Trouble with VAZ 2114 engine, 8-valve injector: causes and their elimination

Sometimes from a car service technician, or just car lovers, you can hear the phrase “The engine is bad.” This expression means that one or two of the engine cylinders have failed. If the VAZ 2114 engine has problems with the 8-valve injector, then most likely the reason is a breakdown of the fuel injection system. Although other options are possible.

VAZ 2114 engine

How to understand what is wrong with the VAZ-2114 engine

The concept of “engine tripling” was invented by motorists themselves. It is associated with the design and operation of four-cylinder internal combustion engines. If one of the four cylinders failed, the internal combustion engine still continued to operate on the three remaining cylinders. But such a failure was distinguished by a characteristic sound, which was called “engine tripping” - functioning on only three cylinders. In this case, the fuel mixture in the idle cylinder will not burn as expected, but will accumulate.

If you do not respond to such a failure in the system in time, the fuel mixture will be diluted with oil, enter the crankcase with oil and dilute it thinner and thinner. In this case, the oil will lose its lubricating functions, which will lead to rapid wear of the rings, cylinder-piston group and other important parts of the car. A little later, the engine will have to be repaired not partially, but completely.

Similar failures occur in the VAZ-2114. They can be recognized by their characteristic features:

  1. The engine in idle mode manifests itself with periodic twitching, unevenly.
  2. When driving, the VAZ-2114 does not gain the required power.
  3. The car moves jerkily.
  4. If you press the gas pedal, failures in engine operation will be detected.
  5. An uneven exhaust comes out of the muffler, which is interrupted and accompanied by popping noises.

Against the background of these signs that the VAZ-2114 engine is failing, the driver may notice an increase in fuel consumption.

Signs of engine tripping

How to determine if a cylinder has failed:

  1. After a cylinder failure, the power unit will shake at idle speed. Unfortunately, an inexperienced driver is unlikely to notice this immediately after a breakdown. The fact is that this symptom occurs over time. And if you notice that the engine is shaking, it means that the problems started a long time ago. And after the cylinder failed, the engine worked for a long time and became worn out.
  2. The spark plug became dark, smoked, and carbon deposits formed. This sign indicates that the spark plug should be replaced. But this is at best, and at worst, such a symptom means that the machine is not working properly. Even though spark plugs can be used for quite a long time, they should not be sooted. A slight change in shade is allowed.
  3. The exhaust system began to sound differently. This also indicates a cylinder failure.
  4. If the car picks up speed poorly, both at low and high speeds, then the engine is not functioning properly. The reason could be either a cylinder failure or another engine failure.
  5. The car began to consume more fuel. In this case, you should definitely check the operation of the engine. This symptom indicates a serious problem with the motor.

Possible reasons

It turns out that there are quite a lot of reasons for such a malfunction in the VAZ-2114 engine.
They directly depend on the nature of the vehicle malfunction. So, most often the VAZ-2114 engine will triple due to:

  • non-working candle;
  • broken high-voltage wire;
  • ignition coil failure;
  • faulty control unit;
  • presence of air leaks in the intake manifold;
  • exhaust valve burnout;
  • broken cylinder head gasket;
  • broken compression rings on the piston;
  • burning out of the piston itself;
  • a broken piston bridge between the compression rings.

But since we are considering a VAZ-2114, the engine can also be damaged by faults in the injector - a fuel system with distributed injection.

How to find out the exact cause of the breakdown?

To determine why the VAZ 2114 engine is tripping, you need to:

  1. Detect a dead cylinder:
      start the engine and gain access to it by lifting the hood;
  2. remember the sound of a running engine;
  3. remove the wires from each cylinder one by one;
  4. If the sound of the working cylinder changes when you remove the wire, it means it is working. In the event of a malfunction, the character and rhythm of the sound does not change even after the power is turned off.
  5. Find out if a spark is getting to the cylinder:
      remove the spark plug using a special key;
  6. clean it from carbon deposits and soot. Sometimes simple cleaning helps, but this is only a temporary measure;
  7. check the integrity of the electrode. High voltage wires can be checked using a conventional multimeter;
  8. check for spark supply to the spark plug. To do this, you need an assistant to start the starter. The spark plug with the high-voltage wire must be attached with the metal part to the engine. If a spark does not appear when the starter bendix rotates, then the spark plug is faulty.

Poor quality fuel - sand or rust in gasoline can cause contamination of the injectors. Engines with injection type are very demanding on the quality of gasoline. Therefore, if there are problems with the engine, it is recommended to drain the fuel and use another one.

