How often to change Grant 8 valve spark plugs

The issue of replacing spark plugs, as well as the frequency of this procedure, is as controversial as the question of which engine oil is better or which tires are best to buy for the summer... As with any issue, the first thing you should do is consult the owner's manual.
It, as they say, indicates in black and white the interval after which the spark plugs should be replaced. Moreover, the same manual will indicate the manufacturer and brand of the spark plugs themselves, which are recommended to be installed. It would seem that the problem has been solved, the answer to the question has been found, the article can be finished! However, in reality everything is far from so simple...

Well, firstly, the manufacturer, as we know, does not always indicate in the manual what is really best for our car. There may be many reasons for this, I will not list them, I will say one thing that the main one is the financial benefit of the automaker itself, which has entered into a contract with this particular spark plug manufacturer. Moreover, time passes, new, more advanced products appear, and it is not at all necessary to install old-style candles on your machine, which are obsolete and may have already been discontinued.

Let's move on - the frequency of replacement. It is also most likely caused by the car manufacturer or spark plug manufacturer. That's right, in most cases this is true, but there are several important nuances that cannot be ignored.

  1. In pursuit of customers, spark plug manufacturers attribute unprecedented properties and unnaturally high mileage to their products, after which they need to be changed. Some promise uninterrupted operation for 30-50 thousand kilometers, while others promise 100 thousand. Who knows, maybe someone believes in such “marketing”, but in most cases such indicators are designed for cheapskates who want to replace the candles once and for all and forget about it... Even if such “long-lasting” candles exist, then In any case, they were not tested in our harsh climate and fuel. I think you know what I mean…. The fact is that the candle manufacturer hardly installed his own candles and drove 100 thousand km to find out whether they would “survive” or not. Most likely, tests were carried out, based on the results of which appropriate conclusions were drawn. Therefore, when deciding how long to change the spark plugs on your car, take into account the quality of our fuel, take into account the age of your car, its serviceability, uneven loads and difficult operating conditions, and only then draw any conclusion. And don't believe everything that is written...
  2. Sometimes replacing spark plugs is simply necessary, for example, when the spark plugs are in terrible condition for one reason or another, or in case of problems with the engine (fuel consumption has increased, the engine is running rough, dynamics have disappeared, there is no traction, etc.). Therefore, in this situation, you are unlikely to listen to the manufacturer, who stated that the spark plugs will be enough for 100 thousand kilometers.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons why candles can be changed before the specified interval, so the answer to the question: “When to change candles?” everyone will have their own. In short, it all depends on the condition of the engine, its age and the quality of the spark plugs.

Lada Granta: replacing spark plugs after 30 thousand km

According to the AVTOVAZ operating manual, spark plugs are 8 cl. The Lada Granta engine must be replaced every 30 thousand kilometers. Like any other engine part, the spark plug has its own resource, which is highly undesirable to exceed.

Even if the spark plug is in good condition after 30,000 km, this does not mean that it will not fail over the next thousand kilometers. For this reason, spark plugs must be changed according to the regulations. If a spark plug malfunction is diagnosed before the above mileage, then it must also be replaced.

The first picture shows the A17DVRM spark plugs - this is the original set. The exact same ones were installed on the Grant from the factory. It is these candles that will be installed at the moment.

Advantages and disadvantages of the three best spark plugs according to experienced mechanics

Nickel spark plug with original design NGK BPR6ES saves fuel consumption. The manufacturer claims that this model has a lifespan of twenty-five thousand kilometers. In practice, it can withstand even more, according to experienced car owners.

The only downside is the rapid accumulation of carbon deposits on the surface of the part. Otherwise there are only advantages:

  • long lifespan;
  • the price/quality ratio is excellent;
  • rapid ignition.

Second place is occupied by Bosch Group, A17DVRM 0.7. Experienced mechanics say that these spark plugs guarantee rapid ignition at minus fifteen degrees below zero. The parts from this manufacturer have no disadvantages. But here are some of the advantages:

  • long lifespan;
  • fuel economy;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the power unit.

In third place are spark plugs of the NGK 4919 BCPR6EIX-11 model for power units of the Lada Granta FL. Among the disadvantages, experienced mechanics note that the cost is too high. The advantages of this candle are as follows:

  • durable electrode, resistant to corrosion;
  • improving the performance of the Lada Granta FL power unit;
  • excellent quality.

Procedure for replacing spark plugs

Although the replacement procedure is quite simple, I would still like to draw attention to some points that help to avoid mistakes during the replacement process.

