There is a smell of antifreeze in the interior of the VAZ-2114, what should I do, is antifreeze running?

The appearance of an antifreeze leak in the cooling system of a VAZ 2107 is a serious enough problem to pay attention to it and immediately begin to fix it. Leaking coolant can cause overheating and even engine failure.

The VAZ 2107 has many places susceptible to antifreeze leaks:

  • Cooling radiator;
  • Pipes and their connections;
  • Water pump or water pump;
  • Heater tap;
  • Heater;
  • Cylinder head gasket.

For each of the above places there are different ways to fix the problem. Naturally, the simplest method is to replace the damaged element. This applies to all possible problems, unless antifreeze is leaking at the connection points of the pipes. In this case, replacement will most likely not be required; just tighten the clamp.

Cooling system radiator

Typically, VAZ 2107 cars are equipped with an aluminum radiator, which cannot be repaired. In this case, only replacing it can solve the problem. If your car has a copper one, you can try to repair it. This task is unlikely to be within the power of the average car enthusiast, so we do not hesitate to entrust the repair to specialists. Before starting work, you will have to drain all the antifreeze from the cooling system, which may be a good reason to replace it. To do this, you need to stock up on approximately 9-9.5 liters of coolant. Choose high-quality fluid, which will extend the life of the engine and the main elements of the cooling system.

The device of the speedometer sensor on the VAZ 2114

The speedometer sensor in Samara works on the principle of a Hall sensor. It consists of a rod with a gear, closed with a dirt-proof housing. It is located in the technical hole of the gearbox.

On VAZ 2114 cars of the first years of production, a scheme similar to the Samara-1 family was used. The sensor drive is connected to a cable, the rotation of which is transmitted to the controller, where it is converted into a pulse signal. Later, they began to install a new generation sensing element with its own converter, to which the line chip is connected to the ECU.

From the ECU the signal is sent to the dashboard. The position angle of the speedometer needle depends on its current value. If an on-board computer (BC) is installed, the electronic signal is sent to it in parallel.

Head gasket

This is the most unpleasant of malfunctions, as a result of which antifreeze leaks from the system. If there is a breakdown on the outside of the gasket, the leak can be seen with the naked eye on the engine. It's worse if the gasket is broken near the cylinder. In this case, the defect can be determined by indirect signs - an increase in the oil level in the oil pan, a large amount of water vapor from the exhaust pipe. Regardless of the location of the damage, the identified defect can only be eliminated by replacing the gasket.

In any of the above cases, one of the signs of a malfunction is a decrease in the coolant level. Having discovered this, you should immediately start looking for the cause. Timely diagnosis and troubleshooting will help avoid serious troubles with your car.

A common problem for car enthusiasts is antifreeze leakage. The appearance of antifreeze in the cabin is always unexpected and unpleasant. Antifreeze under the driver's feet or on the front passenger's side usually indicates a malfunction of the heater radiator. Here we will look at the leak of antifreeze into the car interior using the example of VAZ-2101, VAZ-2102, VAZ-2105, VAZ-2106, VAZ-2107. Eliminating this problem has almost the same algorithm for other Zhiguli models.

So, find antifreeze in the cabin because of a rusted heater radiator or a metal pipe or heater tap. A visual inspection will help determine the exact cause. If the problem is caused by the heater valve or pipe, then they must be replaced, and you will not have to disassemble the bar panel and radiator casing. If the radiator is to blame, then the solution depends on its type.

  • The old-style radiator (copper) can be repaired, it can be soldered, cleaned, etc. The main task here will be to find a good master;
  • The aluminum radiator cannot be repaired, all that remains is to throw it away and buy a new one.

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Clutch VAZ 2101 - 2107 HOFER German quality HF530420

Clutch VAZ 2101 - 2107 HOFER Germany
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How to change a stove radiator to stop antifreeze leaking?

  • You can drain the antifreeze from the engine block, but this procedure is not necessary, because the losses will be small.
  • Two clamps from the engine compartment are unscrewed from the radiator pipes, and the hoses are pulled together.
  • The fasteners of the rubber seal are unscrewed and removed.
  • Next, remove the radio panel in the cabin.
  • The drive cable fastener is unscrewed and disconnected from the heater tap using a key set to “7”.
  • Using a screwdriver, remove the four spring clips on the fan casing.
  • We lower the casing itself down, moving it to the left. The wires will completely prevent you from removing it.
  • Now you can remove the heater radiator from the casing.

The stove tap, metal pipes and the radiator itself must be carefully inspected. The tubes should not show signs of corrosion or leakage of coolant. The stove tap must be replaced if its handle does not open or close or if traces of antifreeze leakage are visible.

If you are replacing a stove radiator, and the tubes and tap are still in good condition, then they can be installed on a new radiator. Just don’t forget about the new gaskets, which need to be lubricated with silicone sealant. The outlet pipe and valve are screwed to the radiator quite tightly, but be careful with the effort, otherwise you can strip the threads or crush the gasket. Silicone sealant is also useful for lubricating the radiator tube when rubber hoses for antifreeze supply are connected to them.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order. If necessary, add antifreeze to the radiator. After starting the engine, check the tightness of all connections of pipes and hoses. Also read - antifreeze in the cooling system.

