Tinting that the device does not see - is it worth the trouble?

It just so happens that many of the desires of motorists very often do not coincide with the requirements and standards of the traffic police. For example, such a seemingly harmless innovation for cars as window tinting can lead to litigation and even fines. However, in this industry too, many manufacturers have found a loophole and are widely offering tinting, the degree of darkness of which allegedly cannot be detected by any device. There is a variety of information about this magical product among car owners, but no one can vouch for its effectiveness. So if you are inspired by the idea of ​​outwitting the traffic police and purchasing a tint that the device does not see, first you need to find out what the essence of the problem is.

Standards for acceptable tinting

According to statistics, the vast majority of people are not even aware of any tinting standards. But, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility, which means that it is better to familiarize yourself with the rules for tuning glass in time. There are several clear requirements and they all relate to the throughput of the tinting film:

  • Front window tinting can block a maximum of 25% of outside light.
  • The front door windows can darken the sun's rays a little more - by 30%.
  • There are no restrictions for other windows; the rear window can be tightly tinted. But in this case, the presence of two rear-view mirrors is mandatory.
  • It is allowed to apply darkening in two ways: by spraying paint or using film. What is strictly not recommended to install is mirror tinting, since it transmits the least amount of light.
  • There are also certain rules for the width of the light protection strip on the front window of a car. This value should not be more than 15 centimeters.

Violation of any of these norms may result in a fine being issued, since all this is strictly regulated by state standards, which provide for liability for non-compliance. Of course, strict requirements cause dissatisfaction among almost all car owners and this is understandable. But such precautions are not taken out of thin air; they are justified by the characteristics of road traffic. A driver driving an excessively tinted car poses a danger to all road users and, first of all, to himself. This is especially true in the evening, when a thick film makes it difficult to see the turning lights of other cars, road signs, and other important warning signals.

That is why a special device was invented to measure the degree of darkness of the film. However, a traffic police representative does not have the right to simply measure car windows in this regard, since only cars that are registered or undergo technical inspection are subject to inspection. In addition, to use such a device, certain atmospheric conditions are required, otherwise the result may be incorrect. The driver, in turn, may demand to show documents for the meter, and if the operating conditions specified in them do not correspond to the current ones, then the traffic inspector does not have the right to carry out an inspection.

According to some reviews, you can bypass all these bureaucratic conventions using film, to which the device does not respond. What are its features?

Video “Unexpected results of tinting measurement”

In this video you can watch the reaction of traffic police inspectors who cannot understand why a car with tinting has 99% light transmittance.

Mechanism of action of electrotoning

Electric tint has a multi-layer structure.
The tinting film itself is located between the two glasses, and it is this film that gives the glass the necessary properties to change transparency and absorb UV radiation. The film has a multilayer structure, in the middle of which there is a layer of opaque crystals. As soon as voltage is applied to the crystals, an electromagnetic field is formed, turning the crystals in such a way as to orient them to the required light transmittance. This indicator depends on the degree of rotation. Glass operates on alternating voltage. In the absence of an electric field, the film is opaque. The degree of opacity can be set to any level that is comfortable for the driver. The control unit can be connected to the on-board computer and reorient particles through the touch panel.

Pros and cons of this tint

Anyone who has come across such a unique offer already knows the advantages of “invisible” tinting for devices. With its help you can tint your windows 100%. At the same time, the meter at the stationary traffic police post will show the absolute transparency of the windows, which, in principle, excludes any claims from traffic police officers.

The advantages of dense tinting are known to everyone: first of all, it is protection from the sun's rays hitting the eyes, as well as the upholstery from fading. It follows that tinting helps to significantly reduce the use of air conditioning, which means saving fuel and preserving appliances. Not to mention the fact that the darkening reliably hides everyone in the cabin from prying eyes of observers. In addition, any film, even the thinnest one, gives the glass additional strength and, in the event of damage to the window, holds the fragments together, preventing them from falling into the interior.