The engine stalls when cold

There are situations when the engine only stalls at idle speed. If a VAZ 2114 stalls when cold, most often the reason is a large gap between the valve and its rocker (“rocker arm”). After the engine warms up, the distance decreases and the cylinder operation stabilizes.

Other reasons are also possible:

  1. A “rich” or “enriched” fuel mixture is supplied due to a malfunction of the control unit.
  2. There is moisture on the wires or ignition coil.
  3. The spark plug does not work until the engine warms up.
  4. The piston group is worn out.
  5. The valve is deformed due to water hammer.

Troubling when the engine is warm

If problems with operation are observed only when the engine is warm, then the probable causes are:

  1. Damage to the engine control unit.
  2. The ignition coil sparks (pierces).
  3. The cylinder head gasket is worn.

Engine control unit for VAZ 2114

What to do if the engine on a VAZ-2114 is malfunctioning

To understand the causes of malfunctions in the VAZ-2114 engine, you need to know its configuration. He has:

  • there are eight valves in the cylinder head;
  • 1.6 liter internal combustion engine with 16 valves.

Experts advise that at the first signs of tripping, immediately check the functioning of the spark plugs. To do this, carry out the following steps:

  1. One by one, pull off the high-voltage wires from the cylinders.
  2. Pay attention to changes in engine operation:
  3. if there are no changes, the cylinder does not work.

The next step is to check the spark in the ignition system. This procedure is also simple:

  1. The first step is to remove the tip from the high-voltage wire.
  2. While the car engine is running, bring the wire from the cylinder head (ground) to the “break” position.
  3. Check for a spark between ground and wire:
  4. If there is no spark or the spark is too weak, then the ignition system is faulty.

But the following situation also happens: the spark is powerful, but malfunctions are still heard in the engine. This means that the time has come for the next step of testing - to measure compression in the cylinders, preferably in all of them at once. If the cylinder is operating correctly, there should be no difference in the pressure gauge readings (minor deviations are allowed). If the cylinder is faulty, there will be no or very weak compression.

A malfunction in the cylinder may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • cylinder head gasket is broken;
  • exhaust valve burnt out;
  • piston rings burst;
  • The piston itself burned out.

If you are unable to independently identify the reason that the VAZ-2114 engine is malfunctioning, you definitely need to do computer diagnostics.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. On a special computer stand.
  2. Using a portable scanner (for example, ASKAN).

An experienced motorist himself will be able to figure out the malfunctions of the VAZ-2114 engine, but if he does not have sufficient experience, then it is best to contact qualified specialists at a service center for servicing cars of this model.

Diesel engine tripping

Diesel engines are no less familiar with the problem of stalling when cold than their gasoline counterparts, but the range of searches for causes is somewhat narrower. In this case, engine tripping is often accompanied by bluish or white smoke from the exhaust.

Firstly, it may be airing.

Secondly, there may be a problem with the glow plugs.

Thirdly, the cold injector jams.

Here are the three main and most common problems. However, valve clearances and incorrectly set timing marks and fuel injection pumps cannot be ruled out.

And changing everything that they advise you may not bear fruit. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to do computer diagnostics (if possible) and, based on the results obtained, draw appropriate conclusions when searching for the cause of the malfunction.

Consistently unstable operation of the vehicle's power plant, with evenly repeating interruptions, when approaching the exhaust pipe, audibly perceived as the operation of a “tractor” means that the engine is “troubling.”

Checking the engine at idle

If you notice that the VAZ-2114 engine starts to stall at idle, then you need to check the following systems:

  1. Fuel supply system.
  2. Ignition system.
  3. Valve system.

In the first case, if the faults are in the fuel supply system, then the first step is to flush the fuel system, and then clean the injectors using ultrasound.

The second case involves problems with the ignition system. Therefore, perform the following actions:

  • change spark plugs;
  • check the functionality of the ignition coil;
  • update the set of high-voltage wires.

In the third case, the valves are closely dealt with, that is, they should be adjusted so that they perform their functions properly. If this cannot be done, the old valves are simply replaced with new ones.

Checking spark plugs

We unscrew the spark plugs and inspect their condition. A non-working spark plug will have black carbon deposits on the insulator of the central electrode, or even worse, there will be a crack, I had a crack on two spark plugs, so I changed 4 spark plugs at once, the price was about 500 rubles, just check the spark plugs for cracks right away, right in the store. After replacing the spark plugs my car continued to fail

How to restore the performance of a VAZ-2114 engine: expert advice

Automotive repair experts recommend that motorists use several tips to restore the functioning of a VAZ-2114 engine that is tripping.

