Rating of the best protective coatings for SUVs for 2022

Car manufacturers have recently used fairly high-quality durable coatings for their products. The layers applied to the body perfectly resist external negative factors such as snow, rain or temperature changes.

However, operating conditions are different, for example, the outer part of the car may be subject to mechanical stress from pebbles, branches, sand, etc. Such factors can cause significant damage in the form of chips or scratches, which subsequently develop into obvious pockets of corrosion. Some motorists use new techniques to protect themselves. These include Raptor painting, reviews, pros and cons, which are in the public domain.

New product on the car market

The manufacturer of the protective layer is U-POL. For a long time, she has been developing body protection for cars in difficult conditions. Initially, the coating was intended to be applied to trucks, often moving in problem areas.

Trucks required protection from abrasions on the body, including the movement of cargo inside the luggage space. At the same time, not only the aesthetic appearance was lost, but the events also affected the durability of the transport.

You need to know that Raptor coating for cars is not the only product of its kind, but has many real positive reviews from users who own commercial or personal vehicles.

Precautionary measures

"Raptor" as a car paint requires special precautions when used. The technical data sheet indicates the types of danger that the substance poses to humans:

  • easy flammability;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • the appearance of cracks in the skin during open contact;
  • dizziness and drowsiness caused by paint fumes.

It is also useful to read: How to properly paint a car under the hood

When painting a car body, you must wear gloves, protective clothing, goggles, and a respirator. If painting takes place indoors, you need to take care of its fire safety and good ventilation. Children and animals should not be nearby.

What is Raptor?

When developing the chemical composition, advanced achievements in the chemical industry were used. The company's official website explains that the polyurethane components included in the composition are endowed with a high degree of strength.

The composition, according to manufacturers, blocks the metal surface from negative interaction, which is often carried out in road conditions by the following factors:

  • mechanical irritants;
  • chemical seasonal reagents;
  • mold fungi;
  • extreme thermal exposure, etc.

The inside of pickups or trucks is protected from scratches or abrasions and is also waterproof. Thanks to the special composition, the applied layer has excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation, which prevents fading for a long time.

Manufacturer's suggested format

Raptor car paint, reviews of which are mostly positive online, is sold in various packages. You can easily find packages of the required volume, which are enough to completely treat a large machine or for partial application to problem areas. It is advisable to purchase a special gun for applying a protective layer. If you don’t have a gun, then as a last resort you can use a brush or roller.

Online stores often offer the usual set of 4 0.75 liter containers and a bottle of hardener necessary for the durability of the result. Its cost is about 5200 rubles.

The price of painting a car with Raptor, based on its area and the price tag for materials, will be different . You need to focus on the approximate consumption:

  • NIVA Urban will require about 8 liters, which is equivalent to 2 sets of RLB/S4 or RLT/S4;
  • UAZ Hunter is larger in area, so it needs 12 liters or 3 sets;
  • TOYOTA LC 200 with a five-meter length will be covered with 16 liters;
  • TOYOTA Tundra at 6.2 m with complex processing will cost 20 liters.

In 50% of cases, cars painted with Raptor have a black color tone. It is believed that this format is the most practical. If the buyer wishes, you can choose a different color. Usually a white color is chosen as a base, which is mixed with the selected color, and then the resulting top is applied to the surface.

Application options and features

It is worth considering that such a coating can be applied not only to cars, but also to other surfaces that you want to protect from external influences. This composition is used by builders or power engineers, as it has high adhesive and antifungal characteristics.

The elastomers included in the composition do not contain volatile substances (solvents). This approach makes the complex non-flammable and non-toxic. There are also no concentrations of tar or aggressive resins in the liquid that are harmful to humans. Manufacturers have excluded plasticizers from Raptor, because the presence of such chemicals can lead to shrinkage of the coating after drying.

Preparatory work

High-quality anti-gravel compounds are two-component substances. Raptor in this case is no exception. Before use, it is necessary to combine the paint from the bottles with the hardener in a strict proportion of 3:1. The packaging is designed in such a way that 250 ml of hardener must be added to 750 ml of paint to obtain a liter volume of the product ready for application.

You can stock up on sufficient mixing containers in advance. The manufacturer recommends that before applying the Raptor protective coating, thoroughly stir the composition for several minutes to a homogeneous consistency. You can simply shake the closed container for a while.

The composition may contain one of the types of hardeners, which come in different concentrations and chemical characteristics. When purchasing, you can select substances with optimal values. There are even formulations available that can dry within 20–40 minutes after completion of spraying.

The branded sprayer is offered as a set or can be purchased separately for 1.5–1.7 thousand rubles. It can be attached to any spray gun. It is important to keep the nozzle approximately 45-55 cm away from the part to be painted to ensure an even application.

It is important to know that the recommended number of Raptor layers to be laid should be limited to 2-3 coatings, since increasing them can lead to negative consequences.