Disconnecting high-voltage wires from spark plugs

To do this, grasp the rubber tip of the high-voltage wire and pull toward you to disconnect the wire from the spark plug.

Each high-voltage wire is numbered and corresponds to the sequential arrangement of the cylinders in the engine.

Numbering greatly facilitates the reverse sequence of putting on high-voltage wires. You won't confuse them anymore.

Cleaning the area around the candle

To do this, it is better to use an aerosol engine cleaner, which is sold in every spare parts store. The jet pressure is strong enough, so any dirt flies off instantly.

This procedure is not mandatory, but desirable, as it prevents dirt from accidentally entering the cylinder through the spark plug hole. Having removed the dirt, you can begin to unscrew the spark plugs.

Unscrewing the spark plugs

For 8th grade. engines use spark plugs with a 21 key. Often such keys are called “spark plugs” and have the shape of a tube with a profile hexagon at the end. But increasingly, in tool kits, ordinary elongated 21 sockets, specially designed for loosening spark plugs, are beginning to be found.

After you have removed the old spark plug, do not rush to install the new one.

Cleaning the spark plug well

Before installing a new spark plug, make sure there is no dirt in the spark plug well. If you have a powerful vacuum cleaner at hand, then this dirt can be removed with its help. However, the vast majority may not have it at hand, so we take a screwdriver, a piece of rag and begin to carefully remove the remaining dirt from the well.

The cleaned candle hole should look something like this.

If there is dirt on the contact plane between the sealing ring and the cylinder block, this will cause the sealing ring to skew (when tightening the spark plug) and reduce the tightness.

Screwing in new spark plugs by hand

Once you have removed all the dirt from the spark plug well, you can begin screwing in the new spark plugs. To begin, wrap all the candles all the way by hand. Yes, by hand!

Subsequently, this will help to tighten the candles with the required tightening torque.

Tightening the spark plugs ½ turn

When we twisted the spark plugs by hand, they came into close contact with the cylinder head with their O-ring. Next we have to tighten them with the required torque. In the absence of a torque wrench, the required tightening torque can be achieved by turning the spark plug ½ turn or 180 degrees, which is what we will do.

Please note that my extension collar has a head with a tetrahedron. It will serve as an excellent guide. Rotating the socket head 180 degrees will tell us that the required tightening torque has been achieved. Tighten all four spark plugs in this manner.

IMPORTANT: 1/2 turn is made by the new spark plug by compressing the sealing washer. When you tighten the spark plug again, the sealing washer is already jammed. Therefore, the “old” spark plug should be tightened not 1/2 turn, but 1/12 turn, which corresponds to “5 minutes” on the clock dial.

Consequences of over-tightening spark plugs

If you tighten the spark plugs excessively, this may lead to the following malfunctions:

  • Thread failure in the cylinder head;
  • Damage to the ceramic insulator of the spark plug;
  • Candle breakdown;
  • Breakdown of a high-voltage wire;
  • Breakdown of the high-voltage ignition coil;
  • Piston burnout.

The malfunctions listed above, as a rule, follow from one another. For example, if a spark plug is “broken,” then the next malfunction (after some time) will be a “breakdown” of the high-voltage wire, and then a “breakdown” of the coil itself. Due to insulation failure (breakdown), sparking in the spark plug will be uncontrollable, as will ignition of the combustible mixture in the engine cylinder. And this will lead to detonation and subsequent burnout of the piston. It would seem that you just overtightened the spark plug, but here you are - the piston has burned out. Of course, all this will not happen immediately or suddenly, but why bring it to this?

Putting high-voltage wires on spark plugs

The final stage in replacing spark plugs will be to put on the high-voltage tips, each in its place. Due to the fact that the high-voltage wires are numbered, you will not mix them up when installing. If you do everything correctly, the engine will give you a long service life, and replacing the spark plugs in the Lada Granta engine can be considered complete.

Description of replacing spark plugs with an 8-valve power unit

Replacing spark plugs for a Lada Granta with an 8-valve engine is presented below.

  • Remove the tip of the high-voltage wire.

  • Unscrew the spark plug.

  • Screw on the new consumable.

How often do you need to change spark plugs?

