Adjusting the clutch of a VAZ 2105 carburetor with your own hands

Correct and precise operation of the clutch on VAZ 2105, 2107 vehicles is ensured by certain adjustments to its drive. There are two of them: adjusting the gap between the pusher and the piston of the clutch master cylinder and adjusting the free play of the clutch pedal.

The gap between the pusher and the clutch master cylinder piston is 0.1 - 0.5 mm. It is regulated by rotating the clutch pedal free travel limiter. In this case, a certain free play of 0.4 - 2.0 mm is formed at the clutch pedal, which the driver selects when starting to press the pedal.

the gap between the pusher and the piston, free play of the clutch pedal of VAZ 2105, 2107 cars

It is measured with a ruler or tape measure, which is installed from the floor to the middle of the lower part of the pedal platform. We move the platform with our hand relative to the ruler scale by pressing the pedal. If there is a gap, at first the pedal moves very easily, and then with difficulty. If there is no gap, turn the pedal travel limiter out a little. We ensure that the free movement along the ruler fits within the required two millimeters.

This gap is necessary for the clutch to disengage completely. If it is missing, then the piston will not be able to fully return to the rear position when the pedal is released and in the working cavity of the master cylinder, and excess pressure will remain in the entire drive. As a result, the clutch will not disengage completely, since the release bearing will press on the leafs of the pressure spring, and the discs will slip (not be fully pressed against the flywheel). Increasing this gap will lead to the fact that the clutch will not disengage completely and will “drive” (the discs do not fully move away from the flywheel).

Adjusting the clutch pedal free play (the gap between the release bearing and the plane of the pressure flange of the clutch “basket” pressure spring)

It is adjusted by a nut on the clutch slave cylinder pusher. With proper adjustment, the free play of the clutch release fork is 4–5 mm (checked by hand: the fork is pulled away from the stop against the adjusting nut on the pusher), and the free play of the clutch pedal is 25–35 mm. It is necessary to unscrew the lock nut on the pusher and rotate the adjusting nut to set the required free play of the fork. The pedal free play of 25 - 35 mm (until the clutch is disengaged) can be checked using a ruler. It is this value that means there is a gap between the release bearing and the plane of the pressure flange of the clutch “basket” pressure spring.

free movement of the clutch slave cylinder pusher for VAZ 2105, 2107 cars

In the absence of this gap, the release bearing presses on the pressure spring of the “basket” - the clutch “slips”. With an increased gap, it “leads.”

The clutch pedal free play of 0.4 – 2.0 mm is included in the pedal free play of 25 – 35 mm. That is, 25 - 35 mm is the total required size.

Notes and additions

— The clutch on VAZ 2105, 2107 cars is of a constantly closed type, that is, constantly on: when the pedal is released, the driven disk is pressed by the drive disk to the flywheel and rotates with it, as well as the release bearing and the input shaft of the gearbox. There is a gap of 1.5 - 2.0 mm between the release bearing and the lining of the thrust flange of the clutch basket pressure leaf spring. This gap is selected when the driver begins to press the pedal.

— The full travel of the clutch pedal on VAZ 2105, 2107 cars is 140 mm.

— After adjusting the clutch drive, check for smooth gear shifting. Particular attention to reverse gear. The smoothness of its activation is an indicator of successful adjustment.

More articles on VAZ 2105, 2107 cars

Adjusting the clutch of VAZ 2107, 2105, 2104 cars

Correct and precise operation of the clutch on VAZ 2107, 2105, 2104 vehicles is ensured by certain adjustments to its drive. There are two of them: adjusting the gap between the pusher and the piston of the clutch master cylinder and adjusting the free play of the clutch pedal.

Adjusting the clutch drive of a VAZ 2107, 2105, 2104

— Adjusting the gap between the pusher and the piston

The gap between the pusher and the clutch master cylinder piston is 0.1 - 0.5 mm.
It is regulated by rotating the clutch pedal free travel limiter. In this case, a certain free play of 0.4 - 2.0 mm is formed at the clutch pedal, which the driver selects when starting to press the pedal. The gap between the pusher and the piston, free travel of the clutch pedal for VAZ 2104, 2105, 2107

It is measured with a ruler or tape measure, which is installed from the floor to the middle of the lower part of the pedal platform. We move the platform with our hand relative to the ruler scale by pressing the pedal. If there is a gap, at first the pedal moves very easily, and then with difficulty. If there is no gap, turn the pedal travel limiter out a little. We ensure that the free movement along the ruler fits within the required two millimeters.

