Decoding OBD-II protocol diagnostic trouble codes

Car errors: searching and deleting codes

A person who has just bought a brand new car and has no driving experience often asks questions about car error codes, what do they mean and how to eliminate them?

Car error codes come in different types, depending on the car model. In a modern car, which operates electronically, in most cases it is equipped with self-diagnosis, which sees any malfunction of the car and informs the car owner about it in the form of an error code.

Lambda probe

The oxygen sensor is part of the exhaust system. It checks how much oxygen is not burned in the engine cylinders. The lambda probe also monitors fuel consumption.

Various malfunctions of the named sensor do not allow the ECU to receive information from it. Sometimes this element provides incorrect information. Such breakdowns can increase or decrease fuel consumption and reduce engine power. Most modern cars have two to four such sensors.

Among the reasons for the failure of the described element is its contamination with waste oil or oil soot. This reduces the accuracy of collecting information to regulate the fuel mixture and determine optimal fuel consumption.

Tips for finding errors in cars

When diagnosing a car for errors, look at the length of the cable that goes from the scanner to the computer - it should not exceed 5 meters. If the cable is more than five meters, the diagnosis may be incorrect

After you have purchased a scanner, carefully read the operating instructions.

You should turn on the ignition in the car only after connecting the scanner to the computer and completing the settings. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of damage to the on-board computer.

What do you need to know about the Check Engine Light?

Some drivers try to clear the engine error by disconnecting the battery. These manipulations really allow you to get rid of the problem. However, the lamp may light up again after a while. This means that no typical reason is suitable for this situation, and it turns out that it is necessary to perform a more in-depth diagnosis.

For this purpose, special software and hardware systems are used, which not only find any errors in the operation of the ECU and engine, but also know how to eliminate them. If the error was resolved during the tests, the lamp will go out. In some cases, it is necessary to drive the car for some time to reset the error. This may be due to the fact that the control unit needs time for in-depth testing and debugging of the operation of all car systems. If the lamp does not go out, you need to continue searching for the problem.

Diagnosis of car errors

You can diagnose a car yourself not only using a computer, but also using mobile applications on the Android or Apple platform. There are many different applications on the Internet for this procedure, some of them can read vehicle code errors, find the cause and eliminate them. For example, for the OBD-II scanner there are special programs for Android that will tell you about all the car error codes and methods for eliminating them. In order to download it, you need to enter the name of the application on the play market “Deciphering OBD-II error codes”. In these programs you will find a lot of useful things, but the main thing is that the database contains all the car error codes.

If you use an Apple phone, then there is simply an ideal application for you to know what error codes are in your car, the program itself eliminates or deletes them. The application is sold with a cable for connection to the car. GoPoint Techonogy – works with GL-1 and BT-1 scanners. The scanner data and applications are official Apple applications, where GL-1 is a cable for connecting the car to the phone, and BT is a Bluetooth transmitter. The program not only helps eliminate car code errors, but also checks the operation of the engine, all sensors and much more. These two scanner-transmitters not only work with the native GoPoint Techonogy program, but are also compatible with DashCommand.

There are many applications, programs, scanners with which you can identify car error codes and eliminate them yourself. These maintenance services will cost a lot of money, but why pay for something you can do yourself? To use these applications, it is not necessary to have a professional level of computers and gadgets; you just need to know how to install the application. And may your car last for many years!

Fuel filler cap

Most drivers, when an error occurs, always think about the existence of very serious problems. But few people think to check whether the fuel system is tight. But this same tightness can be easily broken by a gas tank cap that is not tightly closed. And this is a fairly common situation!

What does this have to do with engine error? The fact is that when the lid is not tightly closed, air passes into the system, which increases fuel consumption. Because of this, the diagnostic system generates an error.


To independently diagnose a VAZ, you can also use the diagnostic connector, but it is also permissible to do this by the vehicle itself. To do this, you need to hold down the odometer button, then turn the key to the first position, then release the button. After this, the arrows will jump.

Then the odometer is pressed again - the driver will see the firmware number. When pressed a third time, you can get a diagnostic code. Any VAZ engine error in a car will be presented as two digits, not four. They can be deciphered using the corresponding tables.

