What kind of coolant to fill in a VAZ 2110 8 valve injector

Before pouring liquid into the cooling system, every driver will definitely be puzzled by the brand of this very liquid. And 90% of the public will think about what is better for our VAZ-2110 - antifreeze or antifreeze. The absurdity of this question lies in the fact that Antifreeze is antifreeze, that is, a liquid that does not freeze in the cold. Discrepancies arose in the late 80s and were so deeply absorbed into automotive culture that it is difficult to eradicate them. But we will try to do it right now.

What is better to use on the VAZ-2110: antifreeze or antifreeze

Before pouring liquid into the cooling system, every driver will definitely be puzzled by the brand of this very liquid. And 90% of the public will think about what is better for our VAZ-2110 - antifreeze or antifreeze. The absurdity of this question lies in the fact that Antifreeze is antifreeze, that is, a liquid that does not freeze in the cold. Discrepancies arose in the late 80s and were so deeply absorbed into automotive culture that it is difficult to eradicate them. But we will try to do it right now.

Causes of malfunctions

The fan may not turn on for the following reasons:

  • the fan drive (electric motor) is faulty;
  • fuse is blown;
  • the relay has failed;
  • broken electrical wiring;
  • lack of contact in the temperature sensor connector;
  • The temperature sensor is faulty.

Search for reasons

Diagnosis of a fan malfunction should begin with the fan itself. To do this, disconnect the connector on the fan and connect it, observing the polarity, directly to the battery terminals. If it turns on, it means the drive is working, the reason needs to be looked for further. If the fan does not work, this is the reason. But let's take things in order.

The fan did not turn on. We check the integrity of the wiring and the condition of the contacts on the sensor. If everything is in order, we move on to the fuse and fan relay. They are located under the hood on the left side closer to the driver, in the mounting block.

Fuse F4 is 20A, double, for the sound signal and the cooling fan (it is very easy to check; if there is no sound signal and the fan does not work, then most likely it is the culprit).

You can check the fuse with an ordinary autotester. With relays the situation is more complicated. To make sure that this is not the case, it is better to get a one hundred percent working relay somewhere and temporarily install it in the socket for testing. If the fan does not work even with it, we go to the sensor.

If the sensor is de-energized, the controller must start the fan in emergency mode for constant blowing. Disconnect the connector from it and turn on the ignition. Turning on the fan will indicate that the sensor has failed and requires replacement.

When is it necessary to change a fan?

If the cause is still in the fan itself, you can try to repair it. The problem is usually the brushes or bearings. But it also happens that the electric motor fails due to a short circuit or break in the windings. In such cases, it is better not to experiment and replace the entire drive.

It is strictly forbidden to operate a vehicle with a non-working cooling fan. Overheating of the coolant will inevitably lead to the destruction of rubber pipes and hoses, as well as cylinder head gaskets and valve covers. In addition, high engine temperature can cause destruction of the piston group elements.

How much does a cooling fan cost on a VAZ 2114

You can buy a new cooling fan for a VAZ 2114 for 1500-2500 rubles. Replacing this part at a service station will cost 300-400 rubles. But you don’t have to spend money on this. Dismantling the old fan and installing a new one at home will take no more than 30 minutes.

What is antifreeze and what does Antifreeze have to do with it?

As soon as the first cooling system appeared, it was filled with the most accessible and efficient coolant on the planet - water. The water was good for everyone, but had one drawback. At sub-zero temperatures, it froze and, expanding, tore apart ancient cylinder blocks, radiators and heads . Therefore, back in the late 20s, they began to add ethylene glycol to the water, which did not freeze, but turned into a plastic porridge in the cold. There is little good in this, but there is no particular problem either - old cast-iron engines did not suffer from freezing.

They called this thing antifreeze, an antifreeze liquid.

Antifreeze or antifreeze, which is better?

Everything would be fine, but in the early 60s, engines with aluminum blocks and parts made of complex alloys began to appear. It was on these parts and on aluminum that ethylene glycol had a fatal effect - corrosion devoured not only new cylinder blocks, but also pump impellers, copper and brass elements of the cooling system. In the USSR they were not particularly worried about this, since all the cars had cast iron blocks and were not afraid of corrosion.

