How to glue a rear view mirror: rules for using different compounds

The rearview mirror fell off. Such a nuisance can happen to any motorist. In most cars, the mirror is attached to the windshield, and due to vibration during a trip, temperature changes or other reasons, the glue loses its strength and the accessory falls off. The damage is minor, and the auto repair shop will fix the problem quickly. If you don’t have time to visit a service station, you can glue the rear-view mirror to the windshield yourself.

DVR mount

Most modern drivers have long had a video recorder - a gadget that helps them prove their case and record the moment of the accident. To secure the device, use special suction cups that do not deteriorate over a long period of time. But sooner or later the suction cups weaken and lose their fixing ability. They can be replaced with similar products that are sold in automobile stores. It is worth monitoring the condition of the mount and changing it in a timely manner so that the DVR does not fall or break.

How to glue a rear view mirror to a windshield

Many drivers make a big mistake when they are inattentive when choosing an adhesive for connecting a metal fastening element to glass. The most common erroneous option is to connect the rear view mirror to the windshield using ordinary Moment construction adhesive. In second place in popularity among incorrectly chosen products is double-sided tape.

It is important to understand that the adhesive material with which the rear view mirror clings to the windshield must:

  • Withstand the weight of the mirror, which consists of a metal mount, plastic parts and glass;
  • Maintain its properties at increased vibration. Moment glue is not able to work in conditions of constant vibration, and on the next bump the interior mirror will fall off if you use it for fastening;
  • Do not lose stickiness due to temperature changes. The windshield of a car is subject to serious temperature changes, which are partially transferred to the adhesive. Sun rays in summer and snow settling on the glass in winter should not affect the adhesive properties of the chosen product.

The properties listed above are inherent in epoxy resin, with which you can securely mount the rear view mirror to the windshield. But the problem with its use is that for high-quality fastening it is necessary to press the interior mirror to the glass for 10-12 hours, fixing it securely. Since this is quite difficult to do, it is better to use special means for gluing the rear view mirror to the windshield.

In automotive chemical stores you can find many different products designed to fix rear view mirrors to the windshield. Here is a list of the most popular and high-quality adhesive options:

  • Permatex 81840 or Permatex 81844. Inexpensive product for gluing the rear view mirror to the windshield. Among its advantages, one can note the presence in the kit of a special napkin for degreasing the surface.
  • DoneDeal DD6588. Also a good and fairly inexpensive adhesive, consisting of an adhesive and an accelerator in separate bottles. There is a solution similar in its qualities and method of application - Loctite 319, but it costs a little more;
  • KR-152, An-110 and 105. High-quality Russian versions of adhesive for the rear-view mirror on the windshield. The cost is slightly lower than that of foreign analogues.

Most often, the price of glue for interior glass depends on the configuration and volume of the substance.

Why does the mirror fall off?

Before choosing adhesive for your rearview mirror, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the reasons why it comes off more often. It is not attached directly to the windshield. There is a special plate between the surfaces. A structure with reflective glass is fixed to it in different ways. For this, you can use a screw, runners, or staples.

Reasons for mirror tearing:

  • Accident.
  • Violation of the integrity of the windshield for any reason.
  • Use of low-quality adhesive during assembly.
  • Any mechanical impact. The driver or passenger may accidentally catch it with his hand.

If the glass surface is cracked, it must be replaced, otherwise the crack may spread over time.

Possible problems when gluing car mirrors

Often, when independently installing a torn mirror, a car enthusiast is faced with a number of troubles, which it is better to know about in advance.

Poor quality glue

A low-quality composition has poor adhesion to smooth substrates, and therefore is not able to hold them in the desired position for a long time. In addition, second-grade adhesives quickly crack under stress and vibration, as a result of which the mirror can fall off while driving.

Cold surfaces

If the work is carried out in winter, it is worth warming up the parts to be glued in advance, for example, using a regular hair dryer. This technique will help increase the adhesion of materials and extend the service life of the seam.

Violation of technology

If the work is done incorrectly, the mirror will not be attached to the glass securely enough. Most often, beginners ignore degreasing the base, sanding it with sandpaper, and completely removing the old adhesive. All these violations entail a decrease in the quality of the adhesive joint.

