Zik oil in a plastic canister. How to distinguish original oil from fake

Hello! The role of engine oil, like gearbox oil, is well known to everyone. And here it is extremely important to choose a high-quality liquid. Many people choose ZIC products. Yes, these are excellent compositions. But there is a problem. These are counterfeit and fake products. Therefore, you must learn how to distinguish real ZIC from a fake.

The ZIK company from South Korea uses a whole range of protective measures. But alas, it is impossible to completely eradicate the existence of underground and illegal industries.

In many ways, the car owner needs to rely on his knowledge and attentiveness. Today you will learn about ZIC oils - how to distinguish a fake, and what signs you need to look out for.

Barcode verification

The products of the South Korean company SC Lubricats are well known to domestic car enthusiasts. The high quality and reliability of ZIC synthetic oil has long been the hallmark of the brand.
And bottling products into tin containers created big problems for counterfeit manufacturers. After all, it was very difficult to fake containers. But life began to improve for counterfeiters when the company switched to plastic containers. Fraudsters, as they say, have already gotten their hands on fakes of this kind.

And local markets and stores have been flooded with thousands of counterfeit canisters of low-quality lubricant.

But the manufacturer took this point into account and tried to come up with some tricks that would be extremely difficult for fraudsters to implement without expensive equipment. Or unrealistic.

The main thing that is required from the buyer himself is to know the characteristics of the original by heart and remember to use them every time he goes to the store.

Reliable engine operation is a matter of attentiveness of the car owner.

Independent test results and scope

One Russian independent laboratory, equipped with all the equipment necessary for testing lubricants, conducted an independent test of ZIC X9 5W-40.

We will not list all the parameters under study, but will focus on some significant points:

  1. Almost all parameters studied in laboratory conditions did not deviate from the characteristics declared by the manufacturer by more than 5%. Moreover, the deviations were for the better. And this is a good sign that the oil is really high quality.
  2. The base number turned out to be about 10-10.5 mg KOH/g. The manufacturer was modest with the declared ability of its product to clean the engine.
  3. Evaporation rate due to waste is 9.8%. This is a good indicator, which means that the lubricant is resistant to evaporation.

Checking ZIK X9 5-40 oil on the KRISTAL-850 device - video

The scope of application of any lubricant for internal combustion engines is determined by classification according to one of the generally accepted criteria and approvals of automakers.

Motor oil ZIC X9 5W-40 has the following characteristics according to international classifiers:

  • ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4;
  • API SN/CF.

This means that the oil is suitable for use in gasoline and diesel engines with any power system. The engine can be equipped with a turbine and intercooler.

The degree of engine boost does not matter. The oil is compatible with exhaust gas catalysts, but is not suitable for particulate filters.

ZIC X9 5W-40 meets the following requirements of car manufacturers:

  • Volkswagen 502.00, 505.00 and 503.01;
  • Mercedes Benz-Approval 229.5;
  • BMW Longlife-01;
  • Renault RN 0700 and RN 0710;
  • Mercedes Benz 226.5;
  • PSA B71 2296;
  • Porsche A-40.

In Russia, this motor oil is widely used in many regions due to its good viscosity properties and the availability of widespread tolerances.

Signs of original oil

Let's take a closer look at what features the manufacturer endowed with the original container.


Koreans began pouring oil into plastic canisters in 2016. Since then, the technology used to produce containers has not changed. Namely:

  • Canister color is blue . Not dark blue, as happens in fakes.
  • no plastic drips , color stains, crooked seams;
  • There are relief patterns in the recesses on the surface of the canister. The relief is clearly visible; in fakes these areas are either smooth, like the main surface, or the relief is weakly expressed.


The original label is sealed into the canister during its production process. The technology was used both in the days of iron containers and now.

Therefore, if in a store you manage to pry off the label on the canister with your finger, then the product is clearly counterfeit.

Other features of the original label:

  1. The presence of a hologram on the letters ZIC. At a certain angle you can see the SC Lubricats logo. The logo is also visible on the fake label. But you can see it from any angle.
  2. Run your fingers over the “10W-40” text. The letters should be felt under your fingers. On the back of the canister, the inscriptions on the label should also be raised , in particular, the barcode and the inscription “4 liters”. On fake stickers, all the letters are smooth.