The best polyurethane-based products

Let's look at the best polyurethane-based products from various manufacturers.

1 place. "AKTERM AutoBronya"

A product that has absorbed the best properties of formulations from various brands. During its development, the experience of using various similar tools was taken into account. The creators of “AvtoBroni” tried to combine the best aspects in their products that are typical for polyurethane protective coatings from various manufacturers.

A polyurethane-based protective product was created specifically to protect parts of car bodies that are operated in difficult conditions. It is used to process body parts of trucks, SUVs and other vehicles.

AKTERM AvtoBronya will also be an excellent choice for cars used in ordinary conditions. Among other things, this product is also used in the construction industry. With its help, metal surfaces are protected from corrosion and the influence of external factors.

The average price is 1,300 rubles.


  • high strength composition;
  • excellent resistance to chemical influences;
  • attractive decorative appearance;
  • durability about 15 years;
  • ready to apply, no solvent required;
  • quickly reaches the required level of strength;
  • reduces the noise and vibration threshold;
  • protects against UV rays;
  • repels water.


  • maximum packaging is only 0.8 l;
  • difficult to find on sale.

2nd place. RAPTOR

A protective layer consisting of two components. Sold in sets, which include 4 bottles of product and 1 container of hardener. The kit is enough to treat 10 sq.m. with one layer. The drying time between layers is 3 hours, and complete polymerization and achievement of the required level of strength occurs after 3 weeks. However, the vehicle (part) can be used 10 hours after treatment.

The average price is 1,500 rubles.

Raptor coating


  • high resistance to abrasive damage;
  • the material tolerates impressive tensile loads;
  • protects the body from chopping blows;
  • scratch resistance;
  • prevents enlargement of incisions.


  • after treatment, you cannot apply varnish;
  • the product is similar to shagreen, so the aesthetics of the appearance of the vehicle are spoiled;
  • If you paint it incorrectly, there is a high probability of chipping.

3rd place. Herculiner

A unique coating based on polyurethane with rubber granules. Apply to truck bodies in 3 simple steps using a brush or roller (included in the kit). After drying, the product guarantees a reliable, wear-resistant and anti-slip layer.

The proprietary waterless formula, when compared to water-based products, allows the coating to properly adapt to the surfaces on which it is applied. Due to its exclusive qualities, the coating is able to adhere to almost all types of surfaces or substances.

This product is used to treat wood, metal, concrete, aluminum, asphalt, rubber, fiberglass and plastic surfaces, including polyvinyl chloride. Herculiner prevents rust by sealing the surface and is also resistant to gasoline, chemicals, solvents and oil.

The average price is 5,000 rubles.


  • modified polyurethane-based coating;
  • wear-resistant base;
  • particles adhere to each other;
  • forms an anti-slip layer;
  • contacts with moisture in the air for best drying.


  • some car enthusiasts considered the price tag too high.

4th place. ARMOR

As a result of polymerization, a reliable elastic coating is created, which consists of 95% polyurethane and 5% polymer additives. The composition protects the treated surface from external influences.

The protective coating is available in 3 varieties:

  1. “Bronyator HARD” is the largest shagreen, which is applied using an anti-gravel gun.
  2. “Bronyator STANDARD” – medium shagreen, which is applied using an anti-gravel gun, or small shagreen, applied with a spray gun.
  3. “Bronyator SUPER” is a coating applied with a spray gun and forms a smooth mirror layer on the surface. At the same time, this modification meets all the standard parameters.

The brand's assortment also includes a protective tinted primer, which is applied to a painted or unpainted metal surface before the protective coating. The primer is a protective and adhesive coating, as well as the tone of the tinting surface. Thanks to these soil features, the consumption of protective coating is saved.

The average price is 1,200 rubles.


  • perfectly applied to porous and smooth surfaces;
  • possibility of processing from smooth surface to coarse shagreen;
  • a liter of layer treats about 3 square meters. m surface;
  • availability;
  • protects from aggressive environment.


  • not detected.

5th place. NOVOL COBRA

A protective coating with a structural effect based on 2K polyurethane resins. It stands out from competitors with a fairly high degree of mechanical strength and scratch resistance. Protects the car body from exposure to aggressive environmental factors, gasoline, water, oils and salt.

It has good sound insulation and vibration properties, and the surface structure gives an anti-slip effect. In the basic version it is available in black, and in the modification for painting it makes it possible to achieve any color by adding 10-15% base or acrylic paint.

Experts recommend buying the SPECTRAL BASE or SPECTRAL 2K variety.

The average price is 2,000 rubles.



  • high degree of protection;
  • Provides a surface that is resistant to scratches, stains and thinners;
  • the coating is highly resistant to any weather conditions: moisture, high and low temperatures, ultraviolet rays, salt water;
  • easy and quick to apply;
  • You can choose the thickness of the structure.


  • not detected.

