VAZ 2114: the interior light does not come on - 3 reasons and ways to fix the problem

All electric interior lighting can be divided into the following components:

  • dashboard lighting (we have already talked about it, as well as its malfunctions, earlier, so today we will not dwell on it in detail);
  • main interior lamp of VAZ 2114;
  • lamps for individual lighting;
  • illumination of glove compartments and cigarette lighter.

The most important and basic light source of all the elements listed above is the VAZ 2114 lamp. It is mounted on the ceiling of the passenger compartment in the front part and is turned on using limit switches located in all doors of the car. When you open even one door, the light instantly lights up, and when all doors are closed, it turns off.

In addition, it is also possible to force the lamp to be turned on/off using special buttons located on the side pillars.

We fix the lights and get acquainted with electrics

Since the main fault locations have been identified, you can safely move directly to methods for solving the problem. It is worth noting that with automotive electrics, not everything is so simple, but since this is a VAZ-2114, everything can be said very clearly here. Let's move on to methods for solving the problem.


The first thing that needs to be checked is the lighting lamp, since its burnout can cause the light to go out in the car interior.

In order to get it out you will have to remove the lamp cover. After this, you need to check whether there is a filament, and insert the lamp into the control device or simply connect it to the battery. If the lamp lights up, then it is not the cause of the malfunction.

Ceiling lamp

More than once, the cause of the malfunction was the lamp itself, where the contact group simply melted and closed, which caused a burnout or a blown fuse.

To diagnose it, you will need to remove it from the car and visually inspect it. It is also recommended to ring the contacts going from the lamp to the wiring.

Fuse and relay for VAZ-2114

The next reason is a blown interior lighting fuse. This part can burn out due to a short circuit, which for various reasons occurs in the on-board circuit. Often the short circuit is caused by a malfunction of the lampshade.


Electrical wiring is every car enthusiast's nightmare. For some, everything is clear, but for others, it’s a “dark forest.” So, during diagnostic operations, it is necessary to ring the wires going from the lampshade to the power supply or button.


There are few reasons for the malfunction of the interior light in the VAZ-2114, and every novice car enthusiast will be able to determine the cause of the malfunction. It is worth remembering that if a car enthusiast is not sure that he can deal with the problem, then it is best to contact a car service center.

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Why does the radio fail?

On the VAZ-2114, the mentioned reproducing device is connected to the same circuit as the cigarette lighter. Thus, if its common elements are damaged, then both devices will not work.

This, by the way, is not all - in addition to the cigarette lighter and radio itself, other quite important devices are connected to the same circuit:

  • cabin stove;
  • heated rear window;
  • backlight

For this reason, having identified a failure of the first two devices, we advise you to immediately check whether the others are working.

In most cases, failure of the VAZ-2114 cigarette lighter (and along with it the radio) occurs due to a blown fuse. After all, since they have one electrical circuit, it is protected by a common device. The problem is that its fuse link is not always able to withstand the load arising from the parallel operation of several consumers - accordingly, it simply burns out. Short circuits occurring in any of the loops can lead to a similar result. These are not all the reasons causing problems.

So, in particular, circuit failure is sometimes caused by:

  • oxidation of contact groups in connecting terminals or safety block;
  • break of one or more common wires;
  • burnout of the backlight lamp.

In general, the work is not very complicated, and the knowledge gained in physics lessons in high school is enough to complete it. If you are not confident in your abilities, we recommend asking for help from a more experienced car enthusiast or going to a service station. In this case, you are guaranteed to avoid mistakes, which often lead to more serious problems and, consequently, unnecessary costs.

Next, we will consider each reason and how to eliminate it in more detail.


There are fuses in the lighting circuit. The lamp is activated and voltage is supplied to the lighting lamp only if the fuse is working properly. In different years of model production, two different types of mounting blocks were installed on the car from the factory. Note the location of the dome light fuse on each of them. First, let's look at the location of the fuse in the mounting block of the new model. This element is also responsible for the operation of the brake light.

The power of the interior pre-illumination is 7.5 Amps. To quickly replace a blown element, it is recommended to carry with you a spare set of fuses of all capacities.

In the old-style mounting block, this element is located a little differently - it comes 7th from left to right . The power of the element in this version of the block is 10 Amperes. In addition to interior lighting, a circuit to the brake light goes through this element. This may help when trying to diagnose a malfunctioning ceiling light.

If, after replacing a burnt-out part, the light in the interior of the VAZ 2114 does not come on, you should look for the reason in the wiring and the light bulb.

Car electrical circuit diagram, which must be studied before starting work

Car interior lighting is part of the electrical system , and therefore, in any case, it is worth looking for the problem in this part of the car. Of course, it is recommended to study, at least superficially, technical electrical diagrams in order to be at least a little up to date .

So, what do you need? A detailed diagram of the car's electrical components, a little ingenuity and a minimal set of tools. Let's look at places where the problem may be hiding:

  • Bulb.
  • Ceiling lamp.
  • Fuse.
  • Wiring.

We fix the lights and get acquainted with electrics

Since the main fault locations have been identified, you can safely move directly to methods for solving the problem. It is worth noting that with automotive electrics, not everything is so simple, but since this is a VAZ-2114, everything can be said very clearly here. Let's move on to methods for solving the problem.


The first thing that needs to be checked is the lighting lamp, since its burnout can cause the light to go out in the car interior.

In order to get it out you will have to remove the lamp cover. After this, you need to check whether there is a filament, and insert the lamp into the control device or simply connect it to the battery. If the lamp lights up, then it is not the cause of the malfunction.

Ceiling lamp

The problem may be hidden in the ceiling lamp

More than once, the cause of the malfunction was the lamp itself, where the contact group simply melted and closed, which caused a burnout or a blown fuse.

To diagnose it, you will need to remove it from the car and visually inspect it. It is also recommended to ring the contacts going from the lamp to the wiring.

Fuse and relay for VAZ-2114

Replacing the fuse may solve the problem

The next reason is a blown interior lighting fuse . This part can burn out due to a short circuit, which for various reasons occurs in the on-board circuit. Often the short circuit is caused by a malfunction of the lampshade.

The interior lighting relay is marked with an arrow. Often the contacts burn out and prevent the light from turning on.

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