The lid of the original canister is protected in the form of a transparent film . The signature butterfly and the letters SC are applied across its entire surface.

Differences between the original protective film and the fake one:

  • all the details of the butterfly - four wings and the body - are separated from each other;
  • the letters SC have no shadow;
  • the color of the butterfly and letters is dark orange ;
  • There is a section on the film with perforations and arrows. The arrows are short, 4-5 pieces .

In the fake, the butterfly is bright orange, the letters have a white shadow . The details of the butterfly are fused together. The arrows on the perforations are long, so a maximum of three of them can fit there.

Don't forget to also look at the measuring strip . Its production is a very labor-intensive process, even for a company with advanced equipment. What can we say about underground production? On canisters of this origin, the sulfur strip may be wider, curved, located higher or lower than in the original.

If possible, evaluate the quality of the oil itself. It should have a pleasant light yellow color . There should be no strong odors.

To protect your car from counterfeit products, it is better to buy it from official representatives of the company, who will always present the proper documents and offer another canister if you don’t like something in the one offered.


Each branded canister of ZIC oil is produced under its own serial number. It is printed in even numbers that cannot be erased with a finger. For fakes, the number is missing or smeared.

The inscriptions on the label have a slight relief. For example, if you run your finger over 10W-40, you can feel each symbol. The fakes have no relief and the entire label is smooth.

The inscriptions on the back side also have a small relief. The text in different languages ​​in the original is separated by a single-color stripe. The fakes have a stripe with a border, and the inscriptions are made without relief.

There is a microprint on the yellow stripe of the original label, which is only visible from a certain angle. If the inscription is visible in any position, then this is a sign of a fake.

Lubricatns' methods of combating counterfeit products

The Lubricants company produces synthetic-based lubricants in plastic containers: ZIC A, ZIC A+ with a viscosity index of 10w40. But due to the large number of counterfeit products, the Korean brand recently changed the design and material of the packaging. The name of the lubricant has also changed - to ZIC X7 and ZIC X5. In addition to these two types of oil on a synthetic and semi-synthetic basis, the company has rebranded the ZIK X9 motor lubricant.

This new line of oils has a unique anti-counterfeit system:

1. protective foil with the company logo;

2. the original canister does not spill thanks to the double handles;

3. A thermal film marked SK is installed on the neck.

In addition, the Korean brand has updated its hologram technology. When the canister is tilted at a certain angle, the SK Lubricants logo will appear on the top stripe of the label. On a fake, this logo is visible in its normal state without tilting the oil container.

Main characteristics

Let's look at the most important characteristics of ZIC X9 5W-40, which determine its performance properties and scope of application. And what you need to pay attention to when choosing oil for your car.

Base type

ZIC X9 5W-40 is a synthetic motor oil created on a highly purified hydrocracking base using SK Lubricants Yubase+ proprietary technology.

This type of base is characterized by high stability of its operating properties, which deteriorate slightly throughout the entire service period. The additive package is purchased separately from Infineum.

Additives are supplied by the British company Infineum. Moreover, the additive package used in Genesis oils is one of the latest developments from the Infineum laboratory.

Viscosity zic x9 5w 40

Let's consider the viscosity grade according to SAE 5W-40. The first part of the index according to SAE 5W determines the minimum guaranteed temperature of lubricant pumpability through the system and the ability to rotate the crankshaft without the possibility of damage to the liners and journals.

In winter, ZIC X9 5W-40 oil is guaranteed to be pumped at temperatures down to –30 °C, and will allow the crankshaft to turn without jamming or scuffing at temperatures down to –35 °C.

The summer part of the index according to SAE 40 means that the lubricant will have a kinematic viscosity at a temperature of +100 °C in the range from 12.5 to 16.3 cSt.

The manufacturer declared a kinematic viscosity of 14.1 cSt. Indirectly, this criterion indicates that the lubricant can be used without consequences for the engine at ambient temperatures up to +40 °C.

Viscosity index.

Determines the change in lubricant fluidity when it is heated or cooled. For the oil in question, the viscosity index is 173 units. A good indicator for hydrocracking lubricants.

Temperature indicators

Flash point.

Shows the thermal threshold at which a chain reaction of combustion begins when heated without the use of an open flame. ZIC X9 5W-40 oil has a flash point of 222 °C. Average result.