This gap is necessary for the clutch to disengage completely. If it is missing, then the piston will not be able to fully return to the rear position when the pedal is released and in the working cavity of the master cylinder, and excess pressure will remain in the entire drive. As a result, the clutch will not disengage completely, since the release bearing will press on the leafs of the pressure spring, and the discs will slip (not be fully pressed against the flywheel). Increasing this gap will lead to the fact that the clutch will not disengage completely and will “drive” (the discs do not fully move away from the flywheel).

— Adjustment of clutch pedal free play

(the gap between the release bearing and the plane of the pressure flange of the clutch “basket” pressure spring)

It is adjusted by a nut on the clutch slave cylinder pusher. With proper adjustment, the free play of the clutch release fork is 4–5 mm (checked by hand: the fork is pulled away from the stop against the adjusting nut on the pusher), and the free play of the clutch pedal is 25–35 mm. It is necessary to unscrew the lock nut on the pusher and rotate the adjusting nut to set the required free play of the fork. The pedal free play of 25 - 35 mm (until the clutch is disengaged) can be checked using a ruler. It is this value that means there is a gap between the release bearing and the plane of the pressure flange of the clutch “basket” pressure spring.

Free movement of the clutch slave cylinder pusher for VAZ 2104, 2105, 2107 cars

In the absence of this gap, the release bearing presses on the pressure spring of the “basket” - the clutch “slips”. With an increased gap, it “leads.”

The clutch pedal free play of 0.4 – 2.0 mm is included in the pedal free play of 25 – 35 mm. That is, 25 - 35 mm is the total required size.

Notes and additions

— The clutch on VAZ 2104, 2105, 2107 cars is of a constantly closed type, that is, constantly engaged: when the pedal is released, the driven disk is pressed by the drive to the flywheel and rotates with it, as well as the release bearing and the input shaft of the gearbox. There is a gap of 1.5 - 2.0 mm between the release bearing and the lining of the thrust flange of the clutch basket pressure leaf spring. This gap is selected when the driver begins to press the pedal.

— The full travel of the clutch pedal on VAZ 2104, 2105, 2107 cars is 140 mm.

— After adjusting the clutch drive, check for smooth gear shifting. Particular attention to reverse gear. The smoothness of its activation is an indicator of successful adjustment.


Reason for long clutch travel:

As a rule, the reason for checking the clutch pedal travel is. After replacing the cable, this adjustment must be done 100%. There may also be other reasons for this: the slave pad has worn out over time and requires replacement, and with this the pedal travel has increased. It is allowed that the clutch drive stroke on a VAZ 2110 car should be no more than 160 mm. Good indicators if the pedal travel is within 120-130 mm (the distance between the clutch pedal being depressed and the clutch pedal being pressed all the way into the mat). Measured with a regular long ruler. The procedure is not complicated and allows one car owner to handle it without the help of others.

1. Before starting work, park the car on a level surface and remove one terminal from the battery from the minus contact.

2. To check the travel distance of the clutch drive, place a ruler perpendicular to the pedal and the floor. You should measure from the floor to the beginning of the rubberized pedal pad, and if it is 160 mm or more, then you should adjust the travel distance of the clutch pedal.

3. To adjust the drive, open the hood of the car and find the fastening of the metal clutch cable to the pedal from below. At the end of the cable there are two nuts (1,2), - the first lock nut must be unscrewed significantly, and the second must be tightened to the required free travel of the clutch pedal (within 120 and 130 millimeters).

The pedal stroke will increase when the nut (2) is loosened and will decrease when it is tightened.

4. Now press the clutch pedal all the way 3-4 times and release it, then again check with a ruler the amount of pedal travel from the floor to the rubber pedal pad.

5. If necessary, use the nut to adjust the drive stroke again and then tighten it back until it stops against the second adjusting nut - the lock nut.

That's all, adjusting the clutch pedal with your own hands is finished, good luck and don't break any more!

