Where is the engine number of VAZ 2112 16 valves

Location of identification numbers in the engine compartment: 1 – vehicle identification number; 2 – summary plate with the vehicle’s passport data; 3 – engine number (at the end of the cylinder block under the thermostat housing)

According to existing legislation, each vehicle has an identification number (VIN code).

This number is recorded in
the vehicle passport (PTS).
The identification number and other passport data of the vehicle are indicated in the summary plate.

Summary plate: 1 – number for spare parts (corresponds to the serial number of the car that came off the assembly line); 2 – vehicle type approval number; 3 – identification number (XTA – manufacturer code; 211240 – car model; 6 – year of manufacture; last seven digits – body number); 4 – engine model; 5 – load on the front axle; 6 – load on the rear axle; 7 – codes of vehicle version and configuration; 8 – total permissible vehicle weight; 9 – total permissible weight of the vehicle with trailer.

The model year of manufacture can be indicated by a number or a letter of the Latin alphabet (see Table 1.1).

Table 1.1. Symbols for the year of manufacture

Where is the VAZ-2112 16 valve engine number: photo, video

Car: VAZ-2112. Asked by: Denisov Roman. The essence of the question: Where can I find the engine number for a VAZ-2112?

Good afternoon I have the following question: where is the engine number on the VAZ-2112? I want to buy a car second hand and I want to check all the data with the documents. Please tell me!

Location of the engine number on the VAZ-2112

It happens that unknowing car enthusiasts are able to spend more than one hour under the hood of a car looking for the required identification number. The thing is that during operation, some of them can become covered with a thick layer of dirt, which makes them simply unsuitable for visual perception without prior preparation.

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Layout of identification numbers under the hood

The photo below shows schematically where all the identification numbers are located under the hood.

The numbers indicate the location of the ID numbers.

  1. The car number marking (VIN code) is located here.
  2. Under the number two, all the installation passport data.
  3. The engine number is located under the thermostat housing, on the cylinder block. For convenience, you will have to move the air filter housing to the side.

Engine number here!

In order to check the engine number, you need to have a wire brush and WD-40 on hand in advance to make it easier to read dirty or corroded symbols.

VIN code

The vehicle identification number, in addition to being on the support cup under the hood, is also stamped in the niche for the spare wheel in the trunk. As a rule, they are always readable after a little cleaning with a rag.

Engine number on 16 valve

We have already written more about the engine diagram here!

They changed the thermostat and checked the engine number!

The same cannot be said about the engine number, since its location is subject to constant exposure to road salt, reagents and high moisture. To make it easier to clean and read this number, you need to remove the air filter housing with the corrugation and you will see 2 rows of numbers on the block.

Clean numbers are much easier to read.

The top row indicates the engine model, and the bottom row directly indicates its number.

Engine number on 8 valve

Decoding the VIN 2112 code

The vehicle's VIN is located on the rear pillar in the trunk and under the hood. You can decipher the marking as follows.

  1. The first three characters indicate the manufacturer's index. The continent, the country of production and the plant itself are encrypted here.
  2. Next, six numbers are indicated indicating the model of the vehicle.
  3. Next is a Latin letter indicating the year of manufacture of the car.
  4. And the last part of the index is applied to determine the serial number of the body.

Finding the VAZ 2112 unit number is quite simple. Markings are applied using a special technique that prevents the code from being erased or damaged.

Specialization : Graduated from the State Automobile University, worked for 20 years at GAZ-56, now I drive a Zhiguli.


VAZ 2111 where is the body number on

Dear visitors of the “Cars” website! We will be very grateful for your comments on the video clip “VAZ 2111 where is the body number located on”; registration is not required for this. We also ask you to let us know if you have any problems playing the video.

Thanks for the answer. Now I’ll start putting the car in order. The Milky Way is a beautiful color. 

12/13/2017 – 23:29 Antonio

Thanks for the review, special respect for the roll bars, otherwise everything is ok on the body, and now I’ll paint the ugly bars with a sponge too. What engine do you have? And how to raise your butt like yours? 

28.11.2017 – 09:20 Alexey Pervomaisky

11/18/2017 – 14:48 Vladimir Ilyin

It’s the frameless ones that scratch, with their ends, where the plastic mask is located. And frame ones DO NOT scratch. 

08.11.2017 – 00:24 Vladimir Ilyin

What is laquera?

10/18/2017 – 08:08 Vladimir Ilyin

The roof rails do not rust, they are aluminum. The paint is just peeling off. Aluminum falls apart from salt. 