Pour point.

The manufacturer states that the pour point of the oil in question is –42.5 °C. The classic indicator for hydrocracking lubricants of the 5W-40 category.

Base number

Affects the ability of the oil to wash away sludge deposits. The higher it is, the better the lubricant copes with cleaning the engine from contaminants.


The base number for ZIC X9 5W-40 is 9.1 mg KOH/g. This is a high figure. That is, the oil theoretically performs an excellent cleaning function.

The set of characteristics is quite impressive for hydrocracking-based lubricants. And here the most interesting characteristic is the price.

clogged diesel particulate filter due to the use of unsuitable oil

The cost of ZIC X9 5W 40 engine oil is at an average level. And taking into account the high performance characteristics, we can say that this, in theory, is one of the best offers on the market. Is this really so, we will find out below.

How to distinguish factory ZIC oil from a counterfeit product

To protect products and ensure the sale of high-quality lubricants, SC Lubricants has developed new protection methods:

1. Original engraving of the name on the bottom of the canister.

2. Updated printing technology.

3. Final cost. ZIK motor fluid is not a cheap lubricant. If the price is reduced by a third, then it is a fake.

4. Color shade. The original ZIC grease has a bright yellow or golden hue. Dark color indicates counterfeit.

Checking oil for thermal stability

It is enough to place a small amount of the composition in the freezer and leave for 15-20 minutes. Factory grease becomes cloudy at a temperature of -32°C and does not lose its fluidity properties. As a rule, counterfeit goods freeze in such conditions or begin to foam.

Checking the packed container

To identify the original or a fake, you need to lightly shake the canister and turn it in different directions. If a splash was heard, then we are talking about fake oil - since the factory one is made on a synthetic basis, it cannot make such sounds.


The original cover is covered with a protective transparent film. It has the letters SC and butterflies painted on it in dark orange paint. The perforated area has 5-6 short arrows. The four wings and body of the butterfly are separated from each other. For fakes, the paint has a brighter color.

The location of the perforated area is not standardized. Therefore, the arrows can be located in any part of the lid. In the craft they are wider and longer.

After unscrewing the cap, the retaining ring should remain in place. On fakes it cracks or falls off. There is a foil plug under the lid. It is hermetically sealed into the neck of the canister. The SC ZIC logo is printed on the foil.

External signs of counterfeit oil

The original ZIC canister has a “SK” hologram on the front side, which is visible when the container is tilted. On the fake container, the abbreviation is changed to “ZIC” and is visible without tilting. Moreover, the inscription is not a hologram, but an ordinary drawing.

· If the film with the inscription SK has white tones around the edges, this indicates counterfeit.

· The front side of the description label on the original is darker in color.

· On a fake, the letters and numbers have a larger font size with poor print quality.

A canister with fake liquid is translucent in bright light. In the original container, the lubricant should be practically invisible. The counterfeit product has a softer plastic composition in contrast to the original oil canister. The SK Lubricants company uses red, blue, gray and gold tones for the original plastic container.

Additional information indicated on the original ZIK:

· fuel efficiency decals;

· composition of the base lubricant;

When choosing lubricant products, pay special attention to protection systems. Using these recommendations, every car enthusiast will be able to protect themselves from purchasing low-quality compounds and fill only original ZIC lubricants into the engine.


Externally, the original and fake ZIC oil canisters are very similar. Fraudsters have gotten very good at making plastic containers. The difference in shades is only detected if there is something to compare the canister with. Despite this, it is recommended to carefully inspect the packaging. Counterfeits often give themselves away:

The branded canister has a complex surface that is difficult to counterfeit. For its manufacture, opaque, dense plastic is used.

The original ZIK oil canister has a thin lubricant level line. The fake one has a wider scale and is less carefully made.

When identifying a fake, it is important to turn the canister over. The seam there should be even. There is also a raised ZIC inscription on the bottom.

Differences between original ZIC oil and fake

All famous manufacturers of motor and transmission oils value their reputation. It is completely unprofitable for them to see the quality of their products deteriorate and a large number of negative reviews and dissatisfied customers appear. Therefore, they try to do everything possible to prevent such situations. ZIC was no exception. One of the main problems is the large number of counterfeit products. In the case of the ZIC brand, counterfeit oils are not uncommon; the company also has to fight against underground manufacturers. It is almost impossible to eradicate the scammers themselves. Therefore, the only effective solution to the problem is to create reliable protection against counterfeiting. For this purpose, special packaging production technologies are being developed, and certain product characteristics are attached so that buyers have the opportunity to distinguish the original from the fake even before purchasing a canister of liquid.


