The Lada Granta check light came on, what to do: possible reasons

...starting the car in the cold, the car started up but there was a misfire in one cylinder, the car rattled, the “Check Engine” came on, I turned it off, pressed the accelerator (gas) pedal all the way (to the floor) and turned the starter, the spark plugs blew out, the car started works well, but the Check Engine light does not go out.

There was another case, out of my stupidity I changed the light bulb in the dash with the ignition on, or disconnected the plug of the dash, I didn’t understand, but as a fact the “Check Engine” light came on again. In both cases, the check did not disappear; the only option was to go to the service center to pay the money, which I did not do. In general, there is a simple way to remove the “check”: open the hood, find the fuse box, remove fuse “F1” (30A) in the yellow case for 20 seconds, maybe longer, put it back, the “check” is gone. If you don’t know the reason for the appearance of the “check”, it is better to make a diagnosis, and in principle it will not disappear or appear again if there is a real problem with the car, so we try, we are not afraid, we take out the fuse and put it back! All the best!

Check Engine Light comes on when your vehicle's computer detects a problem with the powertrain. This may indicate a serious or minor complication, but ignoring it will definitely make the problem worse, leading to significant damage and costly repairs. You can avoid all troubles if you know the reasons for the signal. However, it sometimes does not turn off despite solving the problem. In this case, it won’t hurt you to find out how to reset the “check”.

Most drivers get annoyed if the check light still does not go off, even if the car problem has been corrected. In this case, your car's computer is faulty and a little intervention is required to resolve the issue.

Summarization and decoding of all error codes

The check engine light will not come on by itself. There is an indication - there is a problem in the car.

Resetting does not cure the problem - the problem will not go away without intervention; For an easy and quick reset you need an OBDII scanner - you can buy the simplest one for 200 rubles; You need to look at the error as soon as it appears - the problem can be either unimportant or critical for the use of the machine.

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All modern cars are filled with electronics, and, unfortunately, every part can sometimes fail. Probably, many car owners know firsthand about the problem of a lit check engine light (check engine light sensor). Naturally, any deviation from the norm slightly alarms a person, and therefore this article will discuss the causes and ways to eliminate this problem.

Typically, when the ignition is turned on, the engine warning light comes on. If there are no problems in the operation of the car, the light should go out within a few seconds after the engine is fully started. However, it also happens that the check engine light does not go out or lights up suddenly.

If the engine warning light sensor comes on, then for some cars this is a warning sign, and it is necessary to urgently find out the reasons for the appearance and take measures to eliminate them. This can be done by going to a car repair shop or diagnosing your car yourself and fixing the problem. However, it is better to do this if the driver understands technology and has experience in car repairs.

On the Lada Granta, the check engine light comes on when errors or malfunctions in the engine are detected.

Many modern cars have a complex mechanism, and the engine check can respond to engine speed, the composition of the working fluid, fuel consumption, and ignition. Therefore, it will not be possible to quickly name the cause of the failure, especially if you lack skills and experience.

Lack of electrical energy

This can be reported not only by the battery charge lamp, but also by the Check Engine. When the generator does not produce enough energy to provide the car with all the necessary devices, the devices themselves begin to work intermittently. Various electrical connectors are no exception when power is lost at their terminals.

A temporary lack of voltage leads to a huge number of errors being recorded in the ECU. They cannot be reset by simply disconnecting the terminal. First you need to fix the cause of the poor battery charge, and then connect the car to a diagnostic computer.

Possible error codes Kalina

What error codes exist for VAZ Kalina?

  1. The highest voltage on-board network of the machine.
  2. Fuel sensor error (for example, within 20 seconds it was detected that the circuit was broken).
  3. Coolant temperature sensor error.
  4. The motor is overheated.
  5. Oil pressure is in poor condition.
  6. The brake system has broken down.
  7. Battery low.

What should I do to troubleshoot? You should hold down the key and turn on the ignition, but do not start the car. The arrows on the dashboard will move and the lights will turn on. After this, you need to press one of the keys on the switch, which is located under the steering wheel. Then the arrows will be at the initial position, and errors will be shown on the display.

Let's give advice to those who buy a used VAZ car - most drivers don't even think about the fact that there is an option for diagnosing and resetting Lada Kalina errors. And therefore, before buying a VAZ, you should run this option to find out everything about the past of the car you are purchasing. The modern automotive industry is a very developed industry; it is almost always an excellent assistant to any car owner.

This does not depend on the make of the car; the presence of BC is an excellent feature of almost any car produced over the last ten years. A similar system is no exception for VAZ. Many people know what an on-board computer is, but not everyone knows how to evaluate errors that have occurred and determine their significance. Let's look at the above errors.

It should be noted that many of the errors characteristic of VAZ are understandable. For example, a temperature sensor error, the BC can issue it when the motor is cooled. But it happens that the computer gives an error falsely. For example, once the motor was overheated, the computer suddenly notifies about the error, even if there is none. That is, errors can occur if the BC remembers information about an overheated motor. And therefore, when this problem has been fixed, it is better to reset all BC readings.

And to fix it, you should press the Reset key - it is located under the control buttons of the on-board computer. But if the faults are not identified, you need to ask a professional for help. You should also pay special attention to the errors of the machine's bookkeeping system if it has already been used and was purchased secondhand.

