How to properly start a car after a long period of inactivity

Experienced drivers are well aware of the problems that can arise when trying to start a car that has been sitting idle for a month or a year. However, for beginners who are not burdened with such knowledge, their absence may cause them to risk being left without a vehicle at the most necessary moment. As a matter of fact, knowledge of how to start a car after a long period of inactivity is the bare minimum that determines driving culture.

Therefore, it makes sense to cover this issue with the utmost care, paying attention to all the nuances that may hinder the successful start-up of a power unit that has been inactive for a long time.

Battery diagnostics

If the car is parked for a long time, the battery loses charge and loses voltage. The voltage sags so that ignition simply does not occur. You can diagnose the battery using a multimeter.

To do this you need:

  1. Open the hood;
  2. Set the multimeter mode to measure voltage up to 20 V;
  3. Touch the multimeter probes to the battery contacts.

The voltage should be 12.6 V. If the output voltage is less than this value, then this indicates a problem with the battery. A desirable action would be to check the density of the electrolyte. It is worth checking absolutely all contacts. First of all, you need to check them with a multimeter on the starter.

In an urgent case, when the VAZ 2109 needs to be started and started immediately, you need to turn on the headlights, thereby increasing the voltage on the battery. This activates the battery electrolyte.

In the case when the VAZ 2109 does not start on the injector, even with a charged battery. The reason may be in its terminals. It is worth checking for oxidation on them. This is why the VAZ 2109 does not start on the injector. A white coating forms on the terminals; it needs to be cleaned off with sandpaper.


Modern motor oil has a long shelf life. The manufacturer guarantees compliance with quality characteristics for the entire period while the oil is stored in its original packaging. Once the container is unsealed and the oil is poured into the engine, other standards come into play.

Motor oils consist of base components and additives that affect engine performance. At high speeds, the oil heats up and reacts with metal parts. Oxidation leads to partial delamination. During daily use of the machine, this effect is absent due to the constant shaking process. With prolonged inactivity, additives settle to the bottom. The properties of the oil deteriorate sharply. Before starting the engine after a long break in operation, check the oil and change the filters.

How to start a car after a long period of inactivity in winter

Long-term parking of the car in winter requires preliminary preparation. This allows you to eliminate difficulties and malfunctions during subsequent startup.

The need to warm up the car If the car is left outside in winter, the need to periodically warm it up is determined by the duration of the downtime: During long breaks in operation, the best solution is preservation, which prevents the development of problems. In other cases, owners often have a question about whether they need to start the car in winter.

Here, several factors that determine the answer require attention: Therefore, when starting the car, it is recommended to drive it.

How to start a diesel engine after 20 years of inactivity

Before you try to start the engine after a long period of inactivity, you need: This is easily feasible on diesel engines and carburetor cars in which the fuel injection system is not located in the tank; Pump fuel to the carburetor by manual pumping. As a rule, during such long-term storage, rubber loses its properties and cracks.

Even if it’s unnoticeable, it’s not worth the risk.

The hoses may, God forbid, burst somewhere along the way. Therefore they need to be replaced. The same applies to gas pipelines. New car hoses Brake fluid This substance has hygroscopic properties, meaning it accumulates moisture.

In order to clean them, we advise you to drive for some distance, constantly slowing down.

After a long stay, you may encounter the following troubles: battery discharge; oxidation of contacts; occurrence of piston rings; airing of the fuel system of diesel engines.

We reanimate a car after a long period of inactivity

The equipment must work, like every car. But if it so happens that the vehicle has been standing motionless for a long time in a garage or on the street, then starting the engine of such a car must be approached with the utmost seriousness. You should clearly understand what is meant by the term “long downtime”

Downtime will be long if the car has not been driven for a year or more. If the vehicle was left in the garage for the winter, then in order to start the engine in the spring you will simply need to recharge the battery. Therefore, this method of car preservation should not be considered idle.

After long breaks in the operation of the car, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures, namely:

  • Change oil;
  • Replace gasoline;
  • Check the condition of the brake pads;
  • Replace seals and hoses;
  • Determine the battery's suitability level.

This will allow the engine to start painlessly for the remaining components and assemblies of the vehicle.


Ideally, before leaving the car for long-term parking, it must be “mothballed”. This means draining all the fluids that have been poured into the car. The oil can retain its properties for a long time if it is in its original packaging. Oil poured into a car quickly loses its functional properties if not used. It exfoliates, and the additives settle. This consistency is a way to render any engine unusable.

When starting a car after a long period of inactivity, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances associated with liquids that can quickly deteriorate. Therefore, we drain the old oil, wash it, change the filters, fill it with new oil and ensure a safe start for the “heart” of the car.


Fuel tends to deteriorate over time while in the gas tank of an immobilized car. Gasoline loses its quality, first of all, due to dilution with condensate. Experienced car enthusiasts advise that before parking the car for a long time, fill the car with high-quality gasoline, up to a third. This will protect the walls of the gas tank from the formation of condensation due to temperature changes. But, often, this gasoline is drained for safety reasons.

Brake pads and brake fluid

If the machine has been idle for three years or more, then it is necessary to check the condition of the linings. They may peel off from the base, in which case they need to be replaced. Check the condition of the brake discs. Prolonged idleness of the car leads to the fact that rust begins to form on the disks, which can be removed by constant braking while driving.

The brake fluid should be replaced because it can accumulate moisture. While the car is moving, due to the active operation of the brake pads, it will heat up and boil, which will lead to partial or complete loss of the brakes. Therefore, you should not save on this, but it is better to replace it immediately.

Seals and hoses

When starting the engine, it should be taken into account that all oil seals and rubber seals remain without lubrication. Because the oil flows into the oil pan. The rubber bands will dry out, crack and begin to leak oil through them immediately after the engine is started after being idle.

