How to replace coolant on a VAZ 2106

How to replace antifreeze in a VAZ 2106

Before you start replacing the cooler, you need to know how many liters of antifreeze to pour into the VAZ 2106, how best to do this so as not to cause harm, what type of liquid to choose so that it fits your car’s engine as best as possible.

Only after you have clarified all these points can you begin to replace the antifreeze or antifreeze yourself. But, if you are still not confident in the thoroughness of your knowledge, then it is better to contact qualified specialists at a service station.

What is coolant

First of all, you need to decide on the type of cooler, since the VAZ 2106 is filled with antifreeze and antifreeze. For this purpose, let's look at some of the differences and similarities between coolants.


- this is the development of Soviet scientists and almost every second person is accustomed to calling any cooler this way.
It consists mainly of water, ethylene glycol and additives of mineral origin. This cooler can be mainly used in engines made of heavy metal alloys
, since the ability to form films on the internal parts of the engine and the system as a whole has a detrimental effect on aluminum parts. Antifreeze almost does not protect against corrosion and it also tends to form sediment, which, when accumulated, clogs narrow hoses.


- this is already a development of foreign automakers, which with each new type they are trying to improve, make it better and safer for the engine. Antifreezes exist in the following classes: G11, G12, G12+, G12++, G13. They also contain water and ethylene glycol, but the additives are of a higher quality and each class of coolant can be distinguished by color.

But, let’s say, the G11 class is similar in composition and quality indicators to the domestic cooler, so you can safely interchange them.

Heat removal mechanism repair

Before you begin repairing the cooling system, you need to find out the volume of liquid poured into it. But even completely draining the old antifreeze, it will not be possible to fully establish the exact figure. To do this, it is still recommended to refer to the vehicle’s operating manual, where all the necessary regulations and parameters are indicated.

The manufacturer assures that the working volume of the VAZ-2106 engine cooling system is nine liters, but it is worth considering that you need to add about a liter to this volume in order to add antifreeze to the expansion tank to the minimum mark. In addition, a thrifty and prudent driver must have a spare liter container of coolant in the trunk.

It turns out that before replacing the cooler or repairing the entire system, you should purchase about eleven liters of antifreeze. However, when making repairs, you can save a little by leaving most of what you bought in reserve.

Cooler drain

Before any operation on the cooling system, you must first allow the engine to cool to avoid serious injury.
Then the liquid filling the system will need to be drained. To do this correctly, you have to figure out how it works. The cooling system has two stages of operation. They can be called cycles and divided into two circles:

The small circle is limited by the engine itself and some pipes, and it is intended to ensure that the engine quickly reaches the temperature necessary for proper operation. This is important so that the fuel mixture burns more efficiently with a higher efficiency. When the temperature rises to a certain point, a special valve opens, releasing liquid in a large circle. The purpose of this cycle is to directly cool to an acceptable temperature.

The large circle includes a radiator with a fan, which is turned on by a special thermostat and the air flow cools the system and the engine. All liquid is driven by a pump or pump. It also creates the required pressure in the cooling system.

First of all, the antifreeze is drained from the large circle through the radiator, in the left corner of which there is a special drain valve. To do this, you need to prepare a special container with a wide neck. Then a special plug is unscrewed from the engine itself and drainage occurs from the small circle, that is, directly from the engine.

If necessary, all pipes are removed, which need to be changed if necessary, but if they do not have visible damage, cracks or leaks, then you can also save money on this. After all the liquid has drained, the necessary repairs are made.

Correct refilling with antifreeze

After completing the necessary work, all drain holes are closed, and the pipes are put in place, and the VAZ-2106 antifreeze is replaced. The liquid that was drained into the container can be reused by carefully filtering it through cheesecloth before doing so. The cooling system is refilled through the expansion tank.

You should try to pour the liquid carefully, without spilling it on the body, in order to avoid subsequent corrosion. When the liquid stops being absorbed, you need to warm up the engine to the maximum temperature at which the damper opens, releasing antifreeze in a large circle.

Before refueling, it is necessary to measure the required amount in order to control the filling of the system. After the engine warms up, the liquid will again leave the expansion tank, which will mean filling a large circle with antifreeze. Next, all that remains is to add the missing liquid to the minimum mark. Overflowing above the level is not recommended , since when heated, the antifreeze expands, and the pipes or expansion tank may not withstand the pressure created by the pump! After refueling is completed, you must ensure that the cooling system is tight and there are no leaks.

The operation of replacing the coolant in a VAZ-2106 is not that complicated, but it will help you save some time, money, and most importantly, you will have confidence that the work was done efficiently.

