Replacing the heater motor on a VAZ 2114 video instructions

To force the air flow in the interior heating system, a fan driven by an electric motor is used. Thanks to this fan, the heater's operating efficiency increases.

Of the entire stove design, the fan is the most complex element, since it uses an electric motor. The electric motor itself is a direct current motor with excitation from permanent magnets. Despite its structural simplicity, the motor gradually wears out and stops working or functions incorrectly, which affects the performance of the interior heater.

Equipment operation mechanism

The fan regulates the flow of air that will circulate inside the car.
It has several damper positions, which can be directed towards heating the feet, glass or the passenger part of the cabin. If the system does not work properly and is noisy, the heating process of the VAZ 2114 is reduced to zero. Warm air does not enter the cabin, as a result of which the car remains cold. This problem is especially noticeable in the cold season. In order to understand the reasons, you need to know how the operating mechanism of the heating system works:

  1. 1. To supply heat to the interior of the car, it is necessary to adjust the supply of thermal air by closing and opening the tap.
  2. 2. Through these actions, coolant enters the radiator, which contributes to the formation of heat. The stove operates at the maximum coolant level with a fully heated motor, which is about one hundred degrees.
  3. 3. When the stove switches to different speed modes, the fan speed is regulated.
  4. 4. In the car interior there are special partitions with the help of which you can determine the main root causes of failure of the VAZ 2114 stove.

In case of malfunctions, the cause should be sought in the following:

  • The fuse has failed;

The most pressing reason. A faulty fuse does not work properly, which can be the main reason for the breakdown of the entire heating system of the vehicle. Often the cause of a blown fuse is a short circuit. To determine this deficiency, you will have to fully understand the operation of the safety chain.

  • Poor contact in the inside of the mounting block;

Poor contact of the mounting block

The main cause of this malfunction is considered to be oxidized wiring. There is a solution to the problem: just reconsider the wires connected in front of the mounting block and replacement may be required.

  • The ignition relay has failed;

Occurs as a result of a stuck ignition relay. The trouble is revealed simply. In this case, the fan does not work properly and is noisy; its effectiveness is expressed only when the engine is fully warmed up. To eliminate this failure, it is necessary to replace the relay.

  • Inoperability of the stove speed modes;

It is detected when the fan is operating at maximum mode, which makes noise. In this case, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of the heating resistor. If it becomes unusable, replacement will help. This is the design of the heating system. In modes 1-2, the equipment operates using an additional resistor, and only mode 3 is switched on directly from the battery.

Causes of malfunction

Note that the reason that the fan does not turn on is problems with the power circuit. Oxidation of wiring contacts, blown fuse, faulty resistor - all this leads to the cessation of operation of the electric motor. Therefore, if it does not turn on, you should first check the power circuit components. Common problems with the fan motor are the occurrence of extraneous sounds during operation - squeals, rattling, interruptions in operation - spontaneous stopping, difficult starting, etc.

The reason for the appearance of third-party sounds:

  1. Deterioration in the landing bushings into which the electric motor rotor is installed, lack of lubrication in them. Because of this, the rotor becomes loose during operation, which creates increased vibrations and rattling, and “dry” friction is accompanied by squealing.
  2. Interruptions in operation are caused by critical wear of the graphite brushes and contact plates of the rotor. Because of this, the brushes and plates cannot make normal contact with each other, which leads to problems in the operation of the fan motor - it does not spin up when turned on and may stop spontaneously.

Troubleshooting the electric motor of the stove is a problematic process and not always advisable; it is easier to purchase a new fan and replace it.

Video: Repairing the VAZ 2114 stove motor

Fan disassembly

In the case where there is a motor with an impeller, we disassemble the fan housing. To do this, remove the foam seal from the outlet socket, then remove the housing clamps, after which it will split into two halves.

We extract the email. motor, for which we unfasten the spring clamps of the motor cover, remove this cover and remove the electric motor. the engine together with the impeller from half the housing. The electric motor is replaced only as an assembly with the impeller, and it is not recommended to disconnect them so as not to disturb the alignment. When assembling, be sure to stick a foam seal around the perimeter of the outlet socket, otherwise the air flow will dissipate due to the cracks, which will reduce the efficiency of the stove. If the electric motor of the stove made a strong squeal during operation, you don’t have to change the electric motor, just disassemble the fan and put grease in the bushings. But these measures will help eliminate the squealing for a short period of time and ultimately the stove motor will have to be replaced.

