How to reduce fuel consumption - 13 proven methods

A car provides comfort and freedom of movement, but it requires large financial costs for maintenance and refueling. We decided to figure out what measures will help the driver reduce fuel consumption and drive his car on the roads of our country as cheaply as possible.

Just 10-15 years ago, many did not think about how to save on diesel or gasoline. And this despite the fact that on average fuel consumption was significantly higher than 15-20 liters. per 100 km. mileage

In 2000, gasoline cost only 7 rubles per liter, whereas now the cost of AI-95 at gas stations in Crimea has risen to 52 rubles. The difference is stunning. But technology does not stand still. Particularly surprising are German manufacturers who manage to create powerful turbocharged engines with a consumption of 6-8 liters in city use
. In this article we will look at all the methods and tricks that you can use to reduce the gas mileage of your car.

The condition of the air filter affects fuel consumption

The condition of the air filter is of great importance for reducing fuel consumption; it must be checked immediately; a dirty filter will negatively affect gasoline consumption, it will allow less air into the engine, thereby worsening the quality of the mixture, reducing efficiency. You need to lift the filter and look at the light. Then everything is clear: if the light no longer passes through, then it’s time to replace the filter.

Here is an example of an air filter that is time to change - it is clogged with dust and sand.

Application of savers

Along with traditional methods of reducing fuel consumption, there are modern devices - savers, which allow you to reduce fuel consumption by several times.

Magnetic savers

Fuel Free, Fuel Saver are special magnetic savers that need to be placed on the gasoline supply hose as close as possible to the supply units, as well as the main cylinders. Such media work quite simply. The magnetic field, which is created by the most powerful neodymium magnets (an alloy of iron, neodymium and boron), affects the molecular structure of the fuel. At the moment when the magnetic lines of force begin to intersect, the structure of gasoline changes, the surface tension is distorted, the polarization of molecules increases, the solubility of oxygen noticeably increases, the burning rate begins to increase, and the detonation resistance decreases. Under this influence, hot combustion will become more efficient, while reducing the amount of exhaust gases.

Saver for equalizing the operation of the electrical network

Fuel Shark is a fuel saving device, it is an electrolytic capacitor. It operates from the car's on-board network, significantly reducing the load on its battery. During its operation, the operation of the machine’s electrical network is significantly leveled, which guarantees a stable voltage supply to the spark plugs and a high-quality spark is created. The result of these actions is more efficient combustion of fuel. This saver must be installed in the cigarette lighter socket. This device can save 30 percent fuel.


This device allows you to convert liquid fuel into a gaseous state. A cavitator is a small structure that is equipped with a variable-section tube installed behind the fuel pump. Liquid fuel at the molecular level is characterized by long chains of molecules; they give a rather low combustion efficiency. The cavitator destroys such chains, which leads to more efficient combustion of fuel. In this case, while maintaining its dynamic parameters, the car will have lower fuel consumption. The economizer cavitator can separate the heaviest fractions from the fuel.

The device is equipped with an additional filter.

That is why, when it is installed, a fuel mixture with a higher degree of purification enters the combustion chambers. All this increases the efficiency of the fuel system and reduces the risk of engine failure.

ATW impulse

This saver was developed for cars equipped with 12 volt batteries. The device is connected directly to the battery terminals. The pulses it creates speed up the battery charging process. As a result, the energy consumption of the generator is reduced. Taking into account the technical characteristics stated by the manufacturer, fuel consumption can be reduced by up to 20%.

ATW impulse is indispensable for working with used and heavily worn bacteria batteries, as it helps restore their plates and increases their service life.

Incorrect tire pressure increases fuel consumption

It is necessary to recheck the condition of the tires at least once a week, or rather monitor the air pressure in them, it affects fuel consumption.

It is recommended to check the pressure before leaving, while the tires are still warm. It should not be insufficient. Exceeding the norm by 0.3 bar is not critical. In general, this will not affect the ride at all, it will only increase the pressure on the body and suspension, which will not affect the driving sensations, but will help reduce fuel consumption.

Excessive driving dynamics significantly increases fuel consumption

To reduce gasoline consumption, it is not recommended to accelerate too sharply; during a dynamic start from a traffic light, your car’s consumption may increase by 2 or more times as you pick up speed. Try driving for a week in a more relaxed mode than usual, not starting at a traffic light, but accelerating more slowly.

