Location of unit identification numbers and their designations, VIN number

Since the number of vehicles exceeds conceivable values, the VAZ 2107 engine number is an individual identifier of the product. In order to somehow distinguish the released product, the manufacturer has developed a product labeling method. The information encrypted in the code is specific only to the car on which it is applied, so it is difficult to mislead or try to deceive an informed user.


Numbers on engines of subsequent generations of Lada cars

Where is the engine number on a VAZ?

Knowing where the car engine number is located is useful for any motorist; it is especially important to know its location when buying a car, as well as repairing and replacing the engine.

From a verbal description, of course, it is not easy to immediately understand where the engine number is on a VAZ, so I propose to consider the location of the engine number on various car models.

Location of the engine number on VAZ 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107

Location of the engine number on VAZ 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107:

Location of the engine number on the VAZ 2107 and the latest VAZ 2104:

Location of the engine number on VAZ cars of the eighth, ninth and tenth families

Location of the engine number on VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099:

Location of the engine number on the VAZ 2110:

Location of the engine number on VAZ 2111, 2112:

Location of the engine number on VAZ 2114-2115, 2113:

Location of the engine number on VAZ Niva cars

Location of the engine number on the VAZ Niva:

Location of engine number on Chevrolet Niva:

Engine number for VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112, 2113:

Engine number on the classic VAZ 2104, 2105, VAZ 2106, VAZ 2107, Niva:

The engine number is not readable, what should I do?


Why do you need to know this?

Buying a car is a joyful event. But it may be overshadowed by the fact that during registration, unpleasant details will be revealed. Therefore, ALWAYS check that all vehicle identification data matches those indicated in its documents!

Of course, in different regions of the country, car inspectors have different views on the fact that a car may have an engine with a number that differs from what is indicated in the documentation. But traffic police officers may quite reasonably have questions if suddenly the engine number does not match. Isn't the motor you have stolen? Was it installed legally?

If the engine has been replaced on the car, then there must be all the documents that would confirm the legality of its installation.


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Engine number on 2101 (Italian)

Topic author Karkun, 16.8.2005, 7:52

#1 Karkun

Message added 8/16/2005, 7:52 am

#2 BenSherman

Message added 8/16/2005, 8:50 am

Do you have the engine number in your registration certificate (or maybe it wasn’t installed before, although I doubt it)? try cleaning the engine and crawling through all the cracks. My grandfather has a 74 year old car, but the license plate number is visible to the naked eye.

#3 Karkun

Message added 8/16/2005, 9:22 am

#4 Blue

Message added 8/16/2005, 9:41 am

#5 Karkun

Message added 8/16/2005, 9:53 am


Message added 8/16/2005, 10:09 am

Anyone who knows, please tell me.

#7 Karkun

Message added 8/16/2005, 10:28 am

#8 shadows

Message added 8/16/2005, 10:33

#9 Karkun

Message added 8/16/2005, 11:05

#10 Paha

Message added 8/16/2005, 11:18

#11 Karkun

Message added 8/16/2005, 11:25

#12 shadows

Message added 8/16/2005, 12:49 pm

#13 shadow-s

Message added 16.8.2005, 12:52

and also offtopic, for the general development :-) How the FIAT-124 turned into a “penny”

The prototype for the creation of a new Soviet car was the Italian FIAT-124, which won the title “Car of the Year” in 1965. However, the new VAZ-2101 is fundamentally different from its Italian “brother”. First of all, a completely different engine with an overhead camshaft and an increased center-to-center distance, which in the future made it possible to repeatedly increase the engine's displacement. While maintaining a working volume of 1198 cm3. the cylinder diameter became larger by 3 mm (from 73 to 76 mm), and the piston stroke decreased from 71.5 to 66 mm, that is, the engine became shorter-stroke, and therefore more responsive. In total, over 800 changes were made to the design of the Italian small car “FIAT-124”.

The outer diameter of the clutch linings was increased from 182 to 200 mm. The design of the synchronizers in the gearbox has been improved. Due to the predominantly poor road surface, the ground clearance was increased from 164 to 175 mm, however, only in the front part, since the continuous axle housing did not allow this at the rear. The front suspension has been completely redesigned: its kinematics have been changed, many parts have been strengthened, including springs and ball joints. The drive axle is new. The archaic three-link rear suspension has given way to a progressive five-link design.

Even in the early stages of testing, it turned out that domestic off-road conditions were unacceptable for Fiat rear disc brakes, even after 2-3 thousand kilometers the pads were worn down to metal, so the brakes were replaced with drum brakes.

The body is also thoroughly modified and strengthened. Instead of two jacking eyes (one on each side), four appeared, which ensured a much more reliable “hanging” of the car; moreover, the previous single jacking eyes were located under the middle of the sill, and on Russian potholes there would soon be nothing left of them.

A hole has appeared in the front bumper for a “crooked starter”, which is simply necessary in our conditions. In addition, the front and rear bumpers acquired “fangs”, and towing eyes appeared next to them, which were not present on the Fiat. The front seats, unlike the Italian Fiat seats, have become folding. Push-button door handles were replaced with “safe” ones. In addition, an outside rear view mirror has appeared.

The car has become heavier. Its curb weight increased from 855 to 945 kg. On the other hand, the structure has become much stronger and more reliable. Speaking about the modification of the Fiat 124 for Russian production and operation conditions, it is worth considering that it was carried out mainly by Italians. Of course, VAZ specialists took part in the work, and the experience gained during the testing process was later used by them when creating subsequent models. However, the Italians continued to supply VAZ workers with technical proposals for changing the design until the VAZ-2103 was put into production.

Let's remember history and respect each other.

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