Important points

In order for the stove repair to proceed as quickly as possible, and its results not to disappoint the car owner, you should adhere to the rules below:

  • When removing the old motor, be sure to turn it. If this is not done, part of its fastening may break and get stuck in the torpedo, or more precisely, in the mounting bracket. And getting to the stuck fragment will not be so easy.
  • When tightening the mounting screws with a Phillips screwdriver, you should not use too much force: they are small, so the threads in their sockets can easily be stripped.

As practice shows, replacing an engine is not particularly difficult even for a novice car enthusiast if he has held a wrench and a screwdriver in his hands at least once in his life. The whole procedure takes 40–50 minutes maximum. The main thing is not to overdo it with tightening the fasteners, and everything will be fine.

To force the air flow in the interior heating system, a fan driven by an electric motor is used. Thanks to this fan, the heater's operating efficiency increases.

Of the entire stove design, the fan is the most complex element, since it uses an electric motor. The electric motor itself is a direct current motor with excitation from permanent magnets. Despite its structural simplicity, the motor gradually wears out and stops working or functions incorrectly, which affects the performance of the interior heater.

Instructions for replacing the VAZ 2114 stove motor

First, let's list the consumables and tools we need:

  • a new VAZ 2114 heater motor (and you must buy it complete with a fan and a protective cover);
  • set of open-end wrenches;
  • Phillips screwdriver (medium size).

To change the motor yourself, you need to follow the sequence of actions below:

  1. The hood of the car is opened, and the terminal with the minus sign is disconnected from the battery using a 10-mm open-end wrench.
  2. In the cab of the car, under the dashboard, there is a power cord for the oven motor. It is manually removed from the connector.

    The “positive” power wire for the motor is located in the cabin, under the dashboard

  3. Now in the engine compartment, using an 8 mm open-end wrench, unscrew the 2 nuts holding the fan shroud. There is also a nut with which the car's ground wire is attached to the casing. She also unscrews.

    Next to the casing nuts there is also a “ground” nut, which also unscrews

  4. Next, use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the additional fan mounting bolts.

    Unscrew an additional pair of mounting bolts with a Phillips screwdriver

  5. The air supply grille is released and removed, revealing access to the motor held on a special bracket.

    When all fasteners are unscrewed, the air intake grille is removed manually

  6. To remove the motor, first pull it towards you, then turn it 90 degrees, remove it from the mounting bracket and remove it from its normal place.

    The electric motor of the heater is first pulled towards itself, and then turned at a right angle

  7. Now a new motor is installed in place of the burnt device, after which all components are reassembled.


Replacing a failed unit is not difficult. Follow certain rules and sequence of your actions to achieve the desired result.

  1. Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery.
  2. Lift the hood and in the engine compartment, remove all the mounting bolts that hold the plastic trim.
  3. For now, the overlay can be moved to the side so that it does not interfere with work.
  4. Remove the rubber seal, which also has its place in the engine compartment.
  5. Remove the protective cover from your heater motor. So you have reached the desired object and can begin replacing.
  6. On the sides of the motor are two bolts that hold your fan in place.
  7. Now go into the interior and remove the driver's side panel. There is a positive plug located there, which must be disconnected.
  8. Next, look for the negative wire. It is held on by one nut, which must be unscrewed.
  9. The disconnected wires are inserted into the hole in the body of your car, passing through the rubber seal.
  10. Remove the damaged motor. To do this, you need to turn it and pull it out through the right side.

As you can see, removing the device is not difficult. Having studied the condition of the fan motor, we can draw a conclusion regarding the need to replace it. Sometimes car owners get by with simply repairing brushes or replacing fuses.

The fan motor is noisy and malfunctions

  • This indicates a problem in the VAZ 2114 fan cooling system, but provided that the above problems are corrected. The cause of a motor malfunction may be: equipment failure, or poor contact, which occurs as a result of sticking fan brushes;

The result of troubleshooting may be a complete replacement of the motor, which has repeatedly begun to fail you.

  • Problems lie in the operation of the power unit;

This may happen if there is no power to the motor. Problems should be looked for in the following:

  1. 1. Poor contact on the fan.
  2. 2. Motor brush sticking.
  3. 3. Motor performance.

Basic heating system malfunctions

If the stove stops supplying hot air to the cabin, or if this air is supplied with great difficulty, then the fan is not always to blame.

Thus, we can distinguish the following main types of malfunctions of the electrical component of the heater:

  • contacts in the common block are oxidized;
  • Additional resistance has burned out.
  • The heater switch has failed;
  • blown fuse;

The first step is to start looking for a problem with the fuse, designated in the general block as F7 and designed for a current of 30 A. It should be carefully removed from the block, it rings and, if necessary, replaced with a new one designed for the same current.