Diagnostics using the dashboard

It is advisable for the owner of the Russian model we are considering to remember all the error codes that may periodically occur in the system. In addition, it is recommended that you learn how to diagnose the dashboard yourself. It is designed to reflect error codes that occur in the electronic components of the Lada Kalina.

To start the diagnostic process, you will need to press a button that records the daily mileage. While holding it, turn on the ignition by turning the appropriate key. If this manipulation is performed correctly, the arrows on the scales of the speedometer, tachometer and auxiliary indicators will begin to move along a circular path, moving from the initial to the final position.

Upon completion of this movement of the arrows, the owner will need to switch the screen to another mode. This will be done by a special button located on the wiper switch under the steering wheel. Pressing displays a picture with performance indicators of a wide range of devices controlled by the ECU. The software version of the complex is also displayed here - self-diagnosis.

After updating the information three times, the error codes themselves appear on the device, expressed in digital form.

Let's look at the list of errors by number:

  1. No. 2 – the error indicates the presence of a deviation of the voltage indicator in the on-board network from the nominal parameter;
  2. No. 3 – “speaks” of a failed fuel level sensor in the tank;
  3. No. 4 - the so-called error 4 is activated if there is a break in the antifreeze temperature sensor circuit in the cooling circuit or the component itself has become unusable;
  4. No. 5 – indicates a breakdown of the outside temperature sensor;
  5. No. 6 - confirms the fact of engine overheating;
  6. No. 7 – states a critically low level of oil pressure in the corresponding engine circuit;
  7. No. 8 – error 8 for non-working brake components of the car;
  8. No. 9 – confirms the fact of battery discharge.

The “E” symbol deserves special attention, which indicates the presence of errors contained in the “EEPROM”. Each malfunction, including error 4 and error 8, requires attention from the car owner.

How to reset an error on Grant

There are three ways to get rid of the “Check Engine” icon:

  1. Fix the problem;
  2. Reset using OBD2 adapter;
  3. Reset without adapter manually.

After eliminating the malfunction, the check will go out on its own after a while.

We use OBD2 adapter

Do you have a high-quality diagnostic adapter and the necessary software on hand? Then resetting will not be difficult. What to do if there is no program or diagnostic scanner?

The easiest way out is to buy a scanner from China. Price – 200-300 rubles. The main condition: read reviews about compatibility. Whether he reads your car or not is a lottery.

Once you have the scanner, insert it into the OBD connector to the left of the glove compartment.

The connector is located in an easily accessible location to the left of the glove compartment lid.


  • Download the Torque Lite program to your phone - free version, basic functions work;
  • We start the car so that power goes to the adapter and error data appears;
  • We turn on Bluetooth on the phone, add a new device in the settings (the adapter will be detected as OBDII);
  • Open the Torque program - at the top of the screen there will be messages like Waiting for connection, Checking the CAN protocol, Connected successfully;
  • Open the settings – Fault Codes – Show logged faults.

The saved codes will appear on the screen. There, using Clear logged faults, you can reset all errors and the “check” will go out. Not forever - until the problem appears again.

Open settings – Error codes – Show saved ones.

An option close to a scanner is installing an on-board computer. BC:

  • Determines the error;
  • Will show its code and decryption;
  • It will help you reset.

How to remove a check without an adapter

Everything is simpler here. When you don’t have OBD or a phone with software at hand, you just need to disconnect the terminal from the battery.

It makes no difference which terminal to remove. De-energize the car for 5-7 minutes and all errors should disappear.

The problem with the method: it works less and less often. Only the scanner is guaranteed to reset.

In conclusion

If after the reset procedure these error codes reappear, it is recommended to contact a specialist for a more thorough diagnosis of the LADA Kalina on-board electronic complex. This will save not only the owner’s nerves, but also provide a qualified approach to troubleshooting, without aggravating the situation with “independent actions”.

Probably every VAZ owner has encountered such a problem when, out of the blue, the “chek” error comes on. Here many people immediately panic. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it. Firstly, this error appears when any sensor fails (here you will have to suffer and determine which one), but all this is determined by changes in the behavior of the car: dynamics, consumption, etc. Secondly, this error appears when the wrong mixture enters the combustion chamber. This can happen in two cases: some sensor is not working correctly, or low-quality gasoline. Try using higher quality fuel the next time you fill up.

However, even if you correct the problem, the “check” will continue to light up. Many people go to computer diagnostics to clear an error, where they pay about 150-200 rubles per minute. Although it’s not a lot of money, why? If you can reset the error yourself, spending the same minute on it, and you don’t have to go anywhere. Don’t know how to reset the check error yourself? Very simple, read below.

We reset the error.

  1. To do this, turn on the ignition without starting the car.
  2. Open the hood and remove the positive terminal of the battery.
  3. We wait from 10 seconds to a minute and seat the terminal back.
  4. Close the hood.
  5. Turn off the ignition.
  6. Turn on the ignition and start.

And then a miracle, the error light stopped lighting.

