TOP 3 immobilizer crawlers and instructions on how to make an analogue with your own hands

To protect a vehicle from theft, many modern cars are equipped with a device called an immobilizer. Protection against unauthorized starting directly depends on the chip located in the ignition key. If it is lost and the spare kit is missing, the engine will not start. Bypassing the immobilizer requires the presence of a special device that will help start the power unit.

What is an immobilizer bypass and why is it needed?

The device consists of 2 loop antennas connected via a relay. One antenna loop receives information from the transponder located in the reading module, and the other sends it to the ignition switch (IZ). If the car is started with the key, the relay switches and the immobilizer (IMMO) is activated directly. If a command is given from the car alarm unit, the circuits are switched in such a way that information from the transponder is sent through the 3Z loop to the IMMO, which gives the command to start the engine.

Where is?

The standard IMMO is installed in the same place for all cars of the same brand. This is due to assembly line production. In Russian cars it is located:

  1. Lada Kalina. Located behind the dashboard, car radio and ventilation control drives.
  2. Lada Granta. It is installed behind the dashboard where the ignition switch antenna wires lead.
  3. Niva Chevrolet. Located in the center console near the driver's right foot.

Almost all cars have an immobilizer located behind the dashboard. A safe place to install the device is the engine compartment with a lockable car hood.

Types of devices

To bypass the standard IMMO, two types of devices are used: key and keyless. The first involves the use of a standard key or transponder located in a special device in the module. Based on a signal from the key fob or a command from the security system, data is transmitted from the lineman to the standard IMMO. In a keyless device, the order of pulse transmission occurs at the software level and does not depend on the chip.

The devices transmit information via CAN/Lin bus or special devices. Option 1 is the simplest and does not require additional investments. However, not all cars are equipped with such a tire. In the second case, the list of car models is much wider, and the linemen themselves are equipped with additional functions.

Cars from European and Asian manufacturers use IMMO with radio frequency identification (RFID). Here, data stored in the transponder is read or written using radio signals.

Devices using the VATS principle and installed on American cars use keys with a resistor. The decoder receives a signal in the form of a resistance of the set value and unlocks the engine start.

Scheme of the crawler's work

The standard immobilizer bypass module looks like a small box with a reader and an antenna, in the loop of which a key with a transponder is placed. The work of the lineman is ensured by a relay that switches the loops. This device is used by those motorists who will install a security system with an auto-start function. In this case, the engine is turned on without a key in the 3Z.

In normal mode, the driver starts the engine with a key with a chip. During this, information is exchanged between the tag and the standard IMMO. The data is read by an antenna installed on the ground. The immobilizer receives information, analyzes it and gives permission to the ECU to remove the lock.

To start the engine without a key, the lineman's antenna loop is located on the 3Z. The receiving and emitting loops should be located as close to each other as possible.

Having received a signal from the key fob or a command from the autostart unit, the crawler transmits an impulse from the duplicate chip to the IMMO receiving antenna, which perceives the information as if it were broadcast from a standard transponder, and gives the command to the ECU to start.

What systems of operation of a regular immo exist?

    RF >

The VATS system is considered the most difficult to bypass, since technologies are constantly being improved during the production of such devices. For example, the encryption in such devices is no longer 40-bit, but 80-bit, as a result of which it will be extremely difficult to bypass such an immo.

Healthy! In order to disable the standard immobilizer operating on the VATS system, it is enough to determine the resistance value of the resistor. Typically it ranges from 400-11800 Ohms. If you determine it, then all that remains is to select a part with the same indicator.

Today, the most popular devices are equipped with just such blocks (VATS), for example, the Starline i95 immobilizer. But you shouldn’t despair, since the same company that produces the best immos today also produces the highest quality linemen.

Connecting a crawler

Before installing the IMMO crawler, you need to determine the type of installed standard kit. European and Asian cars use devices with radio frequency identification (RFID), while American cars use devices with a built-in resistor (VATS). You can open the key head and check for the presence of a transponder.

To connect a crawler, it is recommended to use the following rules:

  • the module must be controlled from the alarm system;
  • the lineman must be compatible with the maximum number of car models;
  • a standard IMMO must always remain in operation and be used when starting the engine in normal mode;
  • You must use only complete keys with transponders.

You should not make additional key blanks, and mark the chip next to the antenna. In this case, the IMMO is blocked, and the vehicle becomes available to car thieves.

For VATS system

The operating principle of the system is based on transferring the resistance value from the key to the standard immobilizer. To bypass it, you need to know the value of the resistor and connect it to the circuit. In most cases, this value is 980-11800 Ohms. In order not to select the resistor value, you need to cut 1 wire coming from the measuring module and connect an ohmmeter into the gap. When turning the standard key, record the readings. After this, select a radio component with a deviation from the nominal value of no more than 5%

The element is connected to the circuit through a relay of the alarm unit. To do this, contact 87 is connected to one leg of the resistor, and the other to the whole wire from the reader. Contacts 30 and 87a are connected to the wire before and after the break. This scheme allows you to start the engine in normal mode and bypass the immobilizer during autostart.

For RFID system

To connect the IMMO bypass module, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Place the duplicate transponder in the reader.
  2. Install the lineman's transmitting loop on the ignition switch housing as close as possible to the RF antenna.
  3. Connect the wire in red insulation to +12 V of the alarm unit or start module. Connect the black wire to ground so that there is no circuit there until the remote start occurs.
  4. Check the functionality of the circuit.