VAZ 2114 fuse box

Since fuse F7 protects not only the VAZ 2114 heater engine, but also devices such as mirror heaters, glove box lighting and the cigarette lighter, the failure of the safety element can be judged by their performance.

The second thing you need to check (in case the fuse is working) is its contacts at the point of attachment to the common block. If you notice oxides or severe contamination, they should be removed with a cloth moistened with VD scrub or kerosene, or simply with very fine sandpaper. Most often, such basic repairs allow the fan to return to normal operation.

Poor contact of the VAZ 2114 mounting block

The third stage of control should be a switch, for easy access to the contacts of which the central console should be disassembled. Next, you should take a device, which is a 12 V car light bulb with wires soldered to its terminals, and alternately connect its positive wire to pins 1, 2, 3 of the switch.

In this case, the minus wire must be connected to the body ground and the ignition must be turned on. If the lamp lights up with different brightness in all modes, the switch is working; if not, it needs to be replaced.

Sometimes a failed additional switch resistor causes the stove to operate incorrectly, which can be indicated by the fan turning on only in mode 3.

Having checked all these components (in addition to the continuity of all the wires connecting them), it is also necessary to check the VAZ 2114 stove engine itself. Most often, the same oxidized contacts are responsible for its inoperability, which should be cleaned in the same way as the contacts in the mounting block or soldered wires, to be soldered.

To check the fan for sure, it should be connected directly to a 12-volt voltage source: if its impeller remains motionless, the device has failed and must be replaced.

When does the heater motor need to be replaced?

There are several signs that will tell a car owner that something is wrong with the heater motor. Here are the most common of them:

  • When you try to turn on the stove, you cannot hear the hum of the motor, and this picture is observed at all three speeds.
  • The motor supplies air at all speeds, but operates intermittently.
  • The operation of the motor is stable, there are no interruptions in the supply of warm air, but instead of a uniform hum, extraneous sounds are heard, a grinding sound, which later develops into a piercing creak.


The main task is to identify the cause of the breakdown and assess your capabilities in a specific situation.

Let's start with simple ones and move on to more complex ones:

  1. We check the fuse (F-7 for a voltage of 30 A), which is responsible not only for the heating system, but also for the operation of the cigarette lighter, heated mirrors, glove compartment lighting, and headlight washers. Therefore, when this fuse blows, all of the above devices refuse to work. If it works, we move further along the chain.
  2. Turn on the car's ignition and set the speed control to positions 1, 2, 3 in order. If the fan does not work in any of these positions, move on. If the electric motor does not show signs of life in the first and second positions of the speed switch, but in the third position it starts to work (the fan is powered at the first and second speeds through a resistor, and in the third speed the current flows directly to the electric motor), the problem lies in the resistance or in the switch itself .
  3. If the heater motor comes on after the car engine has warmed up, the problem is a faulty ignition relay. Solved by replacing the relay.
  4. If the stove motor refuses to work in any mode, the fault remains - it is the stove motor itself.

How to replace the VAZ-2114 stove motor with your own hands

A warm interior is the key to good and comfortable travel by car. A non-working stove can not only cause discomfort, but also become an argument against further travel by car at all. It’s one thing when you came to the garage, noticed a non-working heater and refused to move further in the car during the breakdown, but if this breakdown caught you on the road, the nearest service center is far away, and it is not possible to drive a car with a non-working interior heater, because the windshield becomes covered with frost and further movement becomes dangerous. Then the only option left is to either transport the car using a tow truck, or try to fix it yourself.

External view of the VAZ 2114 heater fan motor

How to diagnose the performance of the VAZ-2115 heater

  • Turn on switch 1 first, then second and third speeds.
  • Using levers 2 and 4, you can adjust the desired direction of the air flow, and the latter also makes it possible to select the desired temperature.

The reasons for the breakdown may be different:

  • A faulty fan means the stove does not work at all.
  • If the radiator still shows signs of life, then the breakdown may be a failure of the additional resistor or the interior heater does not respond to switch commands.
  • But the stove tap can also leak or become stuck, in which case it must be urgently replaced.
  • When the fan is running at full power and the temperature is at maximum, and the engine is warm, then perhaps the heater radiator is clogged. To clean or replace it, you will need to disassemble it.