But then a problem suddenly appeared. During tests of the Fiat 124, the future VAZ 2101, it turned out that in the USSR there was no antifreeze suitable for the Italian engine. The Italians offered their liquid, but the union resolutely refused. In order to save scarce currency, the GosNIIOKhT Institute was instructed to quickly develop such a liquid for Zhiguli cars in order to overcome corrosion and establish production in the required volumes. Without thinking for long, the scientists added special additives to the mixture of ethylene glycol and water, which created a protective layer on the walls of the water jacket and did their best to protect the engine from corrosion.

Antifreeze was developed in the USSR specifically for the Zhiguli car.

The composition was called Antifreeze because it was developed in the Department of Organic Synthesis Technologies, and the prefix “ol” is part of the chemical name of the substance.

one conclusion from here - Antifreeze is an antifreeze that was developed in the USSR in the 60s specifically for VAZ and over time its name became a household name.

Video which is better, antifreeze or antifreeze


Sometimes you can find disputes about what is better - antifreeze or antifreeze? If you understand the intricacies, then antifreeze is actually antifreeze, but a special one, developed back in the years of socialism. It is superior to known types of coolants in many respects, and it cannot be compared with water at all, although many still do not understand this.

So, what are the most significant advantages of antifreeze:

  • When heated, antifreeze has significantly less expansion than water. This means that even if there is a small gap, there will be enough space for it to expand, and it will not rupture the system or tear out the cover or pipes;
  • It, compared to ordinary water, boils at a higher temperature;
  • Antifreeze flows even at temperatures below zero, and at very low temperatures it turns not into ice, but into a gel; again, it does not break the system, but simply freezes slightly;
  • It doesn't foam;
  • It does not promote corrosion like water, but, on the contrary, protects the engine from it.

What is the difference between Antifreeze and other antifreezes, classification

Antifreeze is a first generation antifreeze with a minimum of additives and it differs from modern compounds, like Zhiguli from Tesla. Antifreeze is a cheap and low-quality antifreeze without lubricating, antifoaming, cleaning and other additives that are found in any other antifreeze. Most often, Antifreeze is blue-tinted water with a minimal amount of ethylene glycol, and its use on modern cars cannot be justified even by its meager price and availability on any car market in any quantity. Most often, even sellers have no idea about the composition of Antifreeze; the liquid can be made on the basis of any antifreeze (carboxylate, silicate), which the label does not even mention.

Antifreeze, unlike antifreeze, contains various additives.

Modern antifreezes differ from each other only in composition and not in color.

Color is not an additive, it is just a dye and has nothing to do with the composition of the liquid.

Now briefly about the classification of modern antifreezes.

Antifreeze G11

If we get our hands on a canister marked G11 , we can be sure that it is antifreeze based on silicates and with a small amount of inorganic additives. In other words, this is an analogue of that very ancient Antifreeze. The main disadvantage of such antifreezes is the protective film that they create over the entire area of ​​the cooling system. Over time, the film reduces the heat transfer of the engine, and it may cool worse. Such compositions boil already at 105 degrees, and they need to be replaced every 1.5–2 years . As a rule, they are used in large-volume engines on cars produced before 94-95. Inexpensive, it can last 40-50 thousand kilometers tolerably, but it needs to be replaced as often as possible.

Antifreeze G12 and G12+

The next generation of carboxylate-based antifreezes. The principle of operation of the composition is radically different from G11 . It does not create films, does not clog the system, and removes pockets of corrosion thanks to additives. They have a full range of anti-foam, lubricating and cleaning additives, excellent thermal conductivity and a five-year service life. The same can be said about G12+ antifreeze , this is a more advanced version of carboxylate compounds.

Antifreeze G13

One of the latest generations of propylene glycol-based compounds. It has excellent thermal conductivity, long service life and low toxicity . Used in highly loaded forced modern engines. The composition includes the most modern additives for caring for the cooling system.