If starting without a key was successful, you need to hide the device in a hard-to-reach place.

Chipless crawler

These devices operate at the software level. Before starting, he needs to read data from the key transponder. To do this, it is connected to the system in accordance with the instructions. The key is turned to position 3 for 5-10 seconds, then the engine is started. After a short period of work it is stopped. At this time, information is recorded. Next, disconnect the negative wire, which is necessary when training the device, after which it is ready for use.

Some devices require additional programming, which is carried out after data is recorded. When installing security systems, an emulator may be provided in alarm units to block the standard IMMO.


Having made the final decision on the need to correctly activate the auto-start function of the alarm, you need to decide on the choice of an immobilizer crawler. You can deprive him of the ability to counteract the operating functions of the installed alarm in several ways:

  • completely disconnect the immobilizer from the car’s electronic circuit and forget about its existence, trusting the alarm system;
  • the right choice for machines that allow this;
  • you will have to forget about the manufacturer’s warranty obligations;
  • the theft process is simplified, since the immobilizer functions are disabled due to the constant presence of the ignition key on board the car;
  • All that is required from car thieves is correct technical knowledge of the car alarm being installed;
  • install a key version of the immobilizer bypass;
  • all alarm functions are retained with the ability to autostart;
  • the immobilizer's ability to prevent unauthorized engine starting is retained;
  • the car alarm owner has only one key left;
  • the problems of having one key have already been described in the previous section of the article;
  • the correct choice of installation option for the keyless version of the immobilizer crawler;
  • solves all the previously described shortcomings of immobilizer bypass modules;
  • both keys are in the hands of the car owner or the legal owner of the equipment;
  • significantly increase the cost of both the alarm device itself and its installation;

When choosing the right immobilizer bypass, you should coordinate the possibility of its adaptation to the model of the alarm being installed.

Bypass the immobilizer if you have one key with a chip

One option to bypass IMMO is to place the chip in the antenna loop of a standard device. The car will start with any key. In this case, the standard immobilizer is blocked, which reduces the security of the vehicle. But there is an option to preserve the functions of the standard device.

To do this, the transponder must be placed in the crawler reader, and the pink cable and 1 of the free channels of the security system marked “Flexible programming” must be connected to the module control wire. In this case, you can start the engine within 60 seconds from the moment the car is disarmed. If this fails, then the attempt is repeated: they set the alarm, remove it and start it.

Many drivers believe that it is better to install a security system with a radio relay and a hood lock, and turn off the IMMO. This option is more effective, because in this case, the level of vehicle protection increases.

What is it needed for

Taking into account the above, it is easy to conclude why an immobilizer bypass on an alarm system is needed. Its purpose is to bypass the contradictions between the original security system installed at the factory and the additional alarm system. The most common situation is when a lineman allows auto start or remote start to work. In the absence of this element, the built-in IMMO would perceive such actions as a hacking attempt with subsequent blocking.

The operating principle of the immobilizer crawler is based on the presence of a chip (key), which is recognized by the system and allows the use of additional functions. At the moment of automatic start, the lineman informs the IMMO about the presence of a key in the car, and the latter allows the engine to start.

How to make a walker with your own hands?

If desired, you can assemble the device yourself. An antenna is made from a computer bus and wrapped around a key or transponder. The number of turns should be no more than 50. The circuit uses a relay with a supply voltage of 12 V and normally open contacts. Installation of the device is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Cut any wire from the standard antenna.
  2. Lead the power wire (+) of the coil from terminal 33 of the block to 86, and (-) - from the alarm sensor to pin 85 of the relay. Solder a diode between them, the anode to pin 85.
  3. Solder 1 part of the cut wire and the output of the lineman's loop to terminal 87a.
  4. Connect the 2nd part of the manufactured antenna to the output of normally open contact 87.
  5. Solder the second part of the cut wire to terminal 30.

With remote or automatic starting, the relay coil is energized by the alarm unit and the engine is allowed to start. When starting from the key, the relay is not activated, and the standard circuit works.

Popular immobilizer bypass models

Popular device models among car enthusiasts are:

  • StarLine BP-05;
  • iDatalink ADS-AL-CA;
  • Fortin EVO All

These crawlers can be installed on most brands of cars.

StarLine BP-05

The VR-05 crawler is designed to temporarily disable the standard RFID system device when starting the engine remotely. The unit transmits the standard transponder code to the IMMO antenna. A spare key with a chip is required for installation and operation of the module. For machines equipped with the Smart Key system, a built-in 3 V power supply is provided.

IDatalink ADS-AL-CA

The standard IMMO keyless crawler is designed to start the engine from the key fob. It works reliably with cars with standard ignition and those with push-button start. Installation does not require special skills. The module can be easily dismantled for use on another machine.

Keyless Bypass Module

If you want to protect your car, never leave a key with a password in it. Even if the car is parked in a garage that is locked with three locks. This will significantly reduce the resistance to hacking of the engine starting system. As practice shows, keyless versions of systems are considered the most effective; for example, the companies Fortin and Starline (we are talking about the f1 device) are involved in their production.

Such a keyless immobilizer bypass is a rather complex digital device necessary for functioning, first of all, with the controller. And this controller, in turn, receives control commands in a specific format from the device. This type of device allows the car owner to actually join the circuit between the anti-theft system itself, as well as the regulator control device. Accordingly, by sending signals, this will make it possible to replace immo commands.

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