  • You will see really lower gas mileage
  • You will notice that you are calmer and less irritated.
  • You will get more done, you will have time to “think”

Don't sell yourself short

Of course, if the price for the same brand of gasoline at one of the gas stations is significantly lower, then it is difficult to overcome the desire to refuel at that particular gas station.
It is important to remember that refueling with low-quality gasoline, which may be offered at this gas station (perhaps why the low price), can lead to engine malfunctions. It is also not recommended to use fuel with an octane rating lower than that indicated by the manufacturer. Savings will be doubtful, since when running on low-octane fuel, the engine requires a richer fuel mixture, and accordingly, consumption will be higher. And don’t forget about the possible consequences for the engine.

Choosing the right oil will help reduce consumption

All car enthusiasts know that gasoline consumption can be reduced by choosing the right engine oil. When saving fuel, it is imperative to take into account that fuel consumption depends on oil: the engine pistons move due to the combustion of a mixture of gasoline and air.

The pistons move - resistance appears, which requires energy expenditure - more fuel.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right engine oil, taking into account its viscosity; it differs for different types of oil. Everything is clear here: the lower the viscosity, the easier the pistons move, the less resistance, and, accordingly, less gasoline is consumed. Also, when choosing oil, you must take into account other parameters: season, age of the car, warranty conditions.

The planet Mars

Why did we remember the Martian landscape?
Now you will understand... Why did we remember the Martian landscape? Now you will understand...

The famous science fiction writer Robert Sheckley had a creepy story called “The Ultimate Weapon.” A lost arsenal with unimaginable weapons was found on Mars, and the last thing they found was a box with the inscription “Absolute Weapon.” They foolishly opened it - a certain cloud floated out and began to devour everything - it needed protoplasm. And he didn’t care about force fields and other tricks of less advanced types of military equipment. In short, everyone died.

Driving style affects fuel consumption

If the driver is going to save fuel, then he should change gears in time; it is not advisable to engage a higher gear when driving at low speeds. And vice versa: if it makes sense to use a higher gear, then there is no need to force the engine: the tachometer should not show more than 3,000 rpm during normal driving.

Also, if possible, you should avoid traffic jams (modern technologies make it possible to monitor congestion). It is in a traffic jam that the frequent alternation of starting and braking begins.

Switch gears on time

This technique follows from the previous tip. Sharp acceleration involves prolonged movement at maximum speed, when the engine is operating at maximum power. For economical driving, do not overclock the engine. When you reach a certain speed (usually 1800–2000 ), you need to switch to a higher gear.

Modern cars are equipped with 5 or 6-speed gearboxes, so you can choose the optimal speed for any speed. In automatic transmissions, gears shift independently, but drivers have the opportunity to choose programs at what speeds this will happen - in “sport” at higher speeds, in “eco” – at lower speeds. Driving this way will be more economical.

Controversial opinions about whether or not to turn off the engine at traffic lights. Most are inclined to believe that in order to save fuel, it makes sense to turn off the engine if the stop is more than 2 minutes . There will be no savings with less time.

Body tuning also affects fuel consumption

If it is necessary to reduce fuel consumption, then excessive body tuning should be abandoned. For example, wide rims on a car lead to increased aerodynamic resistance, which increases fuel consumption. Any other parts placed on the external part of the car, not provided for by the design, sharply reduce the aerodynamic properties of the body.

Some more useful tips

You can save on fuel in other ways:

  • reduce excess weight . It has been proven that reducing the load for every 50–100 kg leads to a reduction in consumption by 0.4–0.7 liters. Of course, we don’t suggest removing the seats or the spare tire, but it’s worth clearing the trunk of unnecessary things;
  • install HBO . It’s no longer a secret that it’s cheaper to drive on gas fuel;
  • We organize joint trips . If you and your neighbor work in the same building or in nearby buildings, then why not travel together and share fuel costs. Particularly significant savings are achieved when traveling together over long distances.

The quality of gasoline will help reduce fuel consumption

It’s a truism, but many drivers neglect this rule, and “A stingy person pays twice,” as we know from childhood. It's simple - low-quality fuel produces less efficiency at the same consumption than high-quality fuel, undiluted with anything. It is worth filling in the fuel that is indicated on the nameplate of your gas tank hatch or in the passport of your car; it is when using the specified octane number that your car consumes the optimal amount of gasoline.

Monitor the technical condition of your car

A working car consumes less fuel than a faulty one - a common truth. Moreover, in this case we are not even talking about some serious problems, but about quite banal things that many people for some reason forget to do. I will highlight some examples that are important to pay attention to.

Wheel alignment. This process is a control of the alignment of the wheels relative to each other (this is called toe-in), as well as the road surface (camber). Gradually, these parameters get lost, so it is important to monitor them at least once every 10–20 thousand kilometers. With the correct position of the wheels, tire wear is minimized, road traction is increased, steering efficiency is increased, and vehicle stability at high speeds is maximized. If the parameters are off, in addition to a decrease in the level of everything described above, fuel consumption also increases, which is nothing positive.

