Flushing the cooling system: methods, nuances, results

Flushing a car's cooling system is an important and, at the same time, very rare event for most motorists. And as it shows, it is in vain, because the performance of the entire power unit depends on how the engine cooling system (SOD) functions. In addition, engine cooling does not allow it to overheat, thereby preventing the need to “overhaul” the engine. What is overheating and why is it dangerous? Read here.

How to flush a car's cooling system | VAZ lovers club

system performs a very important function . It works using a certain liquid called antifreeze. Specifically, it allows the internal combustion engine to not heat up. This system needs to be flushed from time to time, but many car owners forget about this. But this can lead to contamination of the radiator and, as a result, to overheating of the engine. This article will discuss the main points when cleaning the cooling system yourself.

The radiator has a design feature that allows dirt to accumulate both outside and inside. Dirt may also include motor oil, rust, and ordinary scale, which is created when water is used as a coolant. Many radiators are made of copper and aluminum, so corrosion is very rare. If rust appears, it means that the assembly of parts was of disgusting quality.

Using special means

  • Unscrew the drain plugs and drain the used antifreeze.
  • The plugs should be tightened, after which a special flushing agent is poured into the system.
  • You need to start the engine and let it run for some time until it warms up completely. When the engine warms up to operating temperature, turn it off.
  • Unscrew the drain plug and drain the flushing material. Visually assess its condition - if there is dirt and sediment in it, continue the flushing function until the flush comes out of the system cleanly.

Traditional methods

Cleaning the cooling system with citric acid is an old flushing method that has been used by Russian motorists for decades. If the proportions are correct, then citric acid will allow you to normally remove scale from the radiator, without having a negative effect on rubber and plastic. According to experienced motorists, about 100 grams of citric acid per 1 liter of distillate is useful. But keep in mind that no one is responsible for the effectiveness of the method, so all responsibility falls on you.

Car owners also practice using ordinary cleaning serum instead of citric acid. According to those who often practice this method, the composition of the serum allows for effective and, importantly, gentle flushing of the car’s cooling system. As in the previous case, the serum will not destroy rubber and plastic elements. According to experts, this procedure should be carried out in two or three short approaches - this will allow to be flushed .

"Coca Cola"

There are different opinions among our car enthusiasts about Coca-Cola. One claims that thanks to aggressive components, such as phosphoric acid, included in the drink, Coca-Cola can effectively remove all dirt and scale from the elements of the car’s cooling system. According to others, such an aggressive drink should be used very carefully, or better not used at all, since sugar, which is in excess in the composition, will only contribute to clogging of the pipes. So if you decide to use the drink, then after it in any case you need to use the distillate again to eliminate sugar residues.

Also, the drink can damage the car due to the presence of gas in it. Since gas tends to expand when interacting with the heat of a car engine, this can cause certain problems. So in case you don't have the right products on hand to clean the system, but you have a nosebleed, you need to do it, get rid of the gas in your drink. Open it and leave it with the cap open for an hour. The longer, the more gases will come out of the bottle.


Carry out engine flushing as follows.

Remove the thermostat, then temporarily install the thermostat cover.

Disconnect the upper and lower hoses from the radiator, then insert a garden hose into the lower radiator hose and run water through the engine until water comes out clean from the upper radiator hose.

How to CHEAPLY flush the cooling system (using the example of a VAZ 2101)

After flushing the engine, reinstall the thermostat and connect the hoses to the radiator.

Disconnect the lower hose from the radiator, then insert a garden hose into it and run water through the engine until water comes out clean from the thermostat housing. To prevent leaking water from splashing onto the engine and engine compartment elements, install a plastic screen under the thermostat housing.

After flushing the engine, install the thermostat assembly and covers, then connect the lower radiator hose and remove the plastic shield.

Flushing the system

When water and additives enter the system, they will begin to destroy the existing scale during engine operation. Then this mixture with scale particles is simply poured out in the same way as old antifreeze. When drained, the liquid will be quite cloudy and may even acquire a yellowish-greenish tint.

Before flushing the cooling system, you should follow a certain sequence. First, the radiator itself is flushed, after which the engine is cleaned and the heater radiator is cleaned last. Now let's look at all the stages in more detail.