Hoses should be replaced if the car has been idle for four years. They make up a significant part of the gas pipeline, so you need to carefully check their condition if the car has not been used for one or two years.

Checking the battery

Prolonged idle condition of the battery leads to the fact that the density of the electrolyte drops significantly. You should not count on stable operation of such a battery. If the car battery has not been regularly “recharged”, then the battery should be checked for suitability. In the case of older batteries, which are 5-7 years old, they should be replaced. It is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the wiring, as it can be damaged by various rodents.

Starting the engine after a long period of inactivity

Now we have come to the final and most alarming part of the “iron horse” resuscitation. Starting the engine after idle time, in addition to the above procedures, requires some caution. Rules to follow when starting the car engine:

  1. Pump gasoline with the gas pedal;
  2. Do not turn the starter for a long time. We played for 10 seconds and took a break. After which they tried again;
  3. After a long period of inactivity, the machine will behave differently. Warming up of the engine is required. Started the engine and released the clutch. Most cars start to twitch, in which case we do it all over again.

To summarize, we can say that a car requires special attention and care after being idle. You will have to spend a lot of money, but it is better to start the car engine comfortably. This will protect you from expensive repairs of entire components and assemblies. Ideally, of course, you should periodically start the engine and warm it up, drive a short distance, and then park the car again.

“Snowdrops” – downtime 1-2 years

What you will need: a charged spare battery or charger (in the latter case, also access to the power supply), or cigarette lighter wires and another car. It may also be worth taking a canister of fuel (a lot of gasoline evaporates from the tank over the course of a year, and useful and not so useful impurities can precipitate), a set of basic plumbing tools, a flashlight and a mirror.

First of all, do not try to start the car with the key: first inspect it from the outside. Are there enough air in the tires, are there any greasy puddles under the units... Check the engine compartment, starting with the level of all liquids (antifreeze, engine and power steering oil, brake fluid...); Next, you should inspect whether there is anything removed or unscrewed in the engine compartment: for example, a forgotten wrench on one of the engine pulleys.

If everything is in order and everything is in its place, you can try to “start”, before checking whether the standard battery is charged. In general, even after 1-2 years of inactivity, the car should be in order, but before starting daily operation it is worth carrying out a full diagnosis and carrying out routine maintenance with replacement of most fluids, filters and other consumables.

What to fill?

First of all, you need to deal with all the liquids remaining in the immobilized car. No wonder there is a whole system called car preservation - for those who know that they will leave their car for a long time. And this complex, first of all, includes draining much of what was poured into the car, and correctly replacing what does not drain. The comrades who did not preserve the car will do this when restoring it.


. The product, in principle, is long-lasting and can be stored in its original packaging for years without losing its specified properties. However, oil poured into a car has a significantly reduced shelf life. When the unit is running, it is mixed all the time. When the engine is idle, all the additives settle, and the oil itself stratifies. At a minimum, you need to check its condition. It’s safer to drain, rinse, refill and change filters. The article “How to check the engine oil level” can help.


. During idle time it is diluted with condensate. During conservation, high-quality fuel is poured, not reaching the maximum by a third. And in any case, this sediment is drained when the car is resuscitated.

Brake fluid

. It is also quite hygroscopic - it absorbs water better than a sponge. In a diluted state, it is not suitable for consumption - drain and replace with fresh one.

Gaskets and hoses:

At a minimum, the oil seals, crankcase seal and wiper pads are checked (even if it’s sunny now, rain can gather quickly). In principle, when not used for a long time, all the rubber bands deteriorate - they dry out and crack. But replacing them en masse will cost a pretty penny. Therefore, replacement of non-vital items is postponed until later. The same goes for hoses - and here the purchase of new ones cannot be pushed into the future. True, the hoses will have to be changed only on those cars whose downtime is longer than 4 years. But it is imperative to check the gas lines and all the corrugation.


The first thing that suffers is the brake discs - they simply rust. However, this is not the biggest problem: their replacement is still far away. It’s just that, after the factory, you need to drive a little, constantly slowing down - unnecessary layers will fall off. Another thing is the brake pads. If you want to live longer, check them carefully. If the linings have separated from the base, they urgently need to be changed.

How to start the engine after a long period of inactivity

After making sure that the car is ready for the first start after a long period of inactivity, you need to do it correctly so as not to damage the engine components

You need to start the engine carefully, if necessary, purging the engine cylinders by pressing the gas pedal, as well as squeezing the clutch pedal

When starting for the first time after a long period of parking, you should not turn the starter for more than 10 seconds. If the engine does not start within 10 seconds, pause and then try again.

Long-term parking of the car in winter requires preliminary preparation. This allows you to eliminate difficulties and malfunctions during subsequent startup.

The space under the hood is inspected to rule out damage and leaks. The battery, fluid level, and tire pressure require attention.

Checking the machine condition

Checking the condition of the vehicle should be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Check the condition of the battery. Currently, mainly maintenance-free batteries are used. If the kit includes a load plug, you should check the starting current. Typically, drivers do not have such a measuring device. In this case, you should check the battery voltage. When charged, it should be at least 12.6 Volts. It is better to additionally recharge it before starting. When the ignition is turned on, the voltage must be at least 12 Volts. When the engine starts, it should “sag” no lower than 9 Volts.
  2. Check the presence of fuel and the operation of the low pressure pump. It is better to artificially pump up the fuel after a long stay. During parking, fuel goes into the tank, the fuel lines are empty. Pumping can be done using a special bulb and turning the ignition on and off three or four times. You can also force the fuel pump to turn on by supplying +12 Volts to its fuse. To check for fuel supply, remove the fuel return line.
  3. In gasoline engines, check for spark. This can be done using a spare spark plug.
  4. In diesel engines, it is necessary to check the glow plugs for inclusion. When you turn on the ignition, the spiral on the dashboard should light up.

Why is it dangerous to turn the starter for a long time when starting the engine?