On VAZ cars of the tenth family, regardless of engine size and type of gas distribution mechanism (8 or 16 valves), a mechanical clutch drive is used. Unlike classic Lada cars, where a hydraulic clutch mechanism is installed, a cable drive is easier to maintain and cheaper

. It has some disadvantages, but for engines of this size and power these disadvantages practically do not matter. The only thing that may require attention during operation is adjusting the VAZ-2110 clutch drive.

Clutch adjustment in an injection VAZ 2107

The clutch adjustment carried out on the VAZ 2107 injector is somewhat different from the similar operation on the “Seven” with a carburetor engine. The fact is that on vehicles with an injection power plant, an additional shield is installed to protect against mud deposits formed from road dirt. In the frontal projection, the protective casing is secured with bolted connections, and in the rear projection - with 2 self-tapping screws.

To dismantle this protective casing, use an 8-type socket wrench to unscrew the 4 fastening bolts. We also dismantle 2 self-tapping stern fastening screws. To carry out such a technological operation as adjusting the clutch pedal of a VAZ 2107, the following work cycle is required:

  1. Using a scale ruler, measure the distance from the pedal to the surface of the driver's mat. Using the force of your palm, press the pedal until the resistance force of the reverse action of the pedal begins to act and measure the length of free movement of the pedal. It should be 1-3 mm.
  2. If the measured value does not fall within the required dimensions, then: loosen the lock nut, give the bolt a rotational movement, carry out an adjustment followed by tightening the lock nut.

After carrying out the adjustment work, tighten the fasteners, after which you need to tighten the locking nut. We turn the pusher until the desired stroke value is determined, and finally tighten the locking nut. Care must be taken to maintain the position of the pusher in relation to the main center coupling.

Upon completion of the adjustment of the VAZ 2107 clutch pedal, it is necessary to clarify that the desired length of free movement is normal. Data for control: the stroke of free movement of the pedal is 1-3 mm. The length from the driver's floor to the pedal is 90 mm.

In this material we will talk about adjusting the clutch on a VAZ 2110 car, define the main situations for carrying out such work, and also tell you about the sequence of performing the work.

Clutch slave cylinder repair

To repair the control center, it must be removed from the vehicle. For this you will need:

  • round nose pliers or pliers;
  • wrenches 13 and 17;
  • container for draining liquid;
  • clean dry rag.

Dismantling of the RCS

Dismantling of the RCS is carried out in the following order:

  1. We install the car on an inspection hole or overpass.
  2. From the inspection hole, using a 17mm wrench, unscrew the tip of the connection between the hydraulic drive hose and the working cylinder.

Disassembly and replacement of faulty parts of the control center

To disassemble and repair the cylinder you will need:

  • wrench 8;
  • slotted screwdriver;
  • clean dry cloth;
  • some brake fluid.

The working cylinder is disassembled in the following sequence:

  1. We clamp the cylinder in a vice.
  2. Using an 8-mm open-end wrench, unscrew the air bleed valve and inspect it for damage. If a malfunction is suspected, we purchase a new valve and prepare it for installation.

Before replacing the piston cuffs and protective cover, the metal parts of the cylinder must be cleaned of dirt, dust, and traces of moisture using brake fluid and a clean rag. New seals and a cover are installed during the assembly of the RCS. First, the front cuff is put on the piston, then the rear one. In this case, the back cuff is fixed with a washer. The protective cover is installed together with the pusher. Assembling the device and installing it is done in the reverse order.

Video: repair of the VAZ 2107 clutch slave cylinder

Bleeding the hydraulic clutch

After any work related to depressurization of the clutch mechanism, as well as when replacing the fluid, the hydraulic drive must be pumped. For this you will need:

  • brake fluid (0.3 l);
  • rubber hose;
  • key to 8;
  • a vessel for collecting liquid (a 0.5 liter plastic bottle is suitable).

In addition, you will need an assistant for pumping. The procedure is as follows:

  1. After installing the control center and connecting the hose to it, fill the hydraulic drive reservoir with liquid to a level corresponding to the lower edge of the neck.
  2. We put one end of a pre-prepared hose onto the valve fitting to bleed air, and lower the other end into a container to collect liquid.

Setting the clutch drive

After bleeding, it is recommended to adjust the clutch drive. For this you will need:

  • a caliper or (as a last resort) a ruler;
  • wrenches 8, 10, 13, 17;
  • round nose pliers or pliers.