We flush the radiator. The coolant is drained from the system and the pipeline is disassembled. Namely, the hoses are removed from the surface of the radiator and tank. For best results from washing, it is necessary to provide strong pressure. To do this, it is recommended to use hoses that are used in gardens. It will create a good pressure that will wash all the internal elements. Rinsing continues until clean water flows out without various scale particles.

READ How to Make a Coupe Out of a VAZ 2106

We clean the engine. You will need the same hose to generate good pressure. It must be installed in the outlet valve from the thermostat. Just like when cleaning the radiator, you need to wait until the water stops coming out with various dirt particles.

Cleaning the heater radiator. Before you start flushing the system, you will need to remove the hoses coming from the stove and unscrew the heating tap. A hose is inserted into the top hole and cleaning begins under good pressure. And the cleaning ends in the same way as the previous processes.


Change fluid, repair or replace faulty parts.

Getting rid of air jams

The appearance of air pockets may interfere with normal engine cooling. They sometimes arise in this system. The most basic way to solve this problem is to drive onto an overpass so that the front of the car rises a little. In this case, you do not need to turn off the engine, but just let it run a little. It is even recommended to periodically press on the gas to create different engine speeds. True, this method does not help very often.

If after following these steps the problem still remains, then the following steps should be taken:

  • the pipe located on the throttle assembly is removed, which causes the coolant to have the opposite effect;
  • add antifreeze directly into the tank until it comes out of this pipe;
  • after this, the fitting is plugged and you need to wait for the liquid to flow out of the hose;
  • as soon as liquid appears, start the engine and plug the pipe with your finger until antifreeze begins to flow out of the hose on the throttle assembly;
  • close the fitting and wait for the coolant to flow out of the hose;
  • tighten the pipe and clamp the fastening clamp;
  • we start the engine and heat it up to operating condition;
  • We turn on the cabin heating system and wait for the hot air flow. If it appears, then the air pockets have been removed.

After completing all the steps, replace the pipe and check the amount of coolant in the expansion tank. If it is not enough, then add it to the required level.

You should not continue driving your car if the internal combustion engine temperature level exceeds a critical value. This may cause the engine to overheat. The reason for the increase in temperature may be the formation of air pockets in the system or simply a missing amount of antifreeze.

It is with this method that you can flush the cooling system yourself in most brands of passenger cars. It should be remembered that distilled water and an anti-scale additive are the best means to clean SOD from unnecessary deposits.

Flushing the motor

Using water

As we have already said, the engine cleaning process is quite important. To completely flush the system, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. First you need to clean the radiator. To do this, drain the used antifreeze from the system and disconnect the pipes from the base to the radiator tank. To flush effectively, you will need a garden hose that must be connected to a faucet. The hose is inserted into the connection pipe of the device, after which the tap is opened. Water must pass through the radiator until it comes out clean.
  2. Cleaning a car engine is carried out in a similar way. The hose must be inserted into the thermostat outlet channel. Water should be passed through the motor until it comes out crystal clear.

Using special means

  1. Unscrew the drain plugs and drain the used antifreeze.
  2. The plugs should be tightened, after which a special flushing agent is poured into the system.
  3. The engine must be started and run for some time until it warms up completely. When the engine warms up to operating temperature, turn it off.
  4. Unscrew the drain plug and drain the flushing material. Visually assess its condition - if there is dirt and sediment in it, continue the flushing procedure until the flush comes out of the system clean.

Which cleanser should you choose?

Many drivers believe that flushing the VAZ 2107 with ordinary water is the best remedy today. However, this is not the case. The thing is that distilled water contains salts, which during flushing form scale on the walls of the cooling system elements. Needless to say, this kind of deposits has a detrimental effect on the operation of the engine, and, consequently, the entire car as a whole.

As cleaning products, I recommend that you pay attention to the following:

  • Aggressive acid additives, which are not sold in pure form, but perfectly remove scale and other deposits from the system
  • Alkaline organic matter removers
  • A product with a neutral environment, which is still best suited for preventive purposes

Timing for coolant replacement and required volume

First, it is worth deciding on the timing of replacing the coolant on the VAZ 2107. And here everything is simple - every 60 thousand km or once every three years. This is when using original AvtoVAZ antifreeze. If you are pouring a different liquid, you should look at the manufacturer’s recommendations. But it’s better not to change the timing - on domestic roads, the coolant resource is used up quickly.