Application methods

In fact, painting a car with Raptor is not much different from using traditional paints and varnishes. However, the newfangled material is less “capricious” than conventional car paints. You can even apply it outdoors, but it is advisable to avoid this approach so as not to get negative effects from dust, moisture, wind or other external factors.

We recommend following a specific application order:

  • Before you begin processing, you should get rid of removable elements on the body, including mirrors, wheels, bumpers, etc.
  • If there are problem areas with rust, mold or other types of external damage, you will have to clean these areas from damage. You also need to level, putty and straighten any possible dents or depressions.
  • We get rid of the glossy layer using special abrasive discs, which will help the new anti-gravel coating to better adhere to the outside.
  • It is important to pre-etch with AC proprietary special primer >

Differences between Titan and Raptor

Titanium paint is considered more durable and hard after drying. This is due to the presence of 70% polymers in the composition, while in Raptor there are only 30%. Other paint differences are:

  1. The base of “Titan” is white, so it can be tinted in any shade. Different brands of colors are suitable for this paint. For Raptor, only pigments recommended by the manufacturer are used.
  2. The Titan has a higher dry residue and its consumption is lower than that of the Raptor.
  3. “Titanium” should be applied with a gravel gun. The Raptor coating is best done using a special branded gun, which is able to regulate the size of the shagreen pimples.
  4. According to user reviews, Titan better withstands negative and even extreme temperatures, since it was developed specifically for harsh regions.
  5. Raptor paint has been on the market for 5 years longer than Titan. Therefore, some craftsmen are accustomed to “Raptor” and have more confidence in paintwork materials. The first versions of the paint were somewhat worse, but then the composition was improved and became ideal for metal and plastic.

In general, the difference between these two paints is not critical, because both paints are widely used in car repair shops and do not have an obvious advantage over each other. It is only important to prepare the base correctly, observe the number of layers and drying time, and then any material will serve for a long time and will reliably protect the car from damage.

Positive and negative factors

Future owners of a car with a protective layer should know its pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • You can apply it yourself, which will reduce the cost of processing costs.
  • The noise insulation level increases, which is felt in the cabin when driving on dirt roads. The bouncing stones are almost inaudible.
  • The metal body is protected from moisture, winter agents, and minor scratches.
  • The service life of the machine increases as rotting and corrosion are blocked.
  • Raptor fits perfectly on metal or plastic and does not peel off for a long period.
  • A minimum set of tools is required.
  • There are possibilities for using different types of processing.
  • There is no need for careful processing of the body.

The manufacturer guarantees a positive result only from the use of branded components.

The disadvantages of processing include factors such as:

  • the coating is exclusively matte, and gloss cannot be achieved;
  • roughnesses are visible on the metal even with the naked eye;
  • after coating the body, you need to wait three weeks until it dries completely so that you can use the car “but at full capacity”;
  • Removing such anti-gravel is very problematic.

Such negatives are easily compensated by the resulting advantages..

It is also worth knowing that on average for most cars you will have to stock up on 3-4 sets, which will cost 18–20 thousand rubles. Third-party craftsmen charge another 20 thousand for each car. Accordingly, the total cost will reach approximately 40 thousand rubles. You can save on space by treating only the lower part of the car at the thresholds, spending 1 bottle for 2 thousand rubles.

It is necessary to take the branded hardener along with the paint, although some users save money and buy solvent 650-647. The result is larger grains on the outside. Such a large roughness looks less aesthetically pleasing.

When working with a brush, problems appear in the form of furrows from the pile. Since the material hardens quickly, the grooves are fixed forever. It is advisable to immediately use the branded spray gun included in the kit or purchasing additionally.

The Raptor protective coating is based on polyurethane, which is characterized by wear resistance and excellent technical properties. In fact, this is not paint, but a continuation of anti-gravel coatings. But, unlike the latter, Raptor is based not on rubber, but on polyurethane, and therefore has greater hardness. The additives that make polyurethane capable of being diluted and applied by spray are a trade secret, so the composition of the Raptor paint (or rather, the protective coating) is known only in general terms - you can call it liquid polyurethane.

Initially, the substance was developed for painting concrete and wooden surfaces and protecting against moisture. Now Pol Raptor is successfully used for car painting. It is especially relevant for SUVs.

The best polyurea products

There are quite a large number of companies that provide services in the field of applying polyurea-based elastomeric coatings. Let's look at the best of them.

1 place. LINE-X

The most common brand in the Russian Federation of protective coatings for car bodies based on polyurea from the United States. The company began developing the composition more than 30 years ago and has been processing cars for about 20 years.

The company has an impressive network of departments around the world, and the brand’s first workshops opened in Russia about 5-8 years ago. During this time, their composition has become not only a protective coating, but a branded component of SUVs and pickups.

Car bodies and spare parts are covered with “armor”, consisting of two components based on aromatic polyurea with an eternal guarantee.

