How to protect your garage from bad guys: we protect the gate from burglary

A garage is primarily necessary for secure storage of a car. In addition, many car enthusiasts set up a workshop, cellar, warehouse in it, and keep numerous spare parts, tools, and seasonal tires in the garage. It is important to know how to protect your garage from being opened. Today we will look at the most significant factors and effective methods. Let's find out how the protection of the premises differs depending on the type of materials from which the garage is built. Having learned numerous useful tips, everyone will be able to ensure safety in their garage.

First line of defense

An ordinary key hatch that opens a garage door can be opened quite simply:

  • gets hacked;
  • breaks;
  • gets out;
  • breaks out;
  • cut out;
  • drilled, etc.

Often, many drivers think that by purchasing a garage, they have secured their car, but this is not so. The most attractive locks for thieves are those with a Soviet deadbolt lock. An attacker will recognize it immediately by its small hole. In this case, the hacking occurs very quickly, thanks to a special metal spoke, which he inserts into the hole and with a slight movement breaks it open in a few seconds. A hatch opens, behind which there are often 2 pins; they can also be easily removed and the gate is open.

Deadbolt lock

Naturally, the first thing to do to protect yourself from such problems is to change the deadbolt lock to a more modern one. Also, at the same time, it is necessary to weld 2 lugs on the inside of the door so that it is possible to additionally hang a padlock.

There is no trick against scrap. Often, attackers use simple but effective tools to open a lock.

Welded corners

Most often, the gate is opened with the most ordinary crowbar. This is done very simply, especially if there is even a small door gap, which eventually forms on gates of any quality of metal. It may lead to loops or the target will appear for another reason, but the essence is that a crowbar is inserted into it and the lock begins to break out. Cheap locks almost instantly cannot withstand such pressure, so it is best not to save money.

To protect yourself from such actions, a corner is welded onto the second door of the gate in such a way that a burglar will not be able to insert a crowbar, even into the existing gap.

Welded corners

Additional lock on the hatch

To prevent the possibility of tearing out, drilling or simply knocking out the hatch, an additional lock is installed on it, which protects it, but it is enough to simply knock it down with an ordinary sledgehammer, therefore the padlock on the hatch must also be protected. To do this, metal plates are welded on top and on the sides so that the thief cannot swing and knock him down.

Some car owners protect the door hatch with two padlocks that cover it with a plate.

Additional lock


If an attacker sees that the lock is strong enough, then he does not need to break it and simply cuts off the hinges. His goal is to get inside, and how this is done makes no difference.

To protect your garage from this type of burglary, you need to weld the corners on the sides of the hinges.



Some attackers don't bother at all about how to get in, and if all previous defense methods have been taken into account, then they simply cut out their entrance, opening it like a tin can.

There are known cases when a tire from a Ural chainsaw was taken, sharpened strongly and then simply crashed into a gate, opening a metal door like opening a tin can. Even 3 mm metal cannot resist such an onslaught.

To provide protection against such interference, additional plates, corners, fittings and other metal “garbage” are welded onto the back side of the gate.

Metal patches are better only if you weld another sheet of metal to the door.

Video: we provide reliable protection for the garage

It is worth watching the useful materials in the video. Here, car enthusiasts tell you how to protect garages from being opened, and show everything with specific examples. For example, you can make reliable garage doors by equipping them with a special locking hatch. This will significantly improve the level of security.

You also need to pay attention to the correct installation of modern reliable locks on garage doors. The following video explains in detail how to do this.

If you follow the advice, act comprehensively, and do not leave any weak points in the structure’s protection, you will be able to ensure safety in your garage.

Second line of defense

If the attackers are serious and determined to open the garage at any cost, then they can try to “inflate” the hinges. This is done using a gas cutter. They cut off the hinges and all previous door protections will not have any effect, but in this case you can protect yourself.

Holes are made in the gate jamb, and pins are welded into the door for them. Thus, even if the hinges are cut, the door will still remain in place, even if it sag a little.

Some weld a kind of huge metal latch to the inside of the gate, which prevents the door from falling, even if the door is torn off its hinges.


