How to repair car sills without welding yourself

Types of car thresholds

Car thresholds are divided into two large groups: removable and non-removable elements. Fixed ones are part of the bottom and perform protective and decorative functions. During the design process, the total force load is calculated on the welded parts of the bottom; the elements increase the overall rigidity of the body and serve as part of the passive safety of the car. Technically divided into front and rear (left and right, respectively), they consist of two parts: a seal and an outer surface.

Removable sills are also part of the body, but do not carry the power load. The parts are attached to the bottom with bolts from the inside of the cabin. This element can be metal, plastic, chrome, or backlit.

Repair of a removable threshold in 90% of cases comes down to a complete replacement of the hinged element. When changing something that is not removable, such a manipulation simply cannot be carried out due to the rigid attachment to the body with welding seams. Let's look at how to repair car sills without welding, depending on the damage.


Restoration of non-removable thresholds and the bottom can begin only after placing the car on a repair platform or in a pit with a size sufficient for welding. The bottom is inspected by tapping it with a hammer.

In case of severe rust damage, it is necessary to clean the surface around the embedded area using sandpaper or a grinding tool..

Repairing a body by welding, including welding the bottom, comes down to installing a small patch of metal of the same structure and thickness on the damaged area.

But first you should prepare the problem area, namely, carefully cut out the rusted metal.

If painting after welding is not intended, then the appropriate color of the patch should be selected in advance, which, together with the threshold, after repair, must be carefully sanded and treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

If you have a certain skill and the necessary tools (semi-automatic or gas welding), anyone can repair the sills and bottom with their own hands. In addition to tools and materials, you only need a little free time and desire.

What are the defects?

Depending on the degree and type of damage, the repair method is selected. Without welding, it is possible to restore a part in the following cases:

  1. Dent of a non-removable element, bend of the lower edge. If the dent is shallow and without a sharp edge, then the drawing method, back hammering, and straightening are used.
  2. A chip in the paintwork with a small area of ​​corrosion. Anti-corrosion metal treatment, stripping, and grinding are used.
  3. Point-through corrosion can be repaired with epoxy resins and fiberglass patches.

Do-it-yourself repair of rotten thresholds is carried out only by welding. It is necessary to cut out or knock out the rusted metal, weld a patch or a new part of the structure.

Removable elements are repaired only with minimal damage: dents, scratches, chipped paintwork. In case of serious defects, the part is replaced with a new one; the cost of the analog and repair costs are almost the same.

Nature of damage requiring repair

The main types of damage to the sills (regardless of their type) and the bottom include:

  • mechanical damage resulting from contact with other cars or as a result of impacts from stones and gravel particles;

  • a corrosive effect on the material, leading to the formation of rusty cracks and cavities, the protective treatment of which does not bring tangible results.

The first group of faults is associated with the peculiarities of domestic roads and leads to the car losing its strength characteristics, and, as a consequence, the impossibility of operation in the previous modes. If there are a large number of them and the spar is damaged, driving a car becomes completely unsafe.

Corrosion processes also pose a serious threat to the supporting structure, which increases over time. Despite the many ways to combat corrosion, they, however, do not stop the destruction process, which ultimately leads to the need to replace rotten elements.

Restoration methods

There are more than ten ways to repair car thresholds with your own hands without welding. With the advent of new samples of glue, resins, protective fibers and equipment, the number of methods is increasing. The most common, simple ones for garage repairs:

  • fiberglass treatment;
  • epoxy glue;
  • construction foam;
  • hood without painting;

The use of a reverse hammer, as well as a spotter, are both spot welding repair methods.


Repair using fiberglass or fiberglass is quite simple, cheap, but reliable. Advantages:

  • does not interact with reagents on the roads - water, acids, electrolyte;
  • has little weight;
  • easy to use;
  • used for a long time;
  • has a low price.

Repairing large-scale damage

Any hole in the threshold of a car indicates the beginning of corrosion, but what to do if the destruction of the metal is large-scale and simple means cannot be avoided? In this case, a gas welding machine is required, a complete digestion of the body, and sometimes a complete replacement of parts of the bottom and wings.

