Setting the correct spark plug gap in a VAZ 2109

Depending on the type of engine, different spark plugs may be installed on the car:

  1. For engines VAZ 21083-80, VAZ 2110 - A17DVRM, FE65CPR.
  2. For engines VAZ 2111-16, VAZ 2111-00 - A17DVRM, AC. R42ХLS.

During operation, it is necessary to carry out a routine inspection of the technical condition of the spark plugs on a VAZ 2109 car, cleaning them, adjusting the gap and, if necessary, replacing them. It is also recommended to change candles, regardless of their condition, according to the season - winter and summer.

The spark plugs must be unscrewed one at a time so that during subsequent installation you do not confuse the order of connecting the high-voltage wires. The procedure for checking and adjusting is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to de-energize the car by disconnecting the battery.
  • Remove the cap from the first spark plug and loosen it, unscrew it from the block head.

As for soot: If the lower part of the spark plug does not have soot or it is weak, then this fact indicates a lean mixture. Light brown uniform carbon deposits are considered normal and do not need to be cleaned. If the spark plug has glossy black soot or soot, this indicates that oil has entered the combustion chambers; such a spark plug must be cleaned.

Cleaning is done using sandpaper and a needle. It is necessary to sand the ends of the electrodes, and use a needle to clean the space between the central electrode and the skirt. Then rinse it in clean kerosene and dry it.

Replace the spark plugs if cracks, chips, or damage to the threaded part are found on the surface of the electrodes.

Now you can start checking and adjusting the electrode gap. The check must be performed only with a special round probe.

For a carburetor engine, the gap should be 0.7-0.85 mm. For an injection engine - 1.00-1.13 mm . To adjust, you need to bend or bend the electrode.

Screw the spark plug into place, having first cleaned the threaded part of the cylinder head from dirt. At this point, the repair work to check the spark plugs on the VAZ 2109 car has been completed.

On a VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099 car, the following spark plugs should be used: - for VAZ 21083-80, VAZ 2110 engines - A17DVRM, FE65CPR; - for engines VAZ 2111-16, VAZ 2111-00 - A17DVRM, AS. R42ХLS; To check and replace spark plugs on a VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099 car, do the following: 1. Disconnect the wire from the “-” terminal of the battery.

2. Remove the high voltage wire ends from the spark plugs. Clean the spark plug and the area around the spark plug from dirt so that when turning the plug out, no dirt gets into the cylinder.

3. Remove the spark plugs from the cylinder head. 4. Inspect the spark plugs. If the insulators have cracks, threads or electrodes are damaged, the spark plugs must be replaced. Light brown carbon deposits, which evenly cover the bottom of the spark plug with a thin layer, do not affect the operation of the ignition system, and the carbon deposits do not need to be cleaned off. The absence of carbon deposits on the spark plug indicates either that the engine is running on a lean mixture, or that the ignition timing is incorrectly set, or that the spark plug brand does not match the engine type. A shiny black deposit on the spark plug indicates oil has entered the engine cylinder. Such a candle must be cleaned. NOTE Checking the condition of the spark plugs and the engine itself based on the condition of the spark plugs is described in more detail in Section. 3 “Faults along the way”, subsection. “Diagnostics of engine condition by the appearance of spark plugs.”

What should be the gap

Drawing diagram of gap measurement

The spark plug gap is the distance between the electrodes that are connected to produce a spark.

Since the Samara-2 engine is an injection engine, we will talk about the gap and settings specifically for the electronic fuel injection system.

Spark plug gap standards for VAZ-2114 (8 valves)

We set the gap between the electrodes of the spark plug, the tap is 1 mm, everything is according to Feng Shui!

The normal indicator of the spark plug gap for an engine installed on a VAZ-2114 is the distance between the electrodes in the aisles - 1.0-1.13 mm .

We have already written in more detail about the choice of spark plugs for the VAZ-2114 earlier.

Consequences of an incorrect value

Therefore, if the spark plug exceeds these parameters, this can cause problems in the operation of the engine, namely:

  • Fuel consumption will change upward.
  • The car will start to stall and stall.
  • The revolutions may fluctuate.
  • An oil trace will appear in the spark plug well.
  • And others.

Measuring and correcting the gap

A special tool for setting spark plug gaps - a feeler gauge

The spark plug gap is measured and corrected using a special tool - a feeler gauge. It consists of plates that have different thicknesses. For measurement, a plate is selected that fits into the stretch, but not too much. It is the designation on the plate that will indicate the current gap.