Appearance and location of the stove motor

The device is located in the middle of the so-called torpedo and is a small DC electric motor to which a fan protected by a plastic casing is attached. This motor has three operating modes and is designed to supply warm air to three zones: on the windshield, on the passengers’ feet, or directly into the cabin.

The protective cover has been removed from the motor, the fan is visible

How to remove the VAZ 2114 heater fan or change the 2114 heater motor

First of all, replacing the VAZ 2114 heater motor is usually done when the heater motor is very noisy or has completely failed. So, the heater motor 2114 is located between the engine shield and the windshield (near the mounting block).

  1. Just open the hood and you will find the engine casing. This cover must be removed. Next, you need to clean the space around the housing from dirt and dust so that debris does not get into the air duct when you subsequently remove the heater motor.
  2. The next step is to use a cross-head screwdriver to unscrew the pair of bolts that attach the heater fan housing to the engine shield. After unscrewing the bolts, you need to remove the plus wire, after which the ground wire is unscrewed. These wires are located under the panel (almost in the center of the engine shield).
  3. Next, you can remove the heater motor. According to the manual, you need to turn it 90 degrees and pull it out, but in practice not everything is so simple and difficulties arise. To make the task easier, you can divide the body into two parts, and then remove one part and the other one by one. The main thing is not to break the latches by carefully opening them. It is also important not to damage the connecting elastic at the back. It is also necessary to remove the layer of sealing foam that is laid between the air duct and the stove body. Let us also add that the heater motor cover is attached to the body using two steel brackets that need to be disconnected in order to replace the heater motor.
  4. These staples must be put back in place when finished, both of them. If you leave only one bracket, tight fixation cannot be achieved, the motor will dangle, make noise, and there will be a hum and a whistle. To remove the motor, use a cross-head screwdriver to unscrew the bolts, after which the motor is removed from the housing. Having completed all the work, assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

Please note that during assembly you need to press the stove body as tightly as possible to the air duct. It is also important to connect the two halves of the housing tightly. This is necessary so that the air flow is dense and intense, without loss.

  • It’s not difficult to guess that in order to change the stove fan of a VAZ 2115 or VAZ 2114, as well as a number of other similar models, you must adhere to the algorithm discussed above. Replacing the stove fan on a VAZ 2114 is also not particularly difficult and does not require special tools or skills.

Having prepared a new fan, you need to disconnect the terminals from the battery, after which the power to the heater fan is turned off. Then, under the hood, the bolts of the protective casing are unscrewed, and the “minus” of the motor power supply is removed.

We also recommend reading the article on how to modify the cooling system of the Lada Kalina. From this article you will learn why you need to modify the SOD on Kalina, as well as how to modify the Kalina cooling system yourself.

Now you need to unscrew the screws that secure the motor itself. Next, the mount for the stove air intake grille is removed, after which the air intake grille itself is removed.

After completing all the operations, you can remove the motor assembly with the protective casing. Next, you need to disassemble the casing, remove the motor and perform all the necessary work. Upon completion, reassembly should be carried out.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the standard heater fan on domestic VAZ models can be a real problem, since the engine is often noisy and humming. Of course, this affects the comfort when operating the vehicle. It also happens that the motor of the stove 2114 and other similar models completely fails. In this case, the stove does not work, but the interior heater system itself is fully operational.

We also recommend reading the article on how to replace the heater radiator (heater radiator) on a Lada Kalina. From this article you will learn about the features of replacing the radiator of the Kalina stove, as well as how to remove the stove radiator on Kalina.

In such a situation, the only correct solution would be to replace the stove fan with a VAZ-2114. Taking into account the fact that such a replacement is not difficult, you can fix the problem yourself in a regular garage. This means that there is no need to contact the service, since all work can be completed independently in 1-2 hours.

Finally, we note that when performing such work related to the ventilation and heating system of the vehicle interior, it is important to achieve maximum density when connecting individual elements. This will allow you to avoid output losses and obtain good airflow quality and powerful air flow even at low stove fan speeds. For this reason, it is necessary to adhere to the above recommendations regarding disassembly and reassembly of the element discussed in this article.

The process of replacing a fan on a VAZ-2114

Heater fan

As already mentioned, the process of replacing the stove fan will take quite a bit of time and even a novice motorist can do it.

The unit itself is located in the engine compartment, behind the engine shield. It is protected from dust and dirt by a plastic casing, which performs its functions well, but not always.

Before you begin the replacement process itself, you need to collect the tools. So, let's look at what you need: a set of keys (where would we be without it), a Phillips-head screwdriver and a new fan as a part.