There are different opinions among motorists regarding the service life of spark plugs. Some take the position that it can handle 20,000 km (and this is an average). After how many km, when should you change the spark plugs? Some are convinced that it can easily cover a hundred thousand kilometers. Experts also do not adhere to a clear verdict. And this is not surprising, since there is no specific indicator here. And the question of replacement frequency remains unresolved for many, because the service life of spark plugs varies. Replacement can be made based on the following aspects:

  • terms from the company that produced the car,
  • degree of wear of each part.

Exactly when to change spark plugs

Also, the replacement of these components often occurs on the basis of their actual conditions. And some car enthusiasts are convinced that it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations of professionals. How often should you change spark plugs? Others insist that if the ones already installed are in normal condition, and the engine starts at different temperatures, then it is correct to replace them at least after 90,000 km. This is exactly how long it takes to change spark plugs.

It is also very important to realize what carelessness and ignoring the time of that very replacement leads to.

When to change spark plugs

The meaning of a candle in a power apparatus

Thanks to it, a spark is formed. The spark contributes to the ignition of the flammable composition in the engine cylinders. This process occurs because a high voltage discharge occurs through the electrodes. And yet, how often should you change spark plugs?


They are formed by several components:

  1. Output element. Through it, the spark plug is connected to the high voltage line.
  2. Insulator. It protects against excessive heating. Its ribs prevent damage to the entire surface. And between the center electrode and the side electrode the impulse, the spark, moves.
  3. Special seal. It prevents fuel from penetrating from the combustion compartment into the engine housing.

Key Features

Here, the leading place in importance is occupied by the distance (electrodes). It is also called gaps. Its size affects the efficiency of ignition of the combustible composition. The wider the parameter, the higher the power of the generated spark. And with a high-quality spark, the scale of the ignition area will increase. This way, the engine in the car is guaranteed to run smoothly and fuel consumption is stable. How can you tell when it's time to change your spark plugs?

If the parameter is modest, then a premature spark appears. And at low voltages a breakdown occurs. As a result, the power and efficiency of the engine decreases.

After what mileage should you change spark plugs?

These values ​​may vary. Their changes are influenced by the quality of the fuel and the condition of the car itself. In cases of regular use of low-quality fuel, the electrodes in the spark plugs may burn out much earlier than their standard life. Symptoms of this are: unstable engine functioning and loss of traction.

If the car runs on simple spark plugs, and the mileage is already close to 80,000 km, the car’s power decreases and its gluttony increases. This is how many km you need to change the spark plugs. And then the driver may come back to haunt him for his forgetfulness or inattention, since such spark plugs had to be replaced about 60,00 km ago. Although it is not uncommon for ordinary cars to operate stably for 30 and 40 thousand km. But it’s better not to tempt fate and make a replacement according to the procedures, focusing on the potential assigned by the manufacturer. The interval after which spark plugs need to be changed is always indicated on the packaging.

Symptoms of wear and tear

When should you change spark plugs? People often turn to official centers for replacement services. But even before visiting there, it is important to find out that the time for replacement has already come. Prerequisites for this may include:

  • the appearance of vibrations and jerking while driving,
  • unstable engine behavior.

Before your diagnostic visit, you can analyze the product yourself . This can be done if they are easy to remove. How long do spark plugs last?

Signals for replacement may be their appearance and other characteristics.

Gap Study

This procedure takes place first. All candles are specially marked. This marking reflects the type of part and the gap parameter. This is the very last number. It is indicated in millimeters. If the actual gap exceeds the specified value, the device must be urgently replaced.

Presence of soot

Ideally, it is desirable that soot is completely absent. When there are no disturbances in the combustion process, the electrodes clean themselves. When there is black or white carbon deposits on the device, this is a sign of improper ignition. But the quality of the part does not matter here. If there are large differences in the color of the soot and the general appearance, then you should refer to the manufacturer’s documentation, which reflects the frequency of replacing spark plugs. Of course, it must be replaced.

Ceramic insulator

If cracks form in it, they are filled with a brown coating. With this picture, the kit is completely replaced. All advice concerns mileage. As already indicated, for conventional devices it reaches 20 thousand km, for platinum parts - 100 thousand km, these are the recommended spark plugs. Once these parameters are reached, you can safely set new ones. How many kilometers should you change the spark plugs? Here we turn to the recommendations of the company that produced these devices.

Consequences of negligence

How do you know when it's time to change your spark plugs? If the car owner ignored or did not take the deadline seriously, the consequences could be fatal. For example, in an emergency, when a car is urgently needed, its engine may simply not start. Or the car may stop somewhere on the road where there is no technical assistance nearby. Therefore, you should not neglect the standards, but change the spark plugs on time.