The procedure for setting the clutch on carburetor and injection VAZ 2107 models is different. In the first case, the clutch pedal free play setting is adjusted, in the second - the amplitude of movement of the working cylinder rod.

For carburetor VAZ 2107, the drive is configured as follows:

  1. We measure the amplitude of free play (play) of the clutch pedal using a caliper. It should be 0.5–2.0 mm.
  2. If the amplitude goes beyond the specified limits, use a 10mm wrench to unscrew the locknut on the travel stop pin and, turning the stop in one direction or another, set the required backlash.

For injection VAZ 2107, the drive adjustment is carried out in the following order:

  1. We install the car on an inspection hole or overpass.
  2. Using pliers from below, remove the tension spring from the clutch fork.
  3. We determine the backlash of the working cylinder pusher by pressing the clutch fork all the way back. It should be 4–5 mm.
  4. If the play does not fall within the specified interval, use a 17 wrench to hold the rod adjustment nut, and use a 13 wrench to unscrew the fixing nut.

How to adjust the pedal yourself

In the VAZ-2107, the clutch pedal should move completely freely - this increases driving comfort and ensures ease of control. To complete the task, the slave and master cylinders must be adjusted.

From the very beginning, it is necessary to adjust such a parameter as full stroke. Here you will need 2 13 mm keys. The work is done in the salon.

Please note that there is a limiting rod here. It is held in place by two nuts. So:

  • one key should be used to hold all the mentioned fasteners;
  • using the second, the lowest (located at the base) nut is slightly loosened.

Clutch adjustments

Clutch adjustment is usually carried out after installation work to replace the clutch mechanism. Correct adjustments will make it possible to continue operating the unit components without failure. Before starting these technological operations, it is necessary to test the hydraulic drive system of the unit for the presence of air in it. If there is an “air lock” in the system, it must be removed. In this case, it is better to replace the vehicle's hydraulic fluid.

The principle of carrying out such adjustment measures is to create the required dimensions between the rod and the piston of the mechanism cylinders, as well as the required dimensions between the release bearing and the friction ring on the drive disk of the unit. In the drive mechanism of the unit, the following adjustments are made to the VAZ 2107 clutch:

  1. Setting the required clearance in the master cylinder (MCC) in the amount of 0.1-0.5 mm in the pusher-piston pair. It is necessary to adjust the clutch to operate in full cycle, which takes place when installing the pedal stop. These dimensions are adjusted by moving the clutch pedal in the free range, which is within the measurement range of 0.4 to 2 mm.
  2. Setting the required size of movement of the pusher in the working cylinder (WCC) in free mode, which is 4-5 mm. It is achieved by adjusting the nut pair, the top of which is secured with a lock nut. The linear dimension of the pusher movement value is determined by a special standard.

Why is it needed?

Clutch adjustment on VAZ 2106 and 2107 is done relatively often, but many drivers underestimate the importance of this procedure and do not carry it out. Which leads to unpleasant consequences. If the clutch is clamped, that is, it disengages at the very top, the disk is constantly under load. This leads to increased wear and, accordingly, premature failure of the disk.

If the clutch disengages too low, it means that the contact of the drive disk with the driven disk is incomplete. This leads to increased load on the engine. In any case, the consequences for various parts of the car are most dire.

How to adjust the pusher on a VAZ-2107

It is also important to adjust the free play of the pusher correctly. For this stage, you need to climb under the bottom - this is where the working cylinder is located in the VAZ-2107.

Take pliers and use them to remove the spring located on the clutch fork. In principle, you can skip this step, but in this case you will need to put in much more effort during adjustment.

Now define free play:

  • press the fork with your hand until it stops moving;
  • measure the indicator with a ruler;
  • release the element;
  • record how much it has risen.

If everything is correct, then the move will be no more than 3-5 millimeters. This parameter has a direct impact on the wear rate of such a key part of the VAZ-2107 clutch as the release bearing. If there is no movement, an excessively high load is placed on it. An incorrect indicator indicates the need to adjust the fork. The procedure is as follows:

  • fix the lower nut with a 17 wrench;
  • Loosen the lock nut with a 13 mm tool;
  • clamp the pusher and cylinder rod with pliers;
  • lift the bottom nut a couple of turns.

Next, it remains to make sure that the free play of the fork corresponds to the norm and finally secure everything in the correct position. After the spring is returned to its place, it is advisable to double-check whether the previously set values ​​on the pedal have been violated.