Superficial repairs using putty, fiberglass, and small metal patches will not change the situation dramatically; rotting of the body will continue.

Thresholds and bumpers are considered the most vulnerable parts of a car body. Gravel flying out from under the wheels of the vehicle in front damages the paintwork, and improper crossing of the edge and careless parking lead to dents. Timely repair of thresholds without welding with your own hands will prevent corrosion of the metal and seal and restore the aesthetics of the car.

How to stretch a threshold without welding

Repairing a threshold after a dent involves using a reverse hammer, a suction cup, or cutting the area of ​​deformation for a non-removable element. The algorithm of action is as follows: it is necessary to drill holes with a diameter of 1-2 mm near the dent, insert special metal corner hooks of a reverse hammer into them. Then tapping on yourself straightens the area of ​​deformation.

You can weld by spot welding, placing the end of a hammer on the dent, and drawing out the metal. In this case, you need to start from the corner of the dent, welding the end every 3-5 mm, while straightening the surface with a hammer.

Preparatory stage

Preparatory work must be carried out with special care. It is necessary to clean the area of ​​the part to be repaired from old paint and corrosion, so that not a drop of rust remains. After this, the surface to be treated should be sanded, dried well and degreased.​​

Proper preliminary work is the key to quality repairs.

Restoration of permanent thresholds

A reliable technology for restoring a permanent threshold remains the application of a metal patch by welding if there are through holes and large corrosion damage. Pull out dents with a reverse hammer or spot welding; chipped paintwork with epoxy resin.

If it is necessary to repair a removable part from primary rust and it is not possible to replace the part, it is recommended to use fiberglass and epoxy glue.

The thresholds are first removed so as not to damage other body parts. Then traces of rust are removed from the surface using a solution. Next, the epoxy resin is diluted with a hardener and applied to a previously degreased surface. Pieces of fiberglass of the required size are placed on the laid glue and pressed down for adhesion. After 12 hours, the area is sanded, uneven areas are removed, a layer of primer is applied, and at the final stage it is painted.

If we are talking about minor damage - rust or dents in a small area, then even beginners can do such repairs. If you lack the skills or desire, it is recommended to contact specialized workshops; tinsmiths will conduct a full inspection of the part and adjacent elements, and will also suggest how to seal the thresholds in the car reliably and quickly.

Fixing pinholes

When diagnosing a car, if there is a pinhole from corrosion on the threshold, in 80% of cases it is necessary not only to repair the hole, but also to change the amplifier. A full inspection will reveal large areas of rusty metal under a layer of paintwork. If a pinhole occurs from mechanical damage, then it is not associated with natural wear of the metal, so small holes are sealed using putty or soldering.

Soldering is carried out according to the same algorithm as sealing a hole with a sheet of metal, the only exceptions being the small size of the patch.

Use of soldering

If small holes in the threshold or bottom of the car are sealed with soldering, then simple tips will help:

  1. For heating metal more than 0.5 mm thick, household soldering irons are of little use. It is better to use a portable gas burner that has a small cylinder from 400 to 700 ml. The work will go faster.
  2. To solder thresholds you need solder and flux. For solder, a composition with lead or tin is used; the flux can be replaced with electrolytic acid.

Experts recommend not using soldering for body work at all. The main reason is that solder, tin or lead have a much lower electrical potential than iron; during their contact, electrochemical corrosion occurs, which can subsequently lead to full-fledged rust at the joints.

The second disadvantage of soldering is hot work, which is carried out in a safe place and as carefully as possible.

Car body soldering

This method is used to seal small and large holes without welding. To work, you will need flux, which will protect the metal from rapid oxidation. Soldering acid, sold in radio stores, can successfully cope with this task. To achieve the required temperature, you will need a soldering iron with a power of 1 kW or more, or a version heated with a blowtorch, but it is better to use a gas torch. The solder is chosen to be refractory, since it can be used to repair a hole in the car body more reliably.