Reasons for replacement

If we talk about the service life of antifreeze on a VAZ 2110, then it is within 150 thousand kilometers, and it is advisable not to exceed this mileage. Although in practice it happens that replacement or the need to partially change the coolant arises long before the speedometer shows so many kilometers.

  • Have you noticed that the color of the antifreeze in the expansion tank has changed and has become rusty;
  • You notice an oil film on the surface of the tank;
  • Your VAZ 2110 often boils, although there are no special prerequisites for this. You need to remember that the VAZ 2110 is still a fast car, and it doesn’t like driving very slowly; it sometimes causes the coolant to boil. This may be due to the cooling fan not running at low speed. It is also possible that unusable antifreeze is boiling and needs replacement;
  • The coolant is going somewhere. This is a fairly common problem with the VAZ 2110, and simply replacing it or replenishing the level will not help, you need to look for where the antifreeze is leaking. Sometimes the liquid leaves so unnoticed, especially if the temperature reaches the point where it boils and evaporates in ways unknown to the driver, leaving no visible traces. As practice shows, most often the cause should be sought in the clamps. Sometimes replacing them completely helps. To find out for sure that the fluid is leaving, you need to check the level on a cold engine. If the engine is not even boiling, but is fairly hot, if there is a slight leak somewhere, you may not notice it - heated antifreeze may show a normal level, although this is not the case;
  • The coolant level is normal, that is, at the level of the upper edge of the belt securing the reservoir, the color has not changed, but the antifreeze boils quickly. It is possible that there is an air lock. By the way, when heating and cooling the level changes somewhat. But if, during constant checks on a cooled VAZ 2110, you notice that the antifreeze is leaving, you should find where, otherwise replacing it will not yield anything.

What's the result?

As you can see, for VAZ-2110 engines you can theoretically use any type of antifreeze. The plant recommends using G11 antifreeze for cars manufactured before 1999; all other cars can be safely filled with G12 and G12+ . We choose the manufacturer at our discretion; mixing antifreezes of different groups is strictly not recommended. Otherwise, you can end up with a clogged cooling system, an overheated engine, and fork out for expensive repairs. Good luck with your choice and good travels!


What antifreeze does AvtoVAZ recommend?

For all VAZ engines (Lada Granta, Kalina, Priora, Niva 4x4), the manufacturer’s recommendations are the same (data from books on the operation, maintenance and repair of Lada cars):

  • Antifreeze G-48;
  • Cool Steam Standard;
  • Cool Steam Premium;
  • TS-Felix;
  • Felix Carbox;
  • SINTEC (for example, “Antifreeze SINTEC” TU 2422-047-51140047-200). This red G-12 antifreeze is poured into the Vesta engine from the factory.
  • Long Life;
  • G-Energy Antefreexe.

For K4M and K7M power units that are installed on Lada Largus, the manufacturer recommends GLACOEL RX antifreeze (type D). For Lada Vesta and XRAY, it is recommended to use Type D antifreeze based on a mixture of water and ethylene glycol.

AvtoVAZ's response

: coolant in the VAZ 21179 engine cooling system - Antifreeze Sintec LUX G12 (Sintec ANTIFREEZLUX G12).

Coolstream NRC in yellow is also used.

Let's start with the names - Antifreeze and Antifreeze

In fact, previously it was the same thing. In our former Soviet Union, antifreeze was produced under the name “Tosol”; there were also names “Lena”, “Siberia” and others. All these are antifreeze or just coolant. But since in the union there was nothing else besides “Tosol” antifreeze, therefore the word “Tosol” became a common noun and manufacturers long ago began to write simply the word “Tosol” on the cans. Now let's forget about the words Antifreeze and Antifreeze and call it all coolant and start looking at its composition.

There are currently 4 classes of coolants. And to understand what is in the canister from the seller, look for the following markings: G11, G12, G12+, G13. It is from this marking that you can understand what is in the canister and what you need. But not by the name “Antifreeze” and especially by color. Remember, color does not matter, since this is not an additive and has an indirect relation to the composition - it is just a dye on which the color of the liquid, and not its capabilities, depends. Therefore, different manufacturers can produce coolant of any color that the customer desires. And the customer (for example, a car manufacturer) can order a certain color constantly.