Replacement frequency, what antifreeze to fill

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, it is necessary to replace antifreeze or antifreeze on VAZ 2106 cars every 2 years or after a mileage of 60 thousand kilometers. If the car is used in more severe conditions, then it is advisable to replace it more often - every 30-40 thousand kilometers.

In addition to the recommended coolant change intervals, there are other reasons why it is necessary to change the fluid in a car's cooling system:

  • Loss of properties. You can check the quality of the antifreeze used using a test strip, which is sold in the same places where the liquid itself is sold. Place the strip in the expansion tank, then pull it out. The strip comes with a color scale, according to which you can understand how much longer the car can be used before replacing the coolant.
  • Change in color to red or red. This means that rust has appeared in the composition.
  • The appearance of sediments, flakes and dense formations.

As a coolant for the VAZ 2106, you can use good Lukoil antifreeze. Or a lesser-known but high-quality product from Gazprom Neft. When replacing, you can also fill in antifreeze, preferably with G12 approval, it is safer for the entire system. You can also use original Lada G12 antifreeze, which is suitable for all cars of this manufacturer.

How much antifreeze is in the cooling system, volume table

ModelEngine capacityHow many liters of antifreeze are in the systemOriginal liquid / analogues
VAZ 21061.69.8Antifreeze Lada G12
Antifreeze Gazpromneft
Antifreeze Lukoil

Principle of operation

The main place in a car is not the driver’s seat or even the steering wheel, but the engine. It is even called the heart. And this is not without reason, because the correct functioning of this heart directly determines whether the car will go or not. And in order not to ruin such an important technical unit, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature and cool it in time. The operating principle of this system is quite simple, but at the same time technically well thought out. It is connected by pipes to the engine itself, the radiator and the interior heater. To understand the importance of these elements, you need to know their main functions:

  • Maintaining the required temperature.
  • Engine cooling.
  • Warming up the car interior.

In the first case, for engine operation and proper combustion of the fuel mixture, a certain and stable temperature is required. If it is higher or lower, it has a very bad effect on the engine. In the second case, the engine is protected from overheating, which can lead to deformation of some parts inside.

If you exclude the last item from the list, then operating the car will become impossible in cold weather. And a key role in this system is played by a special liquid, without which the presence of a cooling cycle would be meaningless.

Types of coolants

To absorb heat and remove it from hot spots in the engine, the system requires coolant. There are several types of cooling liquids:

But in the harsh realities of the Russian climate, the use of water as a coolant is impractical. And it boils away very quickly, having a rather low thermal conductivity. You don’t even need to mention how it affects the occurrence of corrosion.

Antifreeze is the most common among domestic car owners, but it has some disadvantages, for example, the formation of an oil film inside the vessels and pipes, which prevents normal heat transfer. Accordingly, heat removal becomes ineffective.

The third option has more pros than cons. Firstly, antifreeze begins to crystallize at very low temperatures, that is, it does not freeze, which is why it got its name. This advantage allows the use of antifreeze even in the Far North. Secondly, the thickness of the oil film formed inside the vessels is very small, thanks to which almost nothing interferes with the transfer of heat. This is achieved due to the fact that antifreeze, unlike antifreeze, is made from organic components.

The main disadvantage of antifreeze is its price, especially if you need to replace the entire fluid. Antifreeze wins here, and it is more rational to use it in car models such as the VAZ-2101 or VAZ-2106. In models of the domestic automobile industry with impressive age and mileage, the cooling system often becomes a sore and vulnerable spot. Therefore, the owners of these cars need to know the principle of operation of the cooler and understand how to repair it, which will help avoid spending on services and auto repairmen.

Manufacturer's Caution

Drivers should always remember that antifreeze can only be renewed on a cold engine. The process must be carried out outdoors due to the high toxicity of the liquid created to cool. The antifreeze level should be checked as often as possible, since the functioning of the vehicle and the safety of the owner’s movement depend on it.

The standard cooling system of the VAZ 2106 is a sealed liquid complex where the coolant circulates in a forced mode. The total volume of the cooling system is about 10 liters including the interior heater.

Leaks and problems

Cars of this model sometimes have problems associated with the failure of some parts of the cooling system, such as a thermostat or pump. If they break down, they are replaced as an assembly, fortunately they are not expensive. Also, leaking hoses or a cracked expansion tank are considered a common problem, which also needs to be replaced.

But there is another problem with the VAZ 2106, a leaking heater valve. Because of this, there may be a smell of antifreeze in the cabin, wet floor mats on the front passenger side, or the heater may not work.

In cases of boiling or seething antifreeze in the expansion tank, you need to pay attention to 2 things. This is either an air lock or a broken cylinder block gasket. When determining the problem, in the first case the stove will blow cold. In the second case, there will be either oil in the antifreeze or light smoke from the exhaust pipe.

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