To correct it, you need to bend the outer electrode or move it out a little.

After the adjustment, it is worth measuring the gap again. The procedure continues until the spark plug distance between the electrodes reaches the established standards.

Note. Many motorists believe that in automotive spare parts stores, spark plugs are sold with the gap already set. But that's not true. Since spark plugs are the same type for many brands and models, they have a standard gap of 1 mm. Therefore, after purchasing a new set, you need to set them according to the specified size.

Effect of incorrect clearance on engine performance

As practice shows, many motorists make the same mistake - install spark plugs without adjusting the spark plug gap between the electrodes. This may lead to the following consequences:

    A large gap leads to increased consumption of the fuel mixture . Many car enthusiasts may rejoice at the appearance of additional dynamism and traction until they see a consumption of 12-15 liters per 100 km. Another indirect indicator may be gas dips or a jerking effect. This will not only affect consumption, but also the wear and tear of the motor itself.

Black soot is the first sign of a very rich mixture.

  • A small gap will lead to the engine stalling and starting will be quite difficult . An indirect indicator can be oil in the wells, as well as a drop in power (the increase in power is written here).

Checking and installing spark plug gaps in VAZ 2109 – 21099

Almost all spark plugs produced today have a factory-set gap between the electrodes. It is different for each manufacturer. It is also different for spark plugs for carburetor engines with contact and non-contact ignition systems, and for spark plugs for injection engines.

For example, the gaps between the electrodes of spark plugs for VAZ 2109 carburetor engines vary between 0.5-0.7 mm for a contact ignition system, 0.7-0.9 mm for a non-contact ignition system.

Moreover, it is recommended to make the gap smaller by 1 mm in winter, and larger by 1 mm in summer. In this way, improved engine starting and stability of its operation at different atmospheric temperatures are achieved.

It is believed that prolonged cranking of the engine with the starter at low ambient temperatures can discharge even a new battery so much that its voltage is not enough to form a spark if the gap between the electrodes is too large or normal. At the same time, increasing the gap creates additional load on the ignition coil.

For VAZ 2109 injection engines, the gap is in the range of 0.9-1.1 mm. There are no recommendations for changing the gap size for different seasons.

The main reasons for the lack of ignition

The principle of operation is clear. All malfunctions of the VAZ 2109 ignition system are associated with the failure of one of the above elements. If there is no spark on the VAZ 2109 carburetor, it means there is a malfunction:

  • switch;
  • Hall sensor;
  • timing belt;
  • ignition coils;
  • ignition switch contact groups;
  • distributor cover contacts;
  • candles (“drenched”, burnt);
  • circuit wiring.

If the commutator is faulty, then the voltage value to the coil is not converted. A failed Hall sensor does not supply current to the switch. If the timing belt breaks, the operation of the system is disrupted and EMF is not generated. A broken coil stops the chain moving on itself, the distributor contact does not receive voltage. Damaged distributor cover contacts prevent voltage from being applied to the spark plug.

The spark plug electrodes may not produce a spark due to carbon deposits or moisture on them. It happens that the culprit is the first element of the circuit: the ignition switch. A breakdown in its contact group does not start the starter. It is also possible that a banal damage to the wiring has occurred, causing the connection of the elements to disappear.

If there is no spark in the VAZ 2109 injector, the process of finding a breakdown is much more difficult. After all, the design of the system requires the presence of a separate ignition module controlled by the ECU.

What are the differences between spark plugs?

Spark plugs provide the current discharge necessary to ignite the fuel-air mixture in the combustion chamber of the cylinders. The better the quality of the spark coming from them, the more powerful the operation of the “engine” and the lower the risk of incomplete combustion of the mixture, and therefore engine wear. The types of spark plugs depend on the design features of the engine: requirements for thermal data, the pitch of the connecting thread, and the number of electrodes. When choosing this part, you need to be aware of what spark plugs are available in order to choose the best option for your car.

Notes and additions

— For spark plugs for carburetor engines with a contact ignition system for VAZ 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107 cars, the recommended gap between the electrodes of the spark plugs is 0.5-0.7 mm, for VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099, 2105, 2107 with a contactless ignition system 0.7-0.9 mm.