The average price is 1000 rubles per kilogram.


  • easy to wash and clean;
  • protects against corrosion;
  • many colors;
  • impressive warranty period;
  • preserves the original appearance of the vehicle.


  • hard to find on sale.

2nd place. BRONIX

Polymer made in Europe. Companies that coat vehicles and their components with this brand of “armor” use two types of polyurea:

  1. Aliphatic.
  2. Aromatic.

The warranty period for the processing performed is 3 years. The composition guarantee ranges from 5-10 years (it all depends on the company). However, in the context of the phrase “guarantee for the composition”, it is meant that during the specified time it will not collapse and will not lose its own physical characteristics.

Color changes are not covered by the warranty period.

The average price is calculated individually and depends on the type of work.


  • protects against abrasions;
  • protects against mechanical damage;
  • protects against the influence of water, gasoline, salt and various chemicals;
  • protects against corrosion;
  • anti-slip coating.


  • not detected.

3rd place. Z-PRO

To treat the car, a product is used that consists of three components marked Standard, produced by a company from Switzerland - Huntsman, but modified. By order of the official distributor, an elastomer adapted to the conditions of the Russian winter is imported into the Russian Federation.

The average price is calculated individually and depends on the type of work.


  • made on the basis of pure aliphatic and aromatic polyureas;
  • has a maximum threshold of resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • protects car bodies from corrosion and abrasive wear;
  • used in the construction industry for finishing steel and concrete containers.


  • not detected.

4th place. Bullet Liner

This is a protective polymer coating developed on the basis of high quality polyurea. The Bullet Liner brand was created by Burtin Labs. The founder of this brand, CEO K. Barten, was the creator of the Line-X “armor” discussed before.

In 2015, Accella Polyurethane Systems acquired Burtin Polymer Laboratories. Using innovative chemical materials and hardened ingenuity, Bullet Liner technology has been created and improved for over 30 years.

The long history associated with polyurethane-based protective coatings determines the brand’s commitment to producing high-quality polyurea compounds for vehicles and supplying them to the automotive market. The company's products are tested not only in laboratory conditions, but also tested in the most severe environmental conditions.

The average price is calculated individually and depends on the type of work.


  • high-strength elastic coating;
  • impressive polymerization speed of 10 seconds;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • resistance to acids, solutions and UV rays;
  • high adhesive properties.


  • not detected.

5th place. Rubber Paint HELMET

Exclusive polyurea protective composition of increased strength. This product with excellent chemical and physical properties is applied using ordinary spraying. After processing, a matte type film with shagreen is formed on the surface. The layer thickness ranges from 0.5 to 2 mm, it all depends on the processing method and the number of layers.

The product is used to protect the bodies of special equipment, SUVs and all-terrain vehicles. The composition can be applied to different surfaces:

  • metal;
  • polymer;
  • composite;
  • plastic;
  • concrete;
  • wooden.

Important! The product must not be applied to 1K primers.

The composition is applied without much difficulty using an anti-gravel gun. The canister screws directly onto the gun. It is also possible to treat the surface using a paint sprayer with a nozzle of 2.5 mm, a brush or a roller. Depending on the processing method, the surface can be shagreen or smooth.

The average price is 2,900 rubles.

Rubber Paint HELMET


  • no special equipment is needed for processing;
  • there is no need to prime the surface in advance;
  • dries to a reinforcement assembly within 2 hours at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius;
  • complete polymerization occurs after 5 days.


  • not detected.

Advantages and disadvantages

When applied to a car body, a polyurethane coating forms a protective film, which has a number of advantages over conventional car paint, namely:

  • high strength of the material;
  • resistance to friction;
  • resistance to most chemical elements;
  • easy to clean;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • reliable surface protection against corrosion.

For all its positive aspects, the Raptor is not without its shortcomings. The following can be distinguished from them:

  • the coating cannot be varnished, so it will always be matte;
  • the surface has the appearance of pebbled leather, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing;
  • If the painting technology is not followed, chips may occur.

Packaging and completeness

The two-component product is sold as a kit, which includes 4 cans of the main substance, 750 ml each, a liter can of hardener and a gun for correctly applying protection to the car body. Each container is equipped with a thread for a tight connection with the gun. The kit also comes with step-by-step instructions for painting.

Consumers can order Raptor sets, either black or cloudy whitish, which can be tinted to any desired color. The set contains instructions that contain technological recommendations and a safety data sheet.

How much

The cost of Raptor protective coating varies everywhere. If we talk about the average price, then a regular set (4 liters), which directly includes 4 jars of coating and 1 hardener, will cost approximately 6,000 rubles . If you need to purchase a gun for painting, you need to pay an additional 1,700 rubles.