This blue liquid is known to all Soviet car enthusiasts. It is most often used on domestic cars and is nothing more than antifreeze, which uses traditional additives. Everyone thinks that this liquid comes in only one color, but there are two options for antifreeze:

  • blue with a freezing threshold of about -30;
  • red (pink) with operating temperature up to -50.

Chemical additives help the fluid form thin films on surfaces. With whom she comes into contact.

The advantages of antifreeze include its low price and popularity on domestic cars (many units work with it without failures, including the VAZ-2110).

At the same time, the classic “anti-freeze” has several disadvantages:

  • impossibility of use on high-temperature engines (boils at 110 degrees);
  • the need to change antifreeze after two to three years;
  • high activity of the composition.

Domestic cars for the most part work properly on it, but foreign cars (especially new ones with composition sensors) may not even start if you put traditional antifreeze in the tank.

G11 – green antifreeze

At the beginning, it is worth noting that not only green-colored liquids are produced with the “G11” marking, they can be painted blue or even yellow, but recently manufacturers most often produce antifreeze of a grassy color. It copes well with small pockets of corrosion, which are neutralized with the help of additives.

In terms of its properties, G11 can be equated to antifreeze. It has one more small drawback - over time, the deposited additives begin to crumble and clog the small channels of the cooling system. The film that forms on the walls of the components reduces the heat removal from the engine, which has a more detrimental effect on it.

G12 – red antifreeze

This “anti-freeze” product uses fewer chemical additives; when modernizing the composition, manufacturers replaced them with organic ones (mainly carboxylic acid). Their main advantage is that a protective film is not formed and, accordingly, heat removal is not impaired. This antifreeze has improved characteristics:

  • heat is removed more efficiently;
  • there are no deposits on the walls of the system, therefore nothing crumbles;
  • long service life - up to 60 months;
  • The liquid fights corrosion areas.

With all these advantages, the G12 has one significant drawback - during its use, automatic maintenance of the cooling system is not carried out. This antifreeze best protects systems in which parts are made of brass and copper, but it does not have a pronounced positive effect on aluminum.

G13 – purple antifreeze

In 2012, the newest antifreeze composition appeared on the markets - G13, which is colored purple in most cases. The base used for it is propylene glycol, an alcohol that is less toxic and active. The formula of this antifreeze is designed specifically to reduce the negative impact on the environment. At the same time, the additive complex was left unchanged - these are carboxylic acid and silicate compounds.

Many of the foreign cars of recent years operate only on this composition, since their system has a special sensor installed that measures the density of the “anti-freeze” and determines its composition. The VAZ-2110 does not have such a unit, so you can also use G13 in it, if you don’t mind paying the maximum price for it (antifreeze and other antifreezes are much cheaper).

More about markings

Class G11

Antifreezes marked G11 are antifreezes based on silicates and inorganic additives. Used for cars up to 1996. And now the main thing is that Antifreeze has the same composition! Therefore, remember, coolants Antifreeze and Antifreeze brand G11 are the ONE AND THE SAME!

G11 antifreeze (Tosol) is designed for older cars with a large cooling system. They create a protective film throughout the cooling system that protects parts from corrosion, but this protection has a drawback - this protective film reduces thermal conductivity. Therefore, in a modern car with thin cooling system channels, G11 is not suitable, because engine cooling deteriorates. In addition, the boiling point of G11 antifreeze is 105 degrees. The maximum service life of such coolants is 2-3 years or up to 50-80 thousand km. mileage

Class G12

G12 antifreezes have a completely different composition of additives than G11 (Antifreeze) - these are carboxylate organic compounds. Used on high-speed, heat-loaded vehicles. Boiling point is 115-120 degrees. G12 does not create a protective film throughout the entire system, but only acts on areas of possible corrosion. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of G12 antifreeze is higher than that of G11. The service life of the G12 is 5 years or 250 thousand km. mileage

Class G12+

G12+ antifreeze is slightly different from G12, the same carboxylate organic antifreeze. We can say that this is the next generation after the G12, used on modern cars. The operating method and service life are similar to G12.