Starting an engine is a process in which the starter and battery are directly involved. They are the ones who suffer the most when starting the engine for a long time. Accordingly, the following problems are possible:

  • Low battery. Each time you try to start the engine, battery power is consumed. Moreover, if the attempt is not successful, then we can assume that the battery is consuming its charge “idle”. In order for the battery to charge, the engine must start and run for a while. Several unsuccessful attempts to start the engine, and you will get a discharged battery, which will need to be charged from the station, or you can start the engine “by lighting” in other cars;
  • Starter failure. When the starter is cranked for a long time, it begins to overheat, which can negatively affect its components and lead to complete failure of the part. Also, do not forget about the bendix, which when trying to start the engine is connected to the crankshaft. If the engine does not start, there is a high risk of damage to the splines on the bendix or the bearing. If you constantly have to turn the starter for a long time when starting the engine, over time this will lead to its failure and the need for replacement.

Most often, you can solve the problem with the starter cranking for a long time when starting the engine without contacting a service center yourself, thereby preventing early failure of the starter.

How long can a car sit in one place?

In reality, this “parameter” is influenced not by the length of time the car is idle, but by all external factors that can negatively affect the condition of the car. This is why, after months or years of improper storage in one place, corrosion appears on the car sills.

It is also important to remember that a machine is a complex high-tech device that consists of a wide variety of components and elements. And, if these components remain idle for too long without proper care, then the machine may completely lose its operational properties.

Now let’s imagine this situation: a person has arrived, say, after a long business trip and wants to start his car, which has been parked in an open parking lot for the last 1.5 years. What might he encounter? That's right - the car simply won't start.

Parking up to one month

A serviceable car should start without problems after such parking, since the main malfunction of the car in such situations is a discharged battery. Therefore, we must take into account its seasonal features. Even in cold weather at -15 degrees, idle time for 10 days often leads to battery discharge. In warm weather, the battery can only be discharged due to current leakage, the rate of which should not be more than permissible. Signs that make it clear that the engine will not start due to the battery are the following:

  • When the ignition is turned on, the indicators on the instrument panel do not light up.
  • When you try to start the engine, you hear a small click.
  • The starter slowly rotates the engine crankshaft.

You will need to charge the battery using a special device for charging car batteries, or seek help from outside drivers. To start the engine, you need starting clamps - “crocodiles”, as well as knowledge of the rules for “lighting” from an external power source. If your car has a manual transmission, then it can be started using a pushrod.

Starting a diesel engine will require significant effort, so not all cars equipped with a diesel engine can be started in this way without consequences, so it is better to avoid this method.

Preparing the engine for starting

The methods used to prepare a vehicle largely depend on how long it has been sitting idle. For example, parking for up to a month usually does not entail serious consequences and breakdowns; it is usually limited to a discharged battery, and even then not always. For example, in severe frost it will take 10-15 days for the battery to completely discharge, but in summer this period is significantly shorter, so often in the warm season the engine can start without preliminary preparation. It’s easy to recognize a dead battery:

  • Dashboard indicators do not light up;
  • slow starter operation;
  • a characteristic click when trying to start.

There are several ways out of the situation. You can charge the battery or light a cigarette from an external power source, for example, another car. With a manual transmission, the problem is solved even easier -.

Important! With diesel engines it can be more difficult - not all of them are designed for this type of starting. You should familiarize yourself with the technical documents before attempting “resuscitation.”

Possible reasons why a VAZ-2109 car is difficult to start when cold

It should be immediately noted that when searching, you should definitely take into account what kind of engine you have. Of course, there are common reasons, but the search algorithm for an injection engine (16 valves) will be slightly different from a carburetor engine. The first option, as you know, was put on the “nine” of later issues. Most of the cars in this family were equipped with carburetor engines (8 valves).

As mentioned above, it is simply impossible to give an exact answer to the question why the car does not start well when cold. Generally speaking, the main reasons are as follows:

  • weak battery charge;
  • broken valve clearances;
  • poor condition of the ignition coil, high-voltage wires, spark plugs;
  • contamination of the throttle valve or fuel filter;
  • air leaking past the carburetor;
  • Idle air valve clogged.

It should also be noted that if you have an LPG system, then the car needs to be started on gasoline, not gas. A problem with the operation of the fuel pump cannot also be ruled out. The most common reason is a dead battery. It's very simple to check this - turn on the headlights and see how bright they shine. However, the sound of a rotating starter will indicate the problem. The latter, by the way, may not rotate at all. This means that the battery is very deeply discharged.

Now let's look at typical problems for a carburetor engine. One of them is the lack of fuel in the float chamber. Accordingly, it should be pumped up using the lever on the gas pump. Also try knocking on the carburetor, it is quite possible that the needle valve needle is stuck in the up position when the fuel supply is shut off. Check the spark plugs - if they are wet, the fuel mixture is too rich. The problem is solved by adjusting the carburetor. By the way, there may be such a reason as the mixture being too lean. In this case, you will also need to adjust the carburetor. You can check high-voltage wires in the dark. To do this, start the car, turn off the headlights and look under the hood. If there is a problem, you will see it immediately. Another option for checking is to borrow a kit that is known to work from someone.

Quite often, problems such as a clogged fuel jet of the idle system or a malfunction of the solenoid valve occur. It is also recommended to inspect all hoses and tubes leading to the carburetor. It is quite possible that the problem is caused by the leakage of foreign air. You should also not discount the starter itself. Often it is its wear that causes you to be unable to start the engine normally when cold. However, if such problems are not observed when hot, then everything is in order with this unit. In addition, the reasons may be in the distributor, switch, ignition coil or incorrect ignition settings.

The problem of a car not starting can befall anyone. It happens that a faithful horse fails at the most crucial moments, but you shouldn’t give up. As an example of what can be done in the event of a car breakdown, consider the case when the VAZ 2109 injector does not start. So, let's start in order.