The engine takes a long time to cool down when the fan is on VAZ 2112 16 valves

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where does it heat up first: from the upper or lower pipe

The system is clogged from the inside (although the new radiator

The fan also threshes for 10 minutes

Dranik wrote: “from the top, then when the thermos starts to open, the bottom one starts to heat up and when the thermos has opened completely, both pipes should be the same in temperature.” This is true. (I can’t quote it, Java doesn’t work)

Main types of heater problems

Doesn't heat

  1. Airing of the cooling system when replacing antifreeze or repairing any of the components (thermostat, pump, radiator, etc.). In this case, you just need to remove the air plug, add coolant and enjoy the warmth that appears.
  2. The heater valve closes the main line even in the open position. This occurs due to clogging or scale formation when using water as coolant. It is necessary to disassemble the faucet, clean it or replace it.
  3. A cold stove may indicate such a serious breakdown as a stoppage of the water pump. If the supply pipes to the heater and cooling radiator remain cold, and the engine is already warmed up to operating temperature, then the pump requires repair.
  4. Clogging of stove honeycombs is one of the most common problems. It may occur due to scale formation or due to oil getting into the antifreeze. The stove can be removed and washed thoroughly. After this, it will still serve the car owner.
  5. If both pipes connected to the heater are warm and the heater is cold, then the rubber partition in the radiator may have failed. It moves from its seat, creating a direct path from the inlet to the drain. Then the heating radiator will have to be changed.

Antifreeze leaks in the cabin

  1. Antifreeze leaks through the stove tap. It can be replaced without touching the radiator.
  2. The cause of antifreeze leakage may be a burst pipe. Replacing it will also not cause serious trouble.
  3. The stove radiator could not withstand the pressure in the heating system, and a leak occurred. Only removing the radiator will show whether it can be repaired or whether a new heat exchanger will be needed.

Removing the heating radiator

  • screwdrivers (flat and Phillips),
  • open end and socket wrenches.
  1. In the engine compartment, it is necessary to loosen the two clamps that secure the hoses to the heater pipes. When removing the hoses, a little antifreeze will leak out.
  2. Here you need to open the screws of the rubber seal and remove it.
  3. The rest of the operations are performed in the salon. You should start from the radio panel. It is usually secured with two self-tapping screws.
  4. Using a 7 mm wrench or a screwdriver, the cable is disconnected from the stove tap.
  5. There are four brackets on the fan casing, which can be removed using a screwdriver.
  6. The casing moves down and moves towards the pedals. The electric motor power wires will not allow the skins to be completely removed.
  7. However, there will be enough free space to carefully remove the radiator from under the panel.

Radiator repair methods

  1. You can try to clean a clogged radiator using high-pressure running water. A special product that is poured inside for several hours will help remove scale and other deposits.
  2. If there are leaks in a copper radiator, it is better to contact an experienced solder. Perhaps he will be able to repair the crack or hole.
  3. Fixing a crack in an aluminum radiator is quite difficult. In this case, it will be easier to replace the heat exchanger.
  4. It is not advisable to use mustard or similar industrial products to seal the radiator. Having eliminated one breakdown (leak), there is a high probability of getting another (clogging).

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Types of tachometers

There are two types of tachometers: analog and digital.

Analog instruments use an induction magnetic coil, thanks to which the number of crankshaft revolutions is shown by an arrow moving along the scale. This device is installed as standard on most machines. It is almost the same size as the speedometer and is located next to it on the dashboard. This arrangement of the device is convenient for the driver, since it is always in front of the eyes and makes it possible not to be distracted from the situation on the road.

In digital devices, information is reflected on a liquid crystal or diode display. The number of revolutions is transmitted either by a magnetic sensor that records the passage of a specific point on the crankshaft near the measuring device. An electronic sensor – optocoupler – can be installed. It generates a beam of light and determines the rotation frequency by its reflection from nearby objects. The digital device is useful when tuning engines and operations with electronic ignition units.

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The devices differ in their installation location. They can be regular or remote. The default mode is usually set to analog. If there is no standard device, you can install an external one yourself. It is often installed on racing cars to provide more accurate RPM readings, as speeds must be changed at a certain number of shaft revolutions. To achieve this goal, they are equipped with indicators that indicate when a certain speed is reached.

Information on pointer devices is better perceived by humans than on digital ones.

True, if the tachometer needle twitches, then the information may be unreliable. The advantage of digital analogues is accuracy, although under normal conditions this is not of great importance.

Assembly and installation of the stove

  • You will first have to attach the pipe and tap to the new radiator. Rubber gaskets must be replaced. You must first coat them with silicone sealant. The nuts should be tightened without fanaticism, so as not to squeeze out the rubber gaskets.
  • After installing the radiator in the casing, it is necessary to treat the outer surface of the metal pipes with sealant. After this, clean hoses are put on them in the engine compartment and the clamps are clamped.
  • Now it is necessary to add coolant and check the tightness of the connections.
  • You can start the car without forgetting to monitor the connections for dryness.

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The other day I noticed a couple of drops of antifreeze in the cabin, next to the gas pedal, that is, on the right side of the stove. Well, I think the heater radiator is leaking and needs to be replaced. I went to the store, I said the heater radiator for a VAZ 2104. The seller told me there is a wide one and a narrow one, he showed me, one radiator is normal, the other is a little wider. I took the usual one, as it was on my other fours, although the box said 2101-06, the seller said that they mixed it up again when they signed it. I also took 3 silicone gaskets. They wanted to give us the usual black ones, but I noticed these pink ones on the counter and asked for them) Tuning spare parts won’t hurt

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