Also, do not ignore the symptoms of broken spark plugs, otherwise you will have to repair the engine. And this is quite an expensive activity. The list of fatal breakdowns includes detonation that occurs in the cylinder. A shock wave results and entire charges detonate in the cylinders. When this wave is reflected from the walls of the combustion compartment, a tinkling sound is heard.

In the event of a powerful detonation, the engine weakens and the exhaust fills with black smoke. The motor is overloaded. Pistons and other engine components may be damaged. The cylinder can wear out instantly. To avoid such troubles, do not forget to make a timely replacement. And then your car will serve you well for a long time.

You should not ignore the symptoms of broken spark plugs, otherwise you will have to repair the entire engine.

Based on manufacturer or service recommendations, based on condition or common sense - has analyzed all the typical situations and symptoms

There are so many myths about the frequency of replacing spark plugs that hundreds, if not thousands, of motorists fall victim to them every year. Some do not change spark plugs when it is critically necessary, others, on the contrary, strive in the old fashioned way to crawl under the engine’s protective casing during each maintenance where it is completely unnecessary and, on the contrary, is harmful to the engine. Let's figure out when replacing spark plugs is necessary and when it is unjustified.

Design, features and types of spark plugs

Although progress is not worth it, nothing has been invented to replace spark plugs. Moreover, it has not changed much during its existence. The main components of a candle are:

  • Central electrode
  • Side electrode
  • Frame
  • Insulator
  • Seals

The design is very simple: the central electrode is placed in a ceramic insulator. The ends of this electrode protrude from the insulator - on one side a contact terminal is put on it, through which the electrode is connected to the high-voltage wire leading from the ignition coil. The second end of this electrode is the working end.

The insulator is placed inside a metal case, on the outside it has a thread for screwing into the hole in the block head, as well as a turnkey edge, which allows you to remove the spark plug if necessary. To prevent exhaust gases from passing between the housing and the insulator, seals are used.

The side electrode is welded to the body. It is directed towards the central one, but there is a gap between them.

It all works like this: the central electrode acts as a “plus” and is supplied with voltage from the coil, and the body, together with the side electrode, is a “minus”, since it is in contact with the metal elements of the engine, which are the “ground”.

In this case, voltage is not supplied to the central electrode constantly, but in pulses that are created by a breaker (carburetor models) or an electronic control unit (injection cars). And at the moment the pulse is given, an arc discharge jumps between the electrodes - a spark.

Candles are constantly being improved, and designers follow two paths - making additions to the design and using different materials for the manufacture of components. At the same time, everything is aimed at increasing performance indicators and service life.

As for additions to the design, there are candles additionally equipped with:

Spark plug with ring electrode

Candle with sharp electrode

Spark plug with resistor

  • resistor;
  • several side electrodes;
  • one ring electrode instead of a side electrode;
  • With pointed ends of the electrodes.

Regarding the material of manufacture, in many respects they concern only the central electrode. Initially it was made of steel, but over time it was changed to other metals and alloys. According to this criterion there are candles:

  • with a copper core of the central or both electrodes;
  • iridium;
  • with platinum coated electrodes.

Optimal time to replace spark plugs

Many car enthusiasts believe that spring is the time when it is necessary to change spark plugs , otherwise the car may “sneeze”, feel bad and “delight” the owner with other whims. There may indeed be some grounds for such conclusions: it is in spring and autumn that maximum temperature changes, numerous transitions through zero and other weather phenomena that contribute to maximum moisture condensation are observed.

These a seriously complicate the operation of the ignition system, especially if it is imperfect or not fully functional: moisture getting into the cracks of worn high-voltage wires carries the spark into the atmosphere, and only a very small amount reaches the spark plug, unable to ignite the fuel in a cold engine , and closes the contacts on archaic switches or windings on old ignition coils, which have also become covered with a network of microcracks, or their compound has peeled off from the body, or their resistance increases many times over.

As a result, a full-fledged fuel flare does not occur; the spark plug is filled with gasoline or oil, and it generally stops producing any flares. If such a situation is observed in one or two cylinders, then the engine can start on the remaining two or three spark plugs, and after some time the remaining cylinders “sneeze” - as a result of warming up, moisture evaporates from the wires and coils, the spark plug heats up and so does the fuel from it evaporates, and gradually the flashes become sufficiently consistent for the engine to operate normally. However, if the elements of the ignition system of all cylinders are faulty, the engine will not start.