When is it done?

It is necessary to adjust the clutch on a classic after any work related to the clutch. This includes removing the gearbox, replacing the clutch basket or disc, and replacing the clutch slave cylinder. Also, adjustment is made when there is a clear shift in any direction of the clutch disengagement moment. After all, all structural elements gradually wear out, which necessitates such adjustments. Do not forget to bleed the clutch before carrying out work, releasing air from the hydraulic drive.

For reference, let's look at the drive adjustment data from the manufacturer. The pedal free play should be within 25-35 mm. That is, from its top position to the moment when the pusher rests on the clutch fork, there should be exactly this distance. This is checked using a ruler. To do this, bring the ruler to the pedal and press the clutch with your hand. When you feel slight resistance, this is the desired point. If the difference between the top position and the moment of switching on is greater or less, you will have to make adjustments.

Clutch elements

. Before you start adjusting, you need to decide what and where you need to adjust. In the cabin, the pedal travel is adjusted, sometimes drivers limit themselves to this work, believing that this is enough and if the pedal is adjusted correctly, everything will return to normal. This is partly true. But in practice this does not always happen.

Diagnosis of clutch faults VAZ 2107

There are a number of breakdowns that indicate that the car requires urgent repairs.

Clutch slipping

This occurs during sudden acceleration. The engine steadily picks up speed, but the car is “late” in accelerating. The process may also be accompanied by jerking, jerking and extraneous noise.

The situation greatly wears out the friction disc and negatively affects fuel consumption.

Clutch leads

This is caused by improper adjustment or airing of the system. The friction linings do not move completely away from the basket and gears are difficult to engage.

Jerks when starting and changing gears

It requires pumping and adjustment of the mechanism, when the car jerks when you put it in gear. The disc may slip at the start or rapid acceleration due to its wear.

Noise when clutch is disengaged

When the car vibrates slightly and an extraneous sound comes out when the pedal is fully depressed, the clutch basket and clutch disc do not completely separate.

This occurs when the device settings fail.

Noise when clutch engaged

The cause and consequences are the same as above.

Pedal failure and lack of clutch

Here the matter is more serious. The pedal can only fail if the mechanism is severely damaged. In 90% of cases, the cause is hidden in the head cylinder or basket. Operating a car with such a problem is strictly prohibited.

The clutch disengages, but the pedal does not return to its original position

This malfunction is often solved in a trivially simple way - the return spring may fly off or burst. The hydraulic system in the VAZ 2107 is a design where there are no return devices, except for mechanical parts.

Clutch structure and mechanism

The operating principle of a conventional mechanical device is simple: it transmits engine torque to the gearbox input shaft. It is based on the interaction of two disks - the slave and the master. You can close the connection, separating the power unit from the box, to change the speed. The force is transmitted using a drive: when the clutch is pressed, liquid under pressure enters the working piston. Then the cylinder rod acts on the fork and bearing, the moment is transmitted further to the mechanisms. After releasing the pedal, all drive parts return to their original positions. The basket and disc fit snugly against each other.

The drive is carried out hydraulically or mechanically. Pneumatics are rarely used. Most modern passenger cars are equipped with a single-plate friction clutch, consisting of several mechanisms:

  • disk with basket;
  • flywheel;
  • bearing;
  • torsion damper;
  • crankshaft with its own bearing;
  • tangential leaf spring;
  • release bearing forks;
  • guide pipe;
  • working cylinder;
  • input shaft;
  • ball head bolt.

All this is neatly placed in the manual transmission housing.

A robotic gearbox works on the same principle - with the difference that actuators controlled by the unit are responsible for squeezing the clutch, and the drive here is electric.

Is there a difference between automatic and manual transmissions?

Automatic transmissions use an electronically controlled hydromechanical drive (sometimes a hydraulic distributor). There is no usual clutch here. Dry discs are completely absent, and on a manual transmission they are the main element. The torque converter (or converter) is responsible for turning on/off the torque on automatic transmissions. Instead of discs, oil turbines are used, which is why the automatic transmission torque transmission and cancellation device is called “wet”.

If a manual clutch most often has a single-disc clutch, then an automatic clutch usually has a multi-plate clutch. Due to the absence of a separate accelerator, the force is transmitted by an actuator or servo drive.

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