Even if you cannot decide why your check light came on, do not immediately run to diagnostics. Try to reset this error using the method described above. There are simply cases of accidental operation (there was an impurity in gasoline and the like). And then after the reset the error simply will not appear again. And if, nevertheless, there is some kind of problem, then the “check” will pop up again, after 50 kilometers.

Downstream oxygen sensor

In addition to the previous reason, one can also include the oxygen sensor located at the bottom of the car next to the catalyst. It is designed to capture unused oxygen to determine if the mixture is fed rich or lean. It is thanks to him that most of the work is done to adjust the composition of the fuel-air mixture.

The sensor operates under the most difficult conditions: high temperature, low-quality fuel, impurities, and its contact group comes into contact with dust, dirt and moisture. That is why it can give errors or fail completely, which leads to the “check” signal.


Something else about the crankshaft position sensor. Without this device, the controller will not be able to determine the top dead center of the cylinder. If it is faulty, the check will light up and the engine will not start, since it “does not know” at what point to inject fuel. This is another reason why the check light on the Lada Grant is on.

Sources used:


Why did the light come on and how to fix it

The main situations in which the indicator lights up and the recommended courses of action for the car owner:

If the Check engine lights up and goes out immediately when starting the car, there is no damage to the engine. The cause of the fire is most likely harmless - the fuel tank cap is lost or not screwed in properly. Just wrap it tightly and check if the warning disappears. If the indicator lights up while driving, you should stop and check the wires. You may find a cable hanging loose under the hood or an open battery terminal. This applies to all attachments - wires, hoses, etc.

d. If the light flashes while driving, you should stop and check the sounds made by the engine, pay attention to the oil level, and inspect the sides of the engine. If no visually obvious violations are detected, it is recommended to drive to the nearest car service center and carry out diagnostics. If the engine is running normally and the Check light is constantly flashing, there is most likely an ignition failure.

You should check the spark plugs and coil, pay attention to the quality of the fuel. To do this, it is better to contact the nearest auto diagnostic center. If the indicator is constantly on, you need to stop, unscrew the spark plugs and check the gap. Gaps that exceed 1.3 may cause the light bulb to burn out. In addition, when the “check” is on, the ignition is usually checked. Any car service center has special testers that allow you to determine the wear of wiring insulation. The cause of the light coming on can also be a faulty fuel pump. You should stop and listen to the sounds the fuel pump makes. A smooth hum without clicks or pauses is considered normal. If extraneous sounds appear, the pump should be dismantled, washed inside and the filter cleaned. Serious engine malfunctions can be indicated by the coolant temperature. If it is above 85–90 degrees, and the Check engine lights up while driving, the engine is definitely faulty. In this case, it is advisable to call a tow truck or drive at low speed to the nearest car service center.

Table: reasons for the Check engine light to come on and suggested actions

When and in what cases does the “check” light come on?Possible reasonsSuggested Actions
When driving, when acceleratingHarsh acceleration, faulty air filterReplace filter, accelerate smoother
When the indicator flashes, the engine startsThe fuel in one of the cylinders does not burn completely; the gasoline either burns out in the exhaust pipe or immediately enters the catalystReplace spark plugs, check coil and armored wires, check timing marks
After refuelingLow fuel qualityChange gas station
When the ignition is turned onNormal car reactionNothing should be done
After washing the car, engine, after rainWater got into the Check engine wiringTreat with WD40, dry, clean contacts
ColdKnock sensor faultyReplace
On a hot engineCamshaft sensor faultyReplace
At high speedsMissing ignition coils or faulty crankshaft sensorReplace coil or sensor
At idleThrottle sensor malfunctionReplace
After replacing spark plugs“Poor” combustible mixtureChange the octane number of gasoline to a higher one
After replacing the air filterMore air began to flow, the composition of the exhaust changed, the lambda probe reactedTurn off the engine and start again
After replacing the timing beltA terminal has come off from some sensor, most likely the air hoseCheck terminals
After installing gas equipmentFuel injector emulation is done incorrectlyTune
After installing the alarmOnly one power line is connected to the turbo timer, the second one contains a temperature sensor, brake pedal and mass air flow sensorReset Check engine, connect both lines
After replacing the fuel filterLow pressure filter installedReplace filter
With a simultaneous increase in fuel consumptionDriving too long, oxygen heating up or poor quality fuelRefuel with high-quality fuel and give the car a rest
On long climbsWorn timing belt, faulty sensorsCheck and replace
After replacing the ignition moduleModule connection problemsRemove and reconnect the positive terminal from the battery
At sub-zero temperaturesMalfunction of the throttle position sensor or disconnection of its chipReplace the device or replace the chip
When you press the accelerator pedalAir filter cloggedClean or replace the filter

Ignition system malfunction

Misfires. Depending on the car model, this parameter can be controlled in two ways: the first is the most common, a knock sensor, which detects such phenomena and transmits them to the ECU. The second is a less accurate crankshaft position sensor.

The second method determines misfires based on crankshaft distortions that occur when the engine operates unevenly on three cylinders. Sometimes such distortions can occur for mechanical reasons, and the ECU only tells you where to look for the problem.

Another problem is worn or dirty spark plugs that are unable to ignite the mixture. Because of this, gasoline enters the exhaust system, where it is successfully “picked up” by the oxygen sensor, appearing on the instrument panel in the form of a check.