The desire to counterfeit ZIK oil is due to the popularity of this lubricant. This is precisely what is the main source of problems for large and well-known companies. The higher the demand for a product, the greater the likelihood of encountering a counterfeit. This situation can be explained extremely simply. Fraudsters are interested in counterfeiting products that can be easily sold. After all, if consumers trust a particular brand, they will definitely buy it. But little-known companies that have not reached the peak of their popularity or are just entering the big market are often not of interest to scammers, since the level of demand for such products will be very low. The first thing the buyer must check when choosing ZIC engine oil is the authenticity of the container in which the working fluid is sold. There are several ways to check the oil for authenticity using just one container.

The buyer should pay attention to:

  • polyethylene provided on the lid in the original packaging;
  • container manufacturing material;
  • quality of plastic and its casting;
  • label;
  • hologram;
  • engraving;
  • identification code;
  • measuring scale.

Let’s go through separately all the characteristic features and distinctive features of the container. This will allow you to choose the original oil for your car before the actual purchase, and not pay in vain for counterfeit products.

Distinctive characteristics

Every motorist knows how important a role consumables play for the correct, safe and trouble-free operation of the car. Therefore, when choosing ZIK oil, you should carefully study the packaging and rely on all the characteristic distinctive features of the original container. If you fill in a fake, which happens not so rarely nowadays, despite all the efforts of the manufacturer, the risk of premature wear of the car’s elements, its breakdown and further expensive repairs increases.

In order not to run into counterfeit ZIC oil, try to devote enough time to the process of choosing a working fluid. Take your time, do not hesitate to ask the seller questions and refuse the purchase if anything confuses you. This is your legal right as a consumer. As well as the right to return goods in the event that you doubt the quality or authenticity of the purchased products.

Now let's look at the main characteristics of ZIK oil containers, by which you can identify a fake and find the real original working fluid of a well-known brand.

  1. Material of manufacture. First, remember that after the rebranding carried out in 2015, the ZIK company decided to abandon the use of metal. That’s why only the old canisters that are sitting on sellers’ shelves are made of metal. All modern containers, with the exception of the largest canisters for wholesale buyers, are made of plastic. If you see a standard 4-liter metal container, then this is a fake or an old, stale product. It is better for you to refuse both options, since it is recommended to fill only the freshest working fluids into the car.
  2. Workmanship. Experienced motorists do not have any particular problems with how to distinguish counterfeit ZIC oil in plastic. Often, scammers do not think much about the quality of the packaging, leaving various irregularities on the packaging, inaccurate joints of the two halves, burrs and other defects. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is take ZIK oil in your hands, touch the canister, and check it for quality of workmanship. If you find various irregularities, then this is a fake. All original canisters undergo thorough quality control, so such irregularities are excluded on real ZIC containers.

  3. Thermal film. Counterfeit ZIC oil can be identified by it. The presence of polyethylene on the lid is required by the ZIK plant. Thermal film is placed on the neck of the container and the logo is always applied. If there is no SK Lubrikans inscription on it, then we hasten to disappoint you, since this is an obvious fake. The advantage is that you can check the availability of the film without purchasing the product. This film allows you to protect the canisters from counterfeiting and additionally prevent accidental unscrewing of the lid. Dual functionality aimed at customers.
  4. Disposable skirt. It is provided on the lid of the canister. When unscrewed, this element remains on the neck. And just under the lid you will find special foil. The logo on it is the same as on the thermal film. Its presence is mandatory. If the foil is missing or there is no inscription, it is not the original, but a fake composition. Therefore, it is better to refuse its use.
  5. Labels. Let's assume that you bought yourself a canister of oil from the South Korean manufacturer ZIC, and found a lid with all the engravings and a metal container. And there is a label on it. Carefully glued, evenly located on the surface of the package. And here you need to stop and put the canister in place. The original container does not contain any paper labels applied to the container using glue or any other materials. For real containers from this oil manufacturer, information is applied directly to the material of the canister itself. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s metal on large containers or modern plastic that appeared after rebranding.
  6. Inscriptions. Often, scammers rely on the inattention of buyers and the sellers themselves, through whom the goods are sold. Therefore, the label must be studied not only by the method of its application, but also by the information itself that is provided there. It happens that in non-original containers there is no information about expiration dates, the letters in the names are changed, or the original name of the product is supplemented with additional symbols. We recommend studying the information on the packaging and comparing the product names with the information presented on the company’s official website. Look at what oils ZIC produces and how they are spelled correctly. If you see that the data does not match even one letter, this is a fake.