To paint an entire car, you will need about three kits. It turns out that the material will cost from 17,700 to 23,100 rubles . It is worth considering that we are talking only about materials. You will have to pay the same amount for the work of a master if you cannot do everything yourself. By the way, paint can be sold in cans and regular cans. Which one should I buy? This will be decided by whoever will do the work.

If we talk about the most famous company that produces Raptor, then U-pol should definitely be mentioned here. It is a world leader in the production of paints and varnishes. In demand in more than 100 countries around the world.

General characteristics

When comparing which is better: “Titanium” or “Raptor”, you must first evaluate the similar properties of these paints. Both products are suitable for those who want to give their car an unusual look and replace standard paint materials for cars with exclusive ones. Paints have common qualities:

  • enhanced strength, hardness of the hardened coating, which is an order of magnitude higher than that of oil, acrylic and other types of paints,
  • unusual relief surface - shagreen,
  • presence of dielectric properties,
  • protection of the base from water, ultraviolet radiation, abrasives, chemicals,
  • long-term color retention, no clouding over time.

Both paints are quite expensive, and the finished coating is far from economical (although Titan is a little cheaper in terms of cost).

The exact composition of the paints is kept secret by the manufacturers, and apart from the fact that the base is polyurethane, little is known. In addition to large packages, the products are sold in cans for application to small areas.

Preparatory work before painting

The preparatory stage is very important. The final result depends on the quality of the work performed.

First, you need to remove unnecessary parts from the car: handles, wipers, mirrors, bumpers, etc. Anything that cannot be removed and is not involved in painting must be sealed with paper and masking tape (discs are also included here) . This must be done carefully, because the paint is almost impossible to remove once it has dried.

Next, you should prepare the surface itself directly for painting.

This is done as follows:

  • The surface of the machine is thoroughly cleaned of paint and varnish. Since it is almost impossible to remove paint from a car manually, you should use a special grinder with a fine abrasive;
  • the compressor blows out all the dirt and dust that has formed after cleaning;
  • treatment is carried out with white spirit or anti-silicone;
  • all minor defects (chips, scratches) are removed with special putty;
  • after the surface has dried, the car needs to be blown well again;
  • The surfaces to be painted are treated with a special primer for metal.

At this point, the preparatory work can be considered complete.

Preparing the body for painting

Any car enthusiast can carry out painting, but for this it is necessary to carefully prepare the car. You can cover the entire car body or its individual parts with a layer of “Raptor”. First you need to remove all attachments from the car (headlights, mirrors, turns and bumpers).

After this, old paint and traces of corrosion are removed from all parts. Any through holes that appear must be carefully welded. To completely destroy rust, the metal is treated with phosphoric acid, the residues of which are washed off with water, after which the body is dried. The exposed metal of the body is covered with primer; if necessary, dents are straightened and puttied.

It is also useful to read: What you need to know about painting and polishing cars yourself?

Use coarse sandpaper to remove the glossy coating from the body, since the parts must be matte before painting. At this stage, you need to work carefully, since too sudden and rough movements can leave scratches on the metal. The body is degreased with alcohol-containing substances. Parts that will not be painted must be covered with protective material, secured with tape.

The instructions for using the paint indicate that the body surface can be painted outdoors, even with gusts of wind and exposure to sunlight. But it is better to paint a car indoors with normal air circulation.

If you follow all the rules for preparing for painting, the coating will lie flat on the surface, and rust will no longer affect the metal of the car.

Coloring process

After the preparatory work, you can proceed to painting the body.

The instructions for use recommend mixing the material with the hardener in a ratio of 3:1.

In the jar where the paint is located, there is a mark at which you should add the hardener - it will be exactly 250 ml. Close the jar and shake the contents for several minutes to mix the paint and hardener. The company offers hardeners for Raptor with different drying periods, which makes it possible to select the desired drying speed of the coating. And in order to reduce the texture of the applied coating, the company recommends adding 10% S2040 thinner to the bottle with the material and hardener.

We screw the gun onto the paint can, to which the hose from the compressor is connected. You can apply the first layer of coating to the car body. Painting begins from the roof of the car using even movements. The gun should be kept 40-50 centimeters from the surface to be painted. You need to make sure that the layer goes on without overflowing.

The instructions say that thickening the layer leads to a violation of its mechanical strength. To dry the first layer, a temperature of +20°C and 30-60 minutes are required. Then you can apply a second layer.

Upon completion of coating the car body with the second layer of Raptor, the paint should polymerize within 5-7 days. The car can be used after 12 hours , however, without serious loads on the coating.

Painting a car in the desired color

In order to paint the car body in the desired color, you need to purchase a kit from U-POL with a material of a cloudy whitish color, which is intended for tinting. You can also purchase ready-made color pigments from U-POL. To purchase, you should contact the company's representative office - they will give recommendations on how to mix the pigment and Raptor, and how it should be applied to the surface of the body.