In all cases, increased fuel consumption is observed, and the cause can only be eliminated by cleaning or replacing the spark plugs. In some cases, the ignition module itself will require replacement.

What does "Check Engine" mean?

First, a little theory. “Check engine” is translated from English as “check the engine.” From this we can conclude that if a light with this inscription starts to light up, it means that there are some problems with the car’s engine. This is signaled by the ECU (electronic control unit), which determines the quality of the fuel and its consumption, reads the engine speed, controls the ignition, etc. Therefore, for those who do not have at least minimal knowledge in this area, it will be impossible to determine the cause.

Note: if the “Check engine” goes out when you start the engine, then there are no problems with the engine and vice versa. If this is the second case with your car, then you should know that the lamp may be on due to a small problem, or perhaps due to a significant breakdown, which may well lead to a major repair.

We list the main reasons why the “Check Engine” light may come on:

Low quality fuel

If you have filled your car with low quality fuel, you will need to first drain all remaining fuel from the tank. Next, fill up with gasoline purchased at a trusted gas station, remove the terminal from the battery for a few minutes and try to start the engine again. If the “Check engine” is no longer on, it means you were lucky and escaped with little loss of life.

Spark plug

One of the most common reasons. A spark plug that is faulty will even look different from the rest - a cracked insulator, carbon deposits, too large a gap, etc. They will tell you that the spark plug needs to be changed. If this was the only problem, then immediately after installing the working spark plug it will disappear. Don't forget to check the ignition coil and spark.

"Check engine" started to light up when the car was moving

First of all, check the oil level. If everything is fine here, then you need to further look for the reason. Listen to how the car engine operates and see if you hear any extraneous noise. If they are present, then you should immediately turn off the engine and take it to a service station, calling a tow truck for this purpose.

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Residual oxygen sensor faulty

In this case, the problem of the “Check engine” lighting up can be solved simply by replacing the lambda probe. After installing the working sensor, the lamp signaling complications with the motor will most likely stop lighting.

Catalyst is faulty

On the Internet you can find quite a lot of articles related to this topic. Of course, it may well turn out that prolonged driving at high speeds will help solve the problem that has arisen, but we do not advise you to do so. It’s better to seek help from a service station, where they will tell you for sure whether the problem is with the catalyst or not. If the problem is not there, then with similar actions you can simply “kill” the motor.

What other reasons are there for the “Check Engine” light to come on? It may well turn out that your car needs to replace the fuel pump or filter. It may also be that the reason lies in faulty high-voltage wires or the injectors need to be cleaned. In the first case, replacing the wires will help you, and in the second - only specialists. And lastly, carefully inspect the engine compartment for leaky covers. If you still haven’t figured out the cause of your problem, then the best solution is to visit a service station.

We hope that our article was useful to you. Good luck on the roads!

Broken fuel tank seal, catalytic converter failure

If the check persists on the dashboard, the car owner will look for a problem with the engine. But the reason may be different. The check engine light may come on due to problems with the tightness of the fuel system. The fuel filler cap may not be securely closed. Why does this problem occur? The reasons may be the following.

  1. If the seal of the fuel system is broken, air begins to flow into it.
  2. Additional fuel consumption appears.
  3. Air in the fuel system causes engine problems.
  4. The check engine light comes on on the dashboard.

How to fix the problem? If the check engine light is on and there are no signs of loss of power, knocking, humming or squeaking, then you need to check how tightly the gas tank is sealed. Sometimes, in a hurry, the driver simply forgets to close the lid tightly, or cracks begin to appear on it. If you have fixed the problem, but the check continues to light, then this is not the reason.

What to do if the catalyst fails? A car catalyst is needed to neutralize exhaust gases. The oxide contained in exhaust contains many substances that are harmful to the environment. The catalyst reduces the damage that a running vehicle causes to the environment. What to do if the catalyst fails? A car catalyst is needed to neutralize exhaust gases. The oxide contained in exhaust contains many substances that are harmful to the environment. The catalyst reduces the damage that a running vehicle causes to the environment.

If the check light is on due to a faulty catalyst, you will notice that the engine power has dropped significantly. The car loses acceleration dynamics. What is the reason for catalyst failure? Regular technical inspection of the vehicle will ensure that such a malfunction does not occur.

One of the reasons for catalyst failure is a breakdown of the oxygen sensor. Old spark plugs can cause catalytic converter failure. You should not take this problem lightly. If the oxygen sensor or spark plugs malfunction, the process of neutralizing exhaust gases is disrupted.

As a result, carbon monoxide begins to accumulate in the catalyst, it overheats and may burst. You cannot drive a car with a faulty catalyst. This will lead to improper operation of the engine, which is why the check light will light up. The car will consume more fuel and the engine will not produce traction.

The cost of a new catalyst is quite high, but still cheaper than engine repair. There is one more problem. You are unlikely to be able to replace the catalyst on Kalina yourself, so you need to go to a service center. To avoid this, you should regularly change the oxygen sensors and spark plugs.

New Lada: 2. Controls and monitoring devices

The mass air flow sensor monitors air consumption. If the engine malfunction light comes on, you need to check the sensor. It monitors the amount of air required to ignite gasoline. Information from the sensor enters the on-board computer.

