar symptoms. It is advisable to clean the remote control at intervals of 30 thousand km.

Where is the DZ located?

Engine compartment

The entire throttle body is located in the engine compartment. It is located between the intake manifold and the air filter. In other words, the air enters the filter, passes through the mass air flow sensor, enters the remote control, and from there goes to the engine through the intake manifold (receiver). To find out where the remote control is located, pay attention to the figure (number 3).

Flushing the remote control

In this article we will describe two types of DS cleaning:

They differ in the degree of complexity and, accordingly, in quality.

Superficial cleaning

Its essence is that we will not completely disassemble the entire remote control, but will go over the damper with a cloth and remove surface dirt.

For work we will need:

  1. Any cleaning agent: carburetor cleaner, alcohol, thinner, gasoline, wd-40. They differ in the degree of “removability” of dirt.
  2. Rag.
  3. Brush.

First of all, we remove the air filter corrugation from the air filter, take our cleaning agent and spray it inside. We begin to clean the surface with a rag and brush. Also, do not forget to open the damper itself and clean it from the back. At this point the process is completed, we install the filter pipe back, and that’s it. But with this cleaning method, we will not be able to completely clean all the insides of the remote control, blow out all the holes and channels, so it is better to use a complete cleaning.

Complete cleaning of the remote control

To perform a complete cleaning of the damper, in addition to a rag and cleaning agent, we will need:

  1. Flathead, Phillips screwdriver.
  2. DZ gasket (for 1.5 l) and receiver o-ring (for 1.6 l).
  3. Cotton buds.
  4. Socket wrench set to "13".
  5. 2 M13 bolts.

In this case, we need to completely remove the remote control and clean it from all sides.

  1. In order to remove the unit, disconnect the air filter corrugation and remove the coolant pipes. liquid and adsorber.
  2. Disconnect the remote control mount, remove the throttle cable, and remove the remote control. If you need a more detailed description of removing the unit, then read the article: How to remove the remote control, remote control?
  3. Having removed the DZ, we disconnect and clean the IAC sensors (how to clean the IAC), TPS and completely wash the damper on all sides with a cleaner, be sure to blow out all the holes with compressed air.
  4. Then we install everything back, not forgetting to put in a new gasket.


Cleaning the throttle valve on VAZ 2113, VAZ 2114, VAZ 2115

Welcome! The throttle valve becomes dirty over time, due to this it begins to open and close worse, and uneven idling also appears, because the layer of dust that is present on the valve does not allow air to properly enter the car engine, and this is especially noticeable when the foot is the gas pedal is removed, just when the foot is removed from the pedal, the throttle is almost completely closed, but there is a small gap through which air enters the engine, and if there is a lot of dirt and dust in this place, then the air will not normally enter the engine, so it is idle the progress will be uneven.

Note! To replace this part, you will need to stock up on: A set of all the keys that you have, and in this set there must be an extension cord, or a wrench with socket heads, in addition to this, you will need a carburetor cleaner, which you can find in a car shop, and a rag, which You will remove all the dirt from the damper and by the way, stock up on all the screwdrivers you have!


Where is the throttle valve located? Before continuing to write, we will point out to you one very important nuance, the throttle valve is the wrong name for the unit that you are currently thinking about, its correct name is the throttle assembly (Indicated by a red arrow), but the valve itself is already inside this unit and plays a very large role in it, opening and closing at the moment when you need it.

When should you clean your throttle body? It doesn’t get clogged up very quickly, so it needs to be cleaned quite rarely, but it depends on how you drive and on what roads, for example, if the car is driven every day on a dirt road where there is a lot of dust, then the damper will quickly become dusty and dirty and will require cleaning, but if the car is used mainly in the urban cycle or, even better, in the countryside (in towns, etc.) on roads, then in this case the damper will need to be cleaned less often, so there are no exact figures as such when it needs to be cleaned , as they say, everything is determined by appearance and by symptoms (the car idles unstably, its speed fluctuates, it even stalls sometimes, etc., these are the symptoms of a dirty damper, but although they are due to other problems may also meet).