What to do to start the engine after long-term parking

Note that the set of measures associated with preparing a vehicle for operation after downtime largely depends on its duration. It is clear that several weeks are unlikely to affect the ability to start the engine, however, with downtime lasting 6 months or more, many components and systems of the car need to be thoroughly checked. Otherwise, you may encounter quite serious problems that affect the performance and life of the power unit. Therefore, it is so necessary to know what to pay special attention to when starting a car after a long, especially many years of inactivity.


Even motor oil in its original packaging does not last forever. It is not for nothing that the lubricant poured into the engine is considered a consumable material - it must be changed periodically as it becomes dirty and loses its original performance characteristics. Prolonged downtime negatively affects this technical fluid no less than during intensive engine operation. The fact is that oil, as a complex substance, tends to separate, especially when at rest. At the same time, the process of sedimentation of additives occurs, which has an extremely negative effect on the properties of the oil. That is why it is recommended to drain the lubricant in preparation for long-term parking.

How to start a car after a long period of inactivity if for some reason the oil has not been drained? The answer is quite elementary: we drain the used fluid and flush the lubrication system (this is precisely the step that could have been avoided if we had performed this procedure before preserving the car), after which we can fill in a new MM with the obligatory replacement of the oil filter.


Gasoline, like diesel fuel, is practically not subject to delamination, however, there are some nuances here too. The fact is that when left idle for a very long time in the garage, and especially in a city open parking lot, condensation can form in the gas tank. The reason for this phenomenon is temperature changes. They, of course, also occur during intensive vehicle use. However, in this case, the consequences are not so noticeable, since the fuel is quickly consumed, and the gas tank is replenished with a new portion. In a car immobilized for months, the concentration of moisture as a result of condensation processes can reach significant levels, which will certainly affect the quality of the fuel mixture during startup of the power unit. Therefore, to start a car that has been parked for a long time, it is recommended to leave the gas tank almost completely full - in this case, less condensation will form. If the car has been sitting for several years and the tank is very poorly filled, it is recommended to completely drain it and fill it with high-quality fuel.


Even inexperienced car owners know that if the car is driven relatively rarely in winter, the battery must be removed and placed in a heated room. As a last resort, it is recommended to remove the positive terminal. If this is not done, 5-6 months of inactivity are enough for the battery to be completely or almost completely discharged. If the car has been immobilized for more than a year, the chances of successful resuscitation measures rapidly decrease to zero.

There is an opinion that in a working car the battery can last as long as desired without any consequences for it. This, of course, is a big misconception - there are always leaks, even subtle ones. Moreover, even a battery completely disconnected from the on-board power supply also drains over time. And if it is not new, then such a process can lead to irreversible consequences.

So, the first thing you need to do before starting a car that has been idle for a year or more is to try to charge the battery using a high-quality charger. Let us immediately note that the chances of success are low, especially for older batteries (4-5 year old batteries are considered as such). In some cases, adding electrolyte may help, but it is recommended to do this procedure yourself only using a device that measures its density - it must correspond to a certain value.

If this does not help, the battery should be replaced with a new one. Note that this is one of the most common problems during prolonged downtime of any vehicle.

Spark plug

A modern car is literally crammed with electronics - there are more than two dozen sensors alone, and all this equipment is connected by many hundreds of meters of electrical wiring. If the car has been left idle for a long time in a garage or on the street near trash cans, it cannot be ruled out that rodents have damaged the integrity of the wires. The presence of mice can be indicated by excrement left by rodents under the hood or directly under the car.

They cannot damage the spark plugs, but they should also be checked by first unscrewing them. As a rule, long-term parking of a car does not affect their appearance (with the exception of rust on metal parts), but it is still highly recommended to clean them thoroughly. Better yet, install a set of new spark plugs, especially if the car has been immobilized for more than a year. In this case, you will make it a little easier to find the reasons why the engine does not start.

Sealing rubber bands

Of particular note is the need to check the condition of the rubber seals. The fact is that usually one side of them is constantly in contact with engine oil, which is not aggressive to rubber. But even after standing for a short time, the lubricating fluid flows into the pan, and the gaskets and seals are completely dried out. If they are in this state for a long time, under the influence of air and temperature changes they begin to collapse. Cracks form, causing the seals to lose their tightness.

This has virtually no effect on starting the engine directly, but it is highly recommended that after it warms up, look under the hood and make sure there are no engine oil leaks, otherwise the power unit may begin to experience oil starvation, which can have serious consequences.


Exactly the same kind of problems arise with rubber hoses, of which there are also plenty of them in the car. When parked for a long time, they, like gaskets, lose their original properties and become covered with microcracks. This may not appear at the moment of starting the car, but in the future, a leak of technical fluids is fraught with big troubles, be it engine oil, coolant, brake fluid or fuel.

Therefore, before starting the car after a long period of inactivity, it is necessary to very carefully inspect the hoses for external defects. If the car has been sitting idle for 4 years or more, all hoses must be replaced with new ones. Such a long period of downtime is detrimental to rubber products.

Brake fluid

The characteristics of this technical fluid initially imply the presence of high hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to absorb moisture well. Even if the car is operated without downtime, it is recommended to replace the fuel tank every few years. After a long period of parking, such a procedure is simply necessary, since in this case the concentration of water in the brake fluid may be critical.

Since it circulates through a circuit that is exposed to high temperatures during heavy braking, the liquid, diluted with water, can boil, creating a plug that prevents normal flow. This threatens a complete failure of the brakes, which can lead to an emergency situation.

Brake discs/pads

Corrosion is common on brake discs. If the car is not idle, this process is prevented by the impact of the pads during braking. After a long period of parking, the layer of rust may be significant, so a short drive with intensive braking is recommended, which will help get rid of traces of corrosion. If you don't do this, you risk having difficulty braking suddenly.