If the mass air flow sensor fails, the car begins to consume more fuel. There is a greater emission of carbon monoxide, engine power and the smoothness of the vehicle are reduced. If there is weak dynamics during acceleration, then it makes sense to assume that the sensor is faulty. As a rule, in cold weather the car begins to have trouble starting.

Why does the mass air flow sensor fail? One of the reasons for the failure of this device is incorrect installation of the air filter during its scheduled replacement. Like many consumables, the air sensor needs to be replaced regularly

It is important to change the air filter in a timely manner.

A sensor malfunction has little effect on engine performance. You can drive for some time with a faulty sensor. But this will lead to increased fuel consumption. The cost of a new sensor for Kalina is not very high, and you can do the replacement yourself. If necessary, the sensor can be replaced in service, during a routine inspection.

What to do if the Lada Granta check light comes on: possible reasons

A modern car is crammed with electronics. Multiple gauges and warning lights on the instrument panel indicate different faults. This progress did not bypass the Lada Granta. The most well-known signal is the “CHECK” function lighting up. This is an indication that there are problems with the operation of the engine or control unit. In the video, check engine reset:

Possible reasons for the check function to light up

The “CHECK” signal is located in the very center of the instrument cluster, where the driver can quickly pay attention to it

Check engine light came on during hard acceleration

This function is responsible for the operation of the engine and if it signals, then there may be problems in the operation of this particular unit. Of course, this is scary for any motorist, because repairing the power unit is complex and expensive. But don’t immediately get scared and panic, the reason may be petty.

So, let’s look at what are the reasons why the “CHECK” function on the Lada Grant came on:

  • If the indicator lights up when you start the engine, then don’t worry, everything works.
  • If the “CHECK” lights up and signals for a long time, then, first of all, it is necessary to make a diagnosis, and only then worry.
  • If there is a “CHECK” while driving, this may mean that the oil level in the engine is insufficient (p0523 - error when the oil pressure sensor is faulty).
  • The “CHECK” function is on - it’s worth checking the engine for signs of depressurization or oil leakage.
  • If the above reasons do not work, but the “CHECK” is lit, then this may be a signal that the spark plug has failed or low-quality fuel has been filled.

When the “CHECK” function lights up, it indicates that something is wrong with the engine and it is worth carrying out diagnostics before taking other actions.

Elimination methods

Let's consider some options for eliminating the causes of the “CHECK” function fire on the Lada Grant:

  1. Bad fuel. The elimination method is quite simple - drain the low-quality fuel and fill in new one. Let the engine run a little and turn it off. If everything is normal, then upon startup, the signal will disappear. AvtoVAZ recommends refueling with 95 gasoline, but it often causes errors and complaints about its quality. What kind of gasoline do you fill up with, 92 or 95?
  2. Spark plugs and high-voltage wires. Unscrew all spark plugs and check the gaps and the presence of a spark. Replace faulty spark plugs and wires. Engine 21116 (high-voltage wires, oil dipstick)
  3. Coil. We measure resistance and presence of spark. If necessary, we change everything.
  4. Fuel pump. One of the reasons why the CHECK light may be on. We clean the channels. Or, if necessary, we change the pump itself. 4 bolts securing the plastic fuel pump cover under the rear seat

The faults that you can fix yourself are indicated, but if nothing works, you should contact a car service.

Underwater rocks

If the “CHECK” light comes on on the Lada Grant, then do not panic. Often on cars the signal is supplied from a common ECU, which, like any computer, can malfunction. This may be caused by a short circuit or replacement of electrical circuit components. Therefore, errors occur in the electronic control unit, which can serve as a “CHECK” signal.

The ECU in Grant is not located very well, and if your check light came on during or after rain, then water could have gotten into it due to design features.

The ECU is located under the glove compartment

This problem can be treated quite simply. The ECU itself needs to be connected to a software laptop and errors in the system should be corrected or outdated firmware changed. It is best to entrust this operation to specialists who know how it is done.

Resetting an error without using an adapter (collective farm method)

If you are sure that the check engine light is “temporary”, that is, the quality of gasoline is poor, or the spark plug was faulty, which has already been replaced with a working one, then the check engine light can be reset manually without using an adapter; there are two ways.

  1. To do this, disconnect the terminal for five minutes, the memory in the electronic engine control unit (ECU) will be reset, and the on-board computer readings will also be reset.
  2. There is a second way, you just need to remove the cigarette lighter fuse; Grant's design engineers installed an immobilizer on it.

The reasons why the “CHECK” function lights up on the Lada Grant are quite simple, since this sensor is responsible for the full operation of the engine. To identify the causes, it is worth conducting a diagnosis and determining why this happened, and only then eliminating it.


The reasons why the “CHECK” function lights up on the Lada Grant are quite simple, since this sensor is responsible for the full operation of the engine. To identify the causes, it is worth conducting a diagnosis and determining why this happened, and only then eliminating it.

If the Check engine indicator light comes on on the dashboard of your car (or simply the “check” is on), you should at least be wary. The reasons for this can be very diverse - from a loose gas tank cap to serious problems with the engine.