Causes of pollution and how to deal with them

There are several reasons why the throttle body becomes dirty over time. By avoiding their appearance, you will automatically extend the time between cleaning it. Reasons mentioned include:

  • Using low-quality gasoline . If there is sediment in it, it will definitely get into the throttle assembly, where it will turn into carbon deposits. Therefore, try to fill in high-quality gasoline and refuel at proven gas stations.
  • Clogged fuel filter . If you do not change the fuel filter in time, then there is a possibility that pieces of dirt from it will get into the fuel system, including the throttle assembly.
  • Dust and dirt getting into the intake system . This can be caused by various reasons - clogged air filter, damage to the integrity of the air duct, various mechanical stress.
  • Crankcase gases with oil dust . They are the main cause of oil deposits on the valve. They can enter the combustion chamber through the valve cover from the crankcase ventilation system. The situation is aggravated by the fact that they carry oil dust. It is this that burns and remains as sediment on the surface of the throttle valve.

Clogged fuel filter

Change the air and fuel filters on time, fill with high-quality gasoline, and prevent dust from getting into the car's fresh air ventilation system. All this will save you from the need to clean the throttle valve ahead of schedule.

How to clean the throttle valve on a VAZ 2113-VAZ 2115?

1. First, of course, you will need to remove it, about how to do this operation correctly, read the article that is posted on our website, entitled: “Replacing the throttle assembly on a VAZ”, as soon as the damper, or let’s say the throttle assembly correctly, is removed , start cleaning it, to do this, place it on a flat and clean surface and then take the carburetor cleaning fluid in your hands and with its help, go through the entire throttle assembly, but don’t look at the sensors and in general it’s best to unscrew them for you we recommend.

2. When the inside of the assembly is cleaned (By the way, clean with liquid exactly in the place where the throttle valve itself is located, outside the assembly, that is, on its outer part, we do not recommend that you clean it), wipe off any drops and then place the assembly in the sun or just bring it into a warm room, wait for it to dry completely and you can put it back on the car. If you want to clean it better, you can also blow it out with compressed air (Compressed air is in the compressor, in the pump, so something from this find and then use it to blow the throttle assembly from all dirt particles in hard-to-reach places).

Additional video clip: You can see the process of cleaning the throttle assembly in more detail in the video clip located just below, it not only shows everything but also describes it all, by the way, the video uses a VAZ 2112 car, you don’t pay much attention to this Please note, because the throttle units on all cars are cleaned almost identically, but this does not apply to the unit with the e-gas system, where the whole cleaning process occurs completely differently.


Cleaning the throttle valve VAZ 2115 injector


If the throttle valve is equipped with an electric drive, then there is no direct connection between it and the gas pedal. The principle of operation of an electric damper does not change, but its design is much more complex. Simplified, such a node works as follows. The force of pressing the gas pedal is recorded by a special sensor, which transmits this information to the engine control unit, the throttle opening angle is determined by the throttle position sensor, and also transmits the corresponding signals to the control unit. The controller constantly compares these values ​​and sends commands to the electric motor to increase or decrease the damper opening angle. The main distinguishing feature of the electric throttle valve is the absence of an idle speed control. When the engine is idling, the throttle valve does not close completely; its opening angle is set by the control unit in accordance with the operating parameters of the power unit. The electronic throttle, unlike the mechanical one, has not one position sensor, but two. If one sensor, also known as the throttle potentiometer, fails, the throttle assembly will still work.

Unit functionality

The mechanism “reads” information about its position from the gas pedal and determines the opening angle of the throttle shield. It is impossible to determine the service life of the product, since its failures can be influenced by many internal systems and environmental factors (fuel quality, valve condition). A frequent malfunction of the mechanism is high idle speed, in this case its function is taken over by the mass air flow sensor. During this period, the car may often stall when driving or jerk at speed. Or the “check engine” indicator on the dashboard is on.

In case of any malfunction, the device must be replaced, especially if the tip breaks or if the base of the slider stroke fails (erasing of the coating). On all VAZ injection vehicles, the principles of device repair are the same.

Before replacing the throttle sensor on a VAZ 2114, you need to identify its characteristic faults. Signs of unit failure

This can be high speeds when idling, a decrease in engine dynamics when accelerating a vehicle, various jerks when pressing the gas pedal. As well as “damping” of the engine during operation. Of course, there are other related problems, but this will require a complete diagnosis of the vehicle.

The factory VAZ 2114 has a film-resistor TPS and it operates at about 50 t/km, and its ineffective operation is due to the following reason:

  • When the throttle valve position changes, the slider moves and comes into contact with the resistive field of the sensor;
  • after a certain time, the field is destroyed and the contact begins to disappear, which means that the signal no longer appears and does not go to the controller, which causes unstable and problematic operation of the automation.

Thanks to modern non-contact TPS, it is possible to reduce the sensitivity threshold of the device, and its magnetic-resistor operating principle allows it to perform a given function twice as efficiently and reliably, while increasing the service life of this unit.