No less attention should be paid to brake pads, which under the influence of external factors can peel off from the base, which is unacceptable. The bad thing is that such a defect is not always detected during an external inspection, so a preparatory trip is necessary in this case as well. If it has been idle for more than three years, it is definitely necessary to replace the TC with new ones.

Harmful little things

The windshield wiper leads turn sour even on cars that are in use, let alone one that is parked forever.

— The car is designed to be driven. And he equally dislikes both too harsh and intensive exploitation and the complete absence of this very exploitation. In addition to global problems that make it simply unsafe to take a car on public roads, small ones may also arise. Soured windshield wiper or power window leads, a rotten air conditioning system with leaking radiators, rusted door locks and other things that will require repair or replacement of parts.

Therefore, buying a car that has been sitting for three or four years, even in a garage, is far from the best option. And starting its operation without a thorough check at a service station of all components and systems is simply dangerous. To put a car on wheels after such a test, you need to have non-zero technical skills and finances. If there is neither one nor the other, it is better not to approach the car after three years of inactivity, even if its price seems very attractive to you.

Little things you can't travel without

A small list of what will definitely have to be done during resuscitation:.

  • pump up the wheels. Maybe even roll the rims if the car has been sitting on them for months;
  • lubricate all locks. It’s possible that you won’t be able to open some of them, but if you end up in the salon, you can think about it later;
  • buy new spark plugs. And accordingly, throw out the old ones;
  • at first, carry spare fuses with you;
  • And clean the interior (at least clean the covers) so that centuries-old dirt does not cause disgust

Parking up to one month

A serviceable car should start without problems after such parking, since the main malfunction of the car in such situations is a discharged battery. Therefore, we must take into account its seasonal features. Even in cold weather at -15 degrees, idle time for 10 days often leads to battery discharge. In warm weather, the battery can only be discharged due to current leakage, the rate of which should not be more than permissible. Signs that make it clear that the engine will not start due to the battery are the following:

  • When the ignition is turned on, the indicators on the instrument panel do not light up.
  • When you try to start the engine, you hear a small click.
  • The starter slowly rotates the engine crankshaft.

You will need to charge the battery using a special device for charging car batteries, or seek help from outside drivers. To start the engine, you need starting clamps - “crocodiles”, as well as knowledge of the rules for “lighting” from an external power source. If your car has a manual transmission, then it can be started using a pushrod.

Starting a diesel engine will require significant effort, so not all cars equipped with a diesel engine can be started in this way without consequences, so it is better to avoid this method.

Tips and tricks

Some experienced drivers use the following method to make starting a diesel engine easier in winter:

  • First, the combustion chamber is warmed up by the glow plugs a couple of times,
  • then about 10 ml is poured into the air filter housing from a syringe. gasoline,
  • then the engine can be started,

Let us immediately note that this decision is an emergency measure, that is, this method cannot be used regularly. Starting with gasoline vapors leads to increased loads, which significantly reduces engine life.

It is also recommended to insulate the engine compartment and engine separately. A car blanket is well suited for this, as it retains heat and prevents the internal combustion engine from cooling quickly. It would also be a good idea to insulate the radiator of the cooling system. For these purposes, you can use various solutions, the simplest of which is to install a thick cardboard “damper”.

Finally, we note that it is not recommended to warm up a diesel engine for a long time at idle, since this type of engine warms up only when driving under load. This means that after 3-5 minutes of starting work, you need to drive a diesel car, but drive for the first 5 km. should be smooth, without a significant increase in speed, sudden starts and braking, driving in high gears, etc.

Available ways to independently check the glow plugs of a diesel engine. Diagnostics of glow plugs with removal, checking with a tester for spark.

Why is it better to warm up the engine before driving: lubrication, fuel, wear of cold parts. How to properly warm up a diesel engine in winter.

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What is Webasto? Operating principle of autonomous pre-heaters. Pros and cons of a liquid heater and an air heater (hair dryer).

Warming up the engine oil before starting: why is it needed? Available methods of heating oil, what you need to know. Oil pre-heater in the sump.

The main reasons for difficulty starting a hot diesel engine. Problems with the injection pump plunger pair, fuel overflow through diesel injectors, sensors.

Starting the engine after “preservation”

If the car has been parked for a very long time, then starting the engine and further maintenance may require considerable effort. Work to revive a car usually consists of the following steps:

  • Connect a charged battery and check the quality of the connection.
  • Ensure fuel supply. Most often, when parked on the street unattended, there is a possibility of moisture or other substances entering the fuel tank. To avoid contaminating the fuel system with bad fuel, it must be filled from a canister. For diesel and carburetor cars this can be easily done. Their gasoline injection system is not located in the tank.
  • It is necessary to pump gasoline into the carburetor using a hand pump. To pump a diesel car, a “pear” is used.
  • Check the presence and level of coolant and engine oil. Without antifreeze, the engine can easily start and run for a few seconds, but the engine cannot be started without oil. A small amount of oil is enough to start, as the oil will have to be changed later.
  • Clean the contacts of the distributor from oxides.
  • For a quick start, it is better to replace the spark plugs with new ones.

To make it easier to start the car after a long period of inactivity, you can use the “Quick Start” chemical reagent, which usually consists of ether. It must be sprayed into the working chamber of the carburetor or directly into the intake manifold in small doses when starting the engine.

If the engine was also in poor condition before it was preserved, then there is a high risk that the piston rings are coked. Before starting, you can apply methods for decoking the rings. Pipelines and pipes can also become cracked over time.

Checking technical fluids

It is also necessary to carefully check the level and condition of all technical fluids: engine oil, brake fluid, power steering fluid (power steering), transmission oil level (if possible), cooling system coolant level in the expansion tank. All fluids must be filled in full before starting. A decrease in level or an empty tank will indicate a malfunction in the form of leaking pipes, gaskets, seals, etc. It is worth checking the fluids most closely in the most important components (engine oil, cooling system, fuel system).