The volume of antifreeze in the system is the same for all Zhiguli models - 9.85 liters. To replace the coolant in a VAZ 2106, you need the same amount of antifreeze as in a VAZ 2101 or 2107. Here you should take a 10-liter container (or two 5-liter containers). It is recommended to purchase Lada antifreeze. This is an original coolant suitable for any AvtoVAZ car. When choosing an alternative, you should take antifreeze of class no lower than G12, with a freezing point no higher than -40 degrees Celsius.

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It is also worth paying attention to signs of depletion of antifreeze life . You need to look at the following points:

  • Constant engine overheating. The thermometer needle is in the red zone, the fan is running continuously, and steam is coming from the radiator. It occurs more often in the summer, but in worse cases it also happens in winter. But we must remember: the problems listed can also be associated with malfunctions of the cooling system. If the antifreeze has been replaced and the situation has not improved, it is worth checking the functionality of the thermostat, fan, and water pump.
  • Unpleasant smell from the radiator. The decomposition products of used antifreeze smell unpleasant. But we must take into account that the appearance of this smell indicates that all replacement periods have already passed. And it is possible that repairs will now be needed.
  • Change in color and consistency of antifreeze. If the fluid has darkened slightly but remains clear, replacement is not yet required. But if the antifreeze has thickened, dirt has appeared, and the color can no longer be determined, then it must be changed immediately.

In the described cases, replacement is carried out immediately, regardless of the timing. It’s also worth considering that there are currently no new VAZ 2107s available. And in used cars, the condition of the fluid should be checked immediately after purchase. And if necessary, replace it with high-quality antifreeze.

How to flush the engine cooling system of a VAZ 2107

Hi all! Tell me how to flush the engine cooling system of a VAZ 2107?? I don’t want to contact various car wash companies, since I don’t have much personal trust in them. Who uses what cleaning products, and how to do all the work? Thank you

I recently flushed the cooling system the “old-fashioned” way with a vinegar solution of 300 grams per 10 liters of water. I don’t know what the consequences will be, so far I’ve been away for two days and I’m very healthy, I’m happy with the result, but only time will tell what will happen next

I would not recommend neglecting the process of flushing the engine system. The thing is that refrigerant wear products clog the system and radiator over time, which has the most negative effect on the functioning of the car engine. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out timely maintenance of the machine, if for no other reason than to protect the radiator from premature failure.

Why is flushing necessary?

Failure to flush the cooling system in a timely manner can lead to the radiator becoming clogged over time. Refrigerant wear products, corrosive residues, scale that appears as a result of using water instead of antifreeze - sooner or later this will contribute to a decrease in the performance of the radiator.

Failure of this element will result in problems with the operation of the engine, which, of course, will affect the functioning of the car as a whole. So flushing the engine cooling system is a process that should not be neglected, at least in order to protect your radiator. The procedure should be carried out at least once every two years, and the recommendations of the car manufacturer should be taken into account. By observing this frequency, you can prevent the formation of refrigerant wear and corrosion in the system.

How to flush the engine cooling system of a VAZ 2107

  • We unscrew all the drain plugs, and then drain the used antifreeze.
  • We tighten the plugs, pour a special product into the system to clean plaque and other defects
  • We start the engine, wait until it warms up to operating temperature, and then turn it off
  • We unscrew the plugs, drain the special agent from the system, assess the condition of the liquid

The last stage is very important. If you see that there is dirt and any compounds in the fluid, repeat the flushing procedure until the cleaner comes out of the cooling system completely clean. As soon as the liquid comes out clean, you can stop flushing.

Lack of fluid and consequences

The disadvantage of antifreeze is rapid evaporation; you also have to solve the problem of leakage.
It happens that liquid can be seen leaking under the car. There are also cases when it goes into the car interior, this indicates a breakdown of the heater taps, they need to be replaced. In addition, smoke may be emitted from the exhaust pipe. This occurs due to a faulty cylinder head gasket. When antifreeze boils, you need to fix the problem in time ; you need to drain it and change it.