At first glance, most of you will think that the presented distinctive features are enough to identify counterfeit products and original ZIK motor oil. But the manufacturer does not stop there, since fraudsters regularly find new solutions and workarounds to still counterfeit the product and present it on the market under the high-profile and sought-after name ZIC.

Reviews from car owners

The vast majority of reviews about ZIC X9 5W-40 are written in a positive or neutral manner.

Among all the reviews there are several common points:

  • Good performance to price ratio.
    Many popular brands want more for their products of similar quality. While ZIC X9 5W-40 is cheaper than its competitors. And at the same time it fully complies with the characteristics stated on the container.
  • The engine often starts to run quieter.
    Clattering hydraulic compensators either stop knocking completely or become significantly quieter. The good cleaning properties of the oil are reflected. Channels clogged with sludge are cleaned and the oil flow is stabilized. The compensator bodies are filled and function properly.
  • Relatively wide availability
    . Motor oil ZIC X9 5W-40 is a fairly common product on the Russian markets. Even in small towns it can be found without any problems. The same cannot be said about some other brands.
  • Resistant to structural changes and does not degrade to an unusable state
    throughout the entire scheduled service life. It’s convenient when you don’t need to pull out the dipstick every 500 km after 5-6 thousand kilometers and check whether the oil has turned into a useless substance.

There are also negative reviews about this motor oil. There are not many of them. And all of them are extremely contrary to the general impression created by the mass of other, positive reviews.

Video review of ZIC X9 5W40 oil after replacement in Chery Amulet

There is one small point that not everyone pays attention to: negative reviews in general about ZIK products appeared after oils in plastic containers began to arrive on the Russian market. And it became easier to fake them.

Additional protective measures

In order to protect customers as much as possible from non-original goods, ZIK company specialists are developing new methods of protection against counterfeits. You must understand that only the attentiveness and responsibility of the buyer himself can avoid purchasing counterfeit oil. Yes, at ZIC enterprises they try to make the maximum number of protective signs and distinctive features. But if you don't pay attention to them, then avoiding the use of low-grade oil will be problematic.

It is not difficult to guess that the original ZIC oil works much better and ensures reliable and long-term operation of all engine components. If you fill a fake, this leads to rapid wear, serious damage and expensive repairs. If you know how to distinguish fakes from original compounds, then all this can be avoided.

The following can be identified as additional protection measures by which the original is determined.

  1. Hologram. A very interesting, modern and original solution from the manufacturer. It is not so difficult to identify fake ZIK oil. With its help, the manufacturer allows you to understand how to distinguish containers from fakes and find the original. It is important to note that applying a hologram is a patented solution from the ZIC oil manufacturer. Fake oil does not have such technology, so most buyers can easily find the original composition using it. The hologram is applied directly to the brand name of the SK Lubrikans company, that is, ZIC, and is also present on the vertical stripe if you look at the front side of the oil container. A fake has no such solution. Therefore, start at least with this identification mark. It will help you purchase real working fluid, and not take risks and wait to see how the car behaves with fake oil.
  2. Measuring scale. At first it seems that there is nothing complicated about faking a measuring scale. This is a simple transparent strip provided along almost the entire height of the canister. But even here, scammers make the same mistakes. It is the fact of an apparent trifle that plays a cruel joke on them. In real containers with motor oils from ZIK, this measuring scale is always applied neatly and evenly. The manufacturing technology itself allows you to clearly view the presence of liquid in the canister. But if you have a fake, then often the length of the strip turns out to be shorter or longer than the original one, it is poorly visible and is applied unevenly. In practice, it is difficult to introduce such an element into packaging. Therefore, even using a measuring scale, buyers often easily identify a fake.