  • First tip: check and replace the electronic control unit.
  • Second tip: check and replace the oxygen sensor.
  • Third tip: check the functionality of the crankshaft position sensor. This can be done using the electronic control unit. This device will generate an error if the crankshaft position sensor is faulty. This means you will have to replace it with a new one.
  • Fourth tip: check and replace the ignition coil.
  • Fifth tip: check and replace the air filter.
  • Sixth tip: check the correct placement of the timing belt.

As you can see, almost every piece of advice contains two stages - checking and replacing some part related to the proper functioning of the VAZ-2114 engine. Therefore, the easiest way would be to immediately allocate a few hours of your time in order to come to grips with the search for the problem of its tripling. Although the best option, but more expensive, is to entrust the inspection to qualified service center specialists, who will find a solution to the existing problem much faster.


The task of diagnostics for misfires is to determine which cylinder on your VAZ 2114 has problems.

Main causes of misfires

First of all, your light comes on, signaling the need to check the engine. During diagnostics, an error lights up - P0300 .

The table provides information regarding which error code corresponds to problems in a particular cylinder.

Cylinder numberError codeWhere is the pass
№1P0301Problems with the first cylinder
№2P0302Problems with the second cylinder
№3P0303Problems with the third cylinder
№4P0304Problems with the fourth cylinder

Reasons for unstable operation of the VAZ 2114 engine cylinder block

The most common diagnosis you can hear is that the cylinder has failed. In fact, this formulation is not entirely correct. The cylinder has stopped working, that's it.

But there can be many reasons for this incident:

  • the spark plug is faulty or partially damaged;
  • low compression in cylinders;
  • the valves have not been adjusted for a long time or they do not fit well;
  • the injectors are overfilled or clogged and require replacement;
  • the high-voltage spark plug wire is broken;
  • the oxygen sensor has failed;
  • malfunction in the ignition coil;
  • the electronic control unit has failed;
  • The crankshaft position sensor (CPS) has failed;
  • The timing belt has fallen off completely or has moved several notches;
  • The air filter is not working well or is very dirty.

The consequences of stopping the operation of the cylinder can be detected both instantly, that is, directly during inspection of the machine, and in a delayed mode; it is these consequences that are most dangerous for the machine.

It is immediately apparent:

  • increased vibration, which manifests itself due to a rhythm disturbance in the operation of the valves and, accordingly, all rotating parts of the engine and transmission;
  • significantly increased fuel consumption due to disturbances in the injection system and the appearance of a characteristic smell of exhaust gases due to an increase in the concentration of harmful impurities and unburned fuel in them;
  • a noticeable drop in the power of the power plant and, accordingly, the maneuverability of the vehicle.

If, immediately after detecting signs of engine “triple”, measures are not taken to identify and eliminate the causes of this phenomenon, this can lead to failure of the entire unit and its overhaul or replacement. The fact is that gasoline is constantly injected into the idle cylinder, which, without burning, mixes with the incoming oil and goes into the crankcase. If this condition lasts for a long time, the oil dilutes, loses its lubricating properties, and engine parts begin to work in extreme mode, wearing off and forming chips. The consequences will be felt very quickly and the engine will have to be sent to capital.

The main reasons for tripling

If you say that your engine is not working, many will answer that the cylinder is not working. But this argument is not entirely correct, since the cylinder stops working properly. However, there may be several reasons for this:

  • Compression in cylinders is too low;
  • The spark plug is faulty or partially does not perform its functions;
  • The valves do not fit well due to a long lack of adjustment;
  • The injectors are dirty or overfilled and therefore need to be replaced;
  • The oxygen sensor has stopped functioning;
  • The high-voltage spark plug wire has been damaged;
  • The ignition coil is faulty;
  • DPKV (crankshaft position sensor) does not work;
  • The ECU (electronic control unit) is broken;
  • The timing belt has fallen off or simply slipped a few links;
  • The air filter is faulty or dirty.

Primary signs of a problem that may indicate a cylinder failure are:

  1. Vibration increases because the rhythm of the valves and other rotating parts of the gearbox and power unit is disrupted.
  2. Fuel consumption increases noticeably because the injection system no longer works properly.
  3. An unpleasant characteristic odor is heard from the exhaust pipe, which is explained by the high level of concentration of harmful impurities and unburned fuel.
  4. The power of the power unit drops noticeably, which negatively affects the dynamics and maneuverability of the car.

If you notice that the engine is shaking, but have not taken any measures, this will soon threaten you with complete failure of the engine, which may be impossible to repair. When the injection 8-valve engine on a VAZ 2114 is running, fuel constantly flows into the non-working cylinder. It does not burn, but mixes with oil and then goes into the crankcase. If the process continues for a long time, the oil loses its viscosity, ceases to act as a lubricant, parts work under extreme loads, and the metal turns into chips. There is nothing good about this, let's be honest.