But in addition to the positive ones, one should also take into account the negative aspects of this mythical film. After all, even if you manage to avoid a fine and deceive the measuring device, the inconvenience of overly tinted windows will not go away:

  • Dark windows make parking very difficult, especially at night and in the evening.
  • The driver also has difficulty viewing the surrounding area and seeing space in the rearview mirrors.
  • In addition, the price of tinting such as Gard Solar, as a rule, is many times higher than the cost of an ordinary film, which can cover several dozen hypothetical fines at once. The reason is the complex technology and installation of this type of tinting. The product itself is called “electrochromic tinting” and the essence of its work is that as long as no voltage is applied to the glass, it remains dark. But as soon as the measuring device is brought to the surface and voltage is applied, the place of contact becomes transparent.
  • In the end, a traffic police officer can issue a fine based on a simple visual inspection of the glass without using a device, which completely kills the point of purchasing this type of film, because glass with low light transmittance can be easily identified by eye.

As a result of familiarizing yourself with all the above-mentioned disadvantages of “invisible” tinting, any sane car owner has a logical question - does my car really need tinted windows?

Drivers have found a way to drive with tint. The traffic police shrug their shoulders

In 2022, the rules for tinting car windows were adjusted and brought into line with modern GOST - the light transmittance of the windshield and front side windows must be at least 70%. The traffic police closely monitors this and regularly conducts raids: fans of tinting are given a fine of 500 rubles for the first time, and the second time for an uncorrected violation, the amount of the fine doubles or the driver is arrested for up to 15 days for disobeying the demands of a police officer.

However, companies have appeared on the market that offer to bypass all GOST standards - install removable tinting or frame curtains. Drivers have the opportunity to drive with tinted windows, and if police officers are involved, they can eliminate the violation on the spot and not have to pay anything. Autonews.ru tells how drivers circumvent the law and why it is unsafe.

Why is tinting illegal?

The main reason for banning heavy tinting is that it reduces the light transmission of glass. As a result, in the dark or in bad weather, the driver becomes less able to see what is happening on the road, and this is fraught with accidents.

Precisely because a good view is important primarily for the driver, there are no restrictions for the second row glass - they can be tinted at least 100%, as long as not with a film with a mirror effect.

But the front windows and windshield can only be tinted by 30%. Light tinting is already done at the factory, however, it is almost imperceptible. After a few years of operation, the car windows will in any case begin to transmit less sunlight, and to prevent the future owner from being fined, factories tint the windows by 10-15%.

Despite the fact that such tinting does not protect from the sun and does not hide what is in the car, safety is the main reason for the harsh GOST standards.

Today, too much tinting is equated with a vehicle malfunction or conditions under which operation is impossible.

The first time, a motorist can get away with a simple warning if he agrees to correct the violation on the spot - that is, simply remove the film and ensure the required light transmission.

If you couldn’t remove the film or didn’t want to (installing it may cost more than paying a fine), then the first time the traffic police officers will issue a receipt for 500 rubles and let you go, and the driver will be able to pay the fine with a 50% discount.

But it will still be necessary to get rid of the tint within 10 days. If this is not done, then when stopped again by the traffic police, the fine may double, and in some cases the court may arrest the driver - the fact is that his actions will be equated to disobedience to the legal requirements of a police officer. As a rule, everything is fined if the driver has not previously been in a similar situation or if he has no unpaid fines.

But if this is not the first time someone has been put on trial because of tinting, or if fines are systematically not paid, then the chances of being arrested increase.

How drivers bend the rules

Motorists really don't like the ban on dark tinting. They explain that they need dark glasses to protect them from the sun. Some say it’s more beautiful and “the cars look more stylish and daring.”

Removable tint has been offered on the market for several years now. It is a silicone pad that is glued to the inside of the car glass. This overlay can be easily removed if the driver is stopped by a traffic police officer and asked to get rid of the tint. The person simply takes it off and drives away, getting off with a warning, and around the next bend sticks it on the glass again. This is a dangerous, but very affordable opportunity to drive with tinted windows - two such covers will cost 3-4 thousand rubles.

Is it worth buying?

Even if you are ready to pay a certain amount for such tinting, there is always a certain risk. First of all, there is the possibility of running into a fake when purchasing. Today, Internet sites and forums are simply filled with scammers who take money for “invisible” film. As a result, in the best case, you receive the most ordinary tint by mail, in the worst case, you receive nothing. It is quite difficult to distinguish fake manufacturers from real ones, but it is possible. To begin with, loud numbers should alert you - sellers promise 100% transmittance, but experts say that such readings cannot be achieved even from completely transparent glass.