Other causes of TPS malfunction may be corrosion of contacts, wear of the mechanism substrate, or incomplete closing of the damper due to the high location of the device. Before changing the TPS on a VAZ 2114, you need to check the functionality of the moving mechanism; cracks may appear and the tips stop functioning correctly.

Only after you have studied all the faults of this unit and accurately determined its fault, you can dismantle the device and replace it with a new one. Of course, you can repair it, but this will take a lot of time, when replacing the unit is very simple, and the mechanism is cheap.

Of course, there are car enthusiasts who repaired this sensor, for example, they opened the unit and found a microcrack in one of the contacts. We sealed it with conductive glue and the mechanism started working. But such cases are isolated, because the resistive layer of the sensor is simply impossible to restore. And you won’t find similar repair kits on the shelves of auto stores.

Attention: if the driver pays attention to the operation of all vehicle systems and controls the functionality of the electronics, then such surprises will not “watch” him on the road. Regular preventative maintenance and personal visual inspection of all operating devices will help maintain the high functionality of the engine and all its components.

Cleaning the throttle valve

Hello dear friends #128578; Not long ago I decided to clean my injector throttle valve. After all, due to its contamination, problems with the car may arise.

Problems due to a dirty valve:

Slight difficulty when starting the engine; Dips or jerks are felt during engine operation; Fairly low power; Frequent occurrence of detonation; Sagging, holding and twitching; Engine operation with minor interruptions; Increased fuel consumption; In the exhaust system, when gasoline is processed, a specific gasoline smell arises; Instability during engine operation, and stopping during cold operation; Sometimes the fuel mixture spontaneously ignites; Some popping noises are heard in the intake manifold or muffler

Cleaning does not require a lot of effort and tools; if you want to do this work, then when working you will need:

— Wrench 13 (socket)— Screwdriver (for clamps)— Wrench 11— Carburetor cleaner (aerosol)

Finding the throttle valve on a VAZ 21093

Removing the throttle valve from a VAZ 21093

— Loosen the clamps and remove the hoses (in the picture under the numbers 1 and 2)— Loosen the clamp under the number “3” and remove the hose— Loosen the clamp under the number “4” and disconnect the hose— Loosen the clamp and remove the heating hose (I have that plug) — Loosen the clamp and remove the crankcase gas exhaust hose (see the picture below)

Crankcase gas hose for VAZ 21093 engine

— We unscrew the cable fastenings with a 11 key (or just pull out the cable) — We unscrew the damper mount with a 13 key (one fastening is at the top, the other at the bottom). — We clean everything (all the holes and in general everything dirty in the damper), and you can also wash it from above. Important: the sensors also need to be removed, by the way, clean them too. Replace the gasket if necessary.

For work, I bought a carburetor cleaner, I always take it, it’s not expensive and good! By the way, when I removed the hose that goes to the filter, there was oil there, which indicates that the mesh that is on the valve cover is clogged (information from the Internet), so as soon as it gets warmer outside, I’ll do it right away!

Lada 2115 2004, 81 l. With. - with your own hands

Cars for sale

Lada 2115 Samara, 2006

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Comments 45

Hello, why turn on the ignition when you remove the stamp on the battery?

What engine, 1.5 or 1.6? The thing is that I found a description on the internet on how to clean the remote control, but the author writes that after cleaning it is necessary to change the remote control gasket for 1.5 or the receiver O-ring for 1.6, but I couldn’t find what this ring looks like anywhere

I’m interested in the real time from start to finish that the author spent on all the work just on “cleaning the throttle assembly”! PS I just changed the screen on the fuel pump yesterday, I won’t write how... the time I spent was clearly not 40 minutes... 6 hours

If we take into account only cleaning the throttle, then it takes 15 minutes to remove it, 15 minutes to put it back. Well, the cleaning time itself ranges from 20 minutes to an hour (depending on the contamination).

I found something else, but I didn’t try to do it myself, I limited myself to just cleaning the remote control.#

Can you guys give me some advice? I found a small hole in my exhaust hose (going from the bottom to the lid), so can air leak through this hole or not? And how will this affect the car in general?

Great report. I'll do the same at my place on the weekend. I haven’t climbed there at all for 5 years.

There is also a problem with revolutions, when switching from any speed to neutral, the revolutions begin to float, dropping to 600-500. I think I'll start with cleaning

Okay, we'll have to do the same operation.

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