Exact withdrawal algorithm

Now that the motorist is fully armed, you can consider the step-by-step instructions for replacing the heater fan:

  1. We remove the negative terminal from the battery.
  2. We find the fan power connectors under the dashboard and turn it off. Turn off the power to the heater fan. Fan power wires.
  3. We unscrew the two mounting bolts of the protective casing from the engine compartment.

    Unscrew the fastenings of the fan protective casing

  4. We dismantle the nut of the “minus terminal” of the motor power supply.
  5. Unscrew the screws securing the motor.

    The fan mounting screws are marked with an arrow.

  6. We dismantle the fastening of the stove air intake grille and remove it.

    Removing the air intake grille

  7. Remove the motor assembly with the protective casing.
    We take out the motor assembly

    Removing the heater motor on a VAZ-2114 from its seat

  8. We disassemble the casing and remove the motor itself.
  9. Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Fan selection

Now that the process is clear and discussed, it is necessary to consider which stove fan is suitable for the VAZ-2114. To do this, first turn to the spare parts catalog. In addition to the original spare part, a number of analogues were found that are recommended for installation.

Original spare part (article)

2108-8101078 – original catalog number of the heater motor for the Lada family of cars 2108-21099, as well as 2113-2115. It is manufactured at the AvtoVAZ plant and the average cost is 2000 rubles.


In addition to the original stove fan, you can find several analogues on the market that are recommended for installation.

So, let's look at all the possible options:

  • Fenox HM81002 – the cost of this product is 1,500 rubles. Country of origin: Belarus.
  • Master-sport 2108-8101078-PCS-MS - the average cost is also about 1,500 rubles. Country of origin: Germany.

    Fenox analog heater motor

Unfortunately, no other analogues were found, but some motorists are modernizing this unit by reworking it.

Which motor to choose

When choosing a replacement device, it is recommended to purchase domestically produced fan motors, which are originals produced at AvtoVAZ. Their number is indicated in the catalog as 2108-8101078. They are quite universal and are installed on VAZ models 8 to 9 and 13 to 15, making them easy to find for sale in any car store.

Among the available, but at the same time proven, analogues, it should be noted such as: Fenox HM 81002 made in Belarus and Master-sport 2108-8101078-PCS-MS, made in Germany. Both of these motors have approximately the same cost (around 1,500 rubles) and are of equally high quality.

Fenox heater motor

If there is a desire (or need, for example, due to a damaged air duct) to purchase and install the entire fan assembly, then preference should be given to the Pekar 2108-8101091 and Luzar 2108-8101091 models. They combine high quality workmanship and budget cost.

Pekar stove motor

Thus, replacing the motor or even the entire fan with your own hands is not difficult. The most important thing is to take your time and first check all possible causes of the malfunction, and only then proceed with replacement.

Connection diagram, resistors and fan relays

In principle, changing a fan is not difficult, but you will have to remember your service in the army and the vocabulary of the duty officer. We have placed the technical characteristics of the fan and its connection diagram on the page, if this will somehow help with dismantling. Just in case, if anyone cannot find the original fan, the engine must develop at least 4200 rpm with a current consumption of no more than 14 amperes.

Whistling and howling can be different at different engine operating modes. This is because the connection diagram assumes the presence of a resistor with a resistance of 0.23 and 0.65 Ohms. One limits the current for low speed, and the other is used to obtain the second speed. But this is a theory.


Preparatory activities do not include many complex operations. You will need to do the following:

Remove the negative terminal from the battery to de-energize the car and protect the car from possible short circuits; Drain the coolant from the system. To do this, open the cap of the expansion tank to relieve excess pressure, and then unscrew the drain. The liquid must be drained into a special prepared container.

When draining the cooling liquid, one important rule must be observed - the procedure is carried out only when the engine has cooled down. If in the future you are going to use the same antifreeze or antifreeze, then choose a clean container for draining

If in the future you are going to use the same antifreeze or antifreeze, then choose a clean container for draining.

When do you need to replace a VAZ 2114 motor?

The reason has been identified. All that remains is to act. Today the market provides a great variety of fans at your service. Their price depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the quality characteristics.

Reviews from car owners indicate that fans purchased at an average price are the best option.

How to remove the fan from the VAZ 2114 stove?

To do this, you need to know where exactly it is. The fan is placed in a special container, which is located in the hood of the vehicle near the windshield.