Engine oil condition

Motor oil tends to age not only with mileage, but also with time. The shelf life of the lubricant that is poured into the engine is very limited and is about 12 months. Moreover, if the engine is in operation, the additive package tends to mix with the base. When a car sits for a long time, the additives settle and the oil simply separates. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the lubricant.

If the oil is very thick, black, and contains impurities and debris, then it is better not to start the engine. This oil is drained, after which the flushing composition is poured. Next, you can add fresh lubricant and replace the oil filter.

Fuel in tank

Gasoline or diesel fuel tends to accumulate moisture (condensation). If the car is prepared for parking in advance, then the tank is 2/3 filled with high-quality fuel, which must be drained before starting. As for unprepared vehicles, there is a high probability that there will be spoiled fuel in the fuel tank, which must be drained.


To check, just unscrew the cap of the expansion tank and assess the condition of the coolant. If the level is within acceptable limits, there are no visible “flakes” or other contaminants, then you can drive several kilometers on such a liquid, carefully monitoring the engine temperature. Next, the fluid will need to be changed, after flushing the cooling system.

Brake fluid

One of the properties of brake fluid is hygroscopicity, which means the accumulation of moisture. Under normal conditions, brake fluid is changed once every two years. If the car has been sitting for a long time, then before the first trip the fluid is drained and the brakes need to be bled.

Next, be sure to check the brake pads and brake discs themselves. Loose linings on the pads make them unsuitable for further use.

If the brake discs are covered with rust, then when starting to move, lightly hold your foot on the brake, thus driving several tens of meters. The rust must be removed.

Parking a car for several months

To begin with, in order to successfully start the engine, you will need a fully charged battery. Before starting the engine after a long period of parking, you need to:

  • Perform a visual inspection of the battery terminals. The formation of oxides at the battery terminals, as well as at the starter contacts, in the connection of the ground wire with the motor, greatly reduces or even eliminates the likelihood of a quick start.
  • Check the presence of technical fluids: engine oil, coolant.

If the car has been parked in conditions of high humidity, the terminals of the distributor and ignition coil may oxidize. If the engine on your car is equipped with a contact ignition system, then it is better to clean the contacts of the distributor. When working, carbon deposits are created on the contacts, which makes it difficult to start the engine during long-term parking.

In the summer heat, during the parking period, most likely, all the fuel from the carburetor could dry out. Therefore, before starting, you need to try to pump up gasoline using a manual booster pump. If the engine does not start, and the reason is clearly in the fuel supply, then you can pour 20 grams of fuel into the carburetor chamber. If the ignition is working properly, the engine should start.

For new cars with injection engines, long downtime is not at all scary. If the fuel return valve is working properly, the car will start. The fuel pump will pump in fuel and create the required pressure. If the engine does not start, then you need to look for faults. Information about possible malfunctions can help with this.

The main problem for a diesel engine after a long period of parking may be the penetration of air into the fuel system. You can use a special device for manual pumping, if available in the car. To remove air from the system for many machines, special valves are made.

Starting after a long stay in the cold

The tips below only work if the machine is in good working order. In case of problems, you need to follow the instructions given above. So, the procedure for starting the engine after long-term parking at sub-zero temperatures:

  • pump up fuel with the accelerator pedal;
  • turn on the ignition, wait a few seconds;
  • crank the engine after turning on the starter;
  • rotate the motor for 10 seconds with breaks of about 2 minutes;
  • after starting, warm up the engine to 20 degrees (on cars with manual transmission, everything is done with the clutch depressed; it can only be released at this stage);
  • We look for leaks of technical fluids at the bottom of the car.

If the engine is started in very severe frost, then you need to warm it up to minimum temperatures, and then move for some time only at low speeds, avoiding severe overloads. Violation of this rule may lead to engine wedge.

Long-term parking has a negative impact on the mechanisms of a car engine, especially if the car is not prepared for this first. The process of preserving a car implies that all technical fluids are drained from it, and the battery is also removed. If you do not perform these steps before parking the car for a long time, there is a high risk of corrosion in parts, drying out of rubber elements and subsequent problems during operation of the car.

For a car, idle time of more than six months without movement is considered long-term. If you have encountered such a car, it is important to know how to properly prepare it for the first start of the engine. Let's consider this issue within the framework of this article.

Starting the car with a dead battery

If the machine has been standing for a long time, its technical condition is checked before starting. The battery requires attention. You need to pre-charge or install a new drive. If the car is technically sound, other options appear on how to start the car if the battery is dead in winter.

Different methods are used:

  1. Towing is an effective method for models with manual transmission. With the help of a working car, the car accelerates to 40 km per hour. The clutch is depressed, 2nd gear is engaged, the clutch is released. Usually it starts right the first time.
  2. Rolling is an equally effective solution when there is no other car to tow. Several people, or a driver from a descent, accelerates a car with a manual transmission to 20 km per hour. Manipulations are performed as during towing.
  3. Lighting is a common technique that allows you to start a car from the battery of another car. The procedure must be followed.
  4. Charging and starting devices are an expensive but effective solution that provides a start.

Preparing for winter or parking allows you to avoid problems with the drive.

Additional checks and preparations

At the initial stage, it is necessary to carefully inspect all gaskets and hoses of the main components. If the car has been standing for up to 3-4 years, then the rubber products may still be rejected by workers.

A longer downtime may mean that the rubber has dried out and cracked. First of all, check the fuel line and cooling system pipes.

We also recommend reading the article on how to start a car using a jump charger. From this article you will learn about the advantages of this solution compared to other methods of starting an engine with a dead battery.