Next, you need to mix Raptor with the hardener in a 3:1 ratio and add up to 10% of the base pigment to the finished mixture. If you have difficulty selecting the right color, you can contact a colorist and use the selection system to determine the right component.

In the case when the color of the car is light, and the owner wants to keep it, you need to take into account that the Raptor itself is milky in color - this can give a peculiar shade.

How to paint a car with Titan

All of the above properties of paint are valid only with high-quality preliminary preparation of the base. If you do not pay enough attention to this, the paintwork material can come off in layers, because its adhesion is high only under certain conditions.

The main point in the preliminary work is the so-called matting - applying a grid of grooves and scratches to enhance the adhesion of the paint to the material. To do this, the body is washed well and then treated with sandpaper or a coarse-grit sanding machine. Such a microrelief is created in each area, without missing a single centimeter of the body. Even a small piece of surface left smooth can cause paint to peel off in the future.

After finishing the matting, painting the car with “Titan” is carried out as follows:

  • sweeping or blowing dust,
  • clean wash,
  • removal of corrosion spots,
  • body degreasing,
  • removing elements that will not be covered with paint,
  • pasting of openings and permanent non-paintable elements,
  • priming the base.

Only after such preparation can you begin to apply paint. Typically, 25% hardener is added to 75% base. Pigments are introduced in the quantity required to obtain the desired shade. The first layer of “Titanium” serves as another adhesion enhancer, and therefore is made thin. After drying, apply another 2-3 layers with intermediate drying for 30-60 minutes, then leave the car for final drying for 8-12 hours.

How to remove Raptor from a car

Unfortunately, car owners who decide to apply the coating to their car temporarily do not think about how difficult it is to remove the dried Raptor from the car. Removing paint with sandpaper is an ineffective and labor-intensive process - the paper will quickly become clogged. Removing the Raptor with a grinder with an abrasive wheel or fiber is dangerous - you can make “notches” on the parts that will have to be leveled with putty. You can put a metal brush on the grinder or drill, but work carefully - overheating of parts with a large area (doors, hood) can lead to their deformation, which will negatively affect the appearance of the car. The most optimal way would be to remove the coating heated with a hairdryer using a narrow, sharpened spatula, and the Raptor should be heated immediately before removing it. That is, move the hair dryer and the spatula blade almost simultaneously.

What is Raptor paint?

The Raptor coating in the traditional sense is not exactly paint. This is a polymer multicomponent composition. The exact list of components included in the paint, as well as the production technology, are not disclosed by the manufacturing company. However, it is known that Raptor U-Pol is basically a quick-drying polymer that does not require the classic hot application scheme.

There are many differences between Raptor paints and conventional enamels used when painting cars at factories. Firstly, this paint is an exclusive product. There are similar compositions on the market in small quantities, but their characteristics are far from the original. While car paints are produced by many companies. Secondly, this coating is not used in any automotive production line. The same cannot be said about small factories that produce various metal structures.

How much does Raptor paint cost?

Raptor paint is sold in ordinary plastic or metal containers. There are bottles on sale that can be immediately mounted on the spray gun.

The price for 1 liter, when compared with conventional car enamels, is approximately 50-70% higher. The cost of 1 liter of Raptor paint, depending on the color, form and class, is around 1500-2000 rubles.

Recently, Raptor paint in cans has been in demand. Despite the more convenient form of release, its cost is not much higher than in regular packaging.

Professional paint shops buy this paint in bulk in its simplest, unprepared form, and then prepare it themselves. Craftsmen who paint car bodies and other metal surfaces through practice develop the required consistency of the prepared paint and the technology for performing the work.

Types of protective polymer coatings for the body

During application, the polymer solution forms a layer that is thick and rough to the touch. There are two types of polymer solutions on the market:

  1. Compositions based on polyurea.
  2. Protective compounds based on polyurethane.

Products based on polyurea

Developed three decades ago and ended up in the 90s. As a commercial product, the technology “sprayed polyurea elastomer coatings”, despite the inharmonious name, made a splash in the market of protective technologies.

As it turned out, polyurea (polyurea) is best suited for protecting car bodies:

  • Durable, scratch-resistant, withstands powerful impacts and is not afraid of vibration.
  • Elastic - does not crack during deformation and stretches several times.
  • In the event of a road traffic accident, it does not burst, and during application it lays flat and thoroughly adheres to surfaces of various form factors and appearance. The polymer also adds auxiliary hardness to the components.
  • ECO-clean and fire-resistant - there are no solvents in the composition, so it is possible to apply the material to car bodies and use it inside the car without fear for your own health.
  • Hardens quickly and can be used under any conditions. A certain number of layers are applied without prior drying. Immediately after spraying, the car is suitable for use.
  • The elastomer also serves as an additional noise insulator and repels water. A car that has been treated with a polyurea-based compound is not as susceptible to contamination as others.

Products based on polyurea effectively protect SUVs both completely and their individual components. Of course, the composition is imperfect, and there are some application details, but there are significantly more advantages than comparative disadvantages.