Class G13

G13 antifreeze is the newest generation of coolant; it is no longer based on ethylene glycol like G11, G12, G12+, but on propylene glycol. This antifreeze is less toxic and decomposes faster, i.e. causes less harm to the environment during disposal or leakage, but is also more expensive. Used for high-performance engines. Engines of sports cars, motorcycles, etc. for engines operating in extreme conditions. They say they don’t make it in the CIS countries yet (at the time of writing this article (2014)) due to its high cost, but I’ve already seen it on sale, although I didn’t pay attention to the manufacturer.

What to do if you can only fill 5 liters?

The liquid is most often sold in 5 liters, to make replacements you will need two canisters, the rest can be left to be added later, but there is no need to mix it with water in advance.
After the process of draining the antifreeze, the tank will be completely filled after one canister. But the driver should not worry, because... All liquid can be filled in after full circulation in the mechanisms. The liquid is always filled to the maximum, after which the engine starts and warms up to operating temperature. After which the engine must be turned off and the remaining fluid in the tank checked. Almost always it drops to a minimum or empties the tank; it is after this procedure that the remaining antifreeze is restored. In fact, not always a lot of liquid is good; it is better to add an amount that will not strain the car than to put an extra burden on the vehicle. In this case, this applies not only to coolant, but also to oil, which drivers sometimes like to fill in in huge quantities. The antifreeze should reach the average level, but no more; if you add an excess portion, then the driver will achieve pressure that will splash out all the necessary liquid.

There are situations when the valve installed on the plug does not work, this can easily rupture the tank. In this case, the temperature begins to reach its maximum point, and antifreeze is forced out. To do this, drivers are recommended to develop their own standard, which will perfectly suit the cooling process and will not displace antifreeze from the tank. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the process of filling the liquid and not overdo the middle marks. You also need to make sure that the quantity is not small, because... a deficiency can also lead to failure to complete the relevant tasks. In this case, the engine can quickly overheat due to a lack of fluid in the car, which will lead to unpleasant consequences during the trip. The appropriate norm is 90 degrees for a VAZ 2110 car.

Is it possible to mix

Despite the fact that classes G11, G12, G12+ contain ethylene glycol, different manufacturers use different types of additives. Therefore, I still would not recommend mixing even G12 and G12+. And even more so, you cannot mix G11 and G12 - a coagulation process will begin, which may result in a sediment in the form of flakes. The only thing is that if you have an emergency on the road and there is nothing at hand or in the nearest store, then you can mix G12 and G12+, as well as G11 and G12+, but under no circumstances should you mix G11 and G12! And as soon as possible, repair the car, drain the mixture, rinse the system several times with water and then fill in with fresh antifreeze. Also, if you want to switch from one class of antifreeze to another, then also flush the system before replacing. How I flushed the system, there is an entry in my blog.

Which company is better

“Behind the Wheel” tested coolants in November 2022. Test results:

In the survey below we provide recommendations for choosing a coolant manufacturer. We share tips in the comments. Let us remind you that the process of replacing antifreeze on Lada cars is described in this article.

VAZ 2110 car of domestic production. Popularly known as “ten”. It is a representative of a small class car. It was produced for 12 years from 1997 to 2007. Despite this, it continues to be popular among Russian drivers.

The car is equipped with several types of engines, of different sizes from 1.5 to 1.6 liters. Models produced before 2000 were equipped with a carburetor, subsequent ones with an injection system. The main advantages are high ground clearance and indestructible suspension.

Antifreeze in a VAZ 2110: how many liters are needed and how to change it

Antifreeze is a special liquid designed to cool a car engine. It is poured into the expansion tank of the system, located under the hood of the car. The fluid requires periodic replacement, since after a certain period of engine operation it loses its original properties. Therefore, young car enthusiasts are interested in how much antifreeze is in the VAZ 2110 cooling system.