What to do if the engine starts to stall

In order to determine why the engine in a VAZ 2114 is misfiring, you must follow the recommendations of professionals. First of all, you need to determine which cylinder is out of order, for this you need to:

  • open the hood with the engine running;
  • remember the sound and nature of the operation of the power plant;
  • remove the high-voltage wires from the spark plugs one by one, if the sound and rhythm of operation changes, then continue further, as soon as it is discovered that when the spark plug is de-energized, the nature of the sound does not change, which means the faulty cylinder has been identified.

Next, you need to unscrew the spark plug and determine its condition and performance.

It is unscrewed using a special spark plug wrench, which is recommended to be carried with you in an emergency kit. It takes up little space, but is a unique key that cannot be replaced and can come in handy at the most unexpected time. After all, even simply by replacing a heavily carbonated spark plug with a new one, you can temporarily solve the problem with starting the engine.

The next step is to determine the condition of the removed spark plug. If the electrode is intact and clean, and there is a large amount of soot on the head, then with a high degree of probability it can be determined that dust has entered the combustion chamber of the cylinder, therefore the fault must be looked for in the air supply system through the air filter.

If the entire head, along with the electrode, is covered in smoke, and it is severely burnt out, it means that a lean mixture was supplied and detonation combustion occurred with ignition advance. When the head is also completely covered with smoke and the electrode is in good condition, this means that a rich mixture was supplied and there was a delay in the ignition supply.

Assessing the condition of the spark plug gives direction in finding the true cause of cylinder failure. However, you should also check the performance of the candle itself. There is a proven method for this - “by spark”. If a spark breaks through, even if weak due to carbon deposits, then you must definitely look further. But if there is no spark at all, then you should replace the spark plug with a new one and check it. If there is a good spark, you can try to start the car and monitor the dynamics of changes.

Spark plug faults

If the car has a fairly high mileage, then trying to find the reason why the engine is shaking, you must do the following:

  • change the spark plug;
  • change the set of high-voltage wires; during prolonged operation under conditions of high temperatures and voltages, microcracks appear on the shell, leading to breakdowns and failure; experienced auto electricians recommend periodically changing this set for prevention;
  • measure the compression in the idle cylinder; if it is broken, then perhaps the rings are stuck or the valves are burnt out;
  • adjust the valves, this procedure should be carried out for prevention every 15 - 20 thousand kilometers;
  • determine the performance of the ignition coil, this is a fairly common failure, the best solution is to replace the old one with a new one;
  • change the air filter;
  • Check that the timing belt is installed correctly.

All the specified procedures have been completed, but the engine still “troubles”. We need to move on:

  1. Conduct diagnostics of the electronic control unit and replace if necessary.
  2. Check the fuel supply system, down to the injectors.
  3. Determine the performance of the oxygen sensor, if it is faulty or produces deteriorated indicators - repair or replace.
  4. The failure of the crankshaft position sensor is determined by the computer, and an error should be generated indicating a breakdown. If this happens, replace it.

What to do?

There are a number of measures that are recommended to be taken when it is discovered that the engine is tripping. All of them will allow you to answer certain questions. Therefore, get ready to devote a lot of time to your car.

The first thing you need to do is identify the failed cylinder. He's not alone there. To do this you need:

  1. Open the hood while starting the engine;
  2. Listen and remember the sound your engine is making now;
  3. Remove the wires from the spark plugs one by one. If you remove the high voltage wire, the sound should change. If, when removing the next high-voltage cylinder, the sound does not change, congratulations, you have found the faulty cylinder.

VAZ 2114 troits at idle

If the engine stalls when cold (at idle), there are three possible reasons:

  • problems with fuel supply;
  • problems in the ignition system;
  • valves are poorly adjusted.

In this situation it is necessary:

  • do a general flushing of the fuel system, and also clean the injectors using ultrasound;
  • change the spark plug, a set of high-voltage wires and diagnose the ignition coil;
  • adjust the valves and, if necessary, replace them.

What to do if the engine stalls when hot. In this regard, professional auto mechanics believe that the reasons are the same as in the first case. At idle speed when the engine is warm, one of the cylinders may stop working due to malfunctions in the fuel supply system or lack of spark. The procedure is the same as for failures on a cold engine.

Although in a professional environment it is believed that engine tripling is a fairly rare failure, nevertheless, discussion of this problem on automobile forums, including for the VAZ 2114, suggests that these problems exist due to a large list of possible reasons for such failures, this becomes a serious headache for the motorist who encounters it. However, if you approach solving this problem calmly and thoughtfully, without trying to haphazardly replace one thing or another, it is quite possible to solve this problem.