But this may not help either, because there have been cases when the gate was simply torn out. To do this, 6 mm metal plates are welded at the corners of the gate, which hold the gate in the frame. In this case, the attacker has 2 options:

  1. Tear out the gate with the wall.
  2. Break your car.

Hinges, doors and locks

There is no point in spending money on powerful walls of a car fortress if at the same time it has a standard door with simple hinges and a lock. Imagine, your “iron friend” will have reliable strong walls, but flimsy gates that, relatively speaking, can be “knocked out with your shoulder.” A padlock, even the largest one, is not enough, because it is very easy and quick to saw through it or break it with a crowbar, as well as with a jerk from a car. Be sure to install at least two internal locks, and it is advisable to make the arms, fastenings and handles of the locks hidden, otherwise they will also be quite easy to saw off or cut off with a stand-alone grinder. Breaking into a garage will be guaranteed impossible if the door is free of anything that can be grabbed or caught on - only a perfectly smooth surface. To eliminate bolts with heads peeking out that are easy for thieves, attach the door by welding.

Third line of defense

In any case, if they decide to hack you, it’s only a matter of time, because the best option would be to install a GSM alarm system. It can be installed in different places. Special sensors are installed both on the hatch and on the gate opening. It can be connected to your mobile or private security, private security company.

The best option is to use all protection methods at the same time. Some even keep a guard dog inside the garage, but do not forget that the animal needs regular walks, fresh drinking water and food. This option is relevant only if the owner of the garage stays in it as often and for a long time as possible.


Along with the GSM alarm, it is best to install an additional 2 Wi-Fi video cameras, one of which should be located inside the garage, and the second outside.

You should never forget that even intruders caught in the act will fight back, so no things inside the garage exceed the cost of your own life, so when trying to break in, it is best to contact specialists and professional security guards. You should never choose between your wallet and life, because the first without the second makes no sense.

Types of garages, level of security in them

It turns out that the protection of a garage largely depends on what material it is made of. Let's look at all the main types of garages, find out how safe it is to store a car in them, and how you can enhance protection.

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete structure. This is the best option for a garage so that it is truly durable, reliable, and ensures safety. This design can be ordered at a Russian reinforced concrete products plant. Of course, you will need craftsmen and appropriate specialized equipment for its transportation and installation. But in this garage it is quite difficult to break through the wall. With good hinges and locks, gates, the structure will become impregnable.
  • Brick garages. These structures can also be very durable. But everything depends on the material and the quality of the masonry. In addition, there is a weak spot: the floor slabs on the gates. Criminals lift them with jacks, providing clearance for themselves. Experienced garage workers simply attach such a plate directly to the garage door frame, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the structure.

  • Metal buildings. Unfortunately, widespread garages made of corrugated sheets are becoming the least protected. Even teenagers can handle them without much difficulty. The metal panels themselves are vulnerable. In addition, there is a danger that the entire structure will simply be lifted above the ground. The problem is also in the thickness of the metal: if it is thin, the garage is opened with a simple device that resembles a familiar can opener. Therefore, it is important to use thick, durable metal. A good solution is a sectional garage, which is assembled on site. Of course, the floor must be connected to the walls. It is also worth taking care of pouring the foundation so that it cannot be undermined.

When you have the opportunity to choose, it is better to choose a ready-made monolithic reinforced concrete garage. If it is not there, you will need to strengthen the existing structure.

Expose a wall - the first popular hacking method

If your garage is located in a place far from public view, and its back wall overlooks a vacant lot or is close to the blank wall of another building, you can be sure that this is the method they will try to display your property. The method is simple - the wall is dismantled at the back, and all valuables are simply taken out of the resulting hole in a few minutes. A minibus driving close to the wall is unlikely to arouse suspicion even in a busy neighborhood, let alone in a vacant lot.

The features of the method are quite simple:

  • usually garages are built with a half-brick wall, and the brick itself is placed on edge in order to save materials and not overpay builders for work on site;
  • there is also no insulation, since there is no need for it, so there remains a bare wall outside and inside, even a layer of foam insulation is unlikely to complicate the task;
  • such masonry is broken with several blows of a sledgehammer or a large hammer, and then disassembled to the required size, forming a convenient opening for carrying your things outside;
  • a machine for loading stolen property can usually be driven directly to the back wall of the garage box, this greatly simplifies the task for intruders and covers them in the event of people passing by;
  • It will be difficult to take the car out of the garage through such an opening, but taking out all the other things, including large elements, can be done very simply, so it’s worth thinking about safety.

Now you know about the most popular methods of theft from garages, so you can protect yourself and your property from theft. Most likely, it is better to organize protection using reinforcement; for this purpose, metal gratings or profile systems are used, which are installed on the internal walls and welded into the overall frame of the garage box. It is also possible to build additional internal walls, including pouring reinforced concrete. This will not guarantee protection, but it will definitely extend the time it takes for thieves to open the garage.