For injection engines of VAZ 2107, 2108, 2109, 21099 cars 1.0-1.1 mm.

An incorrectly set gap between the electrodes of the spark plugs leads to problems with starting the engine, unstable engine idle speed, jerking when starting and driving, “dips,” loss of power and throttle response, and an increase in the engine’s fuel appetite. Normal engine operation can only be ensured by a spark plug with a gap specific for a given engine type.

Regularly check the reliability of the connections of the high-voltage wires with the spark plugs, coil and ignition distributor.

With a smaller gap, the spark will be short and weak, combustion of the fuel mixture worsens, with a large gap, the voltage required to break through the air gap between the electrodes of the spark plug increases. In this case, there may be no spark at all.

There is no need to set the gap on multi-electrode spark plugs.

Checking the gap between the spark plug electrodes

When installing new spark plugs on an engine or checking old ones, it is necessary to measure the gap between their electrodes. Old spark plugs should be cleaned of carbon deposits. The check is carried out with a round probe of the required diameter.

When checking and replacing spark plugs, be careful - if the engine is hot, you can get burned.

Measuring with a flat probe will be inaccurate, since there is almost always a small indentation on the side electrode of the spark plug due to metal transfer to the central electrode. This is especially true for candles that have already worked for some time.

Diagram, procedure for connecting VAZ high-voltage wires.

First, let's decide which of the four cylinders is first?

The first cylinder in front-wheel drive VAZs is located closer to the timing belt. If you look at the engine from the front, the first cylinder is the leftmost). And then everything is simple - from left to right - 1, 2, 3, 4.

In rear-wheel drive VAZ Classic and Niva, the first cylinder is located closer to the front bumper of the car.

VAZ carburetor gap on spark plugs

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Spark plug characteristics

Any variety of spark plugs has a number of general introductory information that must be taken into account when choosing a part. Here are the characteristics you should pay special attention to:

  1. Heat number is a designation that indicates at what pressure the gases will begin to ignite from contact with the hot area of ​​the candle, and not from the discharge. If this indicator is lower than recommended for a particular engine, the part cannot be installed.
  2. Insulation data - the temperature of the insulator is determined by the operation of the “engine”. If the insulator cone heats up to 10,000 C, glow ignition usually occurs, which should not be allowed.
  3. Operating temperature (optimal parameter – 500-9000 C).
  4. Self-cleaning from burning resulting from burning of the mixture.
  5. The width of the gap between the central electrode and the side electrode (you can adjust it yourself).
  6. The location of the side electrodes, as well as their number (it is possible to have from one to four electrodes, with an increase in the number of which sparking is more stable).

Specific parameters are determined by the design features of the engine: carburetor or injector, power, thread length and diameter.

What are candles

Let's look at the device so that you can understand more clearly what we are dealing with:

  • The spark plug housing is screwed into the cylinder head
  • The insulator material in it is heavy-duty technical ceramics
  • From the inside, a central electrode is fixed on one side and a contact rod on the other in the ceramic part of the spark plug.
  • And between them there can be a resistor that suppresses radio interference
  • Its side electrode is welded to the body

The design differences between the spark plug insulator and the central electrode itself make it possible to divide them into hot or cold:

  • Hot candles are distinguished by a large surface of the insulator, which protrudes into the chamber and is heated by burning gases, and the transition zone from the insulator to the outer shell, on the contrary, is small
  • Cold ones have an increased heat removal zone, so their working surfaces heat up less
  • The heat number expresses the ability to accumulate heat
  • Therefore, in order to choose the right replacement spark plug, you need to use an interchangeability table or a proprietary catalog, because the manufacturer has its own catalog system

Spark plugs for VAZ (Lada) 2108/2109

for repair of VAZ (Lada) 2108/2109

  • Vectra
  • Mokka
  • Antara
  • Astra
  • Meriva
  • Zafira Tourer
  • Fuel consumption:

I was looking for inexpensive and high-quality candles, took Brisk and did not regret it. I drove them for five years, they would still be similar, but I decided to play it safe and change them. Throughout the entire period, the spark plugs worked smoothly without problems, and most importantly, they did not lose their properties if they were unsuccessfully refueled with low-quality gasoline, which is important in our country.