How to fix the problem?

After the reasons why the VAZ 2114 engine is tripping have been determined , it is necessary to act depending on the situation:

  1. If there are problems in the ignition system, replace the broken spark plug or high-voltage wires.
  2. If the reason is in the fuel injection system or compression level, clean the injectors with ultrasound, adjust or replace the valves, air filter, check the position of the timing belt.

If these actions do not lead to results, you need to check and, if necessary, replace:

  • Control block;
  • crankshaft position sensor;
  • oxygen sensor.

Thus, engine tripping is a common breakdown that, with experience and skillful hands, can be corrected on your own. If the cause of the tripping is a breakdown in key systems (control units) or there is no special equipment at home (for example, for cleaning injectors with ultrasound), it is recommended to contact a service station.

How to determine why the VAZ 2114 engine is tripping

Among motorists you can often hear the common expression “the engine is trotting.” But perhaps not everyone knows what it means, although they understand the meaning of this meaning. Let's try to figure out where the term came from.

TROIT means it runs on 3 cylinders

Why does the engine troit?

Some car owners do not know why the engine idles at idle. If you are an inexperienced driver, you need to identify this malfunction and then find the reason why it occurred.

Cylinder failure is a good reason for the engine to misfire. The cylinders may stop functioning alternately. Moreover, you don’t even need to search for a breakdown, because it will immediately become clear that a cylinder failure has occurred. The engine will shake and vibrate, the speed will begin to jump, it will be difficult to start the car, and the car will begin to consume more fuel. It is simply impossible to ignore such symptoms. For example, if one cylinder fails in an engine that has only 4 of them, the speed will drop by 25%. Even an inexperienced driver will notice this malfunction.

Signs and causes of “Tweaking”

Signs: Engine trouble: what is it, and what are the signs to identify this malfunction?

You can understand that the internal combustion engine is malfunctioning by the following signs:

  • At idle speed, the engine operates unevenly, jerking periodically;
  • The car does not develop the required power when driving;
  • The car drives jerkily, when you press the gas pedal, there are gaps in operation;
  • The exhaust from the muffler is uneven, with interruptions, pops and shots are possible;
  • Fuel consumption increases.

Increased fuel consumption - hits your pocket

Reasons: There are many reasons why the engine misfires. There are such nuances that even experienced technicians do not immediately determine the nature of the malfunction.

But the most common cylinder failures are the following (starting with the elementary ones):

  • The candle does not work;
  • The high-voltage wire is broken;
  • The ignition coil has failed;
  • The control unit is faulty;
  • There is an air leak in the intake manifold;
  • Exhaust valve burnt out;
  • The cylinder head gasket is broken;
  • The compression rings on the piston are broken,
  • The piston itself has burned out, or the bridge on the piston between the compression rings has burst.

This article is about the VAZ 2114 car, so carburetor malfunctions are not considered, since this device was not installed on the 2114 model. This brand of car has a fuel system with distributed injection (injector), and the answer to the question of why the engine stalls may be hidden in this system.

Cylinder failure: causes and diagnostic methods

Issues discussed in the material:

  • Why does cylinder failure occur in an engine?
  • What is the danger of cylinder failure?
  • How to independently identify the cause of cylinder failure

While driving a car, did you feel that the power unit was vibrating, while its power dropped, and it began to consume more fuel? Does the car start only the second or third time? These signs indicate that a cylinder failure has occurred. In our article today we will look at how to fix this problem.

Characteristics of the VAZ 2114 engine

The VAZ 2114 car is mainly equipped with an 8-valve 4-cylinder engine, the fuel system and ignition are controlled by an electronic unit (ECU). The electronics have many different sensors that inform the unit about the condition of the engine.

The control unit, in turn, reads the necessary information and gives commands to those devices that directly affect the operation:

  1. Distributes the spark among the cylinders in a certain order;
  2. Determines the required amount of supplied fuel (leans or enriches the fuel mixture depending on the number of revolutions).

The electronic control system of the VAZ 2114 contains the following sensors:

  • Crankshaft position sensor (CPS);
  • Camshaft position sensor or phase sensor (DPRV);
  • Idle air regulator (or sensor) (IAC);
  • Throttle position sensor (TPS);
  • Knock sensor (DS);
  • Air flow sensor or flow meter (AFM);
  • Lambda probe or oxygen sensor.

Failure of any of these sensors leads to unstable engine operation, and if the DPKV fails, the car most likely will not start at all. Fuel is supplied to each cylinder using an electronically controlled injector. A faulty injector can also cause poor engine performance.