Start of use too quickly

Before using the machine, you need to wait the time specified by the glue manufacturer before its final polymerization. If the seam is subjected to vibration and stress at an earlier time, the mirror may become detached.

Bonding technology

The algorithm of actions depends on the type of material on which the mirror can be glued. The surfaces on which the composition will be applied must first be degreased. The use of glue on the back side is possible not only in stripes, but also in dots. When fixing a large mirror, you should prepare supports. When working, it is necessary to observe safety measures: provide access to fresh air, use personal protective equipment, hold the can or tube of glue in such a way as to prevent contact with the eyes. In addition, you should make sure that the product has not expired.

To the furniture

In order to save space, mirrors are often fixed on furniture, it can be wood, plywood, chipboard, MDF. Before gluing the mirror to the wood, all surfaces should be degreased with a solvent. What glue can be used for these purposes is specially designed or colorless construction silicone.

When choosing how to glue mirrors to plywood and similar materials, you should rely on the weight and size of the reflector. For a small, lightweight product you can use liquid nails, but for a massive one it is better to take a more reliable composition

What else you should pay attention to is the condition of the surface - if it is not covered with varnish or laminating compound, it must be sanded with sandpaper and degreased

If you are going to stick a mirror on a cabinet door, the latter should first be removed from its hinges. Then attach the product to it and outline it around the perimeter. After degreasing, stick double-sided tape on the door in strips of small width at a distance of 10-20 cm, depending on the width. Apply glue between the strips. After the composition has dried, the door can be placed back on the cabinet.

Check dimensions

There should not be a gap between the mirror and the door

Degrease the surfaces of the elements Apply glue Glue the mirror

To Wall

It’s not difficult to choose wall adhesive for a mirror. The industry produces different types that allow you to attach the reflector to metal or concrete. But what you can use to glue a mirror to walls whose surface is covered with wallpaper is mounting adhesive. However, it is worth considering: if the mirror weighs more than two kilograms, there is a possibility that the wallpaper will not withstand the load and will slide off along with the glue.

The concrete wall should be pre-coated with a primer, removing any unevenness. If you plan to attach a large mirror, first apply glue to the surface of the wall and distribute it evenly with a notched trowel. If it is painted, it does not matter what glue you use to plant the product. The main thing is to degrease the surface well and walk over it with sandpaper.

Prepare the mirror Apply glue in dots

Attach the mirror to the wall and place supports. Secure the mirror with light pressure along the entire perimeter

Which glue to choose


When installing a rear view mirror on the windshield, specialists use a product with a reflective effect. The special composition is able to harden under ultraviolet exposure. This allows you to catch the moment the glue sets in a timely manner. Ultraviolet light is supplied by a powerful lamp.

A specialized adhesive composition can also be purchased in a regular store.

But here it is important to have a lamp. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain

Therefore, for repairs in simple conditions, adhesives that can harden due to their chemical composition are recommended.

It is not advisable to use conventional mixtures for such work. You will not achieve results, but will only waste effort and money. There are special compounds that can set quickly and have increased strength. It is better to choose transparent glue

Because if parts get dirty due to carelessness, the glue will not be visible. These products are more expensive

Loctit glue

  • Loctit. Considered the best option. It contains an activator. Used in car services in the production of cars. A tube costs about 1000 rubles;
  • Permatex. Less expensive option (from 300 rubles). The set includes a special napkin soaked in activating liquid;
  • KR-152, An-11-, An-105 are domestic types of adhesive products. Cheap formulations are sold - up to 100 rubles per tube, but a mirror glued to the windshield will not last long;
  • Poxipol. Used by many drivers. The composition is transparent. Can effectively stick objects.

How to use Abro glue

Abro glue

As already mentioned, experts use compounds that harden using ultraviolet radiation. It is impossible to attach a rear view reflector to the windshield with such glue without a specialized lamp. Without it, the product is a paste-like mass, useless during installation.

Abro rear view mirror adhesive only hardens when exposed to chemicals. The product contains an adhesive and an activator. They promote strong bonding of parts to glass, as well as metal and glass objects to each other. Abro is used not only for car repairs.

What is needed to work with such glue? A strict sequence of actions is important here.