09/19/2017 – 05:24 Vladimir Ilyin

I pour the waste into the doors and thresholds. and nothing rusts. I do this in the fall, before winter. Can you tell me how to remove the plastic plate from the back door where the wiper sticks out? 

Technical information


Engine compartment layout

  1. Adsorber.
  2. Generator.
  3. Decorative engine cover.
  4. Intake manifold (on engine 21124 the intake manifold is plastic).
  5. Throttle valve assembly.
  6. Brake system reservoir.
  7. Cooling system expansion tank.
  8. Washer reservoir.
  9. Accumulator battery.
  10. Air filter.

Identification information

The vehicle identification plate is located under the hood on the suspension strut shell on the front passenger side.

identification plate:

  1. Identification plate:
  2. Number for ordering spare parts.
  3. Manufacturer.
  4. Engine model.
  5. Execution option.
  6. Equipment option.
  7. Rear axle load.
  8. Front axle load.
  9. Permitted maximum weight of the vehicle with trailer.
  10. Permitted maximum vehicle weight.
  11. An identification number.

The vehicle identification number is a combination of seventeen alphanumeric characters (for example: XTA21103020528829), which are deciphered as follows:

  • The first three letters (XTA) are the manufacturer's index. The first symbol is the geographical area (X – Europe); the second is the country (T – Russia); the third is the manufacturing plant (A – JSC AVTOVAZ).
  • The next six digits (211030) are the car model.
  • A letter of the Latin alphabet or a number (2) is the code of the model year of the car.
CodeDate of issue
  • The last seven digits (0528829) are the body number.

The body identification number is stamped under the hood on the strut cup on the front passenger side.


: The body identification number is duplicated on the floor of the luggage compartment next to the spare wheel mounting bracket.

The engine number is stamped on the end of the cylinder block under the thermostat housing. In order to read it, you need to remove the air filter or use a mirror.


: For clarity, the engine has been removed.


Where is the VAZ-2114 8 valve engine number: photo and video

Car: VAZ-2114. Asked by: Ivan Smirnov. The essence of the question: How to check the engine number?

Hello! Please tell me where to find the engine number on a VAZ-2114 engine? I’m planning to buy myself a car and want to know if it’s necessary to check it, because I think it’s not necessary, anyway, there’s no way to interrupt it, but my friends advise the exact opposite! I would like to hear independent commentary and advice on this matter.

The need to verify the number

The arrow indicates where to look for the engine number

Whenever you buy a car, you need to check the engine number with what is on the documents. This applies to both registration and deregistration of the vehicle. Below, we will tell you where to find the engine number on a VAZ-2114 car.

The following two tabs change content below.

The need to check the engine and body numbers, without exception, on any vehicle is primarily due to the fact that you do not purchase a stolen car.

Further, difficulties may arise if the engine is no longer original. It could have been changed, for example, removed from disassembly. And during verification, unnecessary problems will arise.

All numbers and letters indicated on the unit must completely coincide with those in the documents, excluding cases of correction. It is also necessary to pay attention to their integrity, that is, they should not have any mechanical damage.

Where can I look up the engine number on a VAZ-2114?

In total, there is one place on the car where the engine number is stamped - it is on the cylinder block on the right side, next to the thermostat, right above the clutch housing.

The engine number is clearly visible once you reach it.

The location of the number is indicated by an arrow.

Please note that in order to see it, you may need to dismantle the air filter housing, along with the pipes.

Information plate

The number is duplicated on the information plate on the right side of the front pillar, along with the engine body number, which is stamped below the spare wheel and the front pillar on the right.

Identification plate under the hood

The sign is marked with a red marker.

The above plate is intended to inform the owner about all the information about the car: year of manufacture, manufacturer, etc. As in the case of the engine and body number, pay attention to the integrity of this plate, the absence of damage or chips on it. It itself should be smooth, and have intact rivets holding it in place.

If there are traces of rust on it, then it is best to clean it so that this does not subsequently affect the general condition of the information materials.

Ways to clear a table

Number tables often become dirty and corroded. Do not use coarse sandpaper for cleaning. The exception is very fine sandpaper (2500 - 2000).

Gasoline is often used to clean the table. The printed information will become more contrasting over time. For convenience and speed of the procedure, a dish sponge is usually used. When cleaning, be careful to preserve the metal. When the engine, car body, or VIN tables are corroded, problems often arise and more time is required to carry out registration procedures.

