Efficiency of transport using gasoline, batteries and hydrogen

1 liter of gasoline - how many kilometers is enough ➡ online calculator will help you calculate the actual distance and fuel costs. How many kilometers does 5, 10, 20, 100 liters of gasoline last? How many liters does it take for 1, 10, 100 kilometers?

1 liter of gasoline will really last for how many kilometers?

Fill in all fields of the calculator. 1 liter of gasoline is set by default. For those wishing to make a calculation for a different amount of fuel, you must replace it with your data: 5L, 10L, 20L, 100L, etc.

The calculation takes into account the fuel consumption per 100 km of travel by your car. Reference data can be found in the drop-down list below (*-Fuel consumption-) for most domestic and foreign cars Renault, Ford, Gazelle, Skoda, etc.

To calculate the material costs (rubles) for covering the entire route, we indicate the cost of 1 liter of gasoline

At the end of the calculation, we will receive the following answers:

  • fuel costs (rub.)
  • how many liters of gasoline are used for 1 km, 10 km, 100 km (l)

The interactive online calculator also works on mobile devices, it is possible to print the results CTRL+P

If the table does not contain data on the gas consumption of your car, write in the comments the liters and make of the car, we will add it to the list

An online fuel consumption calculator will calculate the distance you want to travel with your car and the cost of the trip.

The calculator offers three columns: - the number of kilometers you are going to drive by car; — average liquid fuel consumption of your brand of car per 100 kilometers, in liters; — the cost of fuel established in your region.

After entering the necessary data, you get the result: how much fuel you will spend during the trip and for what amount.

How much does a liter of gasoline cost in Russia?

Gasoline prices in Russia in rubles today

Nizhny NovgorodRUB48.7

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Calculate distance

  • Online gasoline calculator - calculating gasoline for a trip by distanceAddress: Moscow, Nikopolskaya street, building 6, building 2.

Do you want to always know how long your driver will be on the road, how much fuel he will spend on the trip and how far he will travel?
Use our online gasoline calculator! This is a very convenient tool for logisticians, dispatchers and drivers who want to get accurate trip data or plot the optimal route. Using it is simple: set the starting and ending points of your trip, fuel consumption, its cost - and you will receive a detailed description of the route and the trip budget. Calculating fuel for a distance - simple, fast, relevant!

Fuel quantity

To move a car requires fuel: diesel fuel, gasoline, gas. Does your vehicle have a long trip ahead and you don't know how much fuel you will need? Calculate gasoline for your trip using a calculator - it's easy. Set a route in it, indicate the average consumption of your car, and the system will give you the total amount of fuel required. Of course, this calculation will be approximate, because traffic jams, downtime, etc. are not taken into account, but you will still have something to focus on. Calculating the required amount of fuel for a trip has never been so easy!

Fuel cost

Do you want to know not only the distance between settlements and the amount of fuel required for the trip, but also the budget for the trip? Nothing could be easier! The system itself will calculate the cost of gasoline or diesel fuel if you set the current cost in the appropriate window. You don't need to count or multiply anything - just enter the data into our calculator. If the cost of fuel in the regions is different, then set the average value: you will get a fairly accurate amount and will be able to calculate your trip budget. Use our gas distance calculator - it's completely free!

Distance traveled

In order to accurately determine the distance between destinations and calculate the mileage of your car, you no longer need to look into reference books or take readings from instruments. It is enough to enter the starting and ending points of the route. The system will give you the optimal route, calculate the number of kilometers between them and help calculate gasoline by distance. Remember that the calculator shows data for a one-way trip only. Multiply the data by 2, or set a route in both directions and you will get accurate results!