Before starting, it is advisable to change the spark plugs on a gasoline engine, and also inject a small amount of engine oil into the cylinders through the spark plug wells. After this, the engine without spark plugs must be cranked with the starter to remove any remaining oil, and then new spark plugs must be screwed in. For a diesel engine, the procedure is similar, only in this case the glow plugs are changed.

Parking a car for several months

To begin with, in order to successfully start the engine, you will need a fully charged battery. Before starting the engine after a long period of parking, you need to:

  • Perform a visual inspection of the battery terminals. The formation of oxides at the battery terminals, as well as at the starter contacts, in the connection of the ground wire with the motor, greatly reduces or even eliminates the likelihood of a quick start.
  • Check the presence of technical fluids: engine oil, coolant.

If the car has been parked in conditions of high humidity, the terminals of the distributor and ignition coil may oxidize. If the engine on your car is equipped with a contact ignition system, then it is better to clean the contacts of the distributor. When working, carbon deposits are created on the contacts, which makes it difficult to start the engine during long-term parking.

In the summer heat, during the parking period, most likely, all the fuel from the carburetor could dry out. Therefore, before starting, you need to try to pump up gasoline using a manual booster pump. If the engine does not start, and the reason is clearly in the fuel supply, then you can pour 20 grams of fuel into the carburetor chamber. If the ignition is working properly, the engine should start.

For new cars with injection engines, long downtime is not at all scary. If the fuel return valve is working properly, the car will start. The fuel pump will pump in fuel and create the required pressure. If the engine does not start, then you need to look for faults. Information about possible malfunctions can help with this.

The main problem for a diesel engine after a long period of parking may be the penetration of air into the fuel system. You can use a special device for manual pumping, if available in the car. To remove air from the system for many machines, special valves are made.

Consequences of a car sitting idle for a long time

It should be immediately agreed that the term “long downtime” is a relative concept. Therefore, we will separately consider starting the engine after different periods of parking, including long-term storage of the car. After parking the car for a long time, the following negative factors may appear:

  1. Battery discharge.
  2. Oxidized contacts.
  3. The piston rings are stuck in the pistons. Air penetration into the power supply system of diesel power units.
  4. Evaporation of gasoline from the carburetor body, or draining of fuel from the tank.

In addition to these well-known situations, you can also see the consequences of animal life. Even drivers who constantly use their cars may find that hoses or wires have been chewed by rats. There is a possibility that after such parking the car will not start for a long time.

The need to warm up the car

If the car is left outside in winter, the need for periodic warming up is determined by the duration of inactivity:

  • for several weeks, even at low temperatures, no problems arise - just remove the battery in advance and leave it warm;
  • longer parking may require starting once every 2-3 months to ensure the engine is in good working order; It is recommended to take care of charging the battery and ensure the car is moving to work on the brake system and other components.

Several factors that determine the answer require attention:

  1. A cold start harms the engine, which is forced to work in harsh conditions. The oil thickens greatly and loses its ability to lubricate and protect the elements. In such conditions, one start wears out the unit as much as 150–200,000 km.
  1. When the engine warms up, without further movement, other parts lose their functionality - brakes, chassis, clutch.

Therefore, when starting a car, it is recommended to drive it.

How to start a car after a long period of inactivity

It often happens that after the car has been idle for a long time, for example in winter, it is extremely difficult to start the car. The outside of the engine becomes stained due to long periods of inactivity. The engine oil completely sinks into the oil sump and during the first starts the engine runs without oil. This means that the piston group does not have any lubrication, and it suffers colossal damage. What to do in such cases and how to start the car after a long period of inactivity? To solve this problem, several simple methods are used. These methods are easy to perform and do not require special skills of a car mechanic.


Now let's move on to the most important unit - the engine. It will be necessary to thoroughly prepare to start the engine. First, you need to drain the oil from the system. For this purpose, there is a special drain plug on the oil sump. Secondly, if the engine has been inoperative for a long time, it is better to change the oil to new one, even if it has been used very little. In addition, during idle time, the oil is completely drained into the oil pan (crankcase) and must completely drain through the plug.

Once the oil is completely drained, add new oil. Let it sit for a few minutes to completely spread over the piston group. Now you need to “drive” the car. To do this, you need to drive an unstarted car for several kilometers to better lubricate the internal parts. It would be better to ride the car on a rope with the help of another car. If this is not possible, drive the car back and forth a couple of times.

Spark plug malfunction

Flooded spark plugs can cause malfunctions. They can be removed with a special spark plug wrench

This must be done extremely carefully, without damaging the spark plug connectors. Next, the spark plugs can be checked with a special device.

It can be purchased for a small amount. If there are traces of deposits on the spark plugs, they are filled with fuel or dirt has accumulated, then the spark plug will not be able to produce the spark necessary for ignition. It is necessary to check for the presence of a spark. You need to unscrew the candle and place a candle holder on it. Next, you need to position the spark plug over the engine so that its body touches its block and crank the starter.

Malfunction of spark plugs: 1. Everything is fine; 2. A lot of gasoline is pouring; 3. Little gasoline flows; 4. Bad gasoline; 5. Long downtime; Your potty doesn't work; 7. The candle broke.; 8. The piston has failed.

Then the following situations are possible:

  • the spark plug is bright blue - the spark plug is working;
  • flash of red light - the spark plug should be replaced.

Flooded candles can be dried without a spark plug wrench. You need to turn on the ignition and put the VAZ 2109 in neutral gear. Next, press hard on the gas and crank the starter for 6-7 seconds. During this procedure, significantly more air penetrates into the cylinders than during normal operation of the cylinders, and the spark plugs in them are well dried from gasoline residues. It is worth knowing that during this operation the layer of oil on the cylinder walls becomes smaller. For this reason, it is not recommended to repeat such drying of spark plugs often, so that the engine does not run dry.

In a situation where the VAZ 2109 engine does not start when hot, the problem is most likely due to non-working spark plugs. Spark plugs should be changed every 10,000 km.