Car body and engine numbers, VIN code - basic information identifying the vehicle. Number combinations must match the data in the documents.

where is the VAZ engine number 2110-2111-2112-2109, etc.

Problems and malfunctions: if the 2112 engine is running differently, it is adjusting differently - measure the compression, is it normal? Inspect the ignition module, high-voltage wires and spark plugs, these are the main tasks in this case. VAZ engine speed fluctuates 2112

1.5, the following should come under suspicion: throttle valve (clean), idle speed control, crankshaft position sensor, throttle position sensor (inspect, change) or not?
Then the DMRV will blame. Subsequent malfunction, at idle and when driving (when changing gears), the engine , a problem in the dirty throttle valve, or in the IAC (idle speed controller), maybe TPS (throttle position sensor). Let's look further, engine
does not start, what is the reason?
1st is the starter and battery, 2nd is the ignition system, third is the power supply system, if you can’t hear the fuel pump running, check its power supply, is this a good period? Check the pressure in the fuel supply system. Another malfunction, engine , in other words, it heats up disgustingly to operating temperature, the thermostat has died, change it and drive without effort. What next, do you hear some knocking noise in the VAZ 2112 ? There is almost always a problem with the hydraulic compensators. On the contrary, they have nothing to do with it, then there is low or very high oil pressure or the connecting rod or main bearings are knocking, and of course the pistons are also knocking. In our example, it is better to go to a service center for diagnostics. It’s better to go for diagnostics and for which the design is intended when the VAZ 2112 engine pulls poorly, then you need to measure the fuel pressure in the rail, maybe it’s the injectors, maybe the filters are clogged, or maybe the clutch has just arrived. That's not all :) Can you feel the vibration of the VAZ 2112 engine? Problem with: idle speed regulator, high-voltage wires, spark plugs, lambda probe, voltage regulator, clogged injectors, incorrect ignition timing. The list is solid, so as not to guess and waste time, let’s go for diagnostics.

Signs of inoperability of the idle speed sensor

Failures of the idle speed sensor 2112 relate to the electrical or mechanical parts of the device. Signs of malfunction:

  • main symptoms: do not hold (“float”), intermittent, weak idle, the vehicle stalls at it, and also when driving in “neutral”, when the throttle valve is retracted, it stalls;
  • It is impossible to start in a cold state without opening the damper (until the gas is pressed). On a cold unit, increased speeds are not observed at all; damping occurs after the gear is deactivated when the vehicle is moving;

The symptoms are identical to those for the TPS, but for the latter “CHECK ENGINE” is displayed; if this signal is observed, then it is the one that is broken. The location where the idle speed sensor is located must be distinguished from the location of the TPS.

how to determine the type of engine where the engine number is stamped

shafts sti 3.1 photo

The simplest and fairly standard method to increase the power of a VAZ 2112 engine is to change the camshafts to STI-1 (for a standard receiver), STI-3.1, STI-2 or Stolnikov 8.9 (more expensive than others), to make life easier for the engine, we install a light ShPG from the 126 engine , throttle body 54-56 mm, from an outboard receiver and ejection 4-2-1. At the output we have about 120 hp. Refinement of the cylinder head and evil wide-phase shafts can increase power to 130-140 or more hp. To this it is worth adding a crankshaft with a stroke of 75.6 in order to increase the volume of the VAZ 2112 engine to 1.6 liters, lightweight T-shaped valves, modification of the cylinder head and intake manifold, at the output we get about 140-150 hp. For a small town, these characteristics are enough for almost any car owner. Installing a compressor on a VAZ 2112

compressor for vaz 2112 autoturbo

Another way to modify the 2112 engine and obtain identical power is to install a compressor. In a well-known video clip, it is clearly explained to our client what is required for the successful implementation of the project using the example of an eight-valve engine, this compressor is possibly installed on a 16-valve engine, the output of the engine will be more than 130 hp. Other compressors are also used, but blowing more than just 0.5 bar into a standard engine, without lowering the compression ratio, is risky.

Throttle for VAZ 2112

4 throttles for 2112 photos

To increase the stability of the engine and the response of the accelerator pedal, install 4 throttles. The essence is that each cylinder receives its own throttle valve and therefore the resonant air vibrations between the cylinders disappear. We have a more measured engine operation from bottom to top; in addition, the intake is shorter and air enters the cylinders very quickly. The most popular way is to install a 4-throttle intake from Toyota Levin on a VAZ. You need to purchase: the unit itself, make an adapter manifold and pipes, in addition to this you need a zero filter, injectors, MAP (absolute pressure sensor), fuel pressure regulator and firmware. There are also ready-made 4-throttle intake kits available for sale that are fully usable. It is recommended to install a light piston engine (from Priora, for example), because turning a languid piston is an additional waste of energy, wide-phase shafts, for example STI-6 or STI-7 Touring Light, a modified cylinder head with light valves and solid pushers, Opel C20XE springs, spider ejection 4-1, as it is also called 4-2-1 on the 51st, or better yet 63rd pipe.