Travel time

Our calculator allows you to calculate travel time by car. It displays actual data - that is, how long it will take the car to cover the required distance without violating traffic rules. It does not take into account stopping for smoke breaks, eating, resting, or standing in traffic jams. But practice shows that in most cases the theoretical and nominal times coincide.

refilling gasoline

If you have to travel outside the city, keep a small can of fuel in the trunk just in case.
Check that it closes tightly. It is more convenient when it is equipped with a watering can for refilling. Like in this illustration, for example. If you have to travel outside the city, keep a small can of fuel in the trunk just in case. Check that it closes tightly. It is more convenient when it is equipped with a watering can for refilling. Like in this illustration, for example.

Meanwhile, “drying out” is bad: you can find a lot of unpleasant adventures both for yourself and for the car. For example, burn out a fuel pump that will not have enough cooling. In addition, it will begin to pick up dirt that is in the tank of any car with high mileage. A lean mixture may damage the catalytic converter. When the engine is running at high speeds and the fuel mixture stops flowing into it (for example, in a long turn), this can lead to detonation and subsequent repairs. If it happens in a mountainous area, there is a risk of not being able to overcome the climb. And in general, any forced stop far from civilization is unsafe. In winter, you can simply freeze, afraid to leave the car. Do you think it's fiction? Alas, this happens. And not only in Siberia and the Far East, but even in central Russia. By the way, read in your spare time how to survive in this case.

instrument panel

An indication of the need to refuel is usually accompanied by a single sound signal.
Hear this “ding” - start counting. An indication of the need to refuel is usually accompanied by a single sound signal. Hear this “ding” - start counting.

It would seem, what is there to talk about? Information about the reserve in the fuel tank should be contained in the vehicle's operating manual. Or even simpler: the trip computer warns about low fuel levels and tells you how far you can drive before refueling. Not always. Others give out only dashes instead of specific numbers, causing you to panic even more.

However, the authors of instructions often limit themselves to general words. For example, “the low fuel warning light comes on when the fuel tank is almost empty.” This is a quote from the Hyundai Solaris and Kia Rio operating manuals. It even contains an element of drama: “Running out of fuel may endanger the occupants of the vehicle.” Scary…

What does the “light bulb” mean?


A common feature of the champions in terms of efficiency (among them is the Volkswagen XL1, which consumes only a liter of fuel per 100 km) is impeccable streamlining.
A common feature of the champions in terms of efficiency (among them is the Volkswagen XL1, which consumes only a liter of fuel per 100 km) is impeccable streamlining.

We crawl, hobble in the darkness...

How to get to the gas station? Close the windows to improve aerodynamics and turn off the air conditioning if possible (air conditioning is a serious energy consumer). There's no point in turning off the music; she won't eat much. Leave the headlights on too - otherwise you will save on safety, which you cannot do, no matter what happens. You need to move as evenly as possible, without sudden acceleration and braking, in top gear, at a speed of about 80 km/h (not in populated areas). In 2008, our editor traveled to St. Petersburg and back on one tank, driving a 170-horsepower Volvo.

Signs of increased diesel fuel consumption

The main and obvious sign of increased diesel fuel consumption during engine operation is a significant difference between the fuel consumption values ​​​​indicated in the documentation for the power unit and the actual values. In addition, high fuel consumption will most often be accompanied by uncharacteristic behavior of the engine during operation.

Signs of increased diesel fuel consumption

Why you can't drive on an empty tank

  1. Driving on an empty tank is a guarantee that the fuel pump will fail in the near future. The fact is that during operation the fuel pump gets very hot. The only thing that cools it is fuel. If you drive on an empty tank, sooner or later the pump will overheat, start squeaking and as a result, you will end up somewhere in the most inconvenient place. By the way, when my fuel pump started squealing, I immediately replaced it out of harm’s way. Although I was assured that it could travel another 30 thousand km. Or maybe it won’t, right? At first I wanted to buy it and take it with me. And then I think, oh well. It’s not comme il faut to change on the road. In addition, these tubes are corrugated, which need to be heated with a hair dryer in order to remove them. Okay, I'm getting off topic.
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