The surface is cleaned, degreased and the old layer is removed. The procedure is carried out as with all details

It is important to do this in a warm car interior - no lower than 20 degrees. The place where the glued area is located is marked. Roughness is created on the glass surface at the gluing points. This is done with sandpaper

This increases the contact area. Abro is applied to the reflector and pressed into place. Don't forget to look at the instructions while working.

A magnet is used to secure the element. It is first wrapped in thin rubber. To consolidate the result, the car should be left alone for at least a day.

Products Leroy Marlene

There is a company that sells specialized adhesive compositions for installation work. Many consumers know Leroy Marlene. The company has its own website and offers quality products. Here you can view the full range and choose the right product.

Here are some of the types of glue:

Sodual glue

  • Titan. Assembly adhesive made from synthetic rubber. Titan glue is used when working with decorative mirrors and other glass products with porous surfaces. To glue, the product is applied to the parts dotted or in strips. Titan has high strength and water-resistant seams. One of its advantages is the ability to be used in conditions of high humidity.
  • Sodual. Its waterproof, transparent composition allows you to attach not only car mirrors, but also ordinary interior mirrors. It is used to glue ceramic tiles, mosaics, and foam products.
  • Bisson Mirror. Used to glue traditional silver mirror elements.

This is not the entire range offered. All options are easy to use, thanks to compact tubes.

How to choose the right composition

To securely attach the mirror without it coming off, it is important to choose the right adhesive. It must meet the following requirements:

  1. Support the mass of the element. The mirror includes metal elements, glass, and plastic components.
  2. Maintain performance in high vibration environments. For example, Moment glue is not able to withstand vibration. Therefore, when driving on uneven roads, the mirror may fall off.
  3. Tolerate temperature fluctuations. The windshield experiences frequent temperature changes. The glue also suffers partly from them. It should not lose its characteristics under the influence of sunlight or settling snow.

What adhesives are used for rear view mirrors

Motorists sometimes encounter mirrors coming off. However, experts do not advise worrying about this. This problem can be completely solved.

There can be many reasons for peeling off. Most often this is caused by mechanical stress or the expiration of the adhesive. To achieve good results in fixing the mirror, it is worth choosing high-quality glue.

To fasten this element, professional craftsmen use substances that harden and provide a strong connection under the influence of special ultraviolet lamps.

You can buy such glue in a special store. However, you should not use it yourself. This substance hardens exclusively under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This requires the use of special high power lamps.


Abro adhesive is designed for durable fixation of glass and metal. This substance is characterized by the following features:

  • hardens quickly;
  • is highly resistant to tearing and impact;
  • does not collapse under the influence of vibration;
  • does not suffer from external factors - ultraviolet radiation or temperature changes.

The instructions contain information that the glue is considered two-component. The action of the activator leads to its solidification. It is recommended to open the adhesive and activator before use.

Donedeal DD6588

This is a two-component substance, the hardening of which is carried out under the influence of an activator. The glue hardens 70% after 15 minutes. Complete hardening is observed only after 24 hours. The composition can be used to quickly glue a mirror. In just a quarter of an hour you can use the car.

Permatex 81840

This is an affordable adhesive that provides a secure attachment to the mirror and windshield. The composition sets in just a few seconds. After 15 minutes the composition becomes as strong as possible.

The substance contains an adhesive and an activator. The kit also includes a napkin soaked in reagents. With its help, it is recommended to treat the base before applying the adhesive. This set allows you to fix a loose mirror on the road.

Loctite 319

This manufacturer produces different types of glue. The composition may contain 10 nylon impregnations or a container with an activator. Both sets help to ensure a secure fixation of the mirror. In this case, it is recommended to apply the adhesive composition or impregnation to both surfaces that are planned to be connected.

Epoxy resin

This product is affordable. At the same time, it provides reliable fixation. However, using epoxy resin is not always convenient. It may take up to 10 hours for the substance to harden.

Epoxy based

This compound has an epoxy base. It contains a polymerizer. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve rapid setting.


This is an affordable product from a domestic manufacturer. It is characterized by excellent adhesive characteristics.


This composition is produced by a Russian brand. It is low cost and provides reliable fastening.