If you do not give significance to the signs that appear and continue to move on, then the consequences can be very sad. If the fluid disappears from the tank, the motor may overheat when the mark reaches the minimum value.

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Purpose of coolant on VAZ 2107

It’s easy to guess the purpose of the coolant from its name. It serves to remove excess heat from the engine. It's simple: in any internal combustion engine there are many rubbing parts, which during operation can heat up to a temperature of 300°C. If these parts are not cooled in time, the engine will fail (and the pistons and valves will be the first to suffer from overheating). This is where coolant comes to the rescue. It is supplied to a running engine and circulates there through special channels, taking away excess heat.

Once heated, the coolant goes into the central radiator, which is constantly blown by a powerful fan. The liquid cools in the radiator and is then sent back to the cooling channels of the engine. This is how continuous liquid cooling of the VAZ 2107 .


Now let's look at the pros and cons of antifreeze. Let's start with the pros:

Flushing and replacing antifreeze VAZ-2107

  • long service life. On average, six liters of antifreeze are enough for 150 thousand kilometers;
  • temperature selectivity. Thanks to carbonate additives, antifreeze can more actively protect the engine surface that is hottest than others;

And antifreeze has only one disadvantage: high cost. A canister of high-quality antifreeze can cost two or even three times more than a canister of good antifreeze.

Taking into account all the above advantages, the vast majority of VAZ 2107 opt for antifreeze, since saving on coolant has never led to anything good. Almost any antifreeze, both domestic and Western, is suitable for the VAZ 2107 Most often, car owners prefer to use Lukoil G12 RED antifreeze.

Other, less well-known brands of antifreeze are Felix, Aral Extra, Glysantin G48, Zerex G, etc.

About antifreeze and antifreeze

It should be said right away that dividing coolants into antifreeze and antifreeze is accepted only in Russia. To understand why this happened, you need to answer the question: what is coolant anyway?

As a rule, the base for the coolant is ethylene glycol (in rare cases, propylene glycol), to which water and a set of special additives are added to prevent corrosion. Different manufacturers have different sets of additives. And all coolants on the market today are classified according to the technologies for producing these additives. There are three technologies:

  • traditional. Additives are made from salts of inorganic acids (silicates, nitrites, amines or phosphates);
  • carboxylate. Additives in carboxylate fluids are obtained only from organic carbonates;
  • hybrid. In this technology, manufacturers add a small percentage of inorganic salts (most often phosphates or silicates) to organic carbonate additives.

Coolant made using traditional technology is called antifreeze, and liquid made using carboxylate technology is called antifreeze. Let's take a closer look at these liquids.

Flushing the cooling system with water

It should be said right away that it is advisable to use this washing option only when there is no good washing liquid at hand. The fact is that ordinary water contains impurities that form scale. And if the driver still decides to flush the cooling system with water, then the best choice in this situation would be distilled water.

We independently change the coolant on a VAZ 2107

Any engine needs proper cooling. And the VAZ 2107 engine is no exception. The cooling in this engine is liquid, it can be either antifreeze or antifreeze. Fluids wear out their service life over time, and the motorist has to change them. Let's figure out how this is done.

Sequence of flushing the system with a special liquid

The sequence of flushing the cooling system with a special composition is practically no different from the sequence of water flushing mentioned above. The only difference is the operating time of the motor. This time must be clarified (it depends on the composition of the selected flushing liquid and must be indicated on the canister with flushing).


Antifreeze has several advantages. Let's list them:

    protective film. The inorganic salts contained in antifreeze form a thin chemical film on the surface of the cooled parts, which reliably protects the parts from corrosion. Film thickness can reach 0.5 mm;

Of course, antifreeze also has disadvantages. Here they are:

  • small resource. Antifreeze quickly becomes unusable. It needs to be changed every 40–60 thousand kilometers;
  • effect on aluminum parts. The additives contained in antifreeze negatively affect the aluminum surfaces in the main radiator. In addition, antifreeze can form condensation. These factors significantly reduce the service life of aluminum radiators;
  • influence on the water pump; The tendency to form condensation can also have a detrimental effect on the VAZ 2107 , leading to premature wear of its impeller.


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