After a certain mileage and operation of the VAZ 2110 car, it is necessary to carry out a technical inspection, monitor the level of oil and coolant in the system. After a certain period of operation, all lubricants and coolants lose their original technical and operational characteristics and require replacement. Therefore, before replacing the coolant, you need to find out how much antifreeze is in the cooling system of the VAZ 2110.

Many inexperienced car enthusiasts, when replacing antifreeze or antifreeze in a car's cooling system, fill in 5-6 liters of fluid and make sure that it has reached the maximum level in the expansion tank, consider this sufficient and close the hood of the car. This is their big mistake, since the antifreeze has not yet had time to completely fill the system. You need to wait about five minutes until the liquid level in the tank drops significantly. Accordingly, you will need to add more coolant.

This procedure must be done several times, only then will it be clear how many liters of antifreeze are in the VAZ 2110 cooling system. It is necessary to add fluid until its level stops at one mark, which should be above the minimum and below the maximum level. Not adding enough antifreeze or antifreeze can cause the engine to overheat and fail. It is also impossible to overfill coolant, since when heated it tends to increase in volume.

After pouring antifreeze (antifreeze), you need to perform the following steps: :

  • close the expansion tank cap;
  • start the engine and wait until it warms up before turning on the fan;
  • turn off the engine and let it cool down;
  • Check the coolant level in the tank and top up if necessary.

A VAZ 2110 needs to be filled with approximately 8 liters of coolant. This is a rather important procedure on which the life of the car engine depends.

Note to car owners

Please know that if you do not replace the antifreeze in a timely manner, then premature corrosion begins in the channels of the engine block and its head and, as a result, the engine life is significantly reduced:

  • This affects the cylinder head the most.
  • Working as a car mechanic, I often had to disassemble engines and observe the head cooling channels eaten away by corrosion
  • After such a spectacle, anyone will feel scared for their car; you will certainly forget to change the antifreeze in a timely manner.
  • At each scheduled maintenance, you need to check the level and appearance of antifreeze (more often if possible)

Important: The antifreeze level must be checked on a cooled engine; the permissible level is within (between) the lower and upper marks on the body of your expansion tank. A slight increase or decrease in this level that occurs when it is cooled or heated is not considered a malfunction; this is absolutely normal. Such level fluctuations are associated with thermal changes in volume (for example, expansion when heated and subsequent decrease in volume when cooled). However, if you notice a gradual decrease in the level with each new check on a cold engine, then you need to look for where the leak is occurring.

Instructions for replacing coolant

Most owners of domestically produced cars prefer to carry out repairs and maintenance of their own cars themselves. Therefore, inexperienced car enthusiasts are interested in how to change antifreeze on a VAZ 2110. First, you need to drain the used fluid.

Draining used antifreeze:

  1. First you need to install the vehicle in a place convenient for performing work. In this case, the car must be level, or you can raise its front part, but not the rear.
  2. The terminal is removed from the battery so that if liquid accidentally gets on the exposed wire, a short circuit does not occur.
  3. If the car uses an injector, the ignition module is removed, otherwise it will interfere with unscrewing the drain plug from the cylinder block.
  4. To quickly drain the antifreeze from the system, the cap from the expansion tank is also unscrewed.
  5. Now you need to completely unscrew the plug on the engine cylinder block using a spanner (spanner).
  6. When the liquid has completely drained from the block, it is advisable to wipe the engine with a rag, precisely those areas where the used antifreeze came into contact during the draining process. There is no need to screw the plug back yet.
  7. Now the radiator cap is unscrewed and the liquid is drained into a separate container.

All waste from the cooling system has been completely drained. Now you need to put all the plugs in place and tighten them carefully. You can add new antifreeze or antifreeze.

What is a cooling system

A car engine cooling system is a device that provides cooling of constantly heating car parts during operation using coolants.

When vehicles first appeared on the roads, they had a completely unsuitable cooling system that ran on water and did not ensure normal engine operation. But, over time, everything has improved and nowadays antifreeze is used for this purpose. The modern cooling system is liquid, which is used mainly in passenger cars and trucks. But, for example, in the engines of mopeds or motorcycles, an air cooling system is most often used.