In addition, many manufacturers are ready to send a paid sample of film “for testing” and if you receive such an offer, this is a sure guarantee that your money will be wasted. And even if you manage to get hold of this expensive miracle film, successfully install it on the windows of your car and pass the test with a measuring device, this is still not enough. After all, as mentioned above, a traffic police officer can ignore the testimony and then issue a fine based on his visual observations.

Thus, we can conclude that wasting money and nerves is not worth owning a tint, the throughput of which cannot be determined using standard instruments. After all, it is much easier to install a film that complies with accepted standards and drive without fear for your life and your wallet.

Video “Tinting that the device does not see”

In this video you can see how a traffic police inspector measures the light transmittance of tinting, but the results comply with GOST.

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Measurement rules: weather, conditions, humidity

The main document regulating the level of light transmission of glass is the Regulation. The current GOST establishes general requirements for glass and determines the procedure for measuring the level of light transmission in the factory (clause 7.8 of GOST 32565-2013).

At the same time, unlike GOST 27902, which has lost force, the current standard does not contain any special requirements for testing conditions - neither for temperature, nor for air humidity and atmospheric pressure, nor for the weather in general. In addition, according to clause 7.8.6. It is allowed to measure light transmission based on the operational documentation for the photometer.

In fact, all general requirements for temperature and humidity conditions for testing have been removed from the state standard and transferred to the operational documentation of the measuring device.

Instructions for instruments for measuring light transmittance

The operational documentation for each of the measuring instruments contains only general requirements for measurement.

For example, the light-measuring device “Tonic” in its operating documentation (or rather, the appendix on the Verification Methodology) contains the following requirements for verification conditions:

  • air temperature (20 +/-5)℃;
  • relative humidity (60 +/-15)% at air temperature (20 +/-5) ℃;
  • atmospheric pressure (101.3 +/-4.0) kPa, (760 +/-30) mm Hg. Art.

Can I refer to the measuring instructions?

It is forbidden. It would seem that the instructions themselves contain very clear requirements, failure to comply with which may result in the invalidity of the verification results. But!

Why are cars tinted?

Thanks to electrical tinting, you can not only improve the appearance of your car, but also comfortably use it in any weather and time of day.
Car tinting is so popular because of its attractiveness. Agree, beautiful window tinting makes the appearance of a car more solid and attractive, and also makes it stand out from others.

But, despite the appearance, this provides the driver with a number of advantages:

  • comfort – tinting is suitable for those who value convenience and like to be in comfort all the time. After tinting the windows, driving will become more pleasant, especially under the scorching sun. The sun's rays will not blind you, and the interior temperature will not be the same and reach 40 degrees.
  • safety – owners of tinted windows provide a greater degree of safety to their car. in practice, attackers do not set themselves the goal of committing a robbery or stealing a tinted car, because this puts him in a dead end. Firstly, the contents inside the cabin are not visible, secondly, it is not always possible to see whether someone is inside, and thirdly, upon reaching the cabin, there may be absolutely zero valuable items.
  • savings - tinting helps prevent the premature appearance of defects on glass and leaves their appearance still attractive.

Persons authorized to check

Any police officer, from a private to a general, can use a taumeter and use its readings to draw up a report.

This condition is stated in the following documents:

  1. Article 28 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Indications of technical means.”
  2. Art. 28.3 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Officials authorized to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense.”

Such information is also available on the official website of gibdd, it is presented as follows:

The issue of special ranks for this category is determined in accordance with Art. 26 of the Law “On Police”:

Actions related to measuring the light transmittance of glass are carried out by performing the actions prescribed in the user manual for this technical device.

Replacing the front bumper on a VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099

Welcome! The front bumper is the one that is most susceptible to deformation, because the majority of accidents occur with a frontal collision, and if the speed was not high, then the first bumper becomes very deformed and then has to be replaced with a new one.

Note! In order to change the bumper, you will need to stock up on tools, namely: A set of wrenches, or better yet, stock up on socket heads and an extension cord on which you will put these heads on; in addition, you will need an inspection hole to make it more convenient to unscrew the lower bumper mounting nuts, but in In principle, you can do without it, but you will only get a little dirty in this case and it will not be very convenient!