List of reasons that can also cause Check Engine

  1. Low quality fuel. If you pour something that gets into the tank, be prepared to see a “Check” error. The problem is solved by draining the “kaki” and refueling with normal fuel.
  2. Tank cap. Check whether the filler cap is tightly screwed on; due to a loose fit, air may leak, after which fuel consumption will increase and the control unit will display an error in the form of “Check Engine”.
  3. Lambda probe. A faulty oxygen sensor often causes the Check Engine light to come on. Check the oxygen sensor, if it is faulty, replace it with a new one.
  4. The MAF (mass air flow sensor) can cause the inscription “Check Engine” to appear on the dashboard. To make sure this is the cause, you need to check the sensor using a multimeter.
  5. Spark plugs and explosive wires. As I said above, problems with spark plugs and high-voltage wires can affect the operation of the engine, after which the ECU will diagnose the malfunction and notify you accordingly, that is, a “Check Engine” will appear. How to solve a problem? Elementary, check the spark plugs and explosive wires, remember when they were last changed, assess the condition and, if necessary, replace them.
  6. Ignition coil. If there is a suspicion that the coil is not in order or may be related to the error that has appeared, check the coil, make sure that there is a spark, then make sure that there is resistance at the coil terminals, and the spread should not be more than 1-4 and 2-3 .
  7. Problems with the catalyst. You will have to remove the muffler and check the condition. If it turns out that the catalyst is “dead”, it will have to be changed. This breakdown is quite rare and, as a rule, characteristic of older cars.
  8. Injectors. These important details can also, under certain circumstances, cause a “Check Engine”, especially considering the quality of the fuel with which we refuel.
  9. Fuel filter and fuel pump. A clogged fuel filter can cause a loss of pressure in the fuel system; the ECU will detect this failure and the Check Engine will light up. The same goes for the fuel pump, if it is not working properly or is faulty, you may see a “Check”. In principle, if the problem is really related to the fuel filter or pump, then before the error comes on, you will feel unstable engine operation, deterioration in dynamics, etc. Solution to the problem: check the pressure in the fuel rail, make sure that the mesh is coarse and The fuel filter is normal; if necessary, perform a comprehensive replacement.

If the above steps did not lead to anything, and you still do not know why the Check Engine light is on, I advise you to contact a specialist to eliminate the error and its cause. Any delay can be costly for both you and your engine.

To tell you how to extinguish a Check, you must first explain its purpose and consider the situations when it lights up.

Check Engine – that’s its full name. This is a light button on the interior panel that turns on when problems of a very different nature appear. Although the classic formulation says that it signals problems with the engine (even translated it sounds like “check the engine”), however, the reason for its activation can be malfunctions of a variety of systems and parts - from a poorly screwed gas cap to a disorder in the fuel system . Even low-octane gasoline or worn brake pads can be the reason for its blinking.

Even in cars equipped with a self-diagnosis system, error codes are displayed on the display without their interpretation. Therefore, every driver needs minimal knowledge about the reasons for the glowing check.

In any case, the appearance of a glowing (or flashing) Check engine sign should alert any car owner. After all, the cause may be disturbances in the engine itself, and this is a direct threat of the most serious problems. The most appropriate action, in such a situation, is to slowly, at low speeds, get to the nearest service center.

Frequently asked questions about auto diagnostics via a computer or smartphone

Engine diagnostics

The capabilities of engine diagnostics via the OBD2 connector depend on the scanner and software. For example, a simple amateur adapter ELM327, together with the OpenDiag application on a smartphone, allows you to read engine errors and decipher them, as well as view temperature sensors and engine speed, both at idle and while driving in real time.

We provide documentation for engines with electronically controlled throttle valves that meet toxicity standards. Read the files by running engine diagnostics.

ABS diagnostics via OBD2 connector

If problems arise with the ABS, before changing or manually diagnosing the problem, read the errors according to the instructions provided. Checking for errors will show you not only the condition of the sensors, but also the wires and connectors.

Diagnostics of mass air flow sensor

Using the Open Diag program, we record the voltage at the mass air flow sensor. The permissible voltage values ​​are:

  • if the sensor is in good condition, the voltage is from 1.01 to 1.02 V;
  • in satisfactory condition - from 1.02 to 1.03 V;
  • a value ranging from 1.04 to 1.05 indicates a near-death state

Important: If it exceeds 1.05 V, the mass air flow sensor requires replacement!

Diagnostics of the oxygen sensor (lambda probe)

The oxygen sensor is checked using the Open Diag program and an adapter connected to the OBDII connector. We analyze the voltage values ​​at the sensor.

When the engine is running, the voltage should change from 0.008 to 0.7V and back. There should be no smooth declines or freezes on the oscilloscope.

Automatic transmission diagnostics

Diagnostics of the gearbox is also possible, but limited by the Granta ECU itself. Yes, you can use professional, expensive car scanners, but we are talking about self-checking.

Using an adapter and an application on a smartphone, you can see errors in the transmission; if there are any, their decoding will indicate one or another malfunction of the box. Also, in real time, data from temperature sensors is taken from the box.