In appearance, the car, its parts or parts (for example, bumpers, anti-gravel belt, sills, hood ends, etc.) look as if they are covered with “shagreen” - a protective layer that is slightly rough to the touch and looks like hard rubber.

The volume and magnitude of roughness are adjusted by a specialist during the work process. The thickness of the layer, as a rule, ranges from 1-5 mm. A layer of 2 to 3 mm is considered optimal, but the door ends cannot be processed, since the doors will not be able to close.

The color comes not only black, but almost any color. Experts say that by applying a duplicating layer, the coating can even be painted metallic. It is only worth noting that the puffy composition of the material does not imply any particular shine. In addition, you should also take into account the fact that if the car is not completely painted, then choosing the right color of the protected components to match the “native” color scheme becomes quite difficult and is not always possible.

Smooth and rough surfaces reflect and look differently, so it is better to seek the help of specialists who have the proper work experience.

Prepare the car for treatment with a polyurea-based composition in exactly the same way as for painting: clean, dry and prime the damaged areas.

The polymer has fairly high adhesive properties (sticks) and can be applied even to “native” paint. However, this is done only if there is no damage or traces of corrosion on the machine, otherwise it is necessary to clean it down to the metal or plastic base.

If a protective layer is applied to swollen paint or rust, a bubble will form and it will not be possible to correct it. It is also worth noting that after an accident or other damage to the “armor”, it cannot be repaired even partially. In order to preserve waterproofing and the absence of seams, it is necessary to re-treat the body component or the entire area, having previously cleared the previous layer from it.

It is quite difficult to clean the body or certain areas of the car from a polyurea-based composition, since the material has high adhesive properties. That is why it is worth considering in advance that the protective layer will remain on the vehicle forever.

For the same reason, “shagreen” is usually applied to SUVs and pickups, for which the protective layer adds value, and not to passenger cars. In the United States, where polyurea-based coatings have been used for a couple of decades, the state automobile society has found that the price of a car that is treated with the elastomer rises by half when sold.

This is not without logic, since the risk that the car is rotten is reduced significantly.

Polyurea composition, when compared with protective agents based on polyurethane, cannot be applied with your own hands using a roller or brush. That is why you will have to resort to the help of specialists.

Experts recommend that the “armor” manufacturer, who has a quality certificate, act as a specialist, since there are many nuances and details in this matter.

In addition to the fact that you will need expensive equipment with dispensers, heated hoses, a recirculation pump, a powerful compressor and a spray gun, you also need wisely selected coating elements. In addition, a person who has all the specific skills to use the mentioned equipment is also important.

It is for this reason that there are few companies with many years of experience in this field. The most important thing here is to have many years of experience, because purchasing equipment and advertising a company today is not difficult. It is much more difficult to collect a case study of the work done and earn positive comments, as well as the trust of motorists.

Polyurethane-based products

Most car owners know this “armor” under the name “anti-gravel”. It is in high demand, and there are also plenty of manufacturers.

The key advantage of this type of protective composition is its ease of application. Any driver can coat his own car, pickup truck body, power body kit, etc. using such a product himself, since the main skill is experience in using a brush, spray gun or roller, and an ordinary garage is ideal as a processing room.

The key disadvantage of such “armor” is that the protective layer based on polyurethane takes a long time to dry and during this period it must be protected from dirt and rain. They protect polyurethane-based paints from the same types of aggressions as the polyurea-based products discussed above: corrosion, rust, the aggressive effects of salt, UV rays, chemical reagents and mechanical damage.

When compared with the same polyurea compounds, the resulting polyurethane layer is thinner and more durable.

It is worth noting that applying “armor” based on polyurethane will cost less, so if you do not prefer aggressive driving, then it may be worth taking a closer look at such compositions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's first look at the advantages of the Raptor polymer coating.

  1. Unusual, authentic look of the finished coating. This point can also be considered a disadvantage. When choosing a category for this feature, we looked at quite a few repainted cars. And if we consider the black version of the “Raptor” coating, then the unusual texture of the finished layer is definitely a plus. At the very least, it’s hard not to pay attention to a car painted in such an unusual color.
  2. Incredibly durable protection against mechanical impact. The polymer coating formed by “Raptor” paint is many times more resistant to mechanical stress than conventional enamels. It is difficult to scratch it so that the scratch remains visible. And even if you manage to leave a visible mark with a sharp object, it is unlikely that you will be able to destroy the polymer film to the metal. But there is one caveat here: the coating must be applied according to technology and then stand for at least three weeks until it fully gains strength.
  3. Protection of the body from moisture and air. If the paint layer is applied according to technology and is not damaged, then it creates a polymer protection that reliably isolates the metal from external chemical influences.
  4. Resistant to temperature changes and UV rays. Raptor paint is absolutely immune to influences of this kind and does not change its color or texture in any way.