Vehicle characteristics

In 2001, the line of the VAZ automobile concern was replenished with the five-door hatchback VAZ 2114. The platform for creating the model was the VAZ 2109. Basically, the car was equipped with 4 cylinder 8 valve engines. The power system consists of an injection mechanism and an electronic control unit.

Engine operation is controlled by special sensors that inform the central module about engine performance. The module processes information and sends an impulse to the devices that need to be activated at the moment:

  • prepares the required mixture quality depending on the speed and engine speed;
  • distributes the spark among the cylinders in a certain sequence.

During production, the model was equipped with different engines.

Volume, l1499 cm31596 cm31599 cm31597 cm31596 cm3
Number of valves per cylinder22442
Piston stroke71 mm75.6 mm75.6 mm75.6 mm75.6 mm
Cylinder diameter82 mm82 mm82 mm82 mm82 mm
Compression ratio11,59.6 — 10,010.3119,6
Gas distribution mechanismOHCOHVOHVOHVOHV
Rated power77 l. With. at 5400 rpm min. 82 l. With. at 5300 rpm min. 89 l. With. at 5 thousand rpm min. 98 l. With. at 5600 rpm min. 81.6 l. With. at 5200 rpm min.
Max. torque 116 Nm, at 3 thousand rpm. min. 125 Nm, at 3 thousand rpm. min. 131 Nm, at 3700 rpm. min. 145 Nm at 4 thousand rpm. min. 125 Nm, at 3000 rpm. min.
Supply systeminjectorinjectorinjectorinjectorinjector
Maximum speed, km160167172182/175(automatic transmission)175
Acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h, s1513,212,411,2/13,112,5
FuelAI 93AI 95AI 95AI 95AI 95
Claimed gas mileage7.6 l/100 km combined cycle7.8 l/100 km combined cycle7.0 l/100 km combined cycle7.2 l/100 km combined cycle7.2 l/100 km combined cycle

Reasons for unstable operation of the 2114 injector engine

Let's consider several standard situations that can happen with an 8-valve 4-cylinder engine.

Unstable operation on a cold engine at idle

It often happens that a VAZ 2114 stalls when cold, but as it warms up the engine levels out and starts working stably.

There could be several reasons:

  1. The ECU sets the fuel mixture too rich to cold;
  2. The spark plug does not work, but when heated, the spark plug still “breaks through”;
  3. The high-voltage wires are damp or moisture has entered the ignition coil;
  4. Parts of the piston group are worn out.

Unstable operation of a warm engine at idle

It also happens the other way around - a cold internal combustion engine operates more or less steadily, but as it warms up it begins to throttle.

Usually the engine starts when hot because:

  • The cylinder head gasket has burned out;
  • The ignition coil breaks;
  • The engine control unit is faulty.

Engine control unit for VAZ 2114

The engine idles

Most often, a situation arises when the engine stalls at idle speed. Moreover, it makes no difference whether this happens when it’s cold or when it’s hot. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from a simple spark plug failure to malfunctions in the piston group of the internal combustion engine. While it is very easy to replace a spark plug, wear on the cylinders in the block can lead to a major overhaul.

Most often, the engine does not operate stably at idle in the following cases:

  • The valves are not adjusted (clamped);
  • The timing belt is installed incorrectly (the marks do not match);
  • The IAC is faulty;
  • The cylinder head valves are bent or burnt out (the valves can bend during a water hammer when a large amount of water gets into the air filter housing);
  • The piston burned out;
  • There is a malfunction in the electronic engine control system. The sensors, the ECU itself, electrical wiring and I/O wires may be to blame here.

There are many options for why the car idles at idle, but there are still the most basic ways to determine faults.

Tips for motorists

The VAZ-2114 passenger car (Samara-2) was discontinued last year, 2013. It was equipped with five injection engines, three of which (2111, 21114, 11183) had an eight-valve gas distribution mechanism (GDM), and two (21124, 21126) had a sixteen-valve timing mechanism.

Most often, drivers begin to notice that interruptions in engine operation appear at idle. Moreover, immediately after starting a cold engine, interruptions are not heard, but as soon as the engine warms up, it begins to “twitch” (twitch), and the Check Engine sign lights up on the instrument panel, requiring a diagnostic check of the engine. It is advisable to carry out diagnostics, since searching for a fault blindly may take a long time and be unsuccessful.

But it must be remembered that a possible cause of engine twitching at idle may be unadjusted timing valves, the thermal clearance of which must be checked every 20 thousand kilometers. There are cases that even on a new engine one of the valves turns out to be “pinched”, and the thermal gap will only be there while the engine is cold, but as soon as it warms up, the valve opens slightly and the engine begins to operate unstably at idle.