The substance is produced by a Russian company. It is inexpensive, but at the same time is characterized by high efficiency.


This popular glue is used by many craftsmen. The composition contains a liquid activator. Thanks to this component, it is possible to obtain an adhesive mass.


This glue is often used by professional craftsmen. Using the substance, it is possible to fix the metal brackets of the mirror holders.

The composition is considered two-component. It sets within 1 minute and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature fluctuations. The substance is capable of withstanding severe vibrations.

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Finally, I’ll tell you a little about how to glue. After all, it’s not enough to just buy a high-quality and expensive composition. They still need to be used skillfully.

If you want to do everything yourself, but at the same time expect durability and reliability from the installation, then follow a few rules when gluing.

Special cases

The rules for installing mirrors differ, due to the characteristics of the wall material. For example, any mirrors can be glued to a concrete base, but the cement surface should be carefully primed. When installing accessories on drywall, it is better to use a mechanical fastening method. And if you first make an intermediate screen (substrate), you can glue the mirror sheet to any wall.

Large mirror

Large glass products are more difficult to glue due to their large area and weight. Soudal brand adhesives have strong fixing properties. The product can be applied pointwise, but it is better to use a notched spatula to evenly distribute the composition and securely glue the mirror.

If the reflective surface occupies a very large area, you need to glue several canvases, leaving a technological gap of 2-3 mm between them, and installing supports at the joints.

How to remove glue from a mirror

During installation, excess adhesive may remain on the glass. It is easy to remove using products such as alcohol-containing compounds, gasoline combined in equal proportions with ethyl acetate, or window cleaners. Old stains should be thoroughly moistened and left for 2-3 hours to soften the glue. After this, just rub the stain with a sponge and rinse with warm water and detergent.

To avoid scratching the surface, do not use substances with abrasive particles, use hard objects or metal brushes.

How to stick a mount to a mirror

If the gluing method is not suitable in a particular situation, metal fasteners must be glued to the mirror accessory. The materials can be firmly connected with two-component epoxy glue, high-temperature silicone, Moment-Crystal.

Moment Crystal is used to firmly connect various materials

Contacting surfaces must be degreased with acetone, alcohol, or nail polish remover. The glass needs to be heated with a hairdryer to a temperature of +30°C, apply glue pointwise, press the metal fragment to the product and leave until completely dry. Installation of the mount is required if the mirror can only be fixed to the wall mechanically.

Assessing the extent of damage

If the mirror falls off the window, there may be 3 scenarios, on which the method of further fastening depends:

Of course, some brands of cars, for example VAZ, sell brackets for attaching to the roof of the car. There are also universal mirrors with suction cups on sale. However, it is worth considering that installation on brackets requires making new holes. And the suction cups may turn out to be of poor quality and quickly come off. Therefore, the best option is to use glue.

How to properly glue a car mirror to the windshield

To achieve a strong and reliable fixation, it is important to learn how to use the adhesive correctly:

It is best to fix the mirror in the center of the windshield. To correctly select the location of this element, you need to apply strokes with a marker. It is recommended to do this outside. Thanks to this, you will be able to immediately glue the mirror correctly and avoid the need to change its location. Be sure to get rid of any remaining glue. To do this, it is recommended to use a stationery knife. To clean the metal of the bracket from foreign objects, it is recommended to preheat it. This can be done with a hairdryer. Thanks to this simple manipulation, the glue will be removed much easier. Use fine sandpaper to sand the glass in the gluing area. It is enough to lightly rub the surfaces. This will help increase the adhesion of the parts. Wipe the glass and holder with a degreaser. To do this, it is not enough to treat the surface with a soft cloth soaked in acetone. To achieve good results, one rag should be soaked in acetone and applied to the glass to dissolve the grease, and the second should be used to remove any remaining dirt. Remove the metal fastener. It is recommended to move it down. If this is not possible, it is necessary to think in advance about support for the mirror while the glue hardens. Start the gluing process. This is done after the surfaces have dried. Before using the substance, you should carefully study the instructions. You should pay attention to the areas where the adhesive and activator are applied.

The duration of gluing is of no small importance. Fix the mirror for the polymerization period. Good glue is not able to harden in a few minutes. Therefore, while drying, the car mirror needs to be securely fixed.