It can be difficult to identify the root cause of an engine that does not start on a VAZ 2109 engine, no matter whether it is an injector or a carburetor. If the defect is serious, it is recommended to take the car to a service center

Glow plugs

If you cannot start a diesel engine after a long period of inactivity, you should also pay attention to the spark plugs.
The problem is that faulty glow plugs are most often difficult to detect with the naked eye. If one spark plug fails, then it cannot be said that the internal combustion engine does not start; it starts, but with difficulty. And the key factor in how “lubricated” the breakdown is will be the air temperature on the face at the moment. The warmer it is, the more the problem is masked. The colder it is, the more expressively it “floats” to the surface.

Impact of long periods of downtime

There is an opinion that nothing will be done to the car during a long parking period. However, everything happens the other way around. Long-term parking greatly affects the car, more than many thousands of kilometers. Sometimes we are talking about just a few weeks. After this short period of time, you can also see negative consequences. And if we consider long-term parking, it will be even worse. Let's consider the negative factors that appear after a car has been idle for a long time.

Change in oil properties

Modern types of oils can be stored for a very long time without loss of quality. But after pouring it into the engine, the shelf life is significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that modern oils include many additives, and during engine operation the oil is exposed to high temperatures, resulting in a “stratification” effect.

This effect is not felt when the engine is constantly running, since the oil is shaken and mixed. But if the car sits for a long time, sediment appears in the oil and its performance properties are lost. Experts do not recommend starting the engine with old oil, as this will cause the engine to seize. If there is a long break in the operation of the machine, then it is necessary to flush the engine, as well as change filters and oils to new ones.

Loss of gasoline quality

Fuel has an expiration date, just like motor oil. When gasoline is poured into the tank, its shelf life quickly decreases. This occurs due to the formation of condensation in the tank due to frequent temperature changes. The gasoline is diluted with this condensate. Its volume directly depends on the volume of gasoline in the tank. The less gasoline in the tank, the more condensation forms.

In this case, there are two solutions to the problem: you need to add high-quality fuel to the tank, or remove the old gasoline and fill it with fresh one.

Reason for battery drain

Among the negative factors from parking a car for a long time, the battery was no exception. If it is not charged in a timely manner, the density of the electrolyte decreases. Moreover, it does not take much time for the battery to discharge. Even a small consumer can draw battery energy within a few days. This problem can be eliminated by performing high-quality charging. If the battery is already old and more than five years old, then it must be replaced with a new one.

Loss of elasticity of seals

When parked for a long time, rubber bands, gaskets, and seals lose their parameters. This is due to the fact that when the car is parked, oil and lubricants flow into the crankcase and engine sump. The rubber seals then begin to be exposed to the negative effects of air. As a result, they dry out and become covered with cracks, and multiple cracks appear at the installation sites.

Connecting hoses are cracking

If parked for too long, more than four years, rubber hoses, like seals, lose their characteristics. They crack and dry out, often not visible during normal inspection.

Many microcracks appear on the connecting hoses; when starting the engine, they may not show themselves, but after some time they will show themselves. When parked for a long time, you need to carefully inspect the hoses for the appearance of various defects on them. If the car has been parked for more than four years, then the hoses need to be replaced; while driving they can burst and cause a lot of trouble.

Reason for needing brake fluid replacement

This working fluid has special hygroscopic characteristics; it absorbs moisture. During operation, it is exposed to high temperatures. If there is a high moisture content in this liquid, it can boil, as a result of which the brake system will stop working, which will lead to an emergency situation on the road.

Brake fluid requires replacement once every few years if the car is driven regularly. After a long period of parking, the brake fluid should be replaced first.

How to prepare a car for starting after a long period of inactivity

There are a few key things to pay attention to after your car has been sitting for a long time. Let's consider each of them separately.

Accumulator battery

The first thing you need to find out is whether the battery was removed from the car before it was idle. If the battery is installed under the hood of your vehicle, it will most likely need to be replaced or charged.

If the terminals were not removed from the battery before the vehicle was parked, the battery is most likely discharged. If the car has been left in this condition for up to a year, you can try to restore the battery by charging it. If the car has been sitting for more than a year, a new battery will most likely be needed.

Checking and replacing technical fluids

The second stage of checking a car that has been sitting idle for a long time is replacing technical fluids. There are quite a lot of them in the car, and before starting you need to make sure that all the fluids are present in the required volume and they have not lost their quality.

Check the following technical fluids:

Engine oil. Modern motor oil can remain in a car without losing its properties without load for about a year. That is, if the car has been parked for more than 12 months and it is filled with engine oil, it will need to be drained and replaced with new one. When there is no information about how long the car has been parked, you can check the oil visually. If the technical fluid is black, thick and contains contaminants or signs of additive detachment, it must be replaced before starting the engine. Of course, the process of changing engine oil should also be accompanied by replacing the oil filter;

  • Fuel in the tank. If the car was not drained of fuel before parking for a long time, this must be done before starting the engine for the first time, and then fill it with new fuel. This is due to the fact that when parked, especially on the street, gasoline and diesel accumulate moisture, which is released. It is strictly not recommended to start the engine with old fuel that has been in the tank for more than six months;
  • Brake fluid. Another technical liquid that requires attention due to hygroscopicity, that is, the accumulation of condensate. Typically, brake fluid is changed about once every 24 months. But if the car has been sitting for more than a year, it will need to be replaced. After draining the fluid, bleed the brakes and also check other elements of the brake system for wear: pads, brake discs;
  • Coolant. This technical fluid is checked visually. Unscrew the cap of the reservoir where the coolant is filled and inspect it. If “flakes” have formed on the surface of the liquid, it must be drained and replaced with a new one before starting the engine for the first time. If there are no “flakes”, you can try to start the engine with the existing coolant, but then it is important to control the temperature of the engine itself.
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