The information provided can help experienced and novice car enthusiasts better understand their car. Errors arise from time to time, but the main thing is to be able to eliminate them in a timely manner. Previously, there were no such options in Soviet cars, and the driver could not know what the engine was “swearing” at. Today there are many possibilities for diagnostics, repair, and condition monitoring. And with the help of modern software, there is nothing easier than figuring out how to reset an engine error from the ECU memory.

Why is counterfeit dangerous?

Many unscrupulous manufacturers create fake OBD-2 testers. They sell them at a reduced price and at the same time promise that the device will work efficiently. However, there are several problems that owners of counterfeit OBD devices may encounter.

  • Short service life. Often counterfeit devices break down within a few months of purchase. Usually there is no guarantee on them, so it is impossible to either repair the device or return the money.
  • Connection problems. Applications for connecting to a tablet or smartphone cannot establish a connection with fake devices. Often the user receives a notification that the gadget was made by unofficial manufacturers.
  • Not all functions available. Fake testers often do not perform important functions. For example, through them you cannot check the performance of car systems, read the error code, and so on.

Manufacturing companies

Today, OBD-2 testers are produced by several companies.

Important! Devices from different manufacturers differ in functionality!

The software on original devices is regularly updated. If the tester is produced by a company that is not supported by the manufacturer, it does not have this feature. Most often, counterfeit devices are produced in China.

You can tell if a device is of high quality by looking at its price. Both testers are sold for several hundred rubles, and devices for several thousand. For greater functionality, it is worth buying more expensive models.

The application interface for wireless connection also depends on the company. For professional use it is worth buying expensive devices. These include, for example, products from Launch. In addition to testers with a wireless connection to a phone, there are also those devices that connect to the gadget via USB. Similar models are found among both cheap and expensive devices.

obd2 diagnostic cable

History of creation

The OBD system was developed in the 1980s in the United States of America. Initially, it was conceived only to control exhaust emissions. The chairmen of the California Air Resources Board have begun to develop a new environmental standard for the country's cars. To control the safety of the vehicle, a special device was inserted into the control panel, onto which the necessary data was saved.

Then they could be counted and conclusions drawn about the safety of the car for the environment. Later, in 1988, development of a new system began. Vehicles that meet all OBD-2 requirements have been produced since 1994. The new system came into full force in 1996. It became mandatory for all passenger cars manufactured and sold in the United States.

In Europe, the system was adopted as the basis for creating requirements for the environmental safety of machines. Some European car manufacturers began using a 16-pin connector for OBD-2 testers in 1995.


Adjustment actions are carried out automatically by the system without outside help, for which it is equipped with all the necessary electronic devices. Special purpose sensors transmit data to memory, including numerical combinations that indicate faults.

In most cases, the designation of codes is not always fully provided for when care and inspection activities are carried out by professionals.

To avoid being hooked by scammers, you should use the services of service specialists whenever possible.

The Lada model does not have an on-board controller, which provides information to the monitor device after it has been processed. Therefore, scanning techniques are used in practice for these purposes.

The process looks like this:

  • After turning on the “ignition” function, you will need to press “Resert” and hold it for a while. Thus, the mileage for the last twenty-four hours will be reset;
  • The dashboard will display both the self-diagnosis mode and indicator symbols along with the “icons” of the sections. The arrows will begin to move;
  • On the right side under the steering wheel is located in order to be able to switch the desired mode;
  • After pressing the “errors” mode, they must be reset once, after which this button must be held down for more than three seconds;
  • When the device is no longer used, it automatically returns from the selected mode.


This error usually occurs on cars with a 127 engine. It is associated with the throttle valve, the quality of which in this power plant leaves much to be desired. P1558 does not interfere with normal engine operation, but you can still try to fix it. Some people solve the problem by flashing it, but we offer a simpler method.

Remove the throttle valve, and then remove the cover - this can be done using a hexagon. We find a plastic gear inside - this is the working part. Lubricate the gear thoroughly and reassemble in reverse order. Most likely, error p1558 will disappear after these manipulations.

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