Mitsubishi Lancer 9 how to clean the throttle body

The supply of air necessary to create a combustible mixture entering the working chamber depends on the state of the throttle valve.

Therefore, any deviations in the operation of the unit lead to unstable crankshaft speeds, increased fuel consumption, decreased vehicle dynamics and can cause failure of the power plant.

The car owner should regularly clean the throttle valve and, if necessary, repair or adapt it. This will allow the driver to be confident in the reliability of his car.

Cleaning the throttle valve in a Mitsubishi Lancer 9

How to clean the throttle valve
After driving a little, I realized that in hot weather the gas starts to bite. Firstly, when you press, you feel a “step” and secondly, when you release the pedal, the speed does not drop to normal. Well, I’m thinking, yeah, right now I’ll change the throttle cable, maybe it’s just hairy, and that’s all. It’s useful to have a look and the cable is generally normal. After that I thought that I probably needed to clean the entire throttle body, lubricate it and everything would be fine. But that was not the case, after re-reading the Internet, I realized that this is a disease in 9 Lancers, in particular the 1.3 and 1.6 engines; there is no such problem on two-room cars.

Actually, what is the problem itself: due to the design features, the axis on which the brass patch is located is subject to play. All due to the lack of a locking ring. The axle moves back and forth, and the result is the deterioration of the patch itself and the damper body. + For myself, I also realized that it is necessary to wash the damper more often, because the dirt on it is an abrasive that helps to erase the damper.

In general, like everyone else, I washed the damper and saw the cracks:

Here it is, new one is quite expensive

The photo quality is not very good, but the cracks are clearly visible

After washing, because of the cracks, the idle speed increases, more air is sucked in, the effect of a slightly open damper (before washing, dirt serves as a sealant)

Molybdenum grease is visible on the sides

In principle, there are several solutions, for example, buying a new one or salvaging one. Or another solution, I found people on the Internet who suggest the following method:

— A brand new nickel (flap) is being manufactured. — We place 2 ball bearings on the axle (closed type bearing with lubricant inside). - A groove is machined in the axle (to install both the support washer and the locking ring). - The throttle valve is disassembled and cleaned - We grind the throttle valve and expand the size. — The throttle valve is coated with a special lubricant. — The throttle valve is assembled in reverse order

They ask for their services from 5000 rubles. And they even seem to offer a guarantee; they gave me 5 years and 150,000 km. The system is simple, I give away the old one and immediately get a modified damper in return. I don’t know, I decided to fall for it, one of these days they will deliver it to me, I’ll install it, and write back. In theory, this should work and the disease will be cured...

Adjusting opening angles in Mitsubishi Lancer

The air valve should be open and the throttles should turn freely. Permissible gaps range from 0.06 mm. The adjustment is carried out at low idle speed. The Lancer engine will gradually warm up to 90 degrees and only then will it be possible to tighten the screw, which will change the composition of the combustible mixture (two and a half turns are enough to enrich it).

After starting the engine, you should make sure that there is minimal throttle opening, but the engine itself is running well. Then, using the adjusting screw, we achieve the highest speed (the throttle must be open). In this way, we ensure that even after sharply opening the throttle, the engine will still run and quickly gain speed.

After properly carried out repairs or preventive maintenance, you will only need to make sure every 15-20 thousand kilometers to ensure that excess dirt does not accumulate and that the Mitcubishi Lancer 9 throttle valve is working properly. This will help you save money and not spend money on new spare parts for a long time.


Comments 33

How to check the throttle valve of a VAZ 2114

but I didn’t break down the prices

For prices you should write to TITUS, he restores them, I bought them a long time ago, I won’t tell you now)

then we'll wait for his comment

Here comes his comment!)

but I didn’t break down the prices

3600 rubles cost to repair the 4G18 throttle, or exchange it for a restored one.

There have been no cases of failure of our chokes over 5 years of operation with about 5,500 units restored; or rather, there was exactly 1 case of our error during operation - the owner’s unit was replaced free of charge.

Each of our units comes with a guarantee (a sign of the guarantee is the engraving of the Amadeus logo on the body of the unit or on the damper itself) and information support.

Everything else - with a description of the methodology, reviews, etc. - is in my car’s journal.

If you need help, please contact

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