I noticed a long time ago that the car started to twitch when accelerating... I immediately decided to look at the spark plugs and saw spark plugs from 4 different companies (how is that even possible)... I bought Brisk spark plugs and was pleased with the result, the car picks up speed very well. These candles are cheap, so there is no point in buying expensive candles. Issue price: 190 ₽.

My car is a VAZ 2109, I decided to change the spark plugs to original ones from Lada Detail. The packaging says that they were made in Russia, not China. So far I can’t say anything specific about their service life, but since the replacement I have driven about 14 thousand km. I recently took it out, inspected it, it looks like new and the engine starts perfectly in any weather.

  • Durability:

I have a very bad opinion about the NGK - it didn’t even last 20k, the engine was throttling, and only at speed, and I dug through everything until I figured out this vile spark plug.

  • Durability:

About a month ago I changed my old spark plugs, which glowed like a halo and spark plugs for cylinders 3-4 were “made to ground”, but were previously installed by Bosch Group. They only lasted 2.5 months, with a mileage of somewhere around 3 thousand km.

There were some super-cheap spark plugs when there was still a carb car, perhaps A17dvr, I wasn’t the one who bought it, I know they were definitely cheap. Well, I installed NGK, honestly there is no difference at all, in winter when it was cold I constantly changed them because it was flooded, both on NGK and on cheap ones started the same.

One hell of a carburetor, they clog up all the time.

Never had any problems with the Champion N9YC.

This spring I installed BOSCH spark plugs, I liked them better, the car ran smoother and smoother, at first I thought it was a subconscious effect, but no, the mileage on them is already normal and still good.

Reasons for replacing elements

The spark plug in any car must function in difficult conditions, solving the following problems:

  • promptly ignite the air-fuel mixture compressed in the cylinder;
  • provide an even and powerful spark discharge on its contacts;
  • sparking should not deteriorate under any engine operating mode.

For ignorant car enthusiasts, checking spark plugs comes down to a “spark” test. This gives rise to an erroneous statement: if, when connected to a source, a spark jumps between the contacts, then the element is in good working order.

But the conditions inside the combustion chamber differ from normal atmospheric ones, since there is high pressure (over 10 Bar), and instead of air there is fuel plus high temperature. Often, a spark plug that produces a reliable spark discharge in air, in the cylinder, works with misfires or does not spark at all.

The operability of the elements can only be determined on a stand with high voltage applied and pressure created in the chamber. Such a check is not available to most ordinary motorists; the only way out is to promptly replace the VAZ 2106 spark plugs by purchasing high-quality products from well-known manufacturers. These include famous brands NGK, Bosch, Beru and Brisk.

Russian spark plugs of the A17 series cannot boast of a long service life and fail after 15-20 thousand kilometers, as evidenced by the following signs:

  • The engine "troits". Moreover, sometimes it is impossible to understand which cylinder is failing, since all 4 spark plugs skip ignition cycles.
  • The car performs poorly and is unstable until it warms up.
  • With high fuel consumption, a drop in power is observed.
  • A particularly bad case is when the oil pressure light comes on. This is the result of long-term driving on bad spark plugs, when the fuel that does not burn in the cylinders flows into the crankcase and dilutes the oil, causing its pressure to drop.

Every car enthusiast should remember that if the power unit malfunctions, the first step is to unscrew the spark plugs and visually check their condition.

The color and thickness of carbon deposits on the contacts can tell a lot to an understanding motorist:

  • black carbon deposits on the contacts indicate that the fuel in the chamber does not burn completely, perhaps the spark plug has failed;
  • a white coating on the electrodes indicates a poor air-fuel mixture, the spark plug is working;
  • red carbon deposits indicate that the fuel contains harmful additives; the spark plug is most likely in good working order;
  • thick “fluffy” carbon deposits are the result of combustion of oil entering the chamber through the seals or piston group.

The normal color of electrodes is all shades of brown with a minimum thickness of plaque.

Filling spark plugs on a VAZ 2109 carburetor? You are not alone. The problem is solvable"

Filling spark plugs on a VAZ 2109 carburetor? You are not alone. The problem is solvable

Therefore, if you purchased a domestic Mercedes in the form of a VAZ 2109, do not be upset, because this is temporary, and later you will exchange it for another brand. Of course, if you don't have an opinion - .

I don’t want to offend our manufacturer, but cars 15 years ago are not famous for their excellent quality

, because they are a little “damp” and unfinished. And with the onset of autumn and winter, for the nine, real tests begin: sub-zero temperatures, constant starts and stops, a disgusting road (or rather, its complete absence).