It is recommended to place a strong magnet on the outside of the windshield. If it is not there, it is permissible to use tape or plasticine. However, subsequently there will be a need for purification from excipients.

Repairing the mirror yourself

Situations often occur when the mirror comes off separately from the plate that is glued to the windshield. In this case, the reflective element itself may break. If the car is running, it’s easy to find parts for it, they are inexpensive, it’s easier to buy a new product. However, if finding a new design is difficult, try the repair yourself.

It consists of several actions:

  1. Using any sharp object, you need to separate the plastic parts.
  2. Remove the pieces of the cracked mirror.
  3. Cut out a special pillow from polystyrene foam, which needs to be glued to the plastic body inside.
  4. Purchase a new reflective element and stick it on the prepared foam pillow.

Secure the plastic parts of the housing together.

Experienced car owners give a number of tips that will help to glue the mirror more effectively, make the connection more reliable, and reduce the risk of breakdowns.

These include:

  • Before gluing the base, we must not forget about degreasing the working surface.
  • Do not violate the sequence of instructions indicated on the packaging of adhesive compositions.
  • To secure the plastic case with the mirror while the glue dries, you need to use masking tape. Additionally, support the structure with a spacer.
  • The metal bracket can also be installed using the same glue as the mirror. However, it is important to consider the material of the interior trim.
  • You cannot simultaneously fasten the base and the rest of the product with the reflective element. Under the weight of the entire part, the connection may break.

The unpleasant smell of glue will disappear after some time of parking in the garage or driving with the windows slightly open.

Requirements for glue for mirrors

When choosing a suitable product, even a high-quality one from a well-known brand, you should make sure that the composition is intended not just for glass, but specifically for mirrors. The fact is that some of them may contain components that destroy the amalgam (reflective layer), which over time will lead to the appearance of stains on the mirror surface. Also, the fastening composition should not contain acids or alkalis.

When choosing, the material of manufacture and the specifics of the room in which the mirror will be located are no less important. Since the dimensions of the glass change with temperature changes, an adhesive should be used for bathtubs and showers that not only withstands high humidity, but is also not afraid of cold and heat. If it is not flexible enough, a hard substrate will form on the surface after drying, which may result in the glass cracking. Accordingly, the mirror will hold securely only if the adhesive composition has good elasticity and adhesion.

Adhesive types fall into two categories: neoprene and acrylic, each with its own properties. Neoprene contains rubber, so it has a strong odor but good adhesion. Acrylic is environmentally friendly, but cannot be used everywhere. Water solubility makes it undesirable to use in rooms with high humidity, such as the bathroom and kitchen.

Requirements for high-quality glue for mirrors:

  1. No toxic substances, alkalis or acids in the composition.
  2. High level of adhesion to various materials.
  3. Light or transparent color.
  4. Fast drying time.
  5. Elasticity.

The cheapest option is solvent-based glue. Silicone is chemically neutral and provides good adhesion. But their drying time is slightly longer. Therefore, it is easiest to work with a fastening agent that has a hybrid composition. Its high cost is more than compensated by a high-quality connection.

The adhesive must be intended not just for glass, but specifically for mirrors. The adhesive must be resistant to changes in temperature and humidity

Preparation for work

After peeling off the mirror, traces of old glue may remain on the surface. They need to be wiped off with automotive solvent or other suitable substance, or carefully cut off with a razor. Next, as preparation, the gluing area is carefully rubbed with fine sandpaper to make it rougher. It is enough to achieve some clouding of the base, and the level of adhesion will significantly improve.

Also, the base should be cleaned of any dirt, dried, and then marked with a pencil in order to avoid mistakes during work. Most often, this place is located exactly in the center of the windshield. If the fallen bracket has torn out the top layer of glass, the mirror will have to be attached slightly to the side. Immediately before work, the glass and the base of the mirror should be treated with acetone, and then wiped dry with a clean cloth.

What is auxiliary fastener

Before you start attaching a mirror to the wall, especially if it is large, you should think about how to hold it until it dries completely. In this case, various types of auxiliary fasteners will come to the rescue. When gluing small mirrors, you can use lighter types of fasteners rather than the adhesive itself. The most popular types include liquid nails and double-sided tape. Each method has its own scope of application depending on the material.