Spark plug. When they do not work correctly, ignition problems begin inside the engine. When driving, the car may twitch and show other unusual behavior. However, if it seems that everything is fine, even in this case it is not a fact that the candles are in perfect order.

Tire pressure. When it differs from that recommended by the tire manufacturer and the car itself, the contact patch with the road surface changes, which can, among other things, cause an increase in consumption. It is important to control this indicator at the tire shop and using the built-in systems of the machine.

Car filters. Due to untimely replacement of air and fuel, they can become clogged and interfere with the full operation of the vehicle systems. In principle, increased fuel consumption is only one of the negative aspects that can occur in this case.

Timing chain/belt stretch. Each engine has a mileage control designated by the manufacturer or determined by the experience of service stations. If questions arise regarding this element of the power unit, this is fraught not only with high consumption.

Turning off the air conditioning can reduce fuel consumption

The turned on air conditioner in the car affects fuel consumption: increasing it by up to 20% . The air conditioning compressor puts a lot of stress on the engine drive trains, and the dryer consumes a lot of energy, straining the alternator. Yes, it is convenient in hot weather, but if we are talking about the fact that the gas in the tank is almost empty, and you still have to drive and drive to the gas station, you should turn off the air conditioning. The consumption is also affected by the heater fan, fog lights, and radio. The air conditioner sensor may simply not be working correctly; you can read how to check the air conditioner sensor here.

Drive your own car less aggressively

When the car, as they say, drives, you want to drive it more aggressively. However, such a style of behavior comes at a high cost. For example, in my driving mode, a BMW F30 with a 2-liter N26 turbocharged engine (analogous to N20), which was given as an example in the text above, consumes 16 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers. I personally saw the same device on the same xDrive all-wheel drive with an average city consumption of 11 liters. True, they drive it completely differently. The car is constantly in Eco Pro mode, and the gas pedal is not pressed, but “stroked”. However, the example is indicative.

Engine capacity and fuel consumption

Engine size and the number of “horses” play a decisive role in fuel economy. It is clear that this cannot be corrected. If the car is powerful, then the fuel consumption will be higher. Therefore, this point is relevant for those who are just planning to buy a car, but do not intend to spend a lot during operation.

This also includes the weight of the car. When choosing a vehicle, you need to look at lighter options if you don’t want to spend a lot on gasoline. If you already have a fairly heavy car, then it is advisable to get rid of extraneous things from the trunk and interior.


Unfortunately, owners of very shabby cars solve the issue of saving simply: down with the neutralizer!
Unfortunately, owners of very shabby cars solve the issue of saving simply: down with the neutralizer!

This, of course, is not Zarulev’s approach to business, but you can dream up. If the neutralizer is in working condition, the behavior of the motor will remain virtually unchanged. Its resistance is not so great as to “jam” the release. But if it is completely clogged with deposits and acts as a kind of “plug” at the outlet, then the engine will, of course, feel it. If we consider such sadism as a way to save money, it will work, of course. But at the same time you become a criminal, polluting the atmosphere.


Insulating the engine will help reduce fuel consumption

During the cold season, especially in winter, the engine needs to be insulated. No need to cover with a blanket! =). Felt or darnit will do. For safety reasons, it is better to use a special car blanket containing fire-resistant materials. Blankets help keep you warm. The longer the car warms up, the more fuel is consumed.

Gas equipment will help reduce costs

Installing LPG is a radical option to reduce fuel costs. Of course, gas is consumed faster, but it costs almost 2 times less. There are some disadvantages. For example, because of the cylinder, there is less space in the trunk, the speed is gained more slowly and harder. Although for a measured ride around the city this is not a minus at all.

Details of the use of HBO can be found in the article “How does HBO affect a car engine”

Instead of output

There are methods to save not fuel, but money. There are bank cards with special programs. As a rule, these are credit cards with a “cashback” option - a refund of money after paying for fuel at the gas station.

For example, there are also discount cards that give discounts to regular customers. It seems like a small thing, but you can save a good amount in a month.

spark plug

Good candles can save you about a percent or two...
Good candles can save you about a percent or two...

Everything is clear with candles. The energy of the spark discharge gives impetus to the flame front, the speed of propagation of which directly affects efficiency, power, ecology, etc. The speed of flame propagation depends on the squared temperature, and the temperature in the initial phase, when the flame is still “sitting” in the interelectrode space, depends on the discharge energy. This dependence is especially noticeable when ignition is difficult - at low voltage in the primary ignition circuit, at minimum idle speed and low load conditions, when there are a lot of residual gases in the chamber. Our tests have shown that a well-chosen pair of spark plug plus wire can improve engine efficiency by 2–3%.

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