Domestic 16-valve engines

Observing heated debates in the comments, I often notice that people simply do not know how the 124 engine differs from the 126. Let's look at the line of sixteen-valve engines from VAZ.

A little preface. When faced with 16-valve VAZs at the household level, remember that such cars are always equipped with 14-inch wheels, since there are enlarged ventilated brake discs at the front.

So, the “gear” came from an 8-valve engine. In the articles you can find mentions that VAZ wanted to create a powerful and economical engine, and so, the “gear” will never be more economical than an eight-valve engine. Consumption 16 cl. engine 7.5 - 10 liters, depending on the dynamics.

The first engine from the line was 21120 (hereinafter referred to as the 120th

). The volume is one and a half liters, equipped with an ignition module, the valves bend. Visually different is the cast intake manifold. It was developed for cars 2110-2112, installed in various modifications such as “Premier” and 2112 in a two-door hatchback body. It went into production in 1996 and was installed on cars until 2004. If today you buy a car with such an engine, then most likely it has already undergone repairs and a “plug-in” piston is installed on it.

In 2004, the 120th engine was replaced by a new one with the index 21124 (hereinafter referred to as the 124th

). In addition to cars of the tenth family, it was installed on the VAZ 2113 and VAZ 2114.

This engine does not bend the valves, thanks to grooves on the pistons, this is its main difference from its predecessor. It is easy to distinguish by its plastic intake manifold. In addition, the ignition module has been replaced with individual coils for each cylinder. Engine capacity increased to 1.6 liters.

Many people call this engine the most balanced in the VAZ line, and I think this is true. Its service life is at least 200 thousand, if you drive “without fanaticism”.

Differences 16th grade. VAZ engines detailed review

With the correct configuration, the 2112 engine produces about 180-200 hp. To completely launch the car into space, with a volume of 1.5 liters, we install STI Sport-8 shafts. It makes no sense to write a motor configuration for such shafts; very few people decide to assemble something like this. There are such disadvantages as a reduction in the service life of the motor; all this is logical, because the engines on the pipes spin at 8000-9000 or more rpm. So constant breakdowns and frequent engine repairs 2112

there is no avoiding it for you.

Turbo engine VAZ 2112

The desire to inflate your own engine haunts all owners of a one and a half liter gear; how to implement tried and true methods of supercharging on your engine is described Here, at the very bottom of the article, these principles are applicable to the 2112 engine.


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Where is the Engine Number of VAZ 2112 16 Valves

Years of production - (1997 - 2004) Cylinder block material - cast iron Power system - injector Type - in-line Number of cylinders - 4 Valves per cylinder - 4 Piston stroke - 71mm Cylinder diameter - 82mm Compression ratio - 10.5 Engine displacement 2112 - 1499 cm cube Engine power 2112 – 93 hp. /5600 rpm Torque - 128 Nm / 3700 rpm Fuel - AI95 Fuel consumption - city 8.8 l. | track 5.5 l. | mixed 7.3.2 l/100 km Oil consumption - 50 g/1000 km Weight of the VAZ 2112 engine - 127 kg Overall dimensions of the 2112 engine (LxWxH), mm - Oil for the VAZ 2112 engine: 5W-30 5W-40 10W-40 15W40 How much oil in engine 2112: 3.5 l. When replacing, pour 3.5 liters.

Resource: 1. According to plant figures – 150 thousand km 3.2. Realistically – 250 thousand km

TUNING Potential – 400 hp. Without loss of resource - up to 120 hp.