Raptor paints also have disadvantages.

  1. Low adhesion. Pre-finished Raptor will peel off in chunks if applied to an unprepared glossy surface.
  2. Difficulty in applying it yourself in terms of following the technology. For good adhesion, you will need to treat 100% of the surface to be painted with a coarse abrasive. Small areas that do not have a dense mesh of notches may crumble over time.
  3. Impossibility of local elimination of the defect. At a minimum, a complete repainting of the element will be required in case of serious damage.
  4. The variability of the final result depends on the method of preparing the paint and the technology of applying it to the surface to be painted.
  5. Possibility of hidden corrosion. The Raptor's paint comes off the metal in one continuous crust. There are cases where the outer polymer coating retained its integrity, but due to minor damage, a corrosion center actively developed underneath it. Unlike conventional car enamels, this type of paint peels off in large areas, but does not crumble, but retains its external integrity.

Despite a fairly large number of shortcomings, this paint is gaining popularity among Russian motorists.

Protective coating "Titan"

From the point of view of typical coatings for cars, “Titan” is not one. This paint is not traditional due to its composition and appearance. It is made on the basis of polyurethane - a heterochain polymer from the urethane group, which belongs to synthetic elastomers and acts as a kind of rubber substitute.

Polyurethane paint "Titan" allows you to get a super-durable body coating, very hard and quite thick. Compared to other materials, such a “shell” will be more resistant to damaging external factors. The principle of operation of this car paint is simple: during the application process, a reaction with the hardener begins, causing the paint to quickly harden and form a protective layer.

The most attractive property for motorists is the ability to prevent damage to the body from the influence of mechanical factors. The coating has no analogues in strength and ability to resist cracks, scratches, and chips. Also, body parts will be protected from:

  • UV rays,
  • moisture,
  • chemical substances.

A unique feature of the paint is the creation of a relief surface. The “Titanium” coating helps to make the so-called shagreen with different grain sizes, and this indicator depends on several factors:

  • application technologies,
  • the amount of solvent in the paint,
  • spray nozzle devices.

As a result, the coating can be whatever the owner wants, although this imposes certain difficulties on restoration work. If you only need to tint a small area, it is not always possible to select shagreen in strict accordance with the original option.

Reviews from car owners

Most motorists speak well of the Raptor paint. The specificity of the issue plays a role here. Repainting the body is an expensive undertaking. And if you take into account that you will have to paint in an unusual format, instead of car enamel, blowing the entire body into polymer, then it becomes clear: before making such a decision, car owners thoroughly study the issue and do not do this work “at random.”

This paint gets good reviews mainly for its really high resistance to external influences. Foresters, hunters and fishermen who drive their vehicles through forests and off-road have appreciated the ability of Raptor coatings to withstand abrasive dirt, stones and tree branches.

Negative reviews of Raptor paints often include motorists' dissatisfaction with local peeling of the coating and the impossibility of spot repairs with an acceptable result. This problem is especially relevant for plastic elements. It happens that almost half of the coating falls off from a bumper or molding at one time.

Typically, motorists with an adventurous streak decide to undertake such experiments. Those who are not afraid to try new things. Those who try, for example, “Titan” paints or protective compounds like “Bronekor”. And often such experiments end in positive emotions.

Reviews about Titanium coating

After using a coated car, users give both positive and negative feedback. Motorists who are satisfied note the following:

  1. Unusual, eye-catching appearance of the car. The shagreen coating gives even inexpensive cars an exclusive look, and even looks luxurious on large SUVs.
  2. Surface protection. The paint really saves the car from scratches and other defects during frequent off-road driving, bushes, and tall grass. Even sandblasting or deliberate scratching with nails causes only slight damage to the coating.
  3. Ability to remove scratches. If there are defects, you can always get rid of them. Small scratches disappear after regular washing with water under pressure; more serious ones can be removed by heating the area with a hair dryer.
  4. Reduced preparation costs. If there is a complete layer of old paint on the car, it is not necessary to remove it before painting it with Titan. It is enough to perform a high-quality matting, cleaning and priming, and the paint will lay down in an even layer.

Among the negative reviews is local peeling of the coating, which is associated with ignoring the matting or skipping areas during its implementation. It is from this area that the paint can begin to peel off in layers. In addition to an untidy appearance, such defects also have more serious consequences. Water and air penetrate under them, and the Titan’s ability to protect against rust is seriously reduced.

Corrosion processes can develop hidden, unnoticed by the car owner, and some areas can rot quite badly. In this case, you will have to completely remove the coating and carry out serious repairs to the car.

According to the majority of car owners who have tried this paint, it is excellent for frequent use of equipment on rough terrain. “Titan” resists mechanical, physical, and chemical influences much better than conventional paints. In urban conditions, it is easier to use traditional paints and varnishes, since a thick relief coating will not make any sense.

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