The advantage of liquid nails over other methods is that they create a strong connection, even if the parts to be glued do not fit tightly together, which is especially important for porous materials. This greatly simplifies the installation of uneven surfaces

The base is synthetic rubber with polymer additives. The big advantage is elasticity.

Before gluing a mirror with liquid nails, you will need to purchase a special gun into which a cartridge loaded with glue is inserted. Outwardly, it resembles a syringe. By pressing, the adhesive composition is applied to the degreased surface in a dotted or serpentine manner. The use of liquid nails for a mirror is advisable when the reflector is to be glued to wallpaper or drywall.

An alternative to this method is double-sided tape. It is a tape with an adhesive applied to both sides. On one side it is protected by a film. It can only withstand light, small-sized canvases. Pieces of tape are evenly distributed over the fat-free back surface. Then the protective film is removed from them and pressed against the material. This way you can glue the mirror to a cabinet or any other furniture. The method is suitable for beginners, since if there are any unevenness, the tape can be easily removed and re-glued.

Liquid nails Double-sided tape

Glue that will suit

When choosing how to glue the rear view mirror to the windshield, you can get confused about the manufacturers and names of adhesive compositions. To make it easier to make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular and effective means.

These include several names:

  1. Loctite - according to reviews from satisfied car enthusiasts, this is the best adhesive in its class. The finished connection has a high strength index and is resistant to prolonged exposure to vibration. The best names are 37438, 319.
  2. Permatex. Another adhesive compositions for cars that have an optimal price/quality ratio. If the glue is applied correctly, the mirror will remain motionless on the glass surface for a long time. The hardened substance is resistant to vibrations.
  3. Domestic manufacturers also produce high-quality adhesive compositions. Among them, two names stand out - AN, KR.
  4. Another well-known glue is 3M. Supplemented with a liquid activator to obtain an adhesive mass.
  5. Abro glue for rear view mirror. It is a quick-setting adhesive composition with which you can obtain a reliable connection in a short period of time. Holds different materials firmly together. For glass, the modification RV-495-R is usually used.
  6. Poxipol is an epoxy adhesive that is popular in driving circles. It is valued for its efficiency and durability. The cost of the composition is above average.
  7. DoneDeal is one of the popular two-component compounds that can be found in car dealerships. Low cost makes it more attractive to drivers.
  8. IMG - adhesive for rear view mirrors. The instructions say that it is used for professional work. Bonds the metal brackets of the rear view mirror holders to the car windows. The two-component composition sets in 1 minute and resists UV radiation and temperature changes. Able to withstand strong vibrations and lifting up to 150 kg/cm², resistant to windshield wipers. They can also be used to glue the rotary clamps of the side windows.

When deciding how to glue the rear view mirror, it is permissible to consider the option of using regular universal epoxy resin. The connection will be reliable, however, it is not entirely convenient to work with this type of adhesive. It hardens in no less than 10 hours.

How to glue a rearview mirror to a windshield

Initially, you need to select an adhesive composition. When the means for repair work has been selected, you should familiarize yourself with how to glue the rear view mirror to the windshield. To do this, there are step-by-step instructions on the adhesive packages. In any case, the general installation technology using glue will be presented below.

Glue it step by step

As an example, you can take any two-component adhesive from those presented above. You can read more about this here, how to work with eboxy.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare the windshield. The place where the mirror will be glued must be cleaned of dirt, dust, and deposits. Degrease with a cloth moistened with any non-greasy and non-aggressive solvent. Acetone, glass cleaner, alcohol, etc. will do.
  2. Disconnect the structure with the reflective surface from the special platform.
  3. Mark on the windshield the location and dimensions of the element to be installed.
  4. Open the glue package and mix the two components according to the instructions.
  5. Apply the finished mixture to the glass surface. No need to apply it to the site.
  6. Wait 3 minutes.
  7. Apply a little glue to the central part of the platform. Lean it against the prepared place.
  8. Hold with your hand for about 5 minutes until the composition sets.

Any adhesive that appears at the edges must be quickly removed with a sponge or rag. Wait at least 1 hour and hang the mirror on the mount.