  3. Text on back label. Run your finger over this area of ​​the canister. Do you feel something? If not, then this is definitely not a ZIK product. In real packages of motor oils from a well-known manufacturer, the text has a raised surface. It is applied in such a way that when you run your fingers over it, you can easily feel the text tactilely, that is, by touch.
  4. Engraving on the bottom. Another way to check the authenticity of the selected ZIK oil is waiting for you at the bottom of the container. Turn the container over and see if the brand logo is there. If it is not there, then everything is very clear. You can put the canister back and go to another store.

  5. Smell. It happens that you still buy products without examining the packaging. This happens when ordering online, when you are simply given oil by friends or do not have time to check the authenticity of the container. Do not rush to pour the composition into the engine. After unscrewing the cap and removing the protective foil, smell the liquid itself. Real motor oil from ZIC will not have a sharp or pronounced odor. Therefore, when you come across an excessively odorous liquid, give up the idea of ​​pouring it into the crankcase.
  6. ID code. Although the identification code is the easiest to apply, all data is still unique and corresponds to the manufacturer's specifications. Therefore, do not forget to look for the presence of this digital designation, which is applied to the section of the canister where information about the name, type and other parameters of the oil is provided.

If the authenticity check is successfully completed, you can start pouring ZIK oil into the crankcase of your car. Some doubt until the last moment whether they chose the right oil and whether the seller’s words correspond to reality. After all, it often happens that we trust store employees, rather than trying to verify the originality of the oil ourselves. This is a common phenomenon that is difficult to combat.

General recommendations

To finally make sure of the complete safety and originality of the selected working fluid from ZIK, we will carry out a few more simple tests and tests. They will let you know whether you did everything right, or whether you have a high-quality fake in your hands.

  1. Price question. All kinds of promotions, unique offers and reduced prices always work against the buyer. Blinded by discounts, we buy goods and don’t think about why the manufacturer suddenly showed such generosity. The very fact of actions from ZIK cannot be ruled out. But their oils cannot be called cheap, therefore, if the cost is too low, you should have suspicions about the authenticity of the product. If the price is reduced by more than 1/4 of the original cost, then it is better not to buy this oil. It may turn out to be original, but old, lying on the shelves. The seller just needs to implement it. Or it is a fake, for the sale of which buyers are “blurred” with a low price.
  2. Color. If the package has already been opened, you can identify the original by smell and color. We have already talked about the aroma. As for the color, in the original it is always golden or light yellow. If darker shades are detected, there is a high probability that you are looking at counterfeit products.
  3. Frost resistance. The test can be carried out at home if the appropriate temperature regime can be created. The real composition from ZIK begins to become cloudy only at temperatures from -32 degrees Celsius, but the fluidity remains unchanged. When the oil darkens earlier or begins to thicken, it is definitely fake.
  4. Splashes. The test is extremely simple and can be carried out in the store itself. Take the container in your hands and shake it. If you hear splashes, then this oil is not worth buying. In the original container, the composition cannot flop.

All these tips will help you make the right purchase and fill the oil sump of your engine with original oil from a reputable manufacturer. Always rely only on yourself, come to the store prepared and do not think that the sellers always understand everything and they are not interested in selling counterfeit products. It is best to buy such consumables for a car in certified stores, through official representatives who have the appropriate documents for the sale of ZIC products.

How to distinguish a fake ZIK oil using the example of ZIC X9 LS 5W30 (formerly XQ LS 5W30)

Hi all! In this article you will learn how to distinguish fake ZIK oil . In the fall of 2015, oils produced under the ZIC brand underwent a complete rebranding. We have already talked about this, so we will not focus on this point. You can read more about the design change in the article: New ZIC. I would just like to note that the company decided to completely abandon metal containers and use plastic instead. Of course, 20 liter buckets and 200 liter barrels will remain metal as before, but smaller containers will remain only plastic. This is far from the only change, but it is the most important. Along with the canister, methods of protection against counterfeiting have also changed. So we'll talk to them.

As usual, oil counterfeiters also took advantage of the change in design. And this is not surprising, because buyers are not yet at all familiar with the new product and will not be able to distinguish counterfeit ZIC oil from the original. Therefore, in this article we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to protect yourself from counterfeit goods.

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