How to protect the bumper from deformation? It’s a good question isn’t it, it’s just that not all people know that the plastic bumpers that are installed on most VAZ cars crack and break very badly in cold weather, this happens because plastic loses its elasticity in cold weather and when it hits a snowdrift it bursts and becomes covered with cracks and After this, the bumper has to be changed, so be careful with plastic bumpers in cold weather.


The Solar Gard company guarantees that any of its films will last for more than one year. Depending on the type of film and conditions of use, tinting can last up to 5 years.

After the coating's service life is completed, the film itself will begin to peel off from the glass and will be easy to remove.

It is worth noting that the film not only lasts for a long time, but also increases the service life of the glass. Thanks to the dense protection in the form of tinting, it does not scratch, does not become cloudy, and is not afraid of small pebbles.

General information about changes

Frankly speaking, there is no such law that would prohibit tinting. This means a set of rules that are recorded in the relevant regulatory documents - traffic rules, GOSTs for glass on a car, as well as technical regulations for vehicles. A separate part of the rules is written down in the Code of Administrative Offences, so it is certainly worth adhering to the tinting standards.

The changes allow you to adjust the density of tinting on vehicle windows, which, according to the authorities, makes driving on Russian roads safer. It is believed that tinted windows, especially at night, are a hindrance for a person and also increase the likelihood of getting into an accident.

Of course, there are both supporters and opponents of such rules, because those who advocate them argue that it is tinting that reduces fuel consumption, and also reduces the likelihood that thieves will try to break into the car, because the interior is not visible. However, one way or another, tinting in 2022 will be allowed only under special conditions.

Rules for tinting car windows in 2022

Current tinting regulations state that drivers must comply with safety light transmission standards for glass. Thresholds touch the windshield, side, and rear. Moreover, the dimming threshold is different for all categories.

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Important! Regardless of what glass you plan to use mirror tinting on, it is prohibited by law. The fact is that the mirror coating can blind other drivers, which creates a potentially dangerous situation on the road.

When discussing the new law on tinting in 2022, it must be said that the standards have not changed.

The windshield of a vehicle, as well as the side front windows, must transmit 70% of the sun's rays, previously this figure was 75%. The upper part of the windshield can be darkened with a special strip, the width of which should not exceed 14 cm.

No law regulates the rules for tinting this area, so drivers do this at their own discretion.

No regulations apply to rear and side windows of a vehicle. However, there are certain conditions - the car must have external side mirrors. In this case, you can even use blinds or removable curtains at the back.

Instructions for use

As before, as a rough guide, the instructions for using the Blik-N taumeter are used.

The procedure for measuring work is carried out on a device brought to a “working” state; how the device is checked and prepared for operation was described earlier.

The measurement procedure is as follows:

  1. The receiving head is installed on one side of the surface being examined.
  2. Transmitting from the other. In this case, you need to be careful, since they are fixed using magnets, so at the moment of connection with the surface, the head may hit the glass.
  3. The receiving head is slightly shifted away from the transmitting head. This is done until the maximum value shown on the device screen is obtained.
  4. To get the light transmittance you need to multiply it by 100.
  5. The resulting number will correspond to the desired percentage.

The measurement technology of other models may be slightly different; for example, the “Svet” taumeter in its design does not include magnets for fixation, so during the measurement process it is necessary to hold both heads with your hands.

Using removable tint coatings

Another interesting way out of the situation could be a removable film for darkening the windows. There is no need to glue it, but it is held statically. At any time it can be dismantled and hidden in the trunk, and then hooked back into place. To remove it, just carefully pry up the edge of the covering. When we want to return our tint back, we lightly wet the surface of the glass with soapy water and apply the film. All that remains is to smooth it out and drive out the remaining water from under it. We get darkened windows that will reliably protect everything and everyone that is inside the cabin. You can buy the film in an excellent online store using the link below and cut out the required outline yourself.

Screening window film

Solar Gard LX70

- Impressive solar performance and exceptional clarity are the result of Bekaert Specialty Films' state-of-the-art manufacturing process, premium raw materials and unique proprietary layering of exotic metals such as titanium oxide, gold and silver. Saves up to 30% on utility bills for.



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