A possible reason for the intermittent operation of the engines (2111, 21114, 11183) of the VAZ-2114 car may be a malfunction of one of the spark plugs, poor contact of the high-voltage wire or its breakdown to ground. For engines (21124, 21126), failure of the spark plug or ignition coil. Malfunctions of spark plugs include the appearance of black carbon deposits on the insulator, as well as a large increase in the gap between the central and side electrodes.

Unstable operation of the engine can be caused by air leaks that enter the engine cylinders, bypassing the throttle assembly, which causes a lean mixture and a sharp decrease in crankshaft speed. Air leaks into the cylinders are possible due to a malfunction of the vacuum brake booster valve located in the flange to which the hose leading to the intake manifold is connected.

The injectors may also be involved in the same malfunction if the nozzle holes are completely or partially coked or, due to poor contact in its block, it does not fire every time. There may also be insufficient pressure in the fuel rail, which the fuel pump cannot create due to a clogged fuel filter or contamination of its intake chamber, the entrance to which is blocked by a fine mesh.

What to do if the engine stalls

The car model 2114 from the factory was mainly equipped with an engine with 8 valves in the cylinder head; a 16-valve internal combustion engine (1.6 l) was installed in 2010. VAZ 2115 (also 2113) has an identical engine, so we will consider the method of finding the cause of the malfunction for all these models.

We will learn in detail about what to do when a VAZ engine stalls when cold or hot, at idle speed or when the load increases. If the engine of a VAZ 2115 (2114, 2113) fails, first of all we check the operation of the spark plugs. Alternately pulling off the I/O wires from the cylinders, we pay attention to how the operation of the internal combustion engine changes. If the nature of the operation does not change when the wire is removed, then it is this cylinder that is faulty.

It may also be due to the lack of a spark in the ignition system. Checking the spark is very simple. The tip is removed from the high-voltage wire, and with the engine running, the wire is brought to the ground of the car (to the cylinder head). That is, it is placed on a “break”. A fairly powerful spark should jump between the wire and ground. A weak spark or its absence indicates a malfunction in the ignition system.

If the spark is good, but the VAZ 2114 engine still misfires, then you should check the compression in the cylinders, preferably in all of them at once. When measuring compression there should be almost no difference in the pressure gauge readings. Weak compression or its absence indicates a malfunction inside the cylinder itself. It could be:

  1. The cylinder head gasket is broken;
  2. Burn out the exhaust valve;
  3. The piston rings may burst or the piston will burn out.

When the engine on a VAZ 2114 injector fails, computer diagnostics of the engine should be carried out. Diagnostics are carried out on a computer stand or using a special portable scanner (ASKAN type). Of course, with sufficient experience, the car owner himself can figure out the reasons for the unstable operation of the engine.

Unstable operation in cold conditions

From time to time, drivers encounter a problem: the VAZ 2114 engine stalls during a cold start, but as it warms up, the operation evens out. In this case, the reasons may be:

  • large valve clearance;
  • low compression, wear of compression rings;
  • the mass air flow sensor is faulty;
  • air leakage under the intake manifold gasket;
  • poor quality fuel;

When the car shows signs of shaking, you should contact a service center for diagnostics. Diagnostics are carried out using special equipment, where a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the malfunction. Of course, if you have enough experience, you can figure out the reasons for the unstable operation of the engine yourself.

Diagnostic methods

When you find out that the motor is not working, you should diagnose it. This is the only way you can find out which cylinder failed and why. You can do this yourself, or go to a car service center. There the engine will be checked using a computer. However, most often you will be able to find out on your own why the engine is tripping. However, if there is a cylinder failure, and the reason is a decrease in compression, you should find a competent specialist who will solve your problem.

Act one. We find the cylinder that failed. To do this, we diagnose the engine after it starts. Be extremely careful when performing this work. Turn the ignition key, the hood should be open. Let's listen to the sounds coming from the engine compartment. Pay attention to how the engine works. Now, one by one, we disconnect the explosive wires that go to the spark plugs.

If you disable a cylinder that is working properly, the engine will run rough. If a cylinder fails after the spark plug is disconnected, the power unit will operate without changes.

How else can you perform diagnostics? We do not touch the explosive wires. We simply turn off the chips one by one that control the fuel supply from the injectors to the cylinders. If you disconnect the chip, but the motor runs without changes, it means that this cylinder has failed.