To remove the fan you will need an ordinary screwdriver and a basic set of keys. Let's take a look at the step-by-step removal of the fan:

  1. 1. You should find the plus wire of the equipment. Disconnect it;
  2. 2. Since the casing cover is secured with screws, remove them completely;
  3. 3. Remove the casing and unscrew the screws;
  4. 4. Unscrew the screws that secure the air intake grilles;
  5. 5. Remove the motor of the VAZ 2114; to do this you will have to move it slightly towards you and lift it;
  6. 6. After removing the motor, turn it 90 degrees. This is necessary to remove it from the casing and remove it.

As you can see, replacement is not such a difficult matter. Therefore, these works are easy to do yourself.


To make sure that the motor is the cause of the heating system malfunction, you should carry out a simple but indicative procedure:

  • Start the car;
  • Turn on the first, second and third speeds of the stove alternately;
  • If there are no sounds indicating the start of the fan operation, the motor has failed;
  • If the fan did not turn on at speeds 1 and 2, but started working at speed 3, then the cause of the problem may be a switch or an additional resistor.
  • Causes of failure

    The motor may not work for several reasons. Each of them requires separate consideration. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the possible causes of fan failure in our table.


    It is important to know

    The fuse F7 with a voltage of 30A is responsible for the stove. Replacing it is not difficult, but the main problem lies in the possible occurrence of a short circuit. This fuse is responsible for the lighting in the glove compartment, headlight washers, cigarette lighter, and heated mirrors. If it malfunctions, all specified devices will stop working.

    There is no contact in the mounting block

    This is a common problem in cars and occurs as a result of contact oxidation or loss of connection strength.

    Ignition relay sticks

    The heater turns on only after the car has warmed up. Therefore, it is recommended to check the condition of the ignition relay if the fan is not working. Replace relay if necessary

    The heater only turns on at speed 3

    Speeds 1 and 2 are activated by an additional resistor, and in mode 3 the current goes directly to the motor. In this situation, you should replace the additional resistor or check its contacts

    The heater switch is broken

    Here we are talking about problems with the electrical target or fuse. To check their condition, you can use a test lamp

    Problems in motor design

    If everything is fine with the switch and current, but the fan does not respond, you should check the level of overheating of the motor, its ground contacts or brushes for sticking

    Depending on the problems encountered, you may need to replace the fan. Changing the motor is not difficult, although to do this you must have some skill or at least minimal experience in working with the electrical equipment of your car.

    The first step when replacing the heater motor is to disconnect the battery.

    Where is the heater fan located and how to remove it?

    Practical training on dismantling the VAZ 2114 heater begins with determining its location. If you follow the sound, the heater along with the fan can be found under the windshield in the space under the hood. In general, the factory says that you can dismantle the engine without removing the heater. For this purpose, the following technique has been developed, which we are happy to share:

    1. It is better to remove the terminal from the battery.
    2. Now we go into the interior and find the terminal connector for the heater motor power wire.
    3. You need to try to unscrew the lower nut that secures the heater housing to the engine shield. This is necessary in order to disconnect the ground wire of the electric motor.
    4. Now you need to somehow get to the engine itself. To do this, so as not to remove the entire heater, you can try to unscrew the two screws that are visible under the hood on the fan casing.
    5. The only way to get to the motor is to remove the casing.
    6. The two fan housing screws are now visible. They need to be unscrewed.
    7. But this is not enough, because the fan will not fit into the gap between the engine shield and the air intake grille. It will also have to be removed. To do this, you need to unscrew five more bolts.
    8. But the most difficult thing is to free the fan along with the case. Here, only ingenuity, patience and Buddhism can help solve this problem. . In fact, this is perhaps the most difficult task.

    Further repairs and disassembly should be carried out only if there is no way to find a new engine assembled with a fan, and only if no one is going to remove the turbine from the shaft, otherwise the entire assembly will have to be thrown away, since the factory alignment cannot be achieved under any circumstances. Verified.




    Stop trash

    In some cases, it is possible to reach an agreement with the engine by lubricating the bushings with graphite grease. There is no guarantee that he will calm down, but you can try. Throw it away anyway. Noise, creaking and squealing of the fan can be associated not only with the engine itself. Often there is a simple clogging of the air duct and debris getting inside the fan. The meanness of the situation is that it is almost impossible to check this without dismantling the fan.

    What do you want? You have to fight for warmth in the car. And if this heat is also silent, there is no price for it. But it’s still better to try to prevent debris from getting into the air duct, and then the VAZ 2114 will delight its owner with a warm and quiet interior. Good luck on your journey!

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