It works very simply and clearly: when the engine is running, the mechanisms heat up to a fairly high temperature, and to cool them, the pressure pump pushes a coolant into the system. In winter, it performs the function of heating the car interior. In summer, when the ambient temperature is too high, the fan is turned on using a special lever and cools, thereby preventing boiling.

But, the amount of liquid must be periodically monitored so that antifreeze does not leak out or the expansion tank dries out.

Main functions of the cooling system

heats the air inside the car;

maintains the optimal temperature of the exhaust gases, preventing them from overheating;

the presence of a cooling system significantly reduces the time required to warm up the engine in the cold season;

The gearbox system does not overheat.

Coolant filling procedure

It’s worth checking first how much antifreeze is needed in a VAZ 2110 for 16 antifreeze valves. After this, you can begin work.

  1. The coolant drain hose is removed from the throttle valve. To do this, you first need to loosen the clamp holding it. The hose should not be thrown on the ground; it must be suspended from something nearby.
  2. The liquid must be poured slowly and observed whether it flows from any hose. If there is a leak, quickly put the hose back in place. After this, add antifreeze to the required level and close the plug.

After filling the cooler, it is important to observe the operation of the engine for a while. If it gets very hot, and cold air comes out of the switched on stove, then an air lock has formed in the system, which must be removed.

What are the dangers of air jams?

Often, inexperienced owners “boil” the engine, and the engine overheats. This usually happens when the car is moving in low gear, when the VAZ 2110 16 valve coolant sensor does not operate and the electric cooling fan does not turn on. An experienced driver monitors the readings on the instrument panel while driving and can promptly notice that the antifreeze temperature needle has entered the red zone. What signals the approach of overheating, which means it is important to take emergency measures:

  • You need to immediately (regardless of the season of the year) turn on the “stove”
  • When the heater fan blows hot air, this means the fan is broken.
  • When it blows cold, the cause of overheating lies in the airlock that has arisen.
  • In the first situation, it is prohibited to turn off the engine until, thanks to the running “stove,” the engine temperature drops
  • In the second situation, you can turn off the engine, then, after waiting for the engine to cool, remove the expansion tank cap
  • Then unscrew the hose as described above and add antifreeze, allowing air to escape

That's all with replacement, the video lesson will help you if you don't understand something. Good luck with the renovation.

The principle of operation of the cooling system

As soon as you start the engine, the cooling system starts working. Of course, when starting, the main task is to heat the air in the cabin and achieve the operating temperature of the engine parts (approximately 90 degrees). However, the circulation of the cooling system of the VAZ 2110 is forced, that is, it is constant and is ensured by the operation of the pump, so it is impossible to influence its on/off.

The system is represented by small and large circles, in which liquid circulates depending on the temperature of the working parts and the engine. At the beginning of operation, the antifreeze moves in a small circle, which does not include the cooling radiator. As soon as the liquid reaches a temperature of 85-90 degrees, the main thermostat valve opens and antifreeze enters a large circle that connects the cooling radiator.

If the air flow passing through the radiator grille is strong, then the liquid is cooled well, but if you move slowly, the antifreeze cools slowly and the temperature gradually rises, then the temperature sensor is triggered and the fan turns on, which helps cool the liquid.

Antifreeze and its main characteristics

The operation of the cooling system directly depends on the coolant (antifreeze). This occurs due to certain characteristics of antifreeze, including:

  • Slight expansion when heated;
  • High boiling point and low freezing point;
  • Protective properties that protect parts from corrosion and oxidation;
  • Performing lubrication of the part in parallel with the implementation of the main function.

In addition, antifreeze does not crystallize and when frozen it becomes like a gel.

It is not recommended to fill the cooling system with ordinary water, since it not only does not have the listed qualities, but also forms scale on the system elements, which leads to a decrease in service life and various malfunctions.

It is important to buy antifreeze from reliable and trusted manufacturers. Do not fill in liquids of different colors and brands, because the composition of antifreeze may differ between companies, and mixing components can lead to an unpleasant result.

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