Any car enthusiast can glue the product without having any specific skills.

Some useful tips

For a metal patch, you can make a handle-holder from plasticine, which will allow you to easily perform various manipulations with the patch. With its help, the entire operation can be performed as accurately and quickly as possible. After the work is completed, it can be removed without any difficulty.

If it takes a fairly long period of time for the glue to dry, then a powerful magnet can be used to fix the metal plate. It is wrapped in thin rubber and applied on the outside. The presence of rubber will not allow the magnet to slide along the surface of the glass and will protect the latter from damage.

Some tricks

Useful tips on how to glue mirrors:

  • The composition can be applied in stripes and in spots - if necessary, this simplifies dismantling.
  • To glue a large format mirror, the composition must be evenly distributed over the entire back surface using a fine-toothed spatula.
  • It is not recommended to combine different adhesives, since such experiments can cause a chemical reaction, destroy the amalgam or damage the wall.
  • You can glue small objects weighing up to 20 kg on almost all surfaces with double-sided tape - the tape can withstand such loads well.
  • It is necessary to check the shelf life of the glue, since its adhesive characteristics decrease over time.
  • To prevent the mirror from “floating” on the wall before the glue dries, you should install a support.

For work, compositions are used that, after polymerization, form elastic seams. With thermal expansion of different contacting materials, there will be a necessary gap between them, reducing the stress in the glass sheet. If you follow the installation rules, installing mirror accessories will not cause any difficulties.

Gluing side mirrors

In some cases, the mirror element may peel off from the base itself, but remain intact. If you notice the problem in time, it can be fixed without much difficulty. Gluing an element with regular superglue cannot be called a reliable method. Rain, snow, car washes, and sun will quickly deteriorate the adhesive joint. You need to choose any of the above compositions or buy a neutral adhesive-sealant at a hardware store. The procedure for restoring the mirror will be as follows:

  • remove the remaining plate from the part body;
  • slightly sand the factory tape that is inside;
  • degrease the mirror plate and base;
  • apply glue or sealant, fix the elements;
  • remove excess glue that has come out along the edge;
  • squeeze the part with clothespins or special clamps.

Double sided tape

This tape is sold at any hardware or automotive store. However, professionals do not recommend using it, because such a mount cannot be called reliable. Scotch tape is used as a temporary measure if high-quality glue is not available.

Acrylic glue

Products based on acrylic copolymers have high adhesion to smooth substrates. With their help, it is quite possible to stick on a side-view mirror if it breaks. Typically, the part can be used 1-3 days after applying the glue. Primary fixation takes a minimum of time (about 60 seconds).

Sealant "Auto glue"

This all-purpose clear adhesive is designed to bond any materials used in automotive manufacturing. It is ideal for joining dissimilar substrates that have different coefficients of thermal expansion.

Using “Auto Glue” you can glue side mirrors, since it can easily withstand shock loads, vibration, frost and temperature increases, and exposure to technical fluids.

DVR mount

A video recorder is one of the most important accessories in a modern driver’s car. This device helps prove you are right on the road. It helps resolve controversial issues that arise when driving a vehicle.

A novice motorist may not know how to properly fix the recorder to the windshield. To mount the camera, you can use special suction cups. These elements provide a strong hold for a long period of time.

If the suction cups fall off or do not stick, replacement is required. It's not difficult to do. It is worth considering that over time, rubber or silicone products lose their ability to fix and become unusable. If dropped even from a small height, the DVR can be seriously damaged. Therefore, replacement of suction cups should be carried out in a timely manner.

Installing a multi-function mirror

New cars are an assemblage of all sorts of gadgets and gadgets that increase comfort, simplify many actions, and expand possibilities.

Regarding the rear view mirrors, they can be equipped with backlighting, brightness adjustment, a recorder with a screen, and a navigator. A modern design with many functions is difficult to keep in weight.

According to most car owners, the best way to glue a heavy structure to the windshield is to use Poxipol cold welding. This is an expensive, two-component composition that sets in 10 minutes, forming a strong connection.

It is enough to degrease the work surface, mix the components together, and then glue the part to the glass. After waiting 10-15 minutes, you can use the mirror, changing its position as much as possible.

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