The engine was installed on: VAZ 21103 VAZ 2111 VAZ 2112

Malfunctions and repairs of the 2112 engine

The VAZ 2112 (21103) engine is a high-quality evolution of the VAZ 2111 engine, but with 16 valves instead of 8 and gave rise to a series of VAZ engines that are produced to this day, already in the form of a motor prior. The main differences of the motor 2112

from 2111 in the process of using 4 valves per cylinder, 3.5 camshafts, this allows the engine to supply more than just a fuel-air mixture into the combustion chamber at once and more quickly remove exhaust gases into the exhaust channel.
Up to 3 thousand rpm, the motors operate approximately identically; after 3 thousand, 16V becomes much more dynamic. In this case, the fuel consumption is lower than on the 8 valve 2111. The VAZ 2112 engine is 1.5 liters. injection in-line 4-cylinder with an overhead camshaft, the gas distribution mechanism is belt driven. Cylinder block 2112, the same as on 21083, alas, with modified mounts under the cylinder head and additional oil channels for the main bearings, the number
. The usual operating temperature of the 2112 engine is 90 degrees. The service life of the 2112 motor, according to the manufacturer, is 150 thousand km, in reality the motors last more than 250 thousand km.

The other side is the VAZ 2112 engine

, when the timing belt breaks, the valve bends. The problem is solved by installing pistons from the 124 engine, but in this case we will inevitably lose several horsepower. If you do not want to lose power, you must constantly monitor the condition of the belt. For this purpose, we listen to the sounds coming from the drive; the rollers usually begin to squeak when cool, then rustle, after which they collapse. The pump begins to leak (the belt will be in antifreeze). The shaft seals are leaking (the belt is covered in oil). The shafts wear out - the belt begins to slide to the side and rub against the roller flange (grinding when cool). The belt may also slip due to crooked rollers.

This is interesting: How much should a VAZ generator produce?

Body and its constituent elements

Body The VAZ-2110 car has a monocoque four-door sedan-type body, consisting of a frame and attachments. The body frame consists of a base, roof, sidewall and individual frame parts connected to each other. The frame is a non-separable structure, which is designed in such a way that its rigidity and strength ensure the ability to carry all the components and assemblies of the car. Various attachments are attached to the body frame. To ensure reliability and functionality, various methods of attaching these elements to the frame are used:

  • The doors, hood, and trunk lid are secured using hinges;
  • The front fenders, rear and front buffers, and radiator trim are secured with bolts;
  • The windshield, rear and side windows are attached to an adhesive base.

To ensure safety, the windshield is made of special glass, which consists of three layers and is known as Triplex.

The front and rear doors have deflectors with valves installed at the ends. They are necessary to ensure ventilation of the cabin.

The VAZ 2110 has towing eyes in the front and rear of the body.

Status of the people's car

Since 1996, when mass production of VAZ 2110 cars began, they have received a lot of criticism from car owners. The body of the car also received a lot of negative nicknames, including the pregnant antelope, received for its unusual shape of the constituent elements, plump in the middle and angular in the front and back, as well as the matryoshka doll, which occurs due to quite noticeable mismatches of some body elements.

However, neither criticism nor offensive nicknames prevented the VAZ 2110 from gaining great popularity; it became a truly people's car. Even new models could not eclipse this popularity.

Since 2007, the VAZ 2110 car has been out of production, but in Ukraine, in the city of Cherkassy, ​​they produce the Bogdan car, the body of which, although it has a different emblem, but everyone can see that this is the same ten, loved by many car enthusiasts.

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Body on the VAZ 2107: structure, diagram, change

The VAZ 2107 has long become a legend of the Russian automobile industry. Everyone is familiar with its famous body of traditional color with ordinary geometry. Being a luxury version of the VAZ 2105, it was produced from 1982 to 2012 in several modifications and had different configurations, including a pickup body.

Innovations in production

To begin with, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the body of the VAZ 2110 car is a completely domestic development, and this is not entirely typical for the Soviet automobile industry. The body of the new VAZ 2110 car has adopted the best technical solutions from its prototype. Unlike the eight, the body has become more complex, although the total number of parts has decreased, and the number of welding points has increased by 10% to 478. The desire to improve aerodynamic properties forced the manufacturer to complicate the shape of many parts. This, in turn, led to an increase in the number of stamped parts. The project for the production of a new body was accompanied by a complete renovation of the entire production line; new stamping presses, welding stations, special washing machines and other units were installed. This update had a positive effect on the quality of parts manufacturing.

The VAZ 2110 body is distinguished by the number of galvanized parts. The volume of galvanized steel used in the production of the body reaches 52% of its weight.

Robotic technology has begun to be actively used in production for welding galvanized parts.

Factory treatment of internal surfaces and areas hazardous to corrosion with special protective preparations, which, in combination with high-quality paints and varnishes, guarantees anti-corrosion resistance for at least 6 years. It is worth remembering our car owners, because they themselves pay special attention to the car body: they tint, clean, and treat with anti-corrosion compounds.

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