Act two. We carry out diagnostics of explosive wires, as well as spark plugs. First of all, you should disconnect the wire and carry out an inspection. Is the insulation damaged? This indicates that the problem is in the BB wire. Then we check whether the conductive core is intact. Did you find that it has kinks or is burnt out? This means that a breakdown or internal resistance may occur. To measure it, use a multimeter. The data obtained must satisfy the acceptable readings. Otherwise, current will not flow normally to the spark plug.

Did you find out that everything is fine with the wire? Then we unscrew and diagnose the spark plug.

Is the spark plug base or its electrodes deformed or do they have carbon deposits on them? A new spark plug needs to be installed. If everything is fine with it, then the reason for the engine tripping is not a cylinder failure.

Act three. We determine how much air penetrates the cylinder. If it is not enough, then the fuel mixture will be over-rich, which means the engine will start to stall. The air supply system must not be depressurized. To check whether this is so, you should shut off the intake pipe, and then use a compressor to supply air into the cylinder through a vacuum hose. Supply pressure 0.5–0.7 atmospheres. Pay attention to the sounds you hear when doing this. Is there a hissing sound? This indicates that the air supply system is leaking.

How else can you diagnose the engine for breakdowns? Examine the air filter. When it becomes clogged, no air can enter the cylinder. We inspect the throttle sensor, as well as the mass air supply sensor. To carry out such diagnostics, you will need a computer; it should be connected to a special connector.

Act four. We find out what volume of the fuel mixture enters the cylinder. For this purpose, you will need to measure the pressure in the fuel system (no more than 7 atmospheres). Use a pressure gauge. It must be connected to the injector ramp. To find out the pressure, you will need to measure it in four different operating modes of the engine: when you turn on the ignition, then at idle speed, at operating speed, when the tube is removed from the pressure regulator and the check valve tube is pinched.

How can you tell if a cylinder has failed?

To do this, disconnect the wiring from the spark plugs one by one. In the case where there is no spark, you will understand that the slave cylinder is vibrating. During the test, you must be extremely careful so that you do not get an electric shock.

In addition, when diagnosing a carburetor engine, the switch or distributor can be broken. To prevent this from happening, put the spark plug wire on a regular bolt, so the spark will work without interruption.

Carrying out diagnostics on injection-type engines is easy and safe. After all, such a power unit uses a direct fuel injection system into all cylinders.

How do you know if the injection engine is faulty? First of all, turn off the fuel supply to the injectors. If you feel that the car has become worse, it means that the cylinder has failed.

We recommend

To carry out diagnostics on a diesel engine that idles at idle, remove the nuts from the high-pressure fuel pipes one by one. They are attached to the nozzles.

Be extremely careful when performing this work. The fact is that when the nut is unscrewed, diesel fuel may begin to flow out under high pressure. Pay attention to the speed. Haven't they gone down? This means you have detected a cylinder failure.

Where to look for the cause of cylinder failure


You will have to look for the cause of engine cylinder failure in a garage. There are two possible ways here: check the mechanics or the electrical, that is, the ignition. Let's start with the simplest thing and diagnose the electrical system.

  • Spark plug . Let's use a proven method to check their functioning. Look at the side electrode and insulator, their color should be light brown, not black. There should also be no soot. If there is soot, it means the mixture is over-enriched or there is oil on it. Now let's start checking sparking. Place the spark plug on the high-voltage wire, and then bring it to the cylinder block, the distance between them should be 1-2 cm. Turn the starter. Did the spark travel that distance? This indicates that the spark plug is working properly, otherwise it should be replaced.
  • BB wires . They may be damaged. How to check this? Pay attention to the tip of the high-voltage wire. Did you see a light gray coating on it? This means he is operating at the limit. Use a special multimeter to check the resistance of the high-voltage wire. Please note that depending on the motor, the wire length and resistance may vary. When there are no additional instructions, 20 kOhm is taken as a constant resistance value. If this value is exceeded, then the problem is in the high-voltage wire.
  • Ignition distributor . When the spark plug does not work properly, a breakdown occurs in the ignition distributor cap. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose the ember; stretching the spring will also help.
  • High voltage wires are mixed up . If a cylinder failure occurs, the cause may be in the explosive wires.
We recommend

Now let's check the mechanics.

  • Injector . A malfunction in its operation may be one of the reasons for the failure of the cylinder. For example, an injector is broken, or the injector is clogged with a poor quality fuel mixture. Note! Damage can result from the use of the latest fuel purifiers, which can be purchased at any specialized auto store. It is best to diagnose and clean the injectors at a trusted service center.
  • Gas distribution mechanism . The fuel mixture enters the cylinders in the wrong quantity and quality. This can happen for various reasons. For example, the timing belt was installed incorrectly, the tensioners or oil seal became unusable. The camshaft may also break, or the hydraulic lifters may need to be replaced.
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