It is during this period that spark plugs are especially vulnerable, because of them there are a lot of problems, and the very first one is “filling” with fuel during a cold start. Further movement is not possible.

Filling the carburetor with spark plugs on a VAZ 2109, and you don’t know what to do? First you need to find out the structure and find out the location. The product is made of a ceramic base, inside of which there is a rod and a contact electrode on the side. A resistor is installed between them to level out radio frequency interference. The spark plug itself is screwed into the cylinder head.

Based on the design features of the location of the insulator and electrode, they can be divided into 2 types


Solving the issue in several ways

Radical (cardinal) decision

If the VAZ 2109 is filled with spark plugs, the main question is what to do? And we do the following:

  • We go to a car store with an old spark plug for a sample, select new spark plugs in the image and likeness of the old one, and completely replace the entire set
  • When choosing, beware of fakes; do not buy too inexpensive candles that also do not have original packaging.
  • It is also recommended to take a close look at the new spark plugs and make sure there are no packaging defects, including the design, defects in the electrodes, ceramic base and inscriptions on it
  • Defects in the thread or an easily removed or unscrewed O-ring also indicate a fake.
  • However, the engine can stall somewhere on the road, far from “civilization” and shops
  • If you look from the other side, replacement is an additional expense, and usually very inappropriate
  • Let's move on to a more gentle, budget option so that the price does not hit your modest budget

The most economical solution

How to solve the problem without spending money:

  • To save money, flooded car spark plugs need to be unscrewed and “heated”; a gas burner or a homemade torch will help with this as a last resort.
  • Your task in this case is not just to heat the candles, but to warm them up until red, or at least with fire to completely clean them of carbon deposits, as well as traces of gasoline
  • This method has negative sides; many experts claim that after this the candles will not last long, because such heating can damage the ceramic core of the candle itself
  • In addition, a matte oxidation film appears on the electrodes, which it is advisable to remove with fine sandpaper

It’s up to you to choose, I’ll tell you, when you are far from the store and, as luck would have it, you need to go urgently, you don’t care about sentiment.

Checking and replacing spark plugs VAZ-2109

You will need: a spark plug wrench, a round dipstick.

Replacement frequency: After 30,000 km.

Before starting work:

Disconnect the wire from the “─” terminal of the battery.

Spark plug type: A17DVR, A17DVRM, FE65PR, FE65CPR. Until 1988, spark plugs of types A17DV and FE65P were installed on the VAZ-2109.

We recommend replacing spark plugs every 30,000 km, even if they are still in working order: old spark plugs can increase fuel consumption.

How to choose candles

When determining the required types, you should be guided by the following characteristics, which depend on the characteristics of the motor:

  • ignition features (electronic, contact, contactless, battery);
  • features of the power system (injector or carburetor);
  • amount of compression and compression.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of the fuel used. Is it worth taking iridium spark plugs, which supposedly can withstand a mileage of 60 thousand km? There is no definite answer, because it is unknown how they will behave in a particular motor. Therefore, in the absence of proper experience, it is better to carry out diagnostics from specialists.

The differences in spark plugs are associated with the rapid evolution of the automotive industry: new, more powerful models are created with new requirements for parts.

The car market is filled with a lot of manufacturer brands. The biggest difficulty is not only to choose the right ones according to the characteristics, but also to choose a manufacturer of high-quality spark plugs.

Features of starting a car in cold periods

In cold weather, before starting, you must first load the battery, then disconnect it for a while. After waiting a few minutes, you can try turning the starter to start the engine. If you fail to start the car on the first try, then in order not to fill the injector, you must wait a few more minutes. If all preventive measures were carried out in full before the frost, then there should be no problems with filling fuel.

We can list several conditions that are considered optimal for normal operation of the injector:

  • presence of a working starter;
  • maximum battery charge. The battery is powerful and in good condition;
  • seasonal lubricant is used;
  • spark plugs and high voltage electrical circuits must be in perfect condition;
  • clean, adjusted nozzles are installed;
  • The gas tank is filled with high-quality fuel.

There is an opinion among experienced drivers that driving a car along a highway at a speed of 120 km/h promotes self-cleaning of automobile systems, including the fuel system. You can also run the engine at 5000 rpm for about 10 minutes in the morning. The effect is similar to racing on a track.