Automatic transmission errors:

P0720 “Output shaft speed sensor is faulty” P0717 “Turbine speed sensor” P0706 “Automatic transmission selector. No signal" P0705 "Automatic transmission selector. Several signals at the same time" P0974 "On-off solenoid. Open circuit" P0973 "On-off solenoid. Circuit shorted to ground" P0963 "Pressure control solenoid. Open circuit" P0962 "Pressure control solenoid. Circuit shorted to ground" P0740 "LOCK UP SOL(Open)" P0743 "LOCK UP SOL(GND short)" P17AB "L/C SOL(Open)" P17AA "L/C SOL(GND short)" P17AE "2-4 /B SOL(Open)" P17AD "2-4/B SOL(GND short)" P17B1 "H/C&L&R/B SOL(Open)" P17B0 "H/C&L&R/B SOL(GND short)" P1735 "INTER LOCK FUNCTION (1st)" P1736 "INTER LOCK FUNCTION(2nd)" P1737 "INTER LOCK FUNCTION(3rd)" P1738 "INTER LOCK FUNCTION(4th)" P0744 "LU CLUTCH(Lock-up)" P1744 "LU CLUTCH(Slip Lock-up) )" P0731 "Incorrect automatic transmission ratio in 1st gear" P0732 "Incorrect automatic transmission ratio in 2nd gear" P0733 "Incorrect automatic transmission ratio in 3rd gear" P0734 "Incorrect automatic transmission ratio in 4th gear" P17A1 "NEUTRAL FUNCTION(1st)" P17A2 "NEUTRAL FUNCTION(2nd)" P17A3 "NEUTRAL FUNCTION(3rd)" P17A4 "NEUTRAL FUNCTION(4th)" P17A0 "NEUTRAL FUNCTION(Rev)" P0712 "Oil temperature sensor, low reading" P0713 "Oil temperature sensor, high reading" P0711 “Oil temperature sensor, frozen” P0863 “CAN bus connection (initialization)” P062F “BACKUP MEMORY” P1701 “Controller supply voltage”

Diagnostics and testing of the electronic gas pedal

VAZ supplies LADA GRANTA cars with an electronic gas pedal (E-gas) to comply with modern environmental standards.

If the pedal is malfunctioning (no responsiveness or increased engine speed when changing speed on the gearbox), then before dismantling and checking the unit with a multimeter, read the errors through the OBD2 connector.

Typical errors related to the accelerator pedal:

  • The “Check Engine” light came on on the dashboard (error 0504);
  • Error: Low/High signal level of the first accelerator pedal sensor.

Removing errors will not help here; you need to eliminate the cause of the breakdown and only then erase the errors. If errors are indicated and the pedal does not work stably, you should adjust the sensitivity of the gas pedal itself, it should become more responsive.

EUR - electric power steering

If the EPS diagnostic light comes on or the EPS periodically turns off/on, you should first check the electric power steering through the diagnostic connector.

The same Open Diag application, together with a diagnostic OBD2 adapter, will help with this, or

other scanners: Scanmatic, ScanDoc, Motor-Master. The diagnostic process boils down to identifying errors, decoding them and further repairs according to the type of malfunction.

The check can also be performed without a scanner, in this way:

  1. Under the steering wheel, near the ignition switch, you should find an 8-pin black connector. You will need to dismantle the casing at the steering column (unscrew the fastening screws from the bottom).
  2. Next, insert a paperclip and close the two contacts, as in the first photo at the beginning of the article. (these are contacts No. 6 and No. 7).
  3. Turn on the ignition and look at the control lamp.
  4. The first signal is a long lamp burning - “1”
  5. Next, we count the subsequent short signals, if there are 3 short ones then “3”.
  6. In our case, the result was code “13”.

Decoding codes after diagnostics with a scanner

As stated above, if the measured characteristics do not differ from the standard ones by more than 20%, then everything is in order with the car. What are the standard parameters?

Parameter Meaning UACC Shows battery voltage. To understand whether there is an error in this case, it is necessary to activate all devices that consume the most voltage. Allowable voltage is from 13.9 to 14.5V. If it is less, then it is necessary to check individual circuits of the network. THR Throttle position parameter. As a rule, if it is faulty, the driver will know about it without diagnostics, since the car will move jerkily and the engine power will constantly drop. Press the gas pedal without starting the engine, but turning on the ignition. The TPS readings should gradually increase to 90% (or slightly less). If everything is so, then the sensor is working; if not, it needs to be replaced. FREQ Parameter of crank pulley rotation speed. The rotation speed is up to 840 rpm. If this sensor fails, the operation of the motor will be impossible. AIR Mass air flow parameter. It should not exceed 12 kg/hour. Start the engine and press the gas pedal so that the number of revolutions increases to 5 thousand per minute. In this case, the parameter should increase to approximately 250 kg/hour. Naturally, if the device is working properly, then the indicator will be like this. UOZ Represents the ignition timing angle. It should change in the range from 6 to 15 degrees. INJ This bk parameter represents the duration of the injection pulse (the time required to open each injector for gasoline to enter the cylinder). Ideally, this parameter should be between 3 and 5 milliseconds when driving at neutral speed. If the readings obtained during diagnostics are much higher, then, most likely, the injectors are already clogged and need to be cleaned. Or it indicates low gasoline pressure as a result of a clogged gasoline filter or pump. Press down the gas pedal sharply. The injection time should increase to 20 ms. Ideally, accurate diagnosis of injectors is only possible using a test bench. FSM Idle speed sensor performance indicator. Ideally, this parameter should not exceed 50-60. If you press the gas pedal sharply, it can increase to 160-180. ALAM 1 Shows the voltage level recorded on the oxygen level monitor. When the car engine is warmed up, this indicator should increase from 0.007 to 0.7 V. If this indicator differs, then something is wrong with the circuit. LUMS_W This coefficient indicates the rotation of the crank pulley. Ideally, it should vary around 4 revolutions per second. If it is slightly larger, then this already indicates a misfire in the engine cylinders