Small holes are simply filled with solder, starting from the edges and gradually fusing to the center. A large hole in the body is covered with a patch cut from tin from a tin can. It provides:

  • strong connection, almost like welding;
  • significantly longer service life than putty, but less than welding;
  • possibility of sealing large holes;
  • ease of implementation, repairs are accessible even to beginners.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. A patch is cut to fit the size of the hole. The larger the area of ​​contact with the body, the more reliable the connection.
  2. The soldered edges of the patch and the damaged areas are cleaned with sandpaper until shiny.
  3. Using flux and solder, the cleaned surfaces are tinned.
  4. After applying the patch to the repaired area of ​​the car, it is heated to the melting temperature of the solder. In this case, you need to ensure the continuity of the seam so that there are no missing sections.
  5. After cooling, the remaining flux is removed, and the soldering area is washed with hot water and soda.

Weldless auto repair options

Car body repairs without welding are considered unprofessional, since this is not the product of numerous scientific research. There are several ways.

If the problem is not with the body with the exhaust system, then we advise you to see how to seal the muffler using cement or sealant

General requirements: the damaged area is removed with a grinder or chisel. Anticorrosive and zinc are applied and degreased. Next, the holes are sealed with paint putty, creating a surface of a suitable shape, and painted.

Materials to fix the problem


A special aluminum patch mesh is used as the main material, or a similar non-professional mesh with a fine cross-section is selected. Nowadays, you can get by with ordinary household plastic, metal or fabric mesh.

Several suitable pieces are prepared. By stretching one of them from the inside of the part and giving the necessary shape to the missing part, the mesh is attached using masking tape. Epoxy resin is applied to the mesh layer by layer.

Each layer must dry well. This must be repeated with the next piece of mesh. And so we seal it until we get a hard surface.


From this material you can make not only a fragment, but also a complete part. The sequence of actions is the same as with the mesh (sealing the rust hole on the car body), but using fiberglass. In fact, the frame of the missing element is created.


This method not only repairs large holes in the car body, but also replaces parts (fenders, aprons) without welding. In terms of reliability, it is not inferior to welding. It is recommended to install rivets in an inconspicuous place. Since there is no splash of molten metal during operation, like welding, it is often used to repair car floors.

The riveter required for the job can be bought in a store (costs approximately 500 rubles). The technology is simple:

  1. The patch is cut so that it overlaps 2 cm around the edges of the hole.
  2. By attaching it to the body, it is given the desired shape.
  3. The locations of the holes for the rivets are marked.
  4. After drilling the patch with a drill according to the diameter of the rivets (4 - 6 mm), it is advisable to countersink the edges of the holes so that it fits more tightly to the surface of the car body.
  5. Having applied the patch again, the center of the first hole is marked and drilled.
  6. After riveting it and leveling it, the patches are tapped and the remaining holes are drilled in place.
  7. To ensure a tight fit of the patch to the car body, rivets are fastened from the center to the edges.
  8. To prevent moisture from getting inside, the joint around the perimeter and rivets is coated with sealant.

Safety measures during work

When carrying out repair work, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, safety glasses, a respirator.

The main danger during work is the contact of chemicals with human skin. Epoxy resin and hardeners can cause severe skin irritation. Also, resins and hardeners can cause allergic reactions. When grinding, dust may enter the respiratory tract. During the repair process, evaporation of resin, hardener and sanding dust can cause eye irritation.​

How to restore a car body using fiberglass is shown in detail in the video.

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Work technology

The most important conditions when carrying out work are consistency and unhurriedness . The repair procedure looks like this:

  1. patches are cut out of the material in shape and size corresponding to the damaged part of the body;
  2. epoxy resin and hardener are mixed in the prepared container in the proportions specified in the instructions;
  3. the first layer of the resulting mixture is applied to the prepared area;
  4. a prepared piece of fiberglass is placed on top and smoothed with a roller impregnated with resin;
  5. when the resin has set, the surface is covered with sandpaper;
  6. the next step is applying putty;
  7. After complete hardening, paint and varnish work is carried out.
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