What steps do you need to take to get started?

The question arises, what to do if the car is not old, all systems are in order, but in the cold it refuses to start? When turning the spark plugs out, it turns out that they are wet. As already mentioned, in the cold season, the cause of this phenomenon may be weak compression, low-quality fuel or a weak battery.

Let's look again at the manufacturer's instructions. The book on car operation defines the following algorithm of actions:

  • Turn out the spark plugs.
  • Wipe them thoroughly and dry them.
  • Run the starter for a few seconds.
  • Put everything in place.

Often, car owners clean the injector using various fuel additives. This is not recommended at all, firstly, the quality of the fuel mixture is lost, which negatively affects the operation of the entire piston group, and secondly, the injector should be cleaned using special equipment.

Experienced drivers carry several sets of spare spark plugs with them . The quality of the spark produced depends on the technical characteristics of this ignition component. There is no point in saving on candles, their cost is not that high, and low-quality candles can cause a lot of problems.

How do candles work?

To understand what is happening and why, we need to understand the nature of the phenomenon occurring, and the roots of the phenomenon are hidden deep under the hood:

  • The chain reaction that leads to the VAZ 21093 i flooding the spark plugs begins when you just turn the key in the ignition
  • When a combustible fuel-air mixture is supplied to the combustion chamber, which consists of a mixture of gasoline and air that entered this chamber through the intake valves. These valves were brought into operation by the starter. Everything is clear here for now
  • The spark plug at this point in time provides an ignition spark, which “comes” through the high-voltage wires from the ignition coil
  • Then the mixture of fuel and air ignites from a spark, and a small micro-explosion occurs, after which the engine starts, valves and pistons, and all other mechanisms begin to move

Scheme for detecting problems in the ignition system based on the state of the spark plugs

So that you can independently identify faults in the ignition system, the photo above shows a table. So:

  • As you understand, the most important elements in this chain of interactions are the spark and the combustible mixture of fuel and air
  • Therefore, if there is no spark for some reason, the motor simply does not work.
  • Therefore, after a few minutes of rotating the engine with the starter, the spark plug is filled with unburnt fuel, causing it to get wet.
  • It turns out that the VAZ 21093 floods the spark plugs and there will be no normal spark, and without a spark there is no ignition
  • You should be aware that in damp autumn or cold winter weather, ignition of the combustible mixture of air and fuel may not occur, even with fully working spark plugs
  • Simply, when the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere (environment) drops below 15 degrees, the mixture of fuel and air is cooled to such a limit that ignition problems begin to arise
  • In addition, problems arise with the spark; the spark plug does not work in normal mode, but in high load mode
  • If the engine does not start immediately, the owner stubbornly continues to rotate the engine with the starter
  • Then the VAZ 21093 gets flooded with spark plugs (like any other car), and they stop functioning completely

Everything is clear about the problem, all that remains is to decide on a solution

We start checking with the coil

The high-voltage discharge comes from the ignition coil, so we check it first. Do not try to start the car more than three times, because you can drain the battery, and it is needed when performing the test. The coil is diagnosed as follows.

  • We take out the armored wire from the distributor cover.
  • We put on gloves or pick up pliers.
  • We bring the contact of the high-voltage wire to ground.
  • The second person turns on the ignition.

If a large blue spark appears, then the coil produces a discharge, everything is in order with it. The absence of a flash or a weak spark indicates that the problem is either in the coil itself or in the elements that go in the circuit before it. We check the functionality of the coil, switch, Hall sensor, and ignition switch.

Stages of workActions
First you need to check the high-voltage wire for integrity.We set the multimeter slider to 20 kOhm, bring the probes to the opposite contacts of the wire. The device should show a resistance of 3.5–9 kOhm. If the value is greater or less, replace the wire.
If the readings on the screen are normal, we test the coil. First, the resistance of the primary winding is checked. To do this, we connect the tester probes to terminals B and K on the coil. We set the tester to 20 ohms. The reading on the screen should be between 0.4 and 0.5 ohms.
To check the secondary winding, move the probe from terminal K to the high-voltage output.The multimeter slider is 20 kOhm. The norm on the screen is 4-5 kOhm. If there are deviations from normal values, replace the coil.

If the readings are in order, we look further for why the spark disappears on the VAZ 2109 carburetor.

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