Hacking Prevention

  1. To avoid impact on the attachment, it is better to choose a specimen with a hidden rod and install a special metal casing around it. This eliminates the possibility of sawing through the bow of the product.
  2. To prevent an attacker from using a master key, the visible key hole on the gate must be perpendicular to the real one. Thus, the unlocking component must first be inserted vertically and then rotated horizontally. Placing the keyhole below or above the external hole will make it even more difficult for burglars. To open a gate or sash, you need to insert a key, slide it in the desired direction and turn it.
  3. The level of burglary resistance will increase the penetration of a lock with additional vertical rods. To do this, the locking device is “hidden” in a solid pocket.
  4. The main lock is covered with a steel plate, fixed with an overhead or hanging device.

The external mechanism must be metal. It is stronger and stronger than cast iron.

Weather protection

To prevent difficulties in opening the locking product due to freezing in winter, it is treated with a special penetrating lubricant. An “umbrella” made from a plastic bottle will protect it from rain and snow. To do this, cut off its lower part, make a slot perpendicular to the bottom and “put it on” the lock.

The main reasons for changing the geometry of the gate or opening

General fatigue of the metal, subsidence of hinges, natural deformations upon completion of installation, subsidence of the opening (the frame in which the gate is mounted) for various reasons, some other factors (for example, in hot, cloudless weather a couple of years ago there were problems with thermal deformations of metal structures).

External reasons independent of the material part. We bought a taller car - it doesn’t fit the dimensions, we made a mistake in the lower gap - in winter the gate is extremely difficult to open, one of the walls of the garage sank more, which caused the opening to skew, and others that are sometimes difficult to foresee.

In each of these cases, the decision is made individually, but we will consider several simple methods that are available if you have a simple tool with an assistant.

What are some ways to protect your garage from burglary?

Remember that a garage door with thick metal and a strong lock is not a panacea. The door frame is no less important and must be firmly fixed to the wall. In addition, all other doors (front, rear), all windows (if they are in the garage) must be equipped with alarm sensors and intelligent remote control systems.

It is worth deciding on the choice of locks and alarms at the stage of constructing the garage. In addition to installing cameras, motion sensors, or infrared cameras, it is worth considering other ways to secure your garage door.

Anti-theft lock for garage doors

It is recommended to select a garage door lock directly upon purchase. This gives more room to maneuver and makes assembly easier. Remember: to protect your car from theft and theft from the garage, it must be of high quality. This means it must be resistant to drilling, so this is usually a fairly expensive investment.

You can choose from standard key locks, combination locks, card locks, fingerprint locks or remote control. A remote control lock must have a non-standard radio frequency to prevent unauthorized persons from opening it. It is also recommended to choose a remote control and lock with variable access codes. Each code is one-time use, so a thief will have no chance to crack it.

Garage alarm with GSM module

Thanks to this alarm system, you can remotely control your garage door by phone from anywhere in the world. It is not only convenient, but also safe. If thieves manage to break the security lock and open the garage, you will be immediately informed via SMS, PUSH notification or phone call.

However, please note that for the correct operation of this device, as well as sending notifications, 3 factors must be met:

  1. Availability of sufficient funds on an active SIM card,
  2. Sufficiently high signal quality and a well-connected GSM antenna,
  3. Placement of a traditional mobile operator in a SIM card.

Thanks to the GSM module, you will not only know that someone has broken into your garage. Using your smartphone, you can close your garage door in time and notify the police about an attempted theft. You can also program automatic notifications to be sent directly to the police or security, which is especially convenient if you travel frequently.

Door bolts for garage doors

Garage locks are usually not complicated. But this situation can be easily corrected if you screw them in several places.

Today, many companies involved in the production and installation of garage doors equip them with a mechanism that protects the door from being opened by an intruder. The operation of the mechanism is relatively simple. After closing the door, the door automatically locks into the guide. A door locked in this way cannot be opened from the outside and cannot be broken down.

This is a relatively inexpensive and easy way to protect your garage from burglary. Plus it's quite practical. Even in the event of a power outage or drive failure, you will always be able to open your garage door from the inside.

Recommendations for selection

The information above and the recommendations below will help you determine which of the available padlocks is the most reliable:

  • case steel and heat-treated steel arms are optimal materials;
  • size is of secondary importance, the main thing is compliance with the eye installation technology;
  • Products that are too cheap by definition do not have a reliable padlock design;
  • combined secrecy mechanisms are the preferred option;
  • the presence of additional protection of the shackle by the protrusions of the case is a plus, but not so critical as to sacrifice the reliability of the secrecy mechanism or the strength of the case for its sake.

Thus, padlocks can provide decent protection for the garage, but only with careful selection and proper use.

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