This means that you should pay attention to checking the spark plugs (whether they are working, filled or not), as well as the condition of the high-voltage wires. QT Gasoline consumption coefficient. With the engine running and idling, it should not exceed 0.9 liters per hour.

New Lada: Location of controls and instruments Lada Granta (VAZ 11183, 21116)

Spent spark plugs and worn high-voltage wires

Candles have a direct impact on the quality of the combustion process of the mixture inside the working chambers of the engine. A failed spark plug is unable to generate the spark needed to ignite. This results in unburned fuel and air entering the exhaust manifold.

Experts rightly put forward recommendations for replacing the specified elements of the ignition system every 25-30 thousand km. If the quality indicators of the fuel being refilled are far from the required level, then the replacement frequency should be reduced.

The main signs of candle failure are as follows:

  • difficulty starting the engine;
  • increasing the level of fuel consumption;
  • incorrect operation of the unit not only at idle, but also at high speeds with the presence of side symptoms (dips, twitching, etc.).

Also, worn-out spark plugs, as noted earlier, can provoke rapid failure of the converter, so the timeliness of their replacement is one of the main conditions for the viability of this element of the exhaust circuit.

The owner of Lada Kalina 2 needs special attention to high-voltage cables and their tips installed directly on the spark plugs. The main test method is to measure resistance. Here you will need to involve a tester. The value of the required resistance can be found in any Lada Kalina service manual. If this indicator diverges from the standard value, then such a cable must be replaced.

There are also many other reasons why the check light is on. Sometimes these factors are not “intimidating” in nature, and the method of eliminating the problem identified in the process of diagnosing the problem is cheap in terms of costs. But there are also serious breakdowns, the elimination of which requires the intervention of significantly greater human and financial resources.

New Lada: Lada Priora Premier - model history, photos, prices

A flashing “Check” symbol in a Lada Kalina 2 car indicates that the driver needs to stop immediately to check the oil level in the engine (wait a few minutes first). Sometimes the unit's lubrication circuit filter may become unusable.

A useful step here would be to inspect the engine for visible damage. When it was not possible to determine the malfunction on the road, and the lamp continues to function in flashing mode, you need to move the car to a service center for a thorough search for breakdowns.

Battery disconnect method

Disconnecting the battery is an old way to reset the check engine light. Here are three steps to clear the check using this method: Step 1: Disconnect the cables from the battery. At this point, you should use a wrench to unscrew the positive and negative cables.

Step 2: Discharge the remaining electricity. The next thing you should do is press and hold the car horn for about 30 seconds. This action will help drain the car battery.

Step 3: Wait and reconnect the battery. After disconnecting the battery cables and draining the remaining electricity, all you have to do is wait about 15 minutes and then plug the battery back in. Error codes will be cleared. (Note: This method may not work on some vehicles.) If after this procedure the “check” lights up again, this may mean that the problem is still much more serious.

Diagnosing errors on Hyundai Solaris

If the CHECK light comes on when you start the engine, then there is no need to worry. But if the check light is on when the engine has already started, then you need to find out the cause of the error.

The vehicle owner may need to diagnose and remove errors that occur on the Hyundai Solaris in various situations when there is no desire to do this work in a certified service center.

It is not difficult to do this work, the main thing is to know that you can delete errors related to the first level yourself, that is, those that are not recorded in the ECU memory and do not significantly affect the operation of the car and its devices. Because only a special dealer device (scanner - approx.) can remove such errors, one of these errors includes the error of the car's airbags.

When do you delete errors yourself?

For example, error codes from 301 to 304, indicating a missed spark in one of the cylinders (the last error digit refers specifically to the cylinder - approx.).

If the error indicates a misfire in the cylinder, the first thing to look at is the condition of the spark plug. In the photo the candle is the culprit of this error.

Accordingly, when these gaps are detected, the ECU will give a signal in the form of a burning “CHECK”, which cannot be removed either by erasing the code or by resetting the terminal from the battery.

This error can be completely removed only by replacing the non-working spark plug with a new one, after which the error will disappear by itself.

System glitch

The first thing that comes to mind is that the engine program was simply wrong. This is possible and occurs quite often. When one of the sensors stops giving signals for a moment, the ECU immediately reports a malfunction. The problem is complicated by the fact that the controller tends to save errors and constantly remind you of them in the form of a burning check. But there was no malfunction as such - most likely, the sensor lost information due to poor contact or weather conditions. Simply disconnect the terminal from the battery and the error will be cleared.

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