In this situation, new candles can save the situation. There is no carbon deposits on them yet, the gap between the electrodes is nominal, and they can produce a normal spark even when the current in the system decreases. However, it is rare that the root cause is in the spark plugs, and replacing the spark plugs with new ones can temporarily delay the problem, which sooner or later will appear again.

Why were old spark plugs used to be restored?

Previously, the question of the frequency of replacement of spark plugs was completely different from what it is now: spark plugs failed much more often, and it was much more difficult to buy them. Therefore, spark plugs that were at least somewhat suitable were revived by calcining them on a gas burner, cleaning off carbon deposits, setting the spark gap, and kept them in the garage or in the car, just in case, as a reserve. When the shortage disappeared, most manufacturers began to recommend replacing spark plugs every 10,000 km, along with oil, and this was justified: many domestic spark plugs by this time (and sometimes earlier) failed due to poor quality, while imported ones failed became victims of low-quality gasoline. For example, red carbon deposits on the electrodes were a widespread phenomenon when using 95-octane gasoline with a high content of iron-based additives, which could be encountered at almost any gas station. Now the situation with both the quality of spark plugs and the quality of fuel has more or less returned to normal, but the question is “When to change spark plugs?” remains open.

Top 5. Hammer F6TC

In terms of cost, Hammer F6TC spark plugs are the most affordable in the rating. The closest competitor, the budget BRISK DR15YC-1, will cost 50% more.

  • Country: China
  • Average price: 59 rub.
  • Electrode material: nickel
  • Heat number: 7
  • Gap: 0.4mm
  • Resource: 25000 km

Owners of a Lada Granta with a fuel-injected 8-valve engine often choose budget Hammer F6TC spark plugs, which have quite decent performance characteristics. Users note their reliability and high spark generation rates. Due to the presence of a universal mounting size, the presented spark plugs are suitable for use in both cars and gasoline-powered motorcycles. In their reviews, Lada Granta owners note the high-quality assembly of the Hammer F6TC, thanks to which they are guaranteed to serve the service life declared by the manufacturer, although it is not particularly durable.

Signs of wear on modern spark plugs

After what mileage to change spark plugs is usually indicated in the car instructions or in recommendations to official dealers , however, the fact that these data differ greatly suggests that manufacturers do not have a common opinion on this matter. This depends on many factors, not the least of which is the reliability of other components of the ignition system. The fact is that the electrical resistance between the coil and the spark plug is one of the main parameters for the stable operation of the ignition system. That is why manufacturers strive to minimize the number of parts in the system - the desire to reduce resistance, in particular, is associated with the almost universal rejection of high-voltage wires.

However, this also has a downside - any malfunctions that lead to a change in the resistance for which the system is designed can cause systematic overheating of the ignition coil, which leads to its premature failure. Of all the elements of the system, it is the spark plugs that are most exposed to external factors - the formation of soot and burnout of the electrodes greatly affect the overall resistance of the electrical circuit. Therefore, some manufacturers are playing it safe, recommending changing spark plugs more often and thereby preserving the life of a more expensive part - the ignition coil. According to this logic, many car enthusiasts prefer to change spark plugs “based on condition” rather than “based on mileage.”

Selection of spark plugs for Granta FL with 16-valve timing

Perhaps, the differences between consumables for ignition of more efficient Grant FL engines with 16 valves of the gas distribution system are:

  • 15.8 mm hexagon sockets for corresponding keys for 16
  • the presence of individual ignition coils on the spark plugs;
  • the location of the spark plugs in the corresponding wells of the cylinder heads, which significantly complicates and complicates their dismantling and installation.

Taking into account the above, the original spark plug products for VAZ21126 and VAZ21127 are AU17DVRM under the brand of the domestic manufacturer Standart , as well as Czech products with the article number DR15YC-1 from our brother Brisk Super .

And here, probably, we should talk about the features of domestic labeling of candle products using the example of the following image from a factory circulation:

a decoding of the markings of
Brisk Super , but for comparison we have a sample decoding of DENSO :

As for the list of brands of analog consumables for restoring the ignition operation of the 16 valve Granta FL, then, perhaps, we should give a far from complete list of the TOP manufacturers of the most popular spark plug products among our brother:

Replacing spark plugs: position of official dealers

Through official dealers you can always find out exactly how much longer you can safely drive before it becomes necessary to change the spark plugs. This is not without meaning, because depending on the make and model of the car, the service interval can differ significantly! For example, for most Renault models this interval is set within 30,000, Citroen recommends replacing spark plugs every 40,000, for a significant part of Volkswagen and Mitsubishi cars - 60,000, and, for example, Mazda advises checking the condition of the spark plugs once every 80,000 and once every 120,000 - change them. We strongly advise you to check this information on the manufacturer’s website before visiting a service station: unscrupulous services may, for selfish reasons, try to trick you into replacing spark plugs more frequently.

At the same time, the recommendation to change spark plugs more often than indicated in the factory manual is not always a scam. If there is information on specialized unofficial forums about the frequent failure of ignition system elements and service specialists also refer to poor statistics on this issue, perhaps their opinion is worth listening to.

Cost and article number of original spark plugs for Lada Granta and their analogues

The article number of the consumables used differs depending on the power unit with which the machine is equipped. So the 8 valve Lada Granta has original spark plugs with article number A17DVRM.

Their cost ranges from 140 to 245 rubles. On vehicles with a 16-valve engine, branded AU17DVRM consumables are used. Their cost varies from 180 to 220 rubles. In retail sales, candles are found under catalog numbers:

  • 21110370701000;
  • 21110370701003;
  • 21120370701000;
  • 21120370701001.

On a Lada Granta car it is possible to install not only original spark plugs, but also their analogues. Many of them have better quality than branded products. The tables below show the optimal spark plugs that perform well during operation on the Lada Granta.

Table - The best alternatives to original spark plugs for the Lada Granta with an 8-valve engine.

Manufacturer brandArticle numberEstimated cost, ruble

Table - Recommended alternatives to original spark plugs for the Lada Granta with a sixteen-valve power unit.

FirmArticle numberApproximate cost, ruble

There are no official recommendations from the automaker for installing iridium spark plugs on the Lada Granta. At the same time, drivers note that such consumables perform well during operation of the car. Iridium spark plugs have a longer service life and ignite the fuel-air mixture more optimally. As a result, the car becomes more economical or dynamic, and vibration during operation of the power unit is reduced.

What are the benefits of “golden” candles?

If you see in the factory instructions the recommendation “replace spark plugs every 120,000 km” or an even higher figure, do not rush to write off everything as marketing gimmicks. Most likely, your car is equipped with spark plugs with platinum or iridium electrodes . Such spark plugs are expensive, durable and provide excellent spark generation throughout their entire service life; as a rule, they are equipped with highly accelerated engines that require extremely stable spark characteristics.

In addition to being expensive, they also have a number of disadvantages: for example, they are quite capricious to external influences, so it is not recommended to unscrew them from the engine again - falling on the floor or mechanical cleaning with a wire brush in the old fashioned way will most likely immediately disable the expensive spark plug. In addition, despite the fact that platinum (and even more so iridium) spark plugs have greater “penetrative” spark power and self-cleaning ability than conventional spark plugs, they are just as susceptible to the formation of carbon deposits on an engine that overflows or consumes a lot of oil. But you won’t be able to clean them using old-fashioned methods, unlike ordinary candles. Therefore, they are not recommended for installation on old engines: they are unlikely to have time to fully reveal their potential and fully realize the economic benefits of use.

But if you still decide to install fashionable platinum or iridium candles, then keep in mind: they, just like ordinary ones, must be carefully selected according to parameters, first of all, according to external dimensions and heat rating. Otherwise, instead of improving engine performance, you may end up with lost money and headaches.

Replacement and maintenance points

What are the best spark plugs? The manufacturer strongly recommends installing spark plugs on the VAZ-2190, version 8 valves that meet the standards of the AU17DVRM brand. These products are of domestic origin, or more precisely, they are manufactured at ZAZS Russia OJSC.

Catalog code – “21110-3707010-00”.

If we consider foreign analogues, we should highlight the following:

  • "WD7DFC", produced by the German giant "BOSCH";
  • “BCPR6” from the “ES-11” series from the Japanese brand “NGK”;
  • "DR15YC" from the BRISK corporation (Czech Republic).

Each car owner decides for himself which spark plugs are best.

The entire set (4 pcs.) should be replaced. When choosing the parts you are looking for, pay attention to their technical characteristics. The following set of parameters will be relevant for a candle:

  • diameter of the threaded section;
  • its length;
  • heat number.

The purchased spark plugs must fully comply with the needs of